A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 3 - JessicaChapter 46: Moving On free porn video

May 2, 1989, Chicago, Illinois
“Everything is set for Pittsburgh,” Cindi said when she came into my office on Tuesday morning. “We rented a two-bedroom apartment for Mario and Ralph month-to-month until they can find their own places. The phones are set. They’ll start there next Monday.”
“Sounds good,” I said. “Did you talk to Julia about hiring?”
“She, Dave, Elyse, and I had a meeting about that. I think Elyse is going to bring you the full proposal later today, so I’ll just let her do her job!”
“Sounds good as well,” I said. “Are we doing anything for Mario and Ralph similar to what we did for Barbara?”
“You just had a big party at the house so we’re just going for drinks on Friday night. They’re cool with that.”
“Thanks,” I said.
Elyse came into the office about an hour later with a stack of papers.
“Ready for this?” she asked.
“Probably not, but go ahead.”
“Dave needs two people. A programmer and a consultant. Cindi needs another salesperson and an on-site support person. We need a full-time QA person because Jack is going to be tied up full-time for months doing the Windows documentation for the legal software, and then again for months doing the same for the medical software.”
“Five? Seriously?”
“More if we start getting consulting work in Pittsburgh and Los Angeles. Cindi already has her team trying to drum up that kind of business in both LA and Pittsburgh. You’ve seen how much we have here already. And given what Dave said about some new software from Microsoft, we may have even MORE business converting from DBase to something called Microsoft SQL Server.”
“I read about that, and I heard Greg talking about seeing some demos and thinking we should consider moving our software to it.”
“The only reason Dave isn’t asking for a third person is that Tasha is going to do her internship in the fall, and will be working three days a week, and going to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with one evening class.”
“What’s the bottom line?”
“Sales people will pay for themselves, or they won’t be here long. You know Cindi. The consulting hire is basically paid for because Dave already has enough work to keep them busy for most of the rest of the year. The other three fit within the budget I put together. If Cindi does get consulting business in Los Angeles and Pittsburgh, it makes sense to use staff from Chicago until we have enough to ensure a full-time person in each city.
“The other thing to take note of is that Cindi decided against hiring another phone support person because she can use the on-site support staff to cover phones when they aren’t out of the office, and the consultants can cover if they’re working in the office. She got Dave to agree to that.”
“Do we have a revised organizational chart?” I asked.
Elyse flipped through the pages and handed it to me. I scanned it and made a couple of notes about things I wanted to talk about at a staff meeting, and handed it back to her.
“Put together a meeting, please. I want to discuss that org chart before it’s published.”
“Is there a problem?”
“No, it’s just a big change and I want the message to be correct and consistent.”
“The thing with Charlie?” she asked.
“That’s part of it. I don’t have a problem, Elyse. Just set up the meeting, please. We have quite a bit to discuss with regards to hiring.”
“Will do!”
She was back a few minutes later, “Everyone is free for lunch. I’m going to have it brought in. Kimmy is joining us, as well.”
“Kimmy? Why?”
“She’s going to fill in for me while I’m on maternity leave, at least for most things I do. She’ll bring checks to the house for me to sign, and I’ll check her work. That won’t take much time, and I can do it while I’m taking care of little Michael here,” she patted her stomach.
“You’re so sure of that,” I chuckled.
“Positive! And I don’t even have to cheat like Jessica!”
“Are you taking the full eight weeks?”
“Twelve, actually. I’m going to use my vacation and two weeks of my accumulated sick days. I haven’t taken a single one yet!”
“Good! I’m sure Veronica won’t mind you being around given that we’ll be adding Albert and Michael to the mix, plus Penny’s baby.”
“See you at noon in the conference room,” she said.
I got back to work after setting my alarm to ensure I didn’t ‘zone out’ and have someone come looking for me. At three minutes before noon, the alarm went off, and I went to the conference room where Kimmy was setting out our lunches. She’d ordered Italian beef sandwiches from Portillo’s and they smelled great. The rest of the team filed in behind me. We all sat down and began eating.
“This is your meeting, Steve,” Julia said, after she swallowed her first bite of a ‘wet’ Italian beef sandwich.
“I just want to make sure that we’re all on the same page with the organizational changes. I do not have a problem with anything that’s being proposed, I just want to make sure the message is clear because some people are going to change who they report to.”
“You’re talking about us changing Dave’s team to match our initial vision?” Julia asked.
“Yes. Having Charlie and her people reporting to you, as well as the tech writer, and then Dave officially making Alonzo and Tasha managers. I do have a concern about Tasha only being here part-time once school starts, but if Dave is comfortable, I’m OK with it.”
“I need someone to manage the medical software team and she’s the logical person. I’d rather not have to change things a year from now when she graduates. If any of you are uncomfortable we can discuss options.”
“I think it’s fine,” Julia said. “As we discussed last night.”
“Pillow talk?” I chuckled.
“It happens!” Dave laughed. “Nobody will be surprised by any of those changes. I think the only one that might be a surprise is that the QA person will work for Cindi rather than Julia, but because that will be a new hire, it’s not going to give anyone heartburn.”
“I think having the support team and QA work for sales is a brilliant idea,” Elyse said. “It keeps the sales team from overselling, because they have to support what they sell, and development can’t release without QA approval, which is again from Cindi’s team.”
I nodded, “Exactly. And that means that Cindi’s team decides when a release is ready, not Dave’s. Which makes sure she’s happy with the product that she’s selling and supporting.”
“Steve figured that out in Scott’s class,” Dave said. “It was something he did on his team that I didn’t see as an option. And Scott told him it was a stellar idea.”
“I did have help from your wife, Dave,” I chuckled. “And I had Charlie. It wasn’t exactly a fair competition!”
“I’m glad you finally admit that! Did you see your calendar has two interviews late this afternoon?”
“I did. I assumed you pre-loaded the pipeline. Do you have their paperwork?”
“Yes, but you know both of them - Mikela Kovač and Pradeep Bhattacharyya.”
“Perfect! Are they the only candidates?”
“I saw a dozen IIT students and a similar number of UofC students with Charlie and Alonzo. We want these two. And they want to work here. It seems they were impressed with your teaching.”
I did have one question I had to ask.
“Good. The interviews will just be a formality. What about Jody Pancook?”
“She’d be our third or fourth choice. There was a kid from UofC that I think I liked better, but once we were sure we wanted Mikela and Pradeep, it would only matter if one of them turned us down.”
“I’m just curious, did you interview Bradley Jackson?” I asked.
“Yes. We didn’t like him. Why?”
“He was the one who told me everything I was teaching was useless. I’m surprised he signed up to interview with us.”
“Well, don’t worry. He interviewed poorly.”
“Cindi, what are you doing for your three positions?”
“For the QA slot, one of the people Dave saw at UofC seemed to fit the bill. I talked to her and I’ll bring her in later this week. UofC still has nearly a month to go, so we’re not in as much of a rush as Dave is. For the sales job, I’m going to advertise. For on-site, Zeke has a friend he wants us to talk to. I’ll do an interview next week.”
“How are we going to communicate the changes?” I asked.
“Dave will meet with his team and make those announcements after talking to Alonzo, Charlie, and Tasha,” Julia said. “And then I’ll communicate that to everyone at the Monday staff meeting.”
“Sounds like we have a plan,” I said.
“I want to let everyone know how we’ll handle things during my maternity leave,” Elyse said.
She explained her plan and then Julia, with a big smile, announced that she was pregnant, and due around the end of December.
“Congratulations!” I said to Julia, then turned to Elyse. “I assume you’re going to call my dad?”
“Yes. Your sister still has better than a year to go before she graduates. And I think we should talk about that, too.”
I nodded, “I agree. I think when she does, and we make that change, we’ll have my dad here for several months to help her during the transition.”
“Thank you,” Elyse said. “I was worried about turning over the company to her given her recent, well, immaturity.”
“She’s damned smart,” I said. “But she still has her head up her butt quite a bit.”
“You should know, Mr. Adams,” Elyse laughed. “I think it runs in the family!”
Everyone laughed hard and we finished our lunches. Later that afternoon, I saw Mikela and Prad for about five minutes each. Dave already had the offer letters drawn up, and with a nod from me, handed each of them their offers once the interview ended. Both of them accepted on the spot and agreed to start on May 22.
“Steve,” Keri said when she buzzed me on the intercom, “There’s a Becky van Hoek on the line.”
I’d talked to Becky briefly when Jessica had come home and let her know that we were working things out. I’d extracted a promise from her to date as we’d agreed, and then had put her out of my mind. I asked Keri to put the call through.
“Hi, Becky,” I said.
“Hi! How are you?”
“Good. And you?”
“Pretty good. How is everything with Jessica?”
“She was reinstated at the hospital and will start again after the baby is born. The three of us are working through our issues. We’re not out of the woods yet, but we’re making good progress. How about you? Are you dating?”
“Yes. I’ve been on dates with a couple of different guys. Nobody special just yet, but there’s one guy I’ve gone out with four times in the past month.”
“That’s good to hear. I’m sorry that I haven’t kept in touch.”
“You have your priorities straight,” she said.
As I’d realized back in December, a totally different Becky.
“Do you?” I asked.
“Yes. I’m moving forward, not looking back. What happened in December really helped me. The talking in-between more than the sex, believe it or not.”
“I believe it,” I said. “And I am very happy to hear that.”
“I discovered something else, too.”
“What’s that?”
“That you and I can fuck ourselves silly and not cause each other emotional problems!”
I chuckled, “So it would seem. But at this point, you know that probably isn’t in the cards.”
“Oh, I realize, and I understand. On the other hand, if you do come to Cincinnati and want to fuck my brains out, I’m available. For now.”
I chuckled, “Becky van Hoek, are you implying that the clock is ticking for this ‘nobody special’ guy?”
“I’m taking things one day at a time. But when it happens...”
“It closes the book on the past,” I said.
“Yes, it does.”
A totally different Becky. And that was a good thing.
“I’m glad to hear that,” I said.
“One other thing. I heard from Alyson the other day,” she said.
“How is she doing?” I asked.
“Great. She’s graduating in a week or so and she’ll start her graduate program in the fall. She asked about you. You should call her. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”
“Oh?” I asked.
“Call her, Steve. Let her tell you.”
“I’ll try to do that this weekend,” I said.
“I need to go. I love you, Steve.”
“I love you too, Becky. Let’s keep in better touch.”
At home that evening, CNN was reporting the first crack in the Iron Curtain. Hungary had begun to dismantle 150 miles of barbed wire fencing along its border with Austria. Although only a small number of East Germans that had been on holidays in Hungary crossed the border to Austria and made their way to West Germany, it seemed like a portent, and I was sure some sort of major response from the Soviet Union would be forthcoming.
May 3, 1989, Chicago, Illinois
“Happy Birthday, Jessica!” I said happily and enthusiastically when the alarm went off at 4:45am.
“It’s too early for that,” she groaned, turning to snuggle with Kara after I got out of bed.
I quickly dressed for my run with Jacquelyn, and when I came home, the girls were still in bed. They stirred when I closed the door and began undressing.
“Happy Birthday, Jessica!” I declared, just as I had when the alarm had gone off.
“I was right,” she groaned. “He’s the most evil, mutant, deviant type of human being on the planet!”
“Don’t give me the baby excuse again,” I chuckled. “How about a birthday shower?”
“Oh, I suppose, if I have to,” she sighed.
“I COULD go across the hall. I do believe Elyse would be VERY happy to shower with me!”
“And you could die, too, Tiger,” she said flatly. “Perhaps an overdose of potassium?”
“Are you coming or not?” I asked.
“Not yet,” Jessica giggled, getting out of bed and following me to the shower.
Kara joined us a couple of minutes later and we had a fun shower, then ended up in bed for Jessica’s morning birthday fuck. We had to take it very easy on her because she was seven months pregnant. We needed another shower, then went down to breakfast.
That evening, at our marriage counseling, Doctor Green gave us his assessment of our situation. It was interesting to hear how an ‘outsider’, though one with quite a bit of ‘inside’ knowledge, assessed our marriage.
“I hope you won’t mind if I use some terms that might seem a bit, well, impertinent, I guess. You all seem comfortable with a direct, even blunt, approach.”
We all nodded and he continued.
“The way I see it, at least at the moment, is that Kara is very comfortable and secure in her position as, well, primary concubine, to use an old term. I honestly don’t think the word girlfriend, or even lover, will suffice. I know you prefer ‘wife’ but if you indulge me for a moment, I’d appreciate it. What I don’t know yet, is WHY Kara is comfortable in this situation. The answer to THAT question is one of the keys to further progress.
“Jessica, if you’ll excuse me, is feeling guilty that not only did she seek out a trophy husband, but one-upped her male counterparts by not only gaining a trophy husband, but one of independent means and one who came complete with a woman with whom she could experiment and fulfill her secret desires. And, frankly, Jessica, you’ve gotten away with it, for better or worse. What you want and need NOW, as compared to what you originally wanted, is the question we need to answer for you.

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