AjaChapter 14 free porn video

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The bluegrass duo wrapped up their set and headed backstage. A stagehand placed a placard on an easel that read, “Aja Morgan”. Jason watched Aja emerge from behind a curtain and join Rob on stage. On the stage was a single microphone on a stand and two stools used by the bluegrass duo. Aja placed the tambourine on one of the stools.

Rob approached her. “Aja, welcome to the WNLX stage.”

“Thank you,” she replied.

“Is this your first time singing before an audience?”

“Oh, no. I did a program right here earlier today and I sing solo at the Lucas Street AME church, every Sunday.”

“I understand you have a day job.”

“Yes,” Aja replied. “I’m an ophthalmologist.”

“An eye doctor.”

“I’m a partner at Eye Associates.”

“That means, you’re a singing eye doctor.”

“I ... guess you’re right.”

Rob turned toward the audience. “Ladies and Gentlemen -- a warm welcome for Doctor Aja Morgan!”

Aja worked the microphone from its stand. Jason watched her take a couple of calming breaths. She held the mic to her lips and began singing “Today”.

Rob bounded down stairs from the stage and joined Jason. “She does have quite a voice,” he said.

“Rob -- the tambourine mic?”

“Oh, shit. Hold on -- I’ll get Annabelle to set that up.”

“She won’t need it for this number, but she will for the next one.”

Jason watched as a slim blonde stagehand wearing the station branded polo brought a stand with a boom onto the stage. She fitted it with a wireless microphone and looked over to an audio technician manning a mixer board who gave her a thumb’s up gesture. Aja concluded her song to applause from the small crowd standing by the stage. Jason checked his watch -- it read four minutes after eight.

Annabelle moved the boom mic into position and Aja adjusted its height. She picked up the tambourine and slipped the hand-held mic from its stand. Her eye caught Jason and he cued her with his finger.

“My next number,” Aja announced, “is a staple at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. It’s called Iko Iko.” She began by shaking and rapping the tambourine on her left hip, her stance wide and exposing her right leg to mid-thigh through the slit in her skirt.

Jason was joined by two men, one wearing a baseball cap and the other a Stetson. “She has quite a voice,” the man in the Stetson remarked.

“Indeed,” Jason said, his eye on his watch.

“Are you her manager? It looks like you’re cuing her.”

“Hell, no -- I’m her boyfriend.”

“Where’s she been hiding?” the man in the cap asked.

“She’s the soloist at the Lucas Street AME Church,” Jason replied.

“Ah, gospel ... Quite a few of the big names started in gospel, especially Black female vocalists. By the way, I’m Keith Broadbent.”

“Jason Brown,” Jason replied.

“This is another Jason, Jason Willoughby.”

“Call me Willoughby,” the man in the Stetson replied. “Everyone else does.”

These names ring a bell but I can’t place ‘em, Jason thought.

“I’m frontman for JYARB,” Willoughby added, “and Keith is lead guitar.”

“Just Your Average Rock Band,” Jason replied. “I knew your names sounded familiar.” He extended his hand and shook theirs. “I heard you were performing here.”

“We have an hour and a half set tomorrow night at the North Satellite Stage,” Keith replied. “Seven-thirty.” He regarded Aja on stage. “Catchy number.”

“Looks like she’s attracting a crowd,” Willoughby added.

Aja finished her number with a little bow and received enthusiastic applause. “Thank you,” Aja said into the mic and flashing her broad, toothy smile.

Jason checked his watch -- eight eleven. He gave her the wind-it-up gesture and cued her. Aja began singing “Someone Like You.”

“What?” Jason exclaimed.

“Something wrong?” Willoughby asked.

“She’s changed the order. This was in our fourth slot. Well, it’s her performance.”

“She does a credible Adele,” Keith said. “She has presence.”

“She has showmanship,” Willoughby added. “She’s got this crowd hooked. Now all she has to do is reel ‘em in.”

Aja made a little bow after finishing the song. Jason cued her again as soon as the applause died down. Aja sang the opening bars of “You Keep Me Hangin’ On.”

“Holy!” Keith exclaimed.

“This one has the hair on the back of my neck standing up,” Willoughby added. “Is she crying?”

“God, what emotion,” Keith said.

Aja completed the song and faced away from the audience as applause and whistles filled the air. Her shoulders shook as she composed herself, then turned to the crowd, wiping tears from her cheeks. “Thank you,” she said into the mic. “This song always gets to me. It reminds me of a fight I had with an old boyfriend.” She glanced at Jason, He gave her a thumb’s up and cued her.

She began singing an upbeat gospel number. Jason put both fists to his forehead. “No, no, no!”

“What’s wrong?” Willoughby asked.

“We agreed, no gospel. We had a blues number in here.”

“I think her voice is wrong for blues,” Willoughby replied. “Gospel’s her bread-and-butter. She should show it off.”

“This isn’t a churchy crowd,” Jason retorted. “I wanted her to do something with broader appeal.”

“She’s got this crowd in the palm of her hand,” Keith interjected. “She could sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and they’d love it. Look at ‘em.”

“Yeah,” Willoughby added, “this crowd likes anything that’s well done. And, she’s damned good. She made the right choice. I heard her earlier gospel set. I saw in the program she was doing a second set, so I dragged Keith along to hear her.”

“Yeah,” Keith said, “I thought I’d have to endure gospel. This is something else.”

Aja bowed at the conclusion of her number. Jason checked his watch. It read eight twenty-three. He gave her the stretch cue and held up two fingers.

“Thank you very much,” Aja said, speaking to the crowd. “You’ve been great and very generous. My final number is a tribute to the late, great David Bowie.” She slipped the mic from its stand and Jason cued her.

“I didn’t know she had “Heroes” in her lineup,” Willoughby said. “We have it in our lineup, too.”

Rob approached Jason. “If this is her final number, I should be on-stage...”

“Rob ... We agreed that, if she had the crowd with her, after your outtro, she’ll sing the final refrain as a reprise.”

“She’s got the crowd and I think she knows it.”

“Just a heads-up.”

“Got it, Jason.”

“This number gives her a chance to use her alto range,” Willoughby remarked. “Did you hear that? After the first stanza she kicked it up a fourth. God, is she good!”

Jason noticed Keith playing air guitar as she sang. “Yeah, I heard it. I’m trying to see how it would feel ... things you can do with your voice you can’t do on an instrument...”

“That shift opened up the whole song.”

Keith demonstrated the fret change on his imaginary guitar. “It’s right there...” He looked toward his band-mate. “What do you think?”

Willoughby nodded.

Rob Robertson joined her onstage. Aja finished the song. “Ladies and gentlemen -- AJA MORGAN!”

Aja stood, smiling broadly. Jason cued her and she sang her reprise. “They love her,” Willoughby said. “They absolutely love her.”

“Thank you, thank you,” Aja said to the crowd. “You’ve been great.” She approached Rob and hugged him; then she headed backstage, turning and waving before disappearing behind a curtain.

“Jason,” Keith said, “We have ‘Heroes’ in our set tomorrow night. How would Aja feel about joining us as a guest vocalist on that number?”

“I would happily turn over the mic to her,” Willoughby added. “She has a way of making those numbers her own. Do you think she’d agree?”

“Here she comes -- you can ask her.”

Aja sprinted toward Jason, barefoot and carrying her heels in one hand. In the other she had her purse and the tambourine. “Jason! Jason!” she exclaimed. They embraced, kissed and Jason lifted her off her feet. “We did it! What an experience! I’m so happy you talked me into this.”

“You were terrific,” Jason replied. “You got a standing ovation!”

“How could I not? There aren’t any chairs.”

“Aja -- I have a couple of folks for you to meet. This is Keith. He’s the lead guitar for JYARB.”

“How do you do?” Aja said as she gently took his hand.

“I’m Willoughby, the band’s vocalist.”

“They have a proposition for you.”

“We’re doing a set here tomorrow...” Keith said.

“Here?” Aja asked.

“No -- on the North Satellite Stage. It’s a ninety minute show. One of the numbers we’re doing is ‘Heroes’.”

“We’re wondering if you’d join us on that number as a guest vocalist.”

“Guest vocalist?” Aja replied. “I ... I’ve never sung with a band before.”

“You’ve sung with the choir and with Thelma,” Jason interjected.

“If you can sing like that solo,” Willoughby said, “You can sing with a band.”

“Why would you want me?” she asked.

“Because you’re good,” Willoughby replied. “You sing that song better than I can and that’s no lie. We’d wrap up our set with ‘Heroes’ so we’d have you come onstage, probably about eight forty-five.”

“I ... I don’t know what to say.”

“How about, yes I’ll do it?” Keith replied.

Aja smiled. “Yes, I’ll do it.”

“Great. We rehearse tomorrow morning at ten. We have facilities at Birdsong Studios available to us.”

“Ten?” She looked at Jason. “I’ll miss church.”

“I think they can spare you one Sunday out of the year,” Jason replied.

“I’ll call Derrick and let him know I won’t be there. I’ll also call Auntie and tell her we may be late for dinner.”

“Where’s Birdsong Studios?” Jason asked.

“In Waterville,” Keith replied. He took out his wallet and handed Jason a business card.

“I’ll have to drive you,” Jason said.

“That’s okay,” Aja replied. She turned to Keith and Willoughby. “See you at ten.”

Jason took the tambourine from her. “I’ll give this to Annabelle so she can take it back to the station with the rest of the gear.

Aja slipped into her heels. Together they headed for the bus stop to await the Blast shuttle. “Jason -- I hope you’re not cross with me for substituting that gospel number for ‘Turtle Blues’. It wouldn’t have felt right.”

“No. I think it was a good choice. After all, gospel is your bread-and-butter.”

“I also switched ‘Someone’ and ‘Hangin’ on’ because I wasn’t quite ready to face ‘Hangin’ On’. I didn’t want to break down on-stage ... which I ended up doing, anyway.”

“The emotion came through,” Jason replied. “Your performance tonight was nothing short of brilliant, Aja. I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

They sat holding hands on the bus heading toward her condo. “What do you want to do?” he asked. Do you want to stop somewhere for a snack?”

“It’s Saturday,” she replied, “my bubble-bath night.”

“How could I forget bubble-bath night? But -- you’re not going to church tomorrow.”

“I still need to do my hair. My hair can’t go two weeks without washing it and the only way I have time to work on it is if I take my bubble bath the night before.”

“I can’t go two days without shampooing mine. I can’t believe you only wash it once a week.”

“It’s a pretty brutal treatment I give it. More often would probably damage it.”

Aja pulled the stop cord and they headed for her place. She opened the door. Jason picked her up and carried her upstairs. “I’ll start running the water.”

Jason lay on his back with Aja cuddling under his arm. He lazily stroked her back and shoulder blade. “Jason -- are you too sleepy to talk?”

“No. I was enjoying the tingle in my loins that comes from great sex.”

“Mmm ... I love that tingle. I feel it, too.”

“What’s on your mind? Still amped after tonight’s performance?”

“It’s a lovely memory, Jason, and I have you to thank for it. No, I wanted to talk about us.”

“What about us?”

“Living arrangements. You see how well your suggestion that we ease into it is working.”

“Yeah -- I’ve spent every night this week right here in this bed and in your loving arms.”

“Let’s admit that we want to live together. When did you say your lease is up?”

“End of October. It renews automatically unless I give them sixty days notice.”

“You can move in right away -- I’m sure Auntie and Daymon would help. Maybe if you contact your landlord, he’ll give you a break for freeing up the apartment early.”

“I’d rather keep the lease the way it is.”

“I see,” she replied coldly. “Still the cautious man, huh, Jason?”

“It’s not so much caution as once burned, double shy.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was engaged, once. It was a couple years after I started at the radio station. I thought Ellie was the one. She was a special girl ... not as special as you though, Aja. If you’re a ten on the special scale, Ellie was maybe ... a six. But, you’re not a ten -- you’re more like an eleven.”

“What happened between you two?”

“Ellie still lived with her parents. We wanted to live together; her parents refused to sanction her moving in with me without a ring. So, we got engaged, bought a ring, set a date -- the whole nine yards. She moved in and in no time we were at each other’s throats. We were compatible in the bedroom, but in every other room, we were a disaster. We loved each other, but we simply couldn’t live together. After a month, we called it off and she went back to live with her folks. She returned the ring and I sold it on eBay for half what I paid for it ... probably what it was worth in the first place.”

Same as Aja
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Sibling MagusChapter 6

Milena and I left the Doctor’s office and stopped at a small restaurant to eat. I hadn’t eaten since before the wedding and Milena hadn’t eaten all day. When I asked her why, she said, “I was worried about how our visit with the Doctor would go.” Again, I asked, “Why?” “Well, she and I talked about you during my last visit,” she said and I nodded “And she confessed that she found you attractive.” I thought I saw where this was going. “So, knowing about my heritage, you thought I wouldn’t...

4 years ago
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I do not often frequent "lesbian bars" unless I am in the mood for a girl... which is often.Last Friday night, I dropped into one and immediately noticed a beautiful raven-haired, blue-eyed beauty (my weakness, truth be told) standing alone at the bar sipping something out of a large glass.I approached her and asked if she would like to dance. She agreed, and since it was a slow song, we were able to hold each other tightly, and I liked the way her body felt against mine.Then I took a big...

Quickie Sex
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Forbidden Dream 8211 Part 4 A New Sensation

Dear all please read the previous episodes of this series first. To get into the mood of the story. I don’t like to write ‘We met, we stripped, we cummed’ kind of stories. So please be patient. And please do share your valuable thoughts which will encourage me to go on. Rithika got thrilled and excited about what I am going to teach her. We both went to the kitchen and she prepared a tomato, lettuce, cheese sandwich for both of us. We ate it and finished our dinner with a glass of buttermilk...

2 years ago
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Romance With My Private Assistant

When I reached the place, Riya was already present and enjoying the party. She was wearing a navy green sari with a strapless blouse. The blouse narrowly managed to hide her assets. As I approached her, she smiled and lowered her head, shy of her looks as she hasn’t worn saree too many times. Moreover, in this avatar, her navel too was getting exposed through the sheer material. I complimented her saying she was looking gorgeous too which she blushed and thanked me. As it was a high-level party...

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Deidres mom

Summer of '78 would be a memorable one. A few months away from turning 18; I had just got my driver’s license. Four months prior I lost my virginity to Deidre’s cousin Donna. Donna would occasionally give me head or let me fuck her it was never quite enough. We lived it up partying and going to the beach, I was the oldest of the group, but not by much, so I started to grow a mustache to try to look older. It was scraggly and itched but I was proud of its growth, I constantly checked the...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 15

We headed north-west with me in the lead. Why? Well, I had a feeling. I don't know if our 'benefactors' were giving me a hint or it was just a feeling, but that is the direction we went. We drove west for about half an hour first, slowly skirting our way past the worksite. Those who were already there waved to us as we went by. I did a radio check in reply. Emma was able to hear all three of us, loud and clear. I gave her my love and drove on, promising to be back the next night for...

3 years ago
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My wife and her former superior

My wife of s*******n years was receiving doggy style for the first time in our lifes in front of my eyes.. She was complete naked and on all fours, her former superior was kneeling behind her. He looked in my direction and our sight crossed. My wife had her eyes closed and was moaning. He was looking constantly at me and started to pound her harder. My wife began to moan louder, I felt ashamed, because the whole situation was starting to be humiliating. He looked away and I was thankful for it,...

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Stories of my Youth Chapter 14 The start of a year

When I arrived home from the dance the three of us sat talking until early in the morning. Linda and Jatz wanted to know everything about my night out. I told them that Roz was with another man although I felt that she still showed interest in me. I went on to tell them about meeting my cousin and my aunt but left out all references to Sue except to say that I was to meet a young lady at nine o’clock today that I had been introduced to at the dance. Jatz appeared to be extremely excited of my...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delights

I ran home straight after school as usual; it was Tuesday and again for some reason Kevin was at our house and as usual he was just leaving as I got home. He gave me a peck on the cheek and said, “Hi Abby, had a good day at school?” I placed my school bag down and said, “Yes, it was great Kev.” I had always called him Kev. He was my dad’s best friend and everyone called him Kev. It just fell naturally. Mum was in the kitchen; she had made me something to eat as a quick snack after school. I...

3 years ago
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Parisian Frolics 1921

Parisian FrolicsThis work consists of translations from the French and is possibly the work of Adolphe Belot who was a popular French writer of the 1880s.Parisian Frolics.Translated from the French by the Author of The Way of a Man with a Maid.London [Paris], printed for Private Circulation Only.1896. [c.1920-1924].  CHAPTER 1SOME MORE ABOUT MY LITTLE COUSINA lady, young, fresh, extremely pretty and stylishly though quietly dressed, tripped daintily along a street in the neighbourhood of the...

2 years ago
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Aunties house guest

Next morning John’s up before you and helps pack the car, ‘See you in a couple of months he calls to his parents’ as you pull away. Settling in the seat next to you he smiles ‘thanks for this auntie’ he says for the umpteenth time since waking. ‘God I feel so old when you call me that!’ you tell him. ‘Call me Ashley please!’ he grins at you, ‘I know it winds you up dad told me, that’s why I did it!’ Suppressing a smile you look at him ‘So you fancy walking then?’ laughing loudly he playfully...

3 years ago
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The Rich Bitch Part 3

Chapter 3: Birthday NightAdam took a quick shower to clean out his worn out, devirginized, cum filled ass. He washed himself up slowly, his mind filled with guilt as he thought about "the mistake" he made. Adam knew that the ten minute thrill with Kyle would haunt him for the rest of his life. "I can't believe I just fucked this up."  Adam said to himself. Adam thought about how he vowed celibacy until he met the right one. Corey was the right one for him, he just knew it. What bothered him the...

1 year ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 27 The Flying Club Raid

The small flying robot circled the Gulf Snow Birds Flying Club at an altitude of 1000 meters, virtually invisible to the naked eye. No sound reached the ground from that altitude as the robot looked through several electronic eyes. The on-board radar was able to peer through some abandoned buildings but unable to see through the roofs of others--that was a significant bit of data for an intelligence analyst, though most people wouldn't understand the importance of that information. Also...

4 years ago
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Freedom Indeed

When I was 17 years old I fell in love for the first time. Her name was Saoirse, which is the Irish word for "freedom". She was a tall, well-spoken and elegant girl who was 2 months my younger. She had the most striking blue eyes I had ever seen; pale and wispy, but at the same time sharp and piercing. Her smile was always so wide and she wasn't stingy about showing it. We never got too far, at most managing a peck on the cheek and a hug goodbye, but I was more than delighted to simply hold her...

First Time
4 years ago
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A Wet Ride Home From The Theater

“That was incredible!” Amanda said as we walked out of the movie theater. “It was ok,” Matt answered.“Not exactly your type of movie. Thanks for going to see it with me. You know how long I’ve been waiting for it to come out.”“Of course. That’s what a good husband does. Even if the movie is three hours long.”“Was it really that long? That explains why my bladder is bursting. We shouldn’t have gotten the large popcorn and drink.”“Same. I’m gonna head to the bathroom.”“I’ll wait here.”Matt turned...

2 years ago
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Lap DogChapter 3

Several days later Angela Sims was out in the yard hanging out the wash. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cold, with an exhilarating breeze. The lovely young blonde cast a fond look to where Hans lay sleeping in the shade of the fence, acting for all the world like this had been his home all his life. The young housewife felt that somehow the dog had enriched her life and was grateful that Jack had brought him home. Once Jack had sobered up, he had told her all about Harry's...

4 years ago
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Erins Boy Chapter 10

-----Chapter 10: Spirit Week----- Erin's alarm woke both of us up, although much earlier than I'd usually arise for school. I had forgotten it was Jettsville Spirit Week leading up to Halloween this weekend, but Erin was aware and ready as always. "By the way, you should start coming over here before school to get dressed. It'll be easier that way." It was more than fine with me. I had no idea what spirit day it was anyway, so I was in her hands. She checked the flyer she had...

2 years ago
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Part TWO Stepping Out

The warm-up very satisfactorily complete, my massage recipient was ready for the hot oil treatment. I too was ready; after all, I do receive great pleasure from giving pleasure. I dipped my hands into the slow cooker of hot coconut oil. It was slippery and soothing. I probably anticipated my first oil touch to her body just about as much as Nuny did. First I rubbed the oil onto her back, down over the sides of her chest at which point her body rose slightly. I took this as my cue to massage the...

First Time
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SIL Travel Trip

I was between business trips and had a long weekend to kill and instead of going all the way home I figured I would visit my brother and sister in law for the long weekend. I arrived on Thursday night late sister in law Debbie was sitting out on the porch waiting for me husband was fast asleep had to work in the morning. When I pulled in driveway she came out and gave me a big hug and kiss on the lips that she held for a couple extra seconds and then let go. She was so excited to see someone...

1 year ago
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Cousin Sister Ko Pataya

Hey, friends, this is Amrit (name changed) from Noida, I live with my family which has me, my dad, my mom, and an elder sister. Today I have decided to share my story with all of you. It’s about my cousin sister Tanya (name changed) who is my mother’s younger sisters daughter. She lives 30 minutes away from me. I am 25 years old and my cousin sis is 24. She is 5.7 in height and a lean figure which I love. She kinda looked like Deepika Padukone. I had always liked her but never thought about...

4 years ago
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Carrie Catches Herself a Unicorn

1.When I met Carrie, I was perhaps at my lowest point in my dealings with women. If I'd have met Carrie at any other time, I might've had the good sense to get out, or not get involved. As it stood-- I was vulnerable, and desperate-- and for all of her faults, Carrie was quite attractive, masterful-- even insane in bed, and cunningly manipulative.Carrie was the first woman I'd been with in a long time who was more sexually experienced than I was, and (so far) has been the oldest women I've ever...

4 years ago
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Sex In The Kitchen During Summer Heat On The Table

Hello all this is my first time experience as a writer, i reside in Pune with a hot auty Rema (name changed). The story goes like this , i this aunty lives in my apartment, everyday whenever i used to leave to my office i was often blessed to see a very NSP sight (Nain Suk Prapt) . Rema used to come out to keep her garbage dustbin outside her door , in earlier days i had failed to notice her inner beauty , it was that pride moment which made me go for her , it all started with a good morning...

4 years ago
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Me watching him for a very pleasant change

I staggered my way back to my bedroom, my legs shaking, barely in control.As I had peeped through the 2" crack in the door I could clearly see the tall free standing mirror in the corner of the room. Reflected in its 6' height I could see Carl as he stood in the walk in shower in the en-suite bathroom. His tanned 6'3" body belied his age, his shoulders were wide his chest was broad and tapered to a slightly thickened waist, testament to his 57 years. What really took my eye was the sight of his...

3 years ago
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Patsy Plus Size Everything

I’d always liked the plus size woman. My first lover, the one who initiated me into the joys of sex, and taught me more than I ever thought possible, was frankly fat, but I loved it. I’d had skinny lovers, of course, but those whose frames had a good covering always turned me on more. So when I walked into my local pub that fateful Friday, little did I expect that my life was just about to change. I met with my friends most Fridays, and they were there before me, Fred of the hangdog look on a...

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My Awakeining0

This is the true story of my first time with a boy and my first time wearing women’s panties. I was raised by my grandma who was a real conservative woman who sheltered us a little to much. One day while sitting in my room playing video games my grandma came in and said One of my great uncles passed away. He lived in a different state so I never meet him, but since he was her brother she had to go help with funeral arrangements. No I protested I will miss my ball game. We were one game away...

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Brooklyn Gray Curvy Cum Quest

In a scandalous purple G string and gaudy cheetah tights, teen Brooklyn Gray has never looked hotter. She shakes her jiggly ass for the camera, showing off every bit of her incredibly bodacious body with a confidence that comes from years of guys stopping to stare. When our stud shows up, she gets on her hands and knees and crawls towards him seductively. She cannot wait to sit her tight slit on his big cock. First, she lubricates his shaft with her stringy spit. Then, she twerks on his love...

2 years ago
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Youre Mine Tonight

--------- Suzu walked alone from her internship at the tea house. She had walked though the small patch of woods as a short cut to her home; a semi-wooded trail she had used nearly everyday. It was one of Suzu's longer nights of learning herbs and she didn't expect to share the trail with anyone. She was unaware that someone was walking behind her, following her, and getting closer within grasp. Before she could react, a rag was held tightly over her mouth. As her eyes closed, she fell...

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