AftermathChapter 20 free porn video

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"What are we going to do?" Sherrie asked, trying not to let panic overcome him. "Is there any way to land this thing without those pedal thingies?"

"Well, there's an auto-rotational landing," Brett said, "but that's not really the ideal solution."

"What's an auto-rotational landing?" Sherrie wanted to know, locking onto that in desperation. "If it'll get us down, let's do it."

"That means he cuts the power and lets us fall to the ground," Jason said. "At the last moment, he pulls up and arrests the fall."

Sherrie looked at the two of them as if they were mad. "Cut the power?" she said. "Fall? Are you insane?"

"Not at all," Brett said, putting the aircraft back in the wide bank that it had been in a few moments before. "That's how you get down if you have an engine failure. The problem here is that it'll be kind of hard to bring us down in a specific place. We might end up in a tree, or on top of a building. And you come down rather hard too. I had to do it once in a Kiowa in Texas. It wasn't pretty. My observer fucked up his back pretty good and the helicopter never flew again. This chopper would almost certainly be permanently disabled if we did that and there's still a better than even chance that we'd all be killed anyway over this kind of terrain."

"Great," Sherrie said, barking out a semi-hysterical laugh. "So we're talking a fifty-fifty chance?"

"If we try that," Brett said, wiping the sweat off his face again. Christ his knee was hurting. "There might be another way though."

"Like what?" Sherrie asked.

"Like letting me fly," Jason said.

"Letting you fly?" Sherrie said, her eyes wide. "You don't know how to fly this thing!"

"I know how to fly it," Jason corrected. "I've just never done it before."

"And this isn't the time to take over the controls," Brett said. "Sorry Jase, but I don't think it would be possible to maintain control if we tried to switch in mid-air, otherwise I might give it a shot."

"Then what do we do?" Jason and Sherrie asked together.

"You can't fly it," Brett told Jason. "But maybe you can be my left foot."

"Push the pedal for you?"

"You got it," Brett said. "Unbuckle and lean over here. If you put your foot on the pedal and push it when I tell you to and release it when I tell you to... maybe it just might be enough to keep us under control. I can still work the right pedal, the collective, and the cyclic. Sherrie?"

"Yeah?" she said doubtfully.

"We'll need your help too. I need you to come over here and hold onto my left leg to keep it from moving. When Jason pushes the pedal down, don't let my lower leg go down with it. Got it?"

"I think so," she said, nodding, glad to have something to do.

"All right," Brett said. "Let's give it a shot. We'll try to pull a hover up here again to get the feel for it. If we can do that, there's a good chance we'll be able to land."

Sherrie and Jason both got into position. Jason released his harness and edged halfway out of his left side seat. He stretched his right foot out and over and slid it up against Brett's left boot. Brett winced a little at the contact. Sherrie resumed her position between the two seats. It took a little experimentation but finally, by kneeling down at an uncomfortable angle, she was able to get her hands around his upper calf, just below the wound, and hold it in place without obstructing either his vision, his hand on the collective, or Jason's leg on the pedal. The fit of the three of them however, was more than a little awkward.

"Okay," Brett told Jason once they were ready, "the important thing to remember is not to push down hard on the thing. When I say to push it, just ease it down a little tiny bit at a time, very slowly. When I say let up, do the same. Got it?"

"I got it," Jason said.

"All right, let's give it a shot." He took a few deep breaths and leveled out their bank once again. "Slowing up."

He eased up on the airspeed once again, making the indicator slowly wind down. He watched it carefully as it dipped closer and closer to the point where the torque became a force to be seriously reckoned with. As before, it was just under thirty knots when Brett felt the tail starting to turn. "Push down just a bit," he told Jason.

Jason applied a very small amount of pressure to the pedal. It sank down a half an inch and than another half an inch. The swing of the tail smoothed out. Brett's foot remained just above the pedal, held there by Sherrie's bloody hands.

"Good job," Brett said, starting to think that this just might work after all. Though having his leg suspended was increasing the pain considerably, it was nowhere near the white-hot agony of his first attempt at slowing. "Get ready to do it more. The more I adjust the collective, the worse the torque is going to be. It's a constant adjustment as we slow."

"Right," Jason said, shifting a little in his seat.

Brett continued to reduce airspeed and Jason continued to gently push down on the pedal to compensate for it. The needle dropped below twenty and then below ten. There were a couple of moments when they swung back and forth, when Brett had to push a little on the right and Jason had to ease up on the left, but these swings, although jerking, were almost gentle, nothing like the violent spinning of before. Brett barked out commands - up or down - as they were needed. Finally the needle dropped to zero knots of forward speed. The back end tried desperately to swing and actually was able to in small increments, but the up and down of the pedals with two different feet upon them were able to counter it. They hovered in space, 2000 feet above the ground.

"We did it!" Jason yelled excitedly. "Goddamn, Brett, we did it! We're hovering!"

"Thank God," Brett said, smiling in spite of the pain.

"Does this mean that we're going to live?" Sherrie asked from her kneeling position. Her hands were cramping from the effort of holding Brett's leg.

"It means our odds got a little better," Brett said. "Now lets bring it back up to forty knots or so and then we'll head on down. Get ready to push again, Jase."

Slowly Brett built up airspeed once more until they were past the critical point. Jason kept the proper amount of pressure applied to the pedal. Once they were relatively stable Brett let everyone back away from him in order to stretch their fatigued muscles before the big event. Brett also had Jason contact Paul on the radio to tell him what they were doing and to have him clear the parking lot.

"We're going to land on the far side of the lot," Jason explained, "but be sure everyone stays well clear until the skids hit the ground. There is a chance that we might... you know... have a loss of control and we wouldn't want anyone else to get hurt."

"Copy," Paul said slowly. "We'll be standing by. Good luck to you."

"Thanks," Jason said. "We'll need it."

Brett banked the helicopter back around in a wide circle, bringing them around so that he could approach from the north, which would lessen the chances of them accidentally hitting the community center building if they lost control at the last second. This course put them out over the canyon, which was still about a third full of raging floodwaters rushing down from higher in the mountains. As he passed over the northern rim Brett began to descend and slowed his airspeed to thirty-five knots.

"Okay," he said as the altimeter approached 5000 feet above sea level, "let's get back into position and we'll start slowing down."

Jason and Sherrie both quickly resumed their respective places at Brett's side. Brett had to stifle a scream as Sherrie grabbed his leg a little too hard and then another as Jason's boot nudged his foot.

"Are you all right?" they both asked, looking at him anxiously.

"Yeah," he breathed, biting his lip a little. "Everyone ready?"

They assured him that they were as ready as they were going to get.

"Then let's land this thing," Brett said.

He continued to descend, letting the helicopter take a gentle angle downward. They passed over the hills between the town and the canyon and then over the southern wall itself. The rooftops and winding streets of the subdivision grew bigger and bigger in their field of view. Ahead of them and slightly to the left, the park and the community center could be seen, including the large parking lot that was their landing zone. Brett eased up on the airspeed a little more, keeping them just above the point where Jason needed to actively intervene. He banked a little to the left and then back to the right, putting the landing zone directly in front of them.

"Okay," he said once they were lined up. "We're on final approach now. I'm going to slow up some more. Get ready to do your stuff."

"I'm ready," Jason said, chewing his lip a little.

"Remember," Brett said as he pushed down a little more on the collective, "once we get into the ground effect, you're going to have to ease up. The blades won't be biting into the air as hard and the torque is going to suddenly lessen."

"I'll remember," Jason said, his eyes watching out the windshield in front of them.

They passed the outer edge of the park, still descending, and Brett dropped the airspeed past the critical point. "Down a bit, a bit more," he said, and Jason pushed down on the pedal. The back end, which had been trying to swing, stabilized for a moment until the speed dropped even more. "More," Brett said. "Just a bit more."

They passed over the baseball diamond at a little over a hundred feet above the ground, still slowing, the tail swinging spastically back and forth about three feet in both directions. Brett continued to slow them up and Jason continued to apply pressure to his pedal.

"Doing good, doing good," Brett said, feeling sweat dripping down his face, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. He slowed some more. "A little more, a little more."

They passed over the southern edge of the parking lot, still slowly dropping, still moving at about twelve knots, the back end still swinging back and forth as Jason's control movements lagged just behind Brett's voice commands.

"Coming up on the LZ," Brett warned, slowing them even further. "Here's where it really gets tricky."

"Bring it on," Jason said, wiping his own face, watching with intense concentration as the white lines of the parking spots grew larger and larger.

Brett dropped a little further, until they were about six feet above the ground. "We're going to hover now," he said, bleeding off the rest of the speed. The tail swung out a little wider as Jason struggled to keep up with the maneuver. For a moment it seemed they were going to spin wildly but it was only a moment. He pushed down a little more and arrested it and then overcompensated just a little, forcing Brett to counter his move. At last the airspeed stood at zero knots six feet above the ground.

"Good job," Brett said with a little sigh of relief. "We're almost home free. I'm gonna drop us down now. Get ready for the ground effect. As soon as we start to swing, let up on the pedal slowly and I'll give a little push on mine."

"Let's do it," Jason said.

Brett let them drop down a little bit more and, at three feet, they were firmly in the ground effect, where the air from their own rotor was bouncing off the ground and pushing them back upward. The helicopter suddenly didn't need as much power to keep aloft and in order to get them the rest of the way down, Brett pulled back on the collective considerably more than he would have to make the same adjustment at altitude. As such the rear end tried to swing around since the force of torque was equally reduced.

"Ease up, ease up!" Brett barked, feeling the swing.

Jason eased up a little faster than he had been, countering the action. The rear end stabilized.

"Out of sight," Brett said, dropping them the rest of the way down. There was a thump from beneath them as the skids touched semi-gently down on the asphalt. It was almost anti-climatic.

"We did it!" Jason yelled, feeling the wonderful sensation of being back on mother earth. "We're down, Brett! We did it!"

"We're down?" Sherrie asked. She too had felt the thump of landing but was having trouble believing that they were really safe.

"We're down," Brett said, neutralizing the collective and turning the throttle back to idle. The whine of the turbine engine, which had been screaming a moment before as it held the helicopter at a hover, died down to a soft, almost gentle hum. The rotor blades began to slow down. "It wasn't the prettiest landing I've ever participated in, but Goddamn if it didn't feel the best once it was over."

Now that the immediate crisis was over and the adrenaline had a chance to slack off some, Brett's leg began to seriously scream at him for the abuse that had been inflicted upon it. The pain swelled up like a balloon, traveling up and down his body in sickening waves, commanding his attention. He had never imagined that a simple gunshot wound could be so freaking painful. Hadn't he been told once that they were almost painless? What moron had pulled that information out of his ass? Obviously someone who had never been shot in the knee before.

"Are you all right, Brett?" asked Jason, still quite elated at the fact that he was actually alive and not a burned up, smashed up corpse. He didn't like the way that Brett was leaning back in his chair with his eyes squeezed shut.

"I think..." he said, "that you... you better do the shut-down checklist for me. Do you mind?"

"I'm on it," he said worriedly. He gave his mentor one last glance and then began the process of disengaging the rotor and shutting down the engine.

Sherrie meanwhile, jumped out through the missing door on the side and fell to her knees on the wet asphalt. She leaned down and put her lips to the ground, kissing it several times. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said, over and over again, presumably to God or Jesus or whatever entity she believed in.

Across the parking lot the door to the community center opened and Paul came out, followed by two of his medical team. They had a wheeled table with them - a makeshift gurney that had been constructed by Steve Kensington a few days before. They reached the helicopter before the blades were even able to stop turning. Paul ripped open the pilot's side door and looked in.

"Hey, Paul," Brett groaned, trying a grin on for size and doing a miserable job at it. "What's the good word?"

"That was some kind of fucked up looking landing," Paul said, his eyes dropping down to the bloody bandage on Brett's knee. He also took note of the blood, now congealing, that had dripped down to the floor.

"Any landing that you walk away from," Brett quoted, "is a good landing. I learned that in flight school. I think they laid that one on us the first day. It's right up there with the old, bold pilots saying."

"Well, it was a good landing then, I'll agree with that," Paul said, "but it don't look like you are going to be walking away from it. How bad is the injury? Give it to me straight."

"It went in below my kneecap and went out just above it," Brett told him. "I saw bone fragments and tendons sticking out of the exit wound. I can't move my leg at all."

"Do you mean you physically can't move it, or do you mean it hurts too much to move it?"

"Both," Brett told him. "It's agony to even try, and it won't move even when I do."

Paul nodded. He reached down and began unlacing Paul's left boot. "I'm going to check and make sure you're still getting blood flow down there," he said. "How's the pain?"

"Horrible," Brett said honestly. "I had a kidney stone once and I thought that was bad." He shook his head. "That felt like a blowjob in comparison to this."

Paul laughed a little, taking the laces all the way off. "You have a way with words, Brett," he said. "You oughtta be a writer. Are we gonna be able to get the wounded to El Dorado Hills?"

"Yes," Brett said immediately. "We'll get them there."

"Are you gonna fly there the same way you landed? With Jason pushing one of your pedals and Sherrie holding your leg up."

"There's no other way," Brett said. "Just shoot me up with some of that morphine to take the edge off of this. We'll make it."

Paul looked up at him. "Shoot you up with morphine before you fly a helicopter? Isn't that just a little unwise?"

"It's the only way," Brett said. "Don't give me enough to put me out. Just give me enough to make it tolerable."

Paul gave him a doubtful look and then began trying to pull Brett's boot off of his foot. The moment he moved the leg in order to accomplish this, Brett screamed as the pain flashed white-hot once again.

"Brett," Paul said softly, "I can't give you enough morphine to make this tolerable. That much will put you out like a light."

Brett panted for a few moments, wiping a fresh sheen of sweat from his face. "Give me what you can," he said. "There's no other way to do it. We have wounded that need to get there, don't we?"

He nodded. "Yes, we do. Lucy and John are both dead - we did everything we could for them but... well, it just wasn't enough. Susan, Lori, and Sandy will need to get there at some point for treatment but they can wait for a while. Sarah, Rhonda, and Megan all have pretty serious wounds however, particularly Megan. They need to get to the doc right away, like within the next twenty minutes."

"Then it's settled," Brett said. "I was the one that went against common sense and got myself shot up. I'm the one that'll just have to deal with the consequences. Give me as much dope as you think I can tolerate and then lets get those casualties loaded up."

"And what if you pass out from the pain while you're in flight?" Paul asked. "Or what if you pass out from the dope? I'm not a doctor, Brett. I'm not an expert at medicating people. That shit could happen. What will you do then?"

"Then we'll crash," Brett said, not mincing words.

Paul looked at him sternly, shaking his head hopelessly. "What a clusterfuck," he said. "Is that really our only choice? What about Jason? Do we have the right to ask him to risk his ass on this screwed up mission? If you crash, you'll be taking him with you."

Both of them looked over at Jason, who was still sitting in the observer's seat, following the conversation. "Well?" Brett asked him. "What do you think, Jase?"

"I'll go no matter what," Jason said. "My place is in this chopper. But... maybe there's another answer."

"Another answer?" Paul asked. "What do you mean?"

"No," Brett said immediately before he could even say it.

"I could fly this thing to El Dorado Hills," Jason said, ignoring him.

"Absolutely not," Brett said. "This is not the time to learn to fly. Not with casualties on board."

"Brett..." Jason started.

"I said no," Brett said. "That's final."

"I can do it," Jason said defiantly. "I've been watching you fly this thing for weeks now. You've taught me every system, every control, everything."

"Jason, you can't just jump behind the controls of a helicopter and start flying," Brett told him. "It doesn't work that way, no matter how much you think you know about it."

"Is that any riskier than flying the damn thing all shot up with morphine, with one foot on the controls and a woman holding the other foot? And there's not even room for Sherrie and the casualties anyway, even if we could talk Sherrie into climbing back in here."

"No," Brett repeated.

"I can do it," Jason said, staring at him. "Brett, I can. I know I can."


"I'm not a kid, Goddammit!" Jason yelled, leaning closer to him. "You're sitting there thinking that I'm talking out of my ass because I'm fourteen fucking years old and I don't know any better. I'm not, Brett. I know exactly what I'm saying. It might be a little rough at first, it might take me a few minutes to get the feel of the thing, but if you help me, I can fly this helicopter. I know what I'm saying and I know what the risks are. I wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't true."

"Jason..." Brett started.

"You need to trust me, Brett," Jason told him. "You've always been the one to treat me like I was a man, even when I wasn't acting like one. You treated me that way from the very start, back when I was crying over my mom and dad next to that camper and I really was just a kid. You stood up for me in front of Jessica, in front of the other women in town, in front of everyone. Don't start treating me like a baby now." He leaned even closer, his voice softening. "Let me fly this thing," he said. "If you help me, I can do it. We might crash, but I think we stand a better chance with me doing it than having both of us try to monkey the damn pedals together."

Brett looked at him, at the serious expression on his face, in his eyes. Jason wasn't even old enough to shave yet. He hadn't even reached his full adult height yet. But was he a man? Was he old enough to give a subjective assessment of his own abilities independent of the desires of youth? Was he?

"Brett, I can do it."

Brett let out a breath, letting his head hang down for a minute. He looked back up. "Get this thing refueled and get Steve to put the doors back on," he said. "And then, while Paul is loading up the casualties, you can help me over to the other chair. We take off in fifteen minutes."

Jason could not prevent the grin from spreading across his face. "You got it, Brett," he said, standing up. "We'll lift off in fifteen." He hopped out and began sprinting towards the fuel truck and Steve's shack.

Paul and Brett both watched him go. "Do you really think that's a wise decision?" Paul asked carefully.

"No," Brett said, shaking his head a little. "But he made a very good point. His way is about the safest option that we've got."

Stu was looking at the trench that his forces had just managed to capture. He couldn't help but be impressed by it. "This has got to be the work of our friend Brett," he told Stinson, who was tagging along just behind him. "No bitch would have thought of something like this. Only someone with military experience could have supervised the construction of this thing."

"I suppose," Stinson said almost shortly. He had been through a little too much in the last hour to be concerned about who had built the trench. "They surely pounded the shit out of us from here though."

"Yes," Stu said with a nod. "It all makes sense now. He put trenches at the first line of defense to keep the bitches that are shooting at us safe from fire. He probably hit on the only fucking way there was to keep them from bolting the first time we shot back. Even so, they fled like the wind once we started to close and take some of them out."

"How many did we kill?" Stinson asked.

"Three bodies in the trenches that we took so far," Stu said. "There's also one towards the front that Lima's people hit when they were in that stupid-ass shootout with the group that was running away." He shook his head in disgust. "I still can't believe that he stood there and shot at them when he could have just gone around the other side of the hill and hit them from close range. I'm going to demote his ass for that. Make him a Goddamn private again and put him on point."

Stinson looked at him with unmasked contempt. "I wouldn't be too hard on him," he said. "Sometimes its kind of difficult to make rational decisions when people are shooting at you and killing your men. Especially as tired as we all are."

Stu wasn't buying this. "That's what our job is," he said. "And I expect better decisions than that. First he loses his golden opportunity, and then he gets half of his fucking men shot by that Goddamn chopper. Jesus, what a moron."

Stinson dismissed the subject of Lima, having passed the point where he really gave a shit. "What about the chopper?" he asked instead. "What do you think was up with that weird shit it was doing?" They had all seen the Garden Hill helicopter climb up to altitude and go into a very wide circle around the battle area and the town. After circling for several minutes, it had straightened out and then tried to hover, but had not been able to. For a moment it seemed that the thing was going to spin out of control and come crashing to the ground. But then it had sped back up and began to circle again. Finally, it had slowed up once more, going into a shaky looking hover for a few moments, and then had turned to the south and disappeared from sight.

"I think that one of Lima's guys managed to hit it," Stu said. "Obviously the thing was having some sort of mechanical problem that they were trying to deal with. Maybe the tail got hit or maybe one of the controls is out. Either way, it looked like they were having a lot of trouble keeping the thing under control. They might not have even been able to land it. My guess is that that chopper is out of the fight whether it landed or not, and good fucking riddance. We'll have a much easier time taking that town if they don't have a means of seeing us when we advance or dropping that napalm on us."

"Taking the town?" Stinson asked. "You still think we have a shot at that? I lost twenty-eight men charging this trench. How many did Lima lose?"

Stu shook his head again. "That asshole lost thirty-eight, including the five that the chopper took out. That leaves him with eighteen. Obviously we'll have to combine forces into one large attack."

Stinson did some mental addition - something that wasn't terribly easy considering his fatigue level. "That means we have forty-six men to make an assault," he said once he had the figure. "That's less than I had to take this one trench."

"Don't forget the ten able bodies from my covering platoon," Stu reminded him. "That brings us back up to fifty-six again. That should be more than enough to take the town now that we've cleared the trenches out. The rest should be pretty much a cakewalk, especially considering the fact that they won't have the chopper any more to help direct them."

"You don't think they have any more trenches?" Stinson asked doubtfully.

Stu scoffed at the very notion. "It takes time to build a trench like this," he said. "Especially if your workers are a bunch of bitches. What do you think they did, spent the last month digging fucking trenches on every Goddamn hill around the town?" He shook his head condescendingly. "No, they only could've done this on the first line on the most likely approaches. We just made the mistake of advancing through the easiest area. That's the disadvantage to not having air assets - you can't recon shit like this."

"So we're going forward again?" Stinson asked.

"Of course we are," Stu said forcefully. "There's no other option. And now that that chopper is damaged, there's a good chance we might be able to capture it and our friend Brett intact. If we're lucky, the chopper will be repairable and we'll be able to use it for ourselves."

"If we're lucky," Stinson echoed, sighing as he said it. "What about the men? They've been through an awful lot. I'm not sure they're... well... motivated to try this again."

"They'll do what the fuck they're told or they'll be shot on the spot," Stu said roughly. "Now let's start shifting everyone over to here. We'll reorganize again and then we'll start to move in ninety minutes from now. And just to show everyone that the worst is over, I will personally lead this assault."

It took Steve about ten minutes to put the doors back on the helicopter - about five minutes faster than it usually took Brett and Jason working together to do it. While he was doing that Jason drove the fuel truck over and filled up the helicopter's tank with fresh jet fuel. Brett continued to sit in the pilot's seat while all of this was going on. His knee was still screaming at him quite loudly but he tried his best to ignore it as he talked on the radio to his field commanders.

"The last look I got of them," he told them on the VHF band, "they were still scattered around pretty good. They were in possession of the two outside trench complexes but the original group near the rear was still back there. You guys mauled them pretty good, probably fifty percent casualties. It'll be at least an hour, maybe more, before they can regroup and try again."

"I copy, Brett," Matt, the commander of the ground forces, replied. "We're all in position now and we're expecting our replacements out here soon. Confirming they're on their way?"

"They just left five minutes ago," Brett assured him. "Chrissie's squad lost two of their weapons during the final pullback so I only sent out enough to cover every gun. I loaded them up with extra ammo though."

"Good," Matt said. "We should be all right as long as they attack us on somewhat the same path as before. We're pretty well spread out here. It would be nice if we could get you back in the air for us before that happens though. It's not real fun down here not knowing what they're doing."

Same as Aftermath
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Priyankar Kochi Guder Chodon Sukh

Hi readers amar nam som chatterjee,age 23.bari ami pori kolkatar ekta engineering collage e.3 yr engineering e porar por ekhane admission ni.ata tokhonkar ghotona Ami era geo onek golpo diachi,akhon r daoa hoi na.tai vablam amar latest sex er ghoto na ta tomader sathe share kori. Ami tokhon collage e 2nd year,tokhon mess nia ekta jhamela hoyechilo.tarpor ami mess change kore saltlaker dik chole asi.sekhane ekta barite thaktam paying guest hisebe.ami uopr tolai thak tam r tar niche...

4 years ago
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Work Experience for Toby

Hi my name is Toby, and I am 17 years old and in my last year of high school. The story that I’m about to tell you happened during a work experience placement. I was away from school on the day that the placements were allocated, so that’s why I finished up being allocated to a Thai massage service. I copped a heap of ribbing about my allocation. I was used to be ribbed because of my build - I am only 5ft 5ins tall with a slender build. I’m no sports hero, being towered over by the 6ft plus...

1 year ago
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David in Bangkok 2001

It was the middle summer 2001 in the back streets of Bangkok and it was unusually hot, even for the Thai City, as the three young local girls, Mi Ling, Su Lin and Kim Su, were keeping cool in the large air-conditioned gym. They are employed to look after the sexual desires of tourists and they are very experienced in sexual techniques even though they are only 18 years old. All three had learnt to speak English as c***dren, which helps them now in their work with the tourists.The previous day...

3 years ago
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A Mother Son Marriage Story 8211 Part 4

Hi friends thanks for huge replies , I really amazed that I am still receiving e mails I’ll continue this story now and I am looking for your replies at the end . It’s a sunny Sunday , ramegowda is on front of the house rathode washing his car vijaya is in kitchen doing some work , all of sudden the phone started to ring , ramegowda took the call on other side rangamma is there Ramegowda- how are you maa Rangamma- fine son , can u please hand over the phone to my daughter Ramegowda- sure...

4 years ago
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Bystander fuck

Sitting here reading a book with the shades open but the windows closed this time as it is getting to that time of year where it's getting chilly out. I happen to hear something and look to my left and that bystander is out walking again and saw me home and wanted to get my attention. I go out and let her in again. "Hi again" she says"Hey there sexy" I reply"It's been awhile since I seen you home" she said"Yeah I've been busy, working a lot" I said"I hear you there, finally get time to go...

1 year ago
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Helping HandChapter 2

Sarah lay back on the bed to think about the arrangements she and Ed had made. She was still slightly uneasy about living in this house. She also realized that she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Ed Sensa was like an angel sent to save her from herself. Within a few minutes the exhaustion caused by the bus trip and the tension lulled her into a peaceful sleep. Her sleep was interrupted by a dream of her marriage dissolving and the events after. Her parents had become overbearing...

2 years ago
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An Unlikely HeroChapter 2

Paul stepped into a clean white room, "Meria, quickly" He called. A door opened and a beautiful woman in a flowing, revealing chiffon dress emerged. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Tom. "Healing chamber, now" said Paul. She ran through to another room with Paul hot on her heels. They quickly stripped Tom off and laid him inside. After closing the lid she threw her arms around Paul and kissed him. "Who's your friend?" she asked him, "And why did you bring him here?" As...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 67

We didn’t call my father and ask him to come home. There had been enough challenges to his authority. We waited for him to return. If he didn’t ask what we had discussed I would bring it up. When we were most of the way through dinner it was pretty obvious he wasn’t going to bring it up. He had relented and agreed not to use my wedding as a commercial promotion. What more could possibly be expected of him? He didn’t say that, it’s how I interpreted his silence. I’d had time to think about how...

2 years ago
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Aunt Nancy Comes to Town

Nancy had lost her job out on the West Coast, not through any fault of her own, but due to corporate downsizing. They'd eliminated 15% of the work force, and she'd been in that group. She'd come back East when her brother Sam had offered her free room and board if she wanted it. Sam was a widower, living with Matt, his 18 year old son, and said he needed a woman's touch around the house. She felt it was charity, Sam was an attractive guy and could easily found a live in girlfriend to help...

1 year ago
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A Fall to GraceChapter 26

Grace was up early the next morning so as to see her drivers off. She also went and chatted to the mechanics. She dropped in on Greg and Jeff, the latter offering her coffee which she happily accepted. Greg inquired about the tender. Grace held her lips between thumb and forefinger and then smiled. “They’re all in and I hope that Mr Walker will make an announcement tomorrow.” “Great! I can’t wait to get the new wagons.” “Don’t get too excited at this stage. All three contenders reckon on...

2 years ago
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Lias Graduation Day Part 2

Lia’s Graduation Day (Part 2) “What have I gotten myself into this time?” Lia muttered to herself as she exited the theatre. Seconds ago, Sam had run out of the theatre about to burst into tears. The two of them had just witnessed Sam’s father getting a secretive handjob from Lia’s mother Mandy. At first, Lia was filled with excitement. Seeing a penis for the first time was a big deal for her, even if her mother was stroking it. Also, she was excited for her mother. It was, to her knowledge,...

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Anju Ki Chudai Kari Uske Ghar Jakar

Hi dosto, mera naam Rohan hai mein punjab ka rehna wala hu .Mein iss par bahut stories padhi hai maximum sari.Unhi ko dekhkar aaj mein aapni real story likhne jaa raha hu.Mein ki average ladka hu mein lambai 6 feet hai aur lund 6 inch jo kissi ko aunty bhabhi ladki ki satisfied kar sakta hai. Ab mein apko zada bore na karte hu story par aata hu. Yeh baat june 2015 ki hai.Iss story ki heroine ka naam anju(name changed) hai .Anju ek sexy bomb hai jo koi isse dekh le uska wahi khada ho jay.Boobs...

3 years ago
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The Sleep Device

A Real Head Ache I had been playing around with an electronic device that I hoped would stimulate colors in the visual center of the brain. Unlike the device I had read about this one was intended to not require wires. I carefully began tuning the two frequencies involved and began to notice an minor irritating sensation somewhat between a buzz in my head and the feeling in my ears when changing altitude. Thinking I might be on to something I kept tuning trying to increase the...

3 years ago
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Fiftieth Birthday Epilogue

Five years later — Placentia Harbor - off the coast of Belize, Central America I stood in the doorway of the starboard cabin of the Gabriel, leaning against the frame as I watched Michael read a bedtime story to our two beautiful girls. Sarah, three and a half and blond like her sister, was perched on his lap as he sat on the bed. Cassie, thirteen, sat beside him her head against his shoulder and one arm through his arm, pressed close against him. The story, about Ralph the Dog was much too...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 09

It was still dark. And silent.   It felt like about four A.M. Elaine was lying on her stomach. She couldn’t see the alarm clock, but she didn’t want to know the time. One hand was between her legs, but it wasn’t moving. It was… reassuring. She wasn’t really aware of it. Remembering the fleeting images she’d dreamed, she put them together in her mind. Gary had picked her up after college. He was waiting for her, leaning on some nondescript sports car.   He’d embraced her and she’d melted. His...

2 years ago
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Dressing up as a girl

When i turned 16, I moved out. I was pretty skilled so i made good money freelancing. After i moved out i would often cross dress. I would buy nice dresses and lingeries then try them out. At first it was in my apartment only, but slowly i pushed myself. I would go out dressed as a girl. No one could say i was a boy from the inside. One night i wore a nice skirty dress and red panties then went towards a nearby park. It would make me alot excited. Although i never felt sexual attraction or...

2 years ago
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Caring for JulieChapter 6

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, Julie was still next to me. I looked over at the clock. "What the fuck?" It was 0645 hrs. Chief was supposed to wake me for last watch at 0430. What the hell was going on here? I quickly dressed, and went to find out what was up, leaving Julie covered up in bed. I found Chief in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "There's more in the pot," he said. "Thanks. I thought you were going to wake me for last watch, like we agreed last night." "Well,...

3 years ago
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"Sixty five knots, 1300 RPM, two hundred feet to go; I have the runway made, looking good." Ok back on the throttle, easy... easy... time to flare... there's the picture... hold it hold it. We're down. Now that was a good landing. I am really getting the hang of this." "Ok! That was a great landing," said the flight instructor. "Pull over here by the edge of the runway." I taxi the airplane to the side of the runway. Jeff opens the door and starts to get out. With one leg dangling...

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It happened to me sometime this week, with one of the finest women I`ve ever had. Milf, but a little bit younger than me, happy mother of a c***d, but with a great body and a pussy tight as hell. That was a “wow!” for me. I mean, after giving birth to a c***d, many women become more fat, or at least the pussy is not the same.This particular one I had just llloves the cock. She sucked me, and altough she couldn`t get it all the way `til the throat (this made me feel very proud about my cock),...

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Summer of Love

* Part One * It was 1969, and I was just then 19, out of high school and free for a summer, before having to face college. And what a summer it was. The summer of love. Crosby, Stills, and Nash filled the space in my room with songs of love, and hopes of peace. The walls covered with the likes of The Beatles, The Who, and Led Zeppelin. It was about four O’clock on a Friday afternoon, and I was packing my bag to go on a long road trip with three other of my closest friends, Jonny, Nate, and...

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Between the Pages of AdulteryChapter 2

Laura sat at the table, her heart was pounding in her chest, her eyes glistened with tears. "Hi, hon, I'm home," she heard as Harrison walked in the front door. She tried to speak up and let him know where she was but nothing came out. Her hand shook even more as she brought it up to her face and started to weep again. As soon as Harrison saw what was happening he rushed into the kitchen and to the side of his distressed wife. "Honey, what is it? He anxiously asked. He'd never seen...

4 years ago
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Love in the East

I was in the NDK district, walking along the lover’s bridge, my hands sunk deep into my pockets, my eyes scanning the horizon for her. This was the exact place that we had kissed. A week before I was a simple tourist, snapping pictures of the sites and bathing in the beauty of this city which had been occupied and influenced by such a rich array of cultures. When I had booked the flights it was simply to have a bit of a holiday with my girlfriend and try and rekindle things between us. The...

2 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 12

Then the unthinkable happened. The Permethians attacked the station in force, and demanded the crystal be surrendered, or the station would be destroyed. The attack had started just after the 'My Love II' had taken on its final load of missiles. While I was not happy that the base commander refused to release the anti-matter hunters, at least he had allowed us to have the Five Gigaton nuke version. There was a mad dash of activity when the first Permethian antimatter missile struck the...

3 years ago
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Control yourself Training a mage in the modern world

Introduction: Special thanks to Interesting Reed for the help with this story about a young mage coming to terms with her new powers check out his stories for more adventure stories! =) This is how I realized I wasnt your typical normal teen. I first started to realize that when I was eight and I noticed I could move and control things with out touching them. My dolls were my best friends because I wasnt that good at making friends at school. Barbie would walk by herself talk to me and play. I...

1 year ago
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The Wolf SummersChapter 2 The Itch

The beginning of a large story While growing up, I did not realize how oblivious I was to the existence of others. I only truly connected with Marisa (my baby sister), Rachel Smith, and the Smith twins. Other than my sister, my home life consisted of an abusive asshole for a stepfather and a mother who stayed married to him. The fact everybody and I were happy to ignore each other left holes in my knowledge of the changes puberty entailed. I understood boys and girls were different, but...

3 years ago
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Mami Ki Gand Aur Chut

Hello friend keise hai aap.sabhi aunty bhabhi aur hot and sex bomb girls lo mera namaskar main yaha aap ko meri ek sachi story batane ja rahahu jo ki hal hi mare sath ya bani dosto ho jaya tayat mari romanchik story ko padh ne ke liya pehla mein apna introduction deta hu.main ek 6″3hight lamba.40″inch chest aur mare laund 8″or 3″ motoa hai dekha ne main ek dam smart aur hansome hu.koi bhi ladki dekhati hai to dakhti hi rah jati hai aur bhabhi ka to pucho mat wo to picha hi pad jatii hai...

2 years ago
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showing the wife a GREAT night out

OK this is about a night we went out and my girlfriend said she will do anything I ask I am you slave she keeps telling me this for the last month or so. I have tested her few time over the phone do this and do that and take a picture to prove it and send it to me. And she did so! It was awesome. But I really wanted to test her more and see how far she would go. Well Cristal is a very pretty woman 36 years old (looks like she is 20 ) 5’10” 165 tall and great...

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Brian Ashley Chapter 1 Library Exhibitionists

This story features Ashley and Brian once again, though this time there is less of a focus on their interactions with Ashley’s sister Madison (and Madison’s girlfriend Alyssa). Instead, we see what else Ashley and Brian have gotten themselves into. The stories are definitely connected and take place at the same time, more or less. This story is also told from Ashley’s perspective instead of Brian’s, though the events featured will generally be separate. It is possible that you will encounter...

1 year ago
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Kareens BBC Prison Cock PT5

I BECOME A COCK SUCKER A couple days later, Dele and I had a shift together and he continued the story. He'd had to bring his wife to Kareem, offer her to him and then leave. Dele admitted by now he had stroked his cock while watching his wife suck that same black monster many times. He'd stroked his cock while he watched the massive cock somehow disappear completely in his wife's tiny body. Kareem treated her like a slut, called her a dozen names Dele would never utter in the same room. She...

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HaremChapter 5 Hallie

While on a trip to Georgia I stopped at a small gas station and found a beautiful 19-year-old black girl with very short black hair dark brown eyes, and what I would guess to be a firm 38D-32-36 body standing 5'9" and weighing maybe 140 pounds. She was doing her college English behind the counter. The nametag on her shirt said Hallie I guessed her age from her looks and the fact that she was taking college freshman English. As I paid for my gas and snacks I commented on her class and joked...

1 year ago
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Double Life 2 Lisas Night Out

Double Life 2: Lisa's Night Out by Lucretia ([email protected]) This story, and all characters, are copyrighted to me. It may be posted on any free site. It also contains some adult language and situations. Read at your own risk. Thanks to Steve Zink for editing! ----------------------------------------------------------------- "By Your Own Scales Be Dammed" ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2:59 PM Lisa looked up at the clock. One minute...

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The Christmas Bonus

As the year winds down and deadlines get closer I spend many evenings working late and more times than not the last person in the office and find I am very productive in those quiet hours.It was Thanksgiving weekend and we always have the company Christmas party on the Tuesday before and give our employees some extra time to travel and enjoy the holiday. The party as always was a good time and all seem to enjoy an evening of elegance; everyone dresses in black tie and evening dresses which...

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Alana and Blake

I met Alana in about the strangest way one can meet a woman, during a rape—hers. Two men were standing over a prostrate form in an alley behind the Mulberry Bar and Grill. Oh, my name is Blake Ritter. I was coming out the back taking the short cut to my car. I didn't want to have to walk all the way around the block if I didn't have to. One of the two men had a knife; I found that interesting. That night, I was still an airborne ranger on weekend leave and in uniform. I had left a couple of...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 73

"You will do anything for Daddy, won't you baby?" he asked. "Yes daddy," I said. "You are a good girl baby," he said. He looked at me with a hard gaze then added, "Worship my cock." I immediately went to my knees. I took it into my mouth and began to nurse on it. I sucked him till my jaws ached, but I had no thought of stopping. I was deep in the trance when he pushed against my throat. His cock was much too large to fit, even if he managed to get past my gag reflex. Then I...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 344

One Liner from Red Dog In days of old when knights were bold and toilets weren’t invented, they laid their load upon the road and walked away contented. Dorsetmike is at it again!!!! A local monastery was going bankrupt. The abbot didn’t know what to do. The brothers had a meeting, and decided to open a great Olde English Fish-N’-Chips stand. One day, a man knocked on the door. After one of the brothers answered the door, the man asked, “May I have just an order of fries?” The brother...

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Crushing Cousins Part 5

As I was about to leave the bathroom Kathleen called out to me, "Come on David lunch is ready and don't even think about putting any clothes on, we haven't so you can't either". I entered the lounge where there were sandwiches on the table and Kathleen was sitting on the bench seat on one side and Janet was sitting facing her. Kathleen patted the bench next to her and ordered me, "Come and sit next to me David, I want to see what my heel marks look like now". Still embarrassed at being in the...

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The Night I Met Shannon

It was the summer of 2011 at a party at a bar with live music. The night was going good for me to say the least. Dancing, drinking and a huge crowd of fun people. There was a stand-out woman on the dance floor that a lot of guys were talking about. She was hot, hot, hot! Blonde hair straight and past her shoulders. Taller, about 5'7" with wearing a super tight red mini dress that hugged her body's curves perfectly. She had a great set of boobs, what appeared to be DD's for sure and too perfect...

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Making Love To A Mother

All I thought about as I drove was your tall body, fair skin, and gorgeous legs. You had legs that started with beautiful ankles and just rose in perfect proportion guiding the eye and attention upward. Just the thought of your body excited me beyond measure.When I walked in the room you were on the couch, naked. You had apparently just finished nursing. Your head was thrown back, eyes closed, letting little sounds escape with your hand laying between your thighs. Your hand moved slowly but...

3 years ago
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The Squad Car

I’m a cop in a big city and here is one of my stories, more of it true than false. I was working in uniform on the south side, by myself. I kept busy and certainly loved my job, but after a certain hour it got pretty boring and routine. I was totally bored at home too. The wife and I had grown quite a bit apart, our differing methods of raising the kids being partially responsible for the depth of the divide. I had started surfing the chat rooms and one night encountered a woman who lived in my...

1 year ago
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The Education Of Darla

Darla lay on the bed just dressed in a pair of black lace panties. Her pussy was smooth as silk after being shaved. She was horny from the shave but told not to touch herself.Darla reached down to feel the front of her panties just as the bedroom door opened."I told you not to touch yourself. " he said." I wasn't just wanted to see how wet I was." she replied." Doesn't matter no touching." Standing next to him was a tall Asian woman. She was dressed in a black camisole top, no panties and...

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Strawberry Blonde

*Marissa was far from the typical blonde. Sure, like most blondes, she was beautiful, had gorgeous eyes, and an amazing body. But to simply describe her that way would be a gross injustice. There is so much more to her. She had a stylish haircut. One of those that you usually see in the magazines, but never actually see anyone with. Well, maybe in places where trendy people with money hang out and drink cappuccinos and talk about important things. It is short in the back and increases in...

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Allein zu Hause Part XXI

In der Cocktail BarSo bekleidet und mit dem angetrockneten Sperma von Herrn Dr. Seifert zwischen meinen Schenkeln und auf meiner Rückseite verließ ich die Wohnung dann etwas später und machte mich auf den Weg zur Bar, wo ich etwa gegen halb 10 ankam und mich dort an die Bar setzte, einen Cocktail bestellte und über die Geschehnisse nachdachte und dabei nur meinen Kopf schüttelte...Ich hatte mich von meinem Ex-Lehrer „Ficken“ lassen, was ja nicht neu war, aber dass die "Eltern meines Freundes"...

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Summer Vacation

It was my final day...literally only ten minutes left before I would leave for the summer and spend it in Ireland with my distant cousins. My mind was drifting off, imagining the fun we would have, and what we would do as the teacher spewed off some inspirational speech about college and life after high school. But for me it was four years of torture, and teenage angst, I never was the most popular kid in school let alone the most attractive. I sat at a modest 5'10, 189 lbs, and not...

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Cary Unsettled

Cary was unsettled. She worked in one of those non-descript buildings that pervasively dots industrial parks. In fact, it was an engineering firm doing designer work in plastics, PVC, and other combinations of unpronounceable chemicals. Officially, Cary was the receptionist and accounting technician. However, the company had few walk-ins, so they kept her out front so the young engineers, designers, and techs working “in the back” had something nice to look at as they entered and left the...

Wife Lovers
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Stephanie Pt 01

CHAPTER ONE It’s been over three years since my husband James left me. I don’t think I’ve recovered from the devastation of the man I thought was the love of my life abandoning me for a younger woman, if you can call her a woman, she was more of a child. James and I met in Junior High, he was my first and only boyfriend, I was 12 he was 13. We went to the same college and married my senior year. We made it through 8 years of college, residency and internships, I thought it would last...

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Cuckold Experience

The Cuckold ExperienceA true cuckold doesn’t know about it ahead of time, she doesn’t tell him, and he certainly isn’t involved in setting it up, or invited to watch.Instead, the way it usually happens is that he comes home early one day from work, unexpectedly, and walks in on them. Like so many cuckolds before him, he catches his wife naked in bed with another man, as they’re fucking. That’s how he finds out. His heart stops, he can’t breathe, and he feels like he’s going to pass out....

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DDFBusty Anissa Kate Stepsons Dick Goes Deep

Get ready for some epic Hardcore fucking! Grab your boner and watch Anissa Kate seduce her stepson Michael Swayze for some DDF Network XXX bangarang action in the living room. The curvy goddess puts on some straps and hot lingerie before sitting down right next to him on the couch. He gets a peek of her big natural tits and imagines fucking that glamour porn star’s wet pussy day in day out. And then that teenager’s dream comes true! Anissa Kate asks him if he wants to fuck her...

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Workplace adventures

I had just been transferred to a new department at work. I'd come up with a new idea, and the big wigs liked it, so I'd been given the somewhat staggering task of actually leading the project. Along with the new responsibilities came a new office in another part of the building. I decided to get a head start and came in early to move my stuff over into my new office. As I carried my things, I looked around hoping to see who I would be working with, but all I saw was a lot of windowless offices,...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 14 One Girls Determination

Savannah, Georgia October 1984 Rebecca's left hand slipped ominously on the bar, her grip caught briefly, and then gave way completely. She fell, again, only to have strong arms wrap her up from behind and hold her off the mat. She had never actually hit the ground when she fell, ever. He was always there, right behind her. This was the end of her fourth week in physical therapy and he'd been there every day, both in the pool and here at the physical therapy center. "That's it Tony. My...

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Cum hungry paper boy sissy

Cum hungry paper boy sissyWhen I was thirteen our next door neighbor Pat offered me a summer jobhelping him deliver papers and magazines. I quickly said yes and myfoster parents agreed. I liked Pat a lot as he always patted my ass whenVance and Liz were doing something when he came over for dinner as hesmiled and winked. I loved the way it felt and smiled back as my cock gothard.I was light build and kept my long blonde hair in a pony tail and alwayswore cut off jean shorts. I had also been...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 14 Jills First Date

After visiting her family over the weekend, Jill feels so relieved to get back to her apartment. Her life has gone through monumental changes since she last saw them. Yet, at her parents' house, everything is exactly the same as it was the last time she visited, four weeks before. In fact, it's exactly the same as it has been the whole time she was growing up there.As she gets out of Jerry's clothes and dresses as Jill again, she sees very clearly, why her life had sucked for so long. After...


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