Waterfall_(1) free porn video

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We moved to an area sandwiched between the sea and the mountains, and having moved from the city it was a really strange experience. The beaches were huge and the mountains vast. The valleys were covered in forests, and yet for the first couple of weeks I felt there was nothing for me to do.

I should mention that this all happened at the start of the summer holidays, so I had not even met any new friends. I had investigated the village and the local town, but quickly got bored and pretty much isolated myself in my bedroom playing computer games. Of course I was not the only person with the same problems; my sister pretty much felt the same way and we often griped to each other about our new home.

We were twins and therefore in the same year at school. We had always been good friends and got along well together. We were both slim, with brown hair; hers shoulder length and mine quite short. I think looking back you could say we were both good looking, sporty kids. She had started to ‘developed’ before me and back home had plenty of guys asking her out, although for some reason she always refused.

Anyway, after the initial moving, unpacking, settling in and inspecting our new area, we had both decided that we hated it, and so like I said we spent most of our time in the house. I couldn’t bear to think how I was going to deal with another month of boredom before school started. And so one sunny morning I was sitting on the couch, lazily watching TV with my Mom trying to do the housework. After moving several times so she could go about her work, she seemed to be getting a little irate.

‘Either help me or GO OUT’ she shouted, and given that I hated chores more than anything, I sighed ‘Fine!’, and slammed the door on the way out.

I walked for ages, through the woods, the humidity and heat making the exercise all the more difficult. I guess I had walked maybe three miles when I came across a stream running down a small valley. I splashed some water on my face and followed the stream upwards. Eventually I reached a spot that even I, being a city boy, can only think of as beautiful.

There was a waterfall above a large plunge pool, and a small clearing to the side, allowing the sunlight through to bathe the waterfall in warm light. A rainbow formed in the mist spreading from the falling water, and birds were happily singing. Now I know this sounds a bit hippie, but that really is how it was. I soaked up the scene for a while before sitting down on a large flat rock next to the pool.

Still feeling really hot from the walk, I slipped off my shoes and socks and dipped my feet into the cooling water. I stayed like that for a while, before slipping of my shirt and soaking up the sun for what seemed like an age. Eventually the sun dipped behind the hills and I started to get a bit cold so reluctantly headed home.

When I got back dinner was being cooked and we sat round as a family, and talked about this and that. The conversation soon turned to where I had been that afternoon. Now I don’t know why but I suddenly felt like I didn’t want anyone to know about the spot I had found, so I told them I went for a walk in the woods, without being too precise. After dinner it was back to telly watching and after a couple of hours, bed. That night I dreamed I was at the waterfall, sunbathing and swimming. And I awoke in the morning with a smile on my face.

After breakfast, much to the surprise of Mom, I made some sandwiches and filled a bottle of water.
“Going out somewhere?” she asked cautiously. “Yep, going for another walk” I replied. “Wow, that makes a change, have fun”. I headed for the door, hearing my Mom muttering about “now, if only I could get his sister outa the house too”.

Anyway, I headed back up to the waterfall and soon found myself stretched out on the rock listening to the tumbling water. I could feel the heat of the sun on my face, and getting a bit too warm, I stripped off my shirt. I remember how nice the sun and the slight breeze felt on my skin and without too much thinking I speedily stepped out of my jeans too. As soon as I did that I felt nervous, something in the back of my head made me look around to make sure no one was watching. I put the thought out of my head, telling myself there was no one for miles around. I piled my clothes roughly in a heap.

I lay on that rock in my briefs, and eventually fell asleep. I woke up with a start at the sound of a bird flapping in the branches above me, and as I came to my senses, I realised I was boiling hot. The sound of the tumbling water was so enticing I went for a paddle by the side of the pool. The water pleasantly cooling on my feet. I so much wanted to dive in there and then, but having no trunks with me gave me second thoughts.

I sat back on the rock and before long the heat was once again unbearable. I figured that as no one had come along so far, it was unlikely that they would, so I stood, and quickly slid down my briefs, suddenly feeling a sense of complete freedom. It felt amazing to have the sun kissing every part of my body, even for that brief moment before I took a running jump into the plunge pool.

The water caressed every inch of my body and it felt so different to swimming in trunks, and I stayed in the water a long time before cooling off. I dragged myself back onto the sun baked platform and lay there naked, the water quickly drying and the sun once again warming me.

The sensuality of these new feelings along with my hormones meant that eventually there was a stirring between my legs. Now quite comfortable that there was no one around, I lazily slid my hand down my smooth body until it met my hard cock. I lay there jerking off in the sun and until I came with intensity I have never felt before. I lay there a while my cum splattered across me getting my breath back. Soon the sun went in once again, and I went for a quick dip to clean up.

Dripping wet and not wanting to wait around in the shade to dry, I put on my shoes and walked back through the woods, naked with my clothed bundled under my arm. It was not until I was almost in sight of my house that I finally got dressed.

The same routine followed that evening, dinner, chat, TV, bed. And the next morning, again I surprised my mom by heading out with a packed lunch.

Of course there was only one place I was heading. When I got there I sat for a while, relaxing. I felt even more at ease than the previous day. I slipped off my shoes and then my socks. Feeling in no rush, I tucked my socks into my shoes, before taking off my shirt, folding it neatly and placing it on the ground. I undid my belt, and unzipped my jeans sliding them slowly to the floor, relishing ever moment of this new found freedom. They were folded and added to the pile.

I stood there for a moment in my tight white briefs before reaching both hands inside the waist and slowly slipping them off. My cock once again started to rise and the touch of the wind and I stood there proudly wanting to shout with happiness. I placed my briefs on the pile and jumped into the water. I floated around a while enjoying every moment. Every moment that is until I nearly died from shock at the sound of a voice.

“Hi Bro”. My sister had suddenly appeared, and was stood by the side of the pool.

“Enjoying yourself?” She asked casually.

“Bloody hell Em, you scared the crap outa me!” I exclaimed. Now the shock had subsided the realisation that I was naked was beginning to set in. I swam to the far side, a few metres away hoping that she would not notice and be on her way.

“Mind if I stay a while?” came those dreadful words, as she spread out on the rock ledge. All I could do was stay where I was for as long as possible. I must have been in there ages, and was starting to shiver quite a lot. Em looked like she might have nodded off, and I started to swim back. The sound of splashing however must have woken her.

“You still swimming?” she asked as the turned to me, and not waiting for an answer said "are you not cold?” By then I must have been almost blue but managed to say “no, I’m fine” trying to sound casual.

“She lazily dipped her hand in the water, and said “you’ve been in for almost twenty minutes, you must be freezing! C’mon get out and warm up” I was about to shout something to reassure her I was ok but at that moment she must have notices my briefs on top of the rest of my clothes, and suddenly it dawned on her.

“Oh my god, are you naked?” she quizzed. “You are!” and burst out laughing.

“Well it’s not like I expected anyone else to be here” I replied angrily. “And yes I AM freezing thanks to you”.

“Thanks to me?” she retorted, “well I’m not the one swimming butt naked”

“Yeah, but I can’t exactly get out with you there” I said.

“I won’t look, seriously, c’mon” She answered.

“Alright, but look away” I ordered and she turned so her back was towards me. I made for the rock close to my clothes and heaved myself out of the water and just as I got out Em turned around laughing.

“Stop looking!” I shouted, as I spun around half deciding whether to jump back in or not. My hands covering my privates and with my bum facing my sister, I looked back at her over my shoulder.

“nope, its funny came the reply”

“Please Em, throw my clothes over” I pleaded.

“Not a chance” she replied “besides you look too cute naked”

“Em, Pleeese?” I begged, slowly backing towards my clothes. As I was moving I caught a mischievous look in Em’s eye, and knowing that I was trying to manoeuvre myself to my clothes and not exactly being able to move fast, she darted towards them, gathered them up shoving them into my back swung herself into the branch of a tree overhanging the pool. Of course there was absolutely nothing I could do to follow her that would not involve exposing myself so I just stood there pleading while she laughed.

“aww come on Em, It’s not funny”

“Oh yes it is” she was almost crying with laughter “besides you’re cold and soaking, you can have them once you have dried out in the sun”. Admitting defeat and with no other option I went and laid down on the rocky platform on my belly, glowing red from not only the sun.

Eventually I was dry and warm, my sister still laughing to herself, cracking jokes “like it’s not only the cheeks on your face that are blushing”. “Em, for god’s sake can I have my clothes back now” I demanded.

“Oh ok, if you must” she said starting to move down the branch. She got about half way before losing balance. She dropped my bag, which started to float off down the stream, and as I was about to make a grab for it a huge splash as my sister screamed and hit the water. She surfaced coughing and spluttering. My eyes darted back and forth from my sister to my bag which was rapidly vanishing down the valley, but Em really looked in trouble, and instinct took over and I dived in after her. I grabbed her hand with her still sputtering and splashing about and dragged her to the edge of the pool, before heaving her back onto the rock.

We both collapsed in a soggy heap. “Are you ok” I asked, worried that she might have hurt herself but my question was answered with laughter. I realised that I had been conned. Angrily I shouted at her “you lost my clothes!”

She managed to stifle her laughter and replied “we will find them down stream, don’t worry” I sat with my back to her and my knees against my chest.

“I thought you were really drowning” I shouted,

“aww, sorry bro, just wanted to see what you would do, and thanks for saving me” she said and put her hands round me for a hug. I angrily shrugged her off, and carried on sitting in silence.

I could hear my sister moving about behind me, while I was wondering how to get my clothes back and then suddenly with a wet flop a fresh pile of soggy clothes landed on the rock in front of me.

“Hey bro” Em said

“What?” I spat in reply,

“Turn around” and I looked back over my shoulder to see my sister stood in her underwear, bra and boy shorts.

“What are you doing?” I spluttered at the sight of my sister half naked.

“Well me and my clothes need to dry now, and I feel really guilty too” she replied looking at the floor. “I got to see you naked; I suppose it’s only fair I do the same”.

And with that she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, letting it fall off her shoulders to the ground and the slid her panties off. She stood there as naked as me and I could not help but stare at her incredible body.

Now it was her turn to be embarrassed. “You can close your mouth if you want” she said. My jaw had dropped at the sight of her, and not knowing what else to say, I just nodded in agreement. She calmly sat down on the rock next to me and again put her arm around me.

“Forgive me now?” she asked.

“Umm, I guess” I stammered and suddenly felt the tension dissolve and we both started laughing together.

“It really was funny seeing you naked like that” she said, “sorry though”.

“Don’t worry sis, we’re both in the same boat now” and be laughed again.

With her arm around my shoulders she went to lie back taking me down with her and there we stayed a while stark naked basking in the sun together. After a while she propped herself up on her elbow facing me. I went to move my hand to cover myself again but she grabbed my wrist and yanked it back to my side.

“You have a great body” she said, running her eyes over me.

“umm..... Thanks” I said starting to blush again under her gaze. “You too” I replied not knowing what else to say.

The lent over me with her arm on my chest and gave me a kiss on the cheek before laying back down, her arm still draped across me, sighing happily. She started to run her hand across my chest and arms, and her touch sent a shiver down my spine. She continued moving her hand down to my belly, and I started to feel my cock harden. Guessing she was not thinking about what she was doing, I moved to roll over to hide my growing boner, but once aging she held me there.

“Umm Em, I need to move” I said, starting to worry about that she might notice what was happening.

“Why, you look so good as you are” she replied and her hand moved lower.

“Really Em, I should.....I mean I’m....”

“I know.... getting a hard-on” She said, and with that her hand moved down my belly, and straight to my cock, her hand wrapping around it. I froze at the feeling of someone touching me like that for the first time. My sister’s hand gently rubbing my erection. She put her head on my chest and watched what she was doing.

She started to build up pace, and soon my hips were bucking in time with her hand. Suddenly she stopped and in an instant she straddled my hips. Her hand guiding my cock to her pussy. She rubbed it up and down twice before lining it up with her entrance. She started to lower herself onto me and soon I was deep inside her.

She seemed to lose all self control and just rode me hard with her fingers digging into my sides. The feel of her tight pussy was too much to bear and with her growing cries of ecstasy I thrust harder into her.
Virtually together we each moaned “I Cumming” and as I felt my cum surging to my cock she finally came, and fluids ran down her legs as I shot my hot load deep into her. She collapsed onto me breathing deeply. I stayed inside her for as long as I could before pulling out as he moaned. We stayed like that for some time before she rolled off me.

“You wanna clean up?” she asked, and with that we both leapt into the pool where we hugged, kissed and touched each other all over, her playfully grabbing my cock and pinching my bum, and me tweaking her nipples, and sliding fingers into her pussy. By the time we got out I was hard again, and expected the same thing to happen.

Instead, Em said “time to go” and having notices my disappointed expression, said “don’t worry, I don’t want to wear you out.....just yet” and with a wink started getting dressed.

Of course I still needed to find my clothes so we set off following the stream. Em would keep touching me and at one point gripped my cock and guided me along like a dog on a lead. Just as soon as my hardon would vanish she would do something else.

This went on for a while before Em saw my bag floating in a small pool. She ran to get it, and as I caught up with her he once again grabbed my dick and gave it a few shakes. Catching me off guard she shoved my backwards so I tripped and fell and ran off with my bag. As quickly as I could I followed and eventually caught up to her where your back yard meets the woods
She handed me the bag and smiling over her shoulder walked into the house. After I got dressed, I too went inside, to be greeted my Mom.

“You’re soaked! what happened?”

“He fell in the river” Said Em before I could reply.

“Well at least the two of you had some fun together, be more careful next time”

“We will be sure too Mom” said Em as she followed me out of the room “next time can’t come soon enough “she whispered in my ear.

End of Part 1


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As always, comments, criticisms and kudos always welcome and encouraged. Family Movie Day Family movie day, what a joke, all that meant was, I got dragged to a movie that my bratty little sister wanted to see. Spoiled little brat always got anything she wanted. The funny thing is my older brother was just as excited to see the same lame animated Disney movie. What a dork. I tried my best to get out of it, but my mom insisted. I was hoping to have a little alone time, and maybe even sneak...

1 year ago
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Girl in the Middle

The truth of the matter is that it turned out to be the most exciting airplane ride ever! Of course, that was not my opinion when I learned the news from my tearful mom that I had been selected to represent the family at my Grandmother's funeral in Portland, Oregon. When I first heard that, I was thinking that it was awful strange that they had moved Portland all the way from Maine to some Godforsaken outpost on the Left Coast. After a bit of my usual bitching and moaning because I had...

4 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 35

Sherry, Marie and Larieta were wearing their shirts open from top to bottom as we stepped out of Patsy’s station wagon at Nancy’s step-Mom’s house... Mansion - is what comes to mind more than house - ever would. I thought Marie’s parents owned a huge home, but this one is twice as large and built inside a ten foot brick wall with a gate at the driveway. “Are y’all really going to the door with your shirts open all the way like that?” Sherry told me, “Yours is open. Besides, Nancy told us...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 79

~~Julias~~ “Mister Terry, you’ll be working with Madam Leauvion and Madam Jenning.” The boy raised a brow. “Sire?” “I know you expected to be working with Mister Burksen and Madam Herrington, but ultimately, they have a lot of experience that would be better served working with younger, less experienced Kindred. In your team, your experience is key, and will compensate for Jenning and Leauvion’s lack thereof, while at the same time, Jenning is Mekhet and old enough to provide a quality use...

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The Treasures Inside Her Cave

She visited them as regularly as she could. The drive in her jeep would take her through various mountainous terrain and valleys of bare rock. A place fondly remembered, far enough from main roads and remote enough from her own existence in the noisy city. She would stay usually no more than one or two nights in her cave, but the nights there were her medicine that she had to take. Her nights would rejuvenate her, recharge her, fire her hormones and detonate her sexuality. She would go away,...

3 years ago
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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 14

"Hi, mum. Sorry to wake you. It's a boy. Patrick Scott Hollister. 12:30 am, Easter Sunday, 16 April 2006. 52 cm., 3725 gms. I'll send a photo later. Love you." "Hi, Bob. 12:30 am; 52 cm., 3725 gms. Both are fine. I'll send a photo later." I contemplated waking Chaz and Michiko or Charlie and Maddy or Maggie or Evans or Willy. I decided against it. But it was really something. I was a daddy. Just as the healer said. I drove home, stripped, showered and fell into bed. It was nearly...

3 years ago
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Panty Club

The exclusive P Club has been running for a number of years now and our membership has for the first time hit the 200 mark. There are only three rules that the members have to adhere to - absolute secrecy, to pay the annual membership fee and always to attend in uniform. This final rule is a sobriquet, which has a meaning that is well understood by new and old members alike. Of course, no one actually checks for compliance and it is merely assumed that members will dress appropriately.For me, I...

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League of Extraordinary

Pardon the shortness. This is an introduction. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a story about all the famous English literature heroes gathered together to fight crime. I thought it would be good to take that idea but use other genres. So make you own league or use one of my example. 1)League of Extraordinary MILF - This has famous older woman and cougars from movies and TV. Their goal is to conquer as many men and have sex in as many places as possible. The women that in the group so...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Khloe Kapri Stuck at Home

With stay at home orders keeping Khloe and her boyfriend apart, she is insanely horny and decides to use her stepbrother Jake to scratch the itch. But after weeks of fucking guilt sets in and Khloe ends things with Jake. Trying to stay preoccupied at home with nothing else to do Khloe grows frustrated and before long, she’s back pursuing Jake again. This time, the two fuck good and hard knowing that eventually they will have to end things again – but not without a deep, dirty...

3 years ago
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A Hot Dream Of A 23 Year Old Guy

Hello, people. I am just a 23-year-old guy working in Coimbatore.I have always been an avid reader of the ISS and always wanted to share my own experience whatsoever.The stories here are amazing and can make any girl or guy reading it, go bonkers! And I am still a virgin so I have these frequent wet dreams that I ‘ve always loved and this is one of them.This is one fantasy of mine and hopes you all will like reading it. My day is usually very hectic and I end up coming home very tired and it’s...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Veronica Vain The Drought Is Over Her Pussy Erupts With A Squirt Gasm

It’s time to get wet – and not just a little damp – SOAKING WET! Veronica Vain squirts so fucking much in this Squirt Gasms #3 scene! She’s a slutty geyser with nice round tits who needs to get fucked. Ramon makes sure she cums a ton – when he licks her sweet pussy, fingers her holes, and puts his uncut cock in for a hard pounding! Veronica can cum when she’s on her back, knees, and riding like a dirty cowgirl. You want squirt? You get squirt and it just...

2 years ago
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The last pizza delivery

My name is Rick. I'm a seventeen-year-old white male, 5'10" and 144 pounds. I look like the stereotypical beach surfer boy, slim and medium length light brown hair. I was doing pizza delivery to make money for gas during the summer vacation between my junior and senior year of high school. I had been doing it for just a little over a week. I planned to spend almost ever day at the beach. When I arrived at 19276 Creekside Dr. I found that it was the entry to a trailer park. I...

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Mom does not work at a book store

I decided to go to a massage parlor but not one of the local ones where I may be seen so I decided to visit one about 30 miles away in a town where my mother worked in a book store office. No possibility of her seeing me has their working hours are practically identical. I paid my 50 to the woman inside and was told to go upstairs to the first bedroom and await the lady who would be up in a minute or two. I sat down on the bed and was amazed when my mother walked in dressed in an open type...

2 years ago
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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 4

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 4 Before I put in anything, I want to say that im surprised at the negativity against my captor, I don?t see her as any different than any other one my character has been taken by in other stories ive written. If the negativity continues, this will be the last chapter on this story that I?ll write. Here goes. My heart was pounding as I was driven home from the club. Sitting in the back, I traced my fingernails over my leather miniskirt and toned...

3 years ago
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The Interns Panties

Working in an office with a host of beautiful woman runs from fantastic to awful. While it's amazing having stunningly hot females to gaze at all day and fantasise about banging, it can men a lot of blue balls!In recent months my eye candy of choice has been an Australian girl working in the office. She's the outdoorsy surfer type and has a body to kill for. Absolutely pert, perky breasts that are a good C to D cup, sitting on a toned athletic body. It helps that we flirt mercilessly, and she's...

1 year ago
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Her desire is mine

I'm a divorced man in my late 30s, I'm 6 foot 2 and fairly fit. I work hard and I like to party with friends when I get the time, but I haven't had a lot of time for relationships since my divorce a couple of years ago. I often fly to Sydney for work, and on this occasion I took the chance to catch up with some friends that used to live near me in Melbourne that I had known for a long time. Mark is married to Jess, they have been together since they were both about 22. I've admired Jess for a...

Oral Sex
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Educating Poppy Part II

Next morning, Poppy’s on breakfast duty. She’s torn between wanting to see Don and Julie again, and feeling nervous about how she’d deal with it. She wonders if, in the cold light of day, they’ll regret being so forward with her the evening before, and will want to return to a more formal relationship, as appropriate between guests and staff.After she’s spent the whole of breakfast looking up nervously each time someone comes into the dining room, they don’t turn up at all. Poppy wonders if...

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You Know I Love The Strippers

Strip clubs are life. Or they may as well be for you. It's easy enough for you to get a girl, and if you applied yourself properly, maybe multiple at once. You also know that porn is free. Yet, strip clubs have an unbreakable hold on you. Countless girls you don't have to know to get them naked, or put up with the pretense of keeping them around. Having her tease and work on your erection and not some chump in some film. But most of all, you get a charge out of tipping. It's something of a...

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Raped by Pep 3

“I don’t know what they put in this stuff , but it works like a charm.” I said as I rubbed the cream along the huge lips. I applied a large amount to my hand and smeared it like lotion on my entire hand, front and back. I slid four fingers in at once. Turning it to ensure the creamed was spread evenly, I slid my thumb in next. Using my hand to rub the cream into my slick tunnel, I closed my fist, and pulled it to the entrance. This felt AMAZING. I eased my fist back in, as far as I could...

4 years ago
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Fuzz the Cat Ch 01

Fearsome prowled around the bars of his prison, growling under his breath. Passerby stared at his ferocious gaze and sharp teeth. Grinning he flexed his claws and yowled loudly, threatening them if they stood too long to watch him. Padding up to the front of his cage he hissed, rubbing his face against the bars, showing his insanity from having been locked up for so long. Most of his life really. Big eyes appeared in front of him, startling him back. Crouching down he stared straight ahead,...

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Cat FightChapter 10 Duel

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill’s Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill’s body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill’s body guard and mate Mikos Glac -...

1 year ago
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Legal Issues Ch 03

Lynn sat up straighter as she looked down her stomach. Subtle differences in how she saw her bodytold her that her breasts were different. At 28 years old, she knew what she should see when she looked at herself. Her mind picked out subtle differences in the shape and size of her body without relaying the specifics to her. The effect was almost maddening. Was she entirely certain they weren't as full before? Or whether they hung a little lower or bulged off the side of her body rather than...

3 years ago
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Camping with my Niece Part 1

Introduction: Ive changed the names, but the story is true. This is just the intro to a series of reallife adventures between my Niece & me. 5 Days in The Adirondacks with my Niece Did I think about fucking her before the trip began, Yes. Did I want to fuck her? Yes again. Did I think it would happen? Not a chance. But just in case I put a few condoms and blue boner pills in my first aid kit. Im 42 years old avid hiker having traversed the three major trails in North America. To...

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Meine Name ist, nein, war, Johann. Ich bin 25 und arbeitete als Student nebenbei in einem Callcenter. Mit 19 habe ich damals meine Freundin geheiratet und seitdem waren wir glücklich. Na ja, nicht ganz. Ich hatte immer den Anspruch, mehr aus meinem Leben zu machen. Während meine Frau schon eigenes Geld verdient, muss ich noch schauen, wie ich die paar Kröten zusammen bekomme. Neben dem Studium zu arbeiten und trotzdem noch nicht mal ein Viertel von dem zu Haben, was die Frau verdient, ist...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 31

It is an axiom of life: Horny girls and horny boys make babies ... in 1963. However, a modern, right thinking, twenty-two year old girl from 1988 will be on the pill. By the way ... Horny ... hormonal ... how about that. "Professor Slagle? Taking my life in my hands, I beg your indulgence," said David. They were putting away the beer. Big boats have room for extras ... like a nice, big, propane powered fridge ... in this case, a walk in cooler. It was behind the bar in the salon. Boats...

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Sanctuary Series Book 1 White River RevengeChapter 4 First Contact

Reviewing the events of the previous day, Buck headed to the weapons vault to seek advice from Adam, the weapons expert. If, there were a way to improve his beloved Betsy, Adam would know how to do it. Standing in front of the weapons door, Buck punched the numbers on the keypad, watching the door slide open with a hiss. Only the protectors, the leader of the Council and of course Adam knew the code to gain entrance. Over the years others had argued that if the Sanctuary were attacked, only...

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Jane AustinChapter 5

Back in Silver City, they discussed their employment status with the stage line manager. He was sure that the man behind the robberies had been killed, so he was ready to end their contract. He did agree to pay them the $5 for the next day to round out the contract, so they shook hands and parted as friends. Jane and Ed headed for the nearest court house the next day to restock their cache of wanted posters. They hoped that, in the month that they had worked for the stage line, a new and...

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Aliens and CowboysAtria

Once back onboard the Poseidon, Marta was wide-eyed and curious about pretty much everything. So Mark, Annabelle, Rayven and Laruun took her on a quick tour of the Battlestar, while everyone else went for showers and then to bed. Shortly after starting the tour, there was an announcement that they were going into light drive and that the trip to Atria should take about 4 days. An hour or so later they finally returned to the royal quarters. Marta was still excited, and she was amazed at...

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ShockwaveChapter 4

“Adam, I meant to ask if you were able to get a sample of that petrified sand, which was crystallized and bonded to the meteorite?” “No, I need a pry bar of some kind to pry it up so I can break it loose from the meteorite itself. I managed to dig beneath it to loosen it from the sand particles on the lake bottom.” “Let’s go back and see if both of us can break it loose. They won’t be back for a few more minutes.” “Sure, maybe the two of us can break a piece off large enough to analyze in...

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Saras Journey Ch 04

We were just finishing up with dinner when the phone rang. Marcy picked it up and after a few words said, ‘Sara, it’s for you.’ ‘Sara, hi. This is Heather,’ the voice said. ‘I’m your step-sister from New York. I spoke with your doctor this afternoon and he said you had amnesia. Do you remember me?’ ‘I still don’t remember anything from before I woke up in the hospital,’ I said. I’ve been doing okay, though.’ ‘Man! It took me forever to track you down. Luckily the night nurse at the hospital...

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2 Black Girls with 1 Brunette Girl

I finally found my taste of not 1 but 2 black bisexuel girls that I imagine it's my pussy there playing with....and I bet that it will make me sqirm and moan and scream and want more ''n'' more!!!!I've never been licked by a black girl before,i've never licked a black pussy other but I always say that a beautiful black creamy pussy would have the wildest taste ever and just thinking 'bout a thick black tongue on my white chubby pussy i wouldn't be surprised that i would drip right away!!!Then...

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