My Learned FriendChapter 6
- 4 years ago
- 20
- 0
Just across the road from the main gate of the Garden Hill subdivision was the hilly, wooded area where the community gathered most of its firewood. Many of the trees here had been knocked down by the high winds that had occurred the first few days after the impact. Every day a work crew of five or six people, mostly women but always with an armed man to guard them, spent a few hours hacking away at these trees with chainsaws and axes. Though the women had protested vehemently at first that such a thing was "man's work", they quickly warmed to the idea when it was realized that the average shift of a wood gatherer was only about three hours in length.
About an hour after the meeting in the community center broke up, while Brett was marching from guard post to guard post to check on the state of his people, this day's crew was in full operation. A Dodge Ram pickup that had once belonged to Brenda's husband was parked with it's nose facing back towards the gate and chunks of pine were being loaded into the back of it, piece by piece after they were cut. There were five women today pulling the duty, all of them town women, and one man, who sat behind the truck and kept an eye on things. Jessica was also out there, a rare appearance since she made it a point to never venture outside the walls.
She was talking to the three women who were carrying the chunks of wood from the pile to the truck, following them from one place to the other but not offering to don a pair of work gloves and lend a hand. "I'm telling you," she told them, "that hussy actually admitted she was having sex with that poor boy. She confessed it to us right there in the meeting. Can you believe that?"
They could believe it. "I told you," one of the women said knowingly to a companion. "That little bitch is shameless. Absolutely shameless."
The companion shook her head sadly (although secretly wondering just what it would be like to have sex with a fourteen-year-old). "I knew she was a slut," she said as if in disgust. "But I didn't think anyone was that slutty. Shocking."
There were some more comments tossed back and forth between the four of them, all of them disapproving at what Stacy had done. The word "bitch", "slut", "hussy", and even that most hated word among those of the female species: "cunt" were used with increasing frequency. Finally Candice, or Candy as she was known, broached the subject that Jessica had really wanted addressed.
"So what are we going to do with her?" she asked. "Is she going to be exiled?"
"I would certainly hope so," one of the others put in. The rest then echoed this sentiment.
"She will not be banished, or even punished for that matter," Jessica said sadly, shaking her head as if a great travesty of justice was taking place.
"She won't?" they cried. "What do you mean?"
"Paul won't vote to exile her," she said. "I tried and I tried to get him to see reason but he just won't do it. I tried to explain to him that this was a crime. That it was rape. He just kept saying he didn't see anything wrong with it and he wasn't going to do anything about it."
"Unbelievable," Candy said. The rest of the group agreed with her.
"He's been influenced by Brett too much," Jessica told them. "I'm telling you, Paul does whatever Brett tells him to do and votes however Brett wants him to vote. Brett may as well be the one who is on the committee, that's how much influence he has over him. So anyway, Paul kept us from being able to exile that bimbo like we all know she should be, and now she's going to walk away scott free and be allowed to just keep molesting him all she wants."
This declaration caused a fresh outburst of anger. "Do you mean that nothing is going to be done about it?" someone asked. "Nothing at all?"
"Nothing," Jessica confirmed. "There's nothing that we can do. We can't very well put her on kitchen duty, can we? Of course I moved that we at least order her to stay away from him."
"I would hope so," Candy said righteously.
"And of course Dale and I both voted yes, which means that she has a committee order telling her to stay away from that young man. But she told us herself that she won't do it and there's nothing we can do to stop her. Paul said he won't vote to exile her no matter what and there isn't anything else we can do to her for punishment. Not that anything less than exile would be acceptable anyway."
"So you can't do anything about it?" the woman next to Candy asked as she dropped a log into the truck. "We just have to put up with her doing... doing that to him?"
"It looks that way," Jessica agreed sadly. "Unless..."
"Unless what?" they all wanted to know.
"Well this is just an idea," she said mysteriously, as if it wasn't something really worth mentioning.
"What?" they all demanded of her.
"Well," she said, speaking slowly as if this was just occurring to her that moment. "It seems to me that the will of the community should take precedence over a committee meeting, shouldn't it? I mean, that's how Brett and his friends got to stay here in the first place. The committee voted that we wouldn't let him stay, but we put it to a community vote and the ruling was changed. Why shouldn't that same thing apply to banishing that slut? If the community agrees that she should go, then she should go, right?"
This darkened the expressions of three of the women present. These were three that had been either caught at or suspected of fornicating with an attached man - an offense that Jessica wished people expelled for. But before the thought that what she was suggesting could one day be turned against them was even fully formed, Jessica covered that particular loophole.
"Now you'd have to understand," she said, "that it should take more than a simple majority vote to overturn a committee decision. Particularly for something as drastic as exiling someone. I would think that nothing less than a two-thirds majority would do for something like that."
"Two thirds?"
"Two-thirds," she said. "Like when they tried to impeach Clinton, remember? If two out of every three people of voting age in this town say that that pregnant hussy should be exiled for what she's doing, then that should be what happens."
There was a momentary pause as everyone went over this thought in their head, their minds doing some quick addition. Though there were probably enough people against what Stacy had done to get her thrown out of town using that rule, the same ratio would not hold up when it came to simple fornication. The people most against the act of sleeping with another woman's partner were the women who had the partners, or roughly, twenty-one of them. Twenty-one was not even a simple majority, let alone two-thirds. There did not seem to be any danger involved in supporting this plan.
"That sounds like a pretty good idea, Jess," Candy said carefully, still trying to find the hidden loopholes that Jessica was so famous for.
"Yes," one of the others put in. "I think the town would go for something like that."
"It gives us a little more power," said another.
Jessica smiled, knowing that she had them. "I think it's a good idea too," she said. "I'm going to propose this amendment at the next committee meeting tomorrow morning. Now I don't know how Dale or Paul are going to vote, but I'm certainly going to say aye to a rule allowing the community to overturn a decision."
"And what if it passes?" Candy asked, already knowing, as did everyone else present, that it was as good as passed as long as it was only a majority committee vote and not a unanimous one. "Are you going to use it to throw her out?"
"You bet your butt," she said. "We'll have a community meeting at dinner tomorrow night and have a vote on it. If two-thirds of the people want her out, then she'll be walking across the bridge the next morning."
They all grinned as they thought of this, as they envisioned Stacy waddling across the canyon out into the forest beyond the bridge. They all thought that would be a sweet sight to see, that hussy being ejected from their town, although none of them could have told you just why that would be a sweet sight.
Jessica left them to their work a few minutes later, knowing that those five women would vote the way she wanted them to. With a smile she reentered the subdivision and found her way back to the community center. Outside was a work-crew of four, also staffed exclusively with town women, that was tending the fires that heated bath and cooking water.
"Hi, Jess," they greeted with mixed levels of enthusiasm. Though she was valued as a gossip source and a leader, they did not like her personally.
"Hi, girls," she said, putting back on her solemn expression. She gathered them around her and then began to speak, her topics neutral at first. Within two minutes however, the subject of Jason and Stacy was brought up, giving her an opening. "It's interesting that you should mention that hussy," she said, putting her angry expression on. "We had a meeting about that just this morning."
"You did?" she was asked.
"Of course," she said. "After I found out that that young man had been in the hussy's house half the night, I certainly wasn't going to let the issue drop."
"So what happened?" they inquired.
"Well," she said, settling down into storytelling mode, "we brought the two of them in for questioning about just what happened in there. And guess what they said?"
And so the story was told again, to the shock of the latest bunch. Just like with the wood-gathering crew before, they fumed and cursed about the outrage of Stacy's actions and then asked what was being done about it. When told that nothing was being done about it, they demanded to know why. When told why, they ranted for a few more minutes about the injustice of it all and then Jessica slyly slipped in the suggestion about the two-thirds majority rule. As before, after a few uneasy worries were soothed, the idea was embraced with enthusiasm.
From the fire-tending crew, she moved on to the childcare crew. From there, she moved on somewhere else. She figured that she would be able to talk to every woman in town by 2:30, which would give her more than enough time to catch her afternoon nap.
Guard position 4 was located in the top story of one of the abandoned houses in the southeast corner of the subdivision. Except for the bridge lookout, it was the most isolated of all the posts, far away from any of the occupied houses. It watched over the rough hills between the eastern wall and the sheer impassible cliffs beyond them. It was a post that would have been obsolete had Brett been allowed to station guards on Hill 1557, but for now, it was manned and on this day Michelle and Maria Sanchez had the duty.
At 3:30 Brett made his visit to the post after making the twenty-five minute walk to it from the community center. He found Maria and Michelle seated before the window in card table chairs, a pair of binoculars, their walkie-talkie, and a game of gin rummy laid out on the end table between them. Leaning against the table was the high-powered rifle that every guard position had and one of the AK-47s.
"Good afternoon," Brett greeted them as he entered the room and sat down on the bed.
"Hi, Brett," Michelle greeted, offering him a friendly smile.
Maria too gave him a semi-cordial greeting. Unlike many of the town women, Maria, who was Hector's official woman, was used to hard work and didn't complain much about being assigned to the detail. As such she did not seem to have as many hard feelings for Brett as others did.
He made small talk with them for a few moments, asking them how their shift was going. They reported that they had not seen a single person all day, making it nearly two straight weeks since a straggler was last spotted from this particular position. Soon Maria, who had heard the rumors about Brett and Michelle, sensed that her presence was not exactly wanted at the moment. She announced that she was going to go out on the front porch for a cigarette and got up, disappearing down the stairway.
"So how are you feeling today?" Michelle asked once she was gone.
"Like shit," he said honestly. "My first post-comet hangover. A historical moment indeed."
"Me too," she said. "I forgot how miserable I felt after drinking until this morning. Now I remember. But what I meant was how do you feel about what happened last night? And what we talked about last night?"
"Oh," he said with a sigh. "That how do I feel."
"That's the one."
"I don't really know," he told her after a moment. "My mind is having a hard time convincing me that you were serious about what you suggested."
"I was serious," she said. "I suppose I could now tell you that it was the alcohol talking, but it wasn't. The alcohol just gave me the courage to bring it up. The idea itself was conceived and perfected while I was cold sober. And I still think that it's the only way."
"It just seems so... strange. I could understand if you were trying to steal me away from Chrissie, but to share." He shook his head a little. "That's the bizarre part."
"But you mentioned it to Chrissie?" she asked.
"How did you know that?" he asked.
"She gave me a look at breakfast this morning that spoke volumes about how she felt about me. It was more than just the look that she would have given had she merely heard the rumors about you and I. I was pretty sure that you told her my suggestion. Did you do it while you were still drunk?"
"Yes," he said. "She was waiting up for me when I got home. The subject was kind of forced upon me. As you guessed, she didn't react very favorably towards the suggestion."
"I told you that she wouldn't at first," she reminded him. "It is quite a shocking suggestion to have to deal with. I think she'll come around though. There's not really anything else for her to do."
"She slapped me across the face," he said. "And it hurt. I don't think a woman who reacts with physical violence to a suggestion is going to work her way around to accepting it."
Michelle shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not," she said. "Time will tell. But you never answered my question. How do you feel about it? Besides thinking it's bizarre and strange that is?"
"I'm a man," he said. "If two beautiful women want to share me with each other, I'm certainly not going to say no. Does that answer your question?"
"It does," she said with a smile. "And don't worry too much about Chrissie. I'll talk to her at dinner tonight after shift."
"I don't think that's a real good idea," he said, thinking instantly of the gun that Chrissie carried on her hip. He had a frightfully clear vision of Michelle lying dead on the gym floor beneath the table, a large bullet hole in her forehead, and Chrissie being marched across the bridge the next day, exiled for murder.
Michelle could tell what he was thinking. "Don't worry," she said. "She won't hurt me and I won't hurt her. If she reacts too strongly to my talking to her, I'll just leave and try again tomorrow. I have patience."
He gave a very doubtful look but offered no further protests. "Have you heard about Jason and Stacy?" he asked her.
She nodded. "Maria filled me in on the latest when she came on shift at twelve. Quite a powder keg brewing, isn't it?"
"To say the least," he said. "Did she tell you what Jessica is up to now?"
"About the two-thirds community vote?"
"Yes, she told me about it. Jessica caught her before she came out here and gave her the spiel. It sounds like she is being very persuasive. Maria is not even a town woman and she hates Jessica with a passion but she came in here spouting about that hussy and that bitch and using phrases that I know she could have only been fed by Jess. If she can rile up Maria like that, I can only imagine how riled up the town women are getting."
"They're pretty riled all right," he said. "You should've heard some of the things they were saying to us while we were moving his things over there this afternoon."
"He still moved in with her huh?"
"He did," he confirmed. "He wasn't going to be talked out of it. He told me that if they throw Stacy out of town then he'll be going across the bridge with her."
"You have to admire his devotion," she said. "It's too bad that this hen party we call a citizenry doesn't see that. He's much more dedicated to his woman than any other man in town, isn't he? Do you think Dale would walk across the bridge with Jessica if we threw her out?"
"I'd sure like to make the experiment," he said, making both of them laugh.
"Will what she's trying to do really work?" she asked him.
"Yes," he said. "I don't see any way to stop it. At tomorrow's committee meeting Jessica will propose that a two-thirds vote of the entire community can override any committee decision. She'll vote for it and so will Dale and that means it will pass. At the community meeting that night, she'll move that we vote on overturning the committee's decision not to exile Stacy for statutory rape. I've sampled the mood of those women out there. She won't have any problem getting a two-thirds majority, even if all of the men vote no."
"Great," Michelle said, slumping a little in her chair. "I'll try talking to some of them after dinner tonight and at dinner tomorrow. Maybe I can swing some of them over to my bandwagon. It can't hurt."
"Why don't I just give you the day off tomorrow and you can spend all day doing it?" he suggested.
She shook her head. "Not a good idea," she said. "It would be counter-productive if you had to assign someone to my position so I could go politic for you. It would look rather shady, especially in light of the rumors that are already floating around about the two of us."
He sighed. "I guess you're right," he said. "Now I know why Paul told me the first night that living in a town full of women was a pain in the ass."
At 5:30, just as the unseen sun was nearing the horizon, John Kramer and Bill Blades had one last conference. They, as well as all of their men, were sequestered behind the last group of hills before the open ground along the northern wall, almost exactly halfway between guard positions two and three. The recon they had done had convinced them that these were the only two posts on this side of the subdivision. The time had come to stop watching and to start attacking.
"We ready to get into position?" John whispered to Bill.
"I think so," he replied.
"Is everyone's watch synchronized exactly?"
"I've checked my guys three times," he said. "They're all tuned exactly to my watch and my watch is tuned exactly to yours."
"Good enough," John told him. "Remember, we move into position at two in the morning and hide ourselves. You can fudge a little on that time, but not on the attack time. At eight o'clock sharp we strike. No more, no less. It's vital that we take out those guards before they have a chance to call in. Don't shoot unless you absolutely have to. Make those Raid-bombs do the job. I don't think they'd be able to hear gunfire all the way over at the community center with this rain, but you never know."
"We'll do it," Bill assured him confidently. "Two o'clock we penetrate, eight o'clock and the Raid bombs go in. Once the guards are down, we meet in the middle and move on the community center."
"If we do this right," John told him, "We'll be sinking into some nice juicy pussy in about fifteen hours. Tell your men that. It'll pep 'em up."
"Already did it."
"Okay. It's time. Get your people into position and I'll see you tomorrow morning."
The two men each joined their group. Bill's group, which was tasked with taking down guard position 3 (although they did not know that was the name of it) consisted of Bill and seven of the hunters, all of them armed with their rifles and plenty of ammunition, two of them armed with the special "Raid-bombs" that they had devised and found so effective in quickly taking out people in enclosed places. John's group was tasked with taking down guard position 2 at exactly the same instant. His group also consisted of seven hunters in addition to the leader, two of whom also had the Raid-bombs.
While they still had some daylight left, the two groups moved in opposite directions, staying behind the concealment of the hills but paralleling the wall. Each leader would periodically check position by peering carefully around a tree or over the top of a rise to see how close to their targets they were. When they found themselves to be almost exactly across from the guard positions, they stopped and hid themselves carefully in the foliage. They had just enough time before it got completely dark to make one last check of their supplies and ammo. Everything was as it should be.
The sun deserted them and so did the light. They settled in and waited, knowing it was going to be a long night but anxious for the rewards that awaited them on the other side of it.
Chrissie was mostly picking at her dinner instead of eating it. She pushed it around with her fork and occasionally took a small nibble, but her stomach, which was tied up in knots due to all the worries on her mind, did not embrace the offerings she gave it. As if the problems with Brett and Michelle were not enough, now she had her brother to worry about as well. He had relieved her at her post less than an hour ago and had told her his plan to walk across the bridge with Stacy if it came to that. She had argued and pleaded with him for nearly ten minutes, trying to get him to change his mind. Although she liked and respected Stacy much more than she did any other female in town, she did not want to lose her only brother when she was kicked out. And she had no doubt in her mind that kicked out was exactly what was going to happen. Jessica had visited the guard post that day while she had been on duty and in the space of less than five minutes had been able to whip Brenda, her partner, into a seething fury at Stacy's "crime".
"Do you realize that if you vote to kick her out, you'll be sentencing her to death?" Chrissie had asked Brenda after Jessica's departure.
"No," Brenda answered indignantly (the way she always talked whenever she addressed Chrissie) "We'll be exiling her, not executing her."
"Don't kid yourself," Chrissie responded. "If you send a pregnant women across that bridge, she's as good as dead. You just won't have to have to watch it."
The conversation had deteriorated from there, eventually ending with Brenda storming out of the room and going downstairs for the rest of her shift. Chrissie was glad to be rid of her.
Now, as she forced herself to swallow a small portion of canned peas, she wondered if she should just go with Jason and Stacy when they left. Why not? If they could talk Paul into giving them a couple of guns and few days worth of food, maybe they could live for a while. Maybe they could make their way to Auburn eventually and see what life held for them down there.
A figure approaching her in the nearly empty gym distracted her from these thoughts. She looked up and at first couldn't credit what she was seeing. Was it really Michelle, the woman who had aspirations of sharing Brett, coming over to her? She wouldn't be that crass, would she?
It seemed that she would. As she got to within ten feet it became obvious that she was heading for Chrissie. Chrissie shot her the glare that had cowered her so well that morning, warning her to stay away. This time however, the glare did not work its magic. Michelle stopped directly across from her, holding her own plate of food, and looked down.
"Can I sit with you?" she asked.
Chrissie looked up at her in disbelief. "I don't think so," she said, venom dripping from her words. "You are the last person that I want to eat with."
Michelle didn't move. "Even worse than Jessica?" she asked.
Chrissie didn't smile. "Go away," she said.
"We need to talk, Chrissie," she said.
"I have nothing to talk to you about."
"But you do," she said. "You have a lot to talk to me about and I have a lot to talk to you about. So why don't you behave like the adult I know you are and give it a shot, huh? That's what adults do when they have a conflict with each other."
It was her tone that did the trick. It was not the least bit condescending, not even when she said "adult". It was so rare that someone talked to her that way that she found herself responding to the words. "All right," she said, waving to the seat across from her impatiently. "Sit down. Talk."
"Thank you," Michelle said, setting her plate down. She eased herself into the seat and looked across the table, making no move to pick up her silverware. "I talked to Brett today," she said.
Chrissie shrugged. "So you talked to him. So what?"
"He told me that he brought up the uh... suggestion that I had about you, him, and I."
"You mean sharing him?" she said, hissing a little but keeping her voice down. "Yes, he brought it up. Did he tell you what I did?"
"He said you slapped him," she said tonelessly.
"Damn right. And I oughtta do the same thing to you too."
Now it was Michelle who shrugged. "And what would that accomplish? It would hurt my face, it would probably hurt your hand, and nothing will have changed. We would still be sitting here with the same problems that we had before."
Chrissie did not know how to respond to that. She simply continued to stare.
"Tell me something," Michelle said. "Why is it that you are so opposed to what I have suggested?"
"Why? Are you serious? Because it's sick!"
"Why is it sick?" Michelle wanted to know next.
"I believe you heard me," she said. "Why do you think that two women sharing a man is sick? I will admit that it is somewhat unconventional to our upbringing, and that it is something that I never considered before the comet fell. I will even admit that it is far from ideal from our perspective. If it were up to me I would much prefer having one man to myself. But that is not the reality we live in anymore. You think it is sick because it goes against the values that you were raised with, right?"
"Of course it goes against them," she said. "Doesn't it go against yours? Or did your father have two wives?"
"My parents divorced when I was young," Michelle said. "But that is neither here nor there. I too was raised to believe that monogamous relationships were the way things were supposed to be. Everybody was raised to think that, whether they did it in practice or not. But then everybody was also raised in a world where there was an equal amount of men and women, weren't they?"
"That doesn't matter."
"It does matter Chrissie. That's what I'm trying to tell you. We have five women for every man in this town. Five to one. Would you agree that that ratio is creating problems in this town?"
It seemed like a trick question and she hesitated for a moment. Finally she reluctantly said, "Yes. It is creating a big problem."
"We don't live in normal times anymore," Michelle told her. "The civilization we grew up with is dead and most of the values we were raised with cannot apply anymore. Do you agree that you should be allowed to sleep with Brett in the first place?"
"Should this town allow you and Brett to sleep together? Should it allow your brother and Stacy to sleep together?"
"Well... yes," she answered. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Because it's a value that has been changed to suit the situation. Would you have slept with Brett if you had met him before the comet?"
"No," she said slowly, seeing where this was heading. "I would've told my dad and had him call the police if he would've tried."
"And how about Stacy and Jason? If you would've found out that a twenty year old pregnant woman had seduced your fourteen year old brother before the comet, what would you have done?"
"Told my dad and had him call the police," she said.
"Exactly. Yet now, after the comet, you accept Brett as a lover without question, don't you? You accept Stacy as your brother's lover, don't you? I saw you hugging her this morning. So that must mean that you have changed your value system a little bit to accept these new realities."
Chrissie shook her head. "You're talking about apples and oranges," she said. "My brother and I are adults now because of the comet and what happened. All that has changed is that we're trying to be treated like adults and given the rights that we deserve. That is not the same thing as changing my values to accept another woman into my relationship. I won't have any part of that."
"But you're already a part of it, whether you like it or not," Michelle said. "You are one of the women in this town where men are an endangered species. We are the glut here, Chrissie, and the men are the demand. It's going to come down to either sharing what's available or going without."
"I'll go without then," she said defiantly.
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IncestTrevor came home from work tired and sweaty. Hazel was in the kitchen adding cloves of garlic and snow peas to the simmering pot roast in the oven. Trevor walked to her and softly grabbed her waist and then kissed her cheek. He had missed her and thought about her all day. He smiled as he smelt her hair. She smelt of cinnamon and dove soap. Hazel turned around and excitingly hugged him back. Trevor lifted her up off her feet and kissed her. After all these years, sexual tension still filled the...
Straight SexIt was the verge of completion of our SSLC, neighboring my home was hostel in which around 7 to 8 SSLC guys of other school used to stay. Since I was staying near to them I had a good friendly relationship with them, we never minded speaking about sex. In their hostel there was a lady named Rathi(33yrs of age and fair in color and unmarried) who was appointed by the owner for maintenance purpose, as such she used to stay in hostel during day time but goes to meet the owner regularly in evenings...
Kims squirmed through the tight vent with the walls pressing into her big round tits and her mound. Finally she reached the grate above Drakkens headquarters. with one swift movement she had kicked the gate through and swung down into the labratory. And suddenly she was surrounded by Drakkens red clad minions all staring at her boob that were still bouncing from the rough landing. Soon the minions were grabbing at her all over she felt her bra strap being undone through her shirt after that her...
For those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love,, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...
It was Saturday night and she always went out. This night was like every other Saturday night. She was out dancing, Again. She was so tired of it all. All she wanted to do was settle down. Settle down with someone who can please her every need and desire. Someone that knew her better then she knew her self. She had heard about this new club from all her friends. They where raving about it. She had to give this new club a go. No one told her this was a club for the people who walked the night,...
That was 10 years ago. When I knew I was "busted" outside the bathroom window that night, I had simply gone back downstairs and waited for her to come storming down the stairs, having no choice but to confront the situation. She didn't come down - in fact nothing was ever said about the incident. I even got bolder - on several occasions going into her room at night and feeling her up, even rubbing her crotch until she got wet. It wasn't until recently that I realized that she was probably awake...
IncestMe subah so ke uthi to mere sarir pe ek bhi kapde nahi thi aur meri chut aur jangho pe samir aur us admi ka ka sukha hua cum tha. Me utha ke nahe chali gai aur me jab naha ke bhr ai to dekha samir dinning table ke pass nge baith tha aur me towel me thi aur mere bal gile the usne mujhe apne pass bulaya aur mujhe ek tablet di aur kha is kha lena kuttiya. Me uske kuttiya khne pe usko ghur ke dekha to usne khada ho ke mujhe ghich ke thapad mara aur kha kya dekh rahi hai randi ajj se tu kuttiya...
The summer vacation had started a week ago and me and couple other girls had agreed on this trip, out of the city. One-way trip to there would take most of the day by car, and the closest phone to the place is also quite far away. We wanted to make sure that we’d be as far from the civilization’s grasp for a while as possible. I waited for the girls to pick me up and watched TV. There was some news about abnormally high solar flares or some such thing, and that the weather...
Day 1 The new job blows. Most of my coworkers sit around talking trash about our boss, Aaron, instead of working. It’s obvious I’m up next because I actually work and ignore all the office gossip. So they’re going to think I’m sucking up or spurning them, or something. Oh well, no one said I had to be friends these douchecanoes. I’m there to get paid, not bitch about everyone else. There was one exception—Jill. I chilled with her after work. She took me back to her place where I met her...
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Free Porn Tube SitesI hate him, I told myself. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. Perhaps if I repeated it enough times in my head, it would suddenly become true. I tried to focus on all the bad things about the man who had robbed me of my sense for the past two weeks. He was overbearing, overconfident, and completely unnerving. How could I even consider being with someone like that, someone who was wholly able to reduce me to an illogical, quivering mess? I ached. I didn’t hate Tripp. What I did hate was being...
Hi my name is Devd, i work in a Mnc. it’s a story how I blackmailed my junior she had some problem understanding some project work and asked me for help, otherwise she could be thrown out of the company. I asked what I get in return, she said anything, I was happy in my mind. So I called her to my room on a Saturday. She agreed I opened the door, she was wearing red t-shirt and jeans and hair open. We exchanged regards, she came in and I bolted the door there was no seating place. in room...
Hi friends! I am ashiq once again with a very exciting and interesting episode. I am sure it will excite you so much that you will keep it in your hot and favourite list. This story is about my sexual encounter with my fb friend , she is so beautiful and sexy that any man would die for her and surely have her as a fantasy. Her face is charming , her eyes are like a deer , her neck is perfectly chiseled like a swan , her boobs are luscious and juicy. Her waistline is great with curves and curls...
The time after the party returned to a semblance of normality. The only obvious difference was that I got a lot more waves of hello from the neighbors when I drove by. We went about our daily routines of aimlessly enjoying my money and seeking out new thrills to entertain us. Neither Marissa nor I had serious jobs but the money kept pouring in. And of course, Marissa and I made love every chance we got. I still had my playboy edge, and every now and again I'd seduce some aspiring...
For Friends and Family 29 - I Do (Eventually) Sunday passed very quietly, after the shock of our new positions, Charles, Jon, Barbara and Meg left on Sunday afternoon to be beck in Ney York for the new working week. Everyone spent time packing, as come Monday there would be a big exodus, leaving Tony, Margarita and Homer to themselves again. Brett and myself were going back with Kylie and Carl to New York after everyone else had left, we were to spend until Friday in head...
I love taking care of my body, and all the guys seem to like it too. I guess it is something about my long legs or my big juicy tits that gets them going. I do not mean to sound conceited, but I work hard for this physique. I do yoga almost every day. And can I tell you a secret? I usually do it nude! I just like the way it feels when I stretch out my body and can look at myself. It kind of turns me on. Do you like it? How about when I give you a glimpse of my tight wet pussy? I know that gets...
xmoviesforyouTarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next?Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs.As soon as Tarzan had injected his huge load in to the small warrior, Queen Laya was already rising from her throne and removing her halter top as she did so to reveal her large, firm pendulous breasts. Her skirt came off a while...
Sheila Belloq lay in blackness on the dusty stone shelf carved into the catacomb wall. She had barely managed to hide and turn off her light in time as her nemesis, Zachary Jones, entered the burial chamber. She rolled back against the mummified corpse sharing her narrow shelf space as Jones’ light beam swept past her hiding place, then leaned forward again as he passed her. His light beam was illuminating the altar at the end of the chamber as he approached it. She sat up partially so she...
I call this my 'Interview' story, I have never read or heard of another person who has experienced what I have. My story really begins when I asked a young woman named Tracy to marry me. Tracy said, "Not until I tell you about my family and their business interests. Then I will ask you if you still want me as your wife." I said, "Okay, tell me and then ask me." After listening a short time to Tracy's story, I said, "Please stop, I just can't fathom what you are saying. I have met your mom and...
TabooAbout me: I’m a 24-year-old guy around 5’10” in height, lean/athletic build, medium to fair complexion. My dick is around 7 inches when fully erect. I’m not going to lie like most people here faking their body stats. This is my first time writing here so any constructive criticism is appreciated in the comments section. OK, so a little of the prologue here. I was studying for some competitive exams which were held in February. I knew I aced those exams and would get selected under any...
Rosa Rosa was a young Filipina girl only 18 years old and still a virgin. This wasn’t because she wasn’t interested in sex, instead it was because all of the boys her age seemed to be just too timid and unsure of themselves. Rosa wanted her virginity to be taken by an older, more experienced man, one with the confidence to just take what he wanted from her. Rosa’s parents had arrived from the Philippines right before she was born and they were very conservative. They attempted to push this onto...
It had been little over a week since the fateful day when Bella had broken up with James, her long-term boyfriend. She'd heard rumours that he’d been cheating on her with a waitress at his catering firm. When confronted, James would neither confirm nor deny the gossip — and so Bella ended the relationship on the spot.In that following week, a distraught Bella thought hard about the next step to take in her life. Eventually, she decided to seek advice from the one friend she trusted the most,...
Love StoriesThis is a bit of "fluff" I typed out one day, it places the Wizard of the "Spells R Us" fame in an different element than we're used to seeing him. It's very short, and deals with the little games we play as kids. ----------------------- The Prolific Scorer by Anon Allsop The old man sat on the park bench enjoying the warm spring air. He watched a young boy dribbling a basket ball down the sidewalk toward him. His icy blue eyes, still watchful and alert even in old age....
Originally it made it easier to think my wife was making up these stories but my best friend confirmed after reluctantly admitting to it in some detail. A short time later I began to entertain more of these thoughts and frequently found myself strangely aroused. During sex we would talk about her fucking men we knew and she would moan in approval even suggesting she’d be a good lil slut and the best fuck he ever had. With her bedroom eyes glazed over with lust she would openly fantasize...
I was in the men's section looking for some new pants when a woman worker with , beautiful blonde hair, big brown eyes, and a nice round ass asked "Can I help you with something?" I accepted and said "Yes, thank you. I need help finding this pair of pants but can't find the right size in this style." She then lead me to a larger than normal dressing room with a mirror, a bench, and a big door. She told me she was going to mesure me for my size then bent down on her knee's and starting measuring...
EroticContinuing Marci’s story in her words... We entered a gorgeous bedroom with a huge king size bed against one wall. There was a dressing room off to one side and at the end of the room a comfortable sofa. The decor was feminine but not over the top and the artwork on the walls was erotic in the extreme; mostly lesbian scenes which left just enough to the imagination to be tantalising. On the wall opposite the bed was a large mirror. The phone rang and as Tanya went to answer it; I asked where...
Lesbian“Elsie’s on my phone on the couch. Brie’s asleep in her bed. She passed out on stage.” “Passed out?” Warrick asked, concerned. “She’s okay.” Ivy reassured him. “She didn’t have a big fall, but she had a, well… a dramatic experience, you could say.” Ivy turned to Hazel, “Did you tell him what I told you?” Hazel shook her head, “Not fully, but I’ve prepared him.” “Damn, you’re gonna make me say it again?” “I thought it would be best that it not come from me second-hand. You were the one who...
Chapter 12 ‘This is Robin Flowers on KTVA channel 7 and tonight we have with us Kenneth Jacobs, the hero at the hospital last week and with him are two young ladies, Consuela Gomez and Barbara Hicks. These are two of the people Kenneth saved from gunmen in the emergency room. First off Ken, I understand that you were injured. Are you not healed yet?’ Ken looked down at the sling on his left arm and grinned. ‘Not completely Robin, I should be able to get rid of this after I see the doctor...
With a powerful push of his hips Bruce pressed against my inner muscle ring till his cock popped through. I caught my breath and gripped the bed covers in my fist, bit into the mattress with my teeth and tried to hold him back with my feet over his calves. Bruce slowly grind his cock farther up into my bung till his pubic hair was pressed into my buttocks. Panting and gasping for air as the pain increased I begged 'get it baby, bust that ass, fill me with your seed baby. oooh please hurry and...
Today is a very exciting day for me. I had seen an ad for modelling and when I responded to it, the people actually called me in for an interview! I couldn't believe it! So, I wanted to dress sexy for it. I really didn't have much that screamed sexy, my body had started developing nicely when I was quite young and ever since then my parents have been very protective in trying to cover myself up. They say it's not appropriate to be showing off my body. But, last week I just turned 18 and I...
Morgan had dressed for the night, short blue dress with a plunging neck line, dark pantyhose only, no panties and heels to draw attention to her long shapely legs. Morgan was sitting in the bar waiting for friends to arrive. She notice me sitting in a corner booth at the back of the bar. She was curious and intriged, I was dressed in a dark suit, my salt and peper hair neatly trimmed, rugged facial features, muscular build, and she gussed my age to be about 54. She asked the bartender to...
Caroline summoned me to my office on Friday. My ticket for travelling the next Monday had just been arranged. I was actually discussing something with Daphne, which always takes a while, but Alice, her secretary, was quite clear: I was to report to the fourth flour at once. “Sorry about that, but I think you got the gist of it. Winston will certainly be able to flesh out the code. It will give you a chance to hang out together.” “I still want to know why you’re leaving,” said Daphne, trying...
(Kujiranami, Mumyoui, Banjin and Otowa are gathered looking at something with expressions of amazement on their faces.) Otowa: These are-- Enishi: Have you forgotten? These are the upgraded weapons I spoke of earlier. Please, use them to the best of your abilities. Well, the sun will be setting soon. Shall we go? To deliver up our earthly justice... Let us go to our long-awaited day in style! (At the Kamiya dojo. Everyone is waiting in the yard.) Kaoru: The sun's gone down... Yahiko:...
Fiona swirled the whisky in the glass and looked up at her boyfriend in the doorway of the lounge. "Go to the Police," Greg repeated and Fiona crossed her arms. "If you say that again I shall go h—," the awkward girl started and scowled. "I shall go somewhere else." "Dad thinks I should just call them and get them to take a statement." "I can't prove any of it," Fiona replied. "I know them. They will all get together and say that I put on a little show for them. I bet they have...
My babysitter’s name was susan, I geuss someone might call her hot or sexy. She weighed about 80 lbs, was about 5 4” and had long blonde hair that reached to the bottom of her butt, when wet. She was super skinny, so the lines that fold into her low rider jeans are pretty evident. The first time I got to see my babysitter naked had been when I hid inside the cabinet and watched her shower, I was only about 11 then and she was about 14 so it was at least 3 years ago, but I had caught quick...
A continuation of Romantic Evening7 It didn’t bother Marie that her husband Henry had fallen asleep during the movie, it had been a wonderful evening and although she would have liked to cap it off making love to her husband, she knew they had all morning. She remembered their younger years when sex seemed such an urgency, almost as if it was done entirely out of need, rather than as an expression of love. Now as they grew older they could relax, come together when they both wanted to share...
May 23rd, 2057 11:24 am PST Like a spy cloaked against its enemies, three small spiked shapes danced unnoticed by the neighboring cells floating in the culture dish. Dimmed light from the monitor lit Dr. Campbell's face while he watched the movement of the magnified sample. Computers hummed in the darkened room, providing power to the algorithms that automatically tracked and recorded the specimens. Dr. Campbell cleared his throat before speaking. "Allie, begin recording. Adenovirus Infection...
SupernaturalHello friends, I am writing my own sex story. This story is about Guriya and my aunt's son and his wife.I went to visit my aunt's house last season . Since I do not go anywhere, my mother said that you should roam your aunt's house. I said - okay. Mother called her aunt and after two days my aunt's son came to pick me up.I started seeing her and started talking to her. It had been two years since their marriage, but now it has changed a lot. Mummy had gone to her wedding, I had not gone.He said...
Hello friends, I have been a reader of ISS since I was in my early graduation days. Now I’m working as a consultant in an IT company in Hyderabad. This is my first ever story here. It is going to be a little lengthy one, please excuse. I’m 32, married, average looking south Indian guy. I have a good romantic life in marriage. But the desire for more to experiment in sexual life keeps me looking for more. I find myself more attracted towards married women and women who are elder to me even with...
Rec Hub is kind of a hard site to write about. Not in a technical sense or anything, because the setup is really straightforward and simple. No, the problem I found stringing words together had more to do with the weird feeling in my pants the whole time I was checking it out. Also, I think the other Starbucks customers were interested, because I kept getting funny looks and eventually, the police showed up. I’m not supposed to go back, but whatever. This is the Internet, so I can enjoy a fap...
Free Cam Girl Video SitesI mean, is there really any anniversary present other than a threesome? The answer is most definitely NO! Kendra Lynn has the right idea, which is why she invites her college friend JoJo Kiss to help surprise her boyfriend Lucas! He arrives home just in time to find both his woman Kendra and her friend making out on the couch in their underwear! He’s surprised nonetheless, but certainly pleased, as Kendra tells him that his anniversary gift is a threesome with her and her sexy friend. Not one...
xmoviesforyouAltered Fates: Chimera, Part 2 By Elliot Reid I knew I shouldn't have told Simone about the Medallion of Zulo. But then she said, "If you let me use it, I'll sleep with you," and my defenses crumbled. What a wuss I am! I had been going out with Simone for six weeks, a genuine boyfriend/ girlfriend relationship. It had started soon after I'd used the Medallion to 'wear' someone else's body. The experience of being transformed into a woman and back again had been liberating....
They all marched into the kitchen and Hermione jumped up gave Harry a hug. All Harry could feel were those great ample breasts pushing into his chest. Therefore, Harry wrapped his arms around her and squeezed extra firm. They both sat down with the others and ate diner while discussing what was going on around the world with Voldemort and his death eaters. He was killing all over young and old he did not care. After the fall of Dumbledore, things really got worse. If you were not going to...
When wife and I got married we stayed with her Mum for eight months. Mum-in-law was divorced and seeing someone now and again. Margaret (mum-in-law) was not bad looking and like all guys always wondered what it would be like to fuck their wifes Mum.At the time I worked nightshift and as I was getting home wife was getting ready to go into Office for a days work so it was just a Hi and goodbye. Margaret only worked a few days a week so was home for a couple of days a week.I thought of a plan for...
I know I can get quite picky when it comes to porn websites, which says a lot when there is actually a site I like, such as From the very beginning, I was drawn to it not only for the naughty content they have to offer but also for the great design and user-friendly interface, which I am sure everyone can fucking appreciate, am I right? Now, if this site is a place you’d personally want is completely up to you.You will be asked to register as soon as you visit their tour page, and...
Premium Porn For Women SitesIt had been 3 days since the party and the few times that I had seen Bonnie around the building, she smiled and chatted pleasantly, but gave no inclination of our wild night. I began to wonder if it really had happened. I lay in bed stroking my cock, reliving how I had fucked her tight, virgin ass and toyed with the idea of sneaking to her apartment. Not being able to read her thought and actions, I decided against it, and eventually drifted off to sleep. When the phone startled me from my...
I was sent to a convention in Phoenix ten years ago. I worked hard during the day, and looked for some fun in the evening. I was going to go to a strip club so went to a porn store to see what was available. That was when I saw a listing for swingers clubs. The idea of maybe watching people fucking sounded good to me. I drove to the one called Encounters. It was, by this time 10:30 P.M. and I hoped I hadn't arrived too late for any fun on a Tuesday night. I didn't know if a single person...
Justin is the first to wake up and finds himself entangled with his sister and cousin, already feeling his cock throbbing. He looks at the two beautiful girls and wonders which of them he should wake up, if not both. Finally after a full minute of running it through his head, he decides to shake Riley awake. Kayla, after all is most likely sore after her first time. Riley grumbles something incoherent. “Wake up. I’m horny,” he complains. She groans and he slides out from the mess of bodies...
Sorry for the slow build of part 2. In this part I get to see mom masturbate. Mom decided it was time to get a job as I entered the 6th grade. As I mentioned, dad’s insurance policy provided us with the luxury of mom raising me and my sister without having to work. I was t****e and Wendy was a s*****n year old sophomore. We were old enough for Mom to not have to waste her time at home and she felt the extra income would be good. Mom had a friend that worked for a title company and...