To Daddy free porn video

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‘There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go.’

~Author Unknown

It was a normal Monday evening. Puttering around the house, cleaning up small messes, cleaning the hamsters cage. Yes, that’s the part that sticks in my mind. Since that night, I feel a tug of anxiousness in my tummy when the day rolls around to clean that cage. Silly isn’t it?

Time freezes, images emblaze themselves into your brain, smells sear your nostrils. You remember every insignificant detail of the instant that changes your life forever.

My phone rang, and I was informed my father had been found on the side of the road in his truck. I immediately assumed he was overdosing. There’d been a few times before we thought the same thing. This time though, it seemed scarier. More real. There was more truth.

We left the house, and my heart was filled with anger, rage, and resentment. I wanted him to feel as bad as I did. I was going to that hospital to let him, the man that gave me 50% of my life, have a piece of my mind.

My phone rang again, and my boyfriend tricked me into pulling into the parking lot of a Bob Evan’s. Funny, I doubt I’ll ever eat there again. He looked me in the eyes, and delivered the blow that shattered my heart. My dad had not made it. I felt my chest tighten and squeeze with the knowledge, and felt like my heart was scrambling, trying to get the pieces gathered back together. Not to fix itself you see, for it was too new, but so all the pieces would be there when one day, eventually, I could heal.

‘We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.’

~Kenji Miyazawa

After my boyfriend held me awkwardly across the center console and helped me cry, we traded places. He started driving home, and I sobbed quietly in the passenger seat, watching but not registering the scenery that we passed. I was angry still… it just couldn’t be true. I wasn’t ready. Our relationship had never been fixed… there was so much left unsaid, undone.. No! It just wasn’t time! Why? I wanted to scream my frustration, I wanted to scream that I didn’t know what to do! How would this every be right! How could my dad be gone? No, no, no, it wasn’t right, wasn’t time.

I lit a cigarette and painfully took puffs in between sobs. My boyfriend quietly reminded me that I needed to breathe. My best friend called, he told her what happened. She got off work early and headed for my house. I called my step mom and we cried together on the phone, miles apart, confessing that we were mad at him. Saying out loud was like aloe on a burn. It made me feel better. I think that’s when the healing began. I felt a piece of my heart wiggle its way back into place.

‘Death, the one appointment we must keep, and for which no time is set.’

~Charlie Chan

The evening passed, my boyfriend, mother, and best friend and I gazing at each other from across the room, unsure of what to say and what to do. Once the initial shock wore off, I was able to relax some, but tears would get backed up behind my eyes and demand release. And they would come, and I would let them. My friend finally left, my mom went to bed, and I collapsed, defeated, upon my own mattress. Sleep finally came.

When I woke up, I had nearly forgotten what happened, but then it hit, and I cried fresh tears. I again thought how unfair it was, that it wasn’t time. I’ve learned one thing in my life- Death doesn’t care. Death doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care about age. Death doesn’t care about circumstance. Death doesn’t care, because it doesn’t know. Death isn’t a person you can go scream at for wronging you. It’s a being that’s been around from the beginning of time, sneaking in like an intruder in the middle of the night, snatching your loved ones away, right out of your grasp. Death wisps away, not knowing, not caring, about the mess it’s left behind.

‘Death ends a life, not a relationship.’

~Robert Benchly

Due to my grandfather’s health at the time, the funeral was postponed, and we waited to see if he was going to pass away also. The only thing I could think was that Death held a grudge, and was going to wipe out our family in one swoop. Faceless bastard. But Grandpa stabilized, though he wasn’t getting better. The funeral was set. Now all we had to do was wait.

I had plenty of time for thinking. I was still mad. But one afternoon, I felt the anger lift, the tendrils of rage raising from my soul, and disappearing into the breeze. I felt peaceful. I felt much better. But with that came defeat. I felt myself deflate, like a balloon with a slow leak. Regardless, I felt better. My mom came to my room, looked at me, and said, ‘You’re not mad anymore, are you?’ It was evident on my face. My anger hadn’t done any good when he was alive, and all it would do now is make me miserable.

I realized that as long as I could heal, and feel those pieces of my heart reposition themselves, I could forgive him, and make amends in my soul with his, and establish a bond in death that we didn’t have in life. I almost feel sometimes that we have a better relationship now that we did when he was alive.

When he was alive, I couldn’t say the things I wanted to say to him. Now that he’s gone, I say whatever comes to mind. He too is different. He hears, nods, and understands. I feel his presence and I think I know that he feels bad, and that he’s sorry for everything.

‘Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.’


I am not glad that my dad is dead. But, there are aspects of it that seem to make it… okay. As I just said, I feel that he’s sorry.

The beast of addiction was too strong for him. It always has been. My mom wrote me a letter right after he died, and she wrote, ‘I think God knew that the evil had chased him for too long. That’s why he took him- he just couldn’t fight anymore.’

My dad’s life had become a mockery. He pretended, he fabricated, he lied. He couldn’t have been happy. I know the rest of us weren’t.

I too felt like the beast had chased him too long. It wasn’t fair. My dad was a good man. He had a good heart, he was charming, and he had a sense of humor. He was quick, witty, and sarcastic. The beast was stronger, and that’s all it comes down too.

Addiction is another of the faceless beings that takes you. Death literally ‘takes’ you, but addiction steals your soul. I think my dad was dead long before he died. All that existed was the vessel in which addiction could reign supreme.

But now- oh, but now… he is free. Free from the lies, the deciet, the pain, the suffering. The beasts claws are gone from his back, the wounds slowly fading.

And I’m free too. Free from the pain, the lies, the suffering, the broken promises… free from the thoughts that my dad doesn’t love me. He surely did. The beast was bigger than him.

‘Let your tears come. Let them water your soul.’

~Eileen Mayhew

The week between his death and his funeral was hard. I cried. Each time I cried, another sliver of my heart replaced itself. I was healing from the inside out.

The day my mother and I went to do his hair, I was appalled at his appearance. He’d gotten more gray hair since the last time I’d seen him. He had no make up on yet, and he was under harsh white lights. His face was marked from the oxygen mask, and his mouth was drawn down to one side from the breathing tube. I gasped for air, feeling like someone punched me in the stomach.

Seeing him, all I could say and think was, ‘Oh, Dad.’ He looked so bad, but he was still so handsome. I had a break down right there in the casket room at the funeral home. I hit my knees on the floor in front of the table, and cried. Cried for what I lost, what I never had, what I’d never know.

I ached. Not my body, but my soul. I closed my eyes against
the image of my father, forty-three years old, as handsome as ever, stilled by death. I again cursed Death.

My mom started about messing with his hair. There wasn’t much we could cut because of the insicion on his head from the autopsy, but we artfully arranged his hair to make sure it wasn’t seen.

I stood above him, thinking of my little sister, hurting for her as much as for myself, and cried some more. I thought about how we’d always joked that our dad couldn’t claim we weren’t his even if we wanted to. My sister looks like him, but she’s got more of her mom in her. I on the other hand, look just like him. He’d joked several years ago when I brought my prom pictures over that I looked like him in drag. And I did.

I cried some more. And the deed was done, and I had to get out of there. I cried again. I felt cleansed.

‘Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries, it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.’

~Author Unknown

Again, there was still time for reflection before the funeral. I cursed the lapse of time. I hated it. I wanted closure, I wanted him to be buried, I wanted it over.

My mom had given me a precious gift. I had lamented the night he died that I had nothing of his- nothing of emotional value. The next day she brought me a small tin box. She handed it to me and said, ‘I always figured you’d get this when I died. But now seems as good a time as any.’

It was red, the words ‘Love Potion’ on it’s top. It was a tiny tin box. One I’d seen many many times before. One I’d gotten into, read the note, and put it’s contents on my fingers.

It was the box that held their wedding rings. For almost twenty three years they’d sat in the box, and I’d get them out and think about a time when my mom and dad were married. They were probably happy for a time. When they divorced, my mom asked for his ring so I could have the set one day. He told her not to pawn it. She didn’t. Ironically enough, his wedding band fits my ring finger.

So for the days before the funeral, and the day of, the simple silver band resided on my ring finger. My thumb would brush across it occasionally, thoughtfully, and I felt like a part of my dad was with me. A part that had everything to do with me. A part that represented the three of us had been a family once. I was too young to remember, and don’t blame either one of them for getting divorced. Having it on my finger offered comfort. A symbol of their love, just as I was.

‘Oh, for the time when I shall sleep
Without identity.’

~Emily Bronte

Finally, the days were upon us. The viewings, and the funeral. They occurred. People came as quickly as others went. I sat in a chair and watched all the people I didn’t know cry at the casket. Some settled in chairs and talked with others, some left immediately, some milled about uncomfortably. My sister stuck by my side for the first viewing and part of the second. Then a couple of her friends showed up, so she had her support system. I stuck by my boyfriend, mom, and best friend. Still I watched, wondering who these people were, wondering what memories they shared with my dad, and what they were crying for.

Was it the loss of a friend? A relative? An old flame? A drug buddy? Did any of his dealers come? What did they think when they found out he died? That he was a cool guy and that they liked him, or damn, they’d just lost a good customer. It didn’t really matter I guess, and I didn’t have the energy to go find out. I just sat and watched and twirled the wedding band.

The next day when the funeral was done, I realized we’d all just cried all over the dead body that was nothing more than that, a dead body. His soul was gone, there was nothing there that was him but his features. He was finally buried, and that’s just it- it’s just his remains. That is no longer my father. His resting place will be marked by a headstone bearing his name, but no more. That’s all the more personal it gets. His essence is gone. It will live in our hearts and minds and souls forever.

‘People do not die for us immediately, but remain bathed in a sort of aura of life which bears no relation to true immortality, but through which they continue to occupy our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive. It is as though they were traveling abroad.’

~Marcel Proust

I once wrote something about a friend from high school who had died. I wrote, ‘The easy part is remembering, the hard part is forgetting he’s gone.’ This applies to my dad also. Our relationship was rocky, and we’d go for months without talking or seeing each other. Some days I start thinking about him, and think I should give him a call. My heart contracts as I hear a whisper, ‘You’re stupid… you can’t!’

Every time it happens, the hurt starts anew. But only for a minute. With it comes the acceptance of this is how it must be. For whatever reason, this is in the master plan. Why, I don’t know. When will the secret be revealed? Probably never. But nothing can take away the memories, and I relish in that.

‘Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life.’

~John Muir

Just as death hurts, with it comes a soothing feeling. As long as you can move past your grief. I do feel as though my dad is in a better place. And no, our problems never got resolved physically, but emotionally, and metaphysically, they have.

Death is a part of life- everything dies. Trees, flowers, animals, people. But when they do, life continues all around. Maybe a new flower will take it’s place. Maybe that animal had babies that will grow up and replace an empty spot in nature. Humans aren’t dispensable, but as the pastor said at my dad’s funeral, he left behind two beautiful daughters. We won’t replace him, but we will grow and become adults and keep his memory alive within ourselves. A couple pieces of him lives on.

I look in the mirror and it’s hard sometimes. I see his eyes, the furrow of his brow, the crooked smile, the hair. It hurts my feelings, but at the same time I know that part of him lives on. And maybe one day, I’ll have children, and they’ll carry on a physical trait of mine, that originated from him. And as they grow older I’ll tell them about their Grandpa. And maybe I’ll be able to point out a feature of theirs that happened to be his.

As I write this, I’m again wearing his wedding band. And I feel my heart heal, one of the last pieces sliding into place.

And as my pain heals itself, a warm glow will fill me from the inside out, and I’ll find peace in knowing my dad is okay. He’s normal again, he isn’t under the beast’s spell any more. In that aspect, Death was a welcome visitor that fateful night. The night of March 5th, when my heart was shattered. The night my dad was released.

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My Dear Sister In Law

Uma is my sister-in-law. This is not a true story but just a fantasy of what it could be like to fuck her she is a divorcee, got married when she was 25 and in 3 months, she returned to her father’s home because her husband or the ex-husband was a psycho, doubting on her for everything she did and she did not. so, she returned home and later found she was pregnant, gave birth to a baby girl 9 months later and has been alone since her parents dearly wish to see her married cause me and my wife...

2 years ago
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Jimmy P10

I arrived back home, and instantly my mother asked where the dips were?"Didn't get them!" i replied."Why?" she asked."Because... they didn't have any!" i replied, lying of course."Fine! give us the tenner! Your father will have to go to the supermarket to get them then!" my mother said, gesturing for the money.I sighed and pulled out the tenner, before my father sighed, not happy he had to get off his big fat arse and do something, then he took the tenner from me, called me a dickhead, and...

1 year ago
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Megan is Daddys Little Cumslut Pt 2

Megan is Daddy's Little Cumslut - Pt. 2 The first week living with my new daddy went by so fast. On Friday morning I woke up and re-read the orders Daddy had given me at the start of the week: 7-8 a.m. Get in bathtub. Dress pretty for daddy and come downstairs. Suck daddy's cock under the table while he eats breakfast 8-10 a.m. Lay in Barbie bed and watch sissy hypnosis videos and brainwashing tapes 10-noon. Put on pink satin maid's dress and clean daddy's house 12-2....

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aunty wild games

Dear readers I’d like to narrate a true incident happened one year back.I’m a 24 years old and now working as a software engineer in Bangalore.I’m 5’6″ tall and wheetish complexioned. I’ve a neighbour who is 47 years old and very sexy.Her name is Lissy.She’s working as a teacher in a nearby school.She has a daughter who is now studying for medicine and her husband is abroad.Right now one servant lady is staying with her.Lissy aunty has a sexy body.She is fair , 5’4″ tall and has big boobs and...

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Our New Neighbors Ch01 Trevor Meets Alyssa

Introduction: There are at least 12 chapters to this story. Each ratchets the story up one more notch. If you like them, comment, and Ill keep them coming. I have written 12 chapters to this story so far. It is something of a family affair, and we get to learn about tons of new, extreme experiences from the perspectives of four different family members. The incest in this chapter is light, but most subsequent chapters will be way racier. Just setting the stage here, but I think youll like the...

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Bleu Goes Black A TT Virus Story

TTV - Bleu Goes Black: A TT Virus Story Chapter 1 "Special Delivery" My wife and I, Samuel and Charlene Danube, were best known for owning the Bleu Danube chain of high end restaurants. I'm sure you've been in one of them for an anniversary or a special birthday, maybe a celebration for a promotion. It doesn't really matter, but I hope you have. We're very proud of them and the work we put into them and we worked for years building up the business. Every aspect was based on...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Harmony Wonder Tiny Size Queen Harmony Wonder Takes On Dredd8217s BBC

Sexy spinner Harmony Wonder challenges herself to handle Dreads GIANT dick. Dredd and Jules are hanging out talking about girls they’ve met online when there’s a knock on the door so Jules goes to check it out. Much to his surprise it’s a cute, young girl that just moved to the neighborhood and she seems to recognize the house from some videos she watched. Harmony asks if Dredd is around and much to her delight Jules invites her in so she can meet him. After some small talk Harmony asks if...

3 years ago
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Extreme Pleasure Through Extreme Cuckolding 8211 Part 8

Dear all, those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please read those before reading this one. With that being said, let’s begin this part. Sameer came inside the room and asked – Is everything fine? I said – Yes. All is fine. Please carry on. He turned towards Nisha, held her hand and, made her stand again. Nisha stood up, and he pulled her. He was kissing her on her neck, throat, shoulders, and back and was caressing her all over with his hands. He then moved his hands on Nisha’s ass,...

3 years ago
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Me at Wal Mart with panties and a young Cock Sucke

I took a pair of black snoopy panties size 6 from the womens section as well as a pair of pink Twilight My little pony panties and a matching bra from the girls section and took them with me to the dressing room under a pair of pants in case a clerk saw me walking into the dressing room. I went into the room and took off my pants and shirt and slipped int the snoopy panties. My cock wasnt yet hard so the panties fit me well. I put on the girls bra and that fit me as well. I started looking into...

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Tmkoc Episode 2

Hello friends this is humraaj again with second episode of the series. Thanks for liking the first episode and hope you will keep poving this series. Again im 28 years old and you can mail me you likes and dislikes at Now lets start the episode 2 Jaise ki apko pata hai sonu tappu ko video call karti hai aur tappu bin dhyan diye wo call lift kar leta hai jab wo madhvi ke sath sex kar raha hota hai ab aage. Sonu dekhti hai ki tappu ne phone uthaya par uska dhyan nahi hai uspe aur use dhyan...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Vacation0

The sleeping arrangements for the hotel were my mom and step-dad in one bed, and me and my sister, Jenna, in the other. Jenna was 20 years old and a junior in college. It was just recently that I started to notice what kind of a package Jenna was. Her tits weren't the biggest (her bras said 34 A), but her ass was fantastic. It wasn't giant, but it was in no way small. It was nice and round, and very firm. She kept her body in great shape. I found myself masturbating to her quite a bit, and...

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Canoe CanoeChapter 8

“Angie, what’s wrong?” “He’s back.” “Who’s back?” “This guy I went out with a few times. I’m afraid he’s going to hurt me.” “Where are you?” “I’m at my sister’s. It’s about an hour away.” “Why didn’t you call me?” “I came home and noticed his car parked in front of my house. I just took off. My phone died and I couldn’t charge it because the charger was at my house. Your number is in my phone, so I couldn’t get at it to call you. I went to my sister’s house. I didn’t know what else to...

3 years ago
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A Good Cure For Boredom

A Good Cure For BoredomJill was bored, bored of her life as Wife and Mother. Bored of her two Daughters and a Husband who’s idea of a life was watching TV and screwing her once a week if she was lucky, and that was ten minutes of him grunting on her before he came and rolled over, if she was lucky. Her needs never entered his head, never cumming ever, she had to resort to playing with herself when she was alone to satisfy her needs.She...

2 years ago
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Hamari tenant priya

Hi dosto main rohan ab tak uncountable ladkion ke sath sex kar chuka hoon par maine abi tak apko 3-4 stories hi batayi hain. Aaj mai apni ek aur kahani apke samne pesh karne ja raha hoon. Ye kahani aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai. Jis ladki ki main baat kar raha hoon wo mere ghar me rent par rehti thi. Wo ek student thi aur amritsar se patiala mein bsc(nursing) karne ayi thi. Us waqt uski umar 19 saal thi. Wo dekhne mein bahut sunder ladki thi lambi jyada nai. Uski height 5’3” thi lekin figure bahut...

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Romance at the Dog Park

Julia McIntyre was all fitted out in the plaid cardigan and the kilt-like skirt looking like a blast from the past in the less than adequate confines of the new district dog park at the end of Mulberry lane just opposite the no longer used cemetery of Saint Michaels now defunct due to the lack of a priest to celebrate the sacraments. Her beloved female long-haired Collie called Queenie was picking her way daintily in the field mined with doggy poop like some soldier on the battlefield carrying...

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Continuing the fantasy tale of wife Sarah being a white witch and in reality I wish she was for if she was she could magic back her lost sexual desire. Sadly things don,t work like that in real life and Imdoubt she,ll ever feel the same sexy way again and neither of us are young. Strange though I,m older I still can be as horny as a billy goat, just need some medical help now and then to rise to the occasion. I,m rarely unfaithful now as not many females find this old face attractive and I,m...

3 years ago
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This is one of my earliest stories - and I think you can see how I started, BUT? Jezzi? I see that you read most of my stories. Have tried to get with you - but failed. Will you PLEASE write me at [email protected]? HARDBODY By Bea Everything was just fine until Bobbi took up body building. We'd been married a couple of years, and I was pretty sure I'd found the ideal mate. Pretty and shy and very easy to get along with - in other words seemed only to happy to do what I...

2 years ago
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My twisted step sis two

Well Jen as you know is twisted and a little purvey too. We did sleep in her bed no sex 20 minutes or so 69ing and then we went to sleep I was tired she maybe too.Any way Mom and Dan got home the next afternoon and told us a few new things.Our summer vacation to Hawaii is now at Christmas Jen is playing tennis for the clubs team and I was going to play on the all-stars, the baseball team that is being sponsored by Dan's work. This is a gruesome schedule 15 games in 21 days and we practice a...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Part IX

Bad Karma 9 - Reaping the Fruits Jasmine, or at least the person who was currently presenting themselves as Jasmine Goodridge, sat in her bedroom trying to sort her way through all the mess. The plans that she had were in disarray and now her partner in crime had even betrayed her. She was on her own, with both the loan sharks baying for her blood, her business failing and her husband trying to divorce her and throw her out of the house. On top of that she still hadn't found the...

2 years ago
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Kim shows what she has then fucks

After college graduation I lived in an apartment on the 5th floor. My building was shaped like a wheel, and there were apartments on a slight angle across from mine. About 2 years after I moved in two girls moved in. One of them joined the video store where I worked, so I knew some stuff about her, like her name Kim and her phone number. She was definitely cute, a little chubby, but in general a nice figure, C cup tits and a black bush.On the weekends her roommate would often go away, and Kim...

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Giving my first blowjob

Hi there everyone, my name is Danielle. I am just posting an account of one of my first sexual experiences that took place. I have always been a horny, highly sexual girl. I never though of acting out any sexual desires or fantasies before until I became of age. And when I did become of age, my sexual boundaries and chains were broken. I plan on trying as much as I possibly can. This experience took place on Monday January 8th 2013, please excuse my poor writing. The first blowjob I ever gave...

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Mere Favorite Jiju Ne Choda

Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aaj apne jiju ki story publish karne ja rahi hu. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono...

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Dancing with the Bride

(c) 2005 by Penelope Street The darkness of the Wheeling Tunnel swallowed our sedan. In that instant, my chest felt as hollow as the mountain through which we drove. The light at the end of this particular tunnel looked far from inviting. That glare ahead, I knew, was Ohio. Sure, we still had a couple more hours of driving to go, but this was the final border. I looked to the driver’s seat and Lynn, my lover. Her eyes were forward, as they had been throughout the whole of West Virginia....

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Mistis Adventures Part 89

Rick and Sue, after making sure the 2 sisters and their babies were well taken care of, kissed the others, ESPECIALLY the 2 new Mothers, and went to take care of their own unfinished business. They had a bit more shopping that they wanted to do. They went to the various stores, plus to the Mall, and found the things they needed and wanted, and decided to go for a ride. Both were still feeling lusty, even after their intense sessions last night and this morning. They went into the nearby...

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The Story of My Wife

I’m a very lucky man to have a beautiful mature wife. Her name is Vicki. She is fifty, with the body of a thirty-year old... In other words, she’s a head turner with big boobs, a fantastic ass, and a beautiful face. I always tell her how hot she is... Thanks to my wife, we have a beautifully decorated home in the suburbs. In the summer months, Vicki loves to put a bikini on and work in the yard, tend to her garden, and get a tan. One day last summer while Vicki was in our back yard, I happened...

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The Medieval Marine Part Twelve

Luke was anxious to get home. Everyone just assumed that he just wanted to get home to fuck his hot girlfriend and even hotter wife and he did have to admit that was part of the reason. Ok a big part. The main reason though was that he knew that they were scheduled for invasion soon and from the spies that Marion had sent into Norway, he knew that the historical invasion was still on track. Luke wanted to get back so that they could get ready for it. Before he could leave through, he had to...

2 years ago
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Seduced My Neighbor And Friend8217s Mother

Hello readers, my name is Bala, in my mid 30’s with a big 7.5-inch dick and from Sydney. Any ladies or couple who wanna spice up your sex life contact me at This is my first post and a true event which occurred 6 months back. We had a neighbor, an Indian couple with a 4-year-old kid. The husband Sumit is my close friend and we used to hang out frequently. We enjoyed each other’s company and openly discuss everything. His wife Sonia is slim with small boobs but a wide ass. The heroine of this...

1 year ago
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4 AM Surprise

100% fiction! He liked having sex in the morning, but I never knew he was so obsessed with it.. With my pussy.. I'm woken up out my sleep with sucking my neck. He know the right spot because when he licked the back of my neck chills went down my spine right to my pussy. I never wore underwear to bed so the wetness from my kitty went straight down my legs. I turn over and our eyes connect, we instantly started tonguing each other down. It starts to get wild and I catch myself letting out moans,...


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