KellyChapter 32D free porn video

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Across town, as the conference was winding up, a very upset Judge Richardson, turned off the radio. "Damn that dog and his bitch owner."

Harry had felt his cell phone vibrating in his pocket a number of times, and as he and Lew led Bubba out the back to where their personal vehicles were parked, Harry checked his text messages. Laura had been trying to get hold of him and left a note to call before bringing Bubba back to Annie since she was stopping at the studio. He smiled to himself and told Lew that he would take Bubba back after he was sure where she was.

"Okay, partner," Lew said. "Hell of a day wasn't it?"

"Damn straight!" said Harry. "No more weekends, no more nights, a promotion, and a raise. Meg is going to be so happy."

"So is Sally," said Lew. "How about you and Meg and the kids come over tomorrow and we'll celebrate?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," said Harry. "I'll call you after I confirm with Meg."

Lew drove off while Harry called Laura.

Annie wasn't so sure about all this stuff that Laura was showing her, even after showing her how to apply some of it. Todd smiled and helped Laura out. He'd liked Annie from the moment he met her. This was a straight forward woman who spoke her mind and didn't mince words.

Annie was an interesting person from a photographer's viewpoint. Simple, no makeup, and a combination of laugh lines and small wrinkles - braless too - Todd noticed. She belonged in a different era by her appearances, but her mind was sharp, even sharper than her tongue.

They finally convinced Annie to take a bag of 'paint, ' some of the simple stuff that she could apply herself, though Laura kept teasing Annie about her hot date. The way that Annie grimaced let Todd know that she was in fact changing her appearance for a man.

A look from Laura, a nod from Todd, and Laura had Annie's arm saying she wanted her opinion on something, and she led her to the wardrobe room.

Todd laughed as he heard Annie cussing out and growling at Laura for tricking her, but it tapered off slowly, and Todd figured that Laura had convinced Annie to at least try a few outfits on.

They had the radio on in the studio preparing for the live press conference. The TV stations would not air their footage till later in the evening. When the news conference started, Ami went back to get Laura and Annie.

"My dad and Uncle Lew are detectives now?" Laura asked incredulously at the end of the 10-minute news piece. The news 'repeater' was giving a running documentary about the events that had taken place, and in an unprecedented move, he recommended that people watch the TV news later that evening to see how Bubba had looked at the crowd before stating what was on his mind.

"Sounds to me like you're famous now, Annie," Todd said.

Annie smirked and said that, if it brought her more business, then it was fine with her. Todd noticed that Annie had come out of the dressing room in a semi-transparent, knee-length silk dress that had a circular band of material doubled in a curly fashion covering Annie's breasts and curling around her pelvis and butt. He whistled appreciatively. Few women could get away wearing an outfit like this, especially in black. Annie only glared, then smiled. It was nice to be noticed, but still, it was 'only dinner.' This was territory practically un-charted, or at least something she was unaccustomed to. She wasn't at all used to be looked at or even being 'noticed.'

After the newscast, Annie and Laura returned to the change room, and Todd was happy to see Annie taking a large bag of designer clothes. He wasn't sure what Laura had said to her to convince her to take the whole bag, but he was glad she had.

Annie had the bag of 'paint' as well and was sitting with Todd and Laura drinking some sweet tea that she had created using what was available in the kitchen. They were waiting for Harry to return Laura's call, which Laura assured Annie he would as soon as he could retrieve his text message. Sherri, Cara, and Ami were watching TV, waiting for Vanetta and Robert to come back from dropping the band off.

Annie took another look at Todd and wondered about him again. She saw a man - a good man by what she could read from him - but a troubled one. His mind was wandering even though he never dropped a word in the conversation. Tilting her head to one side, she tried to surmise his thoughts.

She had quickly grasped the situation between Laura and Todd and wondered for a minute how Kelly fit into this when Laura had clearly stated that Kelly was her partner. She saw a handsome, caring man, not one of those who called women by names or had ever raised a hand in anger. He had an inner calm, but from what she noticed under the T-shirt he was wearing, he was very physically fit.

As they waited, Laura showed her the recent addition to the studio wall, the portrait of her and Kelly in their Trek outfits. "Whoa!" was all Annie could muster. Had there been any doubt in Annie's mind about their relationship, it was long gone when she saw the picture.

Annie's curiosity was just about at the bursting point when Laura's phone rang.

"Hi Daddy," she said. "I see you remembered to check your text messages."

"Just like you taught me, Pumpkin."

"Congratulations on your promotion, Daddy. I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks, Pumpkin. I'll tell you more about it later. I saw your message about Annie not being home, is she home now?"

"No Daddy, she's here at the studio with us. Want her to wait here for you?"

"If she doesn't mind. I should be there in 15 minutes."

Laura turned to Annie and asked if she could wait a few minutes longer, and after Annie nodded, Laura told her dad to come on over.

After disconnecting from his call to Laura, Harry hit the speed dial button that connected him to Lew.

"Hey Lew, want to go back to TKO? Annie's there and we might get one of those Canadian beers he smuggles in."

Lew laughed and said he would be catch up with Harry on I-77.

"Your dad's coming here?" Annie asked. "I better get out of this dress before he gets the wrong idea like you did."

Laura's intuition told her that Annie really did have a date and wondered how it would turn out - and who the lucky guy was.

Joe Johnson had changed vehicles and was now parked in the shade at the corner of the Hutchison-McDonald road in such a way that he could clearly see the studio with his binoculars. A "For Sale" sign covered the driver's window and most of the windshield, effectively hiding him from view. When he saw Lew and Harry pull back in, he muttered, "For a quiet studio on a Saturday, this place is busier than a downtown 7-11."

Annie had changed back into her regular attire. Moccasins, jeans, and a T-shirt, and she was all set for Harry and Bubba's arrival. She was surprised when both Harry and Lew entered.

Bubba launched himself at her, kissing her all over and she returned the favor by scratching his favorite places. Then she looked up at Harry and said, "Well I guess I can't call you 'ossifer' anymore can I, Harry? Congratulations to both of you, and I mean that."

Harry looked dubiously at Annie, and Lew decided the better part of valor was to keep his mouth shut.

Harry was the one who realized that something was different about Annie, and he looked closer. He spotted the bag of clothes beside her and then realized she was wearing makeup. "Got a hot date, Annie?" he asked. I've never seen you with makeup, and you look good!"

Annie growled and stared daggers at him, then said, "I can sure tell why they made you a detective," she said sarcastically. "You see the obvious and jump to conclusions, just like your daughter!"

Laura laughed and said, "It wouldn't take too much detecting to figure out something special is going on, Annie. You've got that special glow on your face. Makeup or not, we'd know." Annie snarled in mock anger.

"Well, it ain't newsworthy now is it, what I do with my private life?"

Harry chuckled and wondered privately what kind of man had the nerve to ask Annie out on a date.

"Well, I got Bubba back, and he looks good," said Annie. "I do appreciate the care you take with him. I hear that you intend to take him to the schools so you can fingerprint the little ones in case one goes missing. I hope you never have to use those prints to identify one who couldn't be found in time." There was a catch in Annie's voice, then she said, "Well, Bubba, we best be getting home so Jacob can take the leftovers to the shelter. One of us ain't gonna be cookin' tomorrow!" She chuckled as she picked up her bags, thanked Laura and Todd, and headed for the door, knowing she had unleashed a beehive of speculation. She wondered what Lew and Harry would think if they knew it was their boss she was going out with!

"Uhm, Todd," Harry said. "We aren't on duty now. Not to put too subtle a hint forward."

Todd laughed and went to the fridge and pulled out four Molson Extra Dry beers. Laura got glasses for herself, her Dad, and Uncle Lew and Todd.

"It's only in mixed company that I use a glass," said Todd, grinning. "Stops me from wringing the bottle to get the last drop out!"

Todd raised his glass and said, "Here's to the best new proactive police work ever, and the two new detectives in charge of it!"

"Hear, hear," said Laura clinking her glass against the others.

Harry was telling them about how the promotion had really come into effect, but Todd said that they deserved it no matter how it happened. "You've both risked your lives for too many years not to finally get acknowledged," said Todd.

"And I know that Mom and Aunt Sally are going to love having you guys home at night and not having to worry anymore about what might happen on those long weekend night shifts," said Laura.

Todd offered the detectives another drink, but both said it had been a long 20 hours and both were driving. "Another time?" asked Harry. "At a time when we can get all the family together?"

Todd nodded. While normally a recluse, he didn't mind the Williams' or the Weaver's, so he finally said, "How about after the band does their first public performance? We'll get together here or at Kelly's and do a barbeque."

Harry thought back to the night he had the steaks at Kelly's, "That sounds good to me!"

Laura walked her father and Uncle Lew to the door and watched them drive away.

Vanetta and Robert had dropped the band members off and had taken a scenic tour back to the studio. The scenic route just happened to pass by the very spot where the young lovers had made first contact, and Vanetta insisted that Bobby pull over.

Tucked out of sight from the road, it was there they discovered that the new van had reclining bench seats, much to Netta's pleasant surprise. They had moved to the back after locking all the doors and Netta had slipped off her panties and shorts and placed her feet on the seat back in front of her, sliding down in the reclined bench she was on. Bobby had scooted up between her legs on the floor and proceeded to lick her to multiple orgasms. When she could take no more of his oral ministrations, she pulled him up to his knees and undid his jeans so that his rock-hard cock could slide into her hot cunt!

Bobby was close. He always got so turned on when Vanetta climaxed multiple times at his efforts. He felt good knowing that he could make her feel so loved. He lasted just long enough for Vanetta to have one more massive cum, and then he spewed his seed into her womb.

Vanetta, high and delirious from the sensory overload, pulled on Bobby till he was on the seat beside her and fixed her mouth on his cock, sucking it back to life. He gave her what she craved - a mouthful of hot spunk - which she greedily swallowed.

They both sprawled on the bench, Robert's arms around Vanetta, and so spent from their physical love that they both dozed off.

A sharp rap on the window caused them both to wake up in a panic. Robert did up his jeans while Vanetta looked for her panties and shorts. By the time that Robert managed to crawl over the benches to the driver's seat, he was shocked to see a police cruiser parked beside him with its lights flashing and one officer standing at the door while another circled the van. Robert quickly rolled down the window, realizing that the van reeked of sex. He blushed as he asked the officer if there was a problem.

The officer recognized the scent coming from the van and smiled slightly but just said, "No sir, we were just wondering why a rental vehicle was parked off the road with all its windows done up tight, and when we saw nobody in the driver's seat, we thought we'd better check it out."

By this time, Vanetta had made it to the passenger seat and still trying to straighten out her clothes. The officer smiled at Robert and said. "It's a hot day in July to have all the windows closed, and if not for the fact that we could see your head through the front window, we thought it might have been stolen and abandoned."

"Ah, my fiancé and I were just a bit tired," said Robert, trying to force away the redness he felt in his cheeks. "We thought it was better if we took a short nap rather than drive recklessly, and with the air conditioner on when we stopped, I guess we just forgot about the windows. I apologize if we caused you any undue concern."

At that moment, the other officer came around to the driver's door and said, "Dispatch says this vehicle is on loan to TKO and for us to just verify who the driver is."

"TKO?" asked the first officer.

"Yeah! You know them. The kid's camps, the 'Speed Demon?'"

The first officer laughed, "Okay, now I know who you're talking about." Turning back to Bobby he asked if he could see his driver's license, and upon checking it, he turned to his partner. "This the legal driver?"

"That's him," the other officer replied.

"Sorry for disturbing your nap," said the first officer. "You can understand our concern, right?"

"No problem officer," said Vanetta. "We appreciate your vigilance."

The officer touched the brim of his hat. "Thank you, Ma'am. We try. Y'all have a good day now!" and the two officers headed back to their cruiser and drove off.

"My God, does this van smell like a brothel or what?" asked Vanetta, blushing.

"I've never been in a brothel, so I don't know," said Robert laughing, but we need to get some moist cleaning towels for that rear bench and some air freshener before I take this loaner back to Erik's."

From the driver's door console, Robert lowered all the windows to allow some fresh air in the vehicle, even if it was hot air. He turned the engine on and set the fan on high as well, and they drove to a Qwik Stop Gas Bar for some cleaning products and towels. Parked in the shade of an old oak tree, he and Vanetta cleaned up the rear bench and then hung air fresheners all around the inside of the van. Robert made a personal note to himself to remove them before he returned the vehicle.

After they were done cleaning, during which time Vanetta remarked again at how wet Bobby made her, they disposed of the used towels and placed the remainder of the cleaning solutions back in the bag, then stowed it under her seat.

"Shouldn't we take those out as soon as we get back?" Robert asked.

"Not yet," said Vanetta, "you still have to drive me to the airport tomorrow!"

They both laughed and Robert drove to Todd's favorite Chinese take-out where they ordered enough food to feed a dozen people. Chicken wings, because Netta knew how much Todd loved them, and spring vegetable egg rolls, because she knew the girls would enjoy them as much as she did. She added fried won-tons and chicken fried rice as well as other entrees, and they headed back to the studio.

It was after seven when they made it back. Vanetta turned the news on while Robert drove, and they heard a repeat of the press conference with Bubba.

Robert locked up the van, and the two of them walked in the side door, with Vanetta announcing, "Food!" which brought everyone to the kitchen.

"Take a long time to drop off the kids?" Todd asked with a grin.

Vanetta realized that the smell of their lovemaking clung to them, so she told everyone to help themselves while she and Robert changed.

By the time that the girls at the studio had finished eating and Todd had promised to take Cara, Ami, and Sherri to the best ice cream parlor in town, it was well after 8 o'clock.

Robert locked up the studio, checked the security cameras, and headed upstairs with Vanetta to make sure she was packed. The two of them spent a quiet evening watching TV and waiting to see the news, at which time they hoped to see the visual coverage of Bubba's heroics.

Todd just had a taste of the two gigantic sundaes the girls had ordered, but it turned out that even for them, their eyes were bigger than their stomachs. Todd offered to drive Sherri back to her hotel, but Sherri had said that if it was no problem, she would just as soon spend the night at Kelly's. Laura was driving as she had only had the one beer earlier in the day, and they had driven Kelly's Elantra. Todd thought at the time that it was a good thing that they were all small since five people in a mid-size car was pushing it a bit, no matter what the advertisers had to say. They got in just in time to catch the news and sat in the living room, all of them with a glass of wine, and laughed as they watched Bubba show his colors.

Sherri yawned and said that it had been a pleasant weekend, but she was bushed. Cara and Ami shared a shower with her, and Laura looked at Todd, rolling her eyes at the laughs coming from the bathroom. Todd just laughed. He got up and rolled himself a smoke and said he was going to enjoy some cooler nighttime air.

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Sitting on the balcony in this picturesque place, I admired the trees in the valley and the beautiful lake in the distance guarded by snow-capped mountains. I tried to imagine the beauty of the whole valley covered in snow.Listening to the birdsong, it was truly peaceful, tranquil even, but other thoughts still flashed through my mind: who was the female who’d watched me masturbating. And was that all she saw? Was she watching when I fucked Carole on the balcony?More importantly, how could I...

3 years ago
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48 Hours

Welcome to 48 Hours. The book written by you guys. I'm going to list the character's features, turn-on's, race, gender, age, and many more so... Enjoy! Mariana: Latina, Female, 19, Long face, thin lips, green eyes, blonde hair, thick ass, dd cup, and BDSM Ce-Ce: White, Female, 24, short face, fat lips, hazel eyes, black hair/pink highlights, flat ass, a cup, Anal Penetration Kiyoshi: Japanese, Female, 18, heart shaped face, thin dry lips, pale blue eyes, brunette hair/neon blue strands, flat...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 179 Varsity

Second semester was well underway and I was keeping up with everything by the skin of my teeth. In fact, that was the name of the play we were studying in Ms. Streeter's Drama class. First semester was Speech and Second Drama. Of course, everyone in the class had to try out for the show the first week of March. At least the spring production was after basketball season. Ms. Sullivan started using a portion of our Advanced Culinary Arts class to have me rehearse the presentation for my next...

3 years ago
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All of my stories have a semblance of truth, some more than others.Samantha (Sam) sat at on her couch playing with her iPad listening to the TV, it was rerun season and there was nothing worth watching. She had divorced almost a year ago and still hadn’t worked up the nerve to get back into the dating scene.Too many nights were like this one, she would cruise the online ads, debate answering one and go to bed frustrated. She would use her boyfriend Roger the Rabbit to masturbate and fall...

2 years ago
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Hiring a Teacher

The Indian who taught in the Golden Palace was tall and old, but he fell nimbly to his knees when His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, known in his student days at Oxford as David Ransome, strode in to the anteroom of the harem in the Golden Palace in Kobekistan. The Emir stopped, a little surprised at the scene before him. Instead of the usual sparsely furnished room with a small dais in the middle of the floor and a few chairs against the wall, he was transported...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of Chris Part 5

Her eyes snapped open. I looked down. She looked down. I looked at her womanly legs, her sexy as hell womanly hips, her flat feminine belly and the swelling of her breasts. I looked at her pretty face, which seemed to be pretty even with the shocked expression on it. I took two steps back and looked at the beautiful woman in front of me. The kind of woman that you would crawl over broken glass to speak to. I watched her as her eyes welled up with tears. I watched her as she...

3 years ago
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Proving a Point

One evening, a few months after our Marathon Week, when I was out of town, the geeky k** from Taco Bell, Justin, called my wife’s cell. A group of his geeky friends were over playing video games and hadn’t believed his Taco Bell story. He had called her to see if she would confirm the story, so his friends would leave him alone and stop making fun of him. My wife dutifully recalled the entire night in detail, but to no avail. They still didn’t believe their nerdy friend had been able to...

2 years ago
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Angelas Present

Zoey couldn't help but be happy as she sat in her bed with a young and beautiful angel curled up beside her. Hell, beautiful wasn't even the right word to describe her after the weekend they'd just spent together. Zoey couldn't even begin to think of a word to fit her and the wonderful things they'd shared over the last few days. She actually had to resist the urge to wake the young woman with a kiss and remind herself that she'd earned her rest. No, Zoey would just have to sit there and...

3 years ago
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Motel Week Ending 1

*** "...of the total number of baryons predicted by Big Bang nucleosynthesis, as inferred from density fluctuations..." there was a knock at the door. Newlyn had been studding again. He did this when ever he could. It started about eighteen years ago as a cooping technique to deal with the pain of his greatest regret. As part of this he had next to no social life so, the knock at the door was a surprise to him. The only time any one ever knocked on his door was for mail but, Newlyn could...

3 years ago
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MackChapter 02

The work on the houses goes as expected, and so do the lives of Mack and Irene. Parks continues to push to get the land or logging rights for next to nothing. Mack continues to work the farm while going to school and building the houses. He often goes rabbit hunting, and he gives the extra rabbits to friends and other visitors. Sometimes organising for Marker or Hammer to come out to collect the extra rabbits, along with some of the excess vegetables grown in the farm’s large garden. One...

4 years ago
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Watching and being watched

A last minute cancellation meant that Ali and I had the chance of a long weekend break skiing. So we picked up Dave and Chrissy and all their gear for the 3 hour drive to our chalet. As soon as we set off Chrissy couldn’t wait to hog the conversation to tell us what they’d seen last night “We’d been to see the latest Harry Potter and were coming back to the car park when we noticed three or four men peering into a car and shining flashlights. Now we thought they were breaking in. I wanted to...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Lola Fae Second Appearance

It started out just like any other morning. Jovan wakes up close to noon to get down to his office. His girlfriend Lola is asleep in bed. He will be home later, take her out to dinner then hit that sweet petite white pussy. Little did he know that Lola is a nymphomaniac and when he leaves she fucks his friends and acquaintances. Like today – Lawson was going to sample that little slut’s hole but arrived early and since it was raining out he snuck in. Even though Jovan was in the...

2 years ago
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Manya Forbidden Lust 3

Her husband’s disgusting behavior last night had left Manya more than just annoyed despite the fact that it facilitated some licentious sex for her neglected body. Now after being subjected to some cursory kisses and gropes he had sped off, leaving her naked and anguished all over again. He never seemed to display the remotest tinge of remorse for having left her high and dry at his boss’ party and now showed absolute callousness in announcing that he was leaving that evening for a week. The...

1 year ago
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My First Fuckbuddies Pt 2

I'm Jonah H.S. freshman, and I followed my P.E. classmate, Harry home from school after some intense locker room oral activities. I've just introduced rimming into his life, and I want him to introduce his dick to my ass."You want me to fuck you?" Harry seemed stunned. "I told you I was only interested in getting my dick sucked. Now you're licking my asshole like a demon, and begging to get fucked in the ass. This is some seriously gay shit you're dragging me into." Harry stood up, and rolled...

3 years ago
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Crystal PassionChapter 9

If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...

1 year ago
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A Hot eve in GoaIndia

Hi All iam Rohith from Mumbai. The story is narrated as if iam personally involved in the story for a better understanding and feel. So here it goes. I Stay in Mumbai alone at a company provided quest house. So got to be boring in the evening and sat and sun during week offs. Reading Fictional stories my day and accompanied …also at the same time trying to search for the likeminded people who live like me here in Mumbai, far from their friends and relations alone. Same fashion I came in contact...

First Time
1 year ago
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Cenicienta y el Principe

La Cenicienta Tras bailar toda la noche con la bella dama misteriosa, una mujer simp?tica y gr?cil, de grandes ojos azules, el pr?ncipe qued? perdidamente enamorado. Era su fiesta de cumplea?os, una fiesta que marcaba el inicio de su madurez. Habiendo pasado los ?ltimos 5 a?os en el campo de batalla, en las carpas de los generales aprendiendo sobre estrategia, dando ?rdenes a los soldados, teniendo combates victoriosos y derrotas con innumerables bajas. No eran guerras importantes, era m?s bien un acuerdo...

2 years ago
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Anne horny as hell

Krystle greeted me at the door, welcoming me with a hug and a kiss, inviting me inside. Her hair was freshly styled, and she wore a lovely blue silk cocktail dress, low cut, showing plenty of cleavage. She took my hand and ushered me into the living room. Her house was much larger than my father's, and the furniture more expensive. She earned more than twice as much as my father, and it showed. "You look gorgeous, Anne," Krystle said. "Thank you," I replied. "So do you. That's a beautiful...

3 years ago
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Strap On Desire

Copyright© 2002-2003 There once was a newspaper vendor, A person of dubious gender. He would charge one-and-two For permission to view His remarkable double pudenda. I know it was the alcohol that kept me in the conversation rather than leaving to return back to my dorm room. Yet it had been weeks since I have had sex, and the passion of Sheryl's beliefs rooted me to my seat on the couch. There was a long pause in the hushed conversation, when most of us looked about at the...

4 years ago
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Sexy in the Spring

Michelle walks to her desk and lays down a napkin. She sets her coffee on top of it and sits down, she crosses her legs and reclines slightly. She clicks a few times and starts typing away as her eyes focus on the company software. She looks at the clock on her computer, 8:47 a.m. Michelle lets out a little sigh and looks at her schedule. She grabs a post-it note and a pen and writes down her plan for the workday. Right below, she leaves herself a note: Happy first day of spring. As she starts...

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How I Satisfied A Desperate Single Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi, I Joginder from Chandigarh. This is my second sex story. I am 25 years old. Physically well-built and having fair skin tone. I am a Punjabi guy and my height is 5 ft 9 in. My boner is 6.5 inches long and its girth is 5 inch. I have good stamina and can satisfy any woman regardless of age. This is a continuation of my first sex story “How I satisfied a single mom – part 1”. Any girl, aunties, bhabhis and desperate housewives which need sex and want to have some good time in Chandigarh...

3 years ago
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Sexy Black Boots

While walking through the local mall you suddenly notice one of your fellow coworkers coming toward you and not wanting to deal with this obnoxious jerk you find yourself quickly ducking into the next store you see to get out of sight. With out even paying attention to the store you find yourself walking all the way to the back of the store to get out of sight. “Can I help you?” You turn to see you have just walked all the way to the back of one of those odd little stores you have seen a...

2 years ago
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Hard Times OklahomaChapter 22 The Fat Woman Sang

The next morning, Harley asked Viola Clanton what she thought of becoming a jailor. "What in hell do I know about Jails? I never been in one in my life and neither has my old man Anse." She looked at him as if he had suddenly gone crazy. "Well, what I have is a county jail. It has room for twenty prisoners with four colored men acting as guards. Your job would be to see the guards show up on time and any prisoners get fed. You would have the apartment to live in on the second floor. Since...

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Wizards LegacyChapter 4

Ann put on a show with the targets. I guess she was still mad. Denise and I did better than yesterday. It felt a lot more natural after a while. I even got to visit with Diablo some, but didn't get to ride him. He appreciated the apple, though. We got our things ready to take for the trip to the line cabin before we went to bed. That way, we could make sure we got an early start. I wish I had known how early that would be. The girls woke me up by yanking the cover off. I was wearing...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Jenna J Ross Bobbi Dylan The Klutz

Bonafide klutz Jenna Ross is catching up with her school friend teen Bobbi Dylan. Jenna is practically a cartoon character she’s so clumsy at times. When Jenna complains of the messes she makes, Bobbi shows her a trick to keep stains out of her clothes, take them off and go naked! She helps Jenna take off her top, then takes off her own shirt in solidarity. Topless and braless Bobbi proves herself a true friend by licking some crumbs off Jenna’s nipple. Then Jenna returns the favor,...

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Cinema pt1

We'd been in the cinema foyer for about ten minutes or so when I first saw middle aged pudgy man. It wasn't his build that drew my attention. He was just a small, squat man with a substantial beer belly wearing an understated green and brown check three piece suit that had clearly seen better days. Nothing unusual about that.It wasn't his appearance either. He was nearly bald apart from a circle of wispy grey hair at the back of his head that ran from one ear to the other. And he obviously had...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Fantasy part 2

As Paul stood at the end of the sofa his big hard cock in his hand I thought about how I would feel watching It disappear into Kaz's wet pussy or mouth, I had never contemplated us being with another woman but thought nothing ventured nothing gained!! Kaz had not noticed Paul had joined us so I quickly grabbed one of my discarded stockings and gently blindfolded her with it, she giggled and tried to take it off but I said "relax and go with it lay back and enjoy it " I lightly stroked her boobs...

1 year ago
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Double or NothingChapter 4

Janice loved the sounds number 2 made through her gag. They were whimpers of soul-wrenching despair. Sweat glistened off of the blonde slave's slender body as Janice ran her fingers over the flat of the girl's stomach and up to her large breasts. The wires were still firmly attached to 2's nipple clamps and Janice pulled at them briefly just to hear number 2 wail into her gag. Janice had no intention of unclamping them yet. She needed them in place for what she planned next. Reaching...

1 year ago
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Motivating School Girls Principal Part 8211 2

This is Bond and I am back with conclusion of ‘Motivating school girls’. Thank you for the overwhelming response to the previous story. Well I have to confess something, I am really really into older women who are passionate about being physical and still keep the energy to be active in their sex life, basically I love cougars and MILFs. I concluded my story that I was literally caught with my pants down and dick inside an underage girl, those who haven’t read it yet, I suggest you give it a...

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SRU Rings of Transformation

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual content, and unless you are at least eighteen years of age, you shouldn't be reading it...thank you. Author's Note: This particular story is set in the "Spells R Us" Universe. It has more than my usual transformation, and I promise a "good read". It is my fourth story in this genre. Additional Thought: If you deem my story is worthy, I'd love to hear some feedback! Spells R Us: "Rings of Transformation" by JR Parz I. "Damn!" Bart...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Kit Mercer The Tax Man Cumeth

Unsuspecting, perfect-bodied blonde, Kit Mercer, answers the door when Charles Dera comes calling. He’s here to collect on her debts, which she’ll repay with her wet, hungry pussy and slutty back-talking mouth! Charles slips into her house, and he won’t leave until she’s payed up. He first puts her in a hogtie, demanding that she pay with her mouth. He face fucks her as she greedily gobbles up his hard dick, and quickly admits that she’s wet for him. He flogs her...

2 years ago
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Fucked by the Boss at work fucking fab

I was befriended by.a number of chicks; one of them was called Glam-Gill, or so I will call her here (but not to be confused with other 'alias Gill' chicks). Gill worked part-time washing up at this eating place. That and standing around on street corners for some reason! She had blond hair every-where from her huge long blond mane. She also wore cowboy type boots, a micro-skirt that was too small for her and a jacket. Bangles up her arms, make-up splashed on with enthusiasm, Gill...

2 years ago
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The Commute

Part 1 We Meet Each day I get on the bus for the long ride to Rome from our little village. Everyday there is this beautiful woman, dark hair, always dressed in something sexy that shows off her lovely body. And each night, we again ride the bus back. With winter, the sun sets early and the ride back to our separate villages makes most of the people catch long naps till we reach home. I started saying hello to her, but not setting close. But each day I would find a seat closer...

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