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Jason sat in Control Room B when Jake entered. “Afternoon, Jason,” he said. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been better, frankly,” Jason replied.

“Anything you’d care to discuss?”

“No -- I’ll be fine.”

“Here’s the rundown for tonight’s news. For the lead story, we’re using outtakes from an interview Rob did this morning with the new fire chief. Through a bit of ... radio magic ... I’m going to over-dub Rob’s questions. To make sure it sounds natural, I’d like to run through it on tape, rather than have you assemble it at air time.”

“Got it.”

“Here’s the script so you can follow along. Rob’s questions are highlighted. Those are the ones you’re going to need to cut out.”

Jake stepped into the announcer’s booth and slipped on a pair of headphones. Jason queued the audio segment and pressed Record on the digital recorder. “Rolling,” he said into talkback.

Jake read the question. “CUT!” he exclaimed.

Jason pressed the Stop button on the recorder.” What?”

“Jason -- you’re supposed to cut out the highlighted dialogue.”

“Shit. I thought I was supposed to play the highlighted lines. Okay -- Take two.” Jason switched playback to Audition while Jake read the question. Then, he flipped the switch to Line for the fire chief’s reply. This he repeated until the interview was concluded.

“Cut,” he said into talkback.

“That felt like a good take,” Jake said. “Play it back.”

“Crap -- I forgot to press Record. Sorry, Jake.”

Jake stepped from the announcer’s booth and confronted Jason. “What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you so scattered, Jason. You’re one of our best engineers.”

“I’m kinda distracted, I guess. My mom passed away this weekend.”

“What? Your mom died?”


“Was it expected?”

Jason shook his head. “It came out of the blue. She had an epidural hematoma ... brain bleed. An artery in her brain ruptured.”

“My God!” Jake replied. “You have my deepest condolences. Jason -- you shouldn’t be here. You should be with your family.”

“My family is three hours away. My sister is taking care of the funeral arrangements and her brother-in-law is dealing with the estate. I thought I could come here and it would take my mind off it.”

“Jason -- the station offers bereavement leave as a benefit. You need to take it.”

“But -- we don’t have coverage.”

“We’ll see about coverage.” Jake stormed out of the control room.

He returned shortly with Brian, the station’s chief engineer in tow. “Jason -- Jake tells me you lost your mother.”

“That’s right ... on Saturday they declared her brain dead.”

“When’s the funeral?”

“Thursday or Friday, depending on how the organ donation goes.”

“Jason -- I’m putting you on bereavement leave, effective immediately.”

“What about coverage?”

“You let me worry about coverage. I’ll cover for you personally if I have to. Take the whole week and we’ll see you next Monday. I don’t even want you thinking about the station until then. That’s an order.”

“Understood, Brian. Thanks.”

Jason headed out the rear entrance and drove to the condo. He let himself inside and sat on the sofa on an end cushion, propped his elbow on the arm and supported his head with his palm.

Twenty minutes elapsed. He heard the front door open. Aja stepped in wearing fuchsia scrubs. “What are you doing here?” she asked upon spotting him.

“They kicked me out of the station.”

“Jason! Does that mean you’re fired?”

“No -- I’m on compulsory bereavement leave for the whole week -- Brian’s orders.”

“Who’s Brian?”

“Brian Meeks -- he’s the station’s chief engineer.”

“Well, my opinion of that radio station just went up a notch. To hear you tell it, you’d need to schedule a death in the family a week in advance in order to arrange coverage. What happened?”

“I screwed up Jake’s news broadcast ... well, the pre-recording of it. Jake figured something was wrong and went to Brian about it.”

“So, what are you going to do? Sit there and sulk?” She sat beside him on the sofa. “Jason -- since you received that phone call from your sister, until now, I haven’t seen you shed a tear for your mother.”

He shook his head. “I did it all wrong. I was the one who left home and came here for college. I dropped out and started working for the station. I never went back home. Naomi is the one who went to a small, local nursing school. She didn’t drop out -- she earned her RN, works at a local hospital and she’s the one who was with Mom all along.” Tears began flowing down his face. “I never called enough or told her I loved her enough. Now it’s too late.”

“Hey,” Aja said and slipped her arm around him. “We all have regrets over things we think we should’ve done differently. From what Naomi said, your mother was proud of you for finding a career you’re passionate about.”

“It just makes it worse. I should’ve been the one to find her -- not Naomi. I should have been there for her.” He turned his face from her. “I don’t want you to see me like this ... I don’t want to be like this. I want my mom back.”

“I know what you’re going through. I understand the guilty feelings. I’ve been there.” Aja gently turned his face toward hers. “Jason -- don’t ever feel shy about showing your emotions to me. And, don’t keep them bottled up. You might explode.”

“Oh, Aja...” He threw his arms around her and began sobbing on her shoulder. His sobbing became wailing.

“That’s it,” she said. “Let it out, Jason. It’s cathartic.”

Jason sobbed, his shoulders shaking as Aja held him and caressed his hair. Gradually his weeping subsided. Aja kissed tears from his face and handed him a facial tissue. “Feeling better?” she asked.

He nodded. “It feels like a weight’s been lifted. I still feel guilt, though.”

“I had an albatross of guilt around my neck for years after my parents died. I was convinced what happened was my fault.”

“It wasn’t ... it couldn’t have been. You did everything right.”

“I know I did. Yet, the guilt still flashes on me now and then, out of the blue. You did everything right, too, Jason -- it’s natural and normal to leave home and strike out on your own. Your path led you here. You know I’m not a religious person, that I lost my faith in God after the accident. Nonetheless I can’t help wondering if there isn’t some plan for how the universe unfolds. Your path and mine crossed in the most unexpected way. Was it chance or was it part of a master plan? I don’t know.”

“I wish something could’ve been done to save her,” he said.

“With a bleeding event as massive as hers ... she could’ve been stricken in the ER waiting room and the chances she could’ve been saved would still have been very small. It was nobody’s fault, Jason. Most likely she had an undiagnosed aneurysm that’s time had come.”

“You’re right.”

“Use your time off to let all this sink in. You have a new reality, and you need time to adjust to it. Life does go on, Jason, and happiness will return. You and I both have much to contribute, yet.”

“Thanks for the pep talk. I might actually get some sleep tonight. Say -- what did you have planned for dinner?”

“The same as every night when you’re at the station -- heating up a frozen dinner.”

“There’s an Indian place not far from here -- within walking distance I believe. I’m in the mood for something spicy ... and I’m famished.”

“You haven’t eaten very well the past couple of days. Let me change out of my scrubs and we’ll take a stroll over there.”

“Yeah -- I’ll change out of this logo shirt ... and wash my face.”

Jason and Aja held hands as they strolled toward the restaurant. His cell signaled an incoming call. “It’s Naomi,” he said and sat on the bench of a bus stop.

Aja sat beside him. “Say hi for me.”

“Hi, Sis ... Really?” He looked up at Aja. “Naomi says the organ harvesting went well. There were waiting recipients who received her liver, both kidneys and her heart.”

“That’s wonderful,” Aja replied.

“She said it was all wrapped up this afternoon and Mom’s been turned over to the funeral home.” He spoke into the phone. “When’s the service? Thursday...”

“Ask her if she’d like me to sing,” Aja said.

“Aja is offering to sing at the service,” Jason said into the phone. “Oh, it’s no imposition. She has a beautiful voice...” He turned to Aja. “She wants to know what you’d be singing.”

“Tell her anything. If I don’t know it, I’ll learn it.”

“She says anything, Naomi.”

“What hymns did your mom like?” Aja asked.

“What would Mom have liked? ... Amazing Grace?”

“Jason -- I could sing Amazing Grace in my sleep!”

“Yeah, she knows Amazing Grace ... Okay, email me the tentative program. We’ll keep in touch. I love you, Naomi. Bye.” He canceled the call and looked into Aja’s eyes with his brimming. “Five people, Aja -- five people have new hope from Mom’s organs.”

“That means she lives on, in a way.”

“Knowing it helps ... helps me deal with it.”

They resumed their stroll toward the restaurant. “So, what’s the plan so far for the service?” she asked.

“They’ll do the cremation tomorrow. We’ll use the chapel at the funeral home as a venue. Mom was a member of the United Methodist church, but she rarely attended. She did become friendly with the pastor of the local Unitarian church. Naomi has contacted Betty Knaack...”

“She’s the pastor?”

“Correct. Betty would be happy to officiate -- say an opening prayer, give a little sermon, offer a benediction. The head of nursing at Memorial will deliver a eulogy. A few of the kids she and Dad fostered before I came on the scene have kept in touch with Mom and Naomi. A couple of them would like to say some words. Naomi is planning on saying something and she wants me to as well. I’m dreading that part of it, Aja. I am not a public speaker.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

“Naomi thinks wrapping it up with Amazing Grace and a benediction would be appropriate. After that there’ll be a receiving line where the survivors line up and greet the attendees. Of course, I want you with me in the receiving line.”

“Would that be appropriate?”

“As my fiancee, yes I think it is and Naomi agrees.” He gestured. “Restaurant is just up ahead.”

Jason and Aja stepped into the chapel at the funeral home. An urn sat on a cloth-covered table in front of a lectern with a microphone. To one side was a hand-held mic on a stand, and on the other was an easel with an enlarged portrait of Jason’s mother. Floral arrangements formed a backdrop. Rows of chairs were in place.

“Look,” Aja said, gesturing him to a large floral arrangement. “It’s from WNLX.”

“I’ll be...” He regarded the card in a plastic holder stuck into the floral foam. “Condolences ... signed by nearly everyone at the station.”

“You must be well-regarded there,” she replied.

“Better than I thought I was. I’m a little touched...”

He spotted his sister and she approached them. “The service starts in an hour,” Naomi said. “I spoke to Betty about keeping the theme of her address more on community and less on Faith.”

“Did she agree with that?”

“Yes, seeing as how this is a non-denominational service.” She handed him a program. “This has the rundown -- Betty says an opening prayer and gives her address. Then, Marcia Rader gives the eulogy.”

“She’s head of nursing?”

“Yes -- she’s my boss and Mom worked under her from the time Dad passed until she retired four years ago. Then, it’s Steve Green and Maggie DeShane -- those are the two Mom fostered who want to speak. Then, you’re up. When you’re done, I give my spiel, Aja sings Amazing Grace, Betty delivers a benediction and we go to the receiving line.”

“That sounds about what we discussed earlier,” he remarked.

“Is this the right place?” Jason heard a familiar voice. He turned and saw Phyllis approaching him, with Daymon following her and Oscar hobbling and leaning on his cane.

“Phyllis!” Jason exclaimed and embraced her. “Oscar ... Daymon ... You drove up here for the service?”

“We sure did,” Phyllis said.

“Naomi -- this is Aja’s immediate family -- her uncle Oscar, her aunt Phyllis and her cousin Daymon. Family -- this is Naomi Wilson, my sister.

“Pleased to meet you, Naomi,” Phyllis said. “We’ve heard so much about you. Jason has told us in such glowing terms.”

“Really? Jason -- I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“Where should we sit?” Jason asked.

“The first row on the right -- the chairs with the ribbon across the seats are reserved for those of us participating.

“Well, then, we’ll stake out one row behind,” Phyllis replied.

“There’s some time before we get started,” Naomi said. “I think there’s an urn of coffee and a plate of cookies set up in the lobby.”

“I’ll just sit here and take a load off,” said Oscar.

Phyllis approached Jason. “How you holdin’ up?” she asked him.

“Better,” he replied. “As Aja said, I have a new reality and I need to become accustomed to it.”

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” she said.

“Thanks. And, thanks for making the trip. I’m very touched.”

“You’re family, now, Jason. This is what we do for family.”

Jason embraced her. “Phyllis, I love you. I love you all.”

“We should take our seats,” Naomi said. “People are starting to file in.”

At the appointed time, Betty stood at the podium. The Unitarian pastor was a tall and wiry woman with short-cropped gray hair. Jason regarded another woman, shorter and stockier but about the same age, who had been sitting next to the pastor. He wondered if she might be Betty’s Lesbian partner.

Betty delivered an invocation and began a short sermon on life and death, pondering the meaning of eternity and emphasizing the rite of passage that all who are mortal must endure.

Next came the eulogy, delivered by Naomi’s current -- and, Jason’s mom’s former -- boss. She extolled on Jason’s mother’s sense of duty and capabilities as a nurse.

The two foster children, now grown adults, came next. Each spoke of his mother’s steady but loving resolve in fostering them.

Finally, it was Jason’s turn. He stepped to the podium and withdrew some index cards from his pocket. He started to speak, but tears filling his eyes blurred his vision. “My mom,” he started to say, but his emotions got the better of him. Pressing his hand to his eyes he said, “I’m sorry ... I can’t ... I’m sorry...”

He returned to his seat. Naomi stepped to the podium to deliver her address.

Phyllis stepped forward from her seat, sat beside him and put her arm around his shoulders. “I’m a failure,” he whispered.

“You’re not a failure,” Phyllis whispered in return. “You’re overcome. There’s no shame in that, Jason. I been overcome many times.”

Aja reached out to him. “Jason -- I can say some words in your behalf before my solo. I know what you intended to say -- we worked on it together. Is it okay if I use your words?”

“Fine,” he said. “Go ahead. Most folks know the story already.”

Naomi finished her comments and returned to her seat. Aja stepped forward and stood at the microphone on the stand. “I was asked to perform Amazing Grace,” she said to the congregation, “because it was Mildred Brown’s favorite hymn. I think it’s also a fitting tribute to Mildred, because it is a hymn of salvation, and salvation was Mildred’s stock in trade. I never met Mildred Brown, but I know her and love her though her son, Jason. In fact, before she was stricken, she planned to visit the home I share with Jason and I eagerly anticipated introducing myself as her future daughter-in-law. Sadly, that’s not to come to pass.”

Aja paused for a moment; then continued. “Jacob and Mildred Brown have a lovely daughter, Naomi. You heard her speak before me. Mildred loved Naomi unconditionally. But, Mildred had still more love in her heart and wished more than one child to love. When she learned she couldn’t bear another child, she turned to loving the children of strangers by becoming a foster mom. She and Jacob took in children in need of a temporary home, while their status was resolved, or while their natural parents dealt with issues. Some of those children have kept in touch with Mildred and her family. We heard from Steven and Maggie, who were fostered by Mildred and Jacob.”

Aja looked toward Jason and he nodded. “Twenty-three years ago,” she continued, “a child came to Mildred Brown who was to be her greatest challenge ... and, her greatest achievement. An eight-year-old boy named Jason Manning was placed in their home. Jason had suffered abuse in his early years and became a ward of the state at age six. By the time he was placed with Mildred, he had already been in six different foster homes, and each of those six returned him to the state as a hopeless case. By his own admission, Jason was a Hell child. A seething cauldron of rage is how he described himself to me. Mildred took on this challenge and, in Jason’s own words, she showed him the awesome power of unconditional love.

Same as Aja
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Max and Rosie Pt 2

When they entered the kitchen, Max touched Rosie's shoulder then bent over and kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and look up at him. “Tomorrow is our thirty-seventh anniversary, dear.” Max sat down on the chair next to her wheelchair and took her hand. “That’s nice,” Rosie answered. “I think I should take a nap.” Max glanced up at Robin and sighed at Rosie's response. Robin stood behind Rosie then turned the wheelchair around. “I’ll be right back. How about making a pot of coffee?” ...

Love Stories
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Sunrise at the Park

Although it has been 5 years since I was last in town, it wasn’t hard to find my favorite spot at the park. It was a green bench on the edge of the lake that faced the tree lines across the water. I sat down and reminisced the old days, the fun and wild times during my senior year. There was one particular night… It was early morning, 5 am to be exact. Everyone was plastered and snored like reckless pigs with the exception of me and Justin, whom I had a crush since 9th grade. We flirted and...

2 years ago
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Boss Deceives Employee Into Being A Cuckold To His Voluptuous Wife

My name is Phil, and my wife, Denise, and I have lived in the Atlanta area since graduating from college. We’re fifty years old now, with two kids grown and out on their own, and I’m the marketing vice president for a large corporation. My alpha male traits helped me get ahead, and I’ve always been aggressive and go after what I want, especially with girls in high school and college, fueled by my high libido.I’m athletic, played football, basketball, and baseball in high school, and stay fit...

4 years ago
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The HealerChapter 27

The alien scout probed what remained on the battlefield, though there was scant indication of what had happened to the harvesting fleet, other than that they had been destroyed in place. Though how, who and how many of the destroyers remained a mystery. ‘Begin scanning the planetary wavelengths to see if they can reveal anything,’ the intelligence in charge of the scout ordered. ‘Scanning,’ the monitoring intelligence replied. ‘Anything in their primitive records?’ ‘They detected the...

3 years ago
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Angela Gets Her First Lesbian Kiss Part 7 of the Angela series

Chapter 1 Michael had more stamina than any other man Angela had ever been with. It seemed like he had been fucking her for well over an hour now and he showed no sign of letting up. He periodically added some lube to his cock or the dildo, which was keeping everything sliding in and out very smoothly. She had already cum at least five more times, or maybe it was just one continuous orgasm. She could no longer tell. Michael had not said anything to her when she came with him in her pussy the...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Draconian Law Part 1

Introduction: This story is a little more like my usual writing, but with the mature themes mixed in. I hope you enjoy. Princess. Silky streams of caramel locks caught the flickering firelight and reflected it with the intensity of a painful beauty. The richly adorned head shifted, the rivers of chocolate strands winked in and out, danced in the dim glow, turned a sunny gold briefly before disappearing coyly again. Now a cheekbone was visible: an ivory surface tantalizing with the single smear...

2 years ago
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The adventures of Dean Roberts part I

Julia Wright was twenty one and a junior in college. She was black haired, blue eyed, gorgeous, extremely busty and slutty. The lethal combination of those parts ensured that her high school years had been a walk in the park. She was a former cheerleader captain. She was more than aware of her good looks and features and used them for her advantage. Julia was not above opening an extra button on her shirt or wearing a tight fitting shirt in order to extract preferential grades from her male...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 9

After Michelle had left, my cock was raging hard! She was finally out on a date, which was obviously going to end up in someone’s bed, Shaun’s bed! I suspected that Shaun was likely going to have the night of his life with my wife! I put my night-dreaming aside for a minute and texted Jacqui, “Hi, wanna go out after work?” I know that Saturday nights are usually busy for her and she can’t talk on the phone, so I didn’t want to bother her. Text messaging is much more convenient sometimes. It was...

Wife Lovers
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Letter Between Mom and Son

Dear Mason,I haven't called you in a while and I was thinking it'd be sweet to send you a card in the mail. College is going, alright, it's midterms this week so I've been studying real hard.I'm gonna try to come home soon because i miss the family. I actually miss you a lot mom, I think about you a lot. I thought this would be easier to say in a letter than to tell you in person, or on the phone. I know this is really weird but...Mom, I think you're a beuatiful person. I love your round smooth...

1 year ago
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All morning i've been on hamster looking guys jerk off. I'm not suppose to like it. I'm in a lesbian relationship but I look at cock wayyy too much. I met this guy about a month ago we exchanged numbers and he tell me his sex stories and I to him. He loves to hear me talk about my gf and me having sex he jerks off on it ALLLLL the time. All this conversation about sex and he sent me a picture of his dick. Then a video of him listening to me as he jerk off. OOOOOOh it turned me on so much....

3 years ago
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By Phyllisroger (being a collaboration based on experiences told between Succulent Phyllis and Randy Roger) When we boys and girls date, get serious, then get married, we carry our baggage of events in our lives to that point of seriousness/marriage and so it was that we came to trust and confide our secrets during intimate moments…when sex was hot and good and words poured forth between us…those intimate times when our minds and bodies were radiant, pulsing with pleasures and an...

3 years ago
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A Wrong Path Leads To Hell But She Feels She Tasted Heaven

“Ananya” She hears her mom screaming her name and she quickly puts her books in the bag and replies to her mother, “I’m dressing up mom.” She removes her night dress pajama and stands in front of the mirror. She doesn’t like her body which is slender and small. She is been watching women who are big and she always wanted to have those aesthetics. Big boobs and bit butts and then shapely wide thighs but somewhere she knows that this body attracted few guys too. She smiles as she cupped her...

2 years ago
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2 OUTTA 3 clubex wife Toronto gangbang from cums

We liked how clean and wonderful Toronto was. Our quick trip was drawing to a conclusion. The night before I'd suggested anal sex, and she gave her standard never response. Two different groups had tried to blackmail me with her in porn tapes. In all of the tapes she had been airtight. Figured it would end in a losing argument for me. So we were having a late lunch after a trip to a museum. Our good mood seemed to continue with drinks and food. We went to the bar to waste a little time, before...

2 years ago
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Lawyer Assistant gets BBC

I work as a legal assistant for a law firm. On this day I had to meet a client we were defending I had to go over to get signatures in place to set a court date. He was charged with armed robbery and was on house arrest so he couldn't leave his apartment. I arrived at the building in a really bad part of town made my way up to the 12th. floor, knocked on the door, his mother answered let me in then called out for Tyrell. his mother invited me to sit on the couch I looked around the apartment as...

4 years ago
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I am picking you up in 10 minutes

This is another true story from my three-month affair. I am at work and I get a text.... "I am picking you up at your office in 10 minutes to suck on your beautiful cock." I respond back, "I am in a meeting. Can't." Her response, "9 minutes. Make it work." I fake a phone call to get out of the meeting and send a text to my boss, telling him that my alarm went off at home and the police have been called. I am downstairs and in her car in 10 minutes. We drive to a secluded park nearby. She...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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After the Pestilence

AFTER THE PESTILENCE THE STORY SO FAR by velvetglove Introduction ?Beware the iron fist hidden inside a velvet glove? Parts One to Three have already been posted separately. This is a slightlyrevised version (mainly correction of some typo's and deleting the introductorycomments at the start of each part) of the whole story to date, for those whohave not read Parts One and Two. ?After the Pestilence' is a work of fiction, set in the near future. The Storycontains non-consensual scenes of...

4 years ago
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Junior College Entertainment

HI. This fun was experience by me in my jc time. It starts here under..After my 10th i got admission in a very good college in mumbai itself. As the college days started i also started 2 go 2 college. I got good friends in my group. We had 5 girls n 3 boys in my group. .After a week i met a girl in my class as the lecturer punished me n told me 2 sit beside a girl. She was shweta(17). I was also 17 at that time. But as of my habit. I started 2 talk 2 her. For a couple of days we sat together n...

3 years ago
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Mr Fix It

Jed was his name and he had spent many years in the community and was well known to most of the residents and the new people always seemed to get his number from the natives if something needed fixing. He had divorced several years earlier and now just lived a simple, quiet life, but all that was about to change, as his phone rang, it was Mrs. Keller. "Hello, Jed. I was wondering if you could come out and fix the back door for me. My husband never seems to have to do anything and it's...

4 years ago
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Pradnya8217s Loses Her Innocense

Hi, my name’s Abhay and thanks ISS for publishing my sex stories. I’m an average guy, I’ve described myself earlier in my stories so I wouldn’t waste my time doing that now my current fiancé who was previously my girlfriend her name’s Anushka she’s a fair girl of 5 feet 6 inches in height, slim, having dimensions of 32,26,36. She’s a fun-loving & open-minded person though this happened when we finished our college both of us had got jobs we wanted to celebrate. My girlfriend Anushka was now...

1 year ago
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Interrogating You

You are a mess, a beautiful mess, but still a mess.Your arms and legs are tightly secured to floor and ceiling to form a human “X”. Your hair is damp and limp. A light sheen of sweat covers your nude body in the flickering candle light. I do love the ambience that candles give to an interrogation, don’t you?I must say, the glistening sweat on your tightly stretched limbs really brings out your muscle tone. Have you been working out? Difficult for you to answer with the ball gag in place, but it...

4 years ago
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Another Addicted Story ch 12

Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline Addicted by Pariahsolo Chapter 1: The Seed I...

3 years ago
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Deep and lovely dark Chapter 40

Out in the country side, in a mansion in the woods live Eckhart. He was a tall 6ft man. He had short cut hair with a boxers build. He was staring at a series of pictures on the wall. Each picture was of a man and each one had a red cross over it. Except one. Vlad. Eckhart left the room and walked down into the basement. The basement was large with a table in the centre almost as long as the room. It had silver shackles at each corner. In the corner of the room was a human sized cage. Inside...

3 years ago
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Complete Control

smith had read, and seen, porn about men who could change the world, and that's what he'd been doing last night. After a quick, and unsatisfying, wank, he'd fallen asleep wishing that there was more of this type of porn for gay men; where was the fun in reading about unlimited possibilities if all the characters do is make everyone's tits bigger? Then, this morning, he'd woken up feeling different. In his sleepy state he'd wished that someone could bring him breakfast in bed, and sure enough,...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 27

It was 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, before Barbara and Bobby finally got home from the wedding rehearsal dinner. Barbara went straight to bed. The expectant mother wanted to get plenty of rest over the last two nights leading up to the wedding on Monday. Bobby spent some time watching TV and channel surfing. He felt restless, almost anxious for some reason. He eventually realized what was bothering him: he was worrying about Julie. If nothing else, he needed to let her know he still wanted to be...

1 year ago
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A special visit to an Adult Store

I had been in a few "adult" shops a few times during my life (I'm 50)--you know the kind I mean, where they sell sex toys, porn mags & novels, etc.--but I had no way of knowing what was in store for me the last time I went into the local place. It was between 12 noon and 1 PM when I decided to visit the store for a session in the adult video arcade downstairs in the shop. My wife had not had much of a sex drive for the last few years, so I had begun to slip into this place from time to time for...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Sophomore Year at College Part Two

Betty and I continued to lie on the couch on our left sides while watching the movie. She was in front of me, and we were both still completely nude. We did have a blanket over ourselves, but we were naked. Her ass was right in front of my cock, and I was slowly getting hard again, but we were simply enjoying being together, and nothing else. While lying there, I absentmindedly was rolling both of her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. Unbeknownst to me, this was arousing her. ...

4 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 5

I don't know how often you've had a sexual fantasy about a woman, or a COUPLE of women, masturbated to completion while engaged in those fantasies ... and THEN sat down to eat with them. It had never happened to me, and I almost couldn't figure out how the heck to act. It showed too, because Lynne stared at me, frowning. She couldn't look at my lap, because I was sitting down by then, but I got the distinct impression she would have, if she could have. Jill seemed completely unconcerned...

4 years ago
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ConradChapter 11

The following characters return from the previous Magic Ink stories: Brian Chief Druid, older man, tall, somewhat thin with a long white beard and hair Etain Sorcerers and priestess, older woman, tall, still with a nice shape, not too thin, long brown hair with silver highlights We transferred to the O’Connell Realm arriving there at noon on Thursday, the 9th of June. We had quite a lot of baggage with us. The Twins had their wedding dresses, and I had brought a conservative suit to be...

3 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 37

The soft landing and the bright lights surrounding the landing pad were sufficient to stir Hawk from his slumber. He tried to open his eyes, but found he was momentarily blinded by those same lights. Then, as his eyes adjusted, and his mind began to process the different sights and sounds, he realized the pilot wasn’t turning off the Bell Ranger’s engine. “Snoopy?” he said groggily, “what’s going on?” “We’re at the helipad beside Kino Hospital, which is just down the street from the morgue....

2 years ago
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My First Threesome

On this particular Saturday afternoon a man I had been in contact with for several weeks was available to see me and hubby to fulfill my fantasy. We traveled to the city and got a hotel room and I called Eric to let him know we had arrived. I sat nervously awaiting his arrival. Finally, the knock came and hubby opened the door there stood one of the finest looking black men I had seen and he was to be mine for the evening. We sat and had a few drinks getting to know one another better. At...

First Time
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Rachel Fucking the Experienced Lesbian

One day, I had to take the train to San Jose for a big meeting for work. After the big meeting I was relieved to get back on the train to go back to San Francisco where I live. On the train I sat across from a lady who was clearly not wearing any underwear under her skirt. Even I, who never wear underwear, had a pair of panties on today since I was wearing a skirt. The lady across from me introduced herself as Julia. I told her my name was Rachel. On the train ride we started talking. I told...

4 years ago
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Teasing Daddys Friend Until He Cant Take Anymore

Introduction: My Seduction of My Fathers Friend When I Worked for Him One Summer When I was 14, my father used to go to the hardware store in our neighborhood all of the time. In the parking lot of that store, there was a guy that sold barbecue from a trailer. He had a smoker and all of the materials there and he paid the hardware store to let him park there and sell his food. It was actually very delicious BBQ. So, my 12 year old brother was obsessed with fire, smoke, BBQing (still is in fact)...

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