Flossie's RevengeChapter 4 free porn video

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It would have been natural for the other children to needle Nathan about his comments about how “niggers couldn’t possibly fly a plane”. Flossie didn’t want any of that, so she simply used the whole incident as an example of how, if you don’t have all the facts, you can sometimes come to a conclusion that is in error.

“Just because you’re wrong about something doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world,” she said. “It can cause trouble because you’re operating on a basis that is false, but, if you’re willing to learn and change, you can correct problems like that. Nathan had an opinion that was in error. He has learned some things, and his opinion has changed accordingly. That’s what education is all about.”

She then went on to name several things that other children had believed, and which had been proven wrong. By the time she was done, it seemed like what Nathan had done was not only ordinary, but not worth talking about any more either.

That incident also led to a revival of identifying more black inventors in class. The first one popped into her mind as one of the children asked to use the pencil sharpener. She explained that a man named John Lee Love, whose parents had been slaves. He had improved the common pencil sharpener by enclosing it so that the shavings didn’t drop on the floor.

The next one came on what Flossie called a field trip. It was really just an excuse to get out in the air and get some exercise after a long session on Government that had been boring to most of the kids. She took them on a walk to identify native plants that were good for food and medicinal uses, and saw a man plowing a field with a mule.

“See the plow that man is using?” she asked. “Does anybody know what it’s called?”

“It’s a Beard plow,” said Luthor instantly. “My daddy has one, but we haven’t used it for a couple of years. He got one that goes on the three point hitch of the tractor and we use that now.”

Several other students said their parents had a plow like that too, some of them still in use, like the one they were looking at.

“It was invented by a man named Andrew Beard, in 1887. He was born a slave in Alabama. He took the money he got from inventing that plow and put it into real estate. He owned hundreds of properties, and was a very rich man.”

Of course she also talked about the inventions of white people, which weren’t hard to come by at all, but in the process also made sure to emphasize that they came from all different kinds of cultures, whether it be German, French, Russian or whatever.

Their study of planting cycles brought out that Benjamin Banneker, a black man, created the Farmer’s Almanac in 1791, and that almost every farmer, black or white, still used it religiously to this day.

In studying science, the subject of changes in food came up. Things had been canned at home for as long as any of them could remember. Now, though, there were new products showing up in the General Store. Meat in packages from the store lasted longer before it went bad, and store-bought ice cream didn’t melt quite as quickly as it did when you made it at home. The addition of chemicals, preservatives and processes to food production was discussed.

That gave Flossie an opportunity to talk about advances that women had made. She told them that the coffee filter, which was invented in 1908 by Melitta Bentz, a housewife in Germany. She invented it because she was tired of getting grounds in her mouth, that went from the brewing pot to the cup.

Hilda Mae commented that, at their house, coffee wasn’t brewed at all. They had a jar of Nescafe in the cupboard, and their mother just added it to hot water. Flossie suggested that she should research how instant coffee was invented, and make a report on that to the class. Hilda Mae wrote to the address on the coffee jar in her cabinet, asking for the information, and learned that Japanese American man named Satori Kato, invented instant coffee in 1901. He had noticed that the dregs of a cup of coffee, when they dried, formed a powder that could be reconstituted into dark liquid. Nescafe had invented the freeze drying concept in 1938, and it was their opinion that one could not tell the difference between a cup of fresh brewed coffee and their product. They sent her samples of their product, and their thanks for her interest.

That led to an experiment in school. A fire was built outside, and coffee was brewed normally. They didn’t have a filter - most people in those parts didn’t spend money on things like that - but Hilda Mae let the coffee pot sit, and then poured carefully to make sure no grounds got into the cup. Another pot had boiling water in it. She had Flossie help her add instant coffee to a cup of boiling water until they were about the same color, and Flossie said they tasted about the same. Identical cups were used, and, before they went inside, they changed cups back and forth several times, in case someone had been peeking through the window to see which coffee went into which cup.

Coffee was sipped, and opinions were formed. Nathan sipped the real coffee and said “Now that is the real McCoy.”

And THAT led to Flossie pulling out her book, and showing the class information on how a black man named Elijah McCoy, in 1872, invented an automatic lubricator for steam locomotives that freed the engineer from having to stop often to squirt or pour oil into the various parts of the engine. This was wildly popular with the operators of trains, because it improved efficiency and made the engines last much longer between rebuilds. Others tried to invent their own systems, but by 1880, train manufacturers were inundated with requests for “The Real McCoy” lubricating system. In his later life, Elijah McCoy became a consultant to the entire railroad industry.

Little by little, the Wilson children were exposed to information that altered many of the preconceptions they had about race, and gender, and the worth of people, regardless of both of those descriptions.

Thus passed the first year of the Wilson children’s exposure to the woman who would change their lives in ways they couldn’t comprehend, even had they tried.

The summer break between that first and second year was also momentous, though none of the children in the Catfish Hollow Public School would have said so. For most of them, it was a typical summer ... work hard all day, and play at night. For three of them, there was nothing to gauge it by, and they were more or less miserable.

Nathan, wanting like any young man to have some money in his pocket, wanted to get a job. From his viewpoint, he didn’t much care what he did. From his father’s, his choice of employment was critical.

“Don’t you go gettin’ no job that trash should do,” scowled Harvey, when Nathan first voiced is desire to enter the work force.

“In this town?” asked Nathan, his voice high. “What else will there be to do?”

“You don’t need a job!” was his father’s reply. “What would you spend money on anyway?”

“A car!” said Nathan instantly. “Maybe a record player.”

The girls approved of that idea, and approved loudly.

That got his father on another rampage. Even in the South, the radio played the Beach Boys, and Elvis Presley and all those other heathens who got youngsters wagging their asses around like a bitch in heat. He would be damned if his “precious babies” would sway their hips like a common whore, in front of decent people.

In the end, Harvey pronounced that, if Nathan had someplace to go that was suitable, and approved by his parents, he could take the station wagon. There would be no devil rock and roll music brought into the house.

And Harvey drove the wedge between himself and his children a little deeper.

One result of that was that the Wilson children dusted off their bicycles, which they hadn’t ridden for years. It was a way to get away from the house, without specifying a particular place they were going. Riding bikes was accepted by their parents as a healthy pursuit. They didn’t think about the fact that it also gave their children freedom to engage in other pursuits.

The other thing that happened, was of a much less violent nature, though its effects would be felt by the children for the rest of their lives.

Bernadette, while wandering through the small town library, picked up a copy of a Nancy Drew mystery, titled “The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion.” She was first drawn to it because of the picture on the faded hard-back cover.

The old woman who ran the library in the parlor of her house, looked up from the needle work she was doing.

“That’s a good one,” she commented. “I’ve got some more around here somewhere. Got ‘em in a box that was donated from up Wilksburg way.”

“Donated?” asked Bernadette.

“Yup, that Curtis Lee boy ast me one time where books go when nobody wants ‘em any more. I laughed, ‘course, cause I ain’t never throw’d a book out. But it got me to wund’rin, so I called up to the librarian up in Wilksburg, and ast her what they do when a book is wore out. Durned if she didn’t say they thow ‘em away! So I ast her if she’d start thowin’ ‘em away in our direction. I get a box full once or twice a year. They was a bunch of them Nancy Drew books in one of ‘em. They’s seen better days, but they’s mighty nice stories, and pop’lar with young’uns like you.”

So Bernadette checked the book out and took it home.

She was enthralled.

She was so enthralled that she didn’t respond when her sister came to the bedroom door and told her it was supper time. When Hilda Mae had to come back again, she was naturally curious about what was so fascinating. When Bernadette finished the book that very night, she was so effusive in her description of the story that Hilda Mae started reading it in the morning.

Both of them visited Miz Hopkins’ library that afternoon, to return “The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion,” and to get their hands on any other Nancy Drew mysteries she had.

There were, as it turned out, seven tattered books in Miz Hopkins’ collection, some of them printed clear back in the 1930s. All had hard backs, though, and other than having been handled by countless hands, and having loose bindings, they were imminently readable.

The girls checked out all seven. The titles, for the most part, don’t matter to the telling of this story, but two of them would have a far reaching impact on the sisters, and others in this story. Those were “The Secret in the Old Attic”, where Nancy searched a cluttered attic in a rundown mansion for valuable musical manuscripts, and the other was “The Hidden Staircase”, in which Nancy strives to find the “ghost” who is trying to drive the Turnbull sisters out of their mansion, and finds a hidden staircase.

Why it mattered was because three of the stories that had inflamed the imaginations of the Wilson sisters had to do with old, run-down mansions.

And the town of Catfish Hollow had its own mysterious mansion.

They found that out when they ran into Curtis Lee at Miz Hopkins’ library when they were returning some of the books. They hadn’t seen Curtis Lee since school let out, of course, and seeing the boy who had, in some small way, opened their eyes to Nancy Drew caused what could only be called, these days, as a feeling of friendship. It was a decidedly odd feeling for both girls ... to be ... happy ... to see a Negro.

But, being young and full of excitement about their newfound hobby they chattered to him about the books, and Curtis Lee told them about the mansion.

“Now don’t you go fillin’ the heads of those precious girls with all that nonsense,” drawled Miz Hopkins. “That old place is a-fallin’ down, and all that fiddle about ghosts is just horse pucky!”

“Ghosts?!” squealed both girls together.

The only way they could get any more information was to take Curtis Lee somewhere else. That presented a problem. No self-respecting white girl would walk down the street in the company of a colored boy, much less beg him for information.

And that led to their first secret meeting with a boy of the Negroid race.

To be truthful, both girls felt like they were amateur sleuths themselves, whispering to Curtis Lee that they had to talk to him, and then ordering him to identify someplace where they could meet in private. Curtis Lee, painfully aware of the danger he could be placed in, said the first thing that came to his mind.

“The school house,” he said.

“Now how in tarnation are we going to get all the way out there?” asked Bernadette in an exasperated voice.

“It’s only a couple of miles,” he said softly. “Walk.”

The assignation was arranged, but the girls weren’t willing to walk to get there. Truth be told, their bicycles would have solved that problem, but there was also a reluctance to meet a Negro boy alone.

So they decided to enlist their brother to borrow the car and take them. While neither of them had any particular fears concerning Curtis Lee, now that they had been around him so much, they just felt better knowing that Nathan would be along.

Truth still being told, there was another reason they wanted their brother along. Nancy Drew had Ned Nickerson to go with her sometimes, and while Nathan was a far cry from Ned, he was at least a male. It was part of their fantasy that an older boy would accompany them, watch out for them and be at their beck and call.

Getting Nathan to go along with the plan was easier than either of them had dreamed. Nathan wasn’t caught up in a summer long romance with Nancy Drew and her pals. Nathan was bored. And getting the chance to drive was all he needed. Of course they couldn’t explain where they were actually going, but when the girls told their mother they wanted to gather some wild flowers from “out in the country”, to press in their Bibles, they appealed to exactly the thing Marian had been hoping to see - some genteel notion of beauty and poetry in her daughters.

When it was discussed at supper that night, and Harvey’s expected objections to “an outing” were voiced, his wife reminded him that he had promised Nathan could practice driving, and that the girls could have a proper picnic along the way.

“Besides,” she muttered. “With the girls along he won’t be able to drive all wild and crazy.” She turned to the girls. “You’ll tattle on him if he does, right?”

Both girls grinned and curls flew everywhere as their heads nodded energetically.

The three of them walked down to the bank the next morning, picnic basket in hand, and Nathan went in to get the keys to the station wagon.

His father ignored him for as long as he could, obviously dragging out a conversation with a farmer who had come, hat in hand, trying to get money to try that new pesticide stuff that was being raved about so much.

“I’ll check into it, neighbor,” beamed Harvey finally, when it was obvious the man wanted to leave. “Check back with me in a day or two. I should know something about the risks and benefits by then.”

He scowled at Nathan, dragging the keys out of his pocket.

“Don’t you go spinnin’ the tires!” he barked. “That ve-hicle is the only one we got, and I won’t have you tearin’ it up!”

“I’m just practicing driving, Daddy,” whined Nathan, his eyes glued to the keys. “I’ll be careful.”

“An’ I’d better not have to walk home,” growled Harvey. “It wouldn’t be seemly for the town banker to be walkin’ home.”

“We’ll be back in plenty of time,” promised Nathan. “You can drive yourself home just like always.”

“Just see to it!” the man said sternly.

Harvey winced and almost ran outside when he heard the grinding of gears, and the car starting up again after stalling. But another customer came in and grabbed his elbow, anxious to talk about a late loan payment. He stared out the window with dismay on his face as the station wagon got moving and weaved slightly down the street.

For the Wilson children, it was an adventure of the greatest magnitude. The girls squealed and rolled down all the windows, hopping around in the back seat, while Nathan, grim faced and embarrassed, at first, slowly got more confidence and eventually grinned inanely. The drive to the school was short ... so short that Nathan had only gotten a taste and didn’t want to stop to listen to his sisters jaw on about some books they had read. They hadn’t told him about a mansion or ghosts, thinking he’d laugh at them. They had only told him that Curtis Lee was going to help them with some reading. By now, the thought of Curtis Lee helping them with reading didn’t seem odd to him at all. And he knew that both of them had had their noses pasted inside one book or another for the last two weeks. Their sighs and moans of excitement while reading those books had ... almost ... caused him to inquire as to what was so interesting. But he was the older brother, and whatever interested his baby sisters was surely nothing he’d be interested in.

“I’m gonna drop you off and keep practicin’,” he announced as he pulled up in front of the school.

“No! You can’t!” cried Bernadette. “We can’t go in there and be alone with Curtis Lee!”

“Why not?” asked Nathan, looking into the rear view mirror at them. He had no fears about Curtis Lee any longer either.

“Cause we’re gonna talk about a haunted mansion!” squealed Hilda Mae.

Bernadette slapped at her sister’s arm, which Nathan saw in the mirror. That caused him to turn around and demand to know more. In the end, he went in with them. His boredom played no little part in that too.

The girls weren’t the only ones who brought somebody else with them in the interests of security, or peace of mind. Curtis Lee was aware, despite the Wilson children’s general softening attitude toward colored folk, that meeting the girls alone could be a recipe for disaster. His reinforcements were in the persons of Luthor, Johnnie Sue and Moses Finshaw, a quiet fifteen year old black boy in their class.

Jesse couldn’t convince his father to let him have a day off to “go gallivanting around”. Moses’ parents thought he was off fishing. Luthor had used the same excuse, and Johnnie Sue had invented an invitation to the Wilson house. Her mother was more astonished than she let on, and elated that her tomboy daughter was finally showing an interest in the company of other girls, not to mention that the girls in question had such high station. Johnnie Sue also promised to pick up some thread at the store for her mother while she was in town.

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I used to like to go to the variety store on the corner of my block. The owner's name was Jake, and he was a great guy, always nice to me, and every once in a while he would give me a candy bar, and never got mad when I would look at the comic books. One day he said to me, "You are in here so much, I should hire you to work here. Naturally I thought he was kidding, since I was much too young to work. "Really?" I asked. Do you mean it?" With a big smile on his face, he said...

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That Night

That night as she was walking through the streets of Idaho falls she heard a faint moan coming from an alley so she walked into the alley there she found a young man to be in his early 20's she knelt next to him and asked if he was okay, the man responded to her in a faint voice that he was weak from walking and asked if she had any thing to drink the lady looked at the man and told him to follow her to her hotel room were she would take care of him until he was strong enough to tell her what...

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Hot Gigolo Service 8211 Part 3 8211 Sex With House Maid

Hi, friends welcome back. I am happy with the responses I have got from you people. Those who haven’t read the first and second part please read those first. The next day she left all of a sudden as she said she had an emergency meeting at the office. She was all tensed when she was leaving for office. So I thought of planning something different for her that night to make her relax. At that time maid, Shuba entered the house. I was sitting in the hall only in my boxers. She asked for Nisha. I...

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My first encounter4

With Gay Sex by Sissyboytom This is my first time writing a story. This story takes place back in the mid nineties when I was 13 years old. I would appreciate any positive comments that you have for me. I am sorry for any grammar mistakes. If you don't like this kind of story then DO NOT READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You. When I was ten years old, I began to wear girl’s clothes. I do not know why but I always felt that I was a girl in a boy’s body. I always had to make sure nobody...

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The AwakeningChapter 2 Resurrection

Up in the attic I turn on the standard lamp, unlock the Chubb lock and open the trunk. Nadine is out for a few hours so I can take my time and fully investigate the contents of the trunk. There are layers of skirts; blouses and lingerie all neatly folded. I take one of blouses out of the trunk and try it on. I'm not really surprised to find it is a perfect fit. I fumble with the buttons because they are on the opposite side to the buttons on my men's shirts. Similarly when I try on a...

2 years ago
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The Feminisation of Michael Chapter 4

The Feminisation of Michael. Chapter 4 Sue had replenished my wardrobe again with new work clothes and had taken the secretary theme to heart! The skirt suits had been replaced with pencil skirts and pencil dresses. The blouses had been supplemented further with lace and ruffle fronted blouses. There were also several ribbed tight fitting cardigans in black, red and various pastel shades. I put on a black lace, slightly padded bra and matching panties along with suspender belt, as I now...

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Date with a classmate

It is four days before Valentines day and you have wanted to ask a classmate out for some time. You decide Valentines day is good for a date. You just need to decide on who you want to ask out and just go for it. First there is Madeline James from Calculus. She is 18 years old. Her best features are her blonde hair thats always in a ponytail and her smile that is heartwarming. You don't know how someone with braces could have such a beautiful smile. She is petite. She always wears sundresses....

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Sexcom Creampie

There’s nothing quite as primal and satisfying as pumping a horny slut’s pussy full of cum and watching it seep out. I’m talking about creampies. You know them. And you sure as hell better love them because we’re going balls-deep into that genre of porn today. I swear, I pop a half-chub the second some bitch tells me she’s on the pill or, better yet, has had her tubes tied. Fuck, I’ve considered getting my shit done just so that I can go around giving any whore I please a creampie that will...

Creampie Porn Sites
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A Royal Reunion

This is the third installment of my (almost true) adventures with the sexy, award-winning sportscaster Dani Royal (not her real name).I pulled into the parking lot for what I thought would be just another routine night at the radio station, but when I got out of my car, I noticed the station manager’s incredibly sexy young assistant walking to hers.“Hi, Johnny” said Maria Saravicci, who was just a year or two out of college and blessed with the most incredible little ex-cheerleader body you...

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A Handmaids Encounter a true account

When I was about twenty years of age, I used to commute to the centre of London using the London Underground (‘The Tube’) and work on various construction sites. In those days, I wore running shoes (‘trainers’) with jeans, a tee shirt and a bomber jacket. I was pretty fit, muscular (I went to the gym four nights a week) and standing at six foot tall, I would venture that I was presented as, all in all, quite a good looking guy!I was waiting on the underground platform at a central London...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 33 Missing Person

October 18, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Thanks for having lunch with me today,” Father Basil said after I received his blessing. “I enjoy these lunches,” I said. “I was just surprised that you called because I’m usually the one who arranges them.” “I enjoy them also, Steve. But I have a question for you,” he said. “How would someone who is not in school in Chicago have a chance to compete for an open position at your company?” I started laughing, “You, too?” “I’m sorry? What?” he replied,...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 66

Dad took off before we arrived. He left it for my mother to inform us he had decided to postpone his efforts to use weddings to help promote business. He had gotten so carried away with the prospects it had escaped his notice that it would be inappropriate to do at his daughter’s wedding. My mother tried hard to sell it, but it was pretty clear she didn’t believe him either. I told her to let him know how much I appreciated his understanding. I doubt she believed me any more than she believed...

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Naughty Teacher

I have surrendered myself to my dark and lustful fantasies over the past couple of weeks. My name is Kristy Chandler and I am a high school English teacher for a large public school. I am 29 years old and stand 5?-5? tall with brawn hair, blue eyes with a 36c bust and weigh 110 pounds. I have had a fantasy about being taken by a well hung black man but have never acted on it, just kept it as my dark fantasy. Over the past several months I have become increasingly aroused around black men and...

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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 17 Cheerleaderrsquos Spirituous Reward

Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! James Davies “Who should we have for the staff?” I asked, still feeling a little stunned by what I’d created today. I conjured Dreamgirl Delights out of nothing. Just with my pen and paper, I created this building. I furnished it with the power of my mind. I didn’t feel like I was anything special, but I must be. Seth grinned at me and answered, “Asuka.” I chuckled. “Not surprised by that. Okay, Yurika.” Seth glances at Ruri before he said,...

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Introduction to Sissies III

Introduction to Sissies III By latexslut John Phillips sat swaying in his chair, trying for now, to look docile, sleepy even, looking at the floor. He was afraid to look at Chanazene's eyes, Mistress Chanazene, he reminded himself warningly. Rocking in pain, roiling in emotion and with a feeling of edging fear creeping up on him, like low tide rising. It wasn't the pain of the blows he had received from the two lovely ladies besides him that hurt. The pain was in his mind and...

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Julie heads to the pub alone

What a horrible miserable day i thought as i opened my curtains that morning !It was a Wednesday the rain was pounding down in Glasgow and for a split moment i found myself wishing i was lying by a pool in a faraway warm exotic country.The night before i had a very bad argument with my fiancee.I was fed up felt stuck in a rut in our relationship.Feeling sorry for myself i decided to drag myself into the shower.As i was washing my hair and working a lather over my body i felt my nipples start to...

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Playing dirty

“What shall I do?” I ask her, wondering, will she want to play today? “Put it in, put it in me, please, honey” I press gently and am rewarded. My finger slips in to the knuckle, she sighs again. I move it from side to side, slowly, and she relaxes more. Anal play. She knows I do, she buys me toys and encourages me. But usually solo, rarely together. I push some more, and slide in fully, my finger slick inside her dark place. She feels warm, she feels soft, she feels sensual. I start to...

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Wife fulfills hubby8217s desire

Hi Readers, I hope you all enjoys my last incidents and thanks for all your responses. I must introduce to all of you who are reading me for the first time. I am good looking tall single guy of 28 yrs working in an top IT MNC. I am putting up a truth before all of you and hope we all will agree to this fact. We all know that way we are moving ahead fast our relationships and sex needs are taking a new face. Nowadays people are trying to make their dreams and fantasies come true. We all know and...

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TeamSkeetLabs Penelope Woods Concept Family Cuck No 2

What is “Family Cuck”? What is family cuck? Family cuck is the act of a man making another man (who is his family member) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife. This is the family version of a traditional cuckold porn scene. In today’s update, your girlfriend Penelope Woods and you welcome your brother Nade Nasty who is staying with you for a few days after going through a break up. Penelope is super attentive, making sure to feed and care for Nade… even sexually! Turns out...

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Sexual Shenanigans of the Five Eyes Jacinda Ardern

One day I met a guy named David. He worked for my ministry and he was 6 feet tall and handsome. He was a little older than me and that was nice too. He took me out to lunch a couple of times and flirted with me and I was tempted to do more. So when I told him I had a trip to Christchruch in a couple of weeks he said he was attending the same conference and that we should meet up. I knew what he meant and agreed. The night before I was to fly out I had a big fight with my partner and when I...

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Life8217s First With Cousin

Dear all ISS reader I am a new visitor to the site. Recently only few months ago I came across this site while searching for sex movies as my wife has been away from me, due to her pregnancy. I like the stories I read on the site and now it has inspired me to share some of my own experiences in the past as well as in recent times. I will try my best to share all the experiences one by one looking to your response to this one. Now about me, I am Abhinav with an average built up body with fair...

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Kevin and Sarah Male Multiple Orgasms

I have just about thirty minutes before Kevin is due. I decide to start getting ready. I wonder if Kevin will think I'm pretty. I'll try to look my best for him. I put on some cologne and light make up. Now I need to decide what to wear. I have some laying on the bed. I pick up a semi sheer white shorty. It comes to just below my ass. It should get his attention. I don't want to look like a hooker. I get out a condom and lube putting it on the nightstand. I'm all ready go watching TV till he...

4 years ago
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"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

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Girl From the VillageChapter 2

"No. No I won't," Bruno argued, quietly pleading his case. "I'm just gonna touch ya here, see?" Shifting his attack slightly to her thighs and then moving back in to trace across her labia majora once again. Ginger closed her thighs, trapping his hand. She cursed herself. 'I'm a stupid shit, for going out looking for it with the rag on.' She pondered his statement. 'He's lying, ' she thought, however, her body began to betray her, 'but... Oh, Gawd, lookit him.' And she...

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Body shots my first encounter

Shortly after getting divorced I decided to go on a little soul searching trip. The destination was familiar to me and I knew a few people in the area which made money matters a bit easier since I was offered a place to stay and gladly accepted. Let me start off with giving a bit more detail about myself. I am a tall redhead with curves in the right places, an amazing body I have been told. 36C cup size and a tight ass, with milky white skin and red hair. I am now 30 years old but was 27 at the...

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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 8

Jason could not muster the will to throw off Heather's influence in time to stop Richie from leaving the room. When Richie exited through the back door, he harnessed his growing anger with the Sovert girls to emerge from the thick pall of induced desire. He took a deep breath to steady himself as he turned to Heather. "That was not nice." Heather stared at him. "Huh? What are you talking about?" "What you just did to Richie. You practically pretended he wasn't even there!" "Yeah,...

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MonsterCockFriendDominatesMe 2

(Part 2). My story. For those who read my previous true story (titled: How I became bisexual), that event happened on a Friday. This part of my bisexual experience is what transpired during the rest of the weekend and it remains to this very day, probably the single most sexually life changing event in my life. It's now Saturday, in the early morning hours. My best guess, it's about 6 am. The sun has not yet come up but it's close. As I start to get up, I realize that I smell like baby oil and...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 11

Another sexual encounter I had courtesy of the bank was with a young woman. Of course not all my sexual excursions ended in success. Sometimes I got it wrong and ended in bed alone, but very few men who I got the hots for turned me down. It was usually the women. Therefore my stories to you are only the successful ones. I wouldn't want to bore you with all the failures! This young female colleague had parents whom were Indian, but she had been born and brought up in this country and so was...

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Conversation Piece

Conversation Piece By Lorna E. Black The bedroom door opened slowly and she stood there in the doorway. 'Why are you wearing my clothes?' 'Oh, shit.' 'I said, why are you wearing my clothes?' 'I had better go.' 'Oh no you don't.' 'Why not, you've caught me, haven't you?' 'Just answer me this. Do you like wearing women's clothes?' 'Well... yes.' 'Why didn't you say?' 'Well it's not something you go around advertising, is it?' 'I think we should talk about...

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Second ChanceChapter 67

For a long time no one spoke. We ate in careful silence, until I decided to draw our waitress out. "Excuse me," I said. "Your accent is unusual. If you don't mind, where are you from?" She smiled like my question pleased her to no end. "I moved here from very southern Minnesota. My parents' farm is just over from the Iowa state line, close to the field where Buddy Holly crashed in the plane. We all talk funny up there." She was in her early twenties, stout, and had a very pleasant...

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Amy and Mr A

A for AmyAmy looked at the clock at the back of the room. 20 minutes to go until the bell. She sighed, exhausted by the long day. She couldn't wait until after school. She was going to visit her boyfriend and they were going to fool around at her parents place while they were away working at their Chinese restaurant. She closed her eyes and imagined her boyfriend sucking on her nipples. She let out a little moan. "What was that Amy?" she heard someone say as her eyes flashed open. Mr A, her...

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