A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 3 - JessicaChapter 51: Not The Life Of The Party free porn video

June 10, 1989, Chicago, Illinois
I was fairly tired when I woke up on Saturday morning, but a shower revived me enough to drive Jorge and myself to breakfast at Alex Saunders’ restaurant. The guys teased both Terry and Zeke about their last weekend of ‘freedom’ but it was pretty clear that the two of them were quite happy to be giving up that freedom. I certainly couldn’t argue with either of their choices! I did make sure that they had talked to Elyse and that everything was set for the next weekend.
After breakfast I headed to karate with Jessica, Kara, and my sister. Everything was going well at the dojo, including the afterschool classes. The moms had finally relaxed, and the kids were responding well to a more disciplined training program. I’d tested a total of eight students and awarded seven belts. The only question was what to do with Therese, because I still didn’t feel right awarding a black belt when this was Sensei Jim’s school.
I’d had long talks with Sharon and Ichirou on what to do, and I hadn’t made a final decision. I thought about calling Sensei Jim and asking, but decided against it. He’d put me in charge, and the decision had to be mine. I’d asked Jolene’s advice, and she’d told me I should arrange to test Therese, rather than make her wait another three or four months. She had encouraged me again this morning before class to simply bite the bullet and do it. I thought about it all through class, and when we finished, I called Therese and Jolene to my office.
“I want to arrange for you to test for your black belt,” I said to Therese.
“Thank you, Sensei!” she exclaimed.
“It’s going to be a bit different because this is the first time I’ve ever done it, so I’m going to arrange for Sensei Sharon and Sensei Ichirou to be here to observe and provide feedback.”
“That’s fine with me!” she grinned.
“Good! It’s not normal, but your tests will have to be on Tuesday and Thursday, so that they can be here.”
“I’m ready, Sensei!”
“I know! See you on Tuesday!”
She stood up and bowed, and seemed to float out of the room.
“Good decision,” Jolene said.
“Thanks. Are you coming over tomorrow afternoon?”
“I wouldn’t miss it! How many people do you expect?”
“If the last time at IIT is any indication, a dozen or so. That’s about the right number.”
“See you tomorrow!” she said, standing up and bowing, “Sensei!”
I chuckled. She’d been giving me grief about being her ‘Master’ and making all kinds of subtle and not so subtle hints about sex. I’d played along, but kept things on the straight and narrow. If that was going to happen again, it would have to be after Sensei Jim returned and I was no longer in charge.
My wives, my sister, and I walked home, had our showers, and then ate lunch. I hadn’t said anything to Stephanie about my invited guests, and decided to simply surprise her. It would be worth the reactions from her friends, none of whom had seen Abbie as far as I was aware. When I finished lunch, I kissed my wives, and with their blessing, went to see Kimmy for a few hours before the party started.
Kimmy was very happy that I could make some time for her. I felt bad that I couldn’t make more, but with everything that was going on, it was difficult. She’d been to dinner a couple of times, and she’d gone out with the girls on Saturday nights, but I knew what she really wanted was time alone with me. We had a very nice time, with her making love to me, and then me making love to her, before I showered and headed home.
“Hey,” Elyse said when I walked into the great room.
“Hey yourself! How’s Michael doing?”
“I see you’ve finally come around!” she said with a smile.
“No, I just don’t feel like debating it with you!”
“My feet hurt. My back hurts. I need to pee every five minutes. And I’m physically beat. Other than that, just fucking fine!”
“No contractions, or anything like that?”
“No,” she sighed. “If you know some magic trick to bring about labor, let me know!”
“If I did, you’d be the first to know! Jess is getting into the same territory. She has about a month to go. And then Penny a few weeks later. Bethany, too!”
“Babies are just busting out all over, aren’t they?”
“We’re in that right age bracket - mid 20’s. Some people are starting to delay having kids, but what we’re doing still pretty normal, at least on the baby front! I expect Melanie, Jackie, and Cindi to have announcements in the not-too-distant future.”
“Those three had school and career impediments,” Elyse replied. “But I think you’re right. Have you talked to Penny?”
“Yes, she stopped in the office to see everyone. She’s way less stressed now that she’s not working. She thought about working this month and part of next, but I talked her out of it. She doesn’t need the money and we can get by without her.”
“Smart move. That little girl has WAY too much stress right now. Everything is set for the wedding next weekend.”
“Good. I talked to Terry and Zeke this morning and they told me the same thing. The only real concerns are Tasha’s parents, and her priest.”
“He’s coming?”
“I encouraged her to invite him. I don’t know that he’ll show up, but it would be a smart gesture on his part if he wants to get her to communicate with him in the future.”
“Where did you disappear to after lunch?”
“Where do you think,” I said, grinning broadly.
Elyse laughed, “A ‘play date’. I suppose you’ll have more time for those given that Jess and I are pretty much out of commission for a few months!”
“Perhaps,” I chuckled.
“Did Katy find you?”
“No. When was she looking for me?”
“After lunch, but she might have left before you got home. I’m not sure, because I was napping until about ten minutes ago.”
“I’ll see if she’s around. What are you doing this evening?”
“Matthew, Birgit, Kara, Jessica, and I are having a nice quiet dinner in the ‘Indian’ room, then hiding out there until bedtime. We invited Abbie to join us, but she said she was going to your sister’s party with you.”
“She is. Along with two other ‘goth’ friends of hers who I met last night. Stephanie and her friends don’t know.”
“A couple of her friends are the snooty Hyde Park types. That should be funny!”
“Melody, Lisa, Jenna, and Peggy should be cool. But I think you’re right about Laura and Gayle. I’m not sure about the rest.”
“Did you consider going ‘goth’ for the party?”
“No. I don’t want to spoil my Halloween costume!” I chuckled.
“Because it’s you, that should win ‘best costume’ hands down!”
“I told you what Cindi is going to do, right?”
“Yes. Talk about outrageous! I asked her about it. She’s going to shave so that she really can wear only body paint!”
“And then she’s going to get pregnant, which she thinks is the end of the ‘sexy bod’, but I think she’s wrong! Pregnant women are VERY sexy!”
Elyse beamed, then sighed, “I sure don’t feel sexy right now. I feel like the Goodyear blimp!”
“Do you know where my wives are hiding out?”
“Back yard. They wanted to get a bit of sun before the party.”
I kissed Elyse and went outside to be with Jessica and Kara. The temperature was cool for June, in the mid-60’s with scattered clouds, but it was a nice day and the sun was warm. Kara was holding Birgit on her lap, but she held out her arms to me and I picked her up.
“Hi, Pumpkin!” I said.
I leaned down to kiss Kara and then Jessica.
“Have a good afternoon?” Kara asked.
“I did. How about you two?”
“We had a nice relaxing afternoon talking and playing with Birgit,” Jessica said. “I meant to ask, what’s the plan for next Saturday?”
“The wedding is at 11:00am, and the reception is right afterwards. The ‘Gang of Four’ leaves for their honeymoon around 5:00pm. The caterers will clean up and we’ll have Guys’ and Girls’ Night starting around 7:00pm. But this is one of the joint ones where we all just hang out at the house. All the wedding guests are invited to stay, but I suspect only about half will. I’m sure Alice and Bart will go home, as will the other parents. And speaking of parents, are yours going to come visit after the baby is born?”
“Probably. We aren’t exactly on the best terms, but I want them to see their grandson. I figure probably in August.”
“Mine will be up at some point as well,” I said. “Probably after Albert is born so they only have to make one trip.”
“My mom and Paul want to come up over the summer as well,” Kara said. “Something about spoiling their granddaughter!”
“They’re always welcome,” I said.
We hung out for about an hour before I started getting the grill ready. When my sister’s guests began to arrive, Jessica, Kara, and Birgit went into the house. I made a quick trip to the basement to ask Abbie to come outside, and she stood next to me while I started cooking burgers and brats. Henry and Trish arrived just before 5:00pm, and as expected, got a few stares.
“New friends of yours, big brother?” my sister asked.
“Yes. They’re new friends of Abbie’s that I met last night. You said I could invite guests!”
She laughed, “At least YOU aren’t made up like that!”
“No, but Matthew was the other night!” I chuckled. “We have pictures!”
As I’d expected, Melody, Jenna, Peggy, and Lisa were totally cool with Abbie, Henry, and Trish, but both of the girls I’d suspected would have an issue most certainly did. I heard them whispering snide remarks, just loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to draw too much attention. After the third remark, I turned to them.
“What’s your problem?” I asked.
“Who invited THEM?” Laura asked.
“I did. What of it?” I said.
“But WHY?” Gayle asked.
“Because they’re nice people and you shouldn’t judge,” I said, firmly but not nastily.
“They’re going to hell,” a strident female voice behind me proclaimed.
I turned to see a pretty brunette wearing a gold cross on a chain that hung down across her green sweater.
“Who the fuck are you?” I said.
“Such language! Are you a pagan like these three?”
“I happen to be Jewish,” Henry said, taken aback.
“And I’m Catholic,” Trish said, frowning.
“And I’m not tolerating any BS from some Bible thumper,” I said. “Keep it to yourself.”
“How can I keep the Good News from a sinner?”
“Who ARE you?” I asked.
“Becka Jordan. Who are you?”
“Steve Adams. Stephanie is my sister. This is my house.”
“That doesn’t mean that the Bible doesn’t apply here!”
“So apply ALL of it, including the ‘love one another’ and ‘do unto others’ verses. If you want to get into an argument about how Scripture tells us to behave, I’ll be more than happy to do it. I’ll bet you anything you care to wager I know the Scriptures better than you do. Now, leave my friends alone. Got it?”
She smiled smugly, “Denying the truth won’t make it go away!”
I groaned and grabbed my sister’s arm and dragged her away from everyone else.
“What the fuck, Squirt? I know Gayle and Laura can act like stuck-up bitches, but what’s with the Bible thumper?”
“She’s part of our study group. I only invited her because I invited everyone. I never thought she’d show up! She knew there was going to be alcohol and dancing.”
I sighed, “Well, tell your other two friends to chill out. I’ve met them before and they can be nice when they want to, even though they’re a bit stuck-up. But this fundamentalist chick has got to shut up.”
“You knew Gayle and Laura would have a fit, didn’t you?”
“Yes, of course. I was prepared for that, and I was pretty sure that if I told them to back off they would. And you saw them react with shock to this Becka bitch.”
Jorge walked over to where we were standing.
“Steve, do you want me to take over the grill? The burgers are about to burn!”
“Thanks, Jorge. I’ll be right over,” I said.
I went back to the grill and my three new friends, plus Melody, Jenna, Lisa, and Peggy gathered around.
“What is HER problem?” Abbie asked.
“Forget Becka,” Peggy said. “She’s in our study group, but nobody really likes her.”
“I can see why!” I said. “Trish, Henry, Abbie, I’m really sorry.”
“It happens all the time,” he said. “I get that from people like her all the way up to little old ladies who see me on the street and call me names and tell me I’m going to hell.”
“You’re Jewish?”
“Yes. I had a bar mitzvah and everything. I haven’t been to a synagogue in about five years, but I still believe. Trish goes to church every Sunday morning!”
“But not dressed like that!” I chuckled.
“No way!” she laughed. “Mommy, Daddy, and my priest would NEVER understand!”
“Mine didn’t understand my girlfriend,” Peggy laughed. “So I kind of know what you mean.”
“How many gay friends do you have, Steve?” Abbie asked. “It seems like a lot!”
“There are quite a few. They like to hang out here because we don’t tolerate any discrimination. I just hope Jennifer and Josie don’t run into Becka. They won’t be nearly as nice as I was!”
“THAT was nice?” Abbie laughed. “I thought you tore her a new one!”
“Steve is not soft spoken when he’s upset,” Melody said. “You should come to his karate class sometime!”
“Karate?” Trish asked.
“He’s a 2nd Dan black belt,” Melody said. “He’s been running the karate school with another black belt while the guy who is the actual master is over in Japan training.”
“Does anyone talk to her?” I asked.
“Becka? Some of the guys do. In fact, Len’s talking to her now. But that’s a lost cause if there ever was one!”
“He’s been trying to get into her pants since the first day of school,” Lisa laughed. “He’s been nothing if not persistent!”
I laughed, “Are you quoting Samaritan Snare?”
“‘We look for things. Things to make us go!’” Lisa said with a laugh.
“That was a pretty silly episode, all in all. As for Becka, I know the type. And let’s just say, stranger things have happened!”
Melody laughed, “Steve Adams, you dog you!”
“What did I miss?” Abbie asked.
“He just implied that he’s picked a lock like that in the past.”
“Talk about the most boring lay imaginable,” Trish said, shaking her head.
“She might surprise you,” I said.
Peggy’s face changed to an evil grin, “OK, Mr. Adams. I see a challenge. Go for it!”
I shook my head, “That’s probably one of the worst ideas you’ve had.”
“You wouldn’t take us up on the better one!” she smirked. “How about I dare you to do it?”
“Not even on a ‘double-dog dare’,” I chuckled.
“Are we seriously standing here listening to you two negotiate a bet over popping the Bible thumper’s cherry?” Henry asked.
“Trust me,” Melody smirked. “This is a TAME conversation for this house and backyard!”
“What was the better idea?” Trish smirked, stirring the pot.
“Oh, they wanted to double-team me, but that’s sort of old hat, you know?” I said, laughing.
“You JERK!” Lisa laughed. “The only reason you’re still alive is because the fire alarm went off!”
“Fire alarm?” Abbie asked.
“I think we’re done with this conversation,” I chuckled. “The burgers and brats are ready!”
“Coward!” Peggy teased.
Everyone got their plates and buns and I started serving the burgers and brats. When Becka came to get a burger, she avoided eye contact.
“You’ll enjoy life a lot more if you dial it back a bit,” I said gently.
“You may not dress like them, but you’re just as degenerate,” she said, making eye contact.
I knew the perfect answer for her, though I was sure it would do no good.
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
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