Speeding Ch. 11 free porn video

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Reid walked through the front door nine minutes after disconnecting the call. Vaguely registering the great time he’d made driving all over town, he took one look at Annie’s face and nearly lost it.

‘Who?’ he demanded, eyes hot with fury.

Shaken by the anger on her father’s face, Annie half-hid herself behind Kendall before answering. ‘I said the F word,’ she explained. ‘She’s never hit me before.’

‘I don’t care.’ He moved toward the most important women in his life, desperately trying to keep his voice in check. ‘Annie, sweetheart, I don’t care what you said, that doesn’t give her the right to slap you.’ He grabbed his daughter’s hand, closing it inside his own. ‘You are mine—ours, as was pointed out to me just yesterday—and you’re not going back.’

‘I… We were arguing about you.’ Blonde curls flying, Annie elaborated, ‘I told her I wanted to live with you. I yelled at her, saying you were my father, and I could live here if I wanted and then she slapped me.’ She twisted a curl in her fingers. ‘I know I shouldn’t have said the F word, but she made me so mad!’

Kendall spoke, sensing Reid needed a moment to compose himself. ‘Honey, there’s no good excuse for her to hit you.’

‘Is that really the first time?’ Reid asked.

Annie nodded. ‘Yes.’

‘Did she ever hit your Mom?’ Kendall asked.

‘My Mom?’ Annie scowled. ‘I don’t know.’ She shrugged. ‘Maybe. We didn’t really talk much.’

‘I’m so sorry, sweetheart.’

‘After a while, I didn’t even listen when she did talk—all she did was lie.’

Setting aside the seething anger directed at his former mother-in-law, Reid saw an opening. ‘When did you last talk to your mom?’

Her slight shoulders lifted in another shrug before she answered. ‘Right before school started.’

‘What’d she say?’

‘The same old stuff. She loved me and would come home and take me back.’ She shook her head. ‘She always told me that kind of crap. I stopped believing her before I stopped believing in Santa.’ Fat tears rolled down her narrow face. ‘She was never coming back. She didn’t care.’

Kendall pulled the girl close. ‘She promised a lot of things that weren’t true, but she was telling the truth about Reid.’

That brought a small smile. ‘A cop for a dad and a junkie for a mom.’

Thankful she didn’t name her mother a hooker, Reid pressed on. ‘She told you she was coming home back in September?’

‘I guess, yeah.’

‘And your grandparents were okay with that?’ Kendall asked.

‘I dunno. She never told the truth. Why would they think she meant it? She never meant it. She never meant anything. How could she mean she loved us if she was in Sheridan getting high? How could she mean she loved me if she didn’t tell you about me? I’m glad she’s dead.’ Sobbing at the end of her tirade, Annie pressed her face into Kendall’s side. ‘I’m sorry.’

Kendall smoothed her hand over Annie’s curls. ‘It’s okay. We’re here, and we love you.’

‘You do?’

‘You bet we do. You’re ours, little girl. Forever,’ Reid reassured his daughter. As much as he wanted to push for more information about Amy, he new Annie was shaky at best. Tomorrow they would see Marjorie Statham about custody. He hadn’t planned on taking Annie with them, but she wasn’t leaving his sight until he had things straightened out with the Shaws. There was no way she was going back to that house after being slapped in the face.


‘Shouldn’t I go to school?’ Annie asked Reid the following morning.

‘While I think school is important, you’re not going today,’ Reid answered without turning away from the coffee pot.

‘But—wait, why am I arguing about going to school?’ Annie cut off her own protests. Instead, she sat down at the table, cereal bowl in hand. ‘What are we doing today?’

‘Keeping you,’ Kendall answered as she turned the corner from the hallway into the kitchen. ‘We’re going to see a lawyer, then we’re going to your grandparent’s house.’

At Annie’s gasp, Reid chuckled. ‘My parents, sweetheart.’

‘Do you think they’ll like me?’

‘Of course they will!’ Kendall assured.

‘No school and more grandparents. I’m not sure if I should be happy or not.’

‘You’ll love them. Now, eat your breakfast—we have to leave in ten minutes,’ Reid directed. He almost laughed at the cozy domestic picture they made, but thought better of it. He would laugh when it was permanent. Until then, he would guard his family as fiercely as he could.


‘You’re Annie’s father, but just found out a few weeks ago?’ Marjorie asked reading from her notes.

Kendall nodded, and Reid answered, ‘Yes. When her mother and I divorced, I believed Annie was the product of an affair.’ He paused. ‘We even had DNA testing once she was born proving I wasn’t her father.’

The attorney’s eyes widened. ‘What changed? How was it determined that test twelve years ago was incorrect?’

‘My mother lied about everything. Everything,’ Annie interjected. ‘She told me he was my father, and although I shouldn’t have, I believed her.’ She twisted a curl between her fingers as she told her story. ‘When he came to tell my grandfather my mother was dead, I went to find him.’

Kendall laid a hand on Annie’s knee. ‘You were right.’

‘I wish I’d known all that time. I wish—’ Reid cut himself off. ‘It doesn’t matter now. What matters is we know now, and we’re going to keep you.’

‘Well, this is complicated,’ Marjorie started.

‘Not that complicated,’ Reid said as he scrolled through pictures on his phone. ‘Yesterday Beverly Shaw slapped my daughter across the face.’ He slid the phone across the desk, the hand-print on Annie’s face evident even on the small screen.

Marjorie’s dark eyes widened again, her cocoa skin losing a little bit of color. ‘Sole custody, then?’

‘Yes.’ Have gave Kendall a look full of promise. ‘Kendall and I want full custody.’

‘You realize judges prefer awarding custody to married couples,’ she began, stopping when Kendall held up her left hand, her diamond flashing in the morning light. ‘Okay, then. When are you two marrying?’

Kendall answered before Reid could open his mouth. ‘As soon as possible.’

Swallowing, Reid turned to Kendall. ‘I want to give you the wedding you deserve, baby.’

‘The wedding isn’t nearly as important as the marriage.’ She squeezed Annie’s knee. ‘And the family we will be.’

‘When I asked you to marry me, I didn’t know—’

She smiled at her fiance and his daughter. ‘I know you didn’t, and it doesn’t matter. I love you both.’

Marjorie had been quiet during the entire exchange, her hand flying as she scribbled notes on her yellow pad. ‘Just because judges tend to prefer married couples, you don’t have to rush anything. You are in a committed relationship, with a biological parent, and two incomes.’ She looked up from her notes. ‘I assume you are both psychologically stable?’

‘Whatever testing you need, we’ll be there,’ Reid assured.

‘I’ll file the paperwork for formal custody. Until then, I will put in for emergency custody hearing and emergency interim custody.’


After a quick stop at the station to check in with Jason, they made their way to Roger and Helen Caufield’s cottage in Tyler.

‘I’m not ready for this,’ Annie whispered.

‘Sure you are,’ Kendall promised with a smile. ‘Your grandparents are wonderful.’

She made a face. ‘It’s just weird. I mean, I knew I wanted a Dad. But I didn’t think about more grandparents or,’ she faltered, ‘or, you.’

‘C’mon, ladies, let’s go inside before Mom comes looking for us,’ Reid said as he opened Kendall’s door. Chuckling he added, ‘Will I have to pull you out this time, too?’

Kendall laughed at his question. ‘No, I like your parents. It’s Annie who’s worried this time.’

‘They’ll love you, kiddo. Mom cooked a
feast, so if we don’t go in soon, she’ll come out and drag us in.’

‘They’ll love you, and then next month we have to go to Atlanta for your uncle’s wedding. Tons of family will be running around there.’ Kendall flashed a grin at Reid. ‘Maybe we’ll be married before then, too, and I’ll be your stepmom.’

Annie’s mouth opened but nothing came out.

‘Are you okay with that?’ Reid asked.

Finally finding her voice, Annie marveled, ‘A real family.’

‘I wish you’d known us from the beginning, but since I can’t go back in time, we’ll have to take what we can get.’ He gestured to the house. ‘Now, get in there before your grandmother sends out a search party.’


‘I’m so sorry we didn’t know we had a grandbaby out there, Annie. I wish we had known.’ Helen couldn’t help but stare at her granddaughter. She looked so much like Amy had at that age, although she had the Caufield eyes. ‘You are such a pretty girl.’

This was a grandmother who acted like she thought grandmother’s should act. ‘Thank you.’

‘I hope y’all brought your appetites,’ Roger said as he walked to the table with a steaming pot, ‘your Mom made stew.’

Helen followed behind her husband with a basket. ‘And biscuits.’

A broad smile broke Reid’s face. ‘My favorite of all time, beef stew and biscuits.’

‘Your brother and Madelyn might be the chefs in the family, but I can still make a mean stew.’

‘And pie. She made apple pie, too.’

‘I wanna live here,’ Annie exclaimed at the mention of her absolute favorite thing in the world.

Kendall was smiling when she said, ‘Nope. You’re living with us, and that’s final.’

‘Your cooking is okay, too,’ she replied with a laugh.

‘Get used to it,’ Reid said with a chuckle. ‘I can do a lot of things, but cooking isn’t one of them.’

‘Pish posh, boy. I taught you how to cook,’ Helen chided.

‘Yeah, well…. It worked better on Ryder than me.’

‘Good thing you found yourself a pretty girl, then,’ Roger told him.

‘A very good thing, indeed.’

The meal went well, Roger and Helen asking Annie about school, and boys, and everything except the elephant in the room. No one was touching the subject of her mother’s death, nor the treatment she’d received under the care of the Shaws. Instead, they focused on the good, and the future.

‘This is the best apple pie in the whole world!’ Annie exclaimed.

‘I think this is the best thing I have ever had in my mouth,’ Kendall agreed with a wink at Reid. Maybe it wasn’t the best thing ever in her mouth, but a close second. ‘Please explain why we’re not here all the time?’

‘Now, that’s a question for your man, there,’ Roger answered. ‘He’s always busy,’ he began, realizing too late what it meant for Reid to be busy. ‘But, now that you know the secret of Helen’s pie, can we count on you and Annie to come over for Sunday dinners, even without the boy?’

‘You better believe it,’ Kendall answered. ‘We’ll be here so often, you’ll get sick of us.’

‘Never gonna happen,’ Helen promised.

Annie was thrown for a loop by this family of hers. Her grandparents really seemed to like her father and Kendall, and didn’t order them around, or yell at them. They treated them like, well, like adults. And they were so… Warm. And friendly, and loving to her, yet they’d known her for a few hours. She liked it.

They had settled into a lively game of Pictionary—girls vs boys—when a loud banging on the door pulled their attention. Banging and yelling. Reid jumped from the couch, his face instantly changing from relaxed to alert.

‘Give her back, Caufield!’ Beverly Shaw screamed, her face red and blotchy through the sidelight. Reid let her rant and instead of opening the door, he pulled out his phone.

‘Jase? Beverly Shaw is screaming and pounding on my parent’s door.’

‘Your parents live in Tyler. What do you want me to do?’

Shit, he’d forgotten he was out of jurisdiction. Why’d his parents have to leave Aylesford? ‘It’s a small town bordering us, surely we have a contact.’

Jason contemplated for a second. ‘Call Chatham Cavendish.’

Who? ‘What kind of name is that?’ The screaming was getting louder and he expected Tyler PD to roll up anytime now no matter who he called. ‘Whatever, give me his number.’

The phone was ringing through to Cavendish when Beverly went from screaming to throwing things. He shot a look over his shoulder at his family and found them all huddled together.

‘She wants to take me back,’ Annie whispered. ‘I don’t want to go back.’

‘She’s not getting you, honey,’ Kendall promised.

Roger hugged them tighter. ‘Let the woman go psycho out there. No one will question custody then.’

A rock came crashing through the front window, ‘You can’t take her!’ following in it’s wake.

‘Don’t make me pull my gun, Beverly,’ Reid warned. ‘She’s my daughter, and this is my parent’s house. You need to leave.’

‘No. I need to take Annie home. She has to be home when the Reverend gets there.’ Calmer now, Beverly dropped to the stoop. ‘I promised I would put everything back as it should be.’

Not ready to leave the relative safety of the house, and hoping Tyler PD would show up any minute, he strove to keep her talking. ‘You don’t like having things out of place?’ He hadn’t noticed an OCD tendency, but he wasn’t a psychologist.

‘She belongs at home. You stole her.’

‘She’s a child, not a laptop. I didn’t steal her—you hit her and drove her away.’

‘You stole Amy!’ She was back to screaming now, the momentary calm gone. ‘You took her away, made her change!’

‘I didn’t make her change, Beverly. If anything I didn’t want her to change. You cut her off when we married. She wanted to go to school and you wouldn’t let her use her college fund.’

‘She defied us! She was supposed to go to Julliard, she was supposed to dance on Broadway!’ Beverly shouted. ‘Instead she married the likes of you.’

Where the hell was the police? ‘The likes of me?’ he echoed. ‘I’m not the one who cheated, I’m not the junkie, I’m not the one who hid a child from her father for almost thirteen years.’

Another rock came hurtling through the front window, narrowly missing smashing the glass-topped coffee table to bits. ‘I hated her!’

This was new. Good lord, why wasn’t he hearing sirens? Were there only two cops in this town? Time for a different tact. ‘She loved you despite herself,’ he replied as calmly as possible. ‘She wanted nothing more than to make you proud, even after you disowned her. She was lonely, and when I was away she filled her time with meaningless men.’

‘And drugs!’ Beverly added, her voice rising to a possession-quality scream. ‘She was perfect until you! Annie was perfect until you! Give her back! Let me make her perfect again!’

‘She’s perfect the way she is. She’s staying with me.’

‘No!’ she wailed.

Finally, he heard sirens. It might be the longest response time in history, but he’d never heard a happier sound.


‘Please tell me you booked her,’ Reid asked Lieutenant Chatham Cavindish after Beverly was ushered away and into a cruiser by two officers.

‘We’re booking her on destruction of property, but it’s a misdemeanor. I don’t expect her to stay,’ the older man replied. ‘She accused you of kidnapping.’

‘My own daughter? If you check with the courts, we have been granted emergency custody.’

‘Already done. I spoke with ACA Cassidy Everett who assured me all the paperwork was in order and Judge King signed off.’

‘Is your family okay?’ Cavindish asked, concern etched into his features. ‘Jason said you were worried about your daughter.’

‘How do you know Jason, anyway?’ He had never heard of a Chatham Cavindish, and surely his partner would have told him about someone with such a name. He sounded like he should be in a Sherlock Holmes
book, not policing the streets of tiny Tyler.

A grimace alighted the older man’s face. ‘He’s my brother-in-law. I married his older sister, Genevieve almost ten years ago.’

Reid tried to failed to cover his shock. ‘Ten years? He’s never once mentioned he has a cop brother-in-law, let alone an older sister.’

Cavindish shook his head. ‘We’re not close. Never have been, really. Gen is twelve years older than Jason, and only his half-sister. She was out of the house before Jason was six, and they never spend any time together. I’m surprised he told you to call me.’

‘Desperate times and all that,’ Reid remarked.

‘Glad I could help,’ Cavindish replied. He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. ‘Tell him to call, or better yet, visit. Gen misses him.’

‘Why doesn’t she call him?’

‘Ignore is an easy button to hit when your estranged sister calls.’ Switching gears, he spoke of the problem at hand, ‘This incident was relayed to Ms. Everett. I don’t anticipate there being a problem with your custody hearing now.’

‘I agree. I think I might have the missing pieces to my murder case as well.’

‘Murder? In Aylesford?’

He nodded. ‘My ex, Beverly’s daughter, Annie’s mother.’

‘You’re thinking the batshit crazy Ms. Shaw did it.’ It wasn’t a question.

‘The more I hear, the more I agree with Jason. He had a hunch a while ago, knew we needed to focus on Beverly.’

‘That’s Jason for you. Going with his gut.’

‘He was right.’

‘We’ll see.’


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Jonas was thrilled to have the invitation to Ian and Dinah’s home for dinner. So anxious, in fact, that he arrived 30 minutes early. When the doorbell rang, Ian sprang to answer it as Dinah continued to feed Arielle. ‘Come in … come in!’ Ian and Jonas hugged, and then Ian led his uncle into the living room of the modest home. Jonas couldn’t help but watch his great-niece nurse from her mother’s large breast. He couldn’t help feel the sudden tightness in his pants, either, for women’s breasts...

2 years ago
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Busty Mom watched by son

I'm 19 had horny for my 44 year old mother. On a warm summer evening my mother was sitting in a shorts and t-shirt on the back patio, enjoying the good weather. She sat facing our my room. Our house was a ranch in the shape of a U. I sat down briefly with my mother and we talked. I quickly noticed that she's not wherein a bra and i could see her nipples through the fabric. After a lengthy conversation about my sister who was away at collage i leaned in for a hug , I could feel her large...

2 years ago
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The Rent a Man BluesChapter 7

Bob and Megan did not make love again in the morning. They kissed, and the kiss was full of both warmth and the knowledge that neither regretted what had happened. They didn't know what would happen in the future, but there were no second thoughts about the past. Hiroto and Sinho were already eating when Bob and Megan came into the dining room. The girls, and Akio were absent. That's because the girls were indulging in their newfound fascination for what they had discovered together, and...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Sandy Love Hurt Horny

Sandy Love is Latina firecracker and you don’t mess with them. Peter Green comes home to find his Stepmom Sandy in tears because she found out his father cheated on her. Like a good stepson, Peter tries to console her, holding her in his arms. When Sandy showers later; she touches her MILF pussy thinking about her stepson Peter. When he comes to comfort her in her bedroom that night, she kisses him on the mouth and then his cock, passionately. Peter is overwhelmed by his lusty stepmom but...

1 year ago
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My New College Fetish Smoking Ch 2

This is the continuation of Ch 1. If you have not read chapter one please do, if you don’t, you will be lost in this chapter. I stormed off to my bedroom after stopping on the porch to steal the pack of Brad’s Newport’s. Once I got in my room I locked the door and lit a cigarette, after about 10 minuets to myself I heard a knock on my bedroom window, it was Brad. I went over to the window and opened it; Brad popped out the screen and came in. I looked at him and said “what are you doing?”, he...

2 years ago
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Meeting Master at the airport part 2

"No Master, I'm far from done." You smile at me approvingly and press your semi hard cock to my ass cheek. I sit up and turn around. Sitting up on the edge of the couch. My ass hanging off the edge. Pushing my knees up I pull you forward and down so I can kiss you. I feel you pressed against my folds and can't help but whine with want, the exhaustion from the moments before all but forgotten in the passion of the moment. I let my left leg rest around your thigh, but hiked my right up...

1 year ago
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In Shame and Secrets 1

So while she was bored, Maxine was glad her brother wasn't home. Her mind wandered to the events of the previous day, when she had wandered into her brother's room to try and find clothes for washing. She had picked up a pair of his jeans and thrown them over her arm when a small white packet had fallen from them. Before she had a chance to pick it up, however, Robbie had burst into his room and caught her, grabbing her by the throat mid sprint and slamming her so forcefully against the...

1 year ago
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Story is put in present time, as it can happen to everyone. Main actors in story are 3, Matthew, Leyla ( also known as mistress Nipplesucker) and later on Susan ( also known as slave Hotbody and Leyla’s female slave). Matthew searches for penis pump in adult shop, and us in dilemma which one should he get. When he finally picks one, lady in in short dress comes in and watches some sexy short dresses. Matthew recognise her and he goes to underwear. He is peeking on her, then lady turns in his...

3 years ago
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Shejarchya Auntyne Mansokta Zavun Ghetale

Hi indian sex story friends, me dev from ahmednagar, 30 years, mazi hi dusri sex katha ghevun aaloy. Tar aata direct mazya story kade yeto. Ya kathetil aunty che nav kavita aahe (name changed) kavita aunty disayla khup sundar, 38 36 38 size chi, age 45 years pan watate 38 varshachi, bhargaccha sharir, kelichya gabhyasarkhya bhargaccha mandya, manala ved lavtil aase blouse madhye na mavnare bhargachh stan asleli, ticha te uphadyacha saundara pahun kunalahi tila lavnyachi echha vhavi ashi goripan...

1 year ago
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Going Down on Daniel

It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from him. I don’t think a day’s gone by where I haven’t regretted that night. I’ve been listening to the same sad songs on Spotify on repeat. Routinely checking my phone, checking my messages to see not a single reply. Last online 40 minutes ago. Message seen, ten days ago.  Two weeks ago to this day, he and I had been drinking. I know we shouldn’t have been meeting during lockdown, but we’d never gone that long without seeing one another. Daniel had been my...

First Time
3 years ago
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sister in law

sister-in-lawI have long fantasised about my sister-in-law. A very pretty large breasted lady, yellow blonde over the shoulder hair with fringe and a glorious figure. To give you a hint of what she looks like she has more than a resemblance to Rheina / Tahnee, I have frequently watched her videos whilst fantasising about fucking the sister-in-law. I have since found that there is one significant difference my sister-in-law has a very very hairy bush.How do I know ?Late one evening I had the...

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Lifes Journey

This story is based on realistic events and based on feedback will become a continuous series. I have changed the names for data protection. My name is Elijah Lookman and I’m 20 years old from England, and this is how I lost my virginity. But first, let me tell you a bit about myself. I’ve been told that I’m a good looking guy, usually being rated 8/10 by both guys and girls. I stand at 6ft tall with a toned body, light brown slightly edging blonde hair, one blue eye and one green eye and I...

1 year ago
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People of the TigerPart 10

Though they had not had much sleep, Jela and Tira arose at six thirty the next morning to begin making breakfast, and found three people already up, sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. Soon the delicious smells of cooking food and huge urns of tea and coffee brewing began waking people, and they began rising from cushions and floors, and emerging from the dens. By the time all were roused at seven fifteen, six more people had volunteered to help with breakfast. Eight was the capacity of...

3 years ago
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Hot Zoe wrote by dave180nn

Zoe was one of those rare women, someone who knocked you for six when you saw. It was all in the eyes, the sweet features combined wonderfully with her deep eyes that stared into the heart of the soul and screamed of lust and desire. Not that they needed to, but the pure a****listic desire was hard to miss. That initial glance though was enough; I needed to know more and what’s more I needed to experience what was beneath the surface as I was sure it would be a fun time. Walking over to her it...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Sofi Ryan Sensual Couples Massage

Sofi Ryan and her boyfriend Oliver Flynn have a lovely afternoon planned together. They start things out in bed, with Sofi delectably naked and Oliver wearing only his briefs. After Oliver indulges himself in caressing all of Sofi’s lovely curves, he reaches out to grab some massage oil and really get their party started. Covering Sofi’s incredible breasts in oil, Oliver goes to work rubbing those sweater puppies down to ensure that every inch is slick and glistening. Setting the...

3 years ago
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My Gift

JanuaryWe had been married for 30 years and our lives were pretty much routine and average.  We had a nice simple house, big yard, two dogs, a cat, and were very much like every other house in the neighbourhood.  I had a normal job with a little stress but nothing over whelming.  She had her own job that she really did not need.  She kept working just so she could get a discount and not get bored.  But all of that changed last New Year’s Eve.  It all changed because for my Christmas present, I...

4 years ago
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What Happens in CarcosaChapter 10

I'd said earlier that if I could endlessly relieve any day in my past that I would have chosen last Wednesday ... not any more. The days never got any better than today and I'll remember this day fondly for the rest of my probably short life! It was time to let Russ loose off of his leash and run amuck off of the reservation and I had never heard the dour old cutthroat sound so happy in his entire life. I debated getting an early ringside seat but I had a few hours to wait still and had...

3 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 18

After supper the natives were a little restless. They called me over to help them rinse off in the shower and they returned the favor. The twins seemed especially frisky, but in the end I held out on them all and could only be counted on for cuddling, kissing, and light petting before I began sawing more logs. I don't really know why since I wasn't that tired, but for some reason I just didn't feel up to it. Even though I'd tried to be low key about it they'd caught the vibe by morning,...

2 years ago
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The Grand Strategy Ch 13 Epilogue

And that's the way I remember it, just as I've told you. That was almost 20 years ago. Much has changed, and much has remained the same.Almost all the gang are married now, with wives and k**s of our own, mortgages, and all. I think we're happier than the average group of old high school buddies. We're still close, and have a rotating monthly get-together where we go to the home of the month, drink all the beer, and trash the place. Our Moms always join us, since really they were the core of...

1 year ago
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My Voluntary Violation

HIM:I couldn’t have been more vulnerable—naked literally and figuratively.  My face was buried in the sheets, my ass in the air, hands parting my cheeks.  A woman I barely knew was poised behind me armed with a strap-on cock.  Her first thrust was a heartbeat away and my virgin ass was puckered in a knot.  This was not what I signed up for. HER:Two weeks earlier: He was always flirty and had a wicked glint in his eye but also seemed naïve and straight-laced.  The kind of nice guy who liked to...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 05

‘I wish I could straddle my legs around this great gun and fire it up my insides,’ Beth thought erotically into her sister’s mind. She’d just finished carving up several large, threatening rocks into little pieces of gravel. Striking an asteroid with the superheated laser quite often shattered the target into thousands of smaller pieces. ‘Sometimes I feel like I want to be out there when one of those rocks explode, perforating my body with hundreds of sharp little shards,’ Beth...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Surprise

The Wedding Surprise July 2014 On a Saturday in July of 2014, we attended the wedding of the daughter of a friend of my wife Lenora’s at a local hotel and catering hall. At the time, we didn’t know it, but this wedding was going to change our sex life forever. Some of this I saw and heard myself and some Lenora told me about after. At the time, Lenora was a mature brunette, about 5’ 2”, with an average build with shoulder length thick dark brown hair. She was dressed in an all-black knee-high...

3 years ago
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A Sweet Incident With My Tailor

Mera naam poonam hai or mein 24 yr old housewife hu. Mere pati senior sales manager hai or unki job ke vajaha se vo bohot travel krte hai. Kuch tour 2 din to kuch tour 45 days tk ke ho jate hai. Shru ke 10-15 din unke bina to rhe leti hu pr uske baad unke bina mann nhi lagta. Ye meri life ka wo experience hai jb mere pati 45 days ke tour pr gye the. Raat ki tanhaiya mujhe din me bhe satane laggi or unki kami mujhe bohot khalne lagi. Pr is baar mujhe ek rishtedar ki shadi me jana tha to socha...

3 years ago
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The GiftChapter 23

The Alfa Romeo was parked in the driveway when I got home. I found her in the living-room, flat on her back in the sofa, halfway between daydream and dreamland. The way she opened her eyelids halfway, saw me and smiled, and then closed her eyes again, was terribly sensual. "Hello, love," she mumbled. "You're home early, aren't you?" "Couldn't wait to see you." "Well, take a look, then." "Had a nice day?" "Nice is not the word, dear. Wild, crazy, horny, weird. That's better...

3 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 19

The time passed quickly after the first two days. Those days I was depressed because I was in constant pain. I had no real plan, until I got this message from the Geek on my phone on the third day. ‘Check your email’. The geek’s text message said. ‘It’s a get well soon message.’ I checked the email expecting a personal email. Instead it was a veritable list of the who’s who of Henrico County Virginia. It detailed the cops, DA’s, Public defenders, and even judges, who had been involved with...

4 years ago
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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 05

Five Gold Rings A day later. I lay in the bath, soaking my body in hot water and some orange and saffron-scented bath oil Jessica had found on her shopping trip with Orla. It was early evening. Some of the girls were coming over to dinner, and I was recouping my strength, remembering at the same time just what an amazing few days had passed already. Jessica came in to the bathroom, in a loose robe, bringing cold white wine in tall glasses. She sat down on the edge of the bath, stroked her...

1 year ago
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Mary is called into Mr Riess office

It is almost 5 p.m. and about time to get off work. You are finishing up a letter you're typing and are hurrying to finish. The other employees are shutting off their computers and getting up to leave. “Are you going to stay all night?” one of them asks as they head toward the door. “I just need another ten minutes,” you reply as you type faster.The last one has gone out the door and you're just finishing up when you see an e-mail pop up in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. It is...

2 years ago
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The Power of Words on a Mind

"I wouldn't really call it hypnosis," I told her as she sat next to me examining the books placed on my coffee table. Those of course were carefully arranged there before my date by me. Just a natural conversation starter for when I got her back to my place. Lydia and I had gone out on three dates so far. This was the first time I managed to persuade her to come back to my place for some wine. She was dressed up as usual, nice short purple dress that accentuated her curves. I like woman who...

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Twin Switch Chpt 610

Again this is a fictional story and should never be practiced in real life. Age brackets and plot of this story were developed by Salon Fetish. If you do not like severe female domination don't read! I appreciate comments both good and bad as long as the commenter understands that this is fiction. I would never condone such actions in real life but the fantasies are different. Downloads are permitted for personal use only and any other use or republication is strictly forbidden. I may...

2 years ago
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My mom and dad had divorced when I was not even two years old. When my dad remarried two years later , he had a little girl, Dahlia. We are about 3 and a half years apart. We didn't see each other often, but every time we saw each other we were like best friends. I lived with my mom, and she with my dad.Today I am nineteen and she just turned sixteen. My dad recently got a divorce and my mom moved to France with her new French lover. I couldn't join them because of college, my girlfriend and a...

3 years ago
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Introduction of Katie

It was another Friday night at happy hour at our local bar. The place was crowded this evening and it was the weekend before another group session. I had met Jennifer and Jerry there, as well as a lot of regulars. Holly and Nick arrived a little later than normal. Holly had relatives in town and brought them along for dinner in the restaurant section of the bar before wandering over to the bar side and the music. Our group was feeling fairly descent by the time Nick, Holly, and her family had...

Group Sex
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BigTitsLikeBigDicks Cassidy Banks Horny Latina with Huge Tits Seduces Jock in Locker Room

Cassidy Banks is a horny Latina sex fiend with huge natural tits. She has a crush on star baseball player, Markus Dupree and follows him into the locker room while he’s changing. He’s caught off-guard by the sight of her, but the boner under his towel says otherwise. He watches her shove his big cock in her mouth and suck him off on her sweet knees. After she gurgles up pre-cum from the corners of her mouth, he eats her pussy and just as her cunt is getting nice and moist, he fucks...

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Sapna Hua Sach Rita Aunty Ke Sath Chudai Ka

Hello doston, mera naam hai Nimku aur main Bihar se hun. Mera Lund ka size hai 7inch. Toh story pe aate hai. Iss story ki heroine ka naam hai Rita jo 3 bachon ki maa hai aur age 50 hai.Par dekh ke bilkul bhi nahi lagega ki woh 3 bachon ki maa hai. Malika Arora Khan jaisi hai. Unke shareer na naap hai 36-32-36 aur rang hai sawla. Toh unke bade bade 36 ke chuche dekh kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jaye. Jab woh suit pehenti hai toh usme unke chuche kya lagte hai. Aur leggings mein unki moti chuttad...

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