Destiny Weekend
- 2 years ago
- 33
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The next week didn't seem like it was going to be any slower. I had the first company meeting on Wednesday, another game on the weekend, and a meeting with the financial guy Jonathan had set up for after school on Monday.
Monday was already going to be pretty tight. I met with Mrs. Runkle, and introduced her to the girls so they could take the aptitude test; but I couldn't stay to find out how they did. Mrs. Bell was already waiting to take me to the meeting with the financial guy. Since she was now officially in charge of the trust, she had to be there, too.
We met Jonathan outside the office building in the town's business district. I always laughed when I heard it called that. While not a map dot, Allentown was not that big, and our 'business district' consisted of about a one block area with a couple of office buildings.
I had talked to Jonathan about him the night before, and I brought Mrs. Bell up to speed as we walked into the building and rode the elevator up to the third floor.
Jonathan said he hadn't worked with Mr. Stoner before, but that he came highly recommended. He suggested we get this guy's thoughts on how he would manage the money, but we shouldn't commit today.
Mrs. Bell smiled at me, "Cas, you know I am just a figurehead. Business has never been my thing. You seem to know what you want to do, plus it's your money."
"Yeah, but you know how much I value your opinion."
She gave me a one handed hug, and then winced.
"Is it your head again?"
"Yeah, it still hurts. Maybe it's the florescent lights."
I knew she was blowing me off. I let her get away with it, but I was worried about her. These headaches had been going on for weeks.
"Have you talked to anyone? Doctor Chang or your regular doctor?"
"No, not yet. It's just a headache."
I made an uncertain grumbling sound at her, but we had arrived at the guy's office so I dropped it. There was a woman that I guessed was in her mid-twenties at a desk by the door.
"Hi. Caspian Grey and Angela Bell to see Mr. Stoner. We have a four o'clock appointment."
"Please have a seat and I will let him know you are here."
We sat and waited. I figured it would be several minutes until he got to us, since we got there a little early. I looked around what I could see of the offices while I waited. I hadn't seen this setup before, there were a lot of office doors and an open area where the receptionist was waiting each had an office number and a name on the door.
"Excuse me, but is this all Mr. Stoner's office?"
"No, Mr. Stoner rents just one of the offices. There are several small offices run by different people that share the space and split the administrative costs. There are two financial advisors, including Mr. Stoner, a CPA, and a guy who does something with computers I don't really understand."
"Ahh, okay. Thanks."
Four o'clock came and went and no sign of Mr. Stoner. Eventually it rolled around to 4:15 and he came out of his office and greeted us, or rather, he greeted Mrs. Bell. Me he seemed to ignore, but we all went back into his office. Introductions were made and then he jumped right into it.
"What can I do for you?"
He was looking at Mrs. Bell but I answered.
"I received a decent amount of money recently, and I need to see about investing it. I need four hundred thousand in a fairly risk free investment. I need it to be accessible in the next six months, as it has already been committed to a business partnership. The remaining three hundred thousand does not have to be as liquid, but I still want to avoid any high risk investments. I know it isn't a lot, as far as investments go, but I wanted to try and keep that second amount of money split among several smaller investments if possible."
"Okay, seems someone did his homework. On the first part I guess what you are thinking of is a CD, but that isn't going to do you a lot of favors."
He said the first part very patronizingly to me and then returned his attention back to Mrs. Bell.
"I would suggest putting the entire amount into an annuity. I actually have one in mind that is returning good rates."
I cleared my throat to get his attention back on me.
"Correct me if I am wrong; but getting my money out of an annuity early, would be a little costly for me, right?"
"Well, there would be some fees, but if you could keep it in there long enough, I am sure you will earn enough interest to offset that. It really is your best option."
"Aside from the four hundred thousand, which I really do not think should go into an annuity; wouldn't it be a better idea to keep the remaining money a bit more diversified?"
"Some people might say that, but I say strike where the iron is hot. Now this product I am suggesting is the best performing investment I have seen in years. You would be crazy to look elsewhere."
This guy was setting off all kinds of alarm bells in my head. It wasn't just what he was saying, which already seemed sketchy, but his attitude was rubbing me the wrong way. Plus, although I was doing all the talking, he kept addressing Mrs. Bell.
"Thank you for your time, Mr. Stoner. We will think about this."
As I stood up to leave, he leapt up and moved over to Mrs. Bell.
"Ma'am, I think it's great to have your son in here learning about finances, but this should be taken seriously. This isn't something you want to wait on."
Mrs. Bell was frowning, and stepped around him.
"As Caspian said, we will think about it and get back to you."
As we walked away from him, I shared a look with Mrs. Bell. She was clearly having similar concerns about this guy. There was a guy leaning against the door frame of the office closest to the receptionist as we were walking out, drinking a cup of coffee and watching us.
We stopped as he addressed us in passing.
"Stoner up to his old tricks, again?"
"What old tricks?"
I looked back and Mr. Stoner was glaring at us for a minute, or more likely, he was glaring at this guy, before he went back into his office and closed the door.
"Let me guess, he had this one thing that was the best investment he had seen in years, and thought you should put all your money into it, right?"
"Yeah, that is about how that went."
"Man, will he ever learn? I swear half my Rolodex is people he made that pitch to, who later got burned."
"If it is so bad, why does he keep doing it?"
"'Cause it's only bad for the client. He always suggests whatever he gets the biggest commission off of. He makes his money up front."
"So what would you recommend that is different."
"I couldn't say. Investing your money isn't one size fits all. Anyone that suggests the same product to all of their clients is doing them a disservice. It depends on how much capital you have, how diverse you want to be, and how adverse to risk you are."
I looked over to Mrs. Bell and she gave me a head nod.
"Do you have a few minutes to sit down with us?"
He looked at his watch.
"Yeah. My next meeting isn't for an hour. Come on in."
We walked into the small office and sat down in front of his desk.
"I guess I should say my name is Charles Green. Give me a little background on what you guys are looking for."
"Sure. I'm Caspian Grey and this is Angela Bell. I recently came into some money as part of a legal settlement ... a million dollars, in fact. All of it is sealed up in a trust, with Mrs. Bell here as the trustee. Seven hundred thousand of that is already earmarked for an investment, with the first three hundred thousand already paid. The remaining four hundred thousand isn't due right away, but I need it available in six months at the latest. I know that really limits the options available on that portion of the money. The remaining three hundred thousand I would like to keep diversified. I am hoping the company we are starting will be able to add more money into my portfolio, enough for the trust to start paying out a stipend to help cover home expenses."
Mrs. Bell turned to me, "Caspian, you should keep your money invested. You shouldn't have to help..."
"No, I want to. With me, you have an extra mouth to feed, plus we regularly have the other two girls visiting us, which adds to the cost. I want to do my part. Now, with the company, I am no longer working for Ted ... at least, I'm not getting a paycheck."
Mr. Green was watching the back conversation.
"Girls huh, that sounds interesting. As for a stipend out of the trust, you need to get it larger to be able to do that. With so much of your money already tagged for a hard investment ... and, I am guessing, not one with a dividend payout or disbursement in the near future ... you need to leave the rest of your money in the trust. Three hundred thousand sounds like a lot, but unless you leave it to build on itself, you will eat your principal up quickly if you start pulling money out."
"For the first chunk, the only real option is a short term CD. The interest will be better than just sticking it in a bank account, but not by much. But, it would be available in a set amount of time, and it's fairly safe. The other option is to try and do a bunch of short buys and sells, or maybe short a few stocks. That would increase your return on the investment, but it is also more risky. It is possible that, even if you make the best decisions possible, you would lose some of your principal. The stock market works great on the long term, but for short term investments like yours it is more of a high risk, high reward sort of thing."
"Yeah, I don't think that would be the smart play."
"For the remainder, I would put some into the market, maybe a mutual fund, and the rest into smaller investments. Perhaps an energy company, or some form of real estate investment. I do agree that being diversified is a good idea, but you don't have enough capital to really spread it around. Still, I think if we played with the money right, you could get close to a ten-percent return on the principal every year. Thirty grand isn't 'get rich' money, but if you leave it in the trust and allow compound interest to do its thing, you should grow your cash nicely. Of course if this initial investment works out and you have more money to play with, we can start getting really interesting."
"Mr. Green, I'm sold. I will get you my attorney's information. Please work with him and Mrs. Bell to get it all arranged."
We got up and both shook hands with him. We were just walking out the door when Mrs. Bell grabbed her head, let out a cry and dropped to the ground. Her whole body was convulsing as I dropped to the ground next to her and tried to hold her still. I noticed her eyes had rolled up into her head.
I could vaguely hear Mr. Green on the phone talking to someone; my guess was he had called 911. I kept calling Mrs. Bell's name and holding her still, but panic was starting to set in. I looked up at Mr. Green.
"Emergency services are on their way. They said not to move her."
I absently nodded at him and clung to her with all my might. Tears were streaming down my face. I have no idea how long it took, but eventually I felt someone pushing me out of the way. I looked up and saw two paramedics and a rolling gurney.
"She is having some sort of seizure. Give me the Lorazepam."
The other EMT reached into her bag, pulled out a syringe of some kind, and passed it over to the guy kneeling next to Mrs. Bell. The guy gave her a shot and the shaking started to subside.
"I think we are good, for the moment. Let's get her on the gurney and into the bus."
They maneuvered some kind of stiff board under her and lifted her onto the lowered gurney. Once that was done, they started to walk her out. I followed closely behind them. At the ambulance, the guy turned around to look at me.
"You're going with her?"
"Okay, get in."
I sat on a bench and held her hand once they had her in the ambulance. The sirens started and we were headed to the hospital. The guy started to attach stuff to her, checked her blood pressure and started making notes on some kind of pad.
"What's her name?"
"Angela Bell."
"Are you related to her?"
"I'm her son."
I was still on the verge of panicking just looking at her with her eyes closed, and didn't think before I answered. I have no idea why I said that, though.
"Does she have a history of seizures?"
"No, but she has been complaining about a headache for weeks."
He made some more notes.
"I need to call the family doctor and her daughter."
"You can do that at the hospital ... and you mean your sister, right?"
He gave a 'whatever' look and let it pass. We pulled up to the hospital and I had to scrunch back in my seat while they pulled the gurney out. Once she was out of the ambulance, I followed closely behind. They stopped me from going into where they were taking her, and redirected me to the waiting room.
I took the opportunity to call Zoe first. She picked up on the first ring.
"Hello? Cas, why aren't you and mom home yet?"
"Zoe, we are at the hospital."
"What's wrong, are you hurt?"
"No. It's your mom. She had some kind of seizure. I am calling Doctor Chang, next, but can you get a ride up here?"
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The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission Happy reading and remember to vote if you liked it! Chapter 1 Emy looked out of the dusty window of the diner she was sitting in and didn’t even hear the...
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The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Enjoy and keep voting! Chapter 2 Emy opened the oven door and pulled out the roasting dish and placed on the wooden chopping block. The radio she bought...
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IncestBefore i actually start writing the story, i want to make an announcement! Ok, hi there, im new here! Im not exactly an experienced writer. Quite the opposite actually. This is my first story that ill be writing. So if you see any form of mistake, that be grammatically or in general please let me know. (I've probably butchered this first intro already) I don't really have much of an aim for this storyline, its more like an experimental story if you catch my drift. If this goes well, or you guys...
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The stairs into the basement were narrow, and lit only by the light from the room above and a dim glow from the basement area. I moved down the creaking stairs, listing for any indication that there were more guys in the basement, other than the two I had already shot. Thankfully, there were no other armed men in the basement to deal with. I breathed a further sigh of relief, when I realized I had found what I had been looking for. Charlie was propped up against a wall, staring at the...
Charlie had been dying to confront me with all the questions he had built up. "I don't buy that whole 'I got lucky' thing. How did you overpower those guys and free us? And when we get here, you call your lawyer in the US, tell him to get you a helicopter or a plane to come get us and take us to the next port. Then had him convince the guy to book us a last minute reservation here just so we could wait by a phone. What are you, some trust fund kid?" I had to laugh. He had been letting...
100% fiction! After shifting to village i was quite upset. My new college in the village too was boring . There was only one bus as a mean of transport. The only thing exciting me was i was alone with my mom. She is a lady of 40 with 40 d breast size. She is an awesome figure which will make every man who see her to take her to bed. My dad was such a fool that he divorced this awesome figure. Finally the college day came to an end and my vacation started. It was awesome summer. Mom had bought a...
Incest100% fiction! Later my mom need me to marry her and want to go abroad. So we flew to western country. There we got married and moved to countryside . It was our moon days. Mom was getting more and more fat as her breast was filled with milk. I drank her milk night and day. So our first night came. Mom came to bed in a lacy gown. When she sat on bed i made her to sit on my lap. My cock was already erect. I squeezed breasts within her gown. She started moaning and her gown started getting wet as...
IncestHis glasses allow him to see in the dark, see through solid objects, see if his drinks or food has been drugged and he can tell if someone is lying to him by checking his or her heart rate. The medical hologram Doc Holiday can easily cure any std's or illness he might get and heal any injuries he might sustain. The Kings plan has worked perectly, he's feared and respected by Men and lusted after by hypergamous Women that are looking for the upgrade. He's free to do whatever he wants and he...
Santa Fe was a nice place, but I was happy to be released from the KGC and Abner Folsom assignment to go home. I could have shipped my automobile home by train and traveled the same way, myself, but that seemed like cheating and sort of abandoning a faithful friend. The Oldsmobile got me to Santa Fe, so it ought to get me home. Judge McAllister told me to take some time off, so I had plenty of time to make the trip. I did not feel compelled to make the best possible time getting home like I...
Hi My Dear Iss Readers ,,,, this is again sunny from jammu(Jammu),,, thank u so much for sending me so much emails and rating my story Hot for my last story jammu ki masti-1 ,,, so this time I am presenting you another hottest story,,,, and any of you sexy bhabhi’s, gals, ladies and unsatisfied females contact me for secret and safe sex satisfaction,,, my email id is To ab main sidha story pe aata hu,,, aap ko yaad ho ga ke meri pichli story mein maine aapko bataya tha k harleen Australia jane...
Ending from part 2: 'So c'mon' she said. 'More pics' The next few pictures were more variations on the nipple picture that Sophie had commented on. Next were some full body shots with the model 'wearing' a plain white bed sheet to hide her modesty. Then came the full body nude shots. The first was of Amy lying on her back, with the camera shooting from her side over her belly. I used a very wide angle lens to get Amy's full body in from close up and her smooth, hairless body...
Ellie and I had been together for only the three days. We had just made love, for the very first time. And now, I was telling her that I would be away for the coming weekend. Just like that. Why? Well, I explained, I had to go to Atlanta, "on business." What, exactly, was my business? Ellie, reasonably enough, wanted to know. I was a 26-year-old man. I was, presumably, a junior executive somewhere, or had some other entry-level position suitable for a recent college graduate. Ellie and I...
Namaste, main Manoj Verma aaj bahot time aapke liye fir ek aur sachi ghanta ke uper ek kahani le kar aaya hoon. Main aap sab dosto ka shukargujar hoon, jo mujhe aap itna pyar karte ho. Jese ki aaj main karib 3 mahine baad apni ek kahani likh rha hoon. In 3 mahino me mere pass 300 se bhi jyada aap sab ke mails aaye hue hai. Par dosto mera pehla aur akhir vasool rha hai, ki sach bolo. Isliye aaj tak maine apko sab kuch sach hi btaya hai. Kuch time se maine kisi ko choda nhi tha, isliye maine koi...
It was a somewhat long and widely almost horseshoe shaped semi circle line that contained s*******n different men either bare ass naked or with full frontal open fly cock exposure that special Friday nite last Dec. 24th. Yes it was the finals of our Private Gay Clubs BEST 2004 COCKSUCKER OF THE YEAR CONTEST. Just like each of the 11 preliminary monthly contests held before it, the rules of engagement were quite simple. Kneel, kiss, lick, stroke and suck each new Cock until it WILDLY BEGAN TO...
Mrs. Matthew was an attractive woman. She enjoyed gardening and painting. For a mature woman in her mid-fifties, she kept herself fit and healthy. She worked in a nearby vintage store, tending to select clientele and helping them dress in unique fashions and accessories. During her spare time, she practised yoga and was an avid reader of literature. Gregory was a thirty-six-year-old barber who recently took over his father's shop. He was the heartthrob of the town. All the young women swooned...
FetishAbout a year later David announced that he and Elizabeth were going to be married. Both Emma and I were happy on his behalf, and Emma even shed a tear. Whether it was due to the fact that it meant that she had to be satisfied with only me in her bed or not, I don't know. We met Elizabeth's mother and brother at the wedding and I liked them at first sight. After the ceremony, we retired to the hotel bar, inviting Elizabeth's brother and mother to join us. Taking a table in a quiet corner...
Candy loved to play and feel excited , she loved to play sex games wich was full of fun and excitement she gazed into the ocean and into the sky to see her reflection of herself as she orgazmed herself , as she licked her lips she drank iced champagne and felt herself into full pure pleasure as she fingered herself in her pussy to feel full excitement just to have one more orgasm was her reality as she layed on the beach with the sand going into her ass. She could feel the excitment of the...
Erotic PoetryI was thinking all of this while opening my apartment when I saw two girls about my age (I am 22) across the hall kissing and touching each other, one was a beautiful blond almost as tall as me, maybe a little bit taller than me, I couldn’t tell since she and her partner were far from my apartment I couldn’t see her front since she had her back on me but she had a nice figure, her waist was slender and her ass was perfect it wasn’t flat nor flaccid it was as I liked. The other girl (her name is...
Part 5 It Finally Happens“Hi Master what would you like me to do for you?” My Mistress said standing in the door way wearing the maids’ outfit, so that’s the one she picked. Wait a second did she say ‘Master’?“What do you mean ‘Master’ I Thought I’m your slave and you my Mistress?” I said slightly confused.“Not tonight your not, you are the master and I am your maid come to pleasure and serve you” she replied.She walked towards me and then rubbed her hands down my bare chest to my growing cock,...
I found Liz in the parlor (or what I call the living room). I could immediately see that she was irked that I had denigrated the people that allowed her to live in a $3 million home as well as the fact she believed me to be indifferent about the skills she possessed that acquired those fans. “It’s not true,” I said when I sat beside her. I had refrained from sitting in the room since my arrival because I wasn’t positive the furnishings weren’t authentic Civil War possessions. “You don’t...