ProeliatorChapter 9 free porn video

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Iulius sent back word of what we had done and said we would be a few days yet. Publia was very happy with this news too. I helped in the fields to harvest the grapes which Fausta did not think proper. Publia worked with me but this was not as bad. I suggested a few ways to make the operation more efficient which let us get an extra five percent in. This was a hit with the slaves and freemen since this was in labour. My pruners were mentioned but they could not see the tool in their minds.

I went in at noon to wash up and have a meal. Iulius informed us that he was going to help too and this must have got Fausta thinking. The man worked hard to further my aims especially when they improved life for the Romans.

Mamercus was running a fever but I didn't think it as hot as it could be. I bathed his body to keep him cool and then got some of his elderly relatives to do this too.

I taught more medicine to Publia while the rest listened to my words. To give examples I asked her to get her younger siblings. We both went over them looking for abnormalities. The children liked the attention because I made a game of it.

Mamercus woke up during the day and I gave him a sip of water at a time but no more. He wanted wine which I refused. This also told me that he was getting better. He usually dozed off after ten minutes but he heard a simplified version of what we had done. Another time he talked of his foolishness that got him gored.

Fausta and Publia changed the linen and I left the room for some privacy. This was only after I showed them how it was done with the least discomfort to the patient. It took a while. They came out later with a large bowl of dirty water and some soiled linen.

That night we had a more formal meal and both Iulius and I were there. The other relatives were taking turns watching over Mamercus. Fausta did the placement but Publia got to sit across from me.

Fausta asked about Licinia's farm and I gave figures and then what I projected what they would be next year. They were farmers and knew roughly how much land was under cultivation and thus how much it should produce.

Tertius' kite with its faux hawk were attributed with some if not all of the increase.

I asked, "Do you have any wine that is not suitable for drinking but is still not all vinegar?"

I was sure Fausta was going to answer a question with a question so she said, "Five barrels I think. What do you want with it?"

"I can extract the alcohol from it. The amount of alcohol may be too small to make it worthwhile."

"For the water to clean your tools?"


"You may have it if you wish. It is of little value to us. The soldiers will buy it but it is almost not worth shipping."

"We reused our old barrels because we were able to kill the yeast that was in them."


"It is a plant that is only one cell big. It eats sugar and converts it to alcohol."

"That is an interesting idea. Is that your idea or the gods?"

"I am young. All my ideas are of what the gods showed or taught me. Sometimes I have to guess what the gods mean though. Yeast and sugar are not guesses."

"What is sugar?"

"Honey is two kinds of sugar. Things that taste sweet are usually but not always made up of sugar. Grape juice is rated by the amount of sugar in it. The sweeter it is the more alcohol it will make."

I added, "Publia and I were talking earlier about a deeper cultivation that would allow more minerals to reach the roots."

This surprised those around the table and Publia blushed at being the centre of attraction. I had talked to her a long time until she was encouraged to tell me what I had just mentioned to her family.

The questioning went on for a while until it came to fertiliser and I had to reply that I had not started to make any yet. They asked about glass and I replied similarly. When I mentioned the harvest they could readily see the reasons.

Iulius took a partial shift now as I was going to have to later sleep in the room with Mamercus and not Publia.

Publia knew this too and hurried me outside to a quiet area and instead of kissing me she got on her knees and had me stuffed in her mouth in seconds flat. I came quickly and then took my time. She seemed to enjoy the activity and so did I.

Before I could return the favour she said, "Let's go out then come back here."

"No, I need you on your back."

"The stable?"

"What about Helmine? Will she be watching?"

"She might if I ask her."

"Ask her."

We mingled inside the house for a few minutes then I said, "I better check my horses." Publia was already left for the barn.

I was summoned to the loft where I met Helmine. There was not even a greeting before Publia was on her back with her dress and legs pulled all the way up. I got on my knees quickly and started to please the girl while I watched Helmine. The girl was about seventeen and very excited. Her own hand was busy and she didn't seem to care who saw this.

When Publia was too excited to care I said to Helmine, "Pull up your dress and sit on Publia's face. She is too noisy." I then went back to the clit before of me.

The girl moved and I heard a pair of groans. Helmine had a smile come over her face and Publia grasped her friend tightly as if she would leave. The orgasm came quicker than I thought and it was a good thing that Helmine was where she was. In a few moments Helmine started to shake and collapsed on top of Publia. She was close so I moved a bit and kissed the girl on the lips while stroking Publia's clit with my thumb. In a moment she responded and licked the spend from my lips.

Helmine finally spoke, "Stand up in front of me. I will take care of Publia and you can give me something I want."

Publia continued to suck Helmine while this girl used her fingers to please her lover while she sucking on me. She seemed to have a talent that none of the other girls I had met in this time could match.

When Publia came again I filled Helmine's mouth and this set the last of us off. When we all calmed down I wanted to assure Publia that she was safe. I kissed both girls and said. "Two girls making love make me very excited. Thank you for sharing this." I turned to Helmine and said, "Publia, I think needs a bit more. Give her another of those special kisses. I am going to the house. Those others do not know about love or young peoples' needs after they get over a certain age."

I never did see my horses but I left the two girls in the barn while I covered for Publia when the need arose.

I was able to sleep in the room with Mamercus. I could hear and sense the changes in his breathing and heart rate. He was only fed broth like I had been because of the damage so near his intestines. He voided himself many times and my sense of smell was assaulted until I toned it down.

Well after midnight the door creaked open and Publia crept in. The room was dark and she didn't know I was awake until I caressed her lightly covered butt. Her hands found me then my lips. In a few seconds she kissed them.

Her hands were not idle. They were also very insistent. In moments she was like a little piglet nursing at her mother. She seemed content now and just settled to the floor. She was not trying to get me off and she was only idly stroking her own clit and one nipple. She looked to have a soother and was content with this.

My own hands caressed her jaw and head. I was not demanding in any way because I loved this too. Publia changed her pace or her position occasionally until she went for the home stretch. Her own orgasm was subdued and she had something in her mouth to keep her from making too much noise.

Only after she was done did I enjoy my own release. This stirred her up again. When I was soft I slid from her mouth. We both stood and hugged.

"Hmmm that was nice Honey. What would you have done if it had been an uncle sitting in the chair?"

She stiffened quickly but I held her to me.

"That was a cruel thing to say."

"You just have to be careful."

"Well I knew you were here. You smell different."

"That's my girl. You made sure first." I sealed this with a kiss. "I am excited again and my busy mind had an idea. Let me guide you."

She didn't argue and soon I was laying on a folded blanket on the floor with an important part of me pointing up. Publia soon found that she needed to rest and sat on me. This took a while for her to get comfortable. She gave small groans of contentment and then removed her clothing and put it under my head for a pillow. She then made some experimental movements until she found something she liked.

We both had our release recently and this time it was slow. My hands caressed her nipples as she ground her clit into my pubic bone. It was nearly a half hour later that Publia found the need to go faster and in a few minutes she bit her hand as temblors ran through her body. Just as she was coming down I used my hands on her hips to keep her moving. I filled her as she groaned anew.

As soon as she could, her exhausted body rested on top of me. Even though I had my own orgasm I was still hard. My subconscious was able to overcome the failings of my body.

Five minutes later Publia was asleep on me and made little snoring sounds. She would be very cramped later though I didn't mind her where she was.

I gently flexed my pelvis until Publia woke up. "What? Ohhh." In a few seconds she asked, "You want more?"

"I would always want more of you. This time though we have to get you up. You are going to be sore soon. You also have to get back to bed."

"I could sleep beside you always."

"Do you mean on me?"

"Well, both."

Publia started to move but didn't want to lose me. She did get on all fours and then walked backwards. She had to bend down then and clean me quickly before standing. This girl was eager to please and quite pretty to.

I gained my own feet and listened to hear if anybody was awake. Publia said, "Are you going to carry me again?"

I moved her around and instead of her hanging over my back I had her legs on my shoulders. I slid her around and she thought she was going to fall. When her pelvis was in front of me I hugged her waist and started to suck on her snatch. She took this like a trouper then sucked me into her mouth.

We walked the few metres to her room this way and put her on her bed. I repositioned her body on the low bed and slid her off. I was sure she didn't understand what was happening but was not worried. I was behind her then and pushed my way in. She just groaned then put her face into the mattress to suppress the noise.

I was not slow and hammered into her vigorously. I was a fair cocksman in my day but my new control over my body would make me great. Now it was me that lasted a long time while Publia had two orgasms.

Publia was now worn out. I moved her onto her bed and covered her up. I left to get her night gown and put it in the bed with her. She was already asleep when I got back.

The next morning Publia looked tired and when her mother questioned this she simply said that she had tossed and turned most of the night.

Helmine found us at mid morning and asked, "What did you two do last night?"

Publia said, "This brute tired me out. He made me do most of the work then he filled me with his seed a lot of times."

"You were lucky. I only get it once or twice."

Publia said, "We should go for a ride to check on the harvest. There are lots of nice places nearby."

I said, "Did you two girls find them?"

They both looked guilty but it was Helmine that said, "We did. A girl gets that feeling sometimes and there are not always some boys around. Besides most of them are rough or done in a second or two. We need love too you know."

I said, "You have to start training them. Learn when they start to get too excited and then slow them down. They usually have thick skulls but they will learn that if they do well then they are invited back."

"I tried that but they just push me to the ground and stick their cocks into me."

"That's rape. I do not like slavery but perhaps I can do something about it. First of all is it a slave that does this?"

"No, he is from the house."

This could be dangerous now and I said, "Was it Mamercus?"

I was happy to hear, "No."

"Then I will talk to Mamercus. He owes me something now and I want him to change the way he treats his people."

"Don't do that. I will get hurt or sold."

"Trust me on this."

Helmine now looked worried so I knew I had to be careful how I approached this. She had not heard much about me so Publia told her some and I filled in the gaps. I think the violence excited her or the fact that she had found a protector of sorts.

I talked with a lot of the other people while the girls were in the loft. They were always hot and I was able to slip away for a half hour to please one or both of them. By the end of the afternoon they looked like shit and I had to get them cleaned up. They were not just stimulated by each other but by me. When they waited they had nothing better to do than to talk or have fun.

Iulius was administering his drugs to his patient to keep the fever from taking over. The baths helped a lot. He said, "We might be able to go home today. Are you having too much fun to go?"

I said, "You are a sly old fox. I can control myself if the need arises."

"Then I think we should get back after supper. There is more than enough time. I like my other bed better."

"Then you better tell our hostess and I will do my consoling."

He said with an evil grin, "Don't wear it out. It has to last a lifetime."

Publia and Helmine were perhaps not devastated but they were sad that I had to go. While I was watching her father, Publia came to the room but she was so sated that she wanted only to hug.

Her father picked this moment to awaken. I had heard his change in breathing but still stayed as I was. He must have been looking at us for a minute when I turned to see him looking at us.

I said, "Hello, Sir. How do you feel?" Publia was in a bit of shock.

"I am still sore but I think I will survive."

"That's good. I was just talking to Publia. She mentioned that her friend Helmine is raped by men within this house. As a favour to me, I would like all rapes stopped. A slave is a person not an animal. You may be able to keep them in servitude but give them at least some basic rights."

"I know the girl. I didn't think she was ever raped. She gave it away freely."

"That could be the case but it takes only one time to make it rape. The next time could be any woman of your family. Set the precedent now. I have my own code of honour and I would not like to see those I care for hurt."

"I will let everybody know. I will also let them know your words. The man may have a death wish if he continues."

"He lives within these walls. He is a relative."

"There are three men that live here... besides me. I will do what I can but please, no more killing."

"Suggest that I need an eunuch."

"That is almost as bad but I will mention this too."

To change the subject to something more cheerful I said, "We made a tool that cuts the grape stems by just squeezing the metal parts together. It is much quicker than knives and safer too. They work well but there are some improvements needed. Next year they should be available before the harvest."

"Do you have any here?"

"I am sorry but no. When you get better we can visit again and I will show you." I felt and Mamercus saw, Publia squeeze me, at this announcement. I hope he was not seeing me as potential son-in-law material.

Iulius and I were thanked profusely and after the meal we departed. Publia was beside Helmine and both waved to me sadly.

Iulius talked on the way back but tried to disguise his curiosity as an investigation of my healing. I said, "You are just a dirty old man that wants to hear all the small little details so you can be excited too."

"You hurt me. I nurse you back to health and you treat me so shabbily."

"I thank you for that but the fact remains that you are as inquisitive as an old woman that wants all the juicy gossip."

"Juicy? That is an odd term."

We shifted over to a language lesson and I had to see if there was a Latin word for 'idiom' that he happened to know.

Just before we got back he said, "I wonder how Felicia will take the news."

"There is no news. I have made my position known. I will not marry. Though I used my father's position to justify it, I am still too young. I also take pains to make sure that I do not burden anyone with a child of mine."

"A father might force you into a union."

"That might have to be avoided like an angry tribe of Gauls."

The grape harvest continued and the new barrels were certainly needed. A better press would allow even more wine to be produced. When the time came the skins, seeds and stems were not thrown out. Water was added and allowed to stand another week. This was a rough wine but still salable. I did not see this processed. We had gone back to the camp instead.

The camp had certainly changed. The hot tub was complete and so were the new barracks. We had one for each shift so as to not disturb others that needed to sleep.

The cupola was ripped down. It has served its purpose but now we could make it better. I was actually surprised that it could have made the iron hot enough to pour into moulds. This time we moved the cupola further away and on top of a large cut stone foundation. I needed the height to allow gravity to disperse the molten iron far enough.

Freemen came to me seeking employment plus those farm labourers I had contracted for. They were split up. Some went to work on the mill and others the foundry. A select few would hunt, farm or transport food that I could easy pay for.

The months passed and it took a long time to build on this size with the tools I had to work with. We were always short handed. Some men had to work on the dam that I wanted constructed. Here too I needed stone blocks, and a lot of them.

The men rotated more and soon their families came with them as there was little to do on the farm. Those that were there, were ploughing with the new tools. Licinia was not familiar with inter ploughing but was willing to try. It would be done in the spring again then be cultivated. The hand tools she has received were already many more times efficient than they had before.

Iulius though was busy. He and the soldiers got Horatius to send some boats. Iulius and I had a similar sense of humour and refused to tell Horatius what we wanted the boats for. He took all the armour, swords, daggers and knives to the Roman. Other boats had our other products.

Hagen came back early then did so four more times to buy merchandise. He simply could not keep stocked long enough to get far. His selection was slim and we were not making much steel now. He and his men were now very rich but they traded their gold for steel for themselves or to sell. They too complained of a poor transportation system.

Elsa had to stay with her family but during that time she stayed in my quarters even if she had her menses or was fertile. Her father and mother knew my commitment to not wed but they were hoping either Elsa or a child would get me to change my mind.

It was into spring by the time we got the copula finished. Clay pipe had to be built that lined the inside of the chimney to capture some of the heat that was escaping. There were now eight billows that forced cool air down through the pipes and then through the walls of the copula and through thick clay pipes called tuyeres and into the furnace. The air coming in would be hot once the fuel started to burn.

An extensive network of lifts were made to hoist iron ore and fuel so it could be dumped into the cupola.

Before the first firing, we made hundreds of moulds. Some were for many small parts in one cope and drag but others were very large. There was so much iron being produced that we had to find a use for it. The copula took a long time to reline so we had to keep it hot as long as possible or it would deteriorate with the temperature swings.

Our furnace though was making cast iron and not steel. We would have to build a smaller furnace for steel. The alternative was to make a Bessemer converter that would force air through perhaps twenty five tonnes of molten iron. The impurities in the iron would burn and this would supply the heat that the air would take away. For this though we needed track, wheels, gearboxes, an iron support structure and a multitude of other tools.

Iulius had come back after only going twenty seven days. I saw that he carried none of our armour or weapons so I assumed he was sold out.

"You would not believe that Horatius. He saw the steel and coveted it like a man does a beautiful woman. He and his men bought all they could. I think they borrowed on what they would make for months to come."

I asked, "Did he accept our deal?"

"He certainly did. The short sword was a hit with him and we got the use of three boats. We only got to three more forts before there was only a few knives left. The last fort was happy to get these."

"And our net profit?"

"Eleven thousand one hundred and sixty seven aurii and some change." Iulius was glassy eyed at the numbers alone.

I said, "I remember telling you that we could generate a lot of money within our borders."

"I half believed you then but fully believe you now."

Licinia was on hand with all her family at the first pouring. All of them stepped far back as the with hot metal flowed down troughs that led to the prepared ground. We were making track now. The iron went into pools that led to various sections along the length. Steam rose until it was hard to see and the glow of hot metal was very bright. This was done after dusk so that the effect was even more startling.

The track was light weight. It was only calculated to be twenty kilograms per metre. The furnace had close to four tonnes in it so we should get close to two hundred metres. The iron would not stay hot long enough to reach the end so we had six castings made. When waste was considered, we would be lucky to get six rails that were thirty metres each.

When the flow was capped more fuel and iron ore were put in.

Licinia came close to Tertius, Iulius and me. She had to even put up her hand to protect her face from the heat.

"I never knew it would be like this. I thought I saw hot iron before but now I think it was cold in comparison. What are you going to do with this iron?"

Tertius answered his mother, "There is so much iron produced that it is hard to use it all. The metal you see will be like the train Jón described to us. An iron cart will ride on the track. On them will be moulds or sand and clay that will receive the molten iron and then be pulled aside to cool while others are filled."

"How much iron are you going to make anyway?"

"Jón estimates that we have only a small deposit here. He has used a new way of measuring. He says that there are two thousand, thousand medimnos here or what he calls fifty thousand tonnes."

"But you would find it very difficult to pick up two medimnos."

"You're right but the amount here he says is like one grain of sand in a large tub of sand."

Licinia looked at me and said, "Why do you need so much?"

Same as Proeliator
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Introduction: A day at Rooster Rock Barb and I were at Rooster Rock and had walked down to the far end of the beach where there is a small bluff between the beach and the woods. There is an intermediate level partway up the bluff where there is a wide step that is great for providing a small amount of privacy. Walking in, I had stripped down as soon as we had gotten away from the steps down to the beach and walked the rest of the way down the beach naked. Barb, as is her custom, waited until we...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 18 Foundations

Graydon was exhausted. His eyes had sunk into their sockets, dark circles lay sagging above his gaunt cheekbones, and his face bore signs of strain and a weariness beyond his years. For a week he had spent his nights alone in the hayloft, isolated and immersed in his connections, seeing the harm that had befallen the Jacobs family. His days were filled with work, sweating to clear ditches, cut brush, weed the garden and repair fences around the old homestead. He drove himself hard, stopping...

3 years ago
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Andrew to Ashleigh Part 1 The Change

My name was, once upon a time, Andrew McKenna; now it's Ashleigh Barnes, and how that happened is a long story. I figure the best way to start is to tell you about the day I died. At least, I think I died! Even if I didn't die, though, I for sure went to heaven. I never in a billion years would have thought things would have turned out the way they did for me. Stick around and I'll tell you all about it. The day I died (maybe? anyway, let's just say died, because Andrew is totally...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 81

I walked down the street to the front door of Silverman Cabinets. As I pushed it open I heard a bell ring, similar to what a small store might have in the first half of the last century or before. I looked up and saw a real live bell attached to the metal frame above the door. Opening the door pushed a lever that was attached to some kind of spring that rang the bell. When the door closed, it raised the lever again and the bell rang. There were a couch, a couple of chairs and a long table in...

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The Bus Ride Wednesday

After an uneasy night, RuthAnn showered and prepared for her third day at the conference. The events of the previous two days were heavy on her mind. Angry was the best way to describe her feelings. Angry at being assaulted. Angry at her reaction, especially her body's reaction to the assault. If some part of her liked it, was it really assault? What the hell was it? Damn at forty-five, she was really confused. She had no one to talk to. Not her husband who would only get mad. Not her...

2 years ago
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Love Lost And love Found

My name is Greg I live in a flat and I paid the rent.I let my fried Fred live in my basement and my girlfriend Shana . You could call it a Ideal place and I was thinking of buying this two story flat. a brick house that made me happy. Especially women and the stories of this place would fill up two phone books and what was to be was not something new to us but the feelings I had were different this time and after all, all three of us were single. All three of us were setting in a booth and I...

3 years ago
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My First Night Experience

Hi abb to ap mujhe jante hi hain main hu Saumya, ye kahni meri pehli chudai ki hai Meri pehli chudai mer pati Ricky ne ki……bat 3 sal pahle ki hai jab mai shadi ke bad Ricky ke ghar ayi…Aj hamari suhag raat thi Ricky aj meri chudai karenge Me bahot excited thi Rickey mujhe apne farm house le gaye Kamra phoolose sajay tha Rickey mujhe bed pe le gyae aur mujhe apni bahome khincha mene apna badan mere pati ke havale kar diya mere hotho chumane lage Saumya meri jaan kitni khubsurat ho aur unke hath...

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Control yourself Training a mage in the modern world

Introduction: Special thanks to Interesting Reed for the help with this story about a young mage coming to terms with her new powers check out his stories for more adventure stories! =) This is how I realized I wasnt your typical normal teen. I first started to realize that when I was eight and I noticed I could move and control things with out touching them. My dolls were my best friends because I wasnt that good at making friends at school. Barbie would walk by herself talk to me and play. I...

2 years ago
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How I Managed To Fuck My Bhabhi

My name is Raj (name changed) from Mumbai, about me I am 5.8, brownish in color, stud body, and always looking for sex around me. This is an real incident. I always use to look around for women, looking at their boobs, ass an all that can make my dick harder, I hardly use to masturbate, so there was always a huge bulge in totos to explode. Ill start my story that how I fucked my leena bhabhi. About my bhabhi she is around 24, m also 24, she married to my cousin brother 1 1/2 year ago. My...

4 years ago
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Wild in the CountryChapter 19

"What I want to know, along with everyone else here," said Peter Smith, "is when are you politicians going to do something about this problem." There was a chorus of agreement from the assembled local citizens, most of them monied farmers who did not appreciate having their prosperous, complacent, quiet lives of ease disturbed by a loose cannon like a pack of murderous dogs. And nobody seemed to be thinking to ask what that young man was doing there, out on Smith's land near his cattle,...

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Young Lust

This is a story related to me by a friend who assured me it was true..... I had been planning this surprise for my mum and dad for some time, more so to celebrate my mum's 50Th birthday than any thing else. I knew that my mum had always wanted to go to the Caribbean but had never really been able to afford it, so it seemed only natural that when I came by a little good fortunethat I treated them to a week's vacation. There was only one hitch and that was my younger brother. I should...

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Independent Missionary

Rev. Saul Paul Independent Missionary Corinth, Greece Dear Mr. Paul, We recently received an application from you for service under our Board. It is our policy to be as frank and open-minded as possible with all our applicants. We have made an exhaustive survey of your case. To be plain, we are surprised that you have been able to ‘pass’ as a bonafide missionary. We are told that you are afflicted with a severe eye-trouble. This is certain to be an insuperable handicap to an effective...

2 years ago
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The Huntress

-1- "I can do this. I can win. This is my chance!" Sandrah said, at the gym, pushing herself farther than ever before on the smith machine. It was ass and leg day. Seconds earlier, she surpassed her record for number of squats she could do. "Come on!" she thought. "Two more!" She struggled with those last two, squeezing her muscular ass, pushing the weight up. "Yes! Ah! Yes!" She screamed in her head, gritting her teeth. She did it. Sandrah put the barbell back on...

4 years ago
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A Clear Conscience II

Introduction: Miles and Lanie come closer I never saw Selena again, and for me, that wasnt really that big of a deal. Though I had lost my virginity to her, she was just some girl my friend had set me up with. But, I did feel guilty afterwards for cheating on Lanie, and I decided I was going to be a better boyfriend to her, even if that meant I would receive nothing in return for it. So, for starters, I had my older sister take her with us to Santa Fe, when we went to visit our mom. Me and...

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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 16

Sunday morning started in a rush, Rita had woken us at 6.30 as asked, and as predicted, when I woke I found all four of my gorgeous ladies with me. Somewhere in the night Beth had left us and I found her cuddling into Tommy when I went in to wake them. Waking in a room with four women is devastating where the bathroom is concerned. You soon find that you are bottom of the priority list so I got busy going to make coffee and preparing juice which I brought up and placed on the balcony with...

2 years ago
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My wife has her first Black cock

It all started one evening after my wife came home from work. She worked managing a local retail store. She came home with the usual stories from work about customers, with one exception. She told me how this one black guy flirted with her and said he wanted to make her dinner sometime. Even after indicating she was married, he still insisted, said she was very attractive, and he was sure her husband wouldn't mind. My wife is what you would describe as a BBW, not excessively overweight, but...

1 year ago
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Revenge Disaster Part 1

I used to hang out with the most amazingly beautiful golden brunettes. They are, still to this day, the sexiest brunettes I’ve ever seen. I’ve wanted to fuck them both since we were teenagers. Looking at them, you’d swear they were sisters, but luckily, they weren’t. Though they acted like sisters, they also used to get a kick out of cuddling and kissing to tease the raging-hard schoolboys.Kara and Tara were their names, and we were friends all through high school, though I was closer to Kara....

Straight Sex
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Logans Jorney Pt 1

How lonely could one man feel left alone in his own mortal prison I mused, fingering the cold unforgiving barrel to the loaded implement of my demise. As much as I wandered the streets at all hours I wandered my own soul, trying to eradicate this searing hot pain. As lost in this alien city as I was lost inside, I let my feet take me where they decided the answer would lie. A quiet hollow carved out where no soul would ever find my rotting husk. Rounding the corner of an old red brick...

4 years ago
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A Dream So Wet and Dear

Last night I had that bizarre, incredible, yet achingly frustrating dream about you again. You know the one. I have no earthly idea how many times this makes now. I know it’s been at least two years since I first came to you about it. It’s always a different dream at first but it always ends up exactly the same. In the dream, I often start out alone doing something quite ordinary like watching TV or reading a book. Other times, I’m with someone else who later on in the dream becomes you. One...

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The Good YearsChapter 75

Cindy and I stopped off to get a quick bite at a diner by the airport. I found myself excited about flying up to get Dale. The fact that Eddie had decided to stay with her mother in Chickasaw wasn't troubling to me. I was just beginning to think I might be better served by getting to know each of the sisters as individuals. Even as close as they were to each other, it was becoming obvious to all of us that they were very different individuals. Cindy and I talked about Eddie and Dale. I was...

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A Lovely Paradise

[DISCLAIMER : All the images in this story have been sourced and copied from various pages on the Internet. None of the images are mine but have only been borrowed by me. Happy reading !!!] You wake up on a table at a restaurant somewhere. Your stark naked with a nude woman on top of you. She has lush brown hair and large double-D tits. You remember fucking her brains out last night. You push her aside and she falls with a thud. You look at your watch. It's 10:37 a.m. Don't you have a job to...

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My fantasy was to be takenand he did

I was high as fuck that night. My current boy-toy was fucking my ass as I was chatting with this older guy who had this huge soda-can wide cock on xhamster. Boy-toy and I had taken some ecstasy and smoked a little pot earlier in the night. He knows about my account on the xhamster porn site, in fact he’s taken some video content for me. So here I was, bent over the back of my desk chair, with a cock in my ass trying to chat with an on-line guy I like. It was fucking hot. Let me back up a bit...

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Soul to the Highest Bidder Ch 03

Peregrination I awoke to my alarm at 5:45am, on December 21st, and leapt out of my bed with an excited giggle. In ten hours I would be driving to a historic chateau in the French countryside. I quickly showered and ate a small breakfast before attacking my, new, daily beauty routine. Deborah had hammered into me how important my appearance was, now that I was going to be seen, in France, with Mr. Morrison. My new routine included daily grooming (plucking, shaving, etc.), face scrub or peel,...

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Its All Mine

You wake up with a mild headache and groan. Suddenly you jump to your feet with wide eyes as you realize... You own the world. Everything, whatever you want.... You don't know how, but you sure as fuck aren't gunman question it. You test your new power on some objects in your room by changing their color and shape. Satisfied, you head downstairs.

Mind Control
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Incestuous Harems Passion 13

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Thirteen: Interrupted Incestuous Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 10th, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II I woke up early. We were having guests over for dinner so I wanted to get some more work done on my prep for court in a few days. A lawyer's work was never done. And then there was more research to begin challenging the bigamy laws in California. I planned on using all the same...

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Double TearsChapter 128

“Where were you when the nukes fell?” —Mackenzi Noel, The Time of Fire: Book One 20 NOVEMBER 2020 I guess it’s a go to live stream our concert. This is a first. I mean, we’re being paid to perform at an event! Everyplace else we’ve performed has either been as part of the ‘learning experience’ or ‘for exposure’ or ‘for tips.’ This is a paying gig. Sophie said she negotiated a payment of $200 for each of us. Not bad. On top of that, John came into our Advanced Photography...

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Selena and JoeChapter 59

Selena and Joe were assimilating to life in the constant hubbub of the city. Selena flourished in her job now that her personal life had been cast into a matrix where she was completely comfortable. Living at The Four Seasons was nice, but it was never "home" as life there contained no real structure. She always felt she had to be "on" and although living in it's high luxury, she at times still craved the days at school where class, eat, study, sleep, class, eat, study, sleep, put her...

1 year ago
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Couples massage

Mindy inserted two fingers as far as she could. Her knowing fingers probed Kira's most private place. Without asking, and out of pure sensual reaction, Kira carefully placed one hand on Mindy's ass. She wondered if it was wrong. Up until this day, she had never thought of a woman sexually. She started to remove the hand, but Mindy assured her it was ok. Kira's pulse increased, and from her lips came little moans, cries, and whimpers. Kira donned a black skirt with a white blouse that fit tight...

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XNXX Handjob

Life is full of simple pleasures. I love going to town on an eager nympho’s pussy any day of the week, but even I, feel lazy sometimes. Now, I don’t make a lifelong habit of it like you lard balls. I don’t spend every waking hour jerking it to hentai and laying in bed munching on chicken tendies. Instead, there are days and nights where I want nothing more than to lay my head back and let some whore jerk my dick. I don’t need her to deepthroat my cock or shove it up her ass. Sometimes it’s nice...

Handjob Porn Sites
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You Have Three WishesChapter 4

She had the body of a young just-developing teenager, but I knew that she was 30 years of age and that she had two small children. Petite, at 5ft 1ins tall, with small tits and a firm little ass - an ass that was perched on the edge of my desk at the time. Asanka was from Sri Lanka - her skin was a beautiful dark shade of brown, almost black ... right down to her tightly clenched pussy lips. I had asked her to sit on my desk after she had undressed. I was sitting in my chair ... naked and...

4 years ago
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A beautiful mystery gift on my 30th Birthday

Being a working wife and mother there is rare opportunity for adventure. But on my 3oth birthday my husband surprised me with an incredible adventure and fantasy come true. He wouldn’t tell me what he had planned for the evening, but it went without saying it would involve sex. Or so I hoped. I am a typical woman who enjoys sex and often fantasizes about others joining us. All sorts of thoughts were racing through my mind as I prepared for the evening. I wanted to walk out and have...

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Zach was on the interstate, making his six-hour drive home from college for the summer. He had just finished his junior year and although he was glad that his classes and finals were behind him, he wasn’t looking forward to living under his parents’ roof again for the summer. At college he could do as he pleased--party, stay out all night, raise hell, get drunk, whatever he wanted at any time. At home he had to toe the line or he’d get a load of grief from Mom and Dad. Zach was a good-looking...

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I want you to watch me with a girl. At first u just sit in a chair dressed while we play on the bed. We kiss because I like kissing girls, we stick our hands up eachothers skirts and play with each other's pussys. Cause the clits to swell and the pussys to drip. Then the shirts and bras come off as we take turns sucking on each other nipples. Then the skirts come off. She removes my panties with her teeth and eats me out by sticking her tongue up my pussy while she rubs my clit. I take her...

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Sex Related Terms

1. Pearl NecklaceWhen a guy ejaculates sperm on a woman’s neck, it is called giving a ‘pearl necklace’.2. BarebackingHaving sex without any condoms is called barebacking.3. FurballWhen a guy goes down on a bushy girl and her pubic hair get stuck in his mouth, it is known as a furball.4. Golden Shower >This term is used for urinating on someone (with their consent of course).5. Rimming >Performing oral sex on someone’s anus is called Rimming. ATM is another term for it (Ass to Mouth).6....

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300 So there we were in Cyprus

300 So, there we were in Cyprus So there we were, in the 1960`s 20 years old British soldiers, seconded to the UN in Cyprus for 6 months. The island was an island of two halves Greek and Turkish with a United Nations neutral zone known as the green line Twix the two sides, Both Greek and Turks had a fair size military presence, and the UN had contingents from Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Canada and the UK. Austrians supplied the hospital and the Finnish policed the job the British contingent...

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The Tack Room

This may sound different than what it really is. The one speaking is my trainer, Marcus, the sexy Mexican who works at Jolly Bar Ranch. The "him" I'm on top of is my palamino quarter horse, Bronco. I go team penning every Friday and Tuesday with my trainer and horse, and Marcus is currently giving me tips on how to stay on the horse while tryng to cut a #4 calf. Before going into the rest of the story, I might have to give a little background information on "team penning." You've...

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Mothers Day Surprise

Mother's Day Surprise By Princess Pantyboy Today was just like most days I came home from daycare, and I was sitting in my room playing with my toys and stuff. I go to daycare because my mommy works full time, and I am only 5 years old. Usually boys and girls my age would already be in daycare but I have a small issue with potty training. You could say I have accidents once in a while. Okay to be honest I have a lot of accidents and I don't even realize I have to go potty until I am...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 51

Now that cell phones are ubiquitous, there is almost no place and no time you cannot reach someone if you need to. This, however, requires you to keep your phone on. That shouldn’t be a problem because you can always use vibrate if you don’t want your ring to disturb other people. It seemed Jeff had not mastered this concept. It was the second week of November. I returned to our place in the middle of the afternoon. I put down my books and went to the kitchen to make myself a snack. As I...

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Learning to Swim the Hard Way

I couldn’t swim. I was a fit young lad, just 17, did plenty of exercise but I’d never learnt to swim though I’d often told my parents that it was time I learnt. Then my mum saw this advert in the local paper ‘Your teenager can’t swim? With my help they will - guaranteed. Following my unorthodox methods they will be swimming in weeks. Limited places on the course, telephone Alice Phillips xxxxxxxxxxx.’ Mum talked to me about it and agreed with me that I really should learn to swim and it would...

2 years ago
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Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. KITTY By Wyrdey It is late at night when you first hear the knock on your door. You were just on your way to bed and are annoyed. Who could it possibly be at this hour? Before the door is even half-open, you feel a powerful push from the other side that almost knocks you over. The bearded giant of a man now standing in your hallway looks you up and down appraisingly as he...

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