No Ordinary LoveChapter 12: In My Wildest Dreams free porn video

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And so it began, my pursuit of Ginny and what I hoped would be our happiness. To be honest, she didn't put up any resistance to my advances. It started with the occasional dinner date and of course regular Saturdays at the Chevrier Ranch. About three weeks after our first date I had taken her to a play and we were having a drink at a nearby lounge before I took her home.

"Tell me, Ginny. How am I doing in my quest to win you back again?"

She smiled. "You didn't really have to try too hard, Hal. I've thought about you a lot, particularly when I was married to Brad. I kept comparing him to you and he kept falling short. I was constantly asking myself why I married him and I couldn't come up with a good answer. We weren't right for each other and, in the end, what happened was predictable.

"So, if you're looking for a confession ... I never did stop thinking about you. You were someone special but it's like the saying, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. I don't regret becoming a vet, and I don't regret my two little girls but I regret they couldn't have been yours."

I was stunned into silence. I had never expected any kind of confession like this. She was all but saying she still loved me and wanted me in her life. I couldn't believe my good fortune.

"I'm right here, Ginny. I don't think I've changed all that much. A little older, a little wiser, but not much different."

"I hope not. The Hal Berglund that I remember is someone very special and if I can have him back after all the mistakes I've made, I'd feel pretty lucky."

"You already have me back. I never left ... I mean ... like you, I thought about you many times. I think I'm still single because I never found anyone who replaced you in my thoughts. I didn't want to settle for less. I'm still yours ... in my heart."

She put her hand over mine. "It's your heart I want, Hal. I'll happily give you mine."

Again, I was thunderstruck with her admission. It took me a few moments to recover.

"What about the girls? How will they feel about me being in their lives?"

"As far as I can tell, you are a TV star and let them ride ponies. You can do no wrong," she smiled.

"Well, that's fine for now but I'm not just talking about you and I being in love again. I want them to like me for being me, not just a guy on TV or someone who gives them something they want."

"I don't think you have to worry about that. They had so little contact with their father and they were so young that being just your normal self will make it easy for them to love you."

"I think I might just have had a heart attack when you told me you loved me. I was afraid to ask because I was afraid of the answer. I don't know if I could have handled that."

"Well you can relax because you never have to ask," she said. "I'll be the first to tell you ... and probably until you're sick of hearing it. I'm still pinching myself that we were both single when we met again. Talk about karma."

"The gods are being kind to us. Especially you. The divorce must have been hard on you but you kept on and here you are, back in my arms."

"Which brings up another subject. When are you going to show me your apartment?" Her sly grin gave her away.

"Anytime you want. But be prepared. It's a very thorough tour and takes quite some time."

"Then if I told you that mother said if anything happened that would keep me out overnight, not to worry about the girls. She'd look after them."

"Do you want to call her and let her know?"

"I think she already knows, Hal. She's on your side as well as mine. Having you as a son-in-law would make her very happy."

"You've got this all figured out, haven't you?"

"I've had a lot of time to plot and scheme," she smiled.

"Shall we go?" I asked, picking up the tab.

"Yes ... please."

When I closed the door of my apartment she was in my arms almost at the same moment. We kissed and held each other for some time before I took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

"Don't rush this, Hal. I've been trying to imagine what it would be like with you again and I want it to last a long time."

I knew exactly what she meant because I felt the same way. We weren't going to have sex. We were going to make love, to reconnect and mend all the broken pieces from years ago. I wanted this night to communicate just how much I loved her and wanted her in my life.

We were tentative at first, perhaps a bit nervous but with patience on both our part, we found our way. It was slow developing but Ginny kept telling me that it was just the way she wanted it. When we finally joined, she howled a cry of pleasure and release ... a cry she could no longer contain. It was the final statement that we were one once more and we would remain that way.

There wasn't a part of her glorious body that I didn't remember. While the evidence of childbirth was there, she was still the most beautiful, voluptuous woman I had ever known or imagined. I made love to every part of her that night, leaving nothing that did not tell her of my devotion to her. When we could no longer continue, we slept, tucked perfectly into each other.

There is something about the scent of a woman in the morning. In her bed, warm and tranquil, she exudes an aroma which I find irresistible. I want to pull ever closer to me, yet it is impossible as she is already welded to me. My arm around her, my hand gently cupping a breast, I am as content as it is possible for me to be. My morning erection lies between the lovely soft cheeks of her bottom, waiting for any invitation to enter her once again.

I'm not sure she was awake when she accepted me into her body that morning. In a way, I thought it might be better if she would wake to find us joined once more. I felt her move against me, slowly, groaning her pleasure as I gently made love to her. I wasn't trying to penetrate deeply into her, just to tenderly move in her and wake her to the sensations her body was feeling. I had all the time in the world now. There was no need to hurry.

I felt her nipple stiffen as she became aware of my intrusion. I didn't change anything, simply continued my slow, continuous movement. I felt her stir, then sigh, then push back into me as I pushed inward. The brought another groan of satisfaction and a more insistent push back. She was awake now and well aware of what I was doing, apparently with her full approval.

She rolled over and faced me, kissing my face as she grasped my erection. Climbing on top of me, she lay prone as I entered her and began once again to move in her, this time more forcefully.

"Take me, Hal," she mumbled. "Don't be gentle. Take me ... please."

I rolled her over on her back and began to be even more vigorous. I wrapped my arms under her legs and lifted them to increase my penetration.

"Oh yes, that's it. More, Hal. Make me yours forever."

In the end, it was a crashing together of two bodies in a furious rush to finish together. We lay side-by-side, breathing heavily.

"We are so good together it's scary," she gasped.

"Yeah. Good thing, huh?"

"The best. Why did I waste ten years of my life when I could have had this?"

"You didn't waste them. We just lost each other for a while. But that's all in the past. That's yesterday. I want to think about tomorrow. That's where our future is ... all four of us."

"I love you, Hal."

"I know. I love you too, Ginny. And I love your daughters as if they were my own. I can't tell you how happy I am."

"You don't need to. I can tell."

We bought an engagement ring the next day, and Ginny proudly wore it to show her parents, the girls, and later that day, my parents. It brought universal congratulations and happiness to our families. They all felt this was something that was long overdue for us, knowing how we felt about each other, even when we were apart.

Eric confided in me that what had made me something special in their eyes was when I spent that first Christmas that Ginny was away at school with them. Like me, they were missing her terribly, and my being with them helped temper that feeling.

My parents had an awkward feeling about the two little girls. They wanted to be their grandparents, but in fact they weren't. At least, not yet. Ginny and I talked about how to remedy that. Brad's mother had passed away some years ago from cancer, and his father had become an alcoholic recluse, hardly a role model for his granddaughters. As a result, only Cynthia had even the vaguest memory of him or her father.

Brad Fisher had worked in the oil fields of Alberta as a supervisor to a number of crews. He was well paid but on the road almost every week. It made a shambles of their home life and contributed to the deterioration of their marriage. An additional irritant was Ginny deciding to keep her maiden name, ostensibly for work purposes. She admitted later that she was glad she had because it would allow her to maintain it after the divorce.

When the marriage collapsed, Ginny discovered Brad had a lady-friend in Leduc that he had been seeing regularly. He admitted it before the divorce was finalized and he was doing everything he could to belittle her as a wife. At the core of it all was her inability to provide him with a son. He saw it as an affront to his manhood. The acrimonious parting of the two provided little relief for Ginny until he had moved out and into the home of his lover.

Cynthia was just three and Hanna only one when the marriage dissolved. Cynthia was in bed only an hour or two after her father came home from work when he wasn't travelling. He paid little attention to either daughter, displaying no love or interest in them or their activities. It was up to Ginny to interact with them, and that took place after her work day, making the evening meal and looking after the house. The weekends were for catching up on laundry and housekeeping. It didn't take long for this to wear on her.

When he announced he was leaving, his bags already packed, she felt little remorse at her failed marriage. It was only a day later that she discovered he had cleaned out the bank accounts and left her with all the bills, including the mortgage. It took her two years to dig herself out from underneath the debt and clean up her financial affairs in Calgary. When she was offered a move back to Ottawa she quickly grabbed it, recognizing a chance to move up and start over.

Her parents happily accepted her back into the family home, delighted to get to know their grandchildren and relieved that their daughter had shed herself of a worthless husband. Her mother had almost immediately mentioned that I had become a regular on the Channel 4 news and that wouldn't it be something if we got together again. About as subtle as a ton of rocks, Ginny thought. But it stuck in her mind and, when she saw me walking down the hallway in the ministry building, she grabbed the opportunity instantly. And now, here we were.

Our first objective, even before setting the wedding date, was to find a home. We talked about it with both sets of parents and decided a four bedroom home would be the most practical. It would give each of the girls their own bedroom and have a spare guest room, or if the need arose, another bedroom if, by chance, we had another child. Our parents left little doubt they would welcome another grandchild, boy or girl.

We decided on concentrating our search on the Ottawa side, the Ontario side. Taxes and regulations were the reason. Both of us spoke and read reasonable French but that wasn't the issue. It was schooling for the children that was on our minds. There was no doubt in our minds that they would receive a much more well-rounded education in Ontario.

I had some savings but Ginny could contribute nothing but her salary toward qualifying for a mortgage. We were going to have to borrow heavily on a high-ratio mortgage to get into anything like what we wanted. The more we looked, the more we knew we would have to move further out. It took weeks of looking and disappointment before we found something.

It was a 1920's farmhouse that had been renovated in the seventies but not since. It need a lot of work to bring it up to modern standards but from what I could see, it looked solid and had been reasonably well looked after. Better still, it was for sale at a price much lower than the nearby subdivisions that were sprouting up in west of Ottawa.

I wanted an unvarnished opinion on the place and I thought I knew where to find one.

"Marcel, it's Hal Berglund."

"Hello, Hal. How are you today?"

"Good sir. I called because I need your advice. Ginny and I are looking at a house in Stittsville. It's actually an old farmhouse built in the '20's and modernized about thirty years ago. I need a professional opinion on whether it's a good buy. I was wondering with all your engineering background, if you knew of someone who could give us an honest appraisal of its condition."

"Ha ha, very good Hal. You know perfectly well I'd be happy to look the place over myself. I'd hate to see you two young people buy something that will become a burden to you and your family. When would you like me to look at it?"

"That's very generous of you. If we could look it over next weekend that would be very helpful."

"Fine. I'll meet you at your apartment on Saturday morning and we can go from there. That way I won't get lost."

"Thank you, Marcel. I really appreciate your doing this. It will help us make the decision if we have someone of your experience give us an opinion."

Ginny didn't sleep over on the Friday night knowing I would meet her Saturday afternoon at her parents' home. Marcel arrived promptly at nine am on Saturday and brought a large case with him. We put that in my car and headed out to Stittsville, a forty-five minute drive from my apartment on a weekend morning.

"Oh, I can see why you would be attracted to this house, Hal. It's a classic two storey farmhouse with a veranda. How much property is involved?"

"One-point-three acres. That's all that's left of the original farm. The land was sold off piecemeal apparently."

"There was a time when this was as far out of town as our ranch is today. Times change. There'll be neighbours soon enough, I suspect."

He pulled the case out of the trunk of the car and set it down on the veranda.

"I don't have a key but the agent should be along shortly. The house has been empty for over a year. There's some furniture still in it, but for the most part, it's empty."

"Probably just as well. I'm going to want to poke and prod and see what the bones look like. I'm sure there's a basement so I'll want to start there."

He pointed to the case.

"This is probably overkill but it's a kit we use for inspecting government buildings. Not all of them are built of stone and concrete so we do have experience with older heritage sites. That includes the Prime Minister's residence."

He was taking some instruments and a very large battery powered light out of the case while looking around the outside of the structure. There was a small barn like building fifty feet from the back of the house that was used as a garage. There would be plenty of room for two cars and garden tools.

The real estate agent arrived and I introduced him to Marcel, explaining that he was here to inspect the house. Our agent had no problem with that. Apparently it had been inspected more than once in the last year and he had kept the reports on file. He was willing to share them with us but didn't have them with him. I requested he fax or e-mail them to me and he agreed.

We spent all morning at the house with Marcel beginning in the basement and working his way upward. He was making notes and testing wiring and plumbing lines as he went. I chose not to interrupt and the agent, while very patient with this process, went back to Kanata for some coffee and sandwiches which he insisted on paying for.

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There’s a knock on the door and I go over to open it. It’s Gary. His eyes open in awe as he takes in the sight in front of him. I smirk as his eyes travel my body, looking at my lacy black lingerie. I take his hand and tug, he steps inside and shuts the door, shifting around, not entirely sure what to do. ‘Are you nervous Gary?’ I ask. His gaze falls down to my breasts and he whispers a simple, ‘Yes.’ I lean forward and my lips graze his neck. I whisper, ‘Don’t be.’ 

4 years ago
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Garys Wildest Dream

There's a knock on the door and I go over to open it. It's Gary. His eyes open in awe as he takes in the sight in front of him. I smirk as his eyes travel my body, looking at my lacy black lingerie. I take his hand and tug, he steps inside and shuts the door, shifting around, not entirely sure what to do. "Are you nervous Gary?" I ask. His gaze falls down to my breasts and he whispers a simple, "Yes." I lean forward and my lips graze his neck. I whisper, "Don't be."  Gary shivers and closes his...

Straight Sex
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Damsel of Fey Dreams

Damsel of Fey Dreams by Tegeli PART I - The Dandy and Swordswoman CHAPTER 1 I glanced behind me. The sober neighbourhood didn't have an ill reputation, as far as I knew. Yet the sun had set, and most of the windows yawned lightless. My physique lacked the sturdiness for me to be confident when walking through dark and unfamiliar places. I should have armed myself with more than my rather superfluous walking stick. But I had to make the best of impressions. No weapon was...

2 years ago
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The Grotto of Dreams

In the distant past, in the time of the old world, our people once dreamed of flying among the stars; and then made it happen. They had conquered and reshaped the old world; building great cities here and on the eternal moon far above us in the evening skies. Nothing seemed impossible for them; and the discovery of the star-gate propelled them to a thousand worlds with a thousand different cultures. This time of exploration and discovery brought great knowledge and wisdom to the old world;...

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Soulmate Dreams

His name was Mark Fagan and he had dreamed of a woman for months, every night he dreamt of the same woman. He had never seen her in his real life but knew she was his soulmate. He did not even know her in any way but felt she was near. He only knew that her first name was Rose, and her beauty was like that of a Rose. He tried to stay in dream land as much as possible so he could be with her. In another part of town She was dreaming of him, she only knew his name was Mark, she had dreamt of him...

2 years ago
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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 3 Unsettling Dreams

It felt as if I was waking up from a very deep sleep. I was almost, but not fully conscious. I drifted along in a pleasant haze hearing noises and voices, but not understanding what they meant. I gradually became aware of my surroundings. I was in a bed in a dimly lit room that wasn't my bedroom. I started to get out of bed, but something wasn't right. I was very weak, had a sore throat, and there was an oxygen mask on my face. I later learned I had an IV in my arm, electrical leads...

1 year ago
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Little Caprice Dreams

Do you have Little Caprice Dreams? Well, then you and I have something in common. We certainly ain’t alone in that respect, though, as the little babe is arguably one of the most popular pornstars to arrive on the scene in the last decade. She’s got a huge stack of XBIZ and AVN Awards to her name, has shot with some of the biggest studios in the business, and I’m guessing she’s a regular in your daytime fap fantasies and wet dreams. I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts making even more...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Part 4 Beyond Dreamscape

Part 4: Beyond Dreamscape By Diana Kimberly Heche No one heard from Alex at all these days, not even Lucy. That is why she was surprised to hear his voice on the other end when she picked up the line. "Lucy?" he asked this almost tentatively as if he'd forgotten her voice. His sounded hoarse. "Yes, Alex. It's good to hear from you again." She was unsure how to respond to her brother now, only hoping he was having one of his lucid episodes. There haven't been many of those in...

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Follow Your Dreams

Author's Note: Some pre reading may be necessary because while this is a standalone story it does follow on from an earlier one called The Model. Also characters appear, who were last seen in two other earlier stories; Andi and Mia featured in Two Fantasies and Jess and Carrie in Carrie and Jess Take Flight. Follow Your Dreams Returning Home Jeanie Pritchard waited till the last passenger had left the plane before she went to the crew locker and retrieved her carryon bag....

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Melissas Dreams

Melissa found her svelte body being pushed into the bed. Her legs curved outwards and tucked up beneath her; her bum partly projecting over the end of the bed. A large hand pressed down onto the base of her spine, pinning her in place. A cock, the largest cock she had ever felt, fucked her relentlessly. Every penetrating thrust resulted in Melissa exhaling into the damp bedclothes; her hands outstretched and clinging onto the sheets above her head, pulling them towards her. Her head shook from...

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I walked into the large metal walled room and sat on the single white plastic chair. A bright light prevented me from seeing the voice that spoke, a soft autoreactive male voice. “State your name, family name and then your Christian name… First name.”My tiny voice echoed in the sterile room. “State your age and sexual orientation.” I was okay with the first but what was he taking about orientation, Japan? “I’ll put you down as bisexual, covers both bases.”The confusing and often bizarre...

2 years ago
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The Girl of My Dreams

John stood transfixed feeling the fine grains of pure white sand squish between his toes. He looked along the pristine white beach and saw her standing on the edge of the endless white band of sand that stretched off seemingly into infinity; an oval green clearing of short grass spread out behind her until it reached the dark palm trees, their palm fronds waving in the rising evening breeze. The row of palms stood in a dark ominous line like soldiers at attention some distance far behind where...

First Time
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Wet Dreams

The August night seemed perfect: cool, still fragrant with the scents of late summer. Peter could smell the flowers in the front yards, the tomatoes and cucumbers in the backyard gardens. He could hear and smell the prowling of cats in search of midnight mice, and the occasional bark of a dog fulfilling a social contract to defend territory. A racoon scurried across the street on its was to knock over the next available garbage can. The full moon washed the quiet street, the pretty wood frame...

4 years ago
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DENISE IS A DEAR DARING DARLING WITH ONE WISH -- ONE DOMINANT DREAM---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DENIS IS SAILING SEAS WITH MAMMA ANNEMARIE AS LONG AS SHE REMEMBERSDENISE KNOWS HOW MUCH FREEDOM THEIR VESSEL MEANS FOR MA ANNEMARIE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANNEMARIE IS ATTRACTIVE AWESOME AA-BOOBIES BLONDE...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 3 Girl of My Dreams

Mike yawned, covering his mouth, then set his book down on the cart. It was dangerously full, and he knew that Sofia would ream him out if he just kept cramming books onto it. “Can you take this to the platform?” he asked Death. “Yes I can, Mike Radley.” The grim reaper grabbed the cart with bony hands and pushed it down the corridor, the wheels squeaking softly. Mike rubbed his eyes and yawned again, then checked his phone. He had no signal in the Library, but all he wanted was to see the...

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Karen woke up with a start. She had been dreaming again, always the same one. It centred around her brother and the shower. Sometimes the scenario would differ slightly, but not the outcome. Normally her dreams were never that memorable, she would sometimes remember parts of them, but very rarely the whole thing.Karen sat up and looked at her alarm clock, 6:30, damn she thought to herself, it’s going to be another long day. Deciding to get up she swung her legs out of bed and headed for the...

2 years ago
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The Man of my Dreams

Heather hear me out before you say no again. I know you think Juan being a crossdresser makes giving him a chance a no go. The cringe on your face when you told me was sign enough that you decision was set.It should not be. You have put too much emphasis on something which is insignificant. How does Jaun liking to wear women's clothing change who he is? That does not change one thing about him and You know it doesn't. When I was a young girl, the man of my dreams was tall, ambitious...

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Zone Dreams

Zone Dreams My mind was still reeling from your erotic visit of the nightbefore. I showered and climbed into bed snuggling intothe soft pillows and pulling my duvet snuggly around me. I couldn’t sleep – I was thinking about what you said. Youbegged me to trust you, to follow where you led and to obeywith out question. My body had still been tingling withthe pleasure you had given me and I agreed to whatever yousaid and to whatever it might bring me. I wasn’t frightenedthen and gave no thought...

3 years ago
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It would be hard to understand if I had not been Neil's neighbour these last 18 years. I hadn't imagined what was going on in their house or his relationship with his daughter. To the outside observer he was a single parent making a go of it, after that fatal collision with a drunk driver, which took his wife's life leaving him and his daughter unharmed.To be the sole parent of a young c***d, juggling work, full time parenting and responsibility for the daily tasks usually shared by two adults,...

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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams I'd been having difficulty sleeping for a while now.? Work was stressful, and I'd often wake up at 3 in the morning, staring at the ceiling or watching infomercials on TV.? The lack of sleep was interfering with work, and I was so irritable that I'd broken up with my girlfriend Robin. She stormed out one day, cursing me up one side and down the other.? I figured we were over, but a few weeks later she sent me an e-mail with the name of a doctor who she said was a sleep...

1 year ago
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Half Dreams

Half Dreams by Kelley Rigney I realize that the following scenarios may be out of place in Fictionmania, but I do believe there might be someone who will appreciate this work. If on occasion you have ever been wisped away by your imagination but for only a few seconds or minutes and cherished those incremental sketches of wishful thinking I do believe you might find these interesting. I've never seen anybody write about their "half" dreams as I call them. What I am talking about...

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The Book of Dreams

The Book of Dreams Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I lookedin the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if thereis any significance to this particular night time vision. It seems a dreamof a black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that has happenedin the past weeks, I am not surprised. Chapter 1: The Marriage It started a few weeks ago ? at least it was a few weeks for me. History itselfhas stretched itself thin in that time so that I must...

2 years ago
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Monday night, Ruth had one of those nightmares that psychoanalysts love to make a big deal out of. She dreamt that she was... no, it wasn't she. She dreamt that she was someone else, and she was naked in a public place, with everyone staring and pointing and making noise. She had some books, and a large notebook, and she tried to cover her breasts and crotch, but she dropped them, and people laughed when she couldn't cover herself with her hands. It was a frightening dream. It was just a...

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Man of My Dreams

His gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his head back moaning loudly while hot spurts of his cum shot in my mouth. ... Yes cum for me, let me drink you up... was all I could think of....

1 year ago
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Man Of My Dreams

Authors Note: I wrote this story for entertainment purposes only. There is no accuracy dealing with broken bones or anything. Just enjoy! *s* His gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his...

2 years ago
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A Lady Dreams

A Lady Dreams(c) Abe Froman *The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature so if you are underage where you live, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is a literary homage only or is purely coincidental.* *Please send...

1 year ago
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Strange Dreams

Introduction: Haunting dreams of a past encounter with a dog. Im writing this for two purposes, the first is to tell a story of something that happened about twelve years ago. The other is to get something off my chest and this site was recommended to me as a good place for it. First the story. Twelve years ago, while my parents were away on vacation they asked me to drop in on their house daily to check on things and feed and walk Petey, their Dalmatian. I was glad to do it, being an animal...

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Sweet Dreams

Based on a true story. Sweet Dreams Chapter One: The Tease It had been a long night’s work. I was working third shift at a local retail chain store stocking shelves. This was back in the early eighties before they all started staying open 24 hours. It was 8am and I was supposed to leave at 6. Over time again…I didn’t mind, I liked the extra money, I needed it. I was young, only eighteen and I still lived with my parents. I wanted my own place so I was hoarding money like a miser. I was...

3 years ago
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Beyond Your Kinky Dreams

Copyright (c) LrningDom All Rights Reserved You were bored. Bored with life, with work, with being alone. You wanted thrills… passion… excitement. You also wanted to fulfill your fantasies. Childhood fantasies of being hypnotized like people you saw on television. Teenage visions of wild sex, of being controlled and commanded, becoming the young girl who made herself a wiling sex slave. Adult dreams of exploring BDSM, once you learned what BDSM was, of being tied up and used for someone...

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