Flossie In Bondage (1930s Public Domain Story) free porn video

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We entered the Palais D'Coite. It was a most at-
tractive tavern with hotel atmosphere. Roland regis-
tered, then we were led to a "private dining room,"
that is, it was called that by the host. In reality it
was a sumptuous bedroom with a table elaborately
set for dinner. I was awe-struck by the dreamy affect
in the appointment of the room.

At the end of this chamber, furthest from the door,
was an inviting bed. How I would like to get laid in
it, I thought.

9 Apparently this room was carefully made for
fuckers only. The ceiling above the bed was mirror-
ed! the foot and the head of the bed were similarly

Heavy damask d****s hung along side the bed.
They could be drawn and completely hide the bed. I
presumed that this arrangement was made for bash-
ful parties-carrees, or else to help muffle the lustful
shrieks and cries of passion maddened fuckers.

Dim red lamps cast a sensuous glowing pallor

throughout the room. With such atmosphere who
would not become passionate? I know my cunt was
glwing with the same red pallor of the room.

Evidently the dinner was arranged beforehand.
It was served as soon as I removed my white wrap
and tam.

Roland locked and bolted the dors, then he
kissed me with the fervor of youth in its wildest
stage. I opened my dress so that he could obtain a
more complete view of my, until-a-few-minutes-ago,
virgin charms. He dashed his lips to my white, plump
bubbies and tried to suck them thin. I was already
hot enough to receive his bursting dick, but he

"First well drink a love potion and eat a hearty
meal ... it feels even better then/'

"Why beloved, could anything feel any better than
that we have both indulged in ... it was so divinely
heavenly," I looked at him with a hazy lustful ex-
pression in my eyes.

"With such alluring atmosphere and you, the zen-
ith of seductiveness, I, in this room expect to reach
the highest height of joys . . . the crowning fuck of
my life," he spoke, poetically and in utmost sincerity.

He gripped me in his arms agai nand carressed
me with artistic grace. It touched me as no other kiss
ever did. Then we began our meal.

First we drang two delicious cocktails. They re-
minded me somewhat of my first dring with Don, my
former flame; How different everything here was
copared ti that dingy little speak-easy, and how dif-
ferent a girl I was then. He tried to put his hand
on my knee then. I slapped his face and I cried. Nowt
I dared anything! just to cool an itching pussie.
Funny isn't it, how a girl's morals change in so short

Never before had I looked at a meal that made
me seethe between the legs, but this mal did! What
a dinner! I later learned that the dishes were chosen
to produce this result. Not only did they cause ones'
passions to rise by gazing upon them, but they were
of such constituents that they created abronmal se-
cretions of the love juices and imbued the promotion
of jazzful feelings.

I assume that every man and woman who fucks
knows that the more love syrup a man or woman has
the hotter they get and the longer they fuck; even
the feeling is greater. This meal was more or less an
appetizer for the coming feast of the flesh.

When I had finished about half of my meal, from
the affects of the many flavored wines, I was drunk,
not from the alcoholic contents of them, but from the
strange passion exciting elements that they con-
tained. I was "rarring" to fuck. I would have dis-

robed in the middle of a public thoroughfare or park
if $ knew that would beget me the big prick that I
now so impatiently yearned for.

We both were nibbling on oysters when Roland
seized another bottle of champagne, as though some
idea suddenly struck his mind. He reached for the
glasses, his eyes at the same time gloated over my
bared titties. He filled two of them to the brim and

"Here i sto a fascinating girl, with a ravishingly
beautiful form and a betwitching cunt, may she for-
ever be mine and full of spunk, right now she's hot
and full of shot!"

We did not drink. I wanted to get a toast out of
my mind with even more lust than Roland's. I was
continually getting warmer between my legs, my
cunnie was burning, itching, and genuinely cock-
hungry. I picked up my glass, as did he, and through
my passion dimmed eyes I dreamily gazed into his
and declaimed:

"Here's to my lover,

A king of a shover;
His supply of cream,

Into my cunt it shall stream;
Such floods of delight

I want every night; ^

His cream is like dew,

It will always make me spew;

May he always reign supreme,

Of his prick I will always dream V9

Just fancy a demur girl, with an innocent, baby-
face of twenty springing a toast like that. I actually
blushed at my unprecedented boldness. You should
have seen Roland's face when I finished. It had that,
baby-I-could-fuck-you-to-death, expression written
all ovev rit. The way he rushed around to my side of
the table I thought he was going to eat me. He milked
both of my titties, first with his hands then with his
mouth. We were both the worse from the bubbie
stimulating exercise. Then he released me and

"You lovely cock-stimulator, I'll finish my din-
ner with your cream puffs!"

He again bent and sucked on the stiff red nipples,
sending many more shivers of delight through me. I
almost wet my chemise, but Roland stopped just as
I felt my tube beginning to contract. I really didn't
want to come then because I wanted to save every
drop of luscious spend for the dessert to this meal
. . . our cunt and prick embrace; besides when I
come I always want a big throbbing prick between
my legs.

I wanted to surprise Roland with the same kind
of attack that he visited upon me. Impulsively I


dashed to his side of the table and before he was
fully aware of my purpose I had unbuttoned his
trousers and bared his bursting cock. I tenderly
fondled it with my hands, then I found its eye with
the tip of my flaming tongue. Roland squirmed and
groaned under the spell of this attack. After swab-
bing the head lightly with my tongue I put the entire
crown in my mouth. I drew my lips very firm and
held them in that povlJon for a few minutes. Then
slowly I drew my lips, keeping them tight all the
time, until they freed his stormy peter. Roland al-
most came.

"Now Roland, I've repaid you. Now sit down and
eat, please! If you show me that big handsome thing
of your's again I'll go off in my panties. You know
dear when I go off I want every bit of you in me."

We continued our dinner as my lover gazed at my
fat little titties. Those two springy mounds of flesh
with their insidious red nipples standing outward
perkingly, were reminiscent of two little hard-as-iron

"Gee-whiz, girlie," Roland said feverishly, "I
could feast on your titties forever! How I would like
to fuck you between those two appetizing mounds of
meat! And how wonderful it would be to watch my
juice flood your immaculate neck and trickle over to
put cream on your two ripe strawberry nipples. Baby


I'm cunt crazy! You are the cause! I can hardly
wait ._. . oh I'm going to fuck you so good!"

These words streamed right through me, starting
at the nipplejs of my tits, they sent an electric thrill
down to my itching slit between my legs.

Just before we finished our dinner Roland opened
another bottle of wine and proposed the following:

"If my little queen will d the belly dance upon
the table, then she will be my choice to take across
the sea with me . . . here's to Flossie, the queen of
belly dancers!"

I wasn't shocked, but I certainly was surprised . . .
who wouldn't be? A trip to Europe just for a belly
dance. I never had seen an actual performance of
thisc requested dance, but did I balk? I should say
I didn't!

I gave the room a hasty scan to determine whether
it was possible for anyone other than Roland to wit-
nes the exhibition. Even the key-hole had a covering.
I trembled as I mounted the table, not for fear of
being caught amid this lascivious dance, but I was
not confident whether I could perform this fete well
enough to merit the promised trip abroad. After all
I had only heard of this dance, yet I formed a men-
tal opinion of its description. That is all I had to gy
by. I wanted to do my best to please my man.

I removed all,my clothing, except my slippers and

stockings. I had always thought that shoes and hose
add to the seductiveness of the nude feminine form.
I opened and closed m ylegs at the thigh joints, thus
teasingly revealing my red lipped cuntie. You should
have seen Roland! How he gloated! His eyes burned
with a passionate fire and bulged from their sockets.

I glanced in the mirror to see the effect that I must
be causing in Roland. My God! I created a scene that
would make any man drunk with lust, let alone one
with Roland's cunt-loving nature. It was brazen, but
what in the Hell did I care. For a trip abroad this
was merely a down payment ... I would have per-
formed an act ten times as rash if I was asked to do
so. Didn't I want to go stark nude in the public park
just for a big, fat, juicy prick between my legs?

Roland blew me a kiss, then he applauded. I then
kicked off my slippers so that I would be more cer-
tain of my footing. I posed for a moment with my
legs apart. I knew that my swllen slit composed a
tempting picture. I was certain that through the
strands of silky protection my vaginal mouth beck-
oned my lover's lust to higher spheres of uncontrol-
lable prick-in-cunt desires. Its moist and pulpy lips
protruded plainly through those soft, silky, protect-
ing hairs.

I do not think it is necessary for me to describe
the dance as everyone has probably, seen it. I have


described'how I looked upon the table. You can ima-
gine how nice my plump bubs looked shaking in.
every direction. And Roland said that it was worth a
million dollars to watch my pussie whirl. He told me
that everytime I moved down the mouth opened and
as I went up it closed, '

My audience could bear the scene no longer. He
pulled out his beating cock and began to shake it in
every direction. It grew very large and glowed with
lust again. I was so fascinated b ythis I almost forgot
to continue with my act. He kept his eyes fixed on
me. He muttered and panted in glowingly eloquent
terms, approval and encouragement. This made n\e
hotter and wilder; as a result my movements were
becoming more frenzied and more distorted. I guess
if y pussie wasn't grown in me I would have shaken
it from its folds.

I raised my hands and placed them behind my
head. Then I elevated my juicy shaft so that my
cunt-hungry admirer could look deep into my fiery
slit. I cried to him:

"Rollie dear, make your's come, I want to see it

I went through the motions of fucking as I had
watched him going through the lewd ceremony. If I
were really jazzing some one I imagine that I would
have been one hot and furious fuck. All this brought


me to apoint of maddening erotic feeling. I felt that
if I saw him come I too would spend.

Roland's hand began to more tightly clutch his
peter. Its knob grew more purple and swollen, to the
point of bursting. His hand increased its speed, then
he moaned:

"Flossie, are you look—I—I'm—Ah— I'm coming!
Here she comes! See it squirt! Oh, how good it feels!

He went off, it looked like milk pouring from a
cow's teats. He shot all over the table, floor an da
few drops found my spew-thirsty slit. His balls ele-
vated and sank. Each time they went through this
movement a michine-gun-like barrage of sperm
came flying out of his one eyed crater, s**ttering at
tangents; more or less a volcanic eruption in minia-

When the last drops of his creamy dew ran over
the part that divides the two sides of his cock's head,
I dashed from the table fb his side. I placed the tur-
gid spew sopped knob of his bobbing pole in my
mouth. My, oh my! I have never till then tasted any-
thing so delicious as hs sperm-oiled reeking knob
. . . and remember I had just finished one of the
most appetizing meals that I had ever eaten. This
was incomparably more ravishing! I guess I am a
girl who is far more spew-hungry than feed-hungry.


How I sucked those last drops of priceless cream!
Roland writhed in agonizing ecstasy!
In a trembling voice he moaned:
"Suck it all out girlie. Oh God! How lovely it is!
How ravishing 1"

His strength ebbed as I continued with this opera-
tion. He fell into a submissive swoon, still I continued
to extract the remnants o? salty, deliciously warm,
precious fluid. I swear by Eros it was good!

This action did not tend to subside my fires. When
I had finished, the itch in my cunnie had grown to
giant size. My pussie was craving to be prick-cram-

I poured a cordial for Roland, who now seemed
so faint and weak. Instead of swallowing the drink
he merely sipped the brim so that it would not over-
flow. Then, as though he had regained all his vim he
picked me up, carried me over and placed me on
the bed. he assured me that my quim would not be
neglected, but it must have a drink.

Roland quickly undressed. I must confess that his
body revealed youth and true masculinity; well
formed and apparently strong muscles, suggesting a
member of a daily calisthenics class. His skin was
baby-white and well covered with hairy patches. It
seemed as though nature had awarded my lover
more than his share of male qualities. The one fea-


ture of his that attracted me most of all was his su-
perbly handsome, already hard again, prick. It was
as fat, long, and juicy looking now as it was before
his recent spend. It protruded from his large be-
wiskered balls like a drum-major's baton . . . in fact
it beat like one too. Of course, I wondered how long
could his remain in that position.

After he had removed all of his clothing he took
the glass of cordial in his hand and approached the

"Now open your legs, sweet," he commanded.

I could think of no other request that I would
have welcmed more at that time. His orders clicked
perfectly with my mood. I raised my plump, little
lilly bottom, thus elevating my pulsating pussie, and
propped my knees high and wide. My cunt section
was about six inches in the air. He gazed longingly
and carnally at my stretched spew-thirsty slit, which
was so wantonly exposed to his cunt-seeking view.
His eyes glared like two spot-lights! In puzzled anx-
iety I awaited his movements. He placed two fingers
within the lips and pryed them apart. His warm
touch made my pussie twitter. My tube opened and
clossed in anticipation. Oh mercy, how my orifice
flamed! Upon my word, it felt like it was really
burning! It might have been my imagination, but I
sensed steam rushing through my pulsating vaginal


tube and bursting part my two swollen, red, pliant

Roland was now observing my smacking lips more
closely, he watched them open and close. A maniac's
carnal smile beamed from his lips. What the Hell
are you going to do? I wanted to say. I was lust
crazed too. A fast fuck is what I needed much more
than anything else in the world. Give it to me you
God-damned cunt teaser, I'm glad I didn't speak that
impulsive thought . . . even if I would have, I would-
n't have been at fault, most girls know how insanely
lustful they become when they are played with this
way and the prick is meditative about enterning. In
this condition all women want to be transfixed by
the biggest, meatiest and most heated prick in the
world ... or available at the time. Yes, and they have
a desire to swim in the ecstatic pools of nectarious

As my coozie opened once more, Roland dashed
the entire glass of cordial into the depths of my deli-
rious cunt. Then he held the lips together to allow
the sapid juice to penetra'te into the inmost depths of
my womb. At first this cunt drink soothed and
cooled, but God! as soon as it reached my uterus
. . . a million bugs, no a billion, were biting and
scratching at the walls of my interior nest!


"Christ Almighty,> God, Roland, I'm going crazy!"
I screamed, as I underwent this experience.

Without a doubt this was the wildest frenzy of
passion that I have ever undergone . . . surely, I
thought I would either die or be left a life long
prick-o-maniac! I couldn't even faint to escape this
delightfu torture.

"Roland!" I exasperated, "God-damn! . . . Roland!
do something! ... Oh for Christ sake! I'm going nuts
... Oh I'm dying! Please!" Then I cried in delirium,
"God have pity on my soul, I know I done . . ."

I did not finish my last sentence, because Roland
had begun to answer my pleas. He dropped to his
knees and with the skill of a master, glued his lips to
my open cunnie mouth and before any of this pas-
sion engrossing fluid escaped, he began to $uck. He
drank every drop from my burning chambers.

He began to ravish my pussie with his lips and
tongue . . . how I craved for a spend! Only God and
I know, I cannot explain this to anyone.

His lips, tongue and tickling mustache were now
beginning to be an even greater stimuli than the cor-
dial. I crossed my legs around his head and drew his
jabbing dart further into my nest. If I was to obey
the dictates of my will at that moment I would have
drawn his entire head within my slit and have him
wiggle his ears. Ye Gods! How he did suck and lap


me! He paused now and then, increasing my frenzied
yearnings to come.

His skillful performance of this act had its telling
effect ouon me. I began to screw my plump little
ass around. I let my left leg slip from his neck and
fall upon his gigantic bolt. I tickled the bottom of my
foot on the head of his red-hot peter; it was truly
hot, because it almost burned the sole of my foot.
Gosh, but it was hard! Just as rigid as a bone. Its
undulating motions rocked my foot up and down. It
seemed as though his kissing and tongue-garnishing
my cunnie had caused his lust to continually rise. I
rubbed my limb all over the crown of his cunt-pene-

I soon felt my climax nearing, so I cried in pants:

"Rollie! . . . Oh Rollie dear! ... ah! ... uh, so
good! . . . put your tongue in further! . . . oh, faster!
. . . faster! . . . Rollie! . . . how nice . . . you suck
and tongue-fuck me so nicely! . . . Ah-h-h-ooo-ah-h-

God damn, but it was good! Gee-zoo, but I loved
it so! Since he knew that my climax was approach-
ing he began to tickle my ass-hole with his finger and
work his dagger with more zeal. I again began to hug
him with my legs . . . firmer and firmer as the spend
neared. Boy, it was getting good!

The flood gates of love at last released my dew!



I panted, writhed and murmurred, as I convulsively
opened and closed my thighs about his neck. I
strained the muscles of my belly, eac htime my spas-
modically contracting cunnie sent our a delicious
doe sof love's sweet syrup. The feeling of gratifica-
tion overtook me, but only momentarily . . . only too
soon I wanted his dick in my cunt.

After he had completely lapped my discharge, lie
sealed his task with a soul satisfying upward sweep
with his tongue. He arose from his kneeling posture,
his dick still lust-swollen. Any other girl would have
expired from fright at the sight of this gigantic cunt-
seeking prick, but not I. This scene kindled another
blast of libido in my reeling twat. Gosh, I thought,
and this is only the beginning! I had just begun to
enjoy the qualities of a genuine lover. I .gloated over
him as I spoke:

"Oh Roland dear, what a beauty it is . . * I can't
understand how such a big thing gets into so small a
place. How are you going to get it into me?"

"I'll show you . . . you sweet fuckable baby. You're
beginning to make me wish that I was only twenty

"Raise your little fat ass . . . that's the nice little


He placed a pillow beneath, thus setting my fuck-
ing machinery in a more convenient position. He


also placed another one under my head so that I
could view the procedure more easily. Now we were
all set for a comfortable and lingering jazz. Was I
holding my breath? I'll say I was, and I was also
holding my cunnie mouth open in readiness to gob-
ble up the approaching explorer. I could plainly feel
my nervous lips quiver in anticipation.

Roland caught both of my legs and strung them
through his arms. He picked my plump, baby-skin
thighs up so that the part was on the same plane
with his bursting cock. I watched the operation from
the mirror in the ceiling. My pussie was growing
more and more impatient. When he had found the
level that was most advantageous he refixed the pad-
ding that propped my bottom. Taking his monster-
dick in one hand he put it close to my kitten's mouth;
with the other hand he parted my crop of blond,
silky, interwoven hairs. He placed his swollen pur-
pled-knobbed prick within the meshy folds of my
mellow pliant cunt-lips. My blood tingled with de-
light! For a moment he playfully fondled his dick-
head in my juicy slit. He also rubbed it zealously to
my clitty. I was excited to the point of insanity by
the hypnotic influence of his pulsating giant.

After getting it well lubricated in the sapor of my
sereing vent he sank it to the orifice of my pouting
vagina. I could not prevent myself from lunging for


this ramming tool with my hand . . . such was my
excitement; at last it found its goal. My cunt-tube
yielded submissively to this terriffc thing . . . such
avenous zest! He assisted my hand, in fact, he pre-
vented my hand from making his instrument drive
inward with fierce, cunt-ripping force. With the skill
of a master he slowing, gently and almost painlessly
drove his big Bertha home.

As it tunnelled its way in and in . . . God, the plea-
sure was great!

I now realize how much I could have spoiled my
pleasure had I been allowed to do my will, that is,
rush his in with brutal force.

Only the women who has been fucked by master
screwers are able to understand the soul stirring
thrills and sensations of a big . . . oh, such a nice,
sweet dick . . . that is buried slowly and sensually
into the depths of a super-prick-sensative pussie well.

Roland trembled as he uttered:

"How delightful! . . . what a wonderfully tight
pussie you have! . . . gee baby! . . . Am I hurting you,

"Yes, but I love it ! ... it feels so good . . . Oh how
I love your big fat thrilling prick . . . it's so damn

When he had sunk his full eight inches into me,
Roland allowed it to rest in that position for a few



moments. I could feel the pulse in his prick making
it swell and bob. This provided a most absorbing and
delightful blood-tingling thrill. Slowly his big cunt-
cork began to pull out. It fitted so snugly in my tube
that it felt like it wa sdragging . . . no, causing to
collapse, the structure that holds my internal organs

Whenever I think of that feeling I am always
blessed with a coating of hot dew in my slit. You,
dear reader, can rest assured as I penned these
words I had at my service many big-pricked men
fully capable of satisfying the many cunt-heating at-
tacks that a have so far experienced and will con-
tinue to, during the course of writing this book.

As I have said he was slowly drawing his cock
from my slit. When he had drawn it almost com-
pletely out he shoved it in again with a most terrific
lunge. He repeated this action ; each time he acceler-
ated his speed. Back and forth it glided; at every
stroke his magnificent mass' of glorious stiffness
caused me to make short outcries of ohs, and ahs,
etc. A wave of ectasy* which was produced by that
hard raspiness under the knob, began at my coozie
and ripped up my belly to my chest. There it would
fade in the heavings of my bosom and the beating of
my heart.


It was all soheaveny ... I wished to prolong the
agony of delight ... oh, so badly.

He changed his course again. He drew it almost
completely out, let it rest in that position for a short
time, then he would take it and rub it between my
quivering and clawing-on-his-prick, lips. Sometimes
he would press it to my swollen clitty. With renewed
lust, he would with terrific force, dash it in to the
depths of my slit-tube.

Spend? I spend almost every time he plugged
my hole in this manner.

The curtains were of little use. They certainly
couldn't muffle my loud shrieks of unprecedented ec-

The friction that is so overwhelming to the aver-
age woman was more than that to me. I could nei-
their control nor prolong any of my comings. Every
time I sht I became so overcome by the extereme
pleasure that I lost my senses in momentary delirius;
that can be partly blamed, if not entirely on the pas-
modic contradictions of my vaginal tube. Gee! my
whole belly seemed to squeeze whenever this hap-

I wondered how he could hold back so long. —
Imagine, all this time he retained his load! He with-
held his pleasure for a time that seemed like a half
hour ... it might have been longer. One never knows


how much time passes when one is engaged in a
frantically emotional jazz.

His face glowed with a handsome pallor as he
watched his tool appear and disappear into the
depths of my come-soaked slit. He gloated over the
spicy picture of us in the nearby mirror.

It was maddening. After being engaged in such
lechery and lust for so long a time, in spite of this
fact, he still withheld that precious fluid. I was act-
ually hungering for another load of his hot juice to
revarnish my womb with. Would he ever come?

He suddenly picked me up while his largeness was
still in me and swung my legs over his shoulders.
This spread my knees even farther apart. My fat,
rubbery thighs held his neck snugly between them.
How we ever managed to get tangled in that posi-
tion, even Roland didn't quite understand. At any
rate it gave his prick more freedom to work. It felt
now, like even his balls were caught in my prick-

Up, up, up, I puckered my crazed cunt . . . even
his balls weren't enough to satisfy me. I wanted his
whole body in my little twat. God, what made me so
prick crazy? I didn't know. I guess it was what is
commonly called "fuck-inebriation". I pushed my
legs and stretched them . . . anything to make the



gap between my knees greater . . . ever pushing my
cunt up to meet my big visitor more intimately.

Ithought that I had enjoyed jazzing in the old
way but it was nil compared to this new position.

He paused long enough during these thrusts to kiss
me with all the fervor of his cunt-inflamed soul. He
also moulded my bubbies with his hands.
/'Flossie, what exquisite titties!" he exclaimed, then
kissed me between my plump mounds, "and how de-
liciously you can fuck. Flossie, you are gorgeous.
Oh-or. Bite me with your cunt-teeth! Eat it! Girlie,
it's so good! Oh, you hot cunt! I'll . . . I'll . . . fuck
you full of love juice . . and he continued mutter-
ing between these entrancing, deep digs and twists.

I was speechless and could only gasp with convul-
sive thrills.

"Oh . . . Ah . . . Take that! ... and that! ... Oh
boy! . . . mmm-mm!"

He sprayed his strong jets of creamy fluid into me.
God, it ade me tremble so! He slowed down, closed
his eyes and sank upon me. He wallowed in my arms
and legs, panting in profound ravishment. This, a
man enjoys so very much especially after he has shot
a woman full of his nectra-like fluid.

Roland did not have a better spend than I, nor
did he enjoy the feast as much as I. ow could he?


I experienced ten of the most heavenly and satisfy-
ing spends that I have ever had.

I lay there cuddling him in my nude arms and
body, with his big, fat, bobbing cock still buried in


We were thus, both enjoying the aftermath of this
delicious fucking.

Fo rover an hour we played with each other's fin-
eries. Roland sucked my firm nipples until I was
tempted to ride again with his big, fat jock stuffed
snugly between my plump thighs.

To excite my lover to another erection I toyed and
fingered his enormous bag, digging my fingers into
the sensitive nerve roots. I stimulated his imagina-
tion with vivid, enticingly lewd word-pictures of the
fucking affairs that lie before us. I also described to
him how irresistably desirable I would always keep
uH self in the future.

it was then that I had begun to study him more
carefully. I wanted to understand him perfectly; his
every sexual desire as well as the exact extent and
strength of his libidinous nature. I guess I did this
for some very good but Indistinct reason . . . maybe
it was because I once heard my aunt say that the best
and only way to hold a man was by his prick, or
someting to tha teffect. At any rate I was determined
to discover for myself how and when he wanted his


cunt. With all my mind, will all my soul, with all my
heart, and with all my cunt I was desirous of holding
my cherry-smasher . . . wasn't he the one experi-
enced prick in a million?

I sought every artifice by which I could hold his
fancy and arouse his lustful emotions.

I concentrated my efforts then on making his in-
dulgense in my arms as highly seasoned with sensa-
tional spiciness as my immature knowledge would
permit. I put his, still sofft, knob in my pussie. Soon
life flowed into it. The once soft head, which was
now sheathed deeply into my vent was again begin-
ning to throb and bob. It wasn't long until it stiffened
to its original bigness.

To feel a man's cock expand within you and grow
stiff is a most unusual sensation. Its slow, but steady
widening in my vaginal walls made me burn with a
fever to fuck. Lord! but I was aching to jazz some
more! I had become so randy that I bit his face and
chewed his tongue.

Roland did not mount me as he did previously, in-
stead we remained lying on our sides in such a posi-
tion that he could conveniently play with by baby-
skinned thighs and fat rund bottom. He watched my
pussie as it swallowed his enormous, fat dick. The
screwing which immediately followed, was an unfor-
gettably voluptuous one. He kissed my lips and



sucked my titties as he pumped his steaming hot jock
into my welcoming womb.

This was another occasion when I spent many
times before he painted my uterine walls with his hot
jets. How wonderful it was to once more feel the full
force of his juice-sprayer. Unrelentlessly it pumped
his hot balsamic load into me. He wallowed in my
cunnie after each spasmodic jet of hot sperm was
ejected and delighted:

"You delicious cunt! I could fuck you forever . . .
God! but it feels! good!"

My nippers operated perfectly on his shooting
prick. Soon they had extracted all the juice of this

My pulsating quim could no longer retain its glor-
ious glue and I too spend with much fury. Our
emissions thus mixed as I had extracted his last
drops with my pussie's pliers.

We sank into a delicious oblivion, then we pre-
pared ourselves for our return trip.

During the entire journey home, he coddled me
in his arms and breathed many billing expressions
into my ears. He also spoke of the promised trip
abroad, London and Paris. With such beautiful
words he embroidered these places that it appeared
to me that we were to, in reality, embark on a voy-
age to an earthly Paradise.


We reached home about ten-thirty that evening,
sealing one of the most heavenly episodes of my life.

Aunt Stella was anxiously awaiting my return. I
introduced Roland to her. I assumed that her eager-
ness for me to arrive home was not one that was
founded on worry for my safety, but a strong curi-
osity to know how my experience turned out and to
learn the answers to the usual barrage of questions,
such as: "How did you like it? Did it feel good? How
did his thing look? Was it nice and big? How long
did you go? How many times did you come?" and

I perceived Roland gloating over the voluptuous
charms of my would-have-loved-to-jazz-him aunt.
At least that is what her eyes bespoke.

Men are funny creatures, aren't they? As soon
as they exhaust themselves fucking one woman . . .
as early as five minutes later they want to screw an-
other dress covered, well set, ass and bubbied torso.

To themselves they say: "Gosh, but I like to try
that . . . I'll bet she'd make some hot jazz!"

Some women are that same way about men. They
too want to screw every handsome man that appears
to have a big thing in hljTpnts in spite of almost be-
ing fucked to a heavenly death a few moments be-
fore. I, for one, belong to that group.

Roland didn't suspect it, but on my way home


every man I saw I wondered how big his concealed
meat-stick might be.

"Was it as big as the cop's club," I would ask my-
self, referring to the one that clots about the corner
of 42nd Str and Broadway.

The club idea was beginning to grow from a hu-
morous illusion to an actual desire. I decided that
someday I would make it a point to find one that big,
even if I had to open my legs beneath a burrow and
let hi mbury his gigantic article in me till it reached
my throat. The thought of jazzing a burrow was an-
other one of my ideas of humor. At that time I
thought such a union was impossible .. . but it wasn't
long before I learned how populaar it really was.
As I understand it, that is, the only way a forty-year-
old whore can be appeased sexually.

Really 1 couldn't very well blame Roland for shin-
ing that want-to-jazz-you light in his eyes. The way
Aunt Stella was clad was sufficient to warrant this
desire. She wore a transparent kimona which dar-
ingly revealed every feature, including her attractive
mossy patch . . . only this prevented Roland from
seeing the happy lips of her I4ove-the-pricks cunnie.

If I were

Same as Flossie in Bondage (1930s public domain story) Videos

3 years ago
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CapturedChapter 9 The Paxlyn Domain Way

Fawn was teaching me about Paxlyn Domain society on a field trip. It was just Fawn and myself strolling the moving sidewalks in public. I had slipped into the child's mindset of the Now, where there was no time. No past. No future. Just the unending Present. I was living moment to moment and I didn't recognize it until Fawn's walking lecture. "Body and mind are linked," Fawn said. "If you are in a child's body, you soon experience the child's mind. You see things from a child's...

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Story Ideas Releasing to Public Domain

Belly-dance Assassin Lia struggled and squirmed through the narrow opening, cursing as her just broadening hips and blooming chest scraped harshly against the rough stone. She could see the end of her comfortable existence masquerading as a boy and earning her way as a sneak thief, entering the homes of the better off and carrying off small items of worth. Soon she would have to don the garb of women, or risk being stoned to death by irate mobs of bored crowds which thronged the streets...

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Masters Domain

Master's Domain - Part One:I was awoken suddenly from a deep slave when my pager started to go off. I reached across the night table to reach it and read the message, first i looked at the time, it was 01:00 a.m. Sunday morning. The message simply read: Master Kyle requires your services, be at my house in one hour. Knowing that it was at least an half hours drive from my place to Master Kyle, i immediately called for a taxi to pick me up and the started to prepare myself for delivery to...

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True Adventure In Public Bondage

This is an absolutely true story. To prepare for my evening, I have put on an outfit like I wish that I could wear all the time, everyday. First, I shower, and shave everything below my hair silky smooth. Then, I put on my complete, extremely heavy makeup, with concealer, foundation, powder, eyebow penciling, eyeshadows, eyeliner, several coats of mascara, blush, and glossy lipstick. I then begin dressing. I pull on my silky panties and Legg's Sheer Energy pantyhose. I put in some front...

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First overnighter in rubber bondage

I was already quite experienced, and prior to this session I had been having regular meetings with a dominant couple, all of us into rubber bondage, but those meetings had just ended due to their moving. Following on from my previous experiences I was desperate to do an overnight bondage session, which lead to me contacting this Mistress. I didn't know anything about her except that she lived in Manchester ( a 4 hour train journey from where I lived ), was very experienced, and equipped...

1 year ago
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Reddit Bondage, aka r/Bondage! Does bondage excite you? Well, did you know hat Reddit basically has it all? Whether you are into bondage or you prefer some different type of porno, you have everything you want here. Of course, I shall mostly be talking about the subreddit called /r/Bondage/; so if that is something that interests, you are more than welcome to browse or read whatever the fuck I have to say.Lots of bondage content.The reason I am sure that everyone will love what /r/Bondage/ has...

Reddit NSFW List
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Cams Bondage

I like my bitches tied up, spanked, and fucked like the submissive whores they are, and I know that I’m not the only one of you fappers who loves a little bondage, BDSM, and rope-play. And yes, I’m referring to all sorts of bondage goodness – anything from ball gags and handcuffs to full-on latex suits and a little bit of pain to get you off. But it’s not always easy to get with a slut who is willing to let herself get hogtied and face-fucked until they’re crying. So, in-between babes, I wanted...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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Asian Bondage

Asian Bondage is the kind of thing that some folks simply can’t get enough of. That’s what I told the barista after one of the other Starbucks customers complained about what I was watching on my laptop, but she didn’t seem to care. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? I was just trying to express my love for tied-up Chinese chicks, and Karen over here had to get her panties in a bunch. I took my fap session back home, where I can express myself in peace, but my yellow fever rages...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Bondage model

Part 1Hi, my name is Sally and I live in rural Devon, England, one of the prettiest parts of the country. I am 25 and single, have long blonde hair, a slim body and 34C breasts. I inherited a large Victorian house in a tiny hamlet, so I have no mortgage and can get by nicely on my salary as a part-time teaching assistant at a local primary school.I have had a fetish for bondage ever since I was a young girl, but I've never trusted anyone enough to tell them that, so I am heavily into...

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Bondage beginner

Maria grit her teeth as the hooded bondage master introduced himself - not by name but by establishing his complete control over my wife.She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her.He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them.“Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted.Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing,...

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100 Pure Bondage

100% Pure Bondage   Chapter 1    I met her where she worked at a gentleman's club.  She was perhaps not the most strikingly beautiful woman I had ever seen at first glance, but I believeit was because she styled herself in a gothic manner, with a dark gloomyappearance and what appeared to be a Cleopatra wig.     She certainly had all the tools to be a real looker.  She had a great body, tall with long strong shapely legs and well-proportioned breasts. Her wig was straight and black, cut a...

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Bondage beginner

She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her. He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them. “Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted. Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing, connecting with her left breast. The slap echoed around the concrete chamber. Maria’s breast jolted up, almost hitting her in the face,...

2 years ago
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TV Bondage Model

TV BONDAGE MODEL by "cc" My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Detective; I specialize in untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My fee is a Thousand Dollars a day and I'm seldom out of work because I guarantee my results and my clients know my discretion is absolute. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office..., as soon as I get one again, that is! The click-clack of my high heels on. the sidewalk should have been a familiar sound to...

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Bosom Bondage Buddies Part 2

Bosom Bondage Buddies, Part 2 by Brandy Dewinter (continued from part 1) Chapter 23 - Mistress Raven and Slaves The next morning I dressed in a midnight blue lace blouse and a snug leather mini while Kelly chose a cheerful ice-blue sundress. Having carefully cleaned my earposts twice a day as the holes healed during the previous week, for the first time I was able to wear the shining gold loop earrings. We climbed up on our impossibly high heels and swayed arm-in-arm out to...

4 years ago
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Self bondage Randomiser

Self Bondage Randomiser.First a little bit about myself.I am a heterosexual male in my mid 30's and I am an average hight of 5ft 10 and weight of around 180lb. I live with my girlfriend in our own home in a typical western town.My sex life is good but not kinky that often. I love my girlfriend dearly and while she knows of my kinky side its not often I get to tie her up or get tied up by her.  My thought and fantasies about bondage and bdsm started at an early age, at first it was a thrill of...

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Bondage Buddy

PROLOGUEAs an adolescent and young teen, I was fascinated by cartoons and television shows depicting capture and kidnap scenarios. This fascination usually led to a 'stiffy', but I was too young and naive really to understand exactly what was happening. This enchantment led to exploration in self-bondage, and for years I indulged in this practice, particularly during the summer months when I was home from school and both parents worked.One Christmas my parents gave a a Polaroid camera that...

2 years ago
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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 1 D

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...

3 years ago
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Wedding Bondage Wedding Dresses are a threat

Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...

3 years ago
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Britney in Bondage

Chapter 1:  Britney in BondageBritney jogged home from cheerleading practice. If she was quick she could have the apartment all to herself for 2 hours.  Donna her roommate had taken an evening class which met 2 nights a week, unfortunately for Britney her cheerleading practice usually lasted almost the entire time Donna was in class so she had little time to practice self-bondage.  Tonight would be different she would have the place to herself, and if anything went wrong, she could rely on...

1 year ago
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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 2

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 2. SetupThe next day, while Dave was waiting for the webcam installer to arrive, he decided to setup his enforcement sessions. He logged back into the website, and it reminded him to upload pictures. Dave had a whole bunch of bondage and exhibitionist pictures, so he uploaded them. After doing so, he noticed there was no way to delete them. He also noticed that the tracking device on the collar, which was in his bedroom in the box, was working. His...

2 years ago
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A Colorado Country Girls Self Bondage

Streets ??????? A Colorado Country Girl?s Self Bondage ?By Mary Elizabeth Moore Writing As Shackleford Bond CH 1My mom is the greatest person in the world. We were always close, but after my dad died we became even closer. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. When I got a little older we had long talks about sex and sexuality. Mom was very direct about such matters and didn?t hold back when it came to the birds and the bees.We lived on a farm but after my father died,...

4 years ago
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Bathtub Bondage

When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...

3 years ago
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When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...

2 years ago
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Betrayal A Bondage Trap

It’s a beautiful warm mid summers day in a quiet secluded parkland.Trees are providing shade and protection from the harsh sun rays.I look around only to see trees all around me, a drive path just ahead of me that passes me from left to right, a large shelter on the left side with park benches in it with a car park on it’s left side.The drive path is made of gravel like a country homes driveway.From my position, the right side of the drive path leads out of my view. It leads to the exit of this...

2 years ago
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Shemale Public Bondage Fantasy

It was a chilly evening, I had arranged to meet him in the city centre. I was wearing a rather skimpy black dress, black lingerie and red high heels. It was my first time dressed in public like this. He was an average looking man, he shook my hand and kissed my cheek, and asked if I was ready. I affirmed, and then he led me to the park in the city. I noticed he had a small bag with him. He opened it and took out several pieces of rope. 'You know what we agreed', he said. 'Yes, I understand,' I...

2 years ago
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Anna Intro to Bondage

-- Anna: Intro to Bondage --I was having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We'd only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seemed to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we had the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we'd become comfortable with each other and always found something to...

3 years ago
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Anna Intro to Bondage

-- Anna and Bondage --I'm having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We've only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seems to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we have the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we're comfortable with each other and always find something to chat...

3 years ago
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The Bondage Contest

Note: English is not my mother tongue. Forgive me if sometimes it is difficult to read me, I?m not sure that I always used the right English term, or the correct grammatical form, and I apologize in advance to everyone who feel hurt!Chapter 1The website was very light. A wallpaper showing a naked girl tied spread-eagle on a wooden floor in an otherwise empty room. The ropes went from each wrist and ankle to four hooks in the four corners of the room. The room was empty but for a screen on the...

2 years ago
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My adventure into Self Bondage Caught

My adventure into Self Bondage – CaughtBy Dream ManMy name is Shane and I’m a male in my mid forties and I reckon I’m in pretty good shape.  I was married but after a few years my wife and I decided to part company.  I was devastated at first but then decided to get on with my life. Our sex life had been reasonable but at least now I could explore my quirky interest in bondage.  This is largely a true storyI found the internet a great source of inspiration and ideas and after compiling some...

2 years ago
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Toms bondage torment

It had been a few weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica's flat. Jessica had taken on the lease for the whole flat and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. She was particularly pleased with Tom, he was tall, good looking and seemed like a fun kind of guy.Tom had also been pleased to move out from the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica's flat was small, but in a good part of town. Jessica herself seemed nice enough. Not what he'd call stunning,...

2 years ago
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Of course the barn bondage could have turned out very badly

Of course, the barn bondage could have turned out very badly  Chapter 1 meat — with a lower case ?m,? his online slave name — could not possibly know how his first encounter with Sona would turn out as his aging Maxima slalomed and side-slipped down the snow-covered one-lane road in the forests of western New Jersey to the GPS coordinates that she had provided.  The fat flakes of falling snow reduced visibility to a few dozen feet despite the metronome-like swish-swish of his wipers. He would...

4 years ago
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Lets Play Bondage Baseball

Let’s Play Bondage BaseballHi, my name is Christine. During my college years, I would spend summers at home working for my grandfather’s Foundation. Virtually all of my close friends, who were home for the summer, would get together about once a month for a pool party at someone’s house.On a June afternoon, the summer between my junior and senior years in college, we were all gathered for a pool party at my best friend Lisa’s house. There were about 20 of us there, probably about 50/50 girls...

2 years ago
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Bondage Masters Trap

Bondage Master’s Trap It was set than. Jackson had finally done it.  It must be for real now? now that he   had actually set an actual date and time. As he sat in front of his computer in nothing more than a robe that lay wide open, he hit send on his e-mail.  He could not think of a time in recent memory that he was more sexually aroused.  Casually, as he did thousands of times before, he took a pump of the skin lotion that sat next to him into the palm of his hand and rubbed his rock hard...

3 years ago
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Steves Self Bondage Experiment

This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage   An Experiment in Self Bondage This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage.? I am normally a dominant male who enjoys placing submissive women in restrictive bondage for prolonged periods.? I had always wondered what it felt like to bound and helpless, so I began exploring self-bondage.? As you know, the trick with self-bondage is to make the release reliable and foolproof, although I would prefer to...

1 year ago
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A bondage weekend

"I am staying until sunday, and I know you have bondage plans so I have decided to help you out. John is coming over for the night, so you will be tied up and gagged here so that you don't disturb us. We will be using this bedroom so you will be under the bed or the basement" She said." Where do you wanna spend your night? " I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. This was going to be fun, being tied up and horny while they had their fun would arouse and humiliate me like hell. "Under the...

1 year ago
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My experiments in selfbondage

I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me and I didn’t want to pay for a domme. So, I tried self-bondage. I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me...

1 year ago
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Brendas bondage

Brenda's  Bondageby Abe        Brenda dismounted her bike by the corner of the apartments.  She had just ridden 9.3 miles in the southern California heat.  She was one of those tall, muscular women who could be mistaken for a man.  Her shoulders were as wide as her hips, and her upper body was trim and muscular from lifting weights.  Her breasts were nicely shaped but not especially large.  Her lower half , legs and bottom, was all muscle, the result of daily bicycle riding.  Her hair was short...

2 years ago
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A bondage conversion 1

A bondage conversionOK, this is my first attempt at a bit of prose. To make it extra interesting from a personal point of view is that this first attempt will be in the particular genre of ?erotic stories? and in English, not my native tongue. So,,,, please bear with me.Storyline: This story was sparked by photos taken of Dani, taken by Raymond Spekking mixed with my own fantasies. Why, I don’t know, but to me the photos are incredibly sexy and they give me a woody every time I see them The...

2 years ago
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Exquisite Bondage

Linda was determined this time.  She needed to feel the exquisite torture of being teased.  She wanted to be able to prolong the pleasure of arousal as she had experienced in the past.Linda and her partner had been split up for a few months and her mind and body were returning to 'normal'.  She wasn't dating again yet, but her body's desires were attempting to get her back out there.  At night she would masturbate to relieve her tension, but afterwards, always felt disappointed.  The orgasm...

4 years ago
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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 3

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 3. ActivationThat evening, after the webcam installer left, Dave had time to contemplate what was happening... way too fast. Dave was an athletic and fit 28 year old, and was independently wealthy, having been an only c***d when his wealthy parents passed away in an auto accident eight years ago. He had bought a three story tenement building in the heart of Chicago's Boystown community shortly thereafter with cash, and now has three tenants. Two gay...

2 years ago
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Domaine of InfernO 1 translate by MasterH

My name is Amanda, and I will tell you here the story that I did for an erotic magazine. Infern'O 's Domaine . After lengthy negotiations, finally come here leaving for Infern'O's Area a BDSM institute on a Mediterranean island whose location is kept secret. With my photographer we boarded a small Italian airport. After an hour's journey, we landed on an island in the Mediterranean landscape. We are greeted by a very attractive and athétique man of about forty year old. Stand before us...

2 years ago
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His Domain

After tightening the last restraint and positioning the blindfold just right on her, he moves slowly to dim the lights, letting the glow of the candles take the room. he moves back slowly directing his attention back to his own 'baby girl' laying face down on the bed. slowly he moves alongside the bed, feeling her soft skin slowly as his thoughts clear of the troubles of the day and fill with thoughts of his 'baby girl', his domain, his toys, and above all his intentions. as the last thought...

3 years ago
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I knew I could make you do anything I wanted and you would be such a willing participant, and so I demanded that you pay me a visit straight away, it was not long before you arrived on my doorstep, you rang the doorbell and I made you wait there for a while until I decided to allow you to enter my domain.When I eventually instructed you to enter you seemed a little apprehensive not knowing what I had in store for you, I ordered you to wait in the sitting room as I prepared myself, you looked...

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Jordan Ventures into the Dark World of Bondage Pain and Sex Alone Part One

Matthew and I were in our senior year at college and were attending an appreciation dinner for an organization where we both volunteered. We knew each other casually and just by chance we sat at the same table. I had always thought he was a nice guy and very hot, but we were both involved with others so I never pursued it. He later told me basically the same about me. We passed the time just making small talk but kept finding things we had in common, which was itself interesting since we were...

2 years ago
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Endless Bondage Endless Freedom

Endless Bondage, Endless Freedom Endless Bondage, Endless FreedomA Story By Algolagnia PART ONE - UNUSUAL AWAKENING ??????????? I woke up held under an overload of heavy duty locking leather restraints, naturally I tried to struggle on the bondage table I helplessly laid on. It didnt matter how I ended up in such a situation, I was completely immobilizedand and had to face that. I tried to move, but could'nt gain an inch. I could'nt even wiggle my fingers because I had tight bondage mitts...

1 year ago
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Streamate Bondage

I know you horny fappers love the thought of having a kinky slut who’s into bondage do whatever you tell her to. Just imagine spanking that ass, tying them up, and fucking them while they can’t do so much as turn around. It’s certainly one of the best feelings there is. Or, hey, maybe you fantasize about having a dom bitch boss you around and peg you while you sit there hogtied. Well, that’s not something I would touch, but I’m not here to judge; you do you. On the contrary, I’m here to give...

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4 years ago
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Agent Jane Bondage 0069 Vrs Evil Dr Covid

We begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...

2 years ago
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The Bondage Whore Chapter 1

The Bondage Whore, by Rachel St. Clair, All Rights Reserved.Chapter 1 - Job InterviewIt was around 4:30AM and Rachel St.Clair was beat. Walking the streets for such a small amount of money really sucked!!.. And no pun intended, Rachel wryly smiled. The streets were now deserted, no more money to be made tonight. Rachel started to head towards the seedy hotel where she barely managed a one bedroom fleabag. "I've got to find a way to make some better money", she sighed to herself. Rachel was now...

2 years ago
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Holiday in Bondage

Holiday in Bondage by "c.c." As a successful Antique Dealer, I spend a lot of time traveling around the country, usually off the beaten path, where the best deals are. I generally stay at quiet Bed & Breakfast Places out in the sticks, and it was one of these casual stop-overs that changed my life in ways I never anticipated. Janet's Inn was set back off the main road, near a woods and pond, and she ran it with help from her live-in girlfriend Jeri. Both women were attractive...

2 years ago
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BONDAGE FOR THE QUARTERBACK   by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff, I am 18 years old, and was the highest rated high school quarterback in all of Central New York. Jeff isn’t my real name and I’m not going to identify either the high school or college, where I was accepted at. Suffice to say it is outside of New York, and is one of the top ten NCAA football teams. I plan to major in physical education, and probably in my freshman year will be a back up quarterback, then as a sophomore I’ll be the...

3 years ago
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First Visit to a Haitian Bondage Club

First Visit to a Haitian Bondage Club By Powerone Copyright 2005 M/F, Fsolo, humil, exhib, bdsm She closed her eyes as she lay on the large bed of her hotel room in theluxurious Moulin Sur Mer. The beachfront hotel was built on a sugar cane plantationaround the mid-18th century. She was here on a business trip, checking outa new factory to be built. It was part business and part pleasure, Lyn havingthe weekend before returning home, her business finished, a free weekend withno distractions....

4 years ago
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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 4

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 4. ExhibitionistDave awoke the next morning around 10AM. At first it was difficult to sleep with a collar on, not to mention being locked in a nasty, tiny chastity cage. But Dave was a great sleeper, and managed to fall asleep after an hour or so. It was Thursday, a nice warm Mid-August day, and Dave knew he'd need to do his first bondage session today. But he decided he'd do that a bit later in the day. First, he showered, made a quick lunch, and...

4 years ago
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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 2 Preparations

At just before midnight, Robert was awake, and completely off his normal schedule. He showered, addressed his ravenous appetite. The he. the mystery man had work to do. He measured the basement first. Considered, did a couple rough sketches, and checked his watch. Too late, he would have to call in the morning. Making a mental note, he moved along. The large shower was still there, he had finished that. The toilet and sinks were there, good to go. He turned the water on, and checked. Good...

2 years ago
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A Family Tradition Of BondageChapter 8B

Sherri rose and took his hand, they went upstairs, and fucked like mink as the saying goes. Sherri was disappointed, until he bound her hands, and then the passion increased for her. As she lay there, wrists encased in black leather, she thought about the pictures she had seen, resolving to find more information out about her life, more of what she can expect about her life. Sherri woke to the light beeping of the alarm, and felt his arms around her stir. She loved waking in his arms, and...

1 year ago
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Bondage made me cum

I'm a forty year old married woman who for the last 5 years or so has wanted to live out a fantasy of mine, Bondage!. This fantasy started many years old while searching internet sites late one night while my husband of 20 years slept. I've always had a high sex drive, something that sadly my husband has not got. But I had stayed faithful and never strayed with another man even though I must admit I had thought about it a few times in the past. Instead of cheating on my husband I would spend...

2 years ago
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Jessica Part 2 Exploring Bondage

After spending an night and morning exploring the sexuality of my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had expressed an interest in exploring bondage. I decided that I would put together some things to have with me, just in case I got a chance to spend another night with her while her husband was out of town. I was certain that a fair amount of rope would be necessary, several pieces of varying lengths were readily available, since my wife and I had sometimes explored some bondage scenarios. ...

2 years ago
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Bondage Club

My husband is a raunchy stud whom I love dearly, especially with my vagina. We've never pretended that sex was not the best part of our relationship, though we can keep ourselves somewhat in control under most circumstances. We also have what goes way beyond a merely open marriage. That's something we keep secret from our neighbors and the other parents. Things may get complicated when the kids get old enough to figure out what's going on. But for now that isn't a...

1 year ago
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Tracyrsquos Bondage Photoshoot

This how we managed to have a threesome with Tracy for the first time without her knowledgeThis picture story involved Me Terry and my Wife Tracy and Bill an old family friendIt all started with some pictures of Bill’s ex-Wife on an old laptop A couple of weeks ago I got a call from Bill an old friend asking for my help with his laptop which had broken down. I said for him to bring it over on Saturday morning.He arrive with it on Saturday as planed after 20 minutes of testing it I told him the...

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