Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 9
- 2 years ago
- 24
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James lavished attention on me for the rest of our little holiday.
We didn’t spend it all in bed despite the temptation to do so. We were both sad when we had to pack and shift to the Army Base. I was placed in a room with two women, and James found that he also had two roommates.
Since the course was shifted to the base, the Army had decided that it wasn’t to be wasted and they had added some of their own people. We had six civilians, four Police Officers and six Army Officers in the course. Six members of the group were males and the rest females.
James was the only male Police Officer. The two civilians were bunked in with James and the three men from the Army had been assigned the other four-bunk room.
I had been bunked in with the two female Police Officers. Teresa was twenty-seven, a tall blonde close to my own height with Swedish ancestry while Anika was twenty-eight, from Maori stock, which gave her a medium build and height. They were both Senior Constables. The four civilian women were split into two rooms, and the three Army females were in the next.
It didn’t take me long to work out that I had a bit of competition. Two of the civilians, Rita and Carly, decided James was a catch and made no bones about pursuing him. They were pretty enough and were both brunettes.
Carly was twenty-four and had the bigger tits. Rita was twenty-three and the slimmer of the two, although neither could be considered overweight. They were both around 170cm tall. Neither of them was happy to have to stay on-site during the week.
Unfortunately, for me, I attracted the Army boys. This didn’t please the Army females or James. The other four civilians seemed to pair up fairly quickly to take themselves out of circulation. The Army boys were cute enough, but they weren’t James.
James and I, and two of the Army boys were the only ones not from the Brisbane area. Aaron and Rod were currently based in Townsville. They were also the two who thought they had the best chance with me. They informed us that they were supposed to move to the new Headquarters in Oak Beach when it was ready for them. This didn’t please James either.
I was the youngest of the group. The army personnel were all within eighteen months, either side of James. Aaron was the youngest at just twenty-four and Marty was the oldest at twenty-seven. His birthday had been a couple of days after mine. James was a December baby like my dad.
When we turned up, we were met by Sergeant Anne Smith. She assigned us our rooms and gave us a map indicating where we could and couldn’t go. We could leave the base on Friday evenings but had to be back on site by seven am on Monday mornings, as long as no emergency cases came up.
They couldn’t keep us Police Officers or the civilians here, but it would be frowned upon if we didn’t turn up when called back. We had to sign a disclaimer not to discuss any case we worked on, outside of our department. We were told to expect plenty of work.
The residential building that we were in was separated from the office area by a covered walkway. A small outdoor entertainment area was between the buildings and just off the path. Some of the rooms were for permanent residents, and some like ours were for visitors.
The lower floor of the residence comprised of a cafeteria, a large dining hall, a smaller recreation area and another room, which had couches for study with our peepers plus several desks that we could use if we still preferred flat-tops. (Large tablet styled PCs with built-in stands)
When I asked about the facilities so I could exercise, I was told I could use the small wooded area behind the two buildings for running. A lap-pool and a gym were in the basement. That explained to me the odd arrangement of windows in the lower metre high area of the building and why, the first floor was raised that high from the ground.
Anne also mentioned that if we wished, we could do PT with the Army personnel at 06:00 hours in the courtyard. Breakfast was at 07:00 hours, and we had to report to our classroom by 08:00 hours precisely.
We were then shown where the laundry was, where we could deposit our sheets and towels and collect clean ones when we required them. If we required dry-cleaning, we needed to contact the Provisions Office to arrange for it to be sent out and returned.
I asked about the storage of our weapons and if we had access to a firing range. Anne looked at me horrified when I asked this. This caused several hurried phone calls and a lot of consternation. As far as the Army was concerned, our weapons needed to be handed to the Arms Master.
However, we were Police Officers, and as far as the course went, we were classified as being on duty. We had even been temporarily assigned to the Enoggera Police Station for the three months. We were also supposed to be in full uniform during duty hours.
When the other two officers turned up, they had been told the same thing. So, we were allowed to keep the weapons. They had to be put in our lockers, and the lockers kept locked after duty hours. I did find out I could contact the Arms Master to organise using the indoor range. We would have to be picked up and escorted to it.
Finally, we got settled in. The bunk room wasn’t that large, and I had no idea why the local women had so much crap with them. They could after all go home on the weekends. I got one of the top bunks, and they also used the other bunk and locker for their stuff. It only took me minutes to unpack, and I then went to meet James for dinner in the canteen.
We had to turn right at one junction and then go through a second intersection before we travelled the last 35km to Sigma. That was an interesting experience. The junctions acted like little-domed railway stations. The Mag-trains travelled down the centre of the tunnels and People could drive on either side of it. The trains were fully automated and sat about sixty people. They zipped up and back of their section of the line all day, every day. The trains had specially designed...
It was as long a night as I knew it would be. The worst part was calling my dad because I knew he’d have a fat-attack. He’d not wanted me to be a cop. Until I was ten, we had lived in Brisbane. I was a late child, and my parents were both surprised when mum found out she was pregnant. She was thirty-six and dad forty when I was born. They had some sort of epidemic back in thirty-two to thirty-six. It had caused a lot of changes in the world. We lost two percent of the population worldwide....
We had to stand around for an hour while we were questioned, and a million pictures were taken. A tow-truck turned up. The driver told us we would need a forklift first. Siebel had to call a builder and her insurance agency. A lot of merchandise near the window was covered in glass and got stomped on while they worked out how to remove the Linger. One of the ladies, who was called Penny, went and got us coffee and we three girls sat down the back at Siebel’s counter and got to know each...
My dad was the Chief Superintendent of the Daintree Regional Office. We patrolled from Wangetti in the south, which included the Spaceport, to the Daintree National Park area in the north and out to Mt Carbine in the west and Southedge in the south-west. Our region included three national parks, fifteen small rural towns, plus Mossman and Port Douglas. In total, we had three main stations, one at Oak Beach, one here in Port Douglas and one in Mossman. We also had five small three-men...
I got then sent to traffic for three months. The only good thing about the three months I did in Traffic was that since I had a Hopper licence, I got to ride one. The bad thing was the occasional truck or Linger accident, but they certainly gave my paramedic training a workout. We still have electric cars as some people can’t fly the lingers, and even dual diesel engine and electric trucks running around on the roads. Linger smashes were the worst, as survival rates were lower if someone...
James was quiet during the ride to the station and took me straight to my father’s office. After seeing me in, James left at my father’s nod. I presented myself to my father, and then he introduced me to his two visitors, Major John Carmichael and his aide, Lieutenant Warren Rogers. After the brief pleasantries, the Major said, “Constable Mc Gee, are you aware of the contents of the crates that were in the lorry?” “No sir, the warehouses are on my beat, but I have never entered the...
The next seven weeks flew past for James and me. We got involved in some interesting cases, and we were coached on every technique they used. We had little trouble passing the units they had us study for. Professor Ingles had already said he could sign us off on the others. We even had to study Army Regs. One case we solved that surprised them was what was called a cold case. It was nearly three years old. Captain Walters had pointed out a special filing cabinet. He said it had six cases in...
I woke up several hours later in a bed beside James. I lay there thinking about the incident and Bindy in particular, as I listened to the soft beeps of a machine. I knew that the Army personnel we’d been training with were all in the process of shifting to the MPs. I guessed that was why James and I had liked them and related to them. The fact that we were still training with them for PT had made us part of their team in a superficial way. This incident would only bind us tighter. We had...
I was surprised by the delightful dream I was having. James was doing very sinful things to my body in the dream. It felt so real that I woke when my body shuddered in orgasm. I opened my eyes to find James face close to mine. I also knew where the bugger had his hand and that the dream had reality attached to it. “I love you,” he said softly to me. I smiled and gently pressed my lips to his briefly. “And now you’re stuck with me,” I replied. “I’m sorry for dragging you into my problems...
The next interesting thing that happened was that Carmel fucked up. We weren’t sure at the time if the fact that the boys seemed distracted and kept their distance from the office made her sloppy, or if the other event forced her hand. I suspected the latter. Late one afternoon, in the third week of November, she left the office with Simon and without the guards. She had sent Darla in to distract us, while they tried to make their escape. Rather than run to catch up with her, we decided to...
“Vambraces?” Dusty said as a query and in surprise. James touched his and closed his eyes. “It says to just slip it over the one we already wear,” he said as he opened his eyes. He placed the box on the shelf and removed the brace from it. Dusty removed one from her box. They looked at each other and slipped the new vambrace over the brace they wore. James to the left and Dusty to the right since she was a south-paw. “Oh! Fuck!” Dusty yelped. James just grunted as if he was having an...
The couple worked on their cover story. In the last couple of years, they hadn’t done a lot of undercover work that lasted more than a week or two. They both reasoned that this probably wouldn’t be any different. They needed to get in find out who was doing what and get out again. Their job wasn’t to rescue the slaves that would be up to UNSEC and the Islamic Federation to sort out. They both worked on altering their features, so they looked more Persian. They studied the common facial and...
Dusty shook her head, she was damn sure that she was being set up. “Demetri, we aren’t Wizards we are only High Mages,” she told him. “May I be rude and ask to see your item?” he asked politely. Dusty stood and told her items to appear, “See, we only have four gems.” Demetri stood and walked over to her. “What is it the thing that appeared on your arm?” “Oh, this is a vambrace. Mine is a bit odd as it has four gems but two of them are different from the others on my medallion. Lee said...
“What are you bleating about Mari, we all know they are fakes?” Symone replied. Symone looked at her fellow nobles with contempt. “If she is more gifted than we are, she will know as soon as she touches one of us. These people are posing just like we are; they just pretend that they have more magical items than we do. We all know that we either have ability or not and these heirlooms do nothing to enhance them.” “May I?” asked Dusty, putting her hand out for the diadem. Symone thrust it at...
Dusty went to check on Beanie. Somehow, he had collected a dozen helpers. Several of the men had seen him collecting the treetops that hadn’t been recycled for the roads. When asked what he was doing, he explained that he was putting them through the recycler to make things they would need for the new community and to accommodate their new guests. Two of the men told him they were builders and they already had plans drawn up for a hall and other community buildings. They took Beanie to...
James expertly landed the ship in the massive cavern. The shallow bowl-shaped floor was a bit rocky but he was able to set the Gunna down softly. The cavern seemed to have been caused by a massive and very hot explosion sometime in the past. The mountain had withstood the test of time so far and the cavern’s melted and sealed roof and walls still held. The large crack to one side and halfway to the rear of the cavern may have happened as a result of the explosion but the side of the...
James said as he watched Josh walk away, “You may need to be careful teasing him, my love. He is already half in love with you.” “Yes, I know. James if we did get a third would you prefer they were dominantly male or female?” she asked him with some trepidation. James flicked his eyes at her and then looked at Josh’s retreating figure thoughtfully before he chuckled. “You are so bad. How about I chuck the ball back in your court. If and when you decide to have someone join us, then I will...
On a Sunday afternoon, I was playing with a spell that said it provided an invisible wall. I had learnt that slight changes in the spell would make the light go through or it could block it from one direction or both. Adding a glamour, I could make a doorway or hallway appear to have disappeared. If the area were touched, the person would feel a solid wall, and they couldn’t pass through it. “Danny,” Justin called out as if he was calling me from a different room. “Yes,” I answered with a...
James breathed out a big sigh of relief and headed for the bedroom. He found Dusty propped up in bed with a sheet over her lower half, her magnificent tits on display and her tablet in her hands. He was glad she hadn’t mucked around with them, as he had always loved her tits. It then came to him that her titties would get bigger, as her pregnancy progressed. “Holly shit! Twins!” he blurted out. Dusty let out a laugh, “Oh, so cool calm and collected my Prince of Darkness.” When she...
Dusty and James had to perform an unpleasant task. Sean had helped them alter a cube before he left. They had stripped the lower level of one that had rooms in it and set it up to be storage and a workshop area. They had put in enough stores and equipment for building several homes if the prisoners wished. They would have spare materials to make most things, tools to make them, chop wood, do gardening and fishing gear. Sean had provided a couple of power crystals and solar cells for the...
James and Dusty enjoyed some alone time. With their AIs monitoring space for them, once they turned on the autopilot they didn’t ready have to stay on the bridge. They spent some time mapping the system, as they left it. Dusty released a probe on the outer edge to monitor the route that the navigation beacons directed the ships to enter and leave the Ono System. Any ship entering or leaving would be in sub-light speed when they passed what they thought was a normal, innocuous beacon. The...
Josh took them to a break-out room. He made them tea and sat at the table with them. “I guess you need some explanations. I’ve been undercover with this lot for five months. It wasn’t planned. I was captured when the freighter I was working on was bagged. We had suspected the Captain of the freighter was a smuggler.” “He was, but he wasn’t involved with this lot. He was an independent arms smuggler. UNSEC has been trying to limit the number of weapons going to Terra. There is nothing to...
So learned at a very young age that I liked dressing up in hose and heels and making guys cum (see any of my previous stories :-). I met Dusty when we were 13. He moved from another state. He towered above all of the other boys in our class at 6' 1". He was so big we called him Dusty Mountain. He had a full five o clock shadow and probably outweighed every other guy in the class by 60 or 70 pounds. There was an empty seat next to me and the teacher sat him there. I soon learned that he...
Johan accepted the call. “Hello Captain Kufuor, My name is Captain Chris Smith. This ship was sent to the Twin Systems to investigate the pirates. Luckily, for you and your passengers, we were able to stop them from firing on your ship. However, we have found over a hundred and fifty prisoners on the planet. We were wondering if you had any spare births should some of them wish to travel to Terra as soon as possible.” “No, we are sorry but we have a full load,” Johan replied trying to put...
Ricky found his way out of the ship. He stopped when he looked at the new compound. They had cleared a lot of land to his way of thinking. He liked the nice wide streets and the fact they had left clumps of trees for shade. He could see the pavilions, the rows of tents and the bustling people. He was shocked when he realised that a lot of them were teenagers. He then realised that a group of them were in one of the squares near the landing field. A tractor with a deep hoe was traversing the...
Dusty’s crew had a lot of fun while she was indisposed. They had stripped out half of a deck of cabins on deck three to fit the extra hardware and stores in. They were leaving half the farming machines and stores for this planet. The ship was one of the smaller settlements ships and had been designed to sleep four hundred. In fact, all the ships were of the older and more modest design. They had forty cabins in four rows of ten on the three passenger levels. The cabins on the two lower...
The next day was very busy for James and Dusty. They had pleaded weariness and didn’t leave the hotel room as far as anyone other than Mica and their new team of mercenaries were concerned. Their guards were kept busy turning away a horde of people wishing to see Hasid. Some were not happy that they were being rebuffed. While waiting for lunch, Dusty lifted her brace and said, “Rasp, report to me with the team, please.” Three minutes later, she had the six mercenaries standing in front of...
They finally left Armstrong Space station at 15:00 hours. The whole crew watched the Earth and Moon grow smaller from the bridge. The bridge had five seats at the consoles that surround the raised Captain’s chair and two chairs for guests set near the doors and above the short ramps to the consoles. The rest of the crew had each attached to a chair or sat in laps to witness them leaving Sol. Pat was driving, and Darla and Beanie were at their stations as the navigator and the gunner. The...
They parked up the bikes and settled the gravity sleds. The high Mages set up a new shield before they moved out. Their first objective was the ships. They moved so they were out of visual sight of the camp and approached the small gunship. Zed told Dusty mentally, to hold her vambrace next to the door locking mechanism. Dusty did so and they waited for a minute. “The ship is empty and the codes are changed, mistress. Only you can unlock the ship by placing your brace near one of the...
One of the bolder women asked, “What happened to us?” Dusty smiled at her and the others. “Well, we heard you had a bit of problem with your King so we relieved him of his duties. Whitney said a lot of you are sick and you all need a damn good feed. We have some medicine that should help and I think if you fill a plate it will help with the hunger pains.” She didn’t have to tell them twice and they quickly lined up. The teams were soon doing a brisk trade. Some of the kids even ran back to...
The mission was a go. When Dusty announced that the Farestar was on the edge of the system, and they had to stop the Pirates, the ship became a flurry of activity. Worried that one of the pirate ships might leave before they could stop them, Dusty split the team. Que, Bella and the other Enforcers would go with her and the other four would man the ship. Once they located the base and the ships, the Striker would land, let them out and head back to space. It was to slip back into the...
Mica had to chuckle. He found the room was already set up for about twenty people and the staff had even set up the self-serving area with hot meals, cold meats, salads and bread for the hungry executives. The men happily served themselves before finding a spot at the long table. One of the men, Nazem, who happened to be the Minister of Water Control, said to James as they walked to the seats, “You have undoubtedly caused a lot of destruction and several deaths, with your actions,...
Dusty Rose 5 CHAPTER 1 "Well, this is a new look for you!" Willy laughed as Chris pulled himself into the shot-gun seat of the town car. When Willy had pulled up to the front door of the hotel, Chris had been out in front waiting for him. He was carrying his guitar and wearing a simple, yellow sundress. That alone was a bit different, Willy had noticed that all the Dusty Rose girls tended to dress similarly, usually in fairly subdued colors, like most northern girls. Although he...
Chris and his team were floating along with the asteroids. They were all relieved to hear that the pirates were all out for the count. Dusty informed Chris that Zed had said that the freighter and the gunship were flyable but they could do with a serious overhaul. She also told him the pirates were now their prisoners. Chris and the team were waiting for the Farestar to pass them and head out of the system before they came back to join the ground crew. Dusty had informed the ship of what...
A standard space shuttle had a minimum crew of six. An Engineer who was also the Drive Mechanic, a Plumber who looked after all of the fluid systems, an Electrician, a Science Officer who doubled as the Medic, a Navigator who also looked after the Comms and the computer systems if the Electrician didn’t and the Ship’s Captain who was also the primary Pilot. It was common for a ship’s crew to be semi-skilled in each other’s jobs so they could back each other up. Dusty, Justin, Aaron and...
James didn’t have to prompt Mica to tell him what had been going. Mica just decided to give him the broad picture, not sure, what James knew since he hadn’t been around for the better part of three years. Fiaz had not even hinted that his son was still alive. He asked James what he knew about their claim on Terra. James just told Mica to tell him what he knew, as if he knew nothing. So Mica did. James and Dusty learnt that one of Fiaz’s ships had been one of the first ships to come to...
Chris looked at the group of people he would be spending the next few months with speculatively. He had been quietly listening to all that Pat and Lee had been telling them. While the ship was very roomy for a strike craft of its class, twelve people living in close quarters tend to develop interesting personal and group dynamics that can become a nightmare to sort out for a Captain. If they all developed magical abilities, then these dynamics will be even more intense. “Empress Lee, I have...
Chapter 1 "Will you two, please get a move on!? I want you to have some breakfast before you go!" Terry and Chris' mother was shouting towards the living room from the stove where she was making French toast for the twins. Today was the day! Her babies were leaving and it had all happened so quickly. So unexpectedly. "I'm right here, mom." Terry said, coming into the kitchen. "I've got everything packed and in the hallway. The girls won't be here for another forty-five minutes or...
Ricky looked apprehensively at the two women that were in his cell with him. Cara laughed mockingly, “Jeez, men can be such dumb-arses. Did you think we were that gullible? We knew you were not taking the drugs. Why did you think we preferred you to fuck us? The fact you’re a damn good lay without them wasn’t lost on us either. Your wife is one lucky woman in that regard.” “I’m sorry,” Ricky said and meant it. Using them had been a way to meet his objectives. Away from the rest of the...
In January 2093, I was sent to Cairns for my First Year Constable (FYC) training. As a new recruit, we only did dayshifts, and we were babied everywhere we went. After breezing through recruit course, I ran into a bit more trouble as an FYC. I had to spend three months in four different sections before I was given my first posting. Senior Constable Doug Mc Barker, the old guy I was put with for the first three months, damn near drove me insane with boredom. He hated being a first responder...
Did I tell you I hate clothes shopping? I’m a ‘Jeans and T-shirt’ type of girl. Buying a dress for a date was also a new experience for me. Since I lived at home, I don’t spend a lot of my wage, so I knew I could splash out a bit. I did want to look nice for James but not sluttish. I had to buy a dress because I didn’t own one. A sad indictment but true. Possibly, if my mother had lived longer, I might have had a bit more girl training, but dad had been a bit lost in that department. The...
Justin and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and were thankful for the training we had received. We didn’t need the sick bags, although just about everyone else did. When the air got a bit ripe, we cheated, hooked up the fresh air to our suits and sealed them to the visors. We could also happily chat to each other in a secondary private channel while monitoring general chatter in the shuttle and receive notifications from the shuttle captain. After the initial excitement of take-off was over,...
Our first week on the Moon was very interesting to put it politely. We were greeted by Senior Detective Darla Taylor. She was, as far as we understood, our team leader. Since we were officially on our honeymoon for the first week, we had a week to settle in before we were to report for duty. The thirty-six domes and the Space Station had been divided into three provinces. Each province had two teams of six detectives that were assigned to it. We were assigned to Province 3, or P3 as the...
Our first dinner on the Moon was very entertaining. I told Justin before we went down to dinner that we had to keep a low profile and amass as much evidence as we could. He sighed and said that he had better make sure that he ordered those knuckle-dusters for me and a new bullet-proof vest for himself. He chuckled when I said to make sure he ordered some good spy audio-cams too. We met the rest of the Connors’ family in the spacious dining room, and we were immediately pulled into the...
I hugged Justin and asked him what Lora had said. He chuckled and said, “That she can make a guy’s cock go up without even using magic.” I had to chuckle, “I find it’s far more fun to touch and feel the effect.” I then demonstrated. Justin groaned, and I found myself being stripped, and my bare arse being sat on the table were Justin proceeded to show me how he liked to reverse the effect. I must say that I do like his procedure. My fascination for Justin hadn’t waned one iota. It didn’t...
We had become so practised at putting our suits on we were dressed and ready to leave the room by the time the escort knocked on our door. It was a different man this time, and he led us to a lift, but we didn’t get out at the canteen. He directed us down several long hallways. At the door we stopped at, he knocked and waited. Someone called out, for us to come in, and our guide let us in. He then shut the door behind us, but he stayed on the other side. This room was opulent. A...
Major Schneider kept looking at the car and then at us. I was pleased to note he wasn’t a happy man. I was interested to see Colonel Carmel Darcy was standing beside him. She hid her concern better, and I decided she would be a mean poker player. I didn’t know how or to what extent she was involved, but the lady jacked up my creepy person and distrust metre. My medallion had warmed every time I was near her or Simon. I had noticed the look on her face when we pulled up. I’m damn sure it...
Justin and I finally got to go see Hamdan. He was in good spirits and joked that his family would be in our debt for the rest of their lives. At least I hoped he was joking. The look and the nod his father gave us had me worried. It seemed these people take the saving of a life very seriously. Oliver called us and said all the evidence was collected and being shipped to Gamma. The P2 team also believed they had collected what they could. He, Cantara and Jock, were personally going to...
The highlight of the next two weeks was Bindy and Aaron turning up. They turned up two days after I talked to Anne and the family in Alpha-IV were delighted to have them join the nightly meals. Justin did give Aaron a bit of ribbing about being caught, but he just grinned at us. We don’t think he fought really hard to get away. Bindy was a pretty awesome lady. Sarah and Mark were delighted to have a third young couple of similar age become part of our group. Mark was the odd man out, with...
I later learnt some of what went on in the room next door other than the sex. Apparently, a Sir John Nash was aboard the Fortune. Carmel had been given instructions to assist him at every turn. He and Gerald wanted the crew quarantined and then brought up on trumped-up charges after they were interrogated. However, this didn’t happen, but that is someone else’s story to tell. We did get our invitation to the station. Two troop-carrying spaceships straight off the assembly lines had been...
Prelude "Thank you!" Chrissie shouted over the roar of the stadium crowd. All the other girls in the band smiled and waved their appreciation. "Thank you! You were great! Good night!" and they left the stage with the roar still loud in their ears. As they approached the stairs to lower levels of the civic center, there were cowboy-hat-wearing security people and stage hands waiting to help them. There were congratulations coming from everywhere. Gina, the group's drummer was taking...
Dusty Rose 3 CHAPTER 1 "Honey, I am not going to lecture you, but if the doctor said to wait a week, then why not wait a week?" Chris's mom was stressed. Her twins were hundreds of miles away from home and Chris had just had surgery. Minor surgery, as these things go, yes, but surgery, none the less. When he'd told her that he had no real pain, just some pulling on the skin on his chest as it stretched and healed, she still wasn't happy. "Honestly, mom, I'm fine. The worst thing...
Dusty Rose 4 CHAPTER 1 "I am so proud of all you girls," Margo's dad was saying to the band members, Allan Bennett, Willie, Mark and all the parents who had gathered for brunch in the lobby restaurant before the parents returned home after last night's soir?e. "And you, young man," he said to Chris who was wearing his hair the same as Terry was today, a high ponytail with a headband and a few wisps of hair hanging on either side of his face, "if I hadn't met you before all of this h...
Lee called down her ship to land beside the Striker. She told everyone that was in a tent to go get their stuff and to make sure they were all in this square of land. People started rushing about and in a surprisingly short period of time they had cleared the block of land that held the tents and everyone was milling around waiting to see real wizards do their thing. Lee collected the crew of the Striker. “Magic 101,” she said to then grinning and they had to chuckle too. “Well not quite,...
Once there was a marriage function in Kerala and its dads friends son marriage and dad wants mom too accompany him and she was also ok with that it was of sudden arrangement there wont be tickets in train nor flight and he planned to go by car and both went on attending the function.There was a great party at function and dad enjoyed boozing a lot.Mom was frustarted with dads act and she was so annoyed.Every men in the party had an eye on mom she was wearing a red saree and her...
A storm had blown up and waves were rocketing against the Seal Beach Pier. It was about ten at night and the surfers were out in force. I caught a big one and lost my bikini top in the process. It would probably turn up in the morning on the beach with all the other debris. It didn’t take long for the Huntington Beach police to fly overhead in their copters. “Out of the water. Now!came their voices booming out of their bullhorns. They turned spotlights on us, as though that would make us quit....
Oral SexThe moment we got inside the building, I noticed that Eva's and Micha's grip tightened around my arms, and I knew what they were expecting from me. So, I started to struggle and tried to pull loose while I shouted, "YOU FUCKING COPS! LET GO OF ME! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" By doing this, I immediately had the attention of the girl standing behind the counter on me. It was only when I looked at her that it struck me, these were cops in training, and so they all should be much younger...
Trapped by them again, they started to pull me along to the door that went to the offices. This time, Betty was standing there, and she held the door open for us to go through it. "If you need any help, call for me," the brunette said with some fun in her voice. "Oh, I can handle him on my own," the black haired cop said to her. I'm not sure if I would like the way how she would handle me. I think the brunette had nicer things in mind for me. They pulled me along and I found out that...