AftermathChapter 20 free porn video

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"What are we going to do?" Sherrie asked, trying not to let panic overcome him. "Is there any way to land this thing without those pedal thingies?"

"Well, there's an auto-rotational landing," Brett said, "but that's not really the ideal solution."

"What's an auto-rotational landing?" Sherrie wanted to know, locking onto that in desperation. "If it'll get us down, let's do it."

"That means he cuts the power and lets us fall to the ground," Jason said. "At the last moment, he pulls up and arrests the fall."

Sherrie looked at the two of them as if they were mad. "Cut the power?" she said. "Fall? Are you insane?"

"Not at all," Brett said, putting the aircraft back in the wide bank that it had been in a few moments before. "That's how you get down if you have an engine failure. The problem here is that it'll be kind of hard to bring us down in a specific place. We might end up in a tree, or on top of a building. And you come down rather hard too. I had to do it once in a Kiowa in Texas. It wasn't pretty. My observer fucked up his back pretty good and the helicopter never flew again. This chopper would almost certainly be permanently disabled if we did that and there's still a better than even chance that we'd all be killed anyway over this kind of terrain."

"Great," Sherrie said, barking out a semi-hysterical laugh. "So we're talking a fifty-fifty chance?"

"If we try that," Brett said, wiping the sweat off his face again. Christ his knee was hurting. "There might be another way though."

"Like what?" Sherrie asked.

"Like letting me fly," Jason said.

"Letting you fly?" Sherrie said, her eyes wide. "You don't know how to fly this thing!"

"I know how to fly it," Jason corrected. "I've just never done it before."

"And this isn't the time to take over the controls," Brett said. "Sorry Jase, but I don't think it would be possible to maintain control if we tried to switch in mid-air, otherwise I might give it a shot."

"Then what do we do?" Jason and Sherrie asked together.

"You can't fly it," Brett told Jason. "But maybe you can be my left foot."

"Push the pedal for you?"

"You got it," Brett said. "Unbuckle and lean over here. If you put your foot on the pedal and push it when I tell you to and release it when I tell you to... maybe it just might be enough to keep us under control. I can still work the right pedal, the collective, and the cyclic. Sherrie?"

"Yeah?" she said doubtfully.

"We'll need your help too. I need you to come over here and hold onto my left leg to keep it from moving. When Jason pushes the pedal down, don't let my lower leg go down with it. Got it?"

"I think so," she said, nodding, glad to have something to do.

"All right," Brett said. "Let's give it a shot. We'll try to pull a hover up here again to get the feel for it. If we can do that, there's a good chance we'll be able to land."

Sherrie and Jason both got into position. Jason released his harness and edged halfway out of his left side seat. He stretched his right foot out and over and slid it up against Brett's left boot. Brett winced a little at the contact. Sherrie resumed her position between the two seats. It took a little experimentation but finally, by kneeling down at an uncomfortable angle, she was able to get her hands around his upper calf, just below the wound, and hold it in place without obstructing either his vision, his hand on the collective, or Jason's leg on the pedal. The fit of the three of them however, was more than a little awkward.

"Okay," Brett told Jason once they were ready, "the important thing to remember is not to push down hard on the thing. When I say to push it, just ease it down a little tiny bit at a time, very slowly. When I say let up, do the same. Got it?"

"I got it," Jason said.

"All right, let's give it a shot." He took a few deep breaths and leveled out their bank once again. "Slowing up."

He eased up on the airspeed once again, making the indicator slowly wind down. He watched it carefully as it dipped closer and closer to the point where the torque became a force to be seriously reckoned with. As before, it was just under thirty knots when Brett felt the tail starting to turn. "Push down just a bit," he told Jason.

Jason applied a very small amount of pressure to the pedal. It sank down a half an inch and than another half an inch. The swing of the tail smoothed out. Brett's foot remained just above the pedal, held there by Sherrie's bloody hands.

"Good job," Brett said, starting to think that this just might work after all. Though having his leg suspended was increasing the pain considerably, it was nowhere near the white-hot agony of his first attempt at slowing. "Get ready to do it more. The more I adjust the collective, the worse the torque is going to be. It's a constant adjustment as we slow."

"Right," Jason said, shifting a little in his seat.

Brett continued to reduce airspeed and Jason continued to gently push down on the pedal to compensate for it. The needle dropped below twenty and then below ten. There were a couple of moments when they swung back and forth, when Brett had to push a little on the right and Jason had to ease up on the left, but these swings, although jerking, were almost gentle, nothing like the violent spinning of before. Brett barked out commands - up or down - as they were needed. Finally the needle dropped to zero knots of forward speed. The back end tried desperately to swing and actually was able to in small increments, but the up and down of the pedals with two different feet upon them were able to counter it. They hovered in space, 2000 feet above the ground.

"We did it!" Jason yelled excitedly. "Goddamn, Brett, we did it! We're hovering!"

"Thank God," Brett said, smiling in spite of the pain.

"Does this mean that we're going to live?" Sherrie asked from her kneeling position. Her hands were cramping from the effort of holding Brett's leg.

"It means our odds got a little better," Brett said. "Now lets bring it back up to forty knots or so and then we'll head on down. Get ready to push again, Jase."

Slowly Brett built up airspeed once more until they were past the critical point. Jason kept the proper amount of pressure applied to the pedal. Once they were relatively stable Brett let everyone back away from him in order to stretch their fatigued muscles before the big event. Brett also had Jason contact Paul on the radio to tell him what they were doing and to have him clear the parking lot.

"We're going to land on the far side of the lot," Jason explained, "but be sure everyone stays well clear until the skids hit the ground. There is a chance that we might... you know... have a loss of control and we wouldn't want anyone else to get hurt."

"Copy," Paul said slowly. "We'll be standing by. Good luck to you."

"Thanks," Jason said. "We'll need it."

Brett banked the helicopter back around in a wide circle, bringing them around so that he could approach from the north, which would lessen the chances of them accidentally hitting the community center building if they lost control at the last second. This course put them out over the canyon, which was still about a third full of raging floodwaters rushing down from higher in the mountains. As he passed over the northern rim Brett began to descend and slowed his airspeed to thirty-five knots.

"Okay," he said as the altimeter approached 5000 feet above sea level, "let's get back into position and we'll start slowing down."

Jason and Sherrie both quickly resumed their respective places at Brett's side. Brett had to stifle a scream as Sherrie grabbed his leg a little too hard and then another as Jason's boot nudged his foot.

"Are you all right?" they both asked, looking at him anxiously.

"Yeah," he breathed, biting his lip a little. "Everyone ready?"

They assured him that they were as ready as they were going to get.

"Then let's land this thing," Brett said.

He continued to descend, letting the helicopter take a gentle angle downward. They passed over the hills between the town and the canyon and then over the southern wall itself. The rooftops and winding streets of the subdivision grew bigger and bigger in their field of view. Ahead of them and slightly to the left, the park and the community center could be seen, including the large parking lot that was their landing zone. Brett eased up on the airspeed a little more, keeping them just above the point where Jason needed to actively intervene. He banked a little to the left and then back to the right, putting the landing zone directly in front of them.

"Okay," he said once they were lined up. "We're on final approach now. I'm going to slow up some more. Get ready to do your stuff."

"I'm ready," Jason said, chewing his lip a little.

"Remember," Brett said as he pushed down a little more on the collective, "once we get into the ground effect, you're going to have to ease up. The blades won't be biting into the air as hard and the torque is going to suddenly lessen."

"I'll remember," Jason said, his eyes watching out the windshield in front of them.

They passed the outer edge of the park, still descending, and Brett dropped the airspeed past the critical point. "Down a bit, a bit more," he said, and Jason pushed down on the pedal. The back end, which had been trying to swing, stabilized for a moment until the speed dropped even more. "More," Brett said. "Just a bit more."

They passed over the baseball diamond at a little over a hundred feet above the ground, still slowing, the tail swinging spastically back and forth about three feet in both directions. Brett continued to slow them up and Jason continued to apply pressure to his pedal.

"Doing good, doing good," Brett said, feeling sweat dripping down his face, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He slowed some more. "A little more, a little more."

They passed over the southern edge of the parking lot, still slowly dropping, still moving at about twelve knots, the back end still swinging back and forth as Jason's control movements lagged just behind Brett's voice commands.

"Coming up on the LZ," Brett warned, slowing them even further. "Here's where it really gets tricky."

"Bring it on," Jason said, wiping his own face, watching with intense concentration as the white lines of the parking spots grew larger and larger.

Brett dropped a little further, until they were about six feet above the ground. "We're going to hover now," he said, bleeding off the rest of the speed. The tail swung out a little wider as Jason struggled to keep up with the maneuver. For a moment it seemed they were going to spin wildly but it was only a moment. He pushed down a little more and arrested it and then overcompensated just a little, forcing Brett to counter his move. At last the airspeed stood at zero knots six feet above the ground.

"Good job," Brett said with a little sigh of relief. "We're almost home free. I'm gonna drop us down now. Get ready for the ground effect. As soon as we start to swing, let up on the pedal slowly and I'll give a little push on mine."

"Let's do it," Jason said.

Brett let them drop down a little bit more and, at three feet, they were firmly in the ground effect, where the air from their own rotor was bouncing off the ground and pushing them back upward. The helicopter suddenly didn't need as much power to keep aloft and in order to get them the rest of the way down, Brett pulled back on the collective considerably more than he would have to make the same adjustment at altitude. As such the rear end tried to swing around since the force of torque was equally reduced.

"Ease up, ease up!" Brett barked, feeling the swing.

Jason eased up a little faster than he had been, countering the action. The rear end stabilized.

"Out of sight," Brett said, dropping them the rest of the way down. There was a thump from beneath them as the skids touched semi-gently down on the asphalt. It was almost anti-climatic.

"We did it!" Jason yelled, feeling the wonderful sensation of being back on mother earth. "We're down, Brett! We did it!"

"We're down?" Sherrie asked. She too had felt the thump of landing but was having trouble believing that they were really safe.

"We're down," Brett said, neutralizing the collective and turning the throttle back to idle. The whine of the turbine engine, which had been screaming a moment before as it held the helicopter at a hover, died down to a soft, almost gentle hum. The rotor blades began to slow down. "It wasn't the prettiest landing I've ever participated in, but Goddamn if it didn't feel the best once it was over."

Now that the immediate crisis was over and the adrenaline had a chance to slack off some, Brett's leg began to seriously scream at him for the abuse that had been inflicted upon it. The pain swelled up like a balloon, traveling up and down his body in sickening waves, commanding his attention. He had never imagined that a simple gunshot wound could be so freaking painful. Hadn't he been told once that they were almost painless? What moron had pulled that information out of his ass? Obviously someone who had never been shot in the knee before.

"Are you all right, Brett?" asked Jason, still quite elated at the fact that he was actually alive and not a burned up, smashed up corpse. He didn't like the way that Brett was leaning back in his chair with his eyes squeezed shut.

"I think..." he said, "that you... you better do the shut-down checklist for me. Do you mind?"

"I'm on it," he said worriedly. He gave his mentor one last glance and then began the process of disengaging the rotor and shutting down the engine.

Sherrie meanwhile, jumped out through the missing door on the side and fell to her knees on the wet asphalt. She leaned down and put her lips to the ground, kissing it several times. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said, over and over again, presumably to God or Jesus or whatever entity she believed in.

Across the parking lot the door to the community center opened and Paul came out, followed by two of his medical team. They had a wheeled table with them - a makeshift gurney that had been constructed by Steve Kensington a few days before. They reached the helicopter before the blades were even able to stop turning. Paul ripped open the pilot's side door and looked in.

"Hey, Paul," Brett groaned, trying a grin on for size and doing a miserable job at it. "What's the good word?"

"That was some kind of fucked up looking landing," Paul said, his eyes dropping down to the bloody bandage on Brett's knee. He also took note of the blood, now congealing, that had dripped down to the floor.

"Any landing that you walk away from," Brett quoted, "is a good landing. I learned that in flight school. I think they laid that one on us the first day. It's right up there with the old, bold pilots saying."

"Well, it was a good landing then, I'll agree with that," Paul said, "but it don't look like you are going to be walking away from it. How bad is the injury? Give it to me straight."

"It went in below my kneecap and went out just above it," Brett told him. "I saw bone fragments and tendons sticking out of the exit wound. I can't move my leg at all."

"Do you mean you physically can't move it, or do you mean it hurts too much to move it?"

"Both," Brett told him. "It's agony to even try, and it won't move even when I do."

Paul nodded. He reached down and began unlacing Paul's left boot. "I'm going to check and make sure you're still getting blood flow down there," he said. "How's the pain?"

"Horrible," Brett said honestly. "I had a kidney stone once and I thought that was bad." He shook his head. "That felt like a blowjob in comparison to this."

Paul laughed a little, taking the laces all the way off. "You have a way with words, Brett," he said. "You oughtta be a writer. Are we gonna be able to get the wounded to El Dorado Hills?"

"Yes," Brett said immediately. "We'll get them there."

"Are you gonna fly there the same way you landed? With Jason pushing one of your pedals and Sherrie holding your leg up."

"There's no other way," Brett said. "Just shoot me up with some of that morphine to take the edge off of this. We'll make it."

Paul looked up at him. "Shoot you up with morphine before you fly a helicopter? Isn't that just a little unwise?"

"It's the only way," Brett said. "Don't give me enough to put me out. Just give me enough to make it tolerable."

Paul gave him a doubtful look and then began trying to pull Brett's boot off of his foot. The moment he moved the leg in order to accomplish this, Brett screamed as the pain flashed white-hot once again.

"Brett," Paul said softly, "I can't give you enough morphine to make this tolerable. That much will put you out like a light."

Brett panted for a few moments, wiping a fresh sheen of sweat from his face. "Give me what you can," he said. "There's no other way to do it. We have wounded that need to get there, don't we?"

He nodded. "Yes, we do. Lucy and John are both dead - we did everything we could for them but... well, it just wasn't enough. Susan, Lori, and Sandy will need to get there at some point for treatment but they can wait for a while. Sarah, Rhonda, and Megan all have pretty serious wounds however, particularly Megan. They need to get to the doc right away, like within the next twenty minutes."

"Then it's settled," Brett said. "I was the one that went against common sense and got myself shot up. I'm the one that'll just have to deal with the consequences. Give me as much dope as you think I can tolerate and then lets get those casualties loaded up."

"And what if you pass out from the pain while you're in flight?" Paul asked. "Or what if you pass out from the dope? I'm not a doctor, Brett. I'm not an expert at medicating people. That shit could happen. What will you do then?"

"Then we'll crash," Brett said, not mincing words.

Paul looked at him sternly, shaking his head hopelessly. "What a clusterfuck," he said. "Is that really our only choice? What about Jason? Do we have the right to ask him to risk his ass on this screwed up mission? If you crash, you'll be taking him with you."

Both of them looked over at Jason, who was still sitting in the observer's seat, following the conversation. "Well?" Brett asked him. "What do you think, Jase?"

"I'll go no matter what," Jason said. "My place is in this chopper. But... maybe there's another answer."

"Another answer?" Paul asked. "What do you mean?"

"No," Brett said immediately before he could even say it.

"I could fly this thing to El Dorado Hills," Jason said, ignoring him.

"Absolutely not," Brett said. "This is not the time to learn to fly. Not with casualties on board."

"Brett..." Jason started.

"I said no," Brett said. "That's final."

"I can do it," Jason said defiantly. "I've been watching you fly this thing for weeks now. You've taught me every system, every control, everything."

"Jason, you can't just jump behind the controls of a helicopter and start flying," Brett told him. "It doesn't work that way, no matter how much you think you know about it."

"Is that any riskier than flying the damn thing all shot up with morphine, with one foot on the controls and a woman holding the other foot? And there's not even room for Sherrie and the casualties anyway, even if we could talk Sherrie into climbing back in here."

"No," Brett repeated.

"I can do it," Jason said, staring at him. "Brett, I can. I know I can."


"I'm not a kid, Goddammit!" Jason yelled, leaning closer to him. "You're sitting there thinking that I'm talking out of my ass because I'm fourteen fucking years old and I don't know any better. I'm not, Brett. I know exactly what I'm saying. It might be a little rough at first, it might take me a few minutes to get the feel of the thing, but if you help me, I can fly this helicopter. I know what I'm saying and I know what the risks are. I wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't true."

"Jason..." Brett started.

"You need to trust me, Brett," Jason told him. "You've always been the one to treat me like I was a man, even when I wasn't acting like one. You treated me that way from the very start, back when I was crying over my mom and dad next to that camper and I really was just a kid. You stood up for me in front of Jessica, in front of the other women in town, in front of everyone. Don't start treating me like a baby now." He leaned even closer, his voice softening. "Let me fly this thing," he said. "If you help me, I can do it. We might crash, but I think we stand a better chance with me doing it than having both of us try to monkey the damn pedals together."

Brett looked at him, at the serious expression on his face, in his eyes. Jason wasn't even old enough to shave yet. He hadn't even reached his full adult height yet. But was he a man? Was he old enough to give a subjective assessment of his own abilities independent of the desires of youth? Was he?

"Brett, I can do it."

Brett let out a breath, letting his head hang down for a minute. He looked back up. "Get this thing refueled and get Steve to put the doors back on," he said. "And then, while Paul is loading up the casualties, you can help me over to the other chair. We take off in fifteen minutes."

Jason could not prevent the grin from spreading across his face. "You got it, Brett," he said, standing up. "We'll lift off in fifteen." He hopped out and began sprinting towards the fuel truck and Steve's shack.

Paul and Brett both watched him go. "Do you really think that's a wise decision?" Paul asked carefully.

"No," Brett said, shaking his head a little. "But he made a very good point. His way is about the safest option that we've got."

Stu was looking at the trench that his forces had just managed to capture. He couldn't help but be impressed by it. "This has got to be the work of our friend Brett," he told Stinson, who was tagging along just behind him. "No bitch would have thought of something like this. Only someone with military experience could have supervised the construction of this thing."

"I suppose," Stinson said almost shortly. He had been through a little too much in the last hour to be concerned about who had built the trench. "They surely pounded the shit out of us from here though."

"Yes," Stu said with a nod. "It all makes sense now. He put trenches at the first line of defense to keep the bitches that are shooting at us safe from fire. He probably hit on the only fucking way there was to keep them from bolting the first time we shot back. Even so, they fled like the wind once we started to close and take some of them out."

"How many did we kill?" Stinson asked.

"Three bodies in the trenches that we took so far," Stu said. "There's also one towards the front that Lima's people hit when they were in that stupid-ass shootout with the group that was running away." He shook his head in disgust. "I still can't believe that he stood there and shot at them when he could have just gone around the other side of the hill and hit them from close range. I'm going to demote his ass for that. Make him a Goddamn private again and put him on point."

Stinson looked at him with unmasked contempt. "I wouldn't be too hard on him," he said. "Sometimes its kind of difficult to make rational decisions when people are shooting at you and killing your men. Especially as tired as we all are."

Stu wasn't buying this. "That's what our job is," he said. "And I expect better decisions than that. First he loses his golden opportunity, and then he gets half of his fucking men shot by that Goddamn chopper. Jesus, what a moron."

Stinson dismissed the subject of Lima, having passed the point where he really gave a shit. "What about the chopper?" he asked instead. "What do you think was up with that weird shit it was doing?" They had all seen the Garden Hill helicopter climb up to altitude and go into a very wide circle around the battle area and the town. After circling for several minutes, it had straightened out and then tried to hover, but had not been able to. For a moment it seemed that the thing was going to spin out of control and come crashing to the ground. But then it had sped back up and began to circle again. Finally, it had slowed up once more, going into a shaky looking hover for a few moments, and then had turned to the south and disappeared from sight.

"I think that one of Lima's guys managed to hit it," Stu said. "Obviously the thing was having some sort of mechanical problem that they were trying to deal with. Maybe the tail got hit or maybe one of the controls is out. Either way, it looked like they were having a lot of trouble keeping the thing under control. They might not have even been able to land it. My guess is that that chopper is out of the fight whether it landed or not, and good fucking riddance. We'll have a much easier time taking that town if they don't have a means of seeing us when we advance or dropping that napalm on us."

"Taking the town?" Stinson asked. "You still think we have a shot at that? I lost twenty-eight men charging this trench. How many did Lima lose?"

Stu shook his head again. "That asshole lost thirty-eight, including the five that the chopper took out. That leaves him with eighteen. Obviously we'll have to combine forces into one large attack."

Stinson did some mental addition - something that wasn't terribly easy considering his fatigue level. "That means we have forty-six men to make an assault," he said once he had the figure. "That's less than I had to take this one trench."

"Don't forget the ten able bodies from my covering platoon," Stu reminded him. "That brings us back up to fifty-six again. That should be more than enough to take the town now that we've cleared the trenches out. The rest should be pretty much a cakewalk, especially considering the fact that they won't have the chopper any more to help direct them."

"You don't think they have any more trenches?" Stinson asked doubtfully.

Stu scoffed at the very notion. "It takes time to build a trench like this," he said. "Especially if your workers are a bunch of bitches. What do you think they did, spent the last month digging fucking trenches on every Goddamn hill around the town?" He shook his head condescendingly. "No, they only could've done this on the first line on the most likely approaches. We just made the mistake of advancing through the easiest area. That's the disadvantage to not having air assets - you can't recon shit like this."

"So we're going forward again?" Stinson asked.

"Of course we are," Stu said forcefully. "There's no other option. And now that that chopper is damaged, there's a good chance we might be able to capture it and our friend Brett intact. If we're lucky, the chopper will be repairable and we'll be able to use it for ourselves."

"If we're lucky," Stinson echoed, sighing as he said it. "What about the men? They've been through an awful lot. I'm not sure they're... well... motivated to try this again."

"They'll do what the fuck they're told or they'll be shot on the spot," Stu said roughly. "Now let's start shifting everyone over to here. We'll reorganize again and then we'll start to move in ninety minutes from now. And just to show everyone that the worst is over, I will personally lead this assault."

It took Steve about ten minutes to put the doors back on the helicopter - about five minutes faster than it usually took Brett and Jason working together to do it. While he was doing that Jason drove the fuel truck over and filled up the helicopter's tank with fresh jet fuel. Brett continued to sit in the pilot's seat while all of this was going on. His knee was still screaming at him quite loudly but he tried his best to ignore it as he talked on the radio to his field commanders.

"The last look I got of them," he told them on the VHF band, "they were still scattered around pretty good. They were in possession of the two outside trench complexes but the original group near the rear was still back there. You guys mauled them pretty good, probably fifty percent casualties. It'll be at least an hour, maybe more, before they can regroup and try again."

"I copy, Brett," Matt, the commander of the ground forces, replied. "We're all in position now and we're expecting our replacements out here soon. Confirming they're on their way?"

"They just left five minutes ago," Brett assured him. "Chrissie's squad lost two of their weapons during the final pullback so I only sent out enough to cover every gun. I loaded them up with extra ammo though."

"Good," Matt said. "We should be all right as long as they attack us on somewhat the same path as before. We're pretty well spread out here. It would be nice if we could get you back in the air for us before that happens though. It's not real fun down here not knowing what they're doing."

Same as Aftermath
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2 years ago
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Friends with benefits

He was a guy who could make my blood boil just looking at him; short to long dark hair and a bit of scruff on his face that tickled when his face touched my skin. His eyes were the color of melted chocolate, and his body was average, though to me it was extraordinary. He had a bit of a stomach, but he was pretty fit, and when we would wrestle he could keep me pinned, except when I played dirty and tickled or distracted him enough. He was one of my best friends, but he was taken, and I thought...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Her Driving DesiresChapter 7

"Are you sure it'll be all right, Ben?" Velvet pushed a strand of her lustrous hair back and studied the man. He shrugged and gave her a weak smile. "I don't see why not. Janet and I are trying to get things back together and having a party seemed like a good way of starting. It gets us into a crowd and lets us move around if we get too uncomfortable with each other." "I mean..." The woman's voice trailed off. Ben obviously knew what she meant. While they hadn't fucked all that...

4 years ago
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The Avon Lady

I was sitting at home not doing much on a day off when the doorbell rang. I answered it to find an attractive 30 something blonde on the other side. Good afternoon, she said, my name is Sue and I'm your new Avon lady for the area. would you be interested in taking a catalogue? I was about to explain that I lived alone bot then thought why not? I have sisters and nieces and it could be a good source of presents for them. So I invited her in and she sat on the sofa next to me. As she went through...

4 years ago
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Aatmakatha 8211 Part IV

Jan 2009: Mere semester exams khatm ho chuke the.aur is bich around ek month tak mere aur vishal ke bich sex nahi hua tha.first sex ke baad agle d0 hafto me mai vishal se 4 baar usi ghar me mil chuki thi.exams khatm hone ke baad wo mujhe fir se usi ghar me bulane laga aur kabhi kabhi kuch din usi ke sath rahne ke liye kahta.par mai ne usse boli ke mai ghar par kaise explain karungi.par fir bhi wo zid pakde huye bich mai bahot baar usi ghar me gayi.mai normally last ke 2 ya 3 lectures...

1 year ago
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Mistys driver

ride home from soccer practice. I had just finished dropping off the Baxter twins a couple of real bratty 13 year old boys who had just about worn my patience thin playing with all of the controls and knobs in my van. I had one kid left to drop off, a cute little 12 year old girl named Misty. Her house was out in the country about 15 miles away, but I didn't really mind because I figured it would be a nice quiet drive and would help relieve the tension brought on by...

3 years ago
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“When was the last time you had sex?” “Do you like oral sex?” “Do you shave or wax?” “How big are you?” “Are you bi?” “Would you like to be?” “I am,” Angela told me with a big smile and I thought little of it. A lunch date the next day, then back to her condo. We were both naked one minute after we walked through the door. Wonderful sex as we fucked like rabbits. I was impressed with her gorgeous, fuckable body, wonderful thighs and a magnificent ass. She with my thick, nine-inch...

2 years ago
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Model MotherChapter 3

“Dude, where is she?” asked Jerry, when they got close enough. “Don’t you guys have a life?” I harped. They didn’t seem drunk tonight. “Yeah, but it’s not as interesting as yours,” said Don. He grinned. “We just wanted to see her,” said Phil. “You get to see her whenever you want, right? So share the wealth, man.” “I see her on Friday nights,” I caged. “It’s not like I hang out with her.” “Well, we’re going over to Kelsey’s,” said Don. “We figured if you were finished here, you might...

1 year ago
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The Christmas Party

“Damn, Don't you look sexy as hell!" I exclaimed as my wife stepped out of our bedroom. She had spent what seemed like two hours getting ready for a Christmas party and was decked out in a little black dress that left very little to the imagination. The dress barely covered her sweet little ass and her boobs were pushed up on display. The dress was practically backless. She was wearing a pair of tall high heels that even she called stripper shoes. She carried a little black purse about the...

Straight Sex
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BlacksOnBlondes Jennifer White 12082020

Jennifer always loves cleaning out her plumbing because she gets a crew of hot guys coming over to do the work, but today, she’s thinking more of servicing another kind of plumbing….. all her hot holes!!! She calls the crew of three guys over who think they are stopping by again for some clogged pipes but when they come into the kitchen she shows them her butt plugs and toys and uses them in front of them to turn them on while she talks about how she need HER pipes cleaned out...

1 year ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 12 Friends Work Together

The man left so fast I was unable to say more. His concubine ran after him. She slapped him on the butt as she passed and then ran off down the passageway. His laughter rang out as I watched them go. "Nice couple," I thought. "If I have a chance, I'd love to have him meet everyone." I heard someone running up the hallway. The noise got me looking down the hallway, and I saw Letty and Jana racing down the hallway. The two ladies were wearing thong panties and nothing else. They ran...

3 years ago
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I will start by saying that this is a true story. Last night, I went to the house of a Dom that I used to see semi-regularly. Jake is a straight contractor, with a great body. He has that perfect masculine build that only a lifetime of manual labor can achieve. His biggest asset is a big thick 9? cock. It really is the most beautiful cock that I have ever seen. He owns me because of this perfect cock. Well that, and the fact that he is the only Dom to ever give me what I really need.It had been...

2 years ago
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HomecomingChapter 3

I awoke to the sound of a familiar beeping from my watch. I had been training myself to react to the sound of its faint alarm for almost two years. So far, the training had been paying off because whenever I heard it, I would usually snap out of the deepest slumber. At least I usually did. It doesn't work very well when I'm hung over. I tried opening my eyes and they resisted my efforts every bit of the way. After several attempts, I was finally able to pry them open. I instantly regretted...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 75

I knew when it was time to get up because the girls in bed were getting restless and I had to use the bathroom. I slipped my peg and shorts on as quietly and quickly as possible, and made coffee before going outside to do my forms. To me this was the way I should begin my day. This was how I healed myself and how I prepared myself for the day to come. There were a lot of people who joined me in getting ready for today, even though it was Saturday and they didn't need to get up early. The...

3 years ago
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Best day at work ever? Close to it anyways. My business takes me to the lovely bowels of Detroit, Michigan several times a week. I park in a private structure where maybe my precious car will be unharmed while i run here and there. As fancy as the outside of this building looks, the inside lacks security, employs slackers, has minimal lighting and head clearance issues for someone my height.. (6'7"US) i.e. low hanging pipes and exit signs. The corner 4 spaces i lease are deep within the...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Man Part 1 The Massage

“Welcome to manhood!” Matt beamed as he walked in and sat down.It was early October in my senior year of high school. Monday morning study hall, hanging out with my usual group of friends. I was officially an adult now, having turned eighteen over the weekend, just a few weeks after Matt. Several of the guys at the table had been to my party on Saturday, but Matt had missed it due to a family function.“Yeah, I got your manhood right here,” I retorted in my best fake New York accent, standing up...

2 years ago
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Eve in the Marital Garden

Weeds in the Marital GardenWhen Eve returned from John’s condo, she and Tim hugged and cried and then spread out the spring rolls and Kung Pao chicken she’d brought. They talked openly about the secrets of his sex life. She was shocked to learn Tim masturbated daily and he’d had more orgasms with himself over the ten years of their marriage than he did with her. She fully expected he masturbated with the same frequency she did. Perhaps a couple of times a month.“Be honest with me. Why are you...

Wife Lovers
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My First Bisexual Couple

My First Bisexual Couple I promised someone that I would write about my first bi experience so if that subject turns you off, stop here. If you’re underage, why are you reading this? Also, safe sex is not illustrated in this story but in real life, it’s a good idea. Do you know where it was last? Wrap that rascal! ————————————— I’m not the sort of person that you would ever think had bisexual fantasies. I fall way below the ‘gaydar.’ My friends of both sexes all consider me to be a pussy hound....

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By His Touch

Ciara laid in the warm silence of his bedroom, her small, lithe form on her side, stretched out across the neatly made bed. Her crimson hair was pooled around her shoulders, neck and face. Her utterly naked flesh was tingling in anticipation. She had never felt so sensitive to her surroundings. Indeed, she had been denied a few of her senses and abilities this evening. Her eyes were blinded by a dense black length of silk, folded, rolled and tied about her head. To her eyes, there was nothing...

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Lost in Space Quest for Alpha Prime

Note: Starting from the scene where Don and Will are leaving the alternate Jupiter 2 with the Robot. As Don and Will left the future wreckage of the Jupiter 2, Will saw something to their left, “Over there!” he shouted, as he ran towards the body of Dr. Smith with Don following close behind. Don could tell right away from the unsettling crooked bent in Smith’s neck as they looked at him that he was dead. “The fall must’ve broken his neck, there’s nothing we can do for him, come on!” he said as...

2 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 15

Hatred, Meiersdottir mused. Unreasoning hatred. And unreasoning fear, too. How terrible that they drive so much human thinking, and by thinking actions as well. In the two days since the dramatic confrontation in MacPherson's cabin there had been a great deal of activity. First and most immediately, the Ark's course had been righted. The ship had been on the proper trajectory, merely moving far too slowly to reach worm speed in anything like adequate time. But with all of its thrusters...

2 years ago
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Annies Education Ch 04

Jean Claude had outdone himself with a fiver course meal. As we ate, I talked with those around me, answering questions about America, my upbringing, how I’d met Amber. I watched the other girls as I ate and talked. They all seemed so at ease with this situation. Clearly it was part of dinner to play and tease those around you. Fingers and necks were being licked and nibbled. Hands disappeared under the table and more than one fork was dropped. It was a truly erotic scene and they all acted...

2 years ago
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LC school of Writing 2

I have been told to wear the clothes for work which i must no deviate from, it consists of a crisp white shirt which only buttons up as far as my cleavage underneath the shirt i must wear a black push up bra with a pink lace edge on the top of the cups. A short black skirt which is mid thigh and when im told to bend over and do some filing my ass can be clearly seen i am not permitted to wear nickers, to cap the uniform off black stay up stockings and 4" black peep toes make my legs look...

3 years ago
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1993Chapter 5 Vacation is over

No matter how I tried, I could not find out what Mrs. Collingsworth had meant when she asked when I was going to receive my reward. She'd made it sound mysterious, and Suzanne did nothing to clear it up for me. "I don't know. It must be something the investors are planning." Wanda, whose mother was one of the investors, claimed she didn't know anything either. "Don't you think I'd tell you if I knew something, Sammy? My mother never talks to me about what is discussed at those...

4 years ago
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Oh Mary

Oh, Mary!The title of this story says it all really and I guess it started about 6 months after we had married. I hadn't known Mary for all that long but we are both in our early 30s and I guess we just clicked and a couple of months after we met we got engaged.Mary isn't what you would call a stunner but she just oozes sex appeal. Some people just have that I guess and certainly her large breasts probably helped. There are pictures of Mary on the authors profile and you will see she is a...

4 years ago
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Chocolate and Gold Ch 01

Author’s Notes: This is a work of fiction, and perhaps even fantasy. There is some sex in the story, but not a lot, and it’s certainly not a ‘stroke story.’ Maybe someday there will be Metzler Cell. The way science is progressing these days, it wouldn’t surprise me. I was just imaging what I might do if I were Harry Zheng and I were in his place. I’ll be interested to hear what you think. My thanks to ErikThread and DaveT for their editing skills and technical advice. * I have an active...

4 years ago
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Stuck Between a Sub and a Dom Place Part 4 The Halloween Party

Throughout the week preceding the holiday, I had dropped by Miss Laura’s home to help decorate it for her upcoming party. Halloween hit on a Tuesday last year, so her party, something she did every year for select clients and friends, would be held on Saturday. She had told me little about what to expect, but she assured me it would be fun and that my attendance was mandatory. I received a text from her Wednesday morning as I was getting ready for work, telling me that I was to avoid contact...

1 year ago
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Queen Rogue 2200 447000

Queen Rogue, aka QueenRogueXXX1 on Twitter, is known around the world for her assets and endowments. If this were a more wholesome website, that might mean she was a jet-setting CEO tossing around money and buying up real estate. Since you’re reading this on ThePornDude, you can probably guess what assets and endowments I’m actually talking about, even if you haven’t yet seen them for yourself. There’s a good chance they’ll be popping up in your wet dreams and daytime fap fantasies after today,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 15

“Magus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Magus shouted. “Nothing.” Irene shouted. Magus shook his head and muttered, “That woman has a set of lungs on her and she has discovered that she likes using them.” “Magus!” Irene shouted. “What?” Magus shouted. “There’s a woman to see you!” Irene shouted. “Does she have an appointment?” Magus shouted knowing that he didn’t have any appointments for that day. “She says she doesn’t need one!” Irene shouted. “Who is she?” Magus shouted. “Stephen’s...

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Hot Wife 4

Hot Wife 4 This story is true, it took place over an 18 month period, only the names have been changed the rest is the way the encounter occurred, and I have the tapes to refer to for accuracy. This is a recount of one of my wifes affairs with her boy friend and some of his friends. It was Saturday, around 3 PM. Joyce was ironing and I was attempting to fix a toaster when the door bell rang. Ill get it I opened the door and there was John and a black dude and they were both very drunk. Hi...

2 years ago
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House wife fantasy come true

Hi, I’m 28 years old. My name is Suman my husband Harry and I have been married for a little over five years. The first four and a half were great, but the last six months have really been incredible. You see, my husband and I started toying with the idea of having group sex. Particularly a three some with another man. Don’t get me wrong; our sex life has always been wonderful, but we missed the excitement of doing something new and different. Here’s how my story goes. One night while lying in...

4 years ago
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How I Lost My Viginity

As a teen, I was very slow to develop both physically and mentally. When I started high school I weighed about eighty pounds and was flat-chested. I wore braces and looked like a complete nerd. I was often mistaken for eleven or twelve. I had no self-esteem and I thought I was the ugliest girl in the school. It didn’t help that my older sister was the beautiful and popular one in the family. She would tell me how ugly I was every day. She was evil in every sense of the word.My parents were very...

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Sex With My Niece

Hi im 27 yrs male . This incidence is related to my neice who is 18 yrs . Several yrs back we developed a relationship .she was cute ,fair and had a hughe mound at the back which was unusual for the girl of her age. Whenever she used to come to my home i used to glare at her butt which i used to find it so attractive and it was a usual phenomena at that age.she lived with her parents just beside my home. She would come home often and we used to play some sort of indoor games often. One day my...

3 years ago
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Zarina the smart girl

Hi friends, My name is Tejas and Im from Gujarat and im 32 years old now. I will tell you a story of a girl named Zarina from Bangalore who I fucked when I was doing my engineering.I came to Bangalore in 1998 to do my engineering in MVJ college in Bangalore. I was 22 years old and six months had passed without any activity. The place where I rented a flat was a boring place and 15 kilometers away from main city Bangalore and nothing much to do except hang around with friends in small tea shops...

3 years ago
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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st4

When Irene came back to reality, she felt exhausted and wondered, what had happened. Her body had responded to the stimulation and her brain had simply been shut off. Never had she experienced anything that came close to this.Once again she felt a bit guilty, that her boyfriends brother had fucked her. On the other hand it was obvious, that her boyfriend was free minded and didn’t care about it. But Irene decided to talk to him about this when they’d be alone.She wanted to show him, that he was...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mhehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 8211 14

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto kaise ho aap log shama chahata hu me apne story ko todi der se pesh kar kar raha hu.. Aap logone mere sari story padi hai aur muje der sara aap ka oya bhi mila hai.. Aasha karta hu ki is part ko bhi aap vaise hi pratisad doge jo aap nw muje pichli story me diya hai..aap logo ka jyada wakt barbad naa karte huye direct story pe ata hu.. Pichle part me aap nwpada hoga ki kis tarah babitaji apni chudai ki dastan sabko batati hai aur sabhi ledies ekdam exite ho...

4 years ago
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Letter To My Twin Sister

Note: This letter is just one many to one twin to the other. I will not say which on sent it. Let's keep that with your imagination.Both girl's gave permission to post it here.Come, my dear sister. Come to this erotic land where we will wander and explore and play. Come bring your Siren voice and lead me astray. Come here and let us incarnate our words into the flesh. Come here for your Muses' inspiration. I long for the moment when--after you have been kissed a thousand times and a thousand...

3 years ago
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[Author’s note: this chapter directly follows the Prologue.] She grabbed him arm and forced him to face her, pulling back her hood to reveal a wild tangle of flame-red hair framing brilliant green eyes. She was incredibly beautiful. She was... “You ... you can’t be...” He staggered backward. One step. Two. Three. “She told me...” He fell to his knees, ignoring a cluster of sharp pains as they struck gravel and began sinking into the mud. “You’re ... you’re not...” “I’ve been waiting...

3 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 17

He was on the patio watching his son shooting baskets across the yard from them. Only seventeen years old and six-one. Basketball was definitely his thing. The two women were sitting across the table from him with their mouths hanging open which had been the case for the past few minutes. The younger of the two females finally spoke. “Really, Dad?” said Selena. Nathan Grimes nodded. “Nathan?” said Victoria. “Yes, really,” he said. “But, it was dicey. It always is when you try to get...

1 year ago
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A Cry for Help

I got out of the hospital six months ago. The doctors had stopped the bleeding and wrapped my wrists in bandages. When I recovered the doctors wanted me to see a shrink. My mother had no insurance to pay for that and she didn’t want me to see one anyway. I suppose she was afraid I would tell him how she had abused me, degraded me and wanted me out of her life.” You’re 18 now, little bitch, and as soon as school is out I want you out of my house.” I could hardly wait. “ And I’ll give you some...

3 years ago
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First Time For Everything

It was time for me to act out a fantasy and with it came much pleasure....I had been wanting to be the bottom for a group for as long as I can remember, I love being restrained too so when a friend said they had a party coming up and would I like to be restrained and fucked by many I immediately said yes!The day came and I was wearing a black dress with my sexiest lingerie, black stockings and fav blue heels, I arrived and was greeted by someone I didn’t know but he was already naked and his...

1 year ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 54

While Kat was having her adventure with Mistress Mimi, Jessica was having quite an interesting day of her own. As the sun was setting she found herself, quite unusually, alone in the house. Ella had asked to borrow Marie and Jane to serve drinks at a party she was having, and Jessica had agreed while declining to attend herself. Jessica knew this particular crowd of Ella’s friends, and while they would no doubt think themselves wild and daring to be served by “slave girls” in lingerie, they...

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Familiar Games

It has been a very strange year, but exciting at the same time. Really a complete turnaround from last year. I am in my third year of college and had to move back home. The circumstances that led to this included my roommate disappearing one weekend and leaving me with rent and all bills. I replaced him but with a roomie who wanted nothing to do with me. Then my best girlfriend from high school fell in love with some guy from Chicago, they got married and moved away. I ended up dating my...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His dungeon IX

Sunday morning, Jennifer made us breakfast. Over coffee, She told me how unhappy she was with her school. Apparently, they didn't believe girls should aspire to careers in technology, but should, instead, become good supportive wives of the men who did. What courses they offered beyond liberal arts were, in some cases, less challenging that what she had taken in high school. All her school had going for it was a long record of turning out refined ladies. I suggested that she might...

1 year ago
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Girl Play

We both lay there in the moon light as it cascades over the bed. We're nearly naked and have been kissing for hours; my fingers trace over her breasts, even with her bra on her nipples harden. A soft hue of a blush emerges onto her soft sweet cheeks.“Are you sure about this? I know it’s nothing either of us has done before.”She turns to glance at me. My own heart beats quickly as I feel the goose bumps creep along my skin. My pulse races waiting for her response. I’ve only ever been with men...

2 years ago
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New Reality Part 1

This Story is a work of fiction. All Charecters in it are totally fictional, with the exception of a few. It is roughly based on true to life events that have occurred in my life, with a heavy twist on things to make a story and to make it with an eventaul happy ending. This story was created to conform with the NEW HuggleBugs Universe. I would also like to take this chance to thank KimEM for editing this story and helping it flow, For understanding, and knowing what life is like...

3 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 29

I had to waddle my way back to the car through the mall thanks to the toy wedged in my bottom. As is typical for mall shoppers though, no one even gave me a second glance. I’m not sure they would have had I been naked from the waist down with the toy sticking out from me. “How much do I owe you for everything, Jess?” Emma asked. “Nothing, it’s our treat,” Jess said. “Really, I want to pa-” Emma started to say but Jess cut her off. “It’s not up for discussion. They are all gifts. I know...

1 year ago
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Dreams With Dolly Bhabhi Comes True 8211 Part 2

So Dolly bhabhi had come to stay with me in the metro city, with her 2 siblings ( 5 yr old Amit and 1 year old baby who is feeding on her milk ). She willingly leaves behind bhaiya, who gets caught in professional commitments. After a good dinner we slept on the 2 mattresses on floor and gasping at her body in the semi dark room I dozed off, while she and her kid remained in that pose….. Next morning I woke up at around 8 oclock. I found Amit and the kid beside me and Bhabhi was in the...

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CuckoldSessions Brandi Love Second Appearance

Brandi Love has been teaching a real estate course for some time now and she has learned over time that just once in a while the students have something to teach her as well. Today this class is lightly attended but with just the right couple of guys that know how to flirt back in a way that she knows she can do something she never regrets. Beckoning one of the guys up to answer his question in a bit more intimate fashion she hikes up her dress just enough for them to see her stockings. Taking...

3 years ago
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Sister SpreadsChapter 6

Joy started fucking her brother in front of their mother every chance she got. That, and Dee's sweet way of accepting it, kept her turned on. After her father and her aunt went to work each morning, that week, Joy and Dee fucked Eddy so much that they gave up wearing panties. Once her mother was washing the breakfast dishes; feeling horny, Joy snuck up from the rear. She flipped the dress high above Dee's naked ass and grabbed the surprised woman's hairy cunt, playing with it. Dee got...

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