RepercussionsChapter 7 free porn video

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I followed her out to the living room, in the nude of course. I noticed Tara is carrying a large paper bag. Given what came in the last bag Tara brought, a cattle prod, I'm not particularly happy to see the bag.

Reggie, however, sounded pretty excited when she exclaimed, "Oh good! You brought it!"

Tara grinned and nodded. It doesn't take a genius to know this isn't going to be good for me.

Mr. Kunkle is sitting quietly out of the way in the corner of the room, not that anyone is going to fail to see a man as large as he is no matter how quiet he is. Tara glanced at him nervously. Reggie said, "Don't worry. He'll enjoy this. He saw the movie last night and then he spent the night fucking her skanky ass."

Tara clapped her hand over her mouth and in a stage whisper she exclaimed, "No shit!!"

Reggie laughed and whispered, "I saw his cock, Tara! It's huge! You wouldn't believe it!"

Then she turned to her father and said, "Dad, I forgot to tell you. I need you to keep the stuff about the dog and the pussy eating to yourself. If that gets out it could be a little harder to keep the bitch under control."

He smiled and nodded. Then he said, "We certainly wouldn't want that. Would we?"

Tara blushed and exclaimed, "Your dad saw my pussy! Oh shit, Reggie! How could you?!"

Reggie shrugged and then laughed. She said, "Shit, Tara! He's a grown man. He's seen lots of pussies."

Tara snarled back, "Yeah, maybe. But not mine! That wasn't cool."

Reggie shrugged and replied, "He doesn't know which one it was. I didn't show your faces."

Tara responded skeptically, "Yeah. But he only saw two of them and he knows one of them was mine."

Reggie smiled and suggested, "Why don't you go over there and show it to him now? Ask him if he recognizes it. Hell, maybe he'll throw you a fuck with that magnificent cock of his."

Tara was instantly distracted. Her eyes lit up and she whispered, "How big is it?"

Reggie sounded so fucking proud when she said, "It's ten inches long and almost as big around as Rosey's!"

Tara gasped and said, "Oh my god! I wonder what that would feel like!"

Then she turned to me and demanded to know, "What about it, cunt? What did it feel like to get fucked with a cock that big?"

I didn't even have to think about it. I quietly answered, "It hurt like hell."

Reggie grinned and said, "She sucked him off, too. I got to watch that."

"You didn't!"

Reggie nodded proudly.

Tara whispered, "I'd love to see that. Do you think he'd do it again so I could watch?"

"I don't know, maybe. Let's see how things go today."

Steph showed up right about then. The three of them talked quietly among themselves. I was sent to sit on Mr. Kunkle's lap. I can only assume they're making plans for me. They apparently don't want me to hear what they're saying.

Mr. Kunkle didn't mind at all. He pulled me down into his lap and immediately started playing with my tits and my pussy. I felt his cock stirring under my ass. But he doesn't seem interested in having sex. At least not right now.

He asked me, "Do you know what's going to happen to you today?"

I shook my head. Then I replied, "No. But I know I won't like it."

He chuckled and said, "No. You probably won't. But from what I've heard it's going to be entertaining to watch."

There was another knock on the door and Reggie went to open it. She was followed back into the room by Tank, Ben, and five other boys. Three of them are in my class. I don't recognize the other two. They must be friends of Ben's.

It's obvious from the eager expressions on their faces that they all knew in advance I would be here and that something sexual is going to happen. They aren't surprised to see me. They may have been surprised to find me already naked and being groped by Reggie's dad. But they aren't surprised to see me.

Reggie had a quiet conversation with the boys. Then she turned to us and said, "Okay, dad. I need the cunt now. The fun is about to start."

He put me out of his lap and I crossed the room on trembling legs. The boys stared at me as I neared them. When I was close enough, Ben reached out and pulled me in amongst them. Suddenly I had their rough fingers all over my body. They made the usual crude comments about my various body parts and the kind of girl who would do something like this. I just stood there passively. I have the sneaking suspicion I'll be able to put up with a lot more of this kind of abuse as opposed to whatever Reggie has in mind for me.

While Reggie and Tara move around getting ready for whatever they have in store for me, Steph has the movie camera up to her eye and is already recording what the boy's are doing to me.

Reggie, firmly in charge as usual, ordered Tank and Ryan, another boy from my class, to bring the coffee table into the center of the room. As soon as they placed it where she wants it I was picked up by four of the boys and placed on top of it on my back. I'm easily the smallest person in the room. I'm very petite so, as it turns out, I'm not so hard to pick up that they had to stop groping my body to put me where they want me. But it isn't the groping that concerns me now.

Reggie handed each of the four boys short lengths of rope. With no further instructions they tied my wrists and ankles to the legs of the coffee table. It appears everyone but me knows what's going to happen to me. Tara knelt down beside me. With a cruel, gloating little grin on her face she took something out of the large paper shopping bag she brought with her. She was careful to keep it down out of my line of sight.

I'm getting terrified ... again. Reggie knows she doesn't have to tie me up in order to make me do anything. I've already started fucking boys, dogs and her father on her command. She could have just ordered me to let everyone here fuck me and I would have. What did Tara bring here in that bag that's so horrible they have to hide it from me?

Reggie plugged an extension cord into a nearby socket and handed the other end to Tara. Tara plugged in whatever it is she brought with her and said to Reggie, "It'll take a few minutes. I'll let you know when it's ready."

Reggie smiled and nodded.

I lay there helpless and choking back the tears, not yet knowing how but knowing full well I'm going to be hurt for their amusement. Though I realize it's an exercise in futility I started to plead with her. "Please Reggie. Don't hurt me anymore. I'll do what you want. You know that! I've been good. I've done everything you wanted me to do. Please. I can't take any more pain."

She smiled down at me sweetly and, looking for all the world as though she actually cares she replied, "But Brenda! It's so much fun!"

Then she turned to the boys and said, "Guys, we have to wait a few minutes to get started. She obviously needs something to keep her mouth busy. Would anyone like to fuck her mouth? How about you Ryan? You haven't had a shot at her skanky ass yet."

My good friend Ryan grinned excitedly and exclaimed, "No shit?! Hell yeah! I'll do her!"

Reggie smiled and said, "Go ahead. And don't be gentle with her. It looks much better on television when you guys are rough with her."

Ryan, a boy who has been my friend for ten years, dropped to his knees by my face and began to nearly tear his pants off in his eagerness to fuck my mouth.

I didn't even bother to plead with him. One look in his lust crazed eyes and I knew nothing I might say to him now would matter.

He pressed the head of his cock against my lips and thrust his hips forward, driving his entire cock into my mouth and down my throat in what I know is only the first violent attack of the day. He grabbed one of my tits in each hand and started squeezing. He wasn't gentle with those sensitive body parts, either. He made a few derogatory remarks about how small my breasts are. But that didn't stop him from tormenting them.

At the same time he drew back and then started fucking my face as roughly as Ben did the night before last. His cock is smaller. It's only about six inches long and it's the skinniest cock I've seen yet. But even so, when he slammed it down my throat I screamed around it and struggled against the ropes.

He laughed at my feeble efforts and fucked my face brutally while the other kids all cheered him on as if this were some sort of contest or a sporting event.

I don't know how long it was before he buried his cock in my throat and I felt the warm liquid shooting out of his cock and straight down my throat. I started to panic when he left his cock wedged in my throat for such a long time.

I gasped, my lungs fighting for life giving oxygen. It wasn't until that moment I realized I'm able, with a great deal of effort, to breathe through my nose even with his cock still in my throat.

I sucked down a few deep breaths and waited for him to pull his cock out of me.

Unfortunately, as soon as he did, Reggie was on her knees beside me, smiling down cruelly. Her face was only inches from mine. She said, "I've decided there's no reason the boys can't keep doing that until they've all had a turn. They won't be in the way and I think it'll make for a better show. I think you'll be able to scream around their cocks. You managed to do it that first night."

She straightened up and said, "You guys can all take a turn. Don't worry. You can all fuck her later. But take it a little easy on her. We don't want her moving around too much."

There was a brief scramble as the other boys began to jockey for position. Reggie finally took charge and said, "Settle down. Tank, I think you should let the boys who haven't had her go first. I think our other two classmates should be first. Perry, you fuck her face next, then you, Seth."

I've known both of those boys for more than a decade. And just like Ryan, I thought they were my friends.

Reggie turned to Ben's two friends and said, "Will, Art, you boys are in Ben's class, right?"

I guess they nodded. I didn't see them. Perry's cock was plunging into my mouth by then.

She asked them if they're both fourteen. She must have gotten another nod. Then she said, "Okay, Will, you go first. Then Art can have her. Then Tank and Ben get a turn. Then you guys can help. After we finish you can all fuck her."

I became so wrapped up in listening to her arrange the lineup to fuck my mouth I forgot all about Tara. Suddenly I was distracted from the cock in my mouth when I felt something very hot on my belly, just above my vulva. I thought they were pouring boiling liquid on me! I felt like I was being scalded!

They all laughed as I struggled with the ropes and screamed around the cock in my throat. But they ignored my struggles and since my mouth and throat are plugged with a cock I can't plead with them. Not that I thought it would do any good.

I felt someone touching me where they had just poured the hot liquid. I groaned and at that moment Perry came in my mouth.

I swallowed his cum and as soon as he moved out of the way I lifted my head to try to see what they're doing to me.

Reggie smiled and said, "It's hot wax, bitch. We're going to take care of that jungle so that from now on your pussy will look just like a little girl's."

She laughed and added scornfully, "Then it will match your tiny tits!"

Seth got into position to take his turn in my mouth. But before he could block my view, Reggie said, "Hold her head up, Seth. Let her see how this works. Then you can take your turn."

Seth came closer. He lifted my head and propped it up against his stomach. He reached around and began teasing my breasts while everyone waited for the wax they just poured on my pubic hair to dry.

All too soon Tara announced it was time. She asked, "Who wants to go first?"

With a cruel sneer Reggie said, "She's my bitch. I go first."

I watched in horror as Reggie made sure the camera is aimed at us and that it's angled so as to capture both my pussy and the look of horror on my face. She carefully gripped the narrow strip of cloth they embedded in the wax that has now cooled and hardened on my mound. She smiled and asked me, "Are you ready, cunt?"

I shook my head violently. I'm most certainly NOT ready!! They all seemed to find that amusing.

She gave the strip a few gentle tugs and then I saw the tendons in her large arm bulge and she pulled with all of her might.

I screamed so loud I was certain the sound must have been heard all up and down the street. I looked down at the narrow strip of bare skin over my pussy where my thick, black pubic bush had been only seconds earlier. Even through my blurred vision I can see the expanse of dark red flesh and all the little pin pricks of blood where my hair has just been pulled out by the roots.

They all gathered around, examining my tortured pubic mound and the strip of cloth with my hair stuck to it as though I'm some sort of science experiment. Tara said, "One down. We can probably get most of it with a couple dozen strips. Then we turn her over and get the crack of her ass. We don't want any of that nasty old hair to get in Ben's way the next time he fucks her ass."

Reggie leaned close to my face again and calmly explained, "We'll have to do this again, of course. But by the time the summer is over there shouldn't be any hair growing there. In fact, if what I read is true it should never grow there again. I suppose we should do your pits, too. So you're going to have to stop shaving there. It'll look skanky for a while. But once the hair grows out and we yank it out roots and all I'm sure you'll thank me."

She smiled, patted my cheek as though she felt affection for me and moved out of the way. She looked up and said, "Okay, Seth. You can fuck her face now."

I was still crying loudly when Seth plunged his cock into my mouth. But even though his cock is hurting me and I'm having trouble catching my breath, my total attention remains focused on my tender and sore pubic mound. I moan in despair as I feel a second strip of hot wax being daubed onto my pubic hair and the cloth strip being pressed down over it. It was left to cool and harden while Seth twisted my nipples and fucked my mouth and throat.

The five boys Tank and Ben brought with them this morning all have cocks that are about the same size and none of them have much in the way of sexual stamina. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that most; perhaps even all of them are virgins; or at least they were when they arrived.

By the time all five of them took their turn fucking my face my throat was numb from their cocks and from my screams of pain. But I'm not so numb that I'm ready for Tank to take his turn. I doubt if there's anything that can prepare a girl for his fat cock. He has been watching all those boys violently fucking my throat and even though his cock is twice as thick as theirs he apparently sees no reason why he shouldn't receive the same treatment. He forced the head of his long, fat cock into my mouth and just as he was about to plunge it into me one of the boys yanked on the next strip of cloth, jerking out more of my pubic hair.

That task has fallen to the boys. Tara and Steph are too weak to do it. They tried. They yanked and yanked and only caused me pain. So the boys started taking turns, happily tearing my hair out. Each time they did it they seemed to think it was just as funny as the first time.

I screamed in pain as someone pulled out another strip of pubic hair and it was at that exact moment Tank chose to thrust his cock down my throat. I was certain it wouldn't go. I assumed it would hurt like hell and his cock would stop at the entrance to my throat. But probably due to the five cocks that preceded him and to the fact that I screamed at that moment, his cock slid right down my throat!

There was a difference this time, though. The other boy's cocks are not so large that they cut off my oxygen. When Tank's cock was buried in my throat I couldn't breathe.

I heard Steph gasp and exclaim, "Fuck! Look at that. Damn! Look at her throat! You can see his fucking cock! Look! You can see where the head of it is!"

That was when I passed out.

Regrettably, I was brought back to consciousness a moment later and returned to this hell I'm living. Tank has pulled his cock out of my throat. The head of it is still in my mouth, but I can finally breathe again. He's slapping my face and saying, "Come on, bitch. It ain't no fun when you're asleep!"

When he saw that I was conscious again he went right back to fucking my throat. But now he didn't leave his big cock in my throat. He fucked me just like he fucked my pussy the other night. That gave me just barely enough time to gasp for air between strokes.

He finally came in my mouth. His orgasm started in my throat. But he pulled back so that most of his foul cock slime was deposited in my mouth. I was surprised to find that I'm able to swallow. I assumed my throat must certainly have been destroyed by the time Tank was through with me.

And then it was Ben's turn.

While Tank and Ben were trading places I struggled to lift my head and see how much hair is left to be torn violently from my body. It feels like my pussy is on fire. I was dismayed to see that they're only about three quarters finished. I sobbed in abject despair and lowered my head back down over the end of the table just as Ben got into position.

Ben didn't immediately stick his cock in my mouth. I opened my eyes to see why. He's grinning down at me, watching my face, waiting to see the pain displayed there when they yank another strip of hair out of me. By this time I've reached a stage where I don't, or I can't, scream anymore.

But I reacted. I'm not oblivious to the terrible pain. My eyes went wide with the unbearable hurt. My body stiffened and I whimpered like a little girl. Then I collapsed back onto the table. Someone began to apply another strip of hot wax and process started again.

Ben waited and watched my face closely when they tore out another strip of hair. Even through my constant tears I can see how amusing it is for him. He chuckled in response to my suffering and then he put the head of his cock to my lips. I opened them automatically, knowing full well that just like all the others he's going to slam his cock into my mouth and throat as brutally as he possibly can.

He was the first boy to force his cock down my throat. He did it when they raped me for the first time on Thursday. But now that six other boys have just done it before him, including his well hung older brother, he's just one more. I'm not even scared now. I'm resigned to my painful fate.

Actually, I've sunk so deeply into despair by the time Ben raped my mouth and throat that my brain isn't functioning much above the level needed to keep me alive.

As I expected, he slammed his fat cock down my throat a couple of times. He stopped after several violent strokes and I heard him say to the others, "She feels a little dry."

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and lifted my head up by my hair. He pried my mouth open with two strong fingers and I tried to focus on him through my tears, wary of what new torment he has in mind for me. He leaned down until I thought for a moment he was going to kiss me. But that isn't what he has in mind. Not after I sucked off six other boys. Instead, a large glob of spit rolled out of his mouth and streamed down into mine.

The response from the others was varied. Some were amused. Most thought it was disgusting. I most certainly thought it was disgusting. But I suppose it's no worse than most of the other things they're doing to me.

Reggie was amused; no surprise there. She encouraged him to make sure I'm kept hydrated. He spit in my mouth several more times and Steph was right there to capture more close-ups with the movie camera.

Then, after enjoying my suffering when another strip of hair was violently torn from my body, he placed his cock back in my mouth and started slamming his cock into me again.

Ben finally came in my mouth. I swallowed and took a few deep breaths. I'm in no position to relax, of course. But I thought the oral rapes were finished, for now at least. No such luck. They aren't finished ripping the hair from my body. So Reggie encouraged her father to take a turn.

He seemed reluctant, a little nervous about joining in now that all the other kids are here. But he has been enjoying the show and apparently, even though he was totally sexually satisfied at my expense last night he's been inspired by my pain and suffering; so inspired that the bulge in the front of his shorts is obvious from across the room. Without too much convincing he let himself be talked into joining in the fun. I got the impression that he didn't need that much convincing.

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The Cruise Bon Voyage

The Cruise - Slave Linda By LindaK Reader - this story follows my first series 'A Tale of Submission for Linda' and its sequel, "The Evolution of Sub Linda." While this story will include some character and story background I would encourage you to read them in order to better understand it. I hope you enjoy The Cruise.... Chapter One - Cast Off The soft sea scented breeze gently moved Linda's shoulder length hair as she stood at the balcony rail. Linda smiled as she...

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babysitter free for all

After awhile she became less talkitive and the booze must have been hitting her because she started drifting off to sleep. I couldn't help but notice her night gown was very loose and her cleavage between her breasts was openly exposed. I called out her name and got no response so I went over for a closer look. Peering down her chest I could see she had no bra and could almost see her nipple beyond the curve of her breast. My heart started pumping faster as I contimplated what to do next....

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Brittneys Bachelorette Party

I never knew what my friends had in store for me my bachelorette party. If Id have known ahead of time I wouldve called the whole thing off. Fortunately for me, I didnt. It was supposed to be just us girls sitting around my house getting drunk and talking about men. I had NO idea that they had invited a bunch of men to join us. The first men to arrive were two Black males about 30 years old. I was surprised to see Black men since as far as I knew, none of my girlfriends even knew...

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My Wifes Fantasy LoverChapter 2

Hunter and I had been the best of friends for years. I had gone into art and he had gone into pharmacy. We had played ball together, roomed together and had more than a few wild times. Two crazy, single guys, always looking for a couple of sexy women. Even before she had told me that she fantasized about him, I knew that Hunter turned Kari on. It was easy to tell by the 'just lingering' touches on his arm or the way she would giggle and flip her hair when he was around. And her pussy got...

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Vixen Lena Anderson I Want It All

Lena is a spoiled brat. She lives with her mom and has no plans to leave anytime soon. She loves her lifestyle. Recently, a hot guy moved into the guest house to help with her mom’s finances. She’s attracted to him but treats him badly (like a spoiled girl would do). One day when her mom is out while thinking of her neighbour she starts to masturbate in the bathtub. The guy staying at the guest house just happened to have entered the house for a drink. He hears something from the...

4 years ago
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The Ring of ControlChapter 8

Now that my insight into the actual power of the ring, as I perceived it, was settled; I started to fix lunch. I had planned on just sandwiches, but then I thought that it would be a great treat for Brie, to fix her favorite lunch: macaroni and cheese with Spam. Why she liked it, I have no idea, but she did. Mom would keep the fixings in the pantry for this dish, just so Brie could have it. The funny thing was, that after about three or four times, I started to like it myself. Of course, Bea...

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Kim prompt do

I was reading a book at my apartment when I got a phone call from my friend Kim around 9:45 her boyfriend Brett was missing in action. she sounded a little depressed, I told her things would get better, I asked her if she wanted to talk about it."hey if you want you can stop by my place after work." I suggested."omg really?" she asked."yeah I don't mind I really want to hang out with you again." i told her. she started crying about feeling so alone, I told her i was here for her if she needed a...

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BrownBunnies Victoria Cakes A Slice Of Cake In Miami

Victoria Cakes is back and she came to the heart of Bang Bros, Miami baby! We had to give her the full Miami treatment, and by that we mean….REALLY big dick. Our boy Isiah Maxwell is ready to take on that huge ass. She walked around in public showing off her amazing booty, and the residents of Miami were….excited to say the least. She even got recognized by a few fans! I guess it’s hard not to get recognized with a legendary ass like hers. We head over to the Bang Bros crib...

1 year ago
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What do you think I should do

WHAT SHOULD I DO? By Ginger When I was six years old, I watched my mother sewing a dress for my sister. It was for a surprise gift and she needed someone to try it on so she could hem it. I did not object to helping out. Her friend committed that I was pretty and should have been a girl. A similar incident occurred when I was eight. I again maneuvered to be a model for my sister's dress even though I acted like I didn't want to do it. My father died when I was nine. I spent most of my...

3 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part Nine

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who has had a rough life on her own, but that is about to change….DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of Imagination - All Characters, Incidents, and Places are Fictional. Including Anyone or Place with Similar Names, this Story is intended as Satire and for Adults Only; you must be 18 or over to read it. This part of my Story will be involving R(a)pe, B(e)stiality & Ped(o)philia, it will be Intensely Emotional. I do not condone...

2 years ago
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A Trip to the club

It was our first time at a swingers club, and despite having wanted to for a long time, Lisa was a bit apprehensive at going but I talked her into it. I was hoping to ogle lots of naked girls myself, even if nothing happened! Lisa was getting a lot of admiring glances as she paraded around in a towel that looked like a very mini dress. It barely contained her ample chest as she walked, and many guys were willing it to slip.When in the Jacuzzi, lots of men were watching her as she took off the...

4 years ago
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Softwear Engineer Meri Rakhel

Hai dosto kaise hai aap mai iss ka regular redder hu muze aap logo se ek bat kehani ki tumhari life me jo ghatna ghti hai use hi likho our dusari bat ma – behano ki burai karna chod do jaise ki meri ma our mai our behan ko choda etc. Aap log naraj ho gaye kya koi bat nahi mai aapko ek majedar kahani padata hu .kaise mai ne ek softwear engineer ki chudai ki Mai ek Production Company me dispatch ka kam karata hu meri age 27 hai dikhne me itna smart nahi hu lekin htta-katta hu. Ek aurat ya ladki...

3 years ago
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My SexStarved Married Aunt Prerna

This is a real story. I am Sameer and my aunt’s name is Prerna. She is around 38 years old and has one child. She is absolutely hot, she goes to the gym everyday to maintain her lustful figure. This story is very recent. During this college vacation, when I came home, I was asked to babysit her child as her husband went to work in some other city. So I was at her home for about a week. The whole week, I stole glances at her when she used to go to bath, wear deep neck tops etc. I also used to...

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A Lesson In Self Satisfaction

Here it's a true personal experience I had last year when I was alone and feeling sad. I wish to share this personal and intimate experience with you because I guess you’ll get very horny in reading it too. So, here we go. I am in the middle of the 50th, good-looking in appearance, liberated and very open-minded about all aspects of sexual things. I’m scorpio and sex takes a large place in my life. However, as I work hard and do not have much time to go out and meet women or having sexual...

2 years ago
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Next Door Neighbors 3Chapter 3

I went back home, wearing my wet shorts and carrying my shirt. I really do like my next door neighbor and new best friend. I didn’t see Mom when I went in the kitchen, so I ran up the stairs to get some dry clothes. Mom was lying naked, curled up on my bed asleep and her sexy butt was too good to resist. I eased into my bed naked and slipped my dick between her butt cheeks, she made a soft moaning sound and backed up to let me run deeper. I reached around and cupped a big titty in my hand...

1 year ago
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Phew! That was the last sentence of my creative writing essay, it should only be a couple of minutes before I can finally try out that new dating app. I saw it on a YouTube ad and have always wanted to get with a futa, at least once in my life. My friend told me that every man needs to experience having sex with a futa at least once in their life, so fuck it here we go! I opened up my phone and went to the blooble play store. I typed up "Grindher" in the search bar and quickly downloaded the...

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The College Whore

Hi friends, this is a real story which continues to this day. The name of the character has been changed but the contents are 100% true.It is about a girl from my college, who was my junior by one year. Her name is Deepika Choudhary. She is from Andhra Pradesh but got settled in Chennai with her aunt for her schooling and college. Her aunt is a widow and she also goes to her mother’s house most of the time, leaving this girl alone many days. She is about 5 feet tall, cute round face with a...

2 years ago
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The Hotter The DaughterChapter 4

Gerta found her mother in the kitchen after she had led Johnny down the stairs from her bedroom and out the front door. Still naked, she wrapped her arms around her mother and grinned. "He fucked me, Mommie!" she sighed. "It was wonderful!" Mrs. Beck's arms went around her daughter. She patted Gerta's ass. "I know, baby. I could hear you screaming all the way down here!" "Tomorrow, he wants me to lay for a friend of his," Gerta added, drawing back. "It made me feel kind of...

4 years ago
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Ich bin keine Straszligenhure

Das Praktikum Teil 2Nicht die einzigeAls ich die Doppeltüre geschlossen hatte, musste ich mich im Flur erst einmal gegen die Wand lehnen, meine Knie waren ganz weich, mein Herz raste. Was hatte ich da gemacht? erst einmal tief Atem holen. Langsam ging ich die Treppe hinunter in unser Büro. Die Kolleginnen schauten auf, als ich den Raum betrat, aber ich hoffe ich war inzwischen so gefasst, dass sie an meine Ausdruck nichts erkennen konnten.Ich setzte mich an meinen Platz und wollte das nächste...

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E020 Pearl Ten

Yes, she is so wet and came hard from lip service.  Emma is so ripe for more.  After kissing and smiling down on her, Donald tells Emma to roll over and lift her ass.  The picture before him is delightful.  The stockinged legs, the bare upper thighs, and now her lovely ass cheeks before him. He leans between her legs again and licks and kisses her inner thighs, going up to her cunt and licking some of the wetness away, which is only replaced with more.  Emma is now a leaking faucet which one...

Love Stories
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First time27

He introduced himself as John, and explained that he worked nights at a hotel and was both bored and horny. He suggested that I come over and help relieve his boredom. John had still not told me much about himself but he’d succeeded in making me horny, and a bit reckless. I had been talking up what I would love to try and didn’t want to back down now. I agreed to come over and meet him. I found the hotel, one of those ex-country house hotels; very up market and not easy to find. As I...

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Docs Complex 05 Whats Wrong With Fantasies

Doc's Complex 05 - What's Wrong With Fantasies by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Doc's Complex 05 - What's Wrong With Fantasies For several seconds after the robot's metal feet clanged off into the distance, everyone was afraid to move. Someone, one of the dozen tall blonds with shoulder-length straight hair, finally went to the doorway, quietly moving on tiptoe, and looked out. She looked both ways, and turning...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 45 A Journey Ends

June/July, 1984, Stockholm, Sweden I woke when the conductor announced that we were arriving in Stockholm. I was happy the announcement came early enough for me to be fully awake and clear my mind before the train arrived on the platform. My dream had replayed the last seven years, but in a disjointed fashion. The strongest memories had come first - seeing Birgit for the first time, making love to her, her death, seeing Karin for the first time, my night of passion with Karin, and Karin’s...

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Breaking In my New CockSucker Gay

It has been close to seven years since I'd last fooled around with another man. It wasn't often that I craved the company of a man, was something about Terrence that made me hungry for his dick.Terrence was hired as a developer in my department and sat in the cubicle behind mine. It was his second week and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I've been fantasizing about sucking his dick since the moment he stepped into the conference room for his interview. Terrence was black, about 6'4, very...

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Weird things Succubus

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague I have no idea why, may be on times lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical happened they seemed to end over silly little things. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red slim lips, her eyes glinted purple I took it to...

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Her Dominant Boss

Sandra was in love with her boss.  Well, if she wasn’t in love with him, she was definitely in lust with him.  She looked across the desk at Jon Willingdon: she was his personal assistant.  They were in their daily morning meeting, where he outlined all he required of her to do for the day.  She was taking notes but was also checking him out.  He was six feet, two inches with broad shoulders, strong arms, and a narrow waist.  She knew that he worked out often, as he used the company gym.  He...

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My Office SlutChapter 4

Marcy was quiet in the taxi cab, she just hugged my arm tightly to her. She whispered "What a night." Once we were in her room, she quickly shed her clothes. She left the dog collar on. I went to the wash room, and when I returned she had the leash in her hand. She turned to me, naked except for the collar, and handing me the leash, said "Put it on me." I did, and then she said "Now, do like Karen said, run it back between your legs, and then pull me down." I just looked at...

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Spizoo Morgan Rain Savors A Sizzling Hot Sex

Horny slut Morgan Rain’s sexual desire intensifies when she is left alone with her handsome partner in the bedroom. Teasing him, she runs her naughty hands on his chest all the way down to his big, hard cock while showering him with passionate kisses on the lips and nape. As her thirsty little sensual mouth is excited to have a taste of his massive cock, she slowly undresses him and shoves his cock down the back of her throat making him crave more. He takes off her pants and starts...

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An Imposition No More Part 5 CONCLUSION

AN IMPOSITION NO MORE PART 5 (END) Sleazy Blonde, 2021 It's been a fascinating process over these past several weeks. He wanted me to fist him to orgasm and so I did. He wanted a chastity belt on 24/7 and so I put it on. Laser hair removal? His choice! Panties and corsets now everyday? His idea! Nightly spanking because he's been a bad boy? His idea but I never forgot to slap my lap to beckon him! Moreover, the benefits of this relationship! OMG!!! I don't cook nor clean anymore....

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Wife seducing Paul

We have been married now for almost 20 years, and it's true to say that my wife has maintained her healthy appetite for sex. She is now in her early forties, and has maintained her figure. She is about 5 foot 4 inches tall, blonde hair with well above average boobs. For the past 2 years or so, she has been going into town on a Friday night with my sister and her friends, while I have been looking after our two children. It was apparent from the start that she liked the fact that men were...

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Meri Sexy Bhabhi Ki Chudai Sardi Me

Hi guys! I’m Bhoopesh i am from jodhpur i am a regular reader of ISS. Ye meri iss par pehli story hai. Maine iss par sabhi tarah ki story padi hai lakin muje bhabhi ko chodne ki story achi lagti hai. Main aapko meri ek sachi gatana batane ja raha hu ki kaise maine meri bhabhi (uncle k ladke ki bahu) ko sardi k time me choda. Me aapko mere bare me kuch bata du me ek handsome or bahut sexy hu. Muje sex me choot chatna bahut acha lagta hai. Ab me story pe aata hu. Meri bhabhi jinka naam rekha,...

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It has been seven months since we last saw each other. Wow! Seven months! I remember when we couldn’t go seven days without seeing each other. Our decision to take a break over the summer holidays wasn’t unique as we have done that a couple of times to concentrate on our real lives. The decision at the end of the summer to call it quits wasn’t a surprise either. We had enjoyed a fantastic seven years with each other but everything moves on... or not, as it seems. Hence, why I’m now nervously...

Quickie Sex
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Envy Skull

This story may be posted on any free site. The Envy Skull By Allison Voorhees [email protected] She found the skull pendant at an antique store, and gave it to me. I normally dress rather Goth, with a classy twist, so the simple pendant was just discreet enough to suit me perfectly. "This is cool!" I told her. It was a simple skull, about 2 inches wide and a quarter- inch thick, with green gems inlaid into the eye sockets. "Yeah," she replied. "Let's go get a...

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Careful Where You Jog

It was the first day of spring break. I go to school away from home and live in a boarding house. My parents were having problems and I was sick of the fighting so I decided not to go home during spring break, instead I had planned the first day of my holidays to go for a jog/walk at a Conservation Park that I frequent every chance I get. I figured it would be pretty empty this time of morning, and it was a Thursday after all and the younger kids wouldn’t be finished school for another...

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A Moms Sexuallity is Awaken Chapter Two

Chapter Two A Mom’s Sexuality Is Awaken Josh looked down at his mother’s head as she was busy sucking his cock again today. Her face was still covered from the last blow job she gave him earlier. Three times every day now she had been sucking him off. She never once complain no matter how long he’d take or how many times he wanted it. She would suck him off six times a day if he asked. On the morning of his 19th birthday she sucked him without stopping until he...

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Releasing the beast in her Part 1

How was I going to explain to my wife? It was Wednesday and I was just driving home after landing back in the UK having just returned from three months working in New Zealand and discovered that I needed to have a meeting in London late Friday afternoon and into the evening with two of the team I had been working with on a previous project in Japan! The only way around it, I thought, was to take her with me. As the meeting was scheduled for a Friday I planned to give her a weekend in...

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SisLovesMe Summer Brooks Stepsister Confidential

Summer Brooks was caught by her stepbro sneaking in the house. He could tell their parents or she could get down on her knees and suck his cock for secrecy. Summer decided to appease stepbro for now… The next day Summer got in trouble for using a fake ID. She was more open to stepbro this time, and decided she would fuck him if he didnt rat her out. Stepbros cock actually felt really good inside her, too bad they did not get to finish. Later that night stepbrothers balls were swelling from not...


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