MageChapter 5 free porn video

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With a few blocks more between us and the bar I stopped the girls and said to them, "My deal with Mr. Hatoia was for three days. As I mentioned before I am soft as a marshmallow. If you wish to go home to friends or family you may. You are also invited to spend the next few days with us if that is your wish."

It was Ann that moved closer and put her hands around my arm. She said nothing verbally but I knew she wanted to stay. They all wanted to stay and would only like to make telephone calls to stay in touch with family.

Two cabs waiting for a fare came to our rescue and brought us back to the hotel. The girls entered the building in a tight group as if frightened. I was too and I kept my senses out as much as I could. My link to Sonya provided the additional power I needed.

Something didn't seem right. I needed more power and reached over and took Ann's small hand in mine. I was at my limit now and found a magic aura in one corner but I saw no person in that location.

"Girls, don't move for a moment. We are being watched. There's an invisible person at the far wall just behind me. I want to meet this person if I can."

It made me feel good that the girls did as I said and didn't look. "I am going to get him to run. That way if there is a scuffle then it will be out of sight or at least away from the hotel."

I ordered the girls to form a line with me closest to the door. When the girls did as I asked and started to walk directly to the person. I could detect some movement. Soon the glass door opened seemingly by itself then the next door. I was right behind before any of them closed.

We were not far apart and I could detect the magic with my own power. I actually held back to allow the person to run past three buildings so he or she could enter a service road. I rounded the corner from the far side so I was not surprised. The Plugga had not done too much of this because they like the straight up approach. The person I was chasing was not a Plugga or at least I hoped it wasn't.

A dumpster was only metres away and a natural place to hide. I could hear no running steps so I approached slowly. I prepared myself for a magical attack and put up a shield for that and powered it with my ring.

I had circled the dumpster and now saw the magic aura crouched down hiding. I effectively blocked escape.

"Drop the invisibility. We either talk here or I get angry with you and we do this the crude way." This was mostly bluster because I had not physically hurt anyone except the Plugga and they hurt me much worse.

After a pause with no response I added, "You have little choice. Talk to me or get hurt." With still no response I walked forward with my hands pointed down and to my sides to catch the individual when he fled.

I felt a sharp pain to my abdomen and I knew that I had made a serious mistake. I moved as quick as possible and grabbed the wrist holding the knife and pulled it back as my knee came up to strike the person. It struck nothing and my foot flicked out and now I knew that somebody was there.

I twisted the knife-bearing arm and heard a scream and a snapping noise. With the concentration lost the person became visible. This one was a he and also big and ugly. I only happened to be bigger.

I held the arm for insurance and worked on calling up a spell to repair the damage done to me. I had to do this three times. It was just that I had not been sliced in this area before and it took more work because of all the different portions damaged.

Running steps were heard and I kicked myself again for not considering more enemies. It happened to be the girls but Sonya was far ahead of the group by a wide margin. She ran up to me but kept a watch out for other adversaries.

"Are you all right?"

"I got stupid. I put up a shield against magic and I got stabbed with a knife instead."

Sonya looked at the big guy with me to see if he was going to be an immediate threat. He was dressed like a businessman and if he lost the beard I think I would have noticed his face from the pictures Erasmus gave me.

She asked, "Are you going to be ok?"

The bleeding had stopped and I had some control over the pain. "I guess so but I used up a lot of energy in the ring. We are going to have to fill it up again and we have some questions to ask this gentleman."

Sonya startled me by saying, "He had a backup and we dissuade him from following but he may have taken another way to get here."

I saw the remainder of the girls now and Sonya mentally guided them to us. I didn't like the fact that there was another around and the girls unprotected.

I saw the girls run to us and stop in a circle around the guy on the ground. Ann saw the blood on my clothing and started to come to me to see what she could do. It was Sonya that kept her away in case the guy had some surprises. In any event there was nothing she could do.

Sonya went through the guy's pockets and took everything he had. The knife and jewellery of every kind was taken because of the possibility of it having magical properties. The usual car keys, cell phone and possible house keys came next. I continued to hold the broken arm. It was doubtful if the man would start throwing spells if he had a great deal of pain to suppress too.

Sonya called Ann and took her hand and then she took mine. Soon we were scanning for magic and saw that the man's coat buttons and something in each shoe gave off a faint radiation. Sonya took these articles too after releasing our hands. The latter required her to twist the heals off the shoes. They came easily or I should say easily for her.

The questioning now had to begin but this was not the place. We had no secure area and I could only think of our suite. I concentrate on the spells I knew and selected one that would keep him unconscious. This would last a minimum of eighteen hours.

Sonya picked up the man and threw him into the hopper and closed the lid with care so we would not alert anybody. We walked back to the hotel with Sonya in front of me to hide the blood. In our room I noticed right away that something was wrong and again I held the two women by their hands. There was a type of magical residue and I looked for traps. I was not equipped to deal with this. I was basically just a strong guy now with a specialty of fighting. Apprentice mages were more cerebral and they could beat me with spells but I could beat them physically.

I searched the centre of the disturbance and found that the jar of pills was now missing. I was worried and looked further in case there was a subtler trap or device. When none was found Sonya ordered the girls to take my clothing off and they did with the care of concerned nurses.

Sonya put her hands over my abdomen and chanted her own remedies to heal me.

I said, "Form a circle. We need to summon that guy."

Sonya said, "Your tired Adam. Rest a while and we can do it later."

"We need to do it now before the guy is found."

Sonya helped me up then took some simple chalk and inscribed a circle on the carpet. She placed the girls around it and she took one of the positions. My ring was empty and I was sure Ann was drained so I took the former and placed it in the centre of the circle.

Getting behind Sonya I said to all of the girls, "We are going to make love and all of us will take part. The energy we produce will go into charging the ring and into putting some energy back into Ann. All you will see is a glowing ring that will slowly fade."

It hurt to squat behind Sonya but not as painful as it had been when I had been stabbed by the Plugga or when they broke both my arms one time.

I began slow and I found I had to get Sonya in the mood. She was still worried about me. I caressed her gently and it took a longer time to get her ready. I linked Ann to her first and began to slowly stroke into her. Sonya usually let me lead but this time she savoured the sensations going through her and began to link to the others. We had very little practice in doing this but it seemed to work.

When Sonya had her first orgasm, Ann was charged once more. Though it hurt to stand I went to Connie and chanted to open her up and soon I was stroking into her as well. She came very quickly. I should have controlled her better to make her turn last at least five minutes.

Each of the others was treated similarly and the energy we produced was fed into the ring.

When I stopped, I picked up the ring and put it on my finger. Beginning once again I entered Sonya. She was only a bit glassy eyed and responded immediately. I pictured the man in the garbage hopper and gave the image to the girls. When it looked like Sonya was ready I began to chant the summoning spell. A mist seemed to appear in the circle but remained stationary though the particles seemed to be boiling. I timed it so the last word came with our orgasm and this would include that of the linked girls.

Sonya groaned as she felt me spurt into her and I said the last word hoping that I got the correct inflection on it.

Mr. Hassan solidified out of the mist just above the carpet and fell a centimetre in front of us. The girls moved in fright but not nearly as much as they would have done if not told of what was going to happen.

I got the girls back at their stations and began again on Connie. She responded after a while and I began to chant a healing spell on the man. When this was done his arm was once again straight.

I was tired but elated that this had worked. I had never moved so great a mass though it was only for a short distance. Getting up I said, "Please stay where you are. I just want to get our guest out of the way." I dragged him to a clear area and left him there. I examined what was taken from the man and found some small crystals that were all but depleted. Three were for invisibility and two were just general purpose. I noticed that the buttons would be used to kill an opponent and they too had been depleted. I had to assume that the shield I made had served some purpose after all.

All of these articles went into the centre of the circle. "Ladies, we have to charge these up and this time I will do a bit more myself to assist."

Ann had the largest smile. I began again with the Lena and filled her with my seed as all of the girls in sympathy tried to fill the various articles. I was actually back at Ann when the last of the articles as well as her own body were now fully charged.

The ladies got up with me and I kissed each of them giving my thanks for what they had done for us and I guess for Erasmus too. I had gone around the circle two times so each woman had received fourteen orgasms and they were very tired.

Sonya was tired from her work but when I said, "Slave, take my other slaves and clean them up. You are in charge."

I was given a smile and she said, "Yes Master. I will treat your sluts like little babies and pamper them." I knew she would now.

I scooped up my ring and put the other articles in the drawer and out of sight. His compatriots also knew Hassan as Baal the god of thunder in Egyptian mythology. He looked to be about fifty but I knew that he could be just about any age. His driver's licence gave an address that I had not seen on my list. Being on paper didn't make something true as my own papers attested to.

There were some business cards and some credit cards along with a goodly amount of cash. There were no secret compartments in his wallet so I began to remove his clothing. The girls all fit in the small washroom and none had come out yet so I had to do this on my own.

This guy had been in fair shape but was now turning to fat. This made him heavy and a bit awkward to work with in my present condition.

It was only after the guy was naked did June stagger out. She looked well pleased with herself and headed for the bed to have some rest. She got most of the way when she spotted the other man and she came over to look. I beckoned her closer and held her to me as we looked at the man.

"I bet you didn't think you could move a large man like this?"

"Ah no Master. I wasn't even too sure about magic until this happened. What do you want him for?"

"His master and many of his friends tried to kill a friend of mine. His master died and so did the best of the master's pupils. I have to find the remaining identities and then guess we just ship these guys out after some questioning. Someone broke into our room when we were out and used two kinds of magic to steal the jar of pills I brought. It was good that each of you got one first."

"Ah, if you are going to question him I guess you will wake him up. Will he start to do something magical against you?"

"He would but I'll put a confusion spell on him. It is like having a lot of drugs or alcohol in him. His spells will not work but I hope my spells for truth will do just that."

With the Mr. Hassan at a disadvantage and with no protection I recalled the first spell and thought of all the details about where it should be used and under what conditions it would not work. I was fairly sure of the outcome and ran over the proper intonation that helped the mind somehow reference that fourth dimension of reality.

The words came out in early Latin and rolled off my lips easily. I had to feed it power and this time it came from my ring. It was important to concentrate effectively or this would not work. When the last tone left I felt that enough power had been used to complete the spell.

I relaxed now and looked at the man. He was no different and it would be hard to find if the spell worked without referencing the man's mind.

June had been snuggling to me a moment ago was now further away. The feelings from her told me that she was frightened of magic more than when she had helped us bring this man's body from the dumpster down the block.

I reached out my hand and June accepted it after a few seconds. I pulled her to me and wrapped my arm around her. "Casting a spell is not just the words. It is like your ability to speak more than one language. When I cast a spell I have to think and act the right way and in step. We have more than three dimensions around us and I have to reach into the next one to grasp power and to manipulate reality the way you do when you prepare a meal or walk down the street. The results are in all the dimensions but presently we are just interested in what it will do in the three we are familiar with."

June looked at me and I continued, "At one time you must have been very cautious of driving a car. This is more dangerous and more complicated but like the driving it can be mastered."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"I am not pushing much into the unknown here but using information that I think I know well enough. This man probably knows much more of magic than I do."

"How did you... beat him?"

"I am just very strong and very quick in my movements. It kind of shocked him that I didn't want to fight him the way he expected. What I am doing has been done for a great many centuries. It was not understood but it did work after a lot of trial and error. I just use a small number of tricks, that I know how to do very well, to make this work."

I could feel June relax and I said, "I'm going to chant a spell that makes him tell the truth. You can listen and remember it but it's no good unless you can both provide power to it and change things in the nearest dimension."

I chanted the spell after going over it in my mind. It drained more power from the crystal but seemed to work otherwise.

Looking around I found two more naked and gratified women. I signalled them to come close and I started to tell them what I had told the first girl. I stopped and called over another girl that just stumbled from the washroom. I began once again. I think being in a group like this with sisters for protection they accepted what I said easier. I tried to coach my words in a scientific matter so they would not think of satanic rites or sacrifices. The latter actually did work. The tortured or dying victim gave up a considerable amount of power when under extreme pain and even more when they expired.

I kissed and fondled the girls and got them to sit on the bed behind me so they could see but not be in the way.

The chant to make the man sleep was removed and when the power dissipated the man began to slowly awake. I gave him a minute to recover and said, "Mr. Hassan you have disappointed me. What was your mission?"

"Master! I am sorry. I was told to do this."

This was a stroke of luck. My thoughts were male in flavour and I started the questioning from a superior position. The befuddled man thought I was his master. It then occurred to me that the master might regularly question his slaves this way to get the truth. I paused to think if Erasmus did this to me or if I had seen him do this to others.

He had apprentices that I had only seen from a distance. I had never been introduced and I didn't know what they did for him. They must be strong though or they would be doing this job instead of me.

"You have all been too lazy to do the work right." I thought of Erasmus now and tried to just paraphrase what he would say in this situation. "First, who gave you this poorly thought out mission?"

"Your apprentice Francis Mordock, master."

"What were his orders and you better be accurate here. He will be punished or you will for being inaccurate."

"I will be Master. He said to just monitor this new guy at the Sheraton Centre. He had some magic about him and had what looked like a slave. I was told he was not powerful. I was to report to Mr. Mordock when the man came back to the hotel and I just did when he came after me. He... he."

"Stop your snivelling, worm. You had a fight and you stunned him then escaped."

"Yes... Master." I could feel him accept this reasoning and this led me to believe that this spell also had some hypnotic effect on the subject. This had to be investigated further. When he relaxed more I began to think more of what I was doing and what I would have to do.

I had not thought too far into this mission. I assumed the various followers of the dead mage would just be questioned, examined and either accepted into Erasmus ranks or altered to forget magic. It did occur to me now that they may be just questioned and killed. It was the safest way and the one that used the least effort.

Killing was not something I could except though I had been trained to do this too. The man with the gun outside the bar still made me feel very upset and disturbed that it was probably a good thing.

"Tell me about your home. You people have been getting away with too much. I have to make some changes around here."

The description started and continued for close to twenty minutes with all the small points clarified. The home was protected by magic and the spells were listed along with all the traps. What equipment and resources were listed and I could see that this man had learned a great deal in the last few years. This brought out more questions and I asked about how he started into magic but did so by telling him to remember the first time. This was a sordid tale if there ever was one.

Maximus happened to like boys almost as much as girls. The man before us happened to be homosexual. Maximus and he enjoyed each other and soon the young man began to learn his new duties when he assisted Maximus. This also explained about the way the slave was treated at the house. The slave was female but used only for power and rituals and there was no love at all. The woman had been blasted with a spell that changed her attitude towards serving this man.

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First time

One evening with my ex-girlfriend, she had convinced me to watch Phantom of the Opera, in the promisethat I could choose that to watch afterwards. We watched the film on my sofa, and it was better than I expected,although I'd have preferred something else. She then asked what I'd like to watch, and I said I'd have a thinkover dinner. We had some food, then I told her we'd go upstairs to see what films I had on my PC. As she looked,I opened up one of the many files that contained my favoured...

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A night of teasing

We'd had a great Friday evening, me and my husband. After a long working week, it was really nice to dress up, go to a restaurant and just enjoy each others company. With irregular work hours, it felt like we had barely gotten the time to talk to each other for the whole week. We were in our thirties and had been together for a good ten years or so, but we were still very much in love with each other. And that night was date night and I was longing for him and his sexy body! Normally I don’t...

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Career Change

CAREER CHANGE by Long Tall Mary I'm 52 years old and for fifteen of the past seventeen years I've been activein the Syracuse area dominatrix scene. At 35 years of age I began my careeras an employee of a local bordello catering to a predominately male clienteleand progressed to managing this same business. Later I acquired my own homedungeon leaving the staff dominatrix to concentrate on submissive males atthe main dungeon while I concentrated on a smaller number of female submissivesat home....

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College life 17

Once Kris and I were cleaned up and decent, the two of us headed out tograb something to eat. It was rare for us to go alone and was unexpectedwhen he suggested that we do so. We went to Wendy's, Kris's favorite fastfood. We ordered and found a table."Matt, I'll just say this. Don't mess with Corey. Either get back withhim totally or forget about it," Kris said, despite telling me that twicealready in the car."We kissed last night and I told him I did still love him," I stated. "Asfar as...

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Mums Friend Edna Part 2 The List

My assignation with my Mum's friend Edna had got off to a wonderful start. We were going to rewrite the book of sex, removing all the nervousness and shyness and restoring the act to its glorious, unselfconscious origins.  We had made a solid start with her enthusiastically sucking my cock and me returning the favour by licking not just her crotch but her arsehole, which we had both enjoyed immensely. Now we were going to look at the list she had started to compile, with a view to working our...

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College Sex And Revenge On Classmate For Making Me A Slut

I was late one day for college. When I reached the class, the class had already started and my usual bench was full. So I sat with Ron. He was not my friend but he was a nice guy. As it was a very boring class, Ron asked my phone for playing games. I gave him my phone and sat there looking at the teacher. It was a very boring class, my eyes were trying to close. I held my hands on the desk supporting my head. Within seconds, I drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, I could feel someone’s hands on my...

Gay Male
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Summer Fun

Summer Fun:I remember back when I was younger, growing up it was me and my little step brothr David living back at home with our parents where we enjoyed acting out endless role play games of all sorts together...For instance, I remember this one summer, when I was to turn twelfe, we were playing in the back yard as usual, while mom was busy with chores inside the house. Dad was almost always at his job, so it was up to just me and my brothrr David to entertain one another during the long...

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Summer Hire Ch 13 Part 2

Melissa was shocked, both to hear Joseph suddenly talking and also at the transformation of the mood. It took her a moment to parse what he had said and realize that he truly liked what had just happened. She was amazed to see how much she had been drawn into believing that he actually was a recalcitrant pony that had to be whipped into obedience.Serena turned to Melissa and asked, “Melissa, how about you?”“Wow… I don’t know. That was seriously weird. I guess I kind of got into it, but… well… I...

2 years ago
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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 12

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 12 "General! General Aung! Come quick the nagas have gone crazy!" the door handle turned and a colonel came rushing in with a squad of soldiers. "What are you doing here?" he practically shouted as he pulled up short finding himself suddenly confronting a naga. The men thrust their weapons forward, not really sure they were needed. Trisha spoke, "I conducted this woman here for questioning by General Aung." She pointed at Jeri." Just...

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My sexy mousi

It was an rainy sunday evening and my family had been to attend some program that day.I was alone watching TV.Someone knocked the door and it was my mousi soumya. She was just 26 and was beautiful. I never had any feeling on her until i accidently touched her boobs when she was just about 2 fall on the watery floor and fell on my hands as i held her tightly.The rain got thin & she left .That night i lost my sleep. Next day when i visited her house she was staring @ me wid a different look which...

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Anne was my slut

Chapter 2 Broke the Ice, were it leads.... Into there game a few kinky dares, were done a few truths told. Alan asks the group shall we move on and call this games quits. Yeah babe Micha agrees and Brandon suggests going inside to cool down. In side we go after I help ya put these chairs back, ill meet ya inside , ok daddy micha says as she closes the door. So b*o how amazing was that? Brandon had a huge smile and said it was chill, what now, Alan told him to hold on as they worked a deal. Ill...

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Beth the Cum Slut Ch 1 3 3rd try

Hi, I’m Beth. I’m 15 and in the ninth grade. I think I’m reasonably cute, nothing special, but I’ve never had a boyfriend. I think it’s because I just don’t have any tits. I have a very slim body, only weighing about 105 pounds and shoulder length brown hair. But I have almost no tits. I can’t even fill out an A-cup bra. I mainly have some pointy nipples sticking out of bumps on my chest. My sister and my mom both have incredible tits. In fact, they don’t have tits, they have boobs. ...

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Oh Nancy ndash Chapter 4 Epilogue

Oh Nancy – Chapter 4 - EpilogueFreddie slowly stirred from his wonderfully peaceful and well-earned sleeep. He smacked his lips and blinked several times while he sat up and returned to the waking world. He took a deep breath and focused on his surroundings, a dark and initially unfamiliar room lit only by some faint ambient light through the drawn curtains and hallway light entering the room by the jarred door.While he gathered his bearings, he quickly discovered that he was also quite nude...

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Unexpected Turn Of Events At Office

Hi , this is Suraj here going to narrate an Incident. I was working in a MNC Software company at Bangalore. I got assigned to a New Project and when I entered the Offshore centre of that Project I saw lots of known faces , many friends and few unknown ones. Among the unknown faces was a late twenties lady . She was like steal a glance on me. Anyways I thought maybe as I came new to this Project , might be she is just seeing how we see a Newcomer. Time passed , I was getting Knowledge transfer...

3 years ago
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Rain Rain Come Again 8211 To Delhi

Hi, This is Ash and Ana (Ashim and Anamika). Thanks for reading our earlier stories. After a few years of marriage, we are sharing some lovely sex incidents. This incident happened in Delhi. We had to go to an official seminar. We were invited for a formal dinner in one of the 5-star hotels. I left my son with a friend overnight. We were formally dressed wherein I was in a formal shirt and trousers. While she was in a formal dark chequered grey knee-length pencil skirt. And V neck light pink...

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Sydneys First Visit To A Video Arcade

A few years back I dated this PYT Sydney. Hot redhead with a kicking body, medium long hair, blue eyes, and a killer set of 34b tits that she loved to have someone play and pinch. She was probably the wildest girl I ever dated and would try just about anything.After taking her out to dinner and having her leave her panties as a tip for our waiter, I took her to an adult novelty shop. Sydney was quite worked up from the restaurant and being in a sex shop added to her wild desire. I...

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Golf Ground Pe Chudi 8211 Part 3

By : Milly Babby7000 Hi every one thanks for give me good reply for my last story meri last story golf ground pe chudi jo aap sab ne bahut hi pasand ki aur muje bahut sare mail bheje. jisne meri agli story nahi padhi vo pls pahle meri aage ki story ko padh le fir iss story me bahut maja aayega jese ki mene apni last story me kaha tha ki kese meri chinnal maa ne pahle din me meri chudai ek gore se karvai fir rat ko ek golf ground pe tin buddho ke samne muje paros diya jese koi patni apne pati ko...

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The Library Session, from THIRTY-ONE DAYS The librarian returned to the reading lounge. The librarian was Cindy Waterford, also my next door neighbor. I was about to test the town rumor mill. Did she or didn’t she? Cindy carried a designer jacket over her arm and a designer purse in her hand. She appeared to be ready for the drive home. This was not a happy moment for me. Perhaps the rumor mill was wrong. My cock ebbed, but could be called upon in seconds. Cindy dropped her stuff on the...

2 years ago
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The Making of a Housewife

THE MAKING OF A HOUSEWIFE Tony Meacher loved his wife, Alice, unconditionally. He had been put out of work when his company relocated to a northern town, but his wife was working in a family business locally where she was valued highly. He didn't think that his job any more important than hers, and there was no question that she wanted to stay put, so they did. He found it difficult to accept that his wife was the breadwinner until he realised that he could shoulder all the...

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My blacl lover owns my ass

My black lover Jeremy called me that Friday afternoon, knowing that my loving husband would be out of town during the week end.Later he sent me a message, saying he wanted to have my asshole…When I reached his bachelor flat, the door was unlocked and I slipped in.I quickly slipped out of my clothes and kneeled on the floor waiting for him to get off the bed. He slid from his bed already naked, his cock not hard yet.He reached over and grabbed something off a chair and tossed it at me:“Wear this...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 10 Invitation to a Disaster

Seated in his living room, wearing a rented tuxedo, Jack McCullum was confused. He was still trying to figure out how his wife and daughter had talked him into going to someone’s house for dinner wearing a tuxedo. He had fought against the idea from the very beginning. His argument that it was just a waste of money should have been successful. Somehow, they had managed to win this one. For Jack to be confused wasn’t anything new. Just about everything concerning being a husband and father...

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Meeting Sammi Part II

..Brad met Sammi accidentally (or so he kind of thought) - but feelings and emotions have come on hard - much like their sexual organs. This part continues from the previous. Warning - the sex starts almost immediately. They can't help it...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brad didn't speak, he just held on to her lithe body, periodically grabbing and squeezing any portions of her skin he could...

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Neighborhood PetChapter 2

Something out of the ordinary had been bothering Karen, the dark- eyed Barbara thoughtfully mused as she crossed the pleasant street back to her own new home. Subconsciously, she added a little extra bounce to her gait plus a provocative waggle of fully rounded hips and buttocks, just in case there might be a man admiring her from some concealed vantage point. Of course, they'd only known the dazzling blonde charmer and her adorable husband less than two weeks, but that was long enough to...

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When I was 12 I got a job delivering milk to households in an area not too far from my home in the small west coast town that I grew up in. I’d done this job for four years, delivering the milk in plastic sachets six mornings a week, on one evening a week I would go round all the houses on my route and collect the money for the cost of the milk plus delivery. Being the mid-seventies the pay wasn't that great but there was always the chance of a few tips from customers when collecting the...

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Midwinter Weekend Pt 05

*****Edited by Gustavca Note, this shorter story is the epilogue, and while it’s clearly erotic, it’s not paced like one of my typical story. I woke in the middle of a dream, a funny, completely non-erotic dream, and began laughing in our room. Nella moaned softly, bothered by my laughter, and pushed me out of the bed. As I was getting up and putting my boxers on, she murmured, ‘Enjoy Eleanor, my dear.’ I turned around to look at her but all I saw was a receding smile. She was falling asleep...

1 year ago
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GreeniesChapter 18A

Martian wastelands — 12 kilometers west of Eden September 1, 2146 The latest artillery bombardment came raining down across the area, shells bursting just above the ground sending shrapnel into anyone unfortunate enough to be underneath and unprotected. Callahan was jerked awake once more as he felt the ground quake beneath him, as he felt the concussions hammer into him. He checked his time display and saw it had been less than fifteen minutes since he'd gone unconscious. That was typical....

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Small WorldChapter 2

Later that night I ran over in my mind the events of that day and I wondered just what was going to happen the following weekend. The following morning I called into work early and left a message with night security that I would be late in the office that day. I had decided to have breakfast with Clinton and Gina and I studied the couple carefully whilst we ate. Then I saw them off in their car to wherever they were going next. I was in my room when the chambermaid came around. I was on...

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Second ChanceChapter 45

"Carl," it was the Judge. "We have a bit of new news. It seems the stock of yours is about to split, five for two, because of favorable conditions made possible by your cash infusion and the quick progress toward completion and delivery. Since you own all preferred stock, and the terms of your temporary stock swap, you get paid first. "This is where it gets a bit complicated," and he explained the intricacies of extraordinary stock manipulations, the inner workings of the SEC, and the...

1 year ago
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New places new faces pt 4

Enjoy! _________________________________________________________________________ 5 AM. Once again, the day had a crappy start. Edward was tired, very tired. His muscles were sore, he felt hungry and angry and overall horrible. Still, he forced himself out of bed, changed into his exercise gear which consisted of a tee, his gray hoodie, track pants and running shoes with high socks, to keep his calves warm. He sneaked his way downstairs and outside, going on a run in an empty fuel...

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Business Trip

I had been gazing lovingly at my muscle-bound stepfather for weeks, fires of jealousy and passion sparking in my blood every time he caressed my curvy mother. I knew I could give him more than her, and every time I saw him, my pussy burned with an inexhaustible desire. How many times I had fucked myself late at night thinking about what he could do to me, I’m not sure. This weekend was going to be especially naughty. My mom was leaving on a business trip for 3 days. I was slinking around the...

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Has This Ever Happened To You

Has this ever happened to you? There is a woman who works with you, the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, more beautiful than any actress you have lusted over on the silver screen, and you cannot get her out of her mind. Yet, whenever you think about approaching her, introducing yourself and asking her out, your pulse quickens, your knees weaken, your hands sweat, and your stomach sours with the thought of rejection. Every day, you imagine asking her out to eat, to go dancing, and to...

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Fucked to a neighbour8217s aunty

I am a great fan of desi stories given in the section and got the interest to share mine experience also which i experienced some 6 months ago. These are the stories which made me get the aunty to fulfil my thrust of cunt. I hope you will enjoy this true experience. I am a middle class boy with the fair body. I have not given my name for some reason and also not given a name of the aunty involved in this story for some reason. In our neighbourhood there was one family of 3 members use to live....

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Invocation By Irene Lew It was Friday night. I practically whistled all the way home. I shucked my shoes and went to the studio. At last I was ready to put my plan into action. I was afraid, for I knew that, however prepared, it would be risky - but I was excited as well. There was a large open space in the middle of the wood floor. I got out the powdered moonbeams and the calligraphy brush, and drew a large circle in the center - just a single line - and a smaller one to...

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