Stepmother's LoverChapter 2 free porn video

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Linda Morgan hated pajamas. On the few occasions when one of her schoolmates had spent the night with her, she wore a sheer gown that barely covered the chestnut triangle which her Father had repeatedly warned her was the gateway to hell.

She found it difficult to believe that the sensitive little opening between her thighs was really evil, no matter what others might say about it. Nothing that felt so good when she stroked her finger between its soft lips could be really bad.

Still trying to grasp the meaning of all that had happened during the eventful day, she finished her bath, toweled her nubile body dry, and slipped into bed completely naked, enjoying the feel of the cool sheets against her bare skin.

She was happy that the farm now belonged to Ted. In her mind, which had never managed to keep pace with the development of her body, her older brother represented a tangible security against all the bad things that might happen to her were it not for his presence.

At school, until he graduated, Ted had stood between her and the harsh teasing of those who recognized her backwardness. When some older boy tried to take advantage of her quite real innocence, it was Ted who convinced the youth to desist by pounding the warning into his head with a hammer-like fist.

He had even stood up for her to their late Father, and Linda had found her affection becoming almost painful when Ted gave her an occasional hug or a less frequent kiss.

Lying in the soft bed, she recalled the ride back from the attorney's office, when Ted had rested his hand on her thigh. If she tried very hard, she could still feel those strong fingers, and recreate the delicious tingling sensation that had spread upward to the furry Juncture of her slender legs.

Just before she had come upstairs, Ted had told her that he would drop in and kiss her goodnight, a habit they had both enjoyed until their Mother's death. After that, their Father had sternly forbidden either of them to enter the other's bedroom.

Linda stretched luxuriously, the sheet sliding against the points of her small breasts, making them stiffen. It was different now, she reminded herself happily. Ted was the boss. He could do anything he wished.

She heard her brother ascend the stairway and enter Dorothy's room, but she thought nothing of it. They would have things to discuss concerning the big farm. When they were finished, Ted would come in to deliver that promised kiss, and she could go to sleep.

Drowsiness pulled her eyelids down, and she had no idea how much time had elapsed when the opening of her door made her sit straight up in the bed, the sheet sliding down to her waist, baring the pert-nippled cones of her firm young breasts.

There was a long instant during which she felt Ted's hot eyes on her naked torso. Then, with a little gasp, she tugged the sheet up to cover herself, clutching it with both hands.

"I'm sorry," she apologized blinking at her brother's faint smile. She had never before seen that particular expression. "I got so sleepy, I guess I just dozed off."

He closed the door, one hand extending to the wall switch beside it. "You look uncomfortable," he murmured, "holding that silly sheet. I'll cut the light, and you won't have to worry about it."

With the sound of a soft click, darkness enveloped the room, leaving only the faint light from the window to outline his figure as he moved toward the bed. Linda's fingers released the sheet, her arms reaching out to welcome him.

He sat down on the side of the bed, turning slightly to slip his arms about her naked waist. Gently, his fingers caressing the soft warmth of her skin, he pulled her against his chest. Her arms tightened about his neck, and she lifted her lips for his kiss. Eyes closed, she waited.

There was something deliciously wicked about the way Ted was holding her. The darkness cloaked her nakedness, but she could feel the heat of his chest against her sensitive nipples, and she shivered at the realization that she wished he were naked, too. His voice made her eyes open, straining to make out his features in the dim light.

"Tell me, Sis," he whispered. She could feel his breath on her upturned face. "Did you ever kiss a guy with your mouth open?"

She kept her own voice low as she answered, "I've never kissed anyone else but you and Daddy. He'd have blistered me if I did that."

"Do you think you'd like it?"

The fingers were playing up and down her back, and she felt her nipples swelling against his shirt front. Her arms squeezed him.

"I'd like it with you Ted." There was an innocent eagerness in her tone. "I'd like anything with you."

She heard his soft chuckle. Then, "It's hot in here. "Mind if I take my shirt off?"

His arms released her, and she missed the feel of those powerful muscles against her tits. "It is a little warm," she agreed. While he wrestled with his shirt, she raised one leg, hooked the sheet, and pushed it down to the foot of the bed. The air bathed her nakedness, but she welcomed its caress of her excited body.

"Remember when we were just little kids, Ted?" she said. "Mom used to let us sleep together in the same bed."

"Yeah," he answered from the darkness. "We'd be as naked as a pair of jay birds."

"Why can't we do that now, Ted?" The question was plaintive.

For a moment, he was motionless. "We're not kids anymore, Sis."

"I don't care. I remember how good it felt when we cuddled up."

She heard and felt his movements as he began removing the rest of his clothing, and she shivered with anticipation. He slipped his trousers down, lifting his hips to remove them, and she asked, "When are Aunt Joyce and Uncle Ralph coming?"

"Sometime this week," he grunted, leaning over to slide his socks off. "Are you glad?"

"Oh, yes. Susan and Beth are wonderful company, and Clyde's a nice boy."

He was naked, but he seemed hesitant about touching her. She could feel his eyes in the darkness, staring at her body.

"What's wrong, Ted?"

There was a curious hoarseness in his voice as he answered, "I don't want to scare you, Sis."

"How could you do that? We've been together like this before."

He was leaning over her, arms braced on either side of her body, yet not touching her. "You're a beautiful girl, Linda," he said in that strange, husky voice. "Just being near you does things to me."

She knew what he meant, and she laughed, easily and softly. This was Ted, her brother. How could he possibly have thought that he would frighten her with a silly old hard-on. She knew boys got that way when they were excited, just as girls got all wet and soft. Just, she reminded herself, like she was at this moment.

"I know about things like that," she assured him. "I won't he scared."

He leaned closer, his chest touching the bare nipples, wiry hair teasing the tender nubs. His breath fanned her face as he said, "Open your mouth, Sis. Let's make this a real kiss."

Linda's lips parted, and she ran her tongue about them to make them moist. Then, before her tongue could retreat, his mouth claimed hers, clamping over her lips as his chest descended against her tingling breasts.

She had heard of "tongue kissing" and had found the idea exciting. Now, with Ted's tongue dipping into her mouth, she realized why it was so popular. When he scooped her tongue back into his oral chamber, she wiggled it in surrender, and she welcomed his tasty muscle with a hot suction that made the youth grip her shoulders with trembling fingers.

Sensing that he enjoyed her tongue, she waited until his lips released her. Then, with artless eagerness, she began licking his face, the writhing tip of her wet tongue sliding across his closed eyelids, and even teasing his nostrils with its flashing caress.

"I could lick you all over!" she gasped, returning to his open mouth and tracing his lips with her tongue. Her body arched, rubbing leer tits against his hairy chest. "Let me do it, Ted! Please!"

He kissed her again, blocking her pleas by shoving his tongue into her greedy mouth. Holding her, he rubbed his lips against hers.

"Why don't we do it the other way?" he asked softly. "Why don't you let me lick you all over?"

She stared at him, although the darkness made his face an indistinguishable blur. "Do you really want to?"

He nipped her chin with his strong teeth. "Baby," he grunted. "From now on, Ted Morgan doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do." He kissed her throat. "He wants to eat you up!"

Linda's arms pulled him down, and his face was buried for a moment against the warm softness of her arched throat, his mouth open, and his wet tongue caressing the tender flesh.

"Oh, yes, Ted!" she cried, her body trembling with anticipation. "Eat me up!"

She felt his lips travel downward toward one of her small tits, deliberately pausing as they reached the beginning of that gentle slope. Her hands ran excited fingers through his thick hair, urging him to kiss his way up the mound until his wet tongue flicked at the base of her sensitive nipple.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as Ted licked his way around the spongy finger, not touching it again, but leaving a trail of saliva about the delicate aureole. She pushed her chest upward, anticipating the first caress of that engorged bud.

When it came, her whole body convulsed, knees hashing up, and her torso writhing in reaction to the shattering thrills evoked by his hot suction and flaying tongue. His mouth covered almost half of firm mound, sucking the tip between his strong teeth, then nibbling gently while his tongue sped back and forth across the swollen nipple.

"Like it, Sis?" he whispered, releasing his oral grip, but keeping his lips pressed against the succulent spear. His hands, still sustaining his weight, moved closer to her sides, wrists rubbing her flesh as he transferred his attention to the other breast

"Yes!" she hissed, twisting to aid his efforts, feeding the nipple into his mouth and pulling his face against her. It makes me feel all shivery and good when you do that."

His mouth was clamping the other breast, lips straining wide as the resilient mound was pulled Into the hot wetness to he flayed by his flashing tongue. Then, with a suddenness that made her gasp, he was nibbling at the distended nipple, and sucking with a force that was almost painful.

"Do the other one again, Ted!" she cried when his lips released the tingling flesh. Her fingers clutched at his thick hair, tugging and guiding.

Using both hands, Ted pushed the two yielding, mounds closer together, shaping a tight crevice between their resilient slopes. His tongue dragged its wet, wriggling tip upward through that warm valley, leaving it slick with his saliva as he licked out to either side, caressing the taut nipples until Linda whimpered with the sensations induced in the quivering tits.

Her whimper became a sensual giggle when Ted mouthed his way down to her rib cage, flaying the smooth skin below her armpit, and tracing the soft sweep of her waist until it flared gently to shape her young hips.

He had moved lower in the bed, touching her only with wet lips and hot tongue, tasting the clean, tangy essence of her naked body, and fanning the instinctive fires of virginal passion within her trembling flesh.

His voice reached her through the darkness, breathed against one slender thigh that nuzzled against its mate with a tremorous clenching. "Spread your legs out, Linda. I'm going to make you feel something you've never felt before."

His hands touched her, fingers urging the limbs apart, pressing just above her knees. It was almost the same spot he had caressed that afternoon. But, now, it was excitingly different. Her legs were yielding, sliding across the sheet and there were no panties to shield the tingling nexus of her thighs. They were both delightfully and deliciously naked.

Linda felt her brother's lips on her belly and the tingle in her moist crotch became a demanding throbbing that seemed to reach far back inside that silk-ringed gateway her Father had denounced so vehemently.

Had it been any other man, she would have fought the strange hunger in that pulsating slit, for their position and Ted's obvious intent constituted perversion of the worst sort.

But Ted would never encourage her to do anything that was not proper. Anyway, they had cuddled together as children. Why should it be different, now that they were a little older?

Even as Linda examined those thoughts, she admitted that it was different. And the difference was swirling in her belly like a giant whirlpool, drowning her wild and her faint apprehension beneath wave after wave of ever-mounting desire.

She felt her legs being lifted, and she shifted her weight onto her torso as Ted fitted her delicately curved calves over his broad shoulders, sliding his body forward until her thighs embraced his head, their sensitive skin frictioned by the slight trace of beard on his cheeks.

"It's like I was hugging you with my legs," she murmured, tightening the softness against his face. "It feels nice, Ted."

Her brother did not answer. He was inhaling the delicate musk of her parted labia, and she could hear the soft intake of breath. Intuitively, she knew that he found the scent pleasing, and a fresh rivulet of vaginal juice surged from its mysterious spring to trickle from the quivering tissues that shaped the lips of her pussy.

Her body jerked in response to the hot tongue that licked upward through the tender valley, its tip just touching the forbidden gateway, then sliding higher to flick wetly against the protruding nub of her clitoris.

"Oh, Ted!" she whimpered, thighs tensing on his shoulders to wiggle her excited hips. Her buttocks clenched repeatedly as his tongue slid through the splayed labia again, pressing more firmly than before. "Oh! Wow!"

Her ass bucked wildly when the writhing muscle thrust its warm, wriggling tip into her pussy. Her thighs clamped his head and she shoved her crotch violently against his mouth. Thrills, more wonderful than she had ever imagined, coursed through the palpitating corridor of her cunt, and she realized that it was no longer a children's game they were playing.

Again, her hands sought his head, urgent and demanding, and her pelvis rocked the slippery lips of her pussy over that oral probe. Then, as his mouth shaped a vacuuming oval, she moaned in ecstasy at the hot suction on her spasming cunt.

Her finger had never been able to produce that delicious sensation, and she knew that only a few more strokes of his plunging tongue would make her come. She had to pull her pussy away from Ted's mouth before that happened. He would never forgive her if she spilled that warm, slippery juice while he was nursing those quivering pussy lips.

She tried to reverse the direction of her scrabbling fingers, but they only pulled his face closer, and her ass wriggled the spasming cunt against his lips until she could feel the teeth behind them. Her head rolled back and forth on the pillow, her soft, blonde hair whipping across her tortured features, their ecstatic contortion cloaked in the room's darkness.

The orgasmic shudders rippled outward from some hidden spring in her dancing pussy, convulsing her vaginal walls and clenching her labial ring about the tongue that reached farther into the undulating sheath.

Linda emitted a choked sob as the hot wetness spewed outward, meeting the tongue and flowing past it. Even as the pleasure surged through her cunt, Linda braced herself for his angry exclamation.

Then, to her happy surprise, she felt his tongue begin spooning the thick honey from her slit, and the delicious suction as his lips drew more and more of the tart juice from its hidden source.

He was swallowing it, ingesting the slippery exudation with swift gulps that were interspersed with little grunts of undeniable enjoyment. The sounds catapulted Linda beyond ecstasy to a mind-bending plateau of sensation that was almost frightening in intensity.

Gasping and moaning, she felt her legs being lowered to the bed, her pussy still shivering with the echoes of that incredible come. Her hands slipped from his retreating head and cupped the pointed mounds of her tingling breasts, fingers squeezing and rolling the distended nipples. Her heart was thumping so loudly that she hardly heard her brother's husky chuckle.

"You're a big girl, now, Linda," he said in a gentle tone. Almost big enough for this."

She gasped at the sudden pressure between her thighs, surprised at the dimensions of the thing she recognized without feeling anything but the huge head that rubbed its throbbing bulk up and down through the slippery furrow of her pussy.

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Nicole woke up very early on Christmas Day, only a few minutes past midnight. She yawned and stretched, and as she did she heard noises from the living room, obviously the reason she'd awakened. Reaching into her closet she pulled out an old Louisville Slugger. "No thief is going to ruin MY Christmas," she growled. She stormed from her bedroom, down the hall, and into the front room of her small apartment, brandishing the bat. She didn't stop to think about the fact she was dressed only...

1 year ago
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Miraculous Ladybug ABDL

In a world where superheroes and supervillains are real, it stands to reason that anything is possible now. With everything that goes on in the city of Paris, why would any of these girls wear diapers? Would they need them? Maybe an Akuma is at work? How about a lost Miraculous? The decision, my friend, is up to you. (NOTE: All age play involved is non-sexual in nature. Characters in this story MUST be written as 18 years old or older, and obviously, from the show Miraculous Ladybug. Additions...

1 year ago
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A Valentines Surprise

The emerald glowed in the sales clerk's hand. Dave reached for the chain, letting the gem dangle and shimmer in the light. It still glowed as if backlit, and Dave knew it would look fantastic against Jennifer's skin. The single stone would fall just above the valley of her breasts and catch the light every time she laughed. Will leaned in for a closer look. "Wow! That one's more beautiful than any we've seen so far." Dave turned the price tag to Will's view. "Wow again! How can that...

2 years ago
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My Punjabi Girl Friend 2

I advanced towards her as she backed off till her back was now against the wall, I reached up to her and placed my lips on hers as my hands gripped her boob from above the top. She didn’t resist as I smooched her , sucking her lips , licking her ear lobes as I felt her nipples getting taut under my palm. Suddenly I let her go and tugged at her clothes, indicating that she should let go of them, she was kinda surprised “Abhi se???” she exclaimed, I told “cmon baby , sooner the better”. Well she...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Emma Hix I am not not able to speak at the moment because I am sucking on a big black cock Love Emma Hix

Emma Hix is in need of BBC and Prince delivers just what she wants! Emma’s a dirty blonde (emphasis on DIRTY) bombshell looking for a good hard pounding from a BBC. She’s looking sexy as ever in a black lace lingerie set with stockings and high heels. Emma teases us out by the pool as she slowly sheds her clothing off to expose her perky tits, tight pussy and asshole. She makes her way inside to find Prince waiting naked on the couch and immediately gets on top and straddles him and rubs his...

2 years ago
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Panty Thief Confession

I did it. To you I will admit it to, but to anyone else, her, I won't, I just can't. It's weird how I feel having done this thing, ashamed and horny as hell. Normal? I can't say.It started when a close family friend of mine needed a place to stay while she went through the throes of her impending divorce. She showed up crying on my doorstep so I said she could stay with me. I thought just for the night, maybe two, then she would go home, patch things up with her husband like usual, no harm on...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilms Reese Robbins OMG I Fucked My Bratty Student

Reese Robbins is the last student to leave class when Isiah Maxwell, her teacher, stops her. Isiah points out that Reese’s skimpy skirt and blouse go against the school’s dress code. While he doesn’t care what she wears OUTSIDE of the school, he stresses the importance of dressing appropriately while INSIDE of the school. Reese pouts and protests against the archaic rules but Isiah holds firm. Of course, when he accidentally gets a bit tongue-tied about what’s under the...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Honey Hayes Nadia White Don8217t Say I Never Do Anything Nice For You8230

My boyfriend Peter Green is a little older than me & really hot. I’m so excited to be watching scary movies with him and for all the fun we’re going to have after! That is, until my stepmom Nadia White comes home. What a drag! She starts bitching about him being older and that our relationship is inappropriate…whatever! Peter & I went to bed that night – without sex – we didn’t want my nosey stepmom poking her head in. But that’s exactly what...

3 years ago
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A Mercenarys TaleChapter 13

Samuel and the others made their way towards the council chamber. The council was in session. Two of his men guarded the door. “Let us pass.” The two men, seeing who it was, saluted and opened the door. Roderick looked up. “What are you doing here? This council is in session. You can’t just barge in here!” “Gentlemen, I apologise for barging in like this, but some new and disturbing information was uncovered last night. I have with me, one of the men responsible for an attack which nearly...

3 years ago
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Thanks for the Memories

Thanks For The Memories by Jenny North TIME: The Near Future Tom Reynolds woke up with a smile on his face. He sat up and stretched his arms, adjusting the shoulder strap on his silky pink nightie that had fallen down. He giggled and walked over to his bedroom mirror and made a face as he looked at his reflection. Short hair, no makeup, flat chest...he looked like he always did in the morning, like a guy in a nightie. He sighed deeply. "Time to get gorgeous!" he grinned,...

2 years ago
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Electives Ch 05

Chapter 5: Meeting Henrietta and the trip home The next day was Thursday. Brian took us for a tour of the property next door. He first took us to the antique shop that also served as the office. ‘This room and the smaller bedroom were once filled with teddy bears,’ he said, as we stood in what had been the living room of the small house. ‘We lived here when I was three years old,’ Amanda said. ‘Did I live here?’ Phillip asked. ‘We brought you home to this house when you were born, but it...

1 year ago
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Dyked Alexa Grace Jewels Getting Sluts To Understand

Jewels is a spoiled little brat. She never listens and always has everything handed to her, but looks like thats about to stop for good. Alexa is her french tutor, and always seems to have a hard time actually helping Jewels because its either she doesnt pay attention or does other things instead of actually being interested in the topic. As Alexa is trying to go over some basic phrases, Jewels gets a phone call, answers it right away, and officially cares less about everything else. She even...

3 years ago
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My first blowjob

Most of my life I'd never touched a cock but my own.  Then.... around the age of thirty-six, I started getting curious about men. At first I just touched or very briefly licked a few guys at places like the adult theater or sauna, but hadn't done much more. This particular night, however, I decided to go to a sex party at a local adult bookstore/theater/steam room. This is a monthly event that they do that draws maybe fifty men, women, and Tgirls. Between the mixed crowd, the open displays of...

3 years ago
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Chandigarh Me One Anjan Lady Ko Jamker Choda

Hello friends.. My name is vikas kumar. Meri age 20 hai or dikhne me average sa hu. Mujhe married ladies bahot pasand h.Sex k mamle me meri 1st choice koi bhabhi ya koi auntyh. Agar chandigarh, haryana ya punjab me koi aunty ya koi bhabhi or koi b ladki mujhse contact krna chahe to ye meri id h bilkul privacy rakhi jayegi bs 1 baar moka do sex me satisfy krne ka. Ye meri 1st story hai jo abi december 2013 ki h. Main karnal(haryana) se belong krta hu or mohali me job krta hu as a engineer or...

3 years ago
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I was fucked by my aunty 3

Story so far: i was forced by varsha aunty to roam around her house naked. She had given me a blowjob. Her friend nilima also gave me a blowjob. But they never had removed their clothes. After some 2-3 days, varsha aunty called me to her room. Aunty(a): today you will experience some new thing. Saying this she went and picked up some pieces of cloth from her cupboard. A: lie on the bed and stretch your arms and legs. Me(m): why? What are you going to do? A: do as i say. I lay on back on the...

3 years ago
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Deajahs New adventure Chapter 1

It had been seven years since Deajah had left her life back in LA to move out to New Orleans. Since then she had been doing well, upon arriving she had immediately gotten a job at one of the local strip joints. Nightly she was pulling in roughly about $6000. She had to admit she loved her life. However, she was only twenty-nine years old, and currently, she had no one special in her life. Yeah, the few flings she had had were something. But she wanted something more. Something lasting. Of...

2 years ago
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Patient 51

Not even the feeling of cold water landing on his face could have shocked Michael more than this. His grip involuntarily loosened and soon the drops of rain were more than enough to send the paper to the ground. It was too much to comprehend that he stood there momentarily wondering how ink on paper had changed his mood so suddenly. He bent forward and picked the paper up and, as he did, noticed the signature of the doctor. The black and white colouring of the printed note made it immediately...

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I don't know when I discovered my love for sexy lingerie, and I especially don't know when it developed into an addiction. I certainly hadn't been interested in the knickers of any of my family members, but my girlfriend Laura's had always excited me beyond belief.Laura was my first proper girlfriend, and I was so proud to have been going out with her for nearly a whole year - the sex was amazing and she loved wearing sexy, revealing lingerie so I was in heaven whenever she decided it was time...

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Rider Ch 1417

Chapter 14 And Night When Mandy returned from the bath-room the sight of Ros calmly relaxing in her unusual face-mask brought on a brief fit of the giggles, then turning to me, said. ‘she’s marvellous, isn’t she.’ ‘In more ways than one.’ I agreed. ‘I’m so glad you gave me the opportunity to get to know her, I don’t just mean sexually, but as a person too. I’m sure we’re going to be good friends.’ ‘I’m sure we are too.’ Ros mumbled through clenched teeth and barely moving lips. ‘Very...

4 years ago
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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 10

**I’ve still got a way to go with this one, but I’d like to thank anyone who comments on my stories and takes the time to vote. O_o ——————- Kayla felt better as she began to get ready to leave and she thought about the evening before. She tried to be objective and look everything over but she kept finding a little smile on her face. In spite of the speed of this and the oddness, she had found herself almost trying to fight off the feeling that she had. She tried to tell herself that this...

4 years ago
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Older Slutty white Women and the Black Men That Love Them

Introduction: A slut is much like a whore and a nymphomaniac that will do almost anything with anyone when it comes to sex. Older Slutty white Women and the Black Men That Love Them! I met this incredible older woman on a kinky sex site. Her name was Trish she is 60 yrs old and a true slut! Not to be confused with a nymphomaniac or a whore. I think the definition of all three would be different and yet very much the same in many respects? A nymphomaniac has a strong and uncontrollable sex...

1 year ago
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My Vietnamese Doll

I had known them for several years. Her and her parents had moved in about five years ago. Unfortunately, her father became ill three years ago and was gone within 6 months. It was now her, her mom and her little brother. Mindy was a beautiful girl. Her family was Vietnamese and so she stood at only 5' tall, with a cute face with long straight black hair down to her butt and a slender body. My desire for her had been growing for the past couple of years. Her breast were now a full A...

1 year ago
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I Needed a Good Fuck

It was late Wednesday around seven, I was getting horny watching the female gymnastic try outs in the gym. I went back to the dorm and was going to jack off when I got a great ideal. Why not hang out in the shower on the top floor and see what comes. So I grabbed my robe and shower kit, up to the top floor I went. I reached the shower and was disappointed to find no one in there. I thought about what to do and decided to wait and see who if anyone would enter in the next thirty minutes. About...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Sonali Gets Fucked Hard On The Car Backseat

Hello friends, my name is Sonali and I am from Bangalore. This story is about me and my boyfriend Kiran. A few days back, Kiran had some work in Chennai and so he wanted to go to Chennai. He also wanted me to go with him. Once Kiran asked me to go along with his, then the question of me refusing was not there as he used to get angry on small issues. Well, I was madly in love with him and in order to avoid fights, I used to say yes to most of the things he used to ask from me. I made an excuse...

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Open Minded Niece III

"Tito you are shooting drops a bit again"Spread it with your thumb"While she hold my cock I guide her thumb to use it to just spread it lightly"Can I touch your balls now?" An eager request."Yes of course, but gently ." I said."Feel so soft, not like your penis so hard." A complement from her."You can use both your hands now. Your right on my penis and your left on my balls." teaching her"Am I doing correctly?" she asked again. "Yes, your hands really feels good." Trying to control myself."Are...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Vacation With Childhood Friend

Hi all. Hope everyone are enjoying well. Myself Venkat working as an software employee in reputed MNC in Hyderabad. I am 5″8 height and 85 weight not a gym body but bit pulpy. I was reading ISS since my B Tech and never thought that I will be writing one here. This is my first sex stroy and first sex experience. Please ignore mistakes and let me know for improvements and anyone can contact me without any hesitation privacy is guaranteed. This is real story happened to me in october.Heroine of...

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Masters Double Subbing The Conclusion

The slave was so tired and it could not imagine what else that Master could have planned. It was late and it knew that the lady had to be leaving soon. She already had informed Master and slave that she could not stay the whole night because of prior committments. She had one more request of Master before she was fixing to get ready to leave and that was to have the slave eat her pussy one more time. Master ordered the slave to do what the lady asked. The lady laid down on the bed and opened up...

4 years ago
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SerenaChapter 7 Testing Times

I woke alone and still bound, but for some reason I wasn't uncomfortable. I lay relaxed and waited for my mistress to come for me, content in the knowledge that when she did I would be ready to serve her. When she did arrive I smiled in genuine pleasure to see her and was rewarded with a blinding smile in return. "Good morning, Slave. How do you feel?" "Mistress, good morning. I feel great, Mistress." As I was speaking, she undid my bonds and before she could say anything, I slipped...

3 years ago
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UnfaithfulChapter 3

So began the ten-year roller-coaster of my one and only affair. I just couldn't get enough of Rebecca. Her cherubic body was perfect in every way. She wasn't a beauty queen, but she had curves and mounds in all the correct places. That soft, plump, white body was just right for every type of imaginable sex act. Those perfect breasts so kissable and suckable, her vagina so big and juicy. It looked and smelled so wonderful. And her bush was so thick yet soft. Having my face buried in her...

1 year ago
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Losing virginity to my boss

I spend most of my time at home watching tv or paying games on my xbox. I was scolded alot by my family to go get a part time job but i never could. One day my elder brother got into an accident and broke his arm. He worked at a coffee shop which was owned by our landlord, Joe. Now after my brother got into the accident i was asked to work there until he was well. I never liked our landlord, he always looked at me very perversely, in short he made me really uncomfortable. A few days working...

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