scotts taliors
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Scott felt a slight nudge and a licking sensation on his face. He awoke to see Heinz staring down at him, panting and wagging his tail. Kosey eyed the wedded trio before him. The bedsheet barely covered them, four breasts greeting the rising sun. He nudged Jenny and Sula awake.
“Scott, Scott, my Son, we must go. We have much work to do! I brought you your shoes and socks. You’re lucky Heinz didn’t chew your shoes to pieces,” he joked.
Scott put his hand inside his shoe, confirming the flash drive was still there.
“We must go!” Kosey repeated, unfolding the newspaper in his hands. He held it out for him to see the front page.
“National Police Continue Hunt for Killer Couple,” the headline read in bold letters, their photos displayed below the print.
“They used my passport photo!” Scott said.
“And my school identification picture,” Jenny confirmed.
He showed the paper to Sula, and they quickly got dressed. “You are husband and wives now?” Kosey asked of his daughter.
“Yes, we are Papa, we have consummated our wedding vows,” she smiled shyly.
“Excellent, my son!” He smiled.
“I must know for certain, tell me the truth, my new son. Is all of this true?” Kosey asked, handing the paper to Scott. He quickly read the article, with Jenny and Sula looking over his shoulder. “I’m positive of my convictions, but I must ask you point blank, are you the ones who killed the policeman, Uatu Iabie?”
“Yes, we are,” Scott finally confessed. “It says here we shot and killed him. I haven’t even fired my gun yet.”
“Is there any article about a car and truck accident?” Jenny wondered.
“Yes on another page. A man was burnt beyond recognition when his car ran a red light and was struck broadside by a truck tractor-trailer. The police say he died instantly.”
“We didn’t shoot him. This Policeman, Iabie, was the driver of that car. He was shooting his gun at us and didn’t stop in time for the intersection. It was his car that was hit by the truck. That’s how he died. We didn’t shoot him,” Scott explained.
“And we didn’t shoot and kill the other man, Oscar Gautier, either. He may be from Belgium, but he certainly was no tourist,” Jenny supported.
“We must get to my home city of Accra, in Ghana. It is vital that we do so. We cannot tell you who, except that a man’s life is in very grave danger. We will tell you all the reasons very soon,” Jenny said.
Kosey held out his right hand. Scott accepted the handshake. “That is another one of the thousand handshakes I owe you for honouring my brother’s death. I’m sure many more people will offer you their hand also, once that have been told the truth.”
“What do we do now?” Jenny wondered, her short jacket barely covering her breasts.
“I have your car ready. Hopefully, it will fool the police and the Ivory Coast guards at the border as well. Come, you must eat and be on your way quickly. I will explain what to do at the border.”
Kosey drove the trio to his home and parked from the view of the street. “Behold your car!” He showed off.
Scott looked wide-eyed at the altered condition of the Mercedes, “How did you paint it black so fast?”
“Spray paint and a roller brush,” he boasted. “I have friends who do me honest favours and don’t ask why. I even got you a Ghanaian licence plate,” he said, pointing to the rear bumper.
Scott had to silently laugh at the feeble yet honest attempt to disguise the Mercedes. The executives at Mercedes would cry if they saw the amateurish paint job done to it. However, it was better than no disguise at all. Will this be enough to fool the police and border guards?
Scott touched the two dents in the driver’s door sill caused by the bullets Iabie fired from his gun. The black paint was still sticky to the touch.
“I’m sure this will trick the police and border guards. Kosey, my new father, I owe you and your friend’s many thanks,” he said, offering his hand.
Kosey took Scott’s right hand in his. “I feel so moved. That is the first time you have called, Father. It brings a tear to my eye. And you are already adopting our style of the English.”
“I apologize for not saying it sooner. You have a strong hand,” Scott noted of his firm grip.
“Many years a fisherman keeps me in good health,” Kosey flashed a brilliant white smile. “I look forward to our next meeting, my new son. I have a strong feeling you and I will get along famously,” Kosey offered, tightly gripping his shoulder.
“I will address you as you like. In the western world, a wife’s father is usually called Dad, by the son-in-law. I can call you Father, or Dad or Papa. I will honour your family as if you are my own flesh and blood!” Scott stated.
“Thanks to Heinz, Sula has chosen her husband wisely.”
“Thank you, Scott my husband. You have made me so proud of you!” Sula smiled, kissing his cheek.
“It is supposed to rain soon today and that will help to make the new paint look dirty. But be careful of the roads. Too much rain and you’ll become mired in mud,” Kosey cautioned.
Jenny and Sula took a shower together and helped to pack Sula’s belongings.
Kosey gave his instructions to his new family. “Your car is now a rental car from the Accra airport,” Kosey began.
He showed Scott the car documents. He gave them their new passports, Scott’s yellow fever, and cholera vaccinations cards. “Notice your passport has been stamped to show you arrived in Ghana from the USA. You have been travelling through the Ivory Coast to Liberia on the northern highway. Now you are returning to Ghana by the southern highway.”
“Very thoughtful, Father,” Scott smiled.
“I think I’d prefer Dad, Papa, or Kosey. Father sounds too formal for us.”
“Scott, you are now a businessman from Detroit Michigan who is in the Transport industry. You are doing the ground work for trade mission agreed upon by the heads of state for the USA and Western Africa. Jenny is your guide from the Ghanaian government while in Africa, and also happens to be Sula’s Aunt. Sula will be Jenny’s niece who is being treated to a rock concert holiday in Abidjan and Accra to see the European band, ‘The Numbskulls,’ for graduating high school.”
“You will also need Sula, as she will be your interpreter in French while driving through the Ivory Coast.”
“I can’t put her life in danger for Jenny and me,” Scott reasoned.
“You will need me to translate for you and to help keep you both safe. We are now husband and wife, and my place is with you regardless of the danger,” Sula contributed, hugging him.
“She’s right, the borders haven’t been very safe recently and any slip up will raise the border guards’ suspicions very easily,” Jenny reasoned.
“And I do have to agree, as much as Sula is my eldest daughter, she is now your wife and her place is with you,” Ariana consented.
Ariana and Miata had loaded the Mercedes trunk and showed them it held three suitcases with all of Sula’s clothes, a golf bag and clubs for Scott’s pleasure time.
They packed extra food and drink for the trip. Scott checked that both nine millimetre guns were still alright and placed them in the armrest. He touched his sock just to make sure Oscar’s flash drive was still there.
“I trust the wine was helpful last night?” Kosey asked, showing Scott the wine.
“Yes, very helpful,” he smiled. “Maybe I should be taking a Viagra. But I can’t keep taking those every time I need to satisfy my wives.”
“Ahh, that is what the wine is for. I hid ten bottles in the trunk for future enjoyment,” he smiled, patting Scott’s shoulder.
“Here is the recipe to make your own wine to help you keep your wives and you very happy. I hope you are able to find all the ingredients where ever you may live. If not, I will mail them to you,” he smiled, patting his back. “And you are right about your guns not recently being fired. I didn’t want our little children to find your guns and play with them.”
Ariana and Miata were concerned about the girl’s clothing. “If you girls are going to wear your clothes brief like that, you should cover up at the border. Many men do not accept the western style of dress for African women,” Ariana said. She gave Sula and Jenny a multicoloured robe to hide their mini shirts and brief tops. “Scott, your journey may be a dangerous one despite the National Police searching for you and Jenny.”
“Unfortunately, corruption runs deep in West Africa. Be expected to pay a bribe to enter the Ivory Coast and into Ghana. The police can stop you for any reason and say you were speeding and demand money,” Kosey told him.
“And what happens if I don’t pay?”
“You will not go any further. The border guards can make you wait five, ten, fifteen hours, it makes no difference to them.”
“How much should I pay?”
“If you are stopped on the road, pay ten American dollars, at the borders, twenty dollars.”
Scott took Kosey aside. “I don’t know how to go about this custom of a dowry for Sula’s hand in marriage. I pledge to you that I will love her and treat her with respect.”
“And you will honour me with many grandchildren?” He kidded.
“Under different circumstances, I’d honour you for Sula’s hand with a gift other than money. I didn’t know how much to offer and I hope I haven’t disrespected you, Ariana, or Sula,” he explained, handing him a small folded stack of money.
Kosey fanned out the money, counting its total. “Your gratitude is far greater than I ever expected. You have honoured Sula very much. It would take me close to a year to earn this much money. My fishing boat is very old, and badly needs repairs. This will help, thank you.”
Kosey appreciated the 1,000 dollars, shaking his hand and hugging him. Scott, Jenny, and Sula said their goodbyes and began their 250-mile journey to Abidjan. Sula mentioned the Ivory Coast measures distance in metric, and it will equal 420 kilometres.
In Canada or the USA, that far a distance would only be about a five-hour drive. Here, Scott expected it to take at least eight to twelve hours. That’s if they even make it that far. He checked the two guns and extra mags for each.
The group discussed the use of Sula’s cell phone. “I doubt that the police could connect us to your family, but I don’t want to take any chances. These people are very determined to find us and we’ve already put your family in more danger than should be,” Scott said.
“There must be another way to keep in contact so we know you’re safe?” Ariana asked.
“If you can find a pay phone, we can use that. They can track the use of a cell phone and not a land line phone,” Scott mentioned.
“That is a very good suggestion, my son, and Sula when you call, we won’t answer. You can leave a short message in some sort of code that you are safe.”
“Yes I will, Papa.”
They began the next portion of their perilous journey. The road to the border was the same as the trip had been for Scott and Jenny. There was no scenery except for treed forests lining both sides of the road. It was as if the forest had been sliced open with a knife, and a long brown brush had painted a line of pavement and dirt road. The Mercedes air-conditioning worked well in the hot, humid air.
Scott would glance at the side profile of Jenny sitting beside him. She truly is a beauty to behold. She’d smile at him and grip his right hand in appreciation. He adjusted the interior rearview mirror enabling him to gaze at his gorgeous young bride, Sula. She’d see him in the mirror and flash a brilliant smile at him.
“Just because we’re travelling doesn’t mean we can’t have any fun,” Sula said, boldly stripping off her top.” She caressed her breasts seductively to Scott’s reflection in the mirror.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Jenny smiled, removing her vest top.
“How am I supposed to drive and not look at two beautiful pairs of breasts?” He joked.
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to keep our nipples hard,” Sula hinted. Scott did his best to fondle Jenny’s tits and maintain control of the Mercedes on the bumpy dirt road.
“I sure hope we can find a topless beach to swim at,” he envisioned.
“Or better yet, a nude beach so we can make the other women jealous of our husband’s wonderful sized cock,” Sula added.
Thirty minutes on, they drove through a brief, heavy downpour, which shaded the lower half of the Mercedes’s black paint to a reddish-brown.
“Look at the size of the logs those tractor-trailers are hauling!” Scott would exclaim several times. The truck drivers gave him no margin for error, barely missing their car going in the opposite direction.
The increase in truck traffic would also mean the road should be in decent condition to travel on, he hoped. A makeshift collection of hundreds of white tents was Scott’s first glimpse of a refugee camp. The stench from the smoke-filled air was unbearable.
“Don’t stop or put down your window, or else we will be swarmed. Women have been known to hand their babies through an open vehicle window and run away,” Sula warned. As they drove on, she gazed sadly through the rear window at the dozens of young refugee children and teenagers, some naked, trying to beg and sell them worthless trinkets. “I feel so fortunate to have the life I had before and have now with my husband and wife.” The dusty road, becoming a brown fog behind them, swallowing up the children.
“And speaking of babies, I should ask you both, are you on any kind of birth control or am I to become a father sooner than expected?”
“I am. I have an implant in my arm instead of having to take a pill every day,” Sula said.
“And I have the same also,” Jenny added.
“I’ve never heard of an arm implant for birth control before,” he said.
“It is expensive about 150 dollars, but the government helps to pay the cost. The ingredients will last three to four years. You cannot always rely on the pharmacy having a good supply of birth control pills on hand,” Jenny mentioned.
“And at the height of passion, it is difficult to make a boy place a condom over his cock,” Sula smiled.
Scott and Jenny looked at her. “I read about it in a Cosmo article,” she justified, and they laughed.
“My government pays a lot of the costs to cut down on unwanted pregnancies in young girls. Most of the girls I know are either married or have a young baby. Thankfully my parents took this subject seriously, and I had one implanted for my last birthday.”
“That is good to know. We will have a family some day, but we must get our lives settled out first,” he said.
“Jenny, I must commend you for not having any babies at your age,” Sula praised.
“Up until now, I haven’t found the right man to father my babies,” she smiled, gripping Dan’s right hand.
“Until the time arrives for us to start our families, we can have a lot of fun practising to make babies,” Sula kidded, flashing an equally bright smile as Jenny’s.
Twenty kilometres away from Harper. “We must be getting close to the border. There’s more vehicle traffic on the road,” he commented. “Oh shit!!” He exclaimed moments later, readjusting the rearview mirror. “Don’t look back, but there’s a National Police car behind us!”
Scott’s heart rate immediately increased as Sula and Jenny scrambled to put their tops on. He concentrated on the policeman in his mirror to see his actions. “How long had he been following us? Does he know who he has been following? Take the gun out of the armrest, please,” he asked Jenny.
Sula’s eyes widened with concern as Jenny handed the black and grey gun to him. While still moving, he cocked the action and left the safety off. He placed it in the door’s side pocket.
Suddenly the blue lights came on, the siren wailing, “Eee ... err ... eee ... err.”
“Scott, Scott, what do we do?!” Jenny screamed, looking back at the policeman.
Sula looked back also, now realizing this wasn’t a movie but real life. “There’s two of them!” She said.
“I sure as hell don’t want to shoot them, but I will if I have to! Maybe he’s just stopping us for a bribe.” He gripped the butt of the gun in his left hand and reluctantly slowed to the right edge of the road.
The police car pulled up alongside them, and the passenger looked at Scott. He could see the barrel and muzzle of an AK 47 sticking up above the window frame. There was a collective sigh of relief as the policemen continued to their emergency.
“That was way too close!” Scott exhaled. They all sighed in combined relief, watching the police car disappear ahead of them.
The music from Sula’s CD by the Numbskulls drowned out the commotion that was taking place ahead of them. The traffic had slowed to a crawl with many blue flashing lights and a cloud of dust. A tractor-trailer rig had jackknifed and wrecked into the ditch. The National Policemen that had passed them were with two Ivory Coast border guards. The vehicle traffic had slowed to look at the wreck and ushered to continue. Then Scott noticed the bullet-riddled driver’s door and windshield of the tractor-trailer.
The car in front of them stopped causing Scott to do also. They watched as one border guard cautiously opened the driver’s door. Jenny and Sula gasped wide-eyed and shrieked, covering their mouths. They saw the driver’s lifeless body fall like a rag doll, six feet to the ground. The guard kicked the man’s head hard and aimed his weapon at him. One of the National Police appeared with a passenger from the truck. The man had his hands in the air and ordered onto his knees.
The National Policeman put his right foot between the man’s shoulder blades pushing him face first to the dirt. The other border guard joined him, and they both trained their AK 47s on him. The guard who had opened the driver’s door hurried to Scott’s car.
“Continuez sur votre chemin, cette activité ne se préoccupe pas de la vôtre,” he growled, motioning with his AK 47.
“He said, keep going on your way, this business is no concern of yours,” Sula translated.
Scott moved on quickly, gazing at the scene in the rearview mirror. “Sula, turn around!” He said sternly, seeing her looking out the rear window.
He looked again, watching the gunmen move closer to the man on the ground. He knew what was likely going to happen.
“Sula, turn around, please! You don’t want to see that!” He stated again. She turned, facing forward, and a moment later, they heard a short burst of gunfire from two AK47s.
“They didn’t kill him, did they?” She worried, resisting the urge to look.
“I’m not sure. Maybe they just wanted to scare him and fired into the dirt besdie him,” Scott lied. Sula was far too precious to him for her to witness a murder.
“I’ve seen far too much sadness, pain, and misery in my young life,” she lamented.
“We’ll never know why they shot the driver. Maybe they were drug runners or enemy rebels. I’m sure they shot the driver dead while the truck was still moving, causing it to wreck. When countries are consumed with hatred and lawlessness, the value of a human life has little or no meaning to the cold-blooded. When you are staring down the barrel of a gun, is not the time to debate the person’s political stand or his morals,” he cautioned.
“Holy shit, if that border guard had only known the National Police are looking for us!” Jenny stated.
“Maybe the trailer was more valuable to them than just us in an ordinary car.”
Five miles on they approached the Ivory Coast border. “Vous êtes sur le point d’entrer dans le pays de la Côte d’Ivoire. Veuillez avoir votre passeport et visa prêt pour inspection, merci. Tous les véhicules sont soumis à inspection douanière,”
“You are about to enter the country of the Ivory Coast. Please have your passports and travel visas ready for inspection, thank you. All vehicles are subject to customs inspection.” The weather-beaten sign announced.
Scott made sure his moustache and eyeglasses were properly on and lowered the wide brim of his hat. Jenny adjusted her wig and robe. “I’ll do the talking if the Customs Guard doesn’t know English too well,” Sula reassured them. The guard directed Scott to a line for cars only.
“Watch for any National Police,” Scott warned.
“I don’t see any,” Jenny observed, looking around.
They nervously waited for their turn. Scott noted the Ivory Coast guards were all military dressed in khaki green fatigues, and their favourite weapon, the AK 47, was slung across this one’s chest. Scott fretted about where to hide the gun and placed the road map over it. His little gun would be no match for an AK 47. He was hand motioned to stop as another guard walked a dog around the Mercedes.
“Passeports veuillez, Passports please,” he asked. Scott, Jenny, and Sula passed theirs to him. He gazed over each passport then eyed the owner.
“Quelle est votre activité de la Côte d’Ivoire,”
“He wants to know what your business is in the Ivory Coast,” Sula translated.
“I’m David Clarke from Detroit Michigan, USA. I’m travelling the West African countries of Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Liberia to follow up on trade agreements with the United States for the purchase of road construction equipment.”
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I woke up again when the lights came back on. ‘Wakey Wakey” she said. I must have passed out again sometime during my night of **** from that machine. “Did you two have a good time?” she asked. As she went around to the fuck machine to check it she said, “Oh my yes you did. You two had sex six times last night. Naughty Naughty. Did you get enough to eat Scott? I bet you did. Well I will leave that in place for a moment and check on my other experiments.” She moved around to under the table...
It was about 7pm when I headed back over to Vern's. He had ordered a couple of pizzas for dinner then we ended up sitting on the couch getting ready for the movie. Vern was only wearing a pair of shorts that accented his bulge nicely and an button up short sleeve shirt that was left completely unbuttoned exposing his massive hairy chest. I was wearing just a tank top and soccer shorts without any underwear. He complimented me on the nice tan I had and offered to rub more lotion on my back...
Holly’s belly filled with a thousand fluttering butterflies as she waited for him on a brick wall outside of her house. Her legs dangling over the edge, she wasn’t quite sure why she was so nervous about his arrival. They had met before. But under different circumstances, they were in public constantly. But this time they’d be all alone in a Las Vegas hotel room. She waited only a few minutes before he pulled up. She stood up, tucking a strand of her dark blonde hair behind her ear. Her full,...
The sounds of the soft snores of the kids as they sleep in the tent are intertwined with the sounds of crickets chirping and the faint cry of a loon as the sun slowly and reluctantly gives off it’s last bit of light as it disappears behind the horizon. We have our arms around each other as we sit on the beach beside a fire, warm, happy and very content after a full day of fun with each other and our kids. As we sit on the old familiar gray blanket, we look up at the stars, millions of them, as...
I knelt down next to Mama in the bath and ran a scrunchie across her shoulders. Her head was back against the little purple pillow, one of those that suctions onto the side of the tub. I bought it for her from Wal-Mart. She had a scented towel across her eyes and her breaths came in slow and rhythmic succession so I knew she was asleep. I moved the scrunchie across the front of her chest and watched the water and soap flow down over the vast expanse of soft flesh. I dipped the little plastic...
Prom. The last night of this life. Scott was on the dancefloor, particularly handsome tonight. The grey suit he was wearing made him look older and wiser. But he was also very, very drunk, dancing with a friend of ours, a beautiful girl who, unfortunately, had a terrible reputation. I saw their bodies get closer, his crotch rubbing against hers. As usual, he got hard very fast. I laughed to myself. Will he ever change? I hope not. I have known Scott all my life. We were neighbours, best...
I opened his robe which exposed his muscular tanned body and his thick piece of meat. I leaned forward and started kissing his chest then worked my way to his cock. I knelt down to get comfortable and lightly licked the tip of his cock. He liked it because he became fully erect. I started sucking on his dick and I was in heaven. He already had pre cum coming out which tasted so good. He was moaning and saying "I'm going to explode ". I stopped sucking and said "not yet ". I then stood up and...
I was alone at the carnival one night. My date wasn’t feeling to good but she said I want u to go have a good time. Before I left I made her chicken noodle soup and made sure her sister kept an eye on her for me. I was only slightly interested in riding the rides althrough I got my use out of that damn 20 buck all day ride pass I was more lookin for friends I havent talked to in over a year. I did end up finding a few we rode some rides. Pussies got sick and went home leaving me alone...
Scott Free by Catholic Girl Synopsis: Prick teasers come and go but these gals go overthe top! (M/f, F/m, spanking, BDSM, real, reluctant, serious) Chapter 1 Carly and Cindy We attracted a lot of attention in clubs. We lived to go clubbing as oftenas possible. It was a poultice for the ego. Houston had an over abundance ofmen and very few women. The rumored statistics were ten men to every woman.An ugly girl could get lucky every night of the week! With odds like that,we could pick and...
“You sure that’s just a seventeen year old cock?” Mrs. Blissitt said. “Less there’s somethin’ my Mama ain’t told me.” I said. “That’s enough cock for a man twice your age. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that big and that thick. God, when did this happen? Wish I had known about this when you was younger.” “Mrs. Blissitt!” “Call me Suzzanne.” Mrs. Blissitt looked at me like I was some kinda new toy and she was just seein’ me for the first time ever. Honestly I was pretty much in shock. But then...
My last patient of the day needed a check-up after a minor operation. I was running late so I’m the last one at the outpatient clinic, the rest of the staff had already left for the day. “Wow, this is a very nice young stud,” I thought, as soon as I saw him. I invited him to come with me to the examination room. He had dark hair, brown eyes, was a little muscular, not too tall and an aura which made me at the least, very curious. As soon as we were in the examination room, I locked the door....
My surreal life continues to evolve. I am still at the HO ranch. I was born a male but years ago underwent radical surgery to become a female. A female “what” is difficult to define. I have huge breasts that are still being milked, but not as often as before. I have female reproductive organs, but not like a human. I am bred to bulls and have given birth to so far seven calves. I have accepted my life here and by doing so I have been given more and more freedom. I originally was only kept in my...
The vet would examine me occasionally usually while I was strapped in my milking rack. He would shove a thermometer up my ass and then put a vinyl glove on that went up past his elbow. He would lube it up then insert his whole arm into my vagina. He would feel around in there and then withdraw and squeeze my breasts some. He seemed satisfied with my progress and would leave without saying a word. As the months went by and I got bigger and bigger it was more difficult to make the journey over to...
I forgot to mention that it was Vern's 70th birthday the next day.I called him the next morning to thank him for the wonderful gift and to see if he had any which he did not. I dreamt of him all night and couldn't kwait to see him again. I asked if he wanted to go to a nice place for dinner that night to celebrate my treat. Of course he said yes. I arrived at his house around 7pm. He was already ready and looked so handsome and smelled terrific . I told him I'd have to fight the ladies off with...
We sat together and talked while he caressed my back. I asked him when he felt an attraction for me and he told me that he always thought I was cute and the day he caught me pleasing his grandson threw him over the edge. He also confessed to jerking off that night thinking of me. I confessed as well that I'd stare at his crotch when he'd wear his speedo and he said "I know ". It was getting late and I really had to get going so I got dressed and headed for the door. He said "hold on for a...
So I laid face down on the chair with my towel still wrapped around me. He pulled up a chair next to me so he'd be comfortable. He was wearing just a towel too and the position I was laying I could get a clear view of his cock. I immediately felt an erection coming on. He applied the lotion and started working around my neck. It felt so good. He worked on there and my back for ten minutes before he moved down to my calves. I remarked, " this is how a massage feels? I never knew what I've been...
Yesterday was the craziest day I ever had. My computer was on the fritz. My husband owns his own company and sent a technical guy over to look at it. I was feeling horny and wanting to have sex and figured, when he came to look at it, I'd approach him for sex. My husband doesn’t care if I have sex with people. But, later I had even a bigger surprise. I'll go over all the details of what happened yesterday. I was just waiting around for my husband’s technical guy to come over. I was hoping my...
Group SexMera naam amit hai mai 30 year old 5,11′ sarir gathila, good looking thik thak hu. Ye baat us samay ki hai jab mai Raipur me rahakar sales cmpany me job kar raha tha padhai kar raha. Mai ISS ki story 7 saal se padh raha hu socha ki aaj mai bhi apni life ki ek real story bata karata hu kaisi lagi send me your response by mail. Story puri padhe kyoki ye meri 1 saal ke time ki story hai. Waise bhi chattisgarh se yaha per bahut kam story post hoti hai.Ye story aap logo ko kaisi lagi please send me...
Chapter Eleven – Teasing Evening, Binding Pleasure November came quickly. It was cooling down quite a bit outside even if it was heating up inside. Jon and my love life were growing stronger every day. It was Jon’s idea to have a real date. We had been having so much fun of late that we had forgotten, at least for the moment the art of romance. Jon asked me if I was interested in dinner out at a nice cozy restaurant and then maybe a little dancing at a local bar/café where it was known that...
It was an early summer evening. I had been out with some friendsfor a late dinner when suddenly one of them became ill. So ourplans fell through and I returned home earlier than expected.As I entered the front door, I noticed that the TV in the den wason. The den is accessible from the hall via an open door and fromthe kitchen via a swinging door. A shuttered "window" also lookedin on it from the kitchen. It was originally supposed to be adining room, but with k**s formal dining rooms are...
I met my friend Lesley during the first two weeks of working at Temptations. We were dancing on the same shift and I noticed the first few days I was there that the guys went wild whenever Lesley walked out on stage. She’s a slender, sexy girl with long, dark hair and small, hard nipples that drive the audience crazy. And her eyes…when Lesley stares at me with those beautiful eyes, I can almost feel her tongue burrowing up my pussy…but I’m getting ahead of...
Meeting her MistressChapter 1PreludeAs the months, then years came and went since my youngest daughter left us to go live with my ex-Master in England, the rest of us continued on with life. I worried about my daughter in England, my mom came down with Parkinson’s Disease, and my dad Alzheimer. Working full-time and trying to take care of two aging parents was becoming all-encompassing. I found myself longing for the old days when i was married with a career. My dad was forgetting who he was or...
It’s the night of my forty-sixth birthday, and I’m at the bar. Edwin let me off work early today so that I could celebrate. He’s a good guy, Edwin is. He gave me the job at the motel as his maintenance guy, and as part of my pay he lets me live in one of the trailers on his property. His daughter is living in the other one, the one right in front of mine, so I know he must have some trust in me. And I know that’s not easy, being as how I had just gotten out of prison before I answered his ad. ...
Scarlett Travis silently cursed her horrible timing as she arrived at Horseneck beach, immediatly spotting her ex-boyfriend, Randy, and his gang of douchebags, Phil, Eric, and Zack. Scarlett had kicked Randy out of her life after she had caught the bastard with another girl in her own bed fucking the slut. He didn't even have the decency to apologize to her! Scarlett quickly started moving in the opposite direction, looking for anyone she knew from work to escape him. In the...
Wendy Harrison grew up just like her two big brothers, both in stature and in looks. Like her big brothers, she was almost two metres tall, with a solid build, and she looked very much like how her brothers looked. Fair to say, that's not pretty, with short mousey brown hair that kind of gave her a nondescript look. Wendy found getting work difficult after leaving high school with an average set of grades. She spent several months job hunting and had short stays at a few places, but that lead...
ToysThe Amazing Mrs Jordache by Bi-Bill (London UK)________________________________________________________________________________The Amazing Mrs JordacheMy interest in CP began when I was a very young girl and it was all down to the Amazing Mrs Jordache. Since that time over ten years ago now, I myself have practiced CP on my own c***dren and I find it a great deterrent to misbehaviour as well a great builder of moral strength and character.When I was very young two friends of mine, who were...
Hello, everyone. This is my real sex story. My name is Ali 32 years old with a 6 feet height and a good dick size. I am a professional living in Dubai for more than 10 years now. In these 10 years, I have enjoyed the best of night life in Dubai. This is my First Sex Story in Indian Sex Stories, please send your feedback if you like or if any female wants to contact me in UAE, can contact on the same email The Stories I will be sharing will be based on true experiences may not be too much...
Now I was not gay, in fact the whole idea of being gay made me sick, and it wasnt untill Tom that I changed my mind, Me and Tom spent a lot of time together as we slept in the same tent, and in the night he would often rub up against me in his sleep, he was onyl 12 and he was asleep so I thought nothing of it, but seeing as we were both wearing nothing but underwear I was aware that for a boy his age he was pretty large down there, as I would soon discover. as when I turned over in the...
Cumlouder’s team will never forget this scene. For several reasons, but we’ll only tell you the most important one: Alexa Nasha showed off her generosity and introduced us to her friend Mey Madness, who decided to debut in porn together with her and Rob Diesel, her favorite performer. The threesome ended to be a fantastic scene, intense, full of three-way complicity and vice. Push the play button and enjoy, because we’re pretty much sure you won’t remain indifferent to...
xmoviesforyouMay was sixty and her stud was just twenty five. He had a strong sex drive and constantly had his cock or fingers in the her mouth, cunt or ass. He was nine inches long and very thick. He was the third young man she had brought into her house for sex. His job was to keep her fucked and that was all. She paid for all for him. She had big tits that sagged a little at her age but she still looked quite good. This morning she was in the kitchen and he came in naked and got behind her and began...
Harry had puzzled for over two months on how to get the clue from the egg and now thanks to Cedric he was in the Prefects bathroom listening to it under the water. He lifted his head up out of the water and the first thing he noticed as his head cleared the foam was the sulphurous female swearing coming from behind him. He spun round and came face to face, except for the difference in height as she was on the bath side by the wall and he was in the water, with a very naked Pansy who had her...
I wake to my head pounding horribly, making me moan. Eyes still closed, I suddenly realize my shoulders feel achey from the way my arms are pinned above my head- Pinned? I try to jerk my arms down to no avial as metal bites into my wrists, bruising. My eyes snap open but all is still dark and panic starts to rise in my throat making me choke. Where am I? When did I even go to sleep? I panic. It's then I feel my nipples harden as a small chilly breeze brushes them and I realize that I am naked....
Hello, guys, my name is Ankit and I’m currently living in undri just half and hour from Pune but I belong to Jaipur Rajasthan and decently handsome with 5’10 height and about the life of this story her name is mamta she is in her early 30’s nice round boobs and a killing figure. That’s enough of the introduction now let’s get to the story which happened between me and the next door aunty, guys she is a hot women good height good stats everything was just perfect God has made her perfect in...
Ella decided to give the old care taker a treat before she went back to the city, as he always perved on her when she was sunbaking by the pool. this her account of what happened while i was at work. Ella made sure she was by the pool sun baking before Ted came to clean the pool.As Ted started cleaning Ella watch and waited till he was right in front of her until she put both feet either side of the deck chair on the pretense of adjusting her pillow thus exposing her naked smooth pussy to Ted....
Tim’s turn: My ex – Vicki’s mom – is in town, and in the interests of keeping things as civil between her and me for Vicki’s benefit, she’s staying with us. That little act in itself is a little poke in her eye. Our house is meticulously clean and organized, partly due to the efforts of me and Kim and Vicki, also due to a couple of ladies whom we’ve hired to provide domestic support for a community of busy people. Karen was a lackadaisical housekeeper at best. Seeing this – well, SHE was...
Peter woke up at nine in the morning when his sixteen year old sister in law brought him a cup of coffee. He had an erection brought on probably by the need to urinate that tented the bed sheet and the girl put her hand over it. "I guess I didn't take care of you Bro. Or is it just your natural pedophilia at the sight of an underage girl?" The man blushed with shame and embarrassment as he looked at the scantily clay girl. "Th... that's not it," he stammered and then realized he...