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Mary: Lawyer Gets Man

Monday, I woke early. As a named partner, someone whose name doesn’t just appear above the line on the side of the stationary but in the actual firm name, I had the luxury of taking time off on my own say so. The problem was that I also had the responsibility for making sure everyone else got paid. I was head of litigation the least profitable sector most years.

This year, I was going to change that.

We had a big product liability suit going where we represented the manufacturer. The fees generated promised to be large, and the number of staff involved promised to be reasonable. Mostly at this point, we were doing E-discovery retrieving every email our client ever generated. It sounds like a big task, but I learned some years back that get the right techs working on the job, and it is done one, two, three.

My job this day was easy; all I had to do was get the client’s officers to order their subordinates to cooperate with our staff and the tech firm we hired. One of the interesting aspects of my work was the protocol. My staff did the actual discovery work, but only I could talk to the high Pooh bahs of the client. So, my morning was to be spent meeting with my staff to make sure I conveyed to the client what was needed.

The doorbell rang just before I was to leave. I opened the door to an overweight man in a tired rayon sport’s jacket.

“Mr. Jason Sweeney,” he said.

Unmistakably he was a process server, and all I could think was that Jason was divorcing me.

“Don’t you mean Mrs. Jason Sweeney?” I said.

He took a quick look at the papers in his hand.

“No, Mr. Sweeney—please,” he said.

At that moment, my mind kicked into gear. Someone was suing Jason. If I said, he no longer lived here, the fat man would go looking to deliver the papers elsewhere. If I accepted service, I would learn who was suing Jason and why.

“I’m Mrs. Sweeney. Unfortunately, Mr. Sweeney is not home at present,” I said.

The man looked at me, suspiciously. I realized my pinstriped dress suit marked me as a lawyer, and he was a bit flustered by that.

“Must be wondering whether he can trust me,” I thought.

He apparently decided that he could.

“Here, please tell him, he has been served,” He said, handing me the papers.

“Just a moment,” I said opening and quickly scanning the papers, “Don’t you want my full name for the affidavit of service?”

He hesitated and turned back, giving me a funny look.

“I’m Mary Sweeney. I stand five foot ten and I weight one hundred thirty-eight pounds and guess how old I am?”

He smiled and took a long look as I posed for him.


“Flatterer, I’m forty-four,” I said.

“Well, that I find it hard to believe ... but can I ask a question? Why are you so helpful?” he said.

“Because as a wise man said, the opera ain’t over till the fat lady sings or, in this case, the fat man delivers,” I said closing the door on a very perplexing process server.

I entered my office like a thunderstorm on a hot summer day. I was a hard rain with the promise of a whirlwind to follow. I dispatched the client business as only I can. I flirted cajoled and threatened until I got everything I needed. Then I retreated to my office to plan.

I was there reviewing the suit of Anton Chevas vs. Jason Sweeney and the Mid-Town Boxing Gym. I had just placed a call to my umbrella carrier when Jack Cardigan came in.

“We need to talk,” Jack Cardigan said.

“Can it wait a minute? I have a call going to United General Insurance,” I said.

Jack wasn’t pleased to be kept waiting, but he stayed seated in my office. My secretary informed me that she had the president of UGI on the line.

“Simon so nice to speak to you,” I said then exchanged pleasantries with one of my father’s oldest friends about his family and mine before getting down to business.

“Listen the reason I called is you carry my family umbrella policy, and it appears my husband is getting sued for an accident in a sporting event. The thing is I don’t want you to handle it. What I would like is for you to hire my firm, and I will cover any expenses and any payout,” I said.

Simon was all too willing, but a bit curious. I told him it was a matter of principle. I don’t think he bought it, but I assured him I would send the appropriate paperwork.

Jack sat and listened; I could see his curiosity rising.

“What gives?” Jack said as I hung up.

“It would seem my husband smashed in someone’s face,” I said.

Jack gave a sigh, “That is what I want to talk about. I called Jason to see if I could do something to make amends,” he began

I raise an eyebrow, and he gave me a sad look back.

“He essentially told me he would be pleased if I killed myself to save him the trouble,” Jack said.

“Hmm, I guess I really underestimated his reaction,” I said.

“Do you think he may be dangerous?” Jack asked

“Well, the answer to that may be in finding out what happened to Mr. Chevas,” I said.

It took only a minute to get Dennis Hoop of White, Branch & Cooper on the phone. He was a young associate and very awed to be speaking to a named partner. He had filed the action on behalf of Mr. Chevas.

“Dennis how good to talk to you. Simon Willard of UGI asked me to call and see if this lawsuit Chevas v. Sweeney is for real. They carry an umbrella policy on Sweeney, and well they suspect this is some kind of nuisance suit,” I said.

“I assure you it is very real that gym put Mr. Chevas, a promising young stockbroker, into the ring with an unstable professional boxer,” Dennis said.

“Hmm, that’s not what I was told. Sweeney is a forty-two -year old schoolteacher hardly capable of hurting a bigger and younger man like Mr. Chevas,” I said.

I was fishing with my statements about size and age, but I had a hunch, and Dennis didn’t deny it.

“Let me tell you I have witnesses who will say that Sweeney boxed like a white Muhammad Ali. He all but caved poor Anton’s face in—I mean Mr. Chevas,”

“Friend of yours, is he?”

“Well, we went to college together so I can tell you he was a very handsome black man before that maniac got to him.”

“Well, still how old does that make him thirty? He was fighting a much older man. Is Mr. Chevas infirmed or very frail?”

“Well, no he’s six-four and maybe two hundred plus, but Sweeney was a professional.”

“Hmm, my sources say no not even a dedicated amateur, but I guess it will all come out in discovery,” I said telling him to expect my answer and hung up.

“Why the big smile?” Jack, who had been patiently waiting, asked.

“It would seem Jason got in the ring with a very large young black man and did him considerable harm,” I said.

“I feared he could be dangerous,” Jack said.

“Yes, but now I have him in my ring, and I mean to make the most of it,” I said.

“Look the reason I came in was actually not about Jason,” Jack began, “I got this strange call from your mother.”


“Yes, she invited me to tea in Connecticut, but there was something in her voice that was not an invite. It was more a command. She was being very formal. I mean, I’ve known her for years, and I’m rich and socially prominent enough to know what some people say about her. Being as she’s your mother perhaps your not aware—”

My mother is at times a DeVoe first and a human being second. She is in many ways the last of the harsh breed that built the DeVoe fortune. She can at times be an imperious autocrat capable of actions that more scrupled individuals would balk at. When she was in her DeVoe aristocrat persona, she could be demanding and unreasonable. Moreover, beneath her modern woman veneer was a set of values from several centuries ago.

“I’m well aware of how my mother can sometimes behave socially, especially if she thinks her family is threatened. She probably just wants assurances that your intentions regarding her granddaughter’s future are consistent with Tina’s best interests.”

“I’m sure that’s it, but I will tell you and her that I intend that I will be a big part of Tina’s life from here on forward. I won’t try to replace Jason, but I’m Tina’s natural father, and I intend to take my place in her life.”

With that, he left without needing or waiting for my response. I certainly didn’t need the explosion that would come if he spoke to my mother that way, but I knew that Jack was a good lawyer and would put his wishes firmly, but with far more charm to my mother than he had just used with me.

I resolved to talk to my mother as soon as possible to head off any friction, but unfortunately, events moved too swiftly for me, and I was grossly ignorant of some important facts.

My first step in the Chevas lawsuit was to start my investigation. We had a good PI firm, and it took them no time to apprise me of the facts. Poor Dennis had four possible witnesses, two stockbroker buddies, who had accompanied Anton to the gym that night, and two women. He had also approached many of the gym regulars, but they had closed ranks around the gym ownership and what they saw as one of their own.

“I want the names of the women, in particular,” I told our PI.

Dennis preliminary witness list had no female names, and I was sure there was a reason for that. I soon found out when my investigator brought back the name of Latisha White, junior account clerk.

“Anton was talking smack, you know egging the older guy on. Anton had his latest squeeze there some married slut he was impressing,” Latisha said, “I was only there because my boss was going and he knew that I dated a boxer in college.”

She gave a little frown and said, “You’re a professional woman, and you probably know how these guys are always trying to get in your pants. He was trying to impress me by taking me to this boxing club to watch Anton beat up on some old boxer. I mean would you want to see your old love end up as some punching bag for some Wall Street jerk like Anton Chevas.”

I was interviewing her in a nice bar off of Maiden Lane. It was a stone’s throw from the New York Stock Exchange. She was quite cooperative, but I would never call her as a witness for exactly the same reason that the plaintiff was afraid of her.

“Well we get there, and I could see from the look this guy gave us that he was not some dumb bull that Anton was going to get in the ring with. He was smart. You could just tell, and he was in great shape.”

“So, this new squeeze of Anton’s,” I said, “ let me guess she was a white woman and a bit older than the rest of you?”

“Yea, how did you guess?”

“Lucky, but tell me how did the older fighter react to her?”

“He was all professional. You know, he took a look at us and must have thought what a bunch of rich creeps we were. It couldn’t have helped that Anton was talking bull shit and acting like the asshole he is.”

“Can you tell me how Anton got hurt?

“I guess when Anton let his guard down, the white man just hit him. It was very quick, like an eye-blink quick. I kinda felt good for him. He wasn’t bad looking either in an older sort of way,” Latisha said, and I could see that she was understating her physical attraction to my husband.

“Well, thank you,” I said.

“He’s going to be okay, right?”

“I think Anton will recover,” I said.

“Who cares about that creep? I mean the old guy he was only doing what he was paid to.”

I had to smile poor Latisha had no idea that Anton was paying for the sins of another, or that the poor old white guy was about to get an unpleasant shock.

“Please sit down,” I said.

“Isn’t there something unethical about this?” Jason said.

“I can’t see what,” I said with a smirk.

“You’re about to be my ex-wife,” he said.

“Oh, have you filed a divorce petition.’

“Well, no, I thought you would take care of that. After all, I left you.”

“Dream on. You don’t get away that easy. I’m your wife, and I intend to stay your wife, but right now, I’m your lawyer. So, sit your ass down.”

Jason was not happy, but he sat down. We were in the big conference room. I was pulling out all the stops. I intended to show my husband, who was the boss, and just why that was the proper designation of roles.

“Now let me tell you how I see this,” I said.

I had a yellow legal pad with notes and the complaint with notations in the margins.

“It says here that you negligently injured one Anton Chevas, but we both know that this was no accident. He walked into that gym with a married woman on his arm, and you did to him what you did to Frank Patterson, only more so.”

“Oh, did I hurt your boyfriend?”

“You know damn well you did, and you could have killed him. And you probably would have killed this idiot Chevas if they hadn’t stopped you. So, let’s call it what it was, a vicious assault by an angry husband,” I said.

“I see. These guys get to destroy families, and there is no consequence for them.”

“You are not the dark avenger. You are a professor of mathematics and the father of three young women who need you. You have been acting like an overgrown child, but you are a strong man and the physical equivalent of a professional boxer.

“If the attorney, who brought this suit, learns the truth, you could end up in jail. So, I suggest you put aside your anger at me and the world. I can get you out of this, but we need to cooperate. Then I will leave you alone. I will not divorce you, and I will fight any action for divorce you file. But I will not seek more than remaining your wife and praying that you find it in your heart to forgive me.”

I could see him thinking and arguing with himself. My strategy was to get as close as possible with the intent of working my way back into my husband’s affections. The odds were with me. In seventy percent of all cases of female infidelity, the parties stay together. In the thirty percent that don’t, it is a matter of the woman divorcing the man. Men rarely leave their wives solely because they strayed.

I knew my case was a bit unique. My sins had been long and plentiful, but this also gave me an advantage. We had a long relationship which had been until recently a very happy coupling. We had been through a lot together and been exceedingly close and happy. Money can’t buy happiness, but the lack of financial stress had given our marriage an easy road. Therefore our current problem was the first true stress the marriage had faced.

I knew that Jason would divorce me only as a matter of his anger. Just sitting across from him, I could feel the fire of his rage. I had truly betrayed him and earned that angry reaction, but I intended to mend my ways and make up for the hurt I caused. I had time I felt because Jason had no need to divorce me, and I had the legal skill and resources to make any divorce difficult and time-consuming. So long as no other woman entered the picture, I had the expectation that in time, his fury would cool and he would remember the happy marriage we once had.

“So, let’s begin,” I said, “Have you ever had a professional fight?”

It was two months from Christmas. Our daughters had been working on Jason to come home and spend the school break with them before he left for his new job. I thought he was about to cave on the point. Once, I got him home; I intended to seduce him.

Sex with Jason had always been a mutual experience that was more about fun than passion. I never needed to play all those female games you learn in your youth and master as you age. I was relaxed with my husband and comfortable. Looking back, I had been too comfortable. I intended to show him a time in the bedroom like nothing he had ever known. He saw me now as a slut. Well, I would show him what a slut can bring to his bed. But first, I had the depositions for the lawsuit.

Dennis Hoop wasn’t a bad lawyer, but he just wasn’t on my level and felt it.

Manny was the third person deposed by Hoop. He was a feisty witness. He had been knocking back Hoop’s questions for about two hours when Dennis finally got to the central issue.

Hoop: Why did you pick Mr. Sweeny to spar with Mr. Cheves?

Manny: I didn’t pick anyone. Mr. Cheves picked Jason from the list of partners and paid for the bout.”

Hoop: Did you think it a fair match up?

Manny: Hell no, Chevas was bigger and younger. By all rights, it should have been a blowout.

Hoop: Then, how do you explain what happened.

Manny: Well, I could see that Chevas wasn’t keeping his hands up as he should—and well, Jason had been training pretty hard. You know some older guys overdo the training to keep in shape. Case of one man overconfident and the other underestimating himself, I guess.

Dennis wasn’t buying it, and he had a strategy of his own and had done his homework.

Hoop: You didn’t want Mr. Sweeney on the list of sparring partners. Why was that?

Manny: He’s forty-two. I was afraid he’d get hurt. These young guys can do a job on an older fighter. They don’t always know their own strength or remember it’s all just a sporting event.

Hoop: Mr. Silverman wasn’t George Foreman 45 when he beat 27-year-old Michael Moorer for the heavyweight title?

Manny smiled before answering.

Manny: I know George. He’s a big man and powerful. Sweeny was a light heavyweight fighting a bigger man. Sweeney had the skill and experience, but, Counselor, your man, had the power. He just didn’t keep his hands up.”

I nearly laughed because my interviews with the fellows at the gym had clued me to the fact that Jason was exceeding quick an Ali, not a Foreman. What they all agreed Jason lacked was the fire in his belly. Poor Antone had given him that if only for a brief few minutes.

I decided to end this farce.

“Ah, might we stop for lunch at his point, and after that, I would like to examine what I believe will be a hostile witness for me,” I said very casually.

Hoop was not fooled, “ May I ask who?”

“I have her under subpoena, Rachael Weisz. Mrs, I believe, and an eyewitness.”

Hoop turned a bit green. I offered him lunch at a fine restaurant at which I pressed him.

“Ok, you know who I got, and what effect she would have on a jury. Your guy shows up at the gym with his arm around another man’s wife, the mother of three. He will seem like a right creep. He gets in the ring with a man a weight class lower who he picked to spar with because he’s old and washed up. He then makes fun of his opponent. He’s out to impress his girl and his buddies.

“You can’t know that.”

“That’s not me talking, but Ms. White another witness you are afraid of. I have Manny to say your guy let his guard down and caused his own injuries. Latisha to say he was acting like an idiot, and Mrs. Weisz to make any jury hate your client. What do you honestly think your claim is worth?

I could see Dennis blink.

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Ch 1 I could not pay any attention at work; somehow, commodity futures were not as interesting as my upcoming birthday present. Lynette, my live-in girlfriend, promised me something special for my birthday. ?Something special? always means some new way for me to enjoy her luscious young body; last year, it meant her tight ass which she had always been afraid to give me. I wondered, thrill with anticipation what would it be this time, why did she need a whole weekend, and why did she go to our...

3 years ago
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Moral Climate Chapter 6

Thank you to all who have stayed with me. You may want to read the previous chapters before reading this one. The story has been edited by Estragon, who made it a much better read. My life has been as good as it's ever been. Tina was my girlfriend and her daughters liked me. I was in my new position and was quite comfortable in it. I made new friends and saw some of my old ones like Jenny and Mark. Yes, life was good. All I needed now was to find a nice apartment or condo. It was the end...

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Bad Timing

Bad Timing by Jennifer July 22, 2054 - 11:56 PM The dim light of the computer monitor cast an eerie light across the otherwise dark room. My head turned frequently toward the staircase behind me to make sure that nobody was coming. With my heart pumping at a hundred miles per hour, it was difficult to focus on the task before me. My sweaty hand trembled as I placed the next data cartridge into the laser tape drive. This was the fifth one . . . "God I hope this is it" I thought....

3 years ago
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Chapter II A Birthday Surprise

It’s the morning after my little tryst with my busty neighbour and I feel great. My mind is racing over what transpired last night. I can still taste her soft lips on mine and feel her breasts in my mouth.I look over at the clock by my nightstand and it’s ten to eleven in the morning.'Ugh, I’ve got another nine hours until I see her again,' I think to myself. I spend the day working out and biking around the neighbourhood, anything to pass the time and to get her gorgeous body off my mind.I...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 11 Part 2

After bringing the new linens and taking the old ones behind the inn to be washed, Perra and the new father made a second trip to get bowls of stew for the new parents and the midwife. Perra was a bit scandalized by the mother’s state of undress until she was forcefully reminded by the woman that Kal had just helped deliver her baby and saved both of their lives as well as being there for her daughter’s first meal, there wasn’t much sense in being bashful now.Perra’s mood didn’t improve when...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Wife Touches Buddy 9

It was June and hot. My wife and I were packed and ready to go on our week-long vacation to Saint Martin. We started our journey from home early in the morning and arrived at our destination early that evening. It was nice to finally arrive at the resort and get settled in our suite. It had a patio that looked out to the lagoon. A cocktail was most needed after such a long day of traveling. So, I made us a rum drink while she changed and got ready for dinner. I caught a glimpse of her naked...

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Centaur Girls

Do you appreciate women with a lot of junk in their trunk? Well, that is basically what r/CentaurGirls/ is all about. This subreddit is designed for all the lovely girls with an inexplicably large ass and a tiny waist. I mean, as long as their build can be described as the ‘centaur’, they are perfect for this subreddit. I am sure some of you lads might be confused as to what the fuck I mean by that, right?Well, I shall make all this shit a lot more understandable in a bit. First of all, Reddit...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Wyoming Trucking 4

Wyoming Trucking, 4 By: Malissa Madison Tim and Missy have found another blessed spirit in need and find they have even more waiting at the end of the run. Their little Trucking Company is growing in leaps and bounds. Not a lot of thrills in this chapter, but it sets the stage for things to come. "Flower?" Caribou asked as they joined us in the changing room. He blushed. "I, look 'Bou', I-" He wasn't given a chance to finish before she hugged him. "Don't be so shy,...

1 year ago
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Not A Single Word

 From my childhood I have always known that I have this thirst, this need and I haven’t figured out what, it was like something missing from me all the time and nothing I did ever filled that gap. Everything seemed so boring, maybe it was because my forefathers were hunters and soldiers so I too share these wild instincts. I am Raj and actually I am a cool guy, good with people and do have a good conscious and morals like I don’t support prostitutes and I hate and simply hate rapists and...

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The Slut In Me

Hi ISS readers, This is Samarpita again. I just wanted to share another real-life experience with my lovely readers. If you guys are reading my story for the first time then please do read my 2 previous real-life experiences. Do let me know if you want me to change my style of writing. I would love to hear Feedbacks and your thoughts on my life experiences by emailing me through . Waiting for your valuable reply. This happened like 3 years back when I was only 19 – 20. I was so keen on...

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House PetChapter 2

It had been just over a week since her sister had visited, and Jennifer's life had returned to what it was before her sister came to visit with one major exception; she no longer had Brett to comfort her. As the days ticked by she watched the board that the guys used to schedule who got her each night with dismay as she got closer and closer to her first night with Brett. He'd tried to talk with her once but she just collapsed in tears when he opened the door so he had given up. "Hey," a...

3 years ago
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Artistic Freedom

Hello! This one goes out to all the arts majors :) Enjoy!Tags: university student, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbationArtistic Freedom"A private session? Private, as in--""One-on-one," Professor Williams said, leading the way into the university's atelier-and-drawing-studio multipurpose room. It was somewhat hidden in the back, behind many corridors and rooms full of workbenches, supply shelves and closets, arts projects, sculptures, busts, installations and paintings stacked upon paintings....

3 years ago
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As I walk by the window of a restraunt I notice a gentleman sitting in the corner booth all alone. It is very cold out today. Damn me for wearing my favorite jean skirt that barely covers my ass. At least I decided to wear my black leather knee high boots. As I pull my arms around my waist I notice my nipples are hard. Crap, I should go have a cup of coffee and warm up a bit. As I enter the restraunt I notice there are a number of people inside. I take a seat at the table...

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Fucked Sonali In Office

Hi i am Ranjeet (name changed) single 22 working in trading company in Delhi, this story is about me & Sonali (name changed) coming to story. Sonali joined our company as data entry operator for some accounts related work, after few days we started talking with each other & we became close friends she was naughty by nature & liked my sense of humor whenever we were alone we use to crack non veg jokes & she laughed a lot, she was frank & we use to share our feeling with each other as we both...

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Lindas mom

100% fiction! I have a hooy of purchasing old cars, fixing them up a little and reselling them. I have a small shop behind my house with an overhead door on each end and a walk through door on the east side facing the neighbors yard. The other day I had my 1968 chevy short wide bed truck up on jack stands and I was under it installing a new exhaust system. The day was hot and that combined with the heat from the torch I was using made the shop very hot inside. I opened the walk through door...

1 year ago
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A Daughterrsquos Adventure part 1

A Daughter’s Adventure part 1In my last story, I told you how I became a slut. I was indeed just like my mother. She was a slut and I had become one myself. I was even fucking my math teacher. I told you about him in my last adventure. My mother had just married John in June. He had also adopted me. I had taken to calling him daddy and he called me Princess. We both had blonde hair so my friends thought he was my real father and no one knew any different.In July I had a riding accident. Ginger...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Melissa Moore Banging Melissa Moore

Ready for a hot date with Cherry of the Month Melissa Moore! Melissa is looking stunning in her little denim shorts and the best way to reward this sexy hot babe is with a nice big cock to fuck! Jake Adams eagerly gives Melissa whatever she wants and she is sure to take it all! She buries his cock deep in her throat but refuses to gag on that beast. Jake rails her from behind and feels those wet pussy lips wrap around his shaft with every thrust he gives. Melissa begs for more and more until...

3 years ago
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Coming Ashore Part 1

As a first port of call after twelve weeks at sea, the King’s Head wasn’t bad. The beer was good and reasonably priced, there wasn’t too much noise and the bar didn’t slope. The smell of stale smoke was in keeping with the faded upholstery. It was just after opening time and the bar was almost empty. The barman was watching a replay on the telly, only coming near us when we called for beer. By the third pint we were supping rather than gulping, leaning our elbows on the bar and putting our...

Straight Sex
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Divorce a Job at KMart and the New young Black Manager Chapter three

Introduction: An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward and numerous kinky sexual situations! Divorce, a Job at K-Mart, and the New young Black Manager Chapter three This young black womans name is Chandra she is taller than Ashley and has undone her top exposing an equally attractive set of smaller, but firmer breasts and was quite...

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OverwatchChapter 9

The rest of the weekend went slowly. Stag on, stag off. I always seemed to be on rest when they went in or out. I never got a chance to see if I recognised Jean or not. The guys knew her and they said it wasn't her but I couldn't shake the idea that they were only saying it to put me at ease. In fact at one shift change, when I was bringing up the tea I heard Derek ask Nobby and Tom if they thought it was Jean. They told him they couldn't be sure. She was just too far away, and wasn't...

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Daddys Choice

Larissa could hardly breathe. Her face went burning hot in an instant, and her eyes filled up with moisture as she sat across the table watching the smile quickly fade from her father’s handsome face. His announcement that he was planning to ask Stacy to marry him was meant to be happy news, but it wasn’t. For her, it was the worst possible thing he could have said. Not that his news surprised her very much, but it was the last thing she wanted to hear. The fourteen-year-old brunette could...

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The Death And Life Of Maximilion Kagen

The Death And Life Of Maximilion Kagen By shalimar Copyright 2000, 2001 SWL When these events began I was already an old man of 83. Elaine, my wife of 60 years had died 6 month before. Fortunately for her it was a massive heart attack that had allowed her to die quickly. She didn't make it to the hospital. I was beginning to get over the shock of not having her around to talk to. The waking up alone was still sad for me. I had a helper give me my meals and clean the house that I...

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The Theater

Mike was tired from a long day at work. He was just promoted to manager at the bank he worked at. He received a big raise but with more money of course comes more hours and he was now working close to 11 hour days. It didn't help that the branch he had to transfer to was close to an hour away from his house. Mike was 29 and was married with 2 kids. His wife had just given birth to his youngest son 2 months ago so she was constantly tired and sex was completely off the table. He had...

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MomPOV Beyance Sexy submissive stay at home mom

– 43 years old stay at home mom – Now divorced, single after 15 yr marriage – Home body, chill lifestyle, likes to read – Late bloomer starting to become more sexual – Likes to watch older/younger MILF porn – Likes for younger men and the youngest she has had was 18 – She doesn’t mind getting tag teamed on occasion – She is submissive and likes man in control – She has an amazing ass that looks great in doggy – New to anal sex, ass very tight, but she did great – 100% enjoyable shoot with this...

4 years ago
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Riding the LakefrontChapter 2

August 13, 2008...8pm....Rec lot...Irving Park Rd...Chicago lakefront bike pathThe event that actually changed my life began when I needed to piss about 6:30pm while on my bikeride. Tightfitting bike shorts were worn because of the padding in the ass area. But had I worn a pair of shorts with a zipper, none of this would have happened. Had I not worn a zippered tight biker shirt with my 48D tits showing, this might not have happened. But, it also was extremely hot and to be zipped up would have...

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Playing House

“Daddy! My tits are getting big.” Nichole flops on the couch near where her father sits. “Nikki language!” Her father protests. “Sorry dad.” The eighteen year old says in exasperation. “Breasts.” Shifting uncomfortably in his big leather chair, “That’s great honey. I’m not sure why you’re telling me.” Quinn says, looking at his daughter’s growing chest. It was true though, he noticed. His little princess wasn’t so little anymore. She reminded him of a younger version of his wife. Long curly...

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The Prince and The Wizard

A Halloween Fairytale Story There was once a Prince, handsome by all accounts. Possessing all of the manly attributes that a Prince should possess, all that is with the exception of one. In spite of this the Prince possessed a penis no bigger than his thumb, and testicles no larger than marbles. Now it came through word of mouth, there lived a Wizard in a certain location with the power to grant wishes. After searching for a year the prince was resting after bathing in a stream that ran through...

4 years ago
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Walking with the Moon

{This story is real. I wrote this a couple days after this actually happened. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know you will not be able to enjoy it as much as I did living it.} I had to work late today, later than usual. It was almost ten o’clock at night when I was able to leave, but instead of just going home I decided to hang out at the bar attached to where I worked. I had made Larry stay with me at work to help out, but mostly to keep an eye on him. Larry...

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Mothers Manifesto Centre Of The StormChapter 2

I had spent a couple hours in the mall by myself - brooding and thinking, hating myself, hating my life. After the mall closed I made my way by skateboard to the back of the house, parking myself between two large garbage bins and waited in that dark cold alley. It was like Jason had explained, it was dark and empty as promised. He had even given me a slip of paper with the fucking alarm code on it. Too easy. Gord had reminded me to wear gloves and all I had was my old baseball batting...

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From Jeannie to Vanessa Chapter 01

Chapter 1: Jeannie is Pushed Over the Edge.The story starts with my love affair with Jack. I was known as Jeannie then. Yep, Jack and Jeannie. We attended small colleges in the South that were located about an hour's drive apart, but we both came from the same small city. We had attended different high schools but met through a mutual friend who later attended the same college as Jack. The circumstances of our meeting were kind of sweet, but not important to the story I'm trying to tell. The...

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Sex During Lunch With Josh

Josh and I had known each other for years. We had both just gotten out of a bad relationship and decided to transform our friendship into a friends with benefits relationship. I was 23 at the time, and Josh was 28. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs and perky titties. They are small, size A, but they go perfectly with my slim figure. Josh was always staring at my ass, so it must have been great to him. Since I got a new job, John and I no longer work together. The last five months...

Quickie Sex
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The Making of a Three Hole Slut

Adam was relaxing on the couch watching some television and just chilling out, as most people would do, who had the day off work. It wasn’t even his house he was relaxing in, but he had met Leonora a couple of months ago in a bar and their relationship had developed in a strange way. Neither of then had many friends and both were sexually frustrated. After their first night together, they realised that they had a slight problem. The fact was that neither of them wanted a commitment, or even a...

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The Hot Affair

Tossing and turning on the bed; she found that sleep would not come to her, as her mind was full of vivid memories of the days fun they had just enjoyed. A smile came across her face as she remembered each detail of their Anniversary dinner. Choosing a more private affair than most they had decided to go to the local park with a blanket. Once there she realised there was no food. Arching an eyebrow questioning at him he had laughed, pulled her down onto the blanket, lifted her skirt and started...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 73 Lt Foster

The British continued to harass us, pressing us back in our retreat. My company was usually doing rear-guard duty. One day, a week or so after my enjoyment of the girl in the barn, a pleasure my aching cock still recalled early in the morning, we swooped down on the supply train of a Redcoat regiment and were deep into pillage and plunder when a bunch of dragoons appeared out of nowhere, and we had to fight for our lives and then flee, every man for himself. They ran off our horses, and I...

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Friends Daughter is Such a Tease

Friend's Daughter is Such a Tease By billy69boyPart OneMy best friend Joe inherited his parents' shore house after they passed away. He has been living there permanently ever since his divorce several years ago. It is a quaint little bungalow, with an open layout and three small bedrooms. My wife Barbara was away with her girlfriends up in the mountains for two weeks, so I thought I'd spend a few days at Joe's helping him out with various projects. Joe has a disability which prevents him...

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LANewGirl Reese Robbins Reese Robbins Shoot 8211 19 Years Old

A shy 19-year-old is here for a Modeling Interview, so to speak. She is super cute with her silver bra and pink top. She has the perfect “Teen look”. And our Producer is fond of her. You can tell by the hard stick poking out of his pants. Our new Model is suddenly presented with a hard cock right in front of her mouth, and has a decision to make: to suck or not to suck. She says she normally likes to suck on lollipops, so places the cock inside her mouth and starts pumping on it. You would...


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