Booking the GirlsChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 22
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A cellphone call had us meeting Ann and the kids at the catfish joint for dinner. Cindy recounted her day to Ann.
"You sound impressed," Ann said.
"I am," Cindy countered. "Last summer, I was just hopin' to get out of middle school, an' today I was talking to the Dean of the Engineering School at Auburn."
Teresa said, "Mom, is it okay if I'm a little jealous?"
"Ann," I chuckled, "Teresa's not the only one that's a little jealous."
Jim smiled at his daughter. "Jealous is okay, baby, just so you recognize that Cindy's got a gift and we're all very happy for it."
"I know," Teresa said. She smiled. "Cindy, you KNOW I'm happy for you. Really. But still..."
Bill looked up from his plate, swallowed a mouthful of fish, and said, "Cin, I'm good with it..."
We all laughed at that.
We were working on desserts, still talking about things.
"So what time at the airport tomorrow, guys?" Jim asked.
"It's a couple of hundred miles. An hour and a half, flying. There's gonna be a rental car waiting for us at the airfield. We go to the hotel, check in, change, do dinner, the concert. I guess we should leave a little leeway, so let's leave at noon," I said.
"That gives us plenty of time to get the kids to my sister's," Ann said. She looked at Cindy. "How do YOU dress when you fly in this thing?"
Cindy spread her arms out, tilted her head, and smiled, posing. "Like this! Believe me, it's not a 'skirt' kind of airplane!"
Ann sighed. "Oh, well! Dan, can you accommodate a pretty big suitcase? So I can pack my dress properly?"
"Baby, that's an Alaska bush plane. It'll handle the four of us and a whole moose."
She stuck her tongue at him. "But that moose didn' have to worry about dressing up in a wrinkled dress, Philistine!"
Jim laughed. "There she goes with the big words again. I do gather from her uppity tone that I've been insulted."
"Only lightly, dear," she giggled, patting him on the arm.
Teresa said to Cindy in a stage whisper, "My parents are comedians."
"Yeah," Cindy giggled. "Don't'cha jut LOVE 'em!"
Bill didn't comment. He just rolled his eyes and ate his pie.
Leaving the restaurant, Jim rode home with his family and Cindy and I drove off in our truck. She twisted in her seatbelt and leaned back against me, my arm wrapping her, holding her warmly against me in the January cold.
"Tired, baby?" I asked.
"Mmmm-hmmm, love," she said. "Today's been a little stressful."
"I think you did just fine, cutie. I didn't know what we were walking into. You did fine."
"D'ya think Alabama State's gonna be anything different?" she asked.
"I haven't the foggiest idea. One thing, though. We only know ONE Alabama State grad."
Giggle. "That was nice of Mister Bill an' Mister Charlie to write those letters. Seemed like Mister, uhhh ... Doctor Stebbins was surprised by that."
"Maybe so. It certainly didn't hurt," I said. "It's nice to have friends and family."
"That care," she added.
We pulled up to our trailer under cold, crisp, clear skies. I estimated twenty degrees. We stepped rather lively into the trailer.
"Brrr!" she went.
I wrapped her in my arms as soon as the door closed. "Cold?"
"Gosh, yes! I miss summer. Didn't miss it when it was here, but I do now!"
"Shower. Then hot cocoa," I said.
"You got it!" she grinned.
She was in the shower and I was whipping up a little pot of hot cocoa. I left the pot on low heat when she got out. She was drying her hair, finishing as I was shaving, and when I put my razor up and donned a pair of workout pants, our nod to pajamas in the cool trailer in January, she was standing there with a steaming mug for me.
We curled up together on the sofa, savoring the steamy liquid.
"So what outfit are you wearing for tomorrow evening?" I asked.
She turned her green eyes to me and smiled. "I seem to remember something you tell me about dark green. I have the sweater that matches that dress and shoes that you like."
"Perfect!" I said. "Atlanta hasn't been hit like that since Sherman."
"I hope I don't do as much damage," she giggled. My Cindy learned her history.
"Scarlett O'Hara doesn't hold a candle to my Cindy," I smiled.
I retrieved a hard suitcase from the under-bed storage and we carefully stowed her dress and my suit and shirt. Our normal, informal attire went into the duffel-style overnight bags we each carried on our weekend outings.
After packing, we went to bed, cuddling in the cool air of the trailer, listening to the north wind howling outside. The cuddle started something because a little redhead pushed me from lying on my side, facing her, onto my back, and her mouth fastened to my chest.
I felt teeth. And a giggle as her hand slid down my belly to find me hardening. Fast. "You're not THAT tired, are you, sweetie?" Giggle. "Part of you just woke up!"
Some pleasant while later, that part was ready to rest, an act made far easier by a purring redhead curled up beside me.
Moring came with pleasant pause. I felt her stir, and I got up and turned the thermostat up to warm our little trailer from 'snuggle' to 'breakfast', then went to the bathroom. I walked back beside the bed, finding a pair of green eyes in the gap between red bangs and the edge of the bedclothes.
"Bed gets cold FAST without you," she said.
I slid back under the covers and got wrapped in a tangle of arms and legs. Bright eyes and soft lips only added to the delights.
More giggles. "I wanted to get warm. Tee-hee ... Now I AM!" And we found out exactly HOW warm.
She lay back in my arms. "Whew! That's good before breakfast!"
"Mmmm-hmmm," I agreed. "Wanna dress warm and go up the road?"
"Pancakes," she smiled. "And coffee. Not as good as OURS, but still good."
"Then get that cute little butt dressed, cutie! I shall give you pancakes!"
I got up on one side of the bed, she on the other, and we bumped pleasantly getting clothes out of compact drawers and closets. She finished tying her shoes and stood up, a doll in jeans and an orange Auburn sweatshirt. The dark blue watchcap she pulled down to her ears set her hair off.
"Oh, that's CUTE," I laughed.
Twinkly eyes and a grin. "Mister Bill would like it," she grinned. "An' Mister Charlie bought it for me."
"Let's go, baby doll. Pancakes await!" I opened the door and saw our truck's windshield coated with frost. "Never mind. Let me start the truck and let it defrost." I dashed outside, cranked the truck, and turned the defroster on high, then dashed back in.
"Cold?" she asked.
"Twenty. Maybe."
"BRRR!!! Sit!"
I sat. she climbed into my lap and we wrapped up together.
"I like doing things with our friends, baby," she said. "Makes me feel like you really care about me!"
"You don't know how deeply I care about you, angel," I said.
She giggled. "That, baby, could be taken as a suggestive comment."
"That, too," I chuckled. We kissed each other like new lovers for a few minutes.
She held my face in her hands, gave me a pert little kiss and said, "Check the truck. I have an overriding urge for pancakes now." Her eyes danced with delight as she slid off my lap.
I peeked out the window. "Let's go," I said. The cab of the truck was warm when we climbed in. My partner punched up the stereo and we listened to a little music on the short drive.
Walking into the restaurant, Cindy spotted Bill Carmody about the same time he spotted us. He waved us over.
"Hi Mister Bill," Cindy chirped.
I pulled her chair out to seat her, then sat beside her.
"Cindy, I like your sweatshirt. You folks are out in THIS?" he grinned.
"Either that or one of us had to COOK breakfast at the trailer," Cindy said.
"So here we are," I laughed.
"By the way, Mister Bill," Cindy said, "Thank you SOOO much for the letter to Auburn!"
"Awww, sweetie," he grinned, "The dean an' I went to school together. Been a bunch of years. I oughtta go see 'im. I just thought he needed to get another idea about our Engineer's Apprentice."
Cindy giggled. "Well, thanks!"
The waitress came with two mugs of steaming coffee without asking. That's what we get for being regulars. She looked at Cindy. "Pancakes, sweetie?"
"Yes, ma'am," Cindy said.
"Me too," I added.
"So what's on tap this weekend for you two?" Bill asked.
Cindy laid out our plans.
He smiled and nodded. "Hey, I been meanin' to ask you, somebody told me that you an' Miss Cindy and some other folks've been playing' music out there where you're stayin'."
"I guess I could've said something," I replied. "Ain't much, really. Me, Jim and Ann Hardesty. Jim's Cindy's guidance counselor at school."
"And Cindy sings," he said. "Don't'cha think that some of us might've been interested? I mean, Cindy's like everybody's daughter or little sister out there." He shook his head. "'Cept you, Dan!"
"And for me, she's my best friend and..." I paused. "Bill, the music, it's a step up from a jam session. We're not that good..."
"Not what I heard," Bill said.
Cindy said, "Dan, we're getting a LOT better. Mister Bill, next time we decide to do a show, we'll tell you. I'll make sure!"
"Please do," Bill said. "Makes the job more pleasant, ya know."
Cindy and I attacked our pancakes and Bill demolished a plate of grits and eggs and bacon. When we stood up, he grabbed the check. I started to protest.
"No way," he said. "My treat! Ya'll go off an' have a good time!"
"Thanks, Mister Bill," Cindy said over her shoulder as we left.
In the truck, Cindy said, "We can talk to the Hardesty's about that, like maybe next weekend."
"They might get tired of doing that, baby," I said.
"I think they'd tell us if they were, don't'cha think?"
"Well, let's ask them if it's too soon..." I sighed.
"Oh, I was going to be tactful," she smiled. "I can be, you know..." She punched on the stereo and found us some music.
We killed time back at the trailer for a couple of hours before leaving for the airport. I wanted to be a little early. As it was, we got there five minutes before Jim and Ann. Cindy and I were just finished pushing the plane out onto the apron when they arrived.
"Back your car into the hangar," I said to Jim. I did the same thing, and we closed and locked the hangar door.
Cindy stood beside Ann as Jim and I stowed the bags in the cargo compartment and preflighted the plane.
Climbing in, Ann said, "I can see why you said this isn't a 'skirt' situation." Cindy giggled.
Jim and I climbed into the front seat. I turned to Ann. "There's a barf bag in the seat pocket."
"Dan," she said, "I'm SURE!"
"Just sayin'," I said. I turned to Jim. "You wanna read the checklist?"
Jim laughed. "One page ... got it!"
We fired up the engine and got some heat going and I watched until the oil temperature started climbing into the green before we taxied out. "Jim?" I asked.
"I'll follow you," he said. "It's a tail-dragger and I'm too rusty."
After the run-up, we checked for traffic, called on the radio, then lifted off the runway, cruise-climbing on course to fifty-five hundred feet, angled into Georgia.
The intercom and headphones made conversation possible and good friends made it pleasant. Ann said, "I forgot how much fun this is."
In a bit more than an hour we were winding our way thought the air traffic nightmare that is Atlanta, headed to a general aviation field outside the city, watching commercial jets in and out of the big airport that we carefully avoided, and I was pleased to do a real squeaker of a landing. No hop, no bounce, no little sideways wiggle. The wheels kissed the concrete and stuck, and we were in Atlanta.
With the plane tied down, we retrieved our rental car and transferred our luggage, headed to the hotel and checked in.
Jim said, "Wow, baby! Us. A hotel room. No kids!"
"Beast!" Ann giggled. To us she said, "See ya'll at about five?"
Cindy closed our door behind us, smiling. "Me and you. And a big bed. And a big shower. And a couple of hours..." she giggled.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"Mister Jim an' Mizz Ann. They looked almost TOO happy..."
"It's probably a rare treat for them to get out like this, baby," I said.
She said, "Still ... you know ... I think about US doin' it, because we DO ... but it's kinda funny to realize that other people ... get excited about it..." By this time she was pressing up against me. "'Course, we COULD sit in the bed an' play cards..." She peeled that watchcap off her head, loosing that outrageous hair and shook it.
"C'mere, you! I have a better idea!"
By four-thirty we NEEDED a quick shower. By five, she was a little red-headed bit of perfection and I was wearing my 'respectable engineer' suit.
The phone rang. Cindy answered it. "Okay," she said. "We'll meet ya'll in the lobby."
Actually we met them in the elevator. Jim I'd seen in a suit before. I'd not seen Ann dressed up, and she did herself well in dark blue, her blonde hair in place, and looking like she was MEANT for Jim, her blue eyes sparkling, make-up an enhancement, not a cover.
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Blonde and a spectacular body, that’s right its Angelika Grays and she has come to Private Specials, He is Twice My Age as a roller girl looking for some fun with the mature Clarke Kent. Angelika loves a man with experience that can really show her a good time and gets straight down on her knees for a taste of cock with a sloppy blowjob that will start in the garden and end in bedroom. Then watch as she spreads her legs and shows off that beautiful pussy for eating before enjoying a hard fuck...
xmoviesforyouBen and Lacy arrived at the small, hole-in-the-wall bar on the east side of town. Neither had been there before and were only there because Lacy had won tickets for a show in a raffle at work. Lacy wore a short leather skirt, white green blouse showing lots of cleavage, and her best heels. Ben wore his best jeans that hugged his ass and a maroon silk shirt. “Could they find a more out of the way place?” he asked. “Quit bitchin’, Ben,” said Lacy. “We have free tickets that include the first...
Gay MaleMy wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...
Billy lay in his warm bed with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He was deeply hurt and very troubled at the way Lisa had been acting since that afternoon under the tree, almost a week ago. Oh sure, she had been polite, acting like any normal sister would to her brother, except that she was hardly civil when he tried to speak to her about anything besides passing dishes at the table. He couldn't figure it out. She was the one who had suggested sucking his cock, and she had...
Judy stated down at her brother's cock. "Mmmm, it's hardagain." She jumped off the counter and grabbed it, stroking thethick, throbbing cock-shaft. "Oooo, God, Tommy," she gasped,rubbing her naked body into him, his hard cock pressed against herbelly. "Mmmm, lemme lick my pussy-juice off your face." Tommy's arms circled his sister's slim body. He cupped thecheeks of her ass as she licked his face and rubbed her stomachagainst his aching cock. "Christ, you're a horny little bitch! ...
Na peru sandhya idhe na 2nd story . .Na vayasu 23 idhe jarigi rendu ellu ayindhe nenu ma vuri daggara college lo degree chaduthunapudu jarigndhe eh sangatana idhe jarigaka na jevithame maripoyindhe . Madhe konchem unna kutumbam . Roju ma nanna garu college lo digapettadam tesukelladam chesevaru . Ma amma intlone untadhi .Ma college vuru nunchi 20 km lu untade kane daggarlo verey college lekha ma nanna garu akdae cherpincharu .Nenu chudatanike chala andam ga untanu.Apatike na sallu 34 undevi. Ma...
Hi Desi Fan from reading the story in DF I also share my real experience with this DF Fan. I am 37 year old graphic designer, and my hobby is internet chatting and cyber sex. I am also giving the graphic designing and internet surfing training at home as a home tutor. I have one lady student; I am giving her home tuition during the afternoon time on Sunday and evening time on all the week days. Her name is Deepmala (name changed-b’coz of secrecy), her age is around 32 to 35 having two children,...
I met my husband three years ago when I was a college freshman. My husband was a senior majoring in accounting. He was tall, has a dark complexion (southern Italian heritage), and good enough looking; but, like many accounting students, he was naïve and a bit lacking in social skills. He was also very religious. However, he had a very high-grade point average and had a job offer close to $60,000 per annum. I decided he would make a good husband so, after maneuvering him into asking, I accepted...
It had been one of those days, I was frustrated, aggravated, and almost mad. I texted my wife and told her that I was in the mood for a fuck. Not making love, not sex, but a hair pulling, forceful, rough fuck. Just a few minutes later, I hearf my phone buzz. I looked at the screen and there was a picture of my naked wife. She texted back, ‘Sounds good to me.’ I told her to have a few drinks, to loosen up and I would be home shortly. An hour later, I walked in the door. I went straight to our...
I drove teena to my house, we ate on the way, we were really hungry after all the activity at the office, I opened the door of my house ( I have a 3 Bedroom, Kitchen & Hall apartment on the 15 floor in a tower in the upmarket society in Western Suburbs) & both of us walked in…I told her to make herself comfortable, she said she wanted to have a wash & freshen up, so I showed her the bathroom of the second bedroom & handed her a towel. She went in for a wash & I walked out to freshen up & fix us...
IncestHello friends I am here again. I received good responses on my last story so going with another. As I told I like to be fucked, somehow I am addictive to it. I need it on weekly basis now. I have one of the best bff who listened to me every time I said anything and fulfilled all my wishes , almost all. I mentioned earlier my stat is 36-32-36 . For imaginatin main bta du main tvf tripling ki chanchal jaisi dikhti hu. So come to the story and as usual in hindi. Mere semester khatam hue the to...
Daddy smacked my ass as we kissed, me straddling his lap in a chair. Each time I jumped and rubbed my pussy on him harder. "I'm glad you like that" He smacked me again."Daddy" I whispered in ecstasy."get up" he insisted, his tone changing from horny into horny disciplinarian. He grabbed me by the back of the neck and shoved me to the bed, bending me over. His first blow to my behind came as a surprise. I gasped and tried to stand, he pushed me back over and smacked me again. I started to get...
let me introduce my elf ht 5,9 and well built sporty structure .This my latest experience and she was our medical college mate her name is Begum. she was 23. She was very nice. she look very beautiful she is 5 feet,5 inches and she talks very nice .she is an Muslim and she stays with her mother her father had passed away 5 years back and she moves very freely with me . She crack jokes and she will share her lunch she tells about her family and she shares her feelings. let me describe...
Several days had gone by in which nothing unusual had occurred. It was the weekend and I was using the opportunity to spend some time with Biene. She was doing better, but still had a strong limp. "My mother wants me to go to school again starting Monday," she said sullenly. "And what does the doctor say to that?" I asked. "He wanted me to go last week already," she pouted. "I wasn't using my leg enough. So I have to have these stupid injections every day." "Shots? Pain...
I had gotten to this point in my mind and in what we had as a relationship. 400 tex each way thoughts about her sex, as much and kinky as it could be it didn't even have to be with me. I was realistic she was away from me way more than with me so I adopted the philosophy of encouraging , talking it up how hot it would be to do a guy at the party that night, when her husband walks off leaves her alone while he does his thing, or maybe a meeting time or place. Then the doubt creepsin will she...
I walked towards him with my luggage. He asked for my passport then looked inside it, "Mr Ricky Henderson." "Yeah that's me," I said smiling at him. He indicated for me to place my luggage on the desk. "This your luggage Sir, You pack it yourself? Yes I said, carrying anything for anyone else? "No" After a few more questions he asked me to open my luggage. With his rubber gloves on he searched through my clothing etc. then he found a toiletry bag, fuck I suddenly thought of what was in it,...
First a little information about the people in this story. First one is Ed, he is a 18 year old bisexual. He is about the same height at me. Pretty slim, and has a nice bubble butt. He was my best friend and also my second cousin. Second one is my distant uncle, the father of Ed. His name is Dan, He is 6ft 5 black man. He is in his 60s. He isnt Eds real father, He adopted Ed when he was 3-4 years old. Up until the event took place, i have seen Dan only a few time. Ed lives with me and my...
Hey guys how are you all. I am back with another real story, those who have read my last post knows about my affair with my neighbour Bhabhi Rohini. That affair is still in its prime, I’ve been fucking her for about almost three year. Now let’s move to the main females of this story. Her name is Premlata and her daughter’s name is Yugma. She is an average looking woman; her age is about 35-40 years. She has small boobs; her height is 5 feet 7 inch, but the main attraction of her body is her big...
Dan didn’t have to worry about feeling cold. He had Wendy and Tina’s bodies to keep him warm. “It may get crowded at our table, but I would prefer to watch my girls being fucked here instead of you going somewhere else.” “We can do that Daddy, and watch you suck on all those cocks,” Lilly teased. “Just save enough cum for us to swallow,” Brenda smiled, adding to the atmosphere. “If we go to another part of the room to fuck, I know who can watch over us, Hank,” Karen suggested. “Imagine...
Dawn let the hot water run down her body."mmmm" she moaned and finished rinsing the water out of her hair. Once she knew it was all out she turned off the water and reached for the towel that was on the sink. She dried herself off, wiped the mirror off and looked at herself naked. "I have a nice body if i do say so myself.." it was true she did.. 5'10 with red shoulder lengh hair (dyed and had big ass and a flat tummy. Dawn opened the bathroom door and ran right into her roomate Alex. Alex had...
LesbianThis story came in for some criticism as being too complicated. I was trying to make the story succinct and subtle and all who commented said it was too obscure. Therefore I have hammered out all the subtlety, adding half as many words again and submitting it for your comments. ***** SCHOOL AND MALL – Pass it on. ‘Don’t go too far, Katie,’ I cautioned, ‘Karate’ll only be five minutes.’ Katie was two and fearless. I was 62 and wired fearful whenever I babysat my grandchildren. At half-term...
Jaden and I shared some very hot looks and I think she also was secretly happy that her father wouldn’t be around anymore. In the weeks that followed I often relived my kiss with Jaden and the lust filled moment I had spent with her mother. I felt there was a good chance that I could get back into Angie’s bed but Jaden would be my first conquest. In going over our brief kiss I felt that Jaden would be ready and willing to go further, and might have if we hadn’t been interrupted....