CousinChapter 15 free porn video

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The three headed upstairs. Dan didn't bother putting any clothing back on at all, but had the two girls leave on their wrist and ankle cuffs so they "could stay used to being captives." This brought a couple of giggles, but actually both of the young women found it exciting, knowing they could be restrained at any time. Lisa had spent almost all of the time she had been here before completely naked, but this was Diana's first experience of going without clothing for any length of time. To her own surprise she had quickly adjusted to the constant nudity and loved the feeling of both freedom and bondage that seemed to go with it. She had never spent much time out of doors naked except for some private sunbathing - she and Lisa had done that last week, in fact - but up here was so isolated and quiet that it seemed natural to go outdoors without worrying about who might see.

The three dug around in the kitchen and put together some sandwiches, fruit, and snacks and shoved these into a picnic basket they found. Lisa picked up a couple of beach towels and Dan disappeared for a minute and returned with a large cotton blanket and a small cloth bag and the three headed out the back and down to the pond. The day had warmed up again and the lack of clothing didn't bother them. They spread the blanket, but Lisa wanted a swim before they ate. Dan had them remove their cuffs - no use ruining the leather. The three spent the next twenty minutes swimming and playing grab ass around the float until finally hunger drove them back out. They dried off and Dan replaced their cuffs. The three flopped down on the blanket and began to attack the food.

Diana asked Dan, "Lisa said you hadn't really played many of these games before, but you seem to know just what to do - and how hard, for that matter. You're really new at this?"

"Before last week I'd only played a few spanking games, but I'll admit I have a rich fantasy life. Not as good as this reality, but rich. And I do read a lot."

"I'd like to see your library," Diana said, only half teasingly. "I don't care where you learned, but I've loved every bit of it. And I expect to leave here with stripes like Lisa had last week."

Dan looked sharply at Lisa, who shrugged. "I guess they weren't all gone before she got a glance. I'll have to be more careful next time."

Still looking at her, Dan said, "Humm. That kind of carelessness probably calls for more punishment, don't you think?"

"Most certainly," Lisa grinned. "I'm sure you'll really have to whip my ass."

"Well, since I saw it," Diana added, "I think you should whip my ass too. OK?"

"I'm sure there will be enough to go around for both of you. You know, you two are the sexiest women I've ever met. In fact you are hotter than any I've ever imagined. This all seems so much like a wild dream I think maybe I should pinch myself. But I think I'd rather pinch you two." As he said this Dan reached out and caught a nipple in each hand and squeezed them between his thumbs and forefingers. Lisa and Diana both sucked in their breath, but both also arched to thrust their breasts farther towards him. The three of them spent the next forty five minutes feeling, kissing, stroking, and in general making out. Dan would be locked in a full length press with one girl and the other would push herself against his back and let her fingers play with his balls and anus. Once, at Lisa's silent urging, Diana wet her finger and worked it inside Dan's rear hole. His response indicated he liked this stimulation and Diana, to her own surprise, also found it exciting. She had had a few fingers in her own ass and during the last day Dan had introduced her to all kinds of anal stimulation, but she had never done anything along those lines to any of her own boyfriends. She was finding she liked a lot of things she had never tried.

Finally Dan reached into the cloth bag he had brought and pulled out a couple of lengths of rope. "I think we should stretch one of you now. I think maybe Diana first." he tied the rope ends to her wrist cuffs and then had her lie back on the blanket. They were in a small grove of shade trees and Dan used two of these to tie her arms widely spread. He then added two more ropes to her ankle cuffs and used another tree and a stake which he drove into the ground to spread her feet four feet apart. With Diana now stretched tightly on her back, he turned and embraced Lisa. After a long, deep kiss and a bit of feeling, he said, "Come on Lisa. Let's see if she's ticklish."

Diana's eyes popped wide open. She was not only ticklish - she was very, very ticklish. Dan began to run his fingertips lightly up and down her sides, across her stomach, and along her thighs. Diana broke into fits of laughter and strained and twisted against the ropes. "Come on, Lisa. Help me out."

Lisa thought, "What the hell. Why not?" She knelt on one side of the stretched brunette and began to let her own fingers dance across the taut skin along with Dan's. Soon Dan began to let his fingers wander across her breasts and along her pussy lips. Lisa hesitated only a second and then joined him in tormenting these areas too. She even let her own finger tease Diana's anus and actually penetrated her pussy a couple of times. Finally Dan stopped the tickling and began to run his tongue across her swollen nipples and down her now sopping slit. He was sucking on Diana's right nipple when he suddenly reached up and put his hand behind Lisa's neck. He gently urged her down, and with only a second's resistance, Lisa lowered her mouth to her friend's left nipple. Diana didn't object. She arched her back as much as possible, bringing her tits closer to the two hot tongues busy working on her.

Soon she was squirming uncontrollably and started begging, "Fuck me, Dan. I need you inside me. Fuck me now."

"Not quite yet," Dan said. "I want to get you properly aroused first."

As Diana cried out in frustration, Lisa suddenly stood and started for the house. "I'll be right back. Just keep on with what you're doing."

Dan didn't lift his head, but gave what might have been a wave in acknowledgment. He continued to stimulate the bound girl, driving her higher and higher. He was now getting almost too aroused himself to wait much longer. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard Lisa come out of the house and saw her start back towards them, but he was too busy to pay much attention. He stretched himself out above Diana, supporting himself on his hands and knees. He lowered his head and sucked hard on first one and then the other nipple. He placed the tip of his rock hard cock against the entrance to her slit and pushed just the head inside. Diana strained upwards as far as her bonds allowed to try and get him in deeper. Dan finally let himself sink in all the way and pressed her hard against the ground. For half a minute the two ground their genitals together, not withdrawing at all, but pushing and twisting against each other. Suddenly Dan felt a slick finger at his own anus. He looked back and saw Lisa kneeling between his own (and Diana's) legs. She had her finger extended and was twisting it deeper and deeper inside of him. As her finger probed and lubricated, he pressed even harder against Diana's tight pussy. Suddenly Lisa withdrew her finger, but almost immediately Dan felt the end of something - must be a dildo, he thought - press against his now open rear. Slowly the plastic shaft began to penetrate him and suddenly he realized that this fake cock was mounted in a harness around Lisa's waist. She was fucking him with a strap on as he fucked Diana. In fact, although Dan didn't know it at the time, the other end of the dildo was deep within Lisa's own pussy and she was also fucking herself as she fucked him. Dan responded and began to move in and out of Diana as Lisa moved the hard shaft in and out of his own rectum. Lisa stretched herself against Dan's back and, not surprisingly, the intense stimulation very soon had all three exploding in the convulsions of incredible orgasms.

Finally they collapsed in a hot, sweaty heap. Diana reveled in the weight of both of them pressing her against the ground and tightened her internal muscles around Dan's shrinking member. At last the three pulled apart and Dan turned and embraced Lisa for a long kiss. Then both of them turned and, without a word, bent to suck hard at Diana's nipples. Suddenly Lisa began to let her mouth move down across Diana's taut stomach and on over her newly shaved mound. She moved between Diana's legs and began to lick the length of her slit. For several minutes her tongue darted over Diana's clit and in and out of her pussy. Dan sat back and stared intently, his hardening cock indicating his reaction to this show. Soon Diana came again in another loud climax. Lisa made one more long lick from just in front of Diana's anus, up through her slit, across her clit, and on up her stomach and over a hard nipple. When she finally pulled away, she and Dan began to release the stretched girl from her bonds.

As Diana sat up and worked her sore arms, she turned towards Dan and gave him a hug and deep kiss. Then she turned to Lisa and gave her one too. As she pulled back she quietly said, "Well, I guess we know how we feel about this, now, don't we?"

Lisa looked into her eyes, nodded and said, "I guess so. It feels awfully good, but don't expect me to give up men."

The three sat close together and talked about the experience. Diana wanted to examine the strap on. She had never seen one and now ideas of using it on Dan - and Lisa! - were flooding her head. Dan admitted the experience did really turn him on and that playing with the three of them together was even better than he could have anticipated. They agreed that if anything bothered any of them that they would let the others know, otherwise everyone was free to experiment.

The three lay around for another half hour, talking and occasionally necking and feeling a little. Finally Lisa said, "I don't know about you, Diana, but I think I feel the need to be tortured a little bit. Why don't we go back to the dungeon."

Diana immediately responded, "Yes. That sounds great. I won't say that the bondage sex isn't great - you both know I found it wonderful - but I want to try a little more severe stuff. Just as long as you don't hurt me too much. The whippings really turned me on." She looked over at Dan. "So, Captain, if you would like to work over your helpless captives, I guess we're available. They than began to gather the picnic stuff and made their way back towards the house.

They dropped the leftovers in the kitchen, made a trip to the bathrooms, and then headed back downstairs.

Again as they entered the room, all three looked, as the expression goes, like kids at Christmas. Their aunt and uncle had put together a very complete dungeon and they wanted to try all the devices at once. Actually there were enough different devices, restraints, and ways of using them that they could spend a month and not get to them all. Now Dan looked thoughtfully around the room.

"I think Lisa can go on the table and maybe Diana can ride the leather horse. Come on, Diana. You wanted to be tortured a little, so let's get you mounted." He pulled out the narrow leather 'horse' Lisa had ridden the last time and anchored it to the floor. This device had a leather saddle about six inches across with a mount for the eight inch knobbed dildo that Dan now installed. The saddle was of a height that, seated on it, Diana's feet would still be a foot or more off the floor. The horse itself was mounted on springs with ratchet devices so that any small movement would be amplified and the horse would 'buck' mildly as it bounced around. Dan placed step stools on each side of the saddle and had Diana stand on one. He lubricated the dildo and instructed her to straddle the device with one foot on each stool. He then had her bend her knees slightly, impaling herself on the dildo. She gradually sat lower until the shaft was almost completely inserted. When she stepped to the next lower steps of the stools, holding her knees straight just kept her pussy lips off the saddle surface. Dan attached her wrist cuffs to a ceiling chain with enough slack so her arms were forward and above her head, but not stretched tightly. He then added two wicked nipple clamps and attached six ounce weights with the long springs. He tied narrow velvet ribbons around the base of each of her breasts, soon making them swollen and tender. Next he attached a weight to each of her ankle cuffs.

Before removing the stools, Dan found a power cord attached to the base of the horse and plugged it in. Lisa looked surprised at this last: when she had ridden the horse they hadn't noticed the cord. Dan saw her look and explained, "I looked a little closer at some of this stuff last week. Remember Uncle Tom was trained as a mechanical engineer before he decided to farm. Anyway on this I found that there is a timer and motor arrangement set so that it will give random bounces. That way even if you learn to hold the horse perfectly still, it will still move once in a while. Also the dildo is powered. Diana should be in for quite a ride." With this he removed the two stools and Diana gasped as she slid the rest of the way down the shaft and her weight came to rest on the leather ridge of the saddle. Dan gave the horse a quick push and it began to bounce. The sensations Diana was feeling flashed across her face: pain from the leather ridge, the bouncing weights, the knobbed dildo. Stimulation from the vibrations of the fake cock and the friction of the leather against her wet sex. Dan helped with a dozen lashes with a leather cat, bringing several cries from the bound and bouncing girl. Then he turned his attention to Lisa.

He had her lie on her back on the padded table with her ass just at the bottom edge. He then bound her hands to the head of the table and pulled a wide leather strap tightly around her waist, pinning her to the table. A rope was used to connect each ankle cuff to a pair of ceiling rings. When Dan pulled these tight, Lisa's legs were sticking straight up and spread nearly five feet apart. Her pussy and anus were completely exposed and open. Dan used another pair of the painful nipple clamps to connect her tits to cords looped through ceiling rings. Springs and lead weights were added to these, pulling her breasts into stretched cone shapes. Another clamp, not quite so tight, was attached directly to her clit and a cord and small weight were also added to this. Next Dan inserted a large, ribbed, vibrating dildo into her rectum and turned it on. Finally he added a dozen or so clothes pins to the sides of her tits, her vaginal lips, the insides of her thighs and under her arms. He stepped back to watch Lisa struggle with the various pains and then, without warning, began to apply a riding crop to her stretched ass.

For the next twenty minutes Dan alternated between the two women, using several cats and crops on their tormented bodies. And while both girls cried out and screamed a number of times, neither called a safe word. Finally Dan put down the crop he was holding and began to pull the clothes pins from Lisa's pinched flesh. The table was the perfect height so that when he stood between Lisa's spread and raised legs, his cock was directly in line with her open pussy. He picked up a short tailed cat and then plunged his hard member into Lisa's sopping slit in one long, single thrust. He began to fuck her with long, hard strokes while at the same time lashing her stomach and flanks with the cat. Lisa came almost immediately but Dan didn't even hesitate and continued to pound her. Twice more she came in screaming orgasms, the last as Dan suddenly pulled the clip from her clit. Dan followed her third climax within seconds, coming deeply inside her.

Dan released the clamps from her nipples and let her legs down, but left her still bound to the table. He then turned his attention to Diana. Diana had already come three times herself from the stimulation of the horse and Dan's floggings, and watching his action with Lisa had brought her over the top again. He picked up a cat with thirty inch tails and approached her. "Had enough yet, Winch? Or do you still crave more punishment?"

Diana was still bouncing around on the horse and the sudden pains caused by the saddle and clamps flashed clearly across her face every few seconds. But she looked directly at Dan, taking in the whip and coming to rest on his eyes. "Whip me again, Captain. Make me really feel this one."

Dan was once more astonished at how much these two beautiful women were taking to the rough BDSM sex. But he didn't complain. Instead he raised the whip and lashed it across Diana's hip, wrapping the tails around to her thighs. The blow was hard and brought a scream from the bound girl, but it also obviously stimulated her more. Dan delivered another ten or fifteen strokes, all hard and leaving angry red lines and each bringing a scream. With the last Diana began to convulse in the throws of another intense orgasm. When she began to come down, Dan decided she had had enough and stopped the bouncing horse and placed the stools under her feet again. When she had taken her weight back on her legs with a groan as the pressure came off her battered genitals, he began to release her from her bonds. He then went back and untied Lisa, helping her up.

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Introduction: Do you believe in love at first sight? He heard her voice before he saw anything. Bubba, you son of a b&hellip,. Come back here! Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the womans voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind...

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HANDLING THINGS IN THE PARKby Rumple Foreskinnote: This is not a work of fiction. Only the names have been changed to protect the author from divorce lawyers and/or para-medics.It was a seductively beautiful Sunday afternoon in Central Park. Around the edge of a small, remote meadow, leaf covered trees, their limbs swaying gently in a light breeze, muffled the sound of distant city traffic. By some miracle, there were no portable radios blaring. The loudest noise came from squirrels and pigeons...

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Her Punishment

You are on your knees, bound at the ankles. Your arms are behind you, bound at the wrists. A bit is placed in your mouth, and fastened to the back of your collar. A blindfold cuts out all light. Also attached to the collar is a restraint that extends down your back, connecting your wrists and ankles. This secures them and keeps your head pulled back. You have been stripped completely, only your slave wear in place. That means just collar, wrist and ankle straps. You are alone in the middle of...

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I am sitting here, raking my fingers over the dashboard, trying to decide what to do. The unintelligible laughter of children playing down the street is a constant reminder of how exposed I am. My very presence here is a risk, and every minute I stay is another minute someone might notice me parked down the street from her home. Her husband and I don’t know each other all that well. Oh, we are close enough to say ‘Hi’ when our paths cross. I have little doubt he would recognize me in an...

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Ex love

I came out of mumbai airport on road at6.30pm. I was searching mydriver. I saw him on next end of road. I wentthere crossing the slowmoving traffic & sat inside the car. he said inhis local style "youknow about mumbai traffic, that's why Icoudn't take car near you". Isaid "ok now come inside the car & let'smove". car joined thetraffic. I told him to take car at rushab'shouse. Rushab is my schoolfriend. he got aranged married 2 days before.I coudnt attend hismarriage because my companies...

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Leben 15

Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Alan sighed, it had been a week so far and still no one was getting where he wanted them to be. Appearing near the training area he watched as Madde and Angelika were flying across the road into the woods. Shaking his head he'd thought that most of them would be starting to get a handle on this by now.   Rounding a corner, he saw that both Varick and Harman were upset at the two women they had just...

4 years ago
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My Loving Mami 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, my name is mitesh from mumbai.This is my first story about how i lost my virginity to love of my life my mami .I will tell my story in hindi now as i would be able to explain it properly so, lets get started. Mera naam mitesh jaisa maine bataya tha aur meri mami ka naam geeta hai mai dhekne mai good looking fair hu 5.10″ height hai aur well body normal hai jaisi ek guju ladke k hogi,aur meri mami k bare mai kya batau she is the most beautiful women i ever saw,par mai un k bare mai...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Virgin Cousin

This happened about 2 years back. I was alone at home and everyone had gone out for a wedding. It was evening. I was watching a porn movie on my PC. Suddenly, the door-bell rang and I went to check who had come. I left the PC running in a hurry. It was my cousin Anita. “Hi, Anita! How are you?” I inquired. “I am fine Bhaiyya. How are you doing?” She asked and straight away walked into the home. “Where is everyone gone? You seem to be alone, Bhaiyya,” said Anita. “Yes. Everyone is gone for a...

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Mama Ki Beti Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hi dosto mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hoon aur mera nam jayesh hai n mai karnataka se hoon mera rang gora hai n meri age 19 hai n ye gatna phcle 2 month phele huwi ti ab aur time waste na karte huwe story pe ata hoon ye Meri pheli gatna hai wo bi mere mama ki beti ke sath uska nam nisha hai n wo bahut sexy n cute uska fig 32 30 34 n wo 1st mai padti hai n meri garmiyoon ki chutiyan chalo hogayi thi mai mama ghar jane wala tha n ek Din phele maine nisha ko phone kiya aur kahan ki mai kal...

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Taking a Monster Cock

A few months ago I was asked to head up to a friend of mines family farm to help out with some bush fire mitigation. They were afraid of a fire spreading and taking out their property. In the end, their property wasn’t effected by the fire but I enjoyed helping out in the bush for a week and they are good friends. I could tell you some fun stories about hanging out on the farm but that isn’t what I really want to share with you guys. On the drive up to the farm, I spent a night at a...

3 years ago
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Looking for Laurie

A dense crowd of sailors in dress whites crowded around the single-stage, lavishing tips on each dancer that appeared from behind the blood-red curtain at the far end. The small, round, pedestal tables dotting the room were just big enough for one dancer and two or three flyboys on their first night back from sea duty, hungry for booze and pussy. I remember wondering why these girls thought they had a chance of snagging a naval aviator, and whether it had ever actually happened.I first noticed...

3 years ago
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Hot risky and spontaneous

Hello all, I hope that you all enjoyed Summer. My boys are back in school and I’m back at massage parlor. I have a story that occured this past Tuesday, so get hard, sit back and enjoy. Every weekend morning, I wake up and do same thing. I make lunch for my boys to bring to school, kiss them and send them off to bus stop. The rest of the day, until 3:15PM. is mine. This past Tuesday, I awoke extremely horny, so after my boys left, I pulled out a vibrator and masturbated to a shaking orgasm. The...

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FamiliesTied Helena Locke Ivy Lebelle Therapist Caught Scamming Her Slutty StepDaughter8217s Ass

Helena Locke is a beautiful ice queen running a self-branded feminist therapy clinic. She is very good at calming her patients, but what she does with them while they are in a relaxed state isn’t always up to clinical standards. She has an insatiable hunger for controlling her hot step-daughter Ivy LeBelle, a curvy bodacious babe with a trusting nature and easy sexuality. Helena has been enjoying her piece of Ivy’s pie for years under the guise of therapy, but when Ivy brings home...

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Big Blue EyesChapter 27

“Hello, This is Jeff.” “Hey, Jeff ... Randall Knight here. The University newspaper just called me for an interview and pictures, regarding SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS. Is it all right with you if we do this?” “Sure, I’m the one who contacted them in the first place, but I wasn’t going to tell you what to do. If you want to, then do it. Be prepared for it, though. University Newspaper people are always trying to find something salacious to print. Their grade in their journalism class...

4 years ago
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Young black man mature white female

My gorgeous mature white wife went to our nude, adult campsite we use. She wanted to relax, maybe find a young black man to have sex with as over the years she’s enjoyed having several black men as sexual partners. She’s 54, just about to turn 55, but easily passes for 10 years younger. She has a great mature curvy figure, is 44E-38-45, has long blonde hair, blue eyes, hairy bush and takes great pride in being all natural. Some wrinkles, little extra here and there, but a truly voluptuous...

3 years ago
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Run Ch 07

This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity. ————— —————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 30

Flashback – Jack – At the old Orthodox Church Hell's Fucking Bells! Ben tipped his wheelchair on the side and I recognized the sound that prompted him to do it. I dove to the floor right beside Ben's new nurse and made sure to hold her head down as all hell broke loose. The stupid fuckers in the BTR 80 decided to fire on the church with the 14.5 mm cannon and it ripped the hell out of everything. I didn't know who the fucker was that gave the order but their ass was mine if I lived...

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Peter North Encounter

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...

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McCardleWalker and Company

Hiram Walker was thirty-five and a happily married man, and father of three, with one on the way. His oldest child Bethany was twelve and was developing into a sure-fire heartbreaker. She was almost a clone of her mother. Then there were the boys, Martin age ten, and Willard age five.Sybil Walker was two years older than Hiram and a closet bisexual. She had a long-standing affair with her best friend Alicia. An affair that had been totally discreet until recently, when Alicia’s brother Larry...

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My wife slut

I love my wife crazy. Others had sex, just sex on the side, I love to listen to her stories about how she fucked, but more fun to watch. My wife is pretty slim blonde with appetizing forms, the sight of which in normal men 'saliva flowing ".Once begged my beauty with friends somewhere in Bartschik sit and relax after a week of work. Pomylas, make-up, put on her panties, which were eating cover her shaved pussy, and behind and did hide in her delicious ass, wore a short leather skirt that...

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Snowed In Part 3

She could hear him finishing up his shower. She had started the coffee and bacon when he got in so he could smell them when he was done. She had just pulled on her sweater. It was long and covered enough but she had no intention of letting him guess at what she had on underneath. It was still snowing and the national weather guy was camped at the nearest turnpike exit. That's never a good thing. Was saying it would snow until dark. The foot and a half that was down already was causing problems....

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Awakenings Ch 07

Jeanne stood up, walked over to the dresser and opened her purse. "What are you doing?" Ignoring my question, Jeanne said, "Turn on your computer." "Okay." I got up, walked over to the desk and switched on my computer. As the computer was booting up Jeanne joined me. I noticed that she was holding the small cloth tape measure that she always carried in her purse. I smiled. "Are you going to measure me?" "Damn right I am. It's the only way you'll know for sure." "Okay." "Sit down in the chair."...

1 year ago
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Emma the Pig Chapter 3

I squinted, trying to keep the bright light from my phone out of my eyes, looking at every part of the frame I was trapped in, trying to see if there was any kind of emergency release, anything I had missed. I could already feel the ache setting into my wrists and shoulders as my bulk hung, suspended and splayed off the floor. Another experimental squirm resulted in another click as my legs jerked out even further and I froze…I had no idea how much further I might stretch. It really began to...

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Baby Oil Bad Boy

Saturday mornings felt like being wrapped up in a warm, snuggly blanket on an icy cold winter’s night. They are the sanctuary for the weekday weary, and for Sarah it meant she could rouse from her ‘slumber of the dead’ a couple of hours later than usual. It was a lovely feeling, being relaxed and totally at peace with the world. She stretched out her tired, weary limbs under the big soft duvet and smiled; it felt like floating on a fluffy white cloud. Five days of the week, the pressures of...

First Time
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I realised it was no longer a Fantasy

I realised it was no longer a Fantasy When they left, I turned on the laptop. I needed to know. What did this new word mean that I had been called for a few weeks? I typed “cuckold” into the search engine. I could not believe it; it described me to a “T.” My wife laughed as I read it. “You have now met my bulls,” my wife said. “Did you like taking the blindfold, off?” I went quiet and never replied. My wife walked over and touched my limp pathetic cock, as she called it, but it never...

Wife Lovers
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CherryPimps Miranda Miller Loves That Cock

Miranda Miller loves the feel of her lacy panties over her trimmed pussy as she rubs herself feeling the material from her panties grow wetter and wetter! She so badly wants a cock to fuck her deep and Marcus London can’t wait to bury his face and tongue deep in that wet snatch! He doesn’t want to stop. He could spend all day eating that delicious pussy but knows how bad she wants to feel that hard cock deep inside her! He spoons her and gets her into doggy fucking her harder and...

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A gentle massage between two highly sexed lovers

This is for that special someone who wants more. I walked into the room where you were awaiting your massage. You look up to see me come in. The smile on your gorgeous face is hard to miss as you notice me enter. Dressed like you wanted, I only have on a pair of loose silk shorts and nothing else. I have a good body and you don’t really notice my slight love handles since your eyes have barely left my obvious package. Clearly, I am pleasing to you. It’s difficult not to get...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 29 Cuddly Toy

Montcalm Volleyball Party House, London, Ontario 9:21pm, Friday, December 7, 1979 “Are you guys really gonna play a few songs for us?” Cassie West, the host of this Montcalm volleyball party excitedly asked as Lisa, Lynette, Sammy and I walked into her house carrying our acoustic guitar cases. “Didn’t E come in with a guitar?” Lisa asked her older teammate. “Yeah, but she’s like the drummer of your band, so I wasn’t sure ‘bout what was happening,” Cassie replied with a huge smile. She...

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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 10

When they arrived at the plane they could hear the electric tools of the work crew already installing the living room furniture. They carried the first load of packages into the meeting room and found Maggie there watching TV. "Hey Maggie, wanna give us a hand carrying some stuff in?" Cindy asked. "Sure." she replied, and between the five of them they got the rest in one more trip. "Stay here." Cindy said with a wink, and let herself into the living room to check the progress of the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 18 Connections

June 23, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Mario called last night to let me know he was safely in Los Angeles,” Julia said to kick off our Monday morning meeting. “What did you decide about Cincinnati?” I asked. “Cindi and I will do it,” Julia said. “With your sister and Elyse handling the day-to-day administrative stuff for the summer, I can spend the time. The real pinch is that it’s going to take Cindi away from sales for a week. We don’t have an option, though, because we really can’t afford...

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