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When Andy, Kelly, and Prince returned to the Collins’ apartment, they found that the group from the SPCA hospital had arrived just before them. Very quickly, the family members were reassured that everyone would be just fine. Now the people were crowded into the library and were all watching CNN which was covering the New York City attack as its major story of the day. Memories of the Central Park jogger were still fresh, but this story had a very different ending.

Remembering what Dan Murphy had said, Kelly asked if there had been any mention of an arraignment on the news. Heads were shaking in negation when the on-screen anchor announced that they had just come into possession of some of the most remarkable news tape ever produced. “Because we believe this to be so incredible, we’re going to do something we almost never do: We will be watching it for the first time at the same time you’ll be seeing it.”

There followed a scene in which it was obvious to the viewers that the camera was just being set up in a courtroom. The reporter was being checked for her position while there was some activity going on beyond her and to the right. The reporter said, “This is Melissa Martin, CNN News, in Judge Bruce Rosen’s courtroom. We’re awaiting the bail hearing on—”

She was interrupted by a motion from the cameraman. Turning, she looked back over her left shoulder, then turned to watch the proceedings. The camera then zoomed in to focus on the activities at the bench.

Eight young men ranging in age from twelve to sixteen were standing in front of the judge. Suddenly the audience could hear the words being spoken at the bench as the relevant microphones were activated and their sound incorporated with the pictures. Judge Rosen was saying, “ ... and so, I must say, this is the most incredible travesty ever attempted to be perpetrated on this court.”

Turning to one of the police detectives standing before the bench he continued, “Sergeant, are you seriously trying to make me believe that these ... these young boys ... actually confessed? Utterly ridiculous! Clearly, their constitutional rights were violated. They never received their Miranda warnings—”

“But, Judge,” the sergeant protested, “we have signed waivers from each of them. The waivers are in front of you on the bench.”

Ignoring the officer, the judge continued, “Accordingly, I’m releasing these boys on their own recognizance. We will schedule appropriate juvenile hearings—”

At that point Calvin Monroe could take no more. “You asshole!” he screamed.

The audience heard the first syllable but not the last which was covered by a late bleep. Before anyone could move, Monroe, who had been handcuffed when he was brought into the courtroom but had been earlier freed on the judge’s order, reached across the bench and slapped him as hard as he could across the face. “No wonder you’re called ‘Let ‘em loose, Bruce!’ Do you really want to get us all killed? Do you?” he screamed.

Judge Rosen, while gently rubbing his left cheek, had motioned for the court officers to leave the young man alone. Now, utterly baffled, he asked, “What do you mean by that?”

Monroe laughed bitterly and then replied, “I guess it’s only right. You and your like-minded friends have done a lot — maybe even more than guys like me — to make this city a jungle. Well, guess what, Judge? Now there are a couple of tigers roaming this man-made jungle. And you know what else? They’ve gotten good looks at all of us. If we show our faces on the streets in less than ten years, we’re dead! You and your colleagues talk about rehabilitation of criminals. These tigers think in terms of retribution. And we understand their way of thinking. We really do!”

After pausing for a moment he asked, “Judge, are there any photographs of the crime scene there on your bench?”

Judge Rosen started to sift through the pile of material on his desk but couldn’t find any photographs. After a quick exchange with the clerk and a phone call, a detective came hurrying into the courtroom with a stack of pictures. For the first time Judge Rosen, sensitive to the presence of the TV cameras, put on his reading glasses.

A moment later, he wished that he hadn’t as he almost became ill looking over the pictures of the carnage in Central Park. The TV camera picked up the fact that his face became white. After looking at just a few, he covered up the remaining pictures, took off his glasses and said with his voice shaking, “Yes, there were pictures. Why do you ask?”

“Because, Judge, what you just saw was the retribution I mentioned. My name is Calvin Monroe, Judge, and you and your friends were directly responsible for the mess out there in the park.”

The judge, hearing Calvin’s words, was genuinely shocked. “That can’t be!” he protested. “We — none of us — were anywhere near the place.”

“That’s true, you weren’t,” Calvin conceded. “But you never are, are you? You live in your very well-policed little enclaves and read about crime in the ghetto as if it were taking place in a foreign country. Do you realize, Judge, that the Encyclopedia has several references to the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago?” he stated. “It does. And you know what? Only seven men were killed, but it made the history books. Today, in New York City, only seven deaths would be a quiet day. But you don’t even care!”

“Of course I care!” Rosen insisted. “But we’re doing our best. There are programs to try to stamp out poverty—”

“Sure there are!” Monroe interrupted, “And they’re mostly run by the poverty pimps, getting rich on them. But poverty as a cause of crime? What utter nonsense! If it were, I can’t even imagine what the death toll would have been in the Depression when unemployment was around 25 percent of the workforce. And that was a time when single-wage-earner families predominated, too. When a guy lost his job, the very survival of his family was at risk. And yet in 1940 there were only about 350 murders in New York City. In 1990 there were thirty-two hundred. You talk about programs to end poverty? I guess number one is AFDC, isn’t it? I’m a product of AFDC—”

“But that’s the problem!” the judge said, interrupting him for a change. “We must stamp out poverty, spend more on education...”

Monroe was just shaking his head. “I’ve got to give you credit for consistency if nothing else. You’ll just never learn. You ‘sentence’ us to school! What does that do? Not a hell of a lot — except make it virtually impossible for the kids who want to learn to do so. We’re disruptive!

“When once the biggest discipline problem in the New York schools was talking in the hallways, now it’s armed robbery! You have to go through a metal detector to get into my school. Take a look at one sometime. For God’s sake, they’re more like prisons than schools. Why? To try to keep the animals at bay. The animals? Yes! That’s us.”

Again he shook his head and said, “Just look at that pile of folders in front of you. ‘Released on their own recognizance,’ I think you said. For what? To continue to prey on the public? Have you actually read a single word? You should try it. I think you’ll find that, reviewing activities, if Willie said he was with Chuck mugging on the street, Chuck will have said the same thing. Or pretty much the same thing.”

The judge again put on his reading glasses and actually began reading through the police reports.

While he was occupied, Barbara Sloan looked over at Prince. The tiger had let out a low growl when he first saw Calvin Monroe appear on the screen, but now he was just watching the proceedings with great interest as was everyone else present.

“Who is that young man?” Barb asked.

“I was wondering the same thing myself,” Steve murmured.

Finally Judge Rosen looked up from the files. “This is horrible!” he exclaimed. “What’s going on here?”

“‘What’s going on?’ you asked?” Calvin replied. “What’s going on is what you’re causing to go on. Do you realize you have marginalized the black male? You have, you know. We have no rôle anymore. Why should a girl marry us when she can ‘marry’ the welfare system? Do you realize that all we are is a bunch of uncivilized studs? The schools? Utter disasters, every one.

“I read one of his columns in which Thomas Sowell mentioned his young niece. She apologized to him for not doing better in school. ‘And I go to the same one you went to,’ she said. He replied, ‘It’s the same building, but it’s certainly not the same school.’ And he’s absolutely right! Judge, you and your friends are racists!”

“Racist?” Rosen exploded. “That’s utterly ridiculous. Why I’m a member of the NAACP, the ADA, the American Civil Liberties Union, the—”

“Wonderful!” Monroe interrupted disdainfully. “But I stand by what I said: You and your liberal friends are racist.

“Why? Just look at affirmative action. What does it amount to? It amounts to dumbing down the curriculum so that blacks can handle it. It means we can’t compete even up with whites; we have to have a built-in advantage. Do you know something? Tom Sowell claims that the best thing that ever happened to him was to have gone to Harvard in the early 1950’s, before affirmative action. Why? Because he could be confident that he was there because he belonged there, not because he was graded against an entirely different — and much more lenient — set of standards.

“Do you realize what you’re doing? Do you realize that any black graduating from a top school has a bar sinister across his diploma. Why? Because a prospective employer doesn’t know if he has a real degree, or a cheap imitation. That really hurts everyone, doesn’t it?

“Look at the high-school curriculum! ‘Black English’ — but I guess it’s Ebonics now, isn’t it? What, in hell, is that? There is one English language. In the South one of the things I noticed when I visited down there was the way all the black kids worked on their English vocabulary and pronunciation. They sound educated, so they could get better jobs. They speak the way everyone else speaks, and the way the language is meant to be spoken—”

“But that’s only one form of speech,” Rosen protested. “And much of it was written by dead white European males. It totally ignores African civilization—”

“Like what?” Monroe demanded. “Like teaching math to the Egyptians? Like flying around on gliders built thousands of years ago? Without a single solitary shred of evidence?” Then he shook his head and added, “You’ve just confirmed what I was saying.”

After pausing for a moment he continued, “Can a black be a racist?”

“Of course not!” Rosen replied instantly.

“Why not?”

“Because you’ve been victimized—”

“What a laugh that is!” Calvin interrupted. “Try telling that to some of our victims. Admittedly, most have been black, too. But you don’t really care about them, do you? You just want to feel good. And we help make you feel good, too. Most of my buddies here don’t even know what slavery means, for God’s sake. We’re all bastards. We have no idea how many generations there have been since an ancestor of ours was a slave. We don’t even know where.

“I’m fairly typical, I suppose. I’m sixteen. My mother is thirty-two! She was pregnant with me when she was fifteen years old! It’s called ‘children having children,’ Judge. And you foster it, too. By the way, she now has four more children. I don’t know how many fathers there have been, and you know what else? I don’t think she does, either. Hell! We don’t have fathers, we have sires! My mother might as well have gone to a sperm bank.”

He just shook his head in disgust. “Now what do those files tell you?”

“They’re ... They’re appalling!” the judge gasped. “But how could this have happened? There must be some explanation...” His voice tailed off as he just shook his head.

“Look, Judge, it’s really pretty simple,” Calvin explained. “It’s you and your friends on the bench.”

Pointing to a fifteen-year-old he said, “Eddie, here, is a pretty good example. He was burglarizing an apartment and was surprised by the young woman who lived there with her husband. He ran down the fire escape but she had seen his face. Then two things happened that are pretty rare around here. First, the woman actually called the cops, reported the break-in, and gave the police a description.

“The second was even more surprising. One of the officers recognized Eddie from the description and picked him up. When they called the young woman, she actually came down to the station for a line-up. There she picked out Eddie right off the bat. Finally, she goes downtown to a juvenile hearing.

“There, the hearing officer — a young social-worker type — begins the hearing by asking the woman, ‘Why do you want to ruin this young man’s life?’ At that point the arresting officer pointed out that it was Eddie’s seventeenth arrest. The reaction of the hearing officer? She wheeled on the officer and shouted, ‘You can’t say that! He’s a juvenile! His records are sealed.’

“So there you have it, Judge: It was Eddie’s seventeenth ‘first arrest.’ And, of course, since it was a first arrest he was sent home on unsupervised probation.

“Now keep in mind that was his seventeenth! And if you think for one moment the Black Avengers would take in anyone who’s so dumb and incompetent he’s arrested every time he commits a crime, you’re out of your mind! I guess on average we might be picked up once every ten to twenty times.”

Looking intently at the judge he asked, “Do you want to count the total number of arrests listed there and multiply by ... oh ... let’s say, fifteen? What sort of total do you get?”

Judge Rosen actually did what Monroe suggested, or at least started to. After the first three records, his multiplication was giving him a total in the hundreds. Then turning to Monroe he changed the subject and said, “Okay. I get your point. But what does that have to do with letting you out on your own recognizance? Although, I must admit, the records before me argue strongly against it. But why don’t you want to be released?”

“I told you about the tigers, Judge, and you saw what they did. I guess it was Ahmed’s hand that was found, still gripping his gun, about twenty feet from the rest of his body. Well, Judge, that was when there were two of them against eight of us. I’ll tell you honestly, there’s no way I want to be caught alone by that pair of tigers. There wouldn’t be enough left to bury. And guess what? The young dark-haired girl who was giving orders to the tigers—”

Rosen looked incredulous, so Monroe explained, “That’s right, Judge. A little girl, about ten years old, was giving orders to a pair of Royal Bengal tigers. And they clearly understood everything she said to them. When she needed something to bandage the woman and the cubs, she told one of the tigers — I guess it must have been the cubs’ mother, because she called it Princess — to get some shirts to use as bandages. That huge tiger cut the shirt off my back using claws that must have been as sharp as razor blades, then brought it back. She did the same thing to two other guys, too.”

He paused for a moment as he tried to recall the events of the afternoon. “Well, anyway, Judge, this little girl was controlling those tigers. She told them to look at each of us carefully and to memorize our scents. I guess tigers have a marvelous olfactory memory. Anyway, that’s exactly what the pair of them did. I mentioned earlier that there was something utterly frightening about it. I could feel their hot breath on my bare body. But worse, I could see the look in their eyes. It was like Arctic ice, it was so cold. They would kill any of us in an instant without a thought.

“But that little girl said something else. She said that if any of us was free on the streets in less than ten years, we would be instantly dead! Now that’s something the Black Avengers do understand: It’s called vengeance.

“While you and your friends develop an endless series of creative excuses for our antisocial behavior, the girl said the tigers would just kill us. However, she added, if we were unlucky enough to be caught alone, they would probably play with us first. Maybe for hours.” Monroe thought for a moment and shook his head. “Alone, hell! If all eight of us were together, it wouldn’t make any difference at all.”

Looking straight into the judge’s eyes he continued, “New York doesn’t have a death penalty. Personally, I doubt if it would be much of a deterrent. It’s too damned slow! A guy can — and some do — sit on death row for more than twenty years while appeal after appeal is filed.

“Although the guys don’t know it, I do spend some time in the library when I can sneak away. Did you know that, in 1932 during the presidential campaign, there was an attempted assassination of FDR in Chicago? The assassin missed Roosevelt, but did shoot and kill the mayor of Chicago. I think his name was Cernik. Anyway, it happened in October or November of 1932.

“In those days the presidential inauguration was held in March. Do you realize, Judge, that the killer was executed in the electric chair before Roosevelt was inaugurated? He was. In other words, the whole process arrest, indictment, trial, appeal, and ultimate execution took less than four months. Now that was a deterrent. But now? Hah!”

Then he shook his head as if to return to the present and concluded, “Judge, I want to stay nice and safe ... in jail!”

Judge Rosen looked at Monroe’s fellows with an obvious question in his eyes. Without exception, they all eagerly nodded their agreement with Calvin’s position. Rosen then bound them all over for trial in adult court and had them held against $100,000 cash bail, each.

At that point the camera swung away from the bench and back to the reporter. “I have never seen or heard anything like that,” Melissa Martin said. “Because of the way this started, there wasn’t time to set the stage for you. As I’m sure most of you have already guessed, the eight men in front of Judge Bruce Rosen were the ones arrested in Central Park earlier today. They are charged with attempted murder, attempted rape, and a host of other crimes.”

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As I was sucking the third guy's dick (I did't know his name so lets call him "James".),I started to like the feeling of cock in my mouth. The soft skin thrusting between my jaws and against my tongue felt amazing, but I still needed some practice. This was only the 4th dick I've ever sucked and even though every guy seemed to enjoy the way I sucked them off, I felt that I could do a little better."James" kept asking me questions but I couldn't understand what he was saying so I tuned him out....

First Time
3 years ago
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My Wildest Dreams

My Wildest Dream! by Marla Let me tell you! I'm into the salon experience and am anxiously awaiting each visit to my favorite stylist. I wear my hair in a medium length bob style cut and it is a dark brown with auburn highlights. I have always been turned on by red- heads and have dated quite a few in my days. I even married one. We both love to color and style each other's hair. I hope I keep you on the timeline. This is the first time I've ever written any of my thoughts or...

2 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0105

Interim (No sex) (Hi, please read the intro to Ch. 01 then you’ll know what’s coming. This is the first time I specifically mention female/female sex. I have no experience of this (other than Adult movies) so I don’t describe it, you’ll have to use your imagination!) When I got home we kissed goodnight and he hugged me tightly as if he didn’t want me to go, it was lovely. Jo was on lates so I was left on my own to sit and go over what had happened. What a day, I never realised that sex could...

2 years ago
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An Eighteen Year Olds Affair with an Older Woman

Amy and her husband Mark had just moved to a new community several hundred miles from where they used to live. Mark was a pharmaceutical salesman, and this was their third move since they had been married fifteen years ago. They hoped this would be their last move, since they didn’t want to move their only daughter to another school. Amy had recently turned forty and was a bit on the conservative side. She was a beautiful looking woman, she had long blond hair which flowed down her back while...

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They were happily asleep like spoons.He was behind her and she was wrapped in his arms.They were both dreaming.His was a recurring dream that he rarely remembered but always half amused and half worried him when he did.He was fucking Medusa from behind while holding her down with a kind of hockey stick or something to the back of the neck.Her arse looked gorgeous and her cunt felt wonderful but he didn’t want to be dealing with the snake hair and he was already concerned how – post orgasm – he...

3 years ago
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Secured helpless and loving it Chapter 2

She sat there looking up at you with her doe like eyes, the innocence in them warped by the eyeliner and fact she was naked. A vision of perfection she very nearly oozed beauty and sexuality.Walking to the tabel by the wall you pick up a set of leather cuffs with metalic fasteners. The leather had been oiled recently and it gave off a strong scent that a cured hide gives off. Walking back to the waiting woman you take her hand and place the cuff on her arm. The weight being lighter she wondered...

1 year ago
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Boy Next Door Fucked my Mature Hairy Pussy

I knew I was a bit of a plain Jane, mother of four, slightly overweight and nothing special to look at and only 28 years old. My husband showed less and less interest in me and I admit I let myself go a little, then the boy from next door changed all that. It was such an innocent meeting at first; he fetched the empty cups back when I made his mom and some helpers cups of tea when moving in next door. He seemed so shy but ever so polite and I learnt he had just turned 16. His dad had said he...

1 year ago
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Kristens Big Mistake Redux by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite © copyright 2014, 2019, 2020 by Millie Dynamite Kristen’s trip went well, she’d bought dozens of new outfits, spent a fortune on all kinds of indulgences, and enjoyed herself indulgence in the resort getaway. She felt satisfied and only wanted to get home to her husband to play the part of a loving wife. He’d be happy, she returned two days ahead of schedule, and she would satisfy his every whim, the old fart had always been an easy mark. Passing over the exchange, she...

2 years ago
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Bestie Moved Away You Wanna Try It

My cousin's fingers slid, trembling, up and down across my sensitive clit. I looked down to watch the fair skin of her hand as it traveled down between my legs, caressing me down to the base of the opening of my vagina. She lay next to me on my bed where I'd been letting her touch me wherever she wanted to. I felt her exploring me, trying different places just to see what I felt like. She parted me slightly open and traced back upwards, her skin glistening as she came up over my button again....

2 years ago
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Educating Harry Ch 06

The following day Carol had a surprise for Harry. She really did have a problem with her computer and it took him almost three quarters of an hour to fix it. Eventually, when he had fixed the problem, he turned to her with a grin. ‘I don’t suppose we have any time for sex then.’ ‘How long do you need? We’ll manage,’ and without hesitating for a moment she pulled off her panties and lifted up her skirt. She lent forward, gripped the edge of the table standing with her legs wide apart. She...

2 years ago
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The Exchange

The ExchangeEmile, 2010Usual caveats apply.---Kurt Hengst oozed sex, and he knew it.  At 6'2", his broad muscular body towered over most guys, and it didn't take much more than a cheeky smile to flash across his unshaven jaw for his prey to come willingly.  They were true victims, falling in love, and falling arse up offering to quench it.  But Kurt was only in it for the sex, and his unquenchable, brutal fucking, combined with his uncomfortably large cock and carelessness, soon made them run...

2 years ago
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Question Do I Suck Cock Turned GAY

I was brought in and told that I was arrested for stealing over $10,000 from clients, the five clients that I had done the reconciliations for. The interrogating officer said that they had me on video stealing from Bill's desk and my fingerprints were all over the files of the clients swindled. They put me in a holding cell and told me I would see the judge in the morning. They also told me I would not get a phone call until the morning and all I could think was I could never let my parents...

2 years ago
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Love how this feels

I was sure, in all the 17 years of my life, I was straight. I’d fucked guys before and screamed from the orgasm. I’d had too many boyfriends to count on both hands. Once I’d liked a guy so much I’d waited an hour every day for him to finish class so that we could ‘accidentally’ walk home together, so this new urge I had for a girl in my class was frightening. It was inexplicable. She, Lucy, was hot – all the guys wanted her. She wore to school to most provocative outfits, though, so you...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Taylor 10112016

Kenzie Taylor is one smokin’-hot piece of blonde ass. Just look at her. Those eyes. Those tits. Her ass. Like most women today, she’s a black cock slut, too. The difference between Kenzie and the majority of others who share her obsession with BBC? Kenzie lets the world know how she feels! There’s nothing “on the DL” about her! Kenzie knows all about the Power of Black Cock, and she also knows what you’re doing as you watch her enjoy what could be the biggest...

2 years ago
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The Hotel Room

The Logic stories are three interrelated tales that begin with the actions of a monstrous, selfish, immature man, continue with an immigrant who wishes to weaken and destroy his adopted country and end on an isolated pony ranch in the Texas Hill Country.  This particular story has been expanded from a short vignette found in The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale.  The woman in the hotel room has been unknowingly subjugated by her psychopathic boyfriend; she has unwittingly allowed him to...

2 years ago
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Fair Trade Man Is Forced To Watch His Wife Fucke

Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...

3 years ago
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Nights at the Sex ShopChapter 3

Closing up the store is too difficult. Tova is surprised at how little has to be done considering the amount of traffic the shop appears to get. What probably surprises the girl more it the lack of bodily fluid clean up. It’s inevitable that there is going to be some, and while it sounds great during sex, it sounds disgusting afterward. It surely wasn’t part of the job Tova looked forward to, but it surprisingly isn’t what she expected either. The girl takes her time cleaning. She doesn’t...

1 year ago
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Graduation party

Note : This story is completely fictional! Graduation partyBy NastyOldSlob When the high school boys finished fucking Nicky she lay on the grass and let the boys piss on her. She loved to be humiliated. It was her punishment for being . "I want to swallow it" she begged.A boy stuck his limp prick in her mouth and pissed a gusher. She gulped it down and ask for more."That fat slut is nasty" he laughed.The boys put on their pants and went home laughing and Nicky staggered to her feet. This after...

4 years ago
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Muslim Maid Ki Gand Mari Part 2

Hello to all indian sex stories dot net readers. Thanks aap sabke feedbacks k liye. Khas thanks un bhabhi and girls ko jinhone mujhse friendship offer ki hai aur contact number dene k liye. Hope age bhi mujhe aap sabka aise hi pyar mile. Me rocky mumbai se apke liye aur ek meri dusri story ka second part leke aya hu. Qki ye story k liye mujhe kafi mail aye hai ki age kya hua, aur kaise gand mari n all. Meri sab story 100% real hai. Agar koe bhi girl ya aunty ya bhabhi mujhse sex karna chahti...

3 years ago
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Natasha Part 1

My captions blog @ ------------------------------------------------------------ "Thank you for taking the Soviet train Lines" He hesitated for a second,then looked upward and stamped my passport. "...Sir." It was rare that I slipped back into my true voice, I quickly recomposed myself and wished the young lad a great day. On the train, I found out I shared a cabin with a woman. She was pretty, and young. Judging from her clothing, she came from a...

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whats wrong with rubber lingerie

Came home from the club last night, great evening, I don't drink anyway so no bad heads and knew what I was doing.Went and had a shower and was in bed by about 1130pm. Being Saturday the next day, no work so could have a little lay in. I woke at about 9am and sun was shining, clock is running oddly, says its Sunday 3rd, I went to bed on Saturday 2nd, Odd.Got out of bed and glimpsed myself in the mirror and nearly passed out. I like to wear a little fem gear, usually just tights (pantyhose) or...

3 years ago
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Mad At Maddie

I had been planning this revenge for years. You see, when my wife, Julie, and I were dating she still lived at home. We would, on occasion, enjoy a quickie after her parents went to bed. I'd bend her over the living room couch and lift up her skirt. She rarely wore panties when I was visiting, on the off chance that we could steal a few moments of horny bliss. Sliding my stiff cock up and down her wet slit, I would rub her pussy until she hissed her need to me. "Don't tease me," she...

3 years ago
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In the Dorm

It all started during winter semester of my freshman year. Up until then I suppose I was pretty much like any other American kid. I'd tried to get laid all through high school, finally succeeding the summer after graduation. It wasn't one of the cheerleaders as I'd always fantasized, but one of the 'nerd girls' most of us had always ridiculed. She didn't have much in the way of breasts, but she was willing after we had dated a few times. She was just as eager as I had been to lose the...

4 years ago
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Apartment Mayhem Part 2

Apartment Mayhem Part 2   This a copyrighted original work and the exclusive property of the author. You may use this work for your personal use only. If you wish to use it, or a portion of it for any other reason, please contact the author for permission. This is a work of fiction written for mature audiences only and if you are not 18 years of age please do not go any further. The author hopes you enjoy it and if you have, or have a particular plot you would like to see...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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A Farmer Wifes Christmas

During the long walk in the dim light of dawn through the snow to the woodshed, Ann picked up the old, double bite ax. She felt the long used smoothness of the wooden handle and it brought back memories of many such trips in the early morning cold to the woodshed to split kindling and gather fire wood for the large, old wood stove. This was a morning ritual that Ann knew from long practice. Since she was just a girl on her father’s farm she had done this. It was a needed early morning chore....

1 year ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 34 Holiday

We were through! No more classes for a month. It seemed like the entire town emptied out in twelve hours. The campus was deserted. The house next door was empty. The guys had carried suitcases out to their last exams and didn’t come back. I saw all three blonde bimbos from two doors down load into a Ford Focus that looked like it was dragging bottom under the weight of everything they packed with them. I didn’t know where they were headed, but I hoped they made it. I got out of my final in...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Office Colleague

Dear Friends, I am going to narrate here my true experience with my office colleague. Names change due to privacy. I am Raj, and let’s call her Ruhi. After completing my MBA, I had joined a recruitment firm, in Mumbai, as i belong from Mumbai. I joined in the month of Sept 2008 and she joined 2 months later. She was working as a receptionist. About myself, I am an average looking guy, with medium size dick, but can make any women happy. She had very nice and big boobs, and her ass was large,...

3 years ago
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Strangers in the movie theater written by her

We enjoy risque encounters with strangers from time to time. There’s just something incredibly naughty about the act that really turns us both on. As much as it is definitely fun having sex with friends or people we’ve had sex with before, there’s an added element to not knowing the person at all. Add to that doing it somewhere public and my heart beats like a jackhammer in anticipation. We hadn’t done anything like this in a while. One evening while we were having sex, my hubby suggested that...

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The Helping Neighbor

It all started a couple of months ago, new neighbors moved in across the street. He was a traveling salesman that was gone most of the time. She was a corporate attorney who was taking some time off to tend to there 4 mo old baby who had become quite ill. My wife and I became friends with Steve and Vicki, and did things together socially. My wife and Vicki were friends and I kept An eye on things while Steve was away. It was a Saturday and I was out doing yard work, and had a tee time set for...

2 years ago
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A Slaves Life

A Slave's LifePART I        My arms hurt after having my hands tied behind my back for the long car ride. The driver never said a word to me. I tried to talk to him, but he only closed the divider between the back and the front of the limo. I longed to have my hands untied and maybe I could enjoy the ride in the limo. To get my mind off my arms I looked out of the darkly tinted windows. The car was driving through a neighborhood filled with huge homes. Three stories seemed to be the average....

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 179 Mending Emily

Now what do I do with Emily? It was probably best to start with Molly’s instructions. At least then I could blame her if something went off the rails. In Emily’s first box were not just red and blue pens, but green, and pink syringes. I needed three of each. According to the note, the pink and green ones had very concentrated liquid versions of what was in her mom’s tea and pills. Though had to go right into a vein in Emily’s arm, or neck if I wanted, because she needed them in her blood...

3 years ago
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Curious Case of a Horseless HeadmanChapter 6 JUDGEMENT

Ferdinando and Thomasina head back to the village in his coach. It is late afternoon. “You look sad, Ferdinando. Are you not glad to finish this nonsense and leave this place behind, able to return to the comfort and company of Whitehall?” asks the lady sitting opposite him. “Nay, I think I am now ready to retire, once I’ve written my report on this Curious Case of the Horseless Headman for the King’s Privy Council.” “Home to your estate and your honey bees, my Lord?” “Maybe. But ... I...

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