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She sat up in bed and looked at the bird, who had quit tapping now that it had her attention. It looked back at her and croaked, dipping it’s head several times. It was clearly asking for something, so she went over to the window.

She hesitated a moment as the bird got more excited, and then opened the window. It hopped right inside and held up one leg, which had a tube attached to it, dangling from a ring around it’s foot.

“What’s this? Is it for me?” she asked. The bird, a large black raven, pecked it and bobbed it’s head again several times.

Ivy unclipped the tube from a clever little hook, and immediately the raven hopped back out the window and took go the air. Ivy watched it fly away as the sun cleared the horizon.

She closed the window and examined the tube as she went back to her bed and sat down. It was made of silver, about two inches long and half an inch across, with no sign of a seam anywhere on it.

She gave the clasp at the top a few experimental tugs and twists, and found that if she gave it a full turn to the left and pulled, she could then twist to the right and push, which parted a seam about a third of the way down.

She unscrewed the cap and dumped the contents into her hand. There was a tiny crystal on a silver chain and a scroll of genuine parchment, which looked centuries old.

The necklace was making her feel funny, shooting little tingles up her arm that seemed to excite her nipples and clit. She put it down on the bed beside her with a little look of distaste and unrolled the scroll.

“Happy birthday, Princess! If you are not already wearing the necklace, put it on now. It will awaken the powers you were born with, but lay dormant until the necklace completes the circle that would was cast before you were born.”

Ivy stopped reading and picked up the necklace to look at it again. The tingle was back, but she ignored it to peer into the depths, where ghostly traces of flaws wound their way through the center. On sudden impulse, she slipped the chain over her neck and dropped it to hang against her skin, just above her small breasts.

She picked up the scroll and kept reading. “If you are still a virgin, then the crystal will guide you to the King’s ring, so that you might give yourself to him and have your magic fulfilled. If you are not a virgin, keep this necklace and give it to your daughter before her 18th birthday or you will lose her forever.”

Ivy had never done anything more than kiss a boy once on the dance floor at her eighth grade prom. It had been Billy Trumbull, after he had danced with her three times and told her that he really liked her, so yes, she was still a virgin.

She was flattered and allowed him to kiss her, but when his hand started sliding north and moving from her waist up her ribs, she pushed him away. He got kicked out of the dance after that, because one of the chaperones had seen what he did and her reaction. She had been avoiding him ever since.

“You are heir to a throne not on this world, but is accessible to holders of the shards. The powers you have will be manifest in this world only at great cost, for they are of the other plane. Use them sparingly, if at all.” That was it, except for a swirling spiral with three vortexes on the reverse side. She read the note three times then re-rolled it and put it back in the silver tube and re-locked it. Once again, the seam was invisible.

“What kind of powers do I have?” she wondered. She tried to bring her hairbrush from the desk to her hand with telekinesis, but no go. Then she got a thought in her head of Alan Watts, a boy she thought was cute at school.

She imagined him still asleep in bed, the picture forming clearly in her mind. His covers were pulled up to his chin, and he was laying on his side.

She pictured his blankets tossed aside, and a moment later, he threw them off, and Ivy could see his boxers, the only thing he had on. She pictured her hand on his thigh, rubbing up and down to get him to roll onto his back. A moment later, he did just that, letting his legs sprawl open.

Now the tent in his crotch was all she could focus on, and it seemed to be growing larger every passing moment. Suddenly, she found herself laying on his bed with him, her head resting on his stomach. The elastic band of his underwear was only millimeters away.

She didn’t feel the mattress compress under her weight, so she knew this was all in her head, but as she thought about his boxers being pushed down so she could see his cock, he was doing just that, and it lay bare against his stomach, fully hard and pulsing slightly, in time with his heartbeats. It was the most fascinating thing she had ever seen; this was the best dream ever!

Her face was less than an inch away, and she could smell the musk of his desire as a pearly bead of moisture appeared at the tip, shining like a jewel. This way easily the most vivid dream she had ever had!

Suddenly, she realized that even though she couldn’t feel the mattress under her, she could plainly feel Alan’s stomach under her cheek. Was this real or not? Then she felt him reach down there stroke her hair.

“I love you, Ivy. You don’t have to, but I want you to…” he muttered, still asleep. “I want you to suck it. Just a little…”

Her first instinct was to flee, but his hands on her hair were so gentle, and she could hear his need in his voice, almost begging.

She could feel the danger in continuing, knowing it was going to be very hard to stop, and that there would be no going back once begun. The feelings brought about by the crystal were her own, and she couldn’t deny it, much as she would like to disown them.

Could she even do it? She wondered, and thought it over in her mind. It didn’t seem as horrible as she had imagined the act to be throughout her childhood, so she moved her mouth a little closer and stretched out her tongue, licking the bead of moisture dotting the tip.

She could taste it! The sweetness of it surprised her, not at all as gross as she had imagined, so when he tilted up his hips and pushed down on her head, she allowed it to enter her mouth and began sucking. Was this a dream? She could taste him, feel him stretching her jaw open as more entered. She sucked it again, liking the feel of it in her mouth, then she moved her head and took the rest of it, letting it enter her throat a little.

She could feel his pubic hair tickling her nose, and wondered if this, liking it so much, made her a slut; one of the girls she used to have so much contempt for. Girls who liked using their mouths on boys? Was something wrong with her? This wasn’t natural, and most unlike her!

“Ivy, I love you!” Alan said loudly, and woke himself up. She wasn’t there; it had only been a dream. He shook his head to clear the image, and realized that his cock was moist. He hasn’t come yet, so it wasn’t his own emission. What could have caused it? Had it somehow been real?

Ivy leapt out of bed with a start, wondering what had just happened. She remembered the dream she had been having, and still had the taste in her mouth, but it had to have been a dream, right? She was still right here in her own room! The thought of crystal-granted power came to mind as a possible explanation, and remembered the warning about costs for using them, and vowed not to take any more trips like that until she knew more.

She was shocked at the level of wantonness her subconscious displayed, and shuddered to think of actually doing it for real. She went to brush her teeth and tried to forget, but that horniness stayed with her, and she felt a pang of fear at another thought. What if the price for dream walking and sex was a permanent state of arousal? What if she really was one of the sluts? It was this thought that really concerned her; she knew it was just a matter of time before she did it for real, while awake, and hoped against reason she wouldn’t be able to do it. In the back of her mind she was rather looking forward to it, especially if it was Alan.

She had school; just a few more weeks until graduation, then she was done with high school forever! She was a little nervous about the future; she hadn’t been accepted to any of the colleges she had applied to, except the local community campus, which took everybody with a diploma. She had no money to pay anyways, so she figured she would wind up working at the truck stop diner like her mom. A permanent state of arousal was a danger all to itself at the truck stop diner, because not every girl who worked there was a waitress.

It was Friday morning, and she had a very light class load that day. Just English and History that morning, then the rest of the day free after lunch. Everything was going smoothly until Alan sat next to her at lunch.

She was alone at her table until he sat down. She had been struggling not to think about the dream and how good it had been that morning, letting that cock slide into her mouth and fill it up. The memory of the taste haunted her. She was depressed about the paths her future held now. She didn’t want to be one of the sluts; she was a good girl!

“I had a dream about you this morning.” Alan said, without preamble. He also sat down uninvited.

She felt a pang in her heart, knowing she would be doing it again, for real this time! The memory returned, in all it’s vividness; the taste of him made her mouth water, and she couldn’t tell if the pang was nice or not. She decided not to fight it.

“Oh yeah? What was it about? Was it a good dream?” she asked, putting down the book she hadn’t been reading. She arched her eyebrows when he began stammering and smiled at his shyness. “I had a dream about you, too. Tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine,” she said, letting him off the hook.

“Well, the first thing I want to tell you is that I was NOT being naughty.” He looked her straight in the eye. “You were. Do you still want me to tell the dream?”

“If I was being naughty, perhaps this isn’t the place. Someone else might hear.” she said primly. “Will you walk me home?”

“But… school? “ he stammered. “We can’t just… leave, can we?”

“I can. Was I being more naughty than just skipping school in your dream?” she smiled, getting up. Less than a moment later, he was following her out the door and onto the street.

Halfway to her house, he started to ask a question, but she stopped him with a look.

“Don’t. Don’t say anything yet. Wait until we get to my room.” She said it in a voice that brooked no questions, so he stayed silent all the way to her room and let her begin in her own way. He was smart kid, and knew when to keep his trap shut.

“I know what your dream was, but I want to hear you say it.” She looked him straight in the eye and waited for his answer.

“I dreamed that you… I was in your mouth.” he admitted. “You were sucking me, and it felt real!”

“I was sucking you? What, like on your finger?” she asked, looking innocently at him.

“You said you knew my dream.” he said, smiling at her little game. “You know it wasn’t my finger. It was my cock you were sucking, and it felt amazing!”

“Is that something you would want me to do? Is that why you dreamed me into your room this morning?”

“I did? I dreamed you there?” he asked, surprised. “I guess it is something I want, but I didn’t know I wanted it until you showed up this morning. It’s not something I planned, honest!”

“Do you really love me? You said you did, this morning. Twice.” she asked. “We hardly even know each other.”

“I know you.” He blushed furiously. “I know your favorite color is deep, forest green, I know you like cherry ice cream, and I know you liked sucking my cock this morning.” He smiled at her reassuringly. “You can trust me; I love you. I won’t let anyone or anything harm you, but I won’t keep you against your will, either.”

“And you don’t think I’m a slut for what I did?” she whispered, tears threatening to spill.

“Just because you know how to be a slut doesn’t make you one all the time. You can turn it on or off, your choice, right?” He pointed this out like it should be obvious to everybody.

“I hope so.” she said, shivering. “What if it won’t stop once I start?”

“You know, the scientists who built the A-bomb had that same thought. They knew all they were doing was starting a reaction, and they didn’t know if it would stop. For all they knew, they might be starting up another Sun in the New Mexico desert.” Alan told her. She goggled at him, amazed.

“Really? I didn’t know that! And they pushed the button anyway? Why?” she asked.

“Because they knew that an eternal reaction like the Sun required more fuel than they were giving it. They controlled it, just like I can control your sluttiness, if you let me.” He looked right at her again. “You don’t want anyone to know about you; that’s why we came to your house, so we could be alone. You can be my slut and I promise to keep it secret.”

“You promise not to let me go out of control? You can keep this a secret? That’s all I was waiting to hear!” She fell into his arms and let him kiss her for a long moment, but when she felt him slide his hands up to her shoulders, she knew immediately what he wanted.

“Do you want me to do anything different from this morning?” she whispered, and he smiled at her.

“Yes, don’t stop this time.” He began opening his pants as she went to her knees beside her bed.

“You were the one who woke up.” she said, looking up at him from where she knelt in front of him.

“Am I dreaming right now?” he asked her, pushing down his boxers and exposing his hardness to her. For the second time that day, his cockhead was mere millimeters from her mouth, and this time, he could feel her breath.

“Who cares? Just promise not to wake up yet.” she whispered, and started with her tongue, just like last time. It tasted exactly the same, and she could feel the growing patch of moisture between her legs and knew she had soiled her panties. Again.

Just like last time, she found herself enjoying the feel and taste of him, and knew she was on that same slippery slope. She could find herself a slave to these feelings. Very easily. She knew in her heart that she was a cocksucking slut!

It was too late to stop; he was in her mouth and she loved it! She sucked and swallowed most of the spit her mouth was producing. He began moaning with pleasure as her mouth worked on him, as the sound of his voice really turned her on.

She felt the gusset of her panties absorbing the trickle of moisture seeping out of her, and knew they would be soiled and stained when she took them off. Even worse, she wanted Alan to see as he took them off her. Was there no limit to her depravity?

She felt Adam’s cock begin to start jerking between her lips as he held her head still with both hands twined into her hair. She could feel the strength of his fingers gripping her skull, refusing to let her flinch away.

She looked up at him, her eyes wide open with surprise as he began spurting gobs of come in her mouth. It filled her mouth and began to swell her cheeks, there was so much of it, and then he let her go and pulled out of her mouth when he had finished.

She still had the mouthful as he stepped back and helped her to her feet. He could see her swallowing as she stood up and looked at him with a weak smile.

“That was way better than the dream.” He smiled at her. “I think you liked it, too. You certainly have a certain look…”

“The cat who got the cream.” she purred, licking her lips. “And yes, I enjoyed it very much. Especially the last part, when you grabbed my head. You can do that again sometime. Next time.”

“I could smell your arousal.” he told her. “Right after you started sucking me, you spread your knees wide open and you were playing with yourself under your skirt, and I could smell your pretty little cunt.”

She gasped in shock at his crudity; nobody had ever spoken to her like that before.

He saw her blush as he took a deep breath in through his nose and smiled at her. She looked back up at him from the floor, where she had been staring shyly, embarrassed. She knew he could smell her right now. She could tell that the crystal was only amplifying feelings that belonged entirely to her.

“Don’t worry; it smells delicious! I want to taste you. It’s my turn, right?” He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around, so that her back was to the bed. She could feel it against her upper thighs as he kissed her.

Now his hands seemed to be everywhere at once. She felt her blouse being taken off, and then she was stepping out of her skirt as her bra melted off.

She felt naked and exposed as he sat her down on the bed and made her lie back; especially after he took her panties off and pushed her knees up to her chest. This was exactly what she had wanted him to do

Sitting back for a moment, he savored the sight of her, open and wet for him. As he wore spread her open even further by sliding his hands up the inside of her thighs, he saw her labia flowered open. Deep pink and glistening with moisture, the smell of her arousal was intoxicating!

“This is how much I love you.” he said, then bent his head and covered her whole sex with his mouth. He kept his tongue moving continuously, spending most of his attention on her clit, but dipping south to her juicy gash was a tasty treat; she tasted so sweet and fresh.

The reaction he got from her when he started tonguing her asshole was more than worth it, and it didn’t taste bad at all. She kept herself fastidiously clean.

She lifted her hips up in the air and grabbed his hair, holding his mouth directly over her anus. He obliged her by thrusting his tongue into the tightness of her pucker, working the muscle loose with some rhythmic stroking.

It felt so good that she couldn’t stand in and out pulled his face back to her pussy. He spent a long moment there, but he was hard again and wanted more of her. He wanted to claim her forever.

Kissing his way up her body, he stopped and licked her nipples, making her arch her back with pleasure. His hard cock made contact with her pussy for the first time, and the crystal flashed on her chest. Both of them saw it, and it broke the moment.

“What was that?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but I have to go.” she told him, sitting up and grabbing her clothes.

“Wait, you’re leaving? Why? What did I do wrong?” His face was distraught.

“It’s not you; it’s me. You didn’t do anything wrong, I promise. I just have to go. The crystal is clear about that. I have to go.” She stood up and finished getting dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, with a plain white bra and panties under them, grabbed clean from her drawer, after seeing the state of the ones she had taken off.

He was still sitting naked on her bed, looking confused by the talk rapid turn of events. “What about…” he gestured at his erection.

“Oh, god, I’m so sorry!” she said, looking guilty. “ I… I just can’t… you know, I’m still a virgin.”

“Will you suck it again? That won’t hurt anything, will it?” He sounded hopeful, and her heart went out to him.

“Of course I will!” she smiled at him. “I have to go find the guy who has the other crystal, and give him my virginity, but I’m glad we got to share this. I know you love me, and you deserve an explanation. I’ll tell you everything, but first, let me take care of this. You’ll be able to listen better.”

She knelt down between his legs and immediately took his cock in her mouth and started sucking. In less than a minute, her talented tongue had worked it’s magic and she was drinking down his load as fast as he could pump it out.

When he was done, she got up and sat on the bed next to him, and stopped his questions with one hand.

“I told you I would tell you everything, so please don’t interrupt and hold your questions until I’m done.” He nodded his agreement, so she began.

“This morning, I awoke to a black bird pecking on my window. When I opened it and let it in, it gave me this. Then it flew away.” She took out the silver cylinder and showed him how to open it.

He spent a long time reading the message, then handed it back to her. “Well, a Princess, how about that!” he grinned. “No wonder I didn’t get to fuck you. I’m not a prince or a king or anything.”

“No, that’s not true!” she protested. “You love me enough to have dreamed me into your room this morning! That just HAS to mean something!”

“I wonder what, though.” he mused. “I could definitely feel the crystal when we touched… uh, down there, and it definitely doesn’t want me to fuck you, but I don’t feel right about letting you go to some stranger.” he told her. “You are so vulnerable. Do you even have a knife?”

“No, do you think I’ll need one?” she asked. “I mean, he’s not going to rape me, right?”

“It could be interpreted many ways. ‘You are to give yourself to the one wearing the King’s ring.’ I just don’t like all the meanings of the word ‘give,’ that’s all.”

“That’s true.” she said. “Will you come with me so somebody knows where I am?”

“Of course.” He said it gallantly, mock-serious. “It will be an adventure!” Even though he hadn’t put his pants on yet, he stood and offered his arm.

She took it with a giggle. “It would be my honor to accept your protection on my virginal quest, good sir, but might I suggest more suitable attire before we begin? You cannot possibly go about with your lance exposed like that? Some innocent might see and be corrupted.”

“Yeah, that’s me, protector of your innocence all right,” he said wryly. He put his clothes on and offered his arm again, escorting her outside.

“So, where are we going? Where is this crystal leading you to?” Alan asked. “Do you even know?”

“The Cardigan Mansion on top of High Hill.” she replied, after a moment of thought. “Isn’t that place abandoned? Like, years ago?”

“Somebody still owns it.” Alan pointed out. “Are you sure that’s where we have to go?”

She listened inside herself another long moment. “Yes, it’s where I have to go. But you don’t have to come with me, you know.”

“I know, but I love you, and I’m not going to let you go into danger alone. Here, take my knife and put it in your shoe. Just in case.”

At first she started to decline, but when he pressed it into her hand, the crystal told her to take it. Instead of putting it in her shoe like he suggested, she put the folding pen knife in her back pocket. Since she at least took it, he made no protest.

There was a city bus, so they rode it to the end of the green line, and began the long walk up the hill together. They didn’t really need to speak; the silence as they walked hand in hand up the wooded driveway cemented the friendship the two lovers had begun.

At the house, Ivy let go of Alan’s hand and climbed the steps alone. “I have your number in my phone, so I’ll call you if I need to use this.” She patted her back pocket, where the outline of the knife showed clearly.

“Put it in your shoe, so nobody knows you have it!” She could hear the urgency in his voice, so she did it, more to make him happy than anything else.

“Okay, I think I can leave you now.” he said, as she stood up. “Be careful who you give yourself to, okay?”

Before he could turn to go, the front door opened, and a huge white German Shepherd trotted out, followed by an man who looked to be in his late twenties, but on closer inspection, seemed much older. Something about the eyes.

He spotted the silver necklace around Ivy’s neck and didn’t need to see the crystal beneath her shirt to know that it meant. He smiled when he saw how young and pretty she was.

Alan didn’t like the way he was looking at Ivy, so he went up the steps to stand beside her. Defiantly. The man looked at him and smiled.

“I know why she’s here, little boy, and we don’t need you anymore. Go back to school where you belong. She’s mine now, no matter what promises she might have made to you in the past.”

He reached out and took Ivy by the arm. “Yes, my newest little crystal slut!” He said this, looking straight in her eyes, as if they were the only two people in the world.

They were not, however, and Alan reached out and grabbed the man’s arm, breaking his gaze into Ivy’s eyes. She looked dazed as the man straightened up and raised his fist to the boy’s face.

Alan was transfixed by the crystal chip set into a circle of diamonds. The diamonds were amongst the world’s most brilliant and luminous of their size, but they were like paste next to the crystal. Alan was instantly hypnotized and all fight went out of him. Somewhere in her mind, Ivy recognized that she was truly on her own as she watched her new best friend, her only friend, it seemed; she felt her heart twist as Alan turned his back and began the walk down the hill to the bus by himself.

The man turned his attention back to her before Alan was all the way out of sight. He lifted her face and looked deep into her eyes.

“That young man was very fond of you. Are you still a virgin for me?” he asked her bluntly. She blushed and nodded, trying to look down, but he caught her chin and made her keep looking at him. “Ah, I see. You sucked his cock, and judging from his persistence, I’d say you swallowed his come, too, didn’t you?”

Still holding her eyes with his, he made her speak the answer.

“Yes.” she admitted. He could sense her embarrassment and he smiled at her innocence.

“Don’t be ashamed of enjoying it. Now that you’re here, you’ll be doing it quite often.”

“What? No, I can’t, I promised Alan, I’m only here to lose my virginity!” She took a step back and looked at him fiercely.

“But I’m not going to take it, my dear.” he told her with a gentle smile. “Why should I let you have your power when every moment you spend a virgin is a moment I don’t age while your crystal is connected to mine? No, you will be staying here with my other crystal sluts and sustain me with your purity.”

“You can’t do this! It isn’t right! Let me go!” She found herself following him inside, unable to fight his will. Their crystals were locked, and the female has always been submissive to the male.

Inside the house, he called out loudly, summoning his servants to come meet the new girl. Three girls, all a little older than Ivy came in. All three were wearing white half cup bras and matching panties. They seemed unconcerned with their lack of attire; it must be their every day wardrobe. What kind of place was this?

She noticed that all three had crystal necklaces on, but unlike hers, the ones they had on were tiny chips! She had a whole fragment, safely tucked away in her shirt. She wondered if that was significant.

An old woman with very white hair hobbled into the room. She was wearing a set of the girls’ underwear, even though it looked a little ridiculous on her wrinkled old frame.

“Nana, what are you doing down here? Go back to your room!” he said, rubbing his temples like he had a headache as he sat down in his easy chair.

“My name isn’t Nana, its Becky, and I wore something very like this this for you on my eighteenth birthday, you remember. You were only eighteen yourself. Just like this new girl. What is your name, dear?”

“Ivy Johnson.” She spoke clearly, and then she noticed something. “Where is your crystal?”

The old woman looked straight at the man and smiled. “I made a wish last night, and a giant black bird came to my window. I put my crystal in a little silver vial attached to it’s leg, and let it fly away.”

Ivy’s hand flew to be her neck and clutched the crystal through her shirt. The old woman smiled at the girl when she saw the reaction.

“Did you bring me my wish, little sister?” she asked. Ivy looked confused.

“What did you wish for?” she asked.

“The thing you brought,” came her reply.

“I didn’t bring any..” Ivy suddenly remembered the knife, and it seemed doubly important that it remain secret. “I can’t give it to you here.”

“What?!” the man raged. He didn’t know who to scream at first, looking back and forth between Becky and Ivy. The old woman won, and while he had his back turned and all his attention elsewhere, Ivy slipped the knife out of her shoe and kept it hidden in her palm.

Finally he ran out of things to threaten the old woman with and turned his attention to Ivy.

“What did you bring her?” He grabbed her up and started to search her, patting her down roughly. The little pocket knife was hidden in her fist as she brought her hands to her chest, when one of the other girls distracted him.

She pointed behind him and screamed. He whirled around, so Ivy tossed the knife into the old woman’s lap behind his back. She quickly opened it and smiled to herself.

“A mouse!” the girl said, explaining why she had screamed. The guy snorted in derision and turned back to Ivy, still furious, but a little more in control of himself for the distraction.

“Let me see your crystal, slut, and while we’re at it, let’s see your tits, too!” He grabbed Ivy’s shirt and tore it in two, right down the middle, exposing her and making her scream. She covered herself with both hands, but not before he had seen the crystal she had on.

“What?! No! How?!?” He staggered backwards a step, and the old woman was there, holding him up. He leaned into her gratefully, then realized both at the same time who it was and that she had a small knife to his throat. He felt the prick of steel at his jugular and held still. Very still.

“What are you doing?” He swallowed with difficulty, the knife pressed against his neck so hard.

“Fulfilling a promise I made to you over 600 years ago.” Becky said. “Do you know what happens to your shard if I kill you with no heir?” She pushing the knife harder, drawing blood.

“Please don’t!” he begged. “The rest of the shard rings will absorb it’s power. The King’s Legacy will come to an end!”

“The only way to avoid that is for you to take the ring off of your own free will and drop it on the ground. Because we both know that I’m going to kill you.”

“No, the crystals will prevent you!” he cried desperately. “You are the Princess, and I am the King!”

“No, you only wear the King’s ring.” she corrected him. “Just as I wore the princess Shard, but I was not to be the Princess foretold. And you are no king, for you declined to fulfill the prophesy, coward! So afraid of death that he would sacrifice any number of innocent girls, just entering the flower of their lives, but no more! Take off the ring, or let the Legacy die with you!” She pushed the knife again, cutting his neck deeper, and he screamed in panic.

“No! It’s off, see? Don’t kill me, Becky, you know I have always loved you, too!” He stripped the ring off his finger and flung it to the floor.

The instant it bounced off the tiles, she drew the knife across his throat, but before the spurt of blood could hit the floor, he collapsed in a pile of evil smelling ashes and drifting smoke. The old woman smiled at them and met the same fate as she opened her own neck.

Ivy stood still for a long moment, taking in what had just happened, then picked up the ring and took out her phone. She seemed shocked, but also quite calm.

“Alan? Please come back to the Mansion. I’m ready for you to be my Master. If you still want to be the one, that is. That other guy won’t be an issue.”

Alan had been waiting at the bottom of the hill for the bus, but he literally ran all the way back, and was out of breath when he got there. Ivy met him on the top step and ushered him into the living room.

“Before anything else, put this on.” she said, handing him the ring. He put it on his index finger on his left hand, because he was left handed. He didn’t put it on his ring finger because it wasn’t a wedding ring. It didn’t feel right there, so he moved it over to his index finger on his right hand, and that felt better.

He was sitting in an easy chair that faced the couch and two other soft seats in the room. There was no television, but there were side tables and plants to fill the space. It was a very comfortable atmosphere, made even more so by the three most attractive women be had ever seen undressed arranged on the couch so much he could see all of their tasty bits, hidden behind the wispiest of lace.

Awarenesses were bubbling in his mind as he wore the ring, like flashes of memories, except the memories weren’t his. They began with a sulfur yellow sky with two small moons riding high above some purple clouds low on the horizon. There were small brown mushrooms growing in circles around his feet, and when he nudged one with a spacesuit covered foot, it spewed forth a cloud of spores that clung electrostatically to him.

It changed to a green field, not unlike those found on Earth, but the same two moons were in the same position in the sky. There was someone calling his name, except it wasn’t his name, but she was calling him, and it all became too much, so he shook his head to clear it, and looked around at the girls in the room.

His eyes caught Ivy looking at him, and she could see how lost he was. She decided to make it as easy on him as she could. She went over and knelt before him.

“Mine is the crystal of the Princess, and you wear the King's ring. I give my purity to you, to fulfill us both. I pledge my loyalty and my soul to your cause, until the day of the True King’s Return, when victory or defeat might be ours.”

Ivy looked up at him, to see how he took it. He smiled down at her kindly, and helped her stand up.

“Ivy, you are my friend and my lover. I love you, and it would be an honor to open you.” he said, and felt he needed to say something more, to answer her vow with one of his own. “Ivy, Princess, I promise to cherish you forever, and come the day of the King’s Return… uh, he can have his ring back.”

Ivy laughed and threw her arms around him, kissing him with a huge smile. “He hasn’t come back for at least six hundred years; I don’t think you’ll have to give that ring back tomorrow.”

“Well, I know one thing that’s going to happen before tomorrow!” he grinned. “This place has bedrooms, yeah?”

“Oh!” said one of the girls on the couch. “Misty, Angel, come help me change the sheets in the Master bedroom!”

All three girls fled upstairs, still clad in their lingerie.

“I guess we have a minute.” He smiled at her and glanced at their clothing. “We live here now. The crystal told me so, and I don’t think we need to be dressed in our own home, do you?”

“My underwear just about matches the ones the other girls had on, don’t you agree?” she said, a moment later. “Should I keep them on or take them off?”

“Keep them on.” He looked at her thoughtfully. “It might help the other girls feel less self conscious until we can get them some clothes.”

“But you should get naked.” she pointed out. “That last ring bearer wore it for over six hundred years, and these girls need to see that you mean to Fill me and free them.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” he said, and stripped out of his clothes, down to his boxers.

As he stepped out of his jeans, one of the girls came back downstairs and went to one knee before Alan, her head bowed.

“All is ready for you upstairs, Master.” She glanced at Ivy and smiled, including her. “Should anything be out of place or if there is aught else you should desire, my name is Jera. You need only call for me, and I will come.”

“Jera, where are you from?” Alan asked. “Please, get up. There’s no need to kneel. Please don’t do it anymore.”

“Thank you.” she said, picking her head up and looking at him. “I’m from London, born 1692.”

“When did you come to America?” He was astounded. He’d never met anyone over three hundred years old before.

“1756. They were still the Colonies back then, and I was exiled here by order of King George the Third himself. My father was convicted of treason and beheaded, and his pregnant wife was granted mercy and exiled. She brought me across the ocean when I was only three months old.”

“When did your last Master arrive?” Ivy interjected. Jera gave her a dirty look.

“You are not the Master, despite power in the crystal you wear. Do not forget your place!” she snapped.

“Jera!” Alan said sternly. “Ivy is my love, and will be my wife, if she will have me. Show her respect, and answer her questions as if I were asking.”

Ivy looked at him gratefully and smiled, letting him know that she would accept his proposal someday. Jera ducked her head in deference.

“He came here in 1867, just after the Civil War ended. He was already three hundred or so, and he had dozens of girls with him. He drained the life out of all of them, and was using up Becky when you came. I have no doubt that he would have drained you to sustain him next. We three have always been his favorites, and he was loathe to age us.”

Alan knew a lot of things he hadn’t suspected before he put on the ring, a lot of history not to be found in books, and a lot about himself and the girls who wore the crystals.

“After tonight, you will begin to live the rest of your natural span.” Alan told her. “I have no intention of prolonging myself at the expense of anyone else. What happened to you was twisted and wrong.”

“Everything is ready for you upstairs, Master. Whenever it pleases, of course.” Jera smiled and ducked her head, then backed away. “I have been waiting over three hundred years for this night.”

She looked directly at Ivy and smiled. “I understand that you love him, but he needs to fill us before sunrise of the second day after a new possessor takes the ring. All three of us, so please don’t use him up too much. Well, you know what I mean. He needs to keep some strength back?”

“I know what you mean.” Ivy smiled gently. “Don’t worry. All four of us are going to be filled tonight. Together. Is this okay with you? So much will be revealed when it happens; I can tell just from the glimpses I’ve already gotten. The history and all the politics that go with it. We’ll both need the insights all the centuries have taught you.”

“All is ready upstairs.” she said demurely. “Please, follow me, and I will show you to the Master bedroom.” Jera turned gracefully and led them to the stairs.

There was a huge, king sized four poster bed, hung with blue velvet curtains, and the whole room had been done in royal purple, with rich maroon trim.

Ivy climbed up onto the bed and lay out on her back, her hair fanning out over the pillow in a perfect spray. “Jera, what are your friend’s names again? All of you are welcome to join me on the bed. Please?”

“Misty and Angel.” Jera said, getting up beside Ivy. “Angel is the darker haired one.”

“All four of you, take your panties off. You won’t be needing them tonight. I require that part of your to be bare.” Alan said, smiling. “If you should like to be completely naked when I Fill you,, that’s fine. I like looking.”

“Ivy, may I begin with you? This is my first time, too, and I’d like you to be the one.” Alan said softly. “After all, it was you I dreamed into my room this morning.”

“Um, I think you should start with Jera,” Ivy said. “She’s the oldest, so she’s been waiting the longest. Then Angel and Misty, because they’ve been waiting, too.”

“Are you sure, Ivy? First times are special, you know. I kinda want it to be with you. I love you.” It was the third time he had told her this, and she felt her own love for him fill her entire being with warmth and light. She smiled broadly.

“No, it’s okay to do them in the order they’ve been waiting. The more girls you Fill before you take the Princess Crystal, the stronger the pair of us will be when we join our majiks together.”

“Okay,” he agreed, then got on the bed with them. He made Jera sit up so the he could kiss her, sliding his hands down to spread her legs as he lay her back. She was already dripping wet with anticipation; she had been waiting over 600 years for this night!

The moment he slid into her, breaking her hymen, Jera died, just like the old woman had done, breaking up into ashes that also faded into nothing. Only her crystal remained.

“Oh, thank you!” Angel cried out, hugging him. “Please, let me be next? I’ve been alive for four hundred years, and I’m ready, too!” She lay down in the same spot as Jera had been, spreading her legs for him. “Oh, please Fill me! I’m so tired!”

Alan wasted no time. He pushed into her, feeling the fleshy barrier part, and she too passed into ashes and dust and smoke. He looked at Misty, who picked up Jera’s and Angel’s crystals necklaces and held them out to him sadly.

He shook his them, then looked pointedly at her own, hanging just above her perfectly formed breasts. “Do you want me to Fill you, as well? You can say no, if you don’t want to die like the others. I will let you continue the existence you know, if you are afraid.”

“It’s not that,” she said. “It’s just that I’ve only been wearing my crystal since the sixties. I’m not old enough to die and become dust. My body is less than 70, but I don’t want to be old! I want to stay young!”

“Then I needn’t Fill you. You can stay as you are, right?” He was curious, because he wasn’t really sure how this all worked.

She got up and went over to the chest at the foot of the bed. She opened it, and it was half full of crystal necklaces just like the one she wore. She added Jera and Angels, sadly. “All these crystals are girls who came here and got aged, instead of us. They stopped coming about sixteen years ago, so he started aging Becky, as her crystal was the strongest and could sustain him the best.
When you Fill the Princess crystal holder, part of the prophesy will be fulfilled, and the two of you will come into your power. If you two are the True King and Queen reborn, the rest of the prophesy will be fulfilled, and the War will begin.”

“War?” Alan asked sharply. “What war?”

“The other world. The one with two moons in the sky. Have you seen any memories of this? We shard holders only get the tiniest glimpses in our dreams, but is a story we all know.”

“I don’t know this story, and neither does Alan!” Ivy said hotly. “How about filling us in a little?”

“A long time ago, in the distant future, for time is a circle that spirals, so that when it comes ‘round again, it’s never in the same spot, even though it looks and feels the same, the story begins. Humanity, the gift of sentient life for the whole Milky Way galaxy; it spread itself out to every place that it could go, living inside vast starships that spanned millennia in their travels to reach other stars. The planet with the double moons was one of those very rare places where we could breathe the air without processors, making it virtually free.
Real estate on these free air, Earth-like planets is of the highest value in the whole Galaxy, and despite the distance, wars inevitably break out, due to genetic drift making interplanetary breeding impossible. Competition for the air and food becomes inevitable, probably due to the inherent nature of our species.
This war has been going for millennia; it will only end when the last starship is no more. Thousands upon thousands were built; no-one is sure how many remain.
The crystals are an ancient communication device, used to link minds across the vastness of space, so that the ships could stay in some form of contact with the Homeworld.
The King’s Ring would allow for the best, most direct link with the crystals installed in the ships, and the Queen’s Pendant was the most reliable, but the Pendant was shattered here on Earth during the time of the Merovingian takeover in Europe. The shards are all that remain, and the King’s Ring, of course. The largest shard of the Pendant was named the Princess crystal, and even though most of it’s connection was splintered, that largest fragment is still more powerful than all the other’s combined.”

“What does sex have to do with it? Why is virginity so important to the crystals power?” Alan asked. He could feel that he had a closer connection with…something, but he had no real idea what. It could be some distant far away Starship. It would also be his own imagination carrying him away, too. A whole chest full of virgins to call to himself, so he could fuck them? Yeah, like that kind of thing ever happened!

“The psychic connection is awoken when people wearing the crystals are connected when an important, life changing event takes place, such as losing one’s virginity, or childbirth, or the moment of death takes place,” said Misty. “Because the shattering of the Queen’s Pendant took place in a Dark Ritual, the shards are forever linked to the Kingring, and can only activated by it.
There is a Prophesy, however, that when the True King and Queen are Reborn in brand new bodies that the pendant will be re-forged anew with a Power never before wielded on this Plane.”

“You never got Filled, so you never felt the connection, though.” Ivy pointed out. “You talk as if you had seen the memories, too.”

“You haven’t been Filled yet, either, and yet you understand, right?” Misty asked. “Just wearing the crystal awakens the possibility of memories. And so much time has passed that virtually every girl alive right now can be given a crystal and have the memories awoken by the Kingring and her virginity.”

Misty looked at Alan thoughtfully for a long moment, then smiled shyly at him. “I decided I want you to do it. I don’t think I’ll get old; I think I get to start living a normal life and start aging normally, and that’s what I’d like best, I think. Maybe you cam make me pregnant!”

She lay down and opened her legs, but when Alan broke her open, she too faded into smoke and ashes. Ivy began crying as she picked the crystal up.

“It’s not fair! She wanted life! She wanted to live!” Ivy clasped the crystal in her hand, looking fierce. “I know who to give this to! I’ll give it to Christy Miller, and you can Fill her! She’ll be glad to know there’s more to life than what we can just measure!”

“Who’s Christy Miller?” Alan asked, but then he realized who Ivy meant. “Wait, the girl from school?”

“Exactly, the science nerd with those ridiculous glasses!” Ivy said. “She deserves this crystal; if anyone needs a will to live, it’s her, and I know something of Misty is still remembered by this shard. She wore it so long!”

“Okay, you can start handing them out at school tomorrow, but right now, there’s a girl I want to fill, one who won’t die after the first stroke! Know anyone like that?” He grinned at her, laying her sideways on the bed, 90 degrees from the position the other girls had lain in. This also enabled him to step down from the bed and pull her ass to the edge, while he supported her knees with his elbows. His cock lay against her belly as he looked down into her eyes.

“Princess, I love you!” he said, then moved his hips back, and this time, when the tip of his penis touched her labia and moved between then, both her crystal and his ring flashed together, and this time, not only was he not prevented from entering by her crystal, it welcomed him! He thrust forward, burying his entire length within her all at once. The crystal around her neck flashed again, with an answering flash from all the other shards in the chest and on the bed. Ivy felt her powers awaken, as did Alan. They both looked at each other with newfound understanding, and they realized the box full of crystals represented more than one lifetime’s worth of work.

They all had to be restored, one each to a virgin to be Filled by the Kingring, and then to go out into the world. Alan wasn’t to choose the recipients; only the Princess shard had been granted the Sight to read future possibilities inherent in each girl.

“These shards are from all over the world!” Ivy whispered. “They all need to be restored and Filled, so we’re probably going to need to get our passports. Traveling with the crystals shouldn’t be a problem, but you going to foreign countries for the sole purpose of deflowering some of their virgins might eventually get sticky someday.”

“What about us? Might this become a problem between us, someday? I love you. What if one of us get jealous of one of the other girls I’ll have to be with?”

“You only need to be with each one for one night at a time, possibly less, depending how much you want them to enjoy the experience, I guess. Personally, I’d like to be present when you do Christy tomorrow. I’ll probably want to be present for some of the others, too,” she told him.

He grinned at her. “Ah, the sufferings that life puts us through. We shall get by, I suppose.” He grinned even more broadly, thinking of a certain brunette with a nice tight ass and long skinny legs. “Christy Miller, huh? It’s good to be King!”

Ivy was holding Misty’s crystal necklace with a thoughtful, dreamy look on her face. “This crystal isn’t Christy’s. It’s someone named Dawn, and she pretty far away. Across some rivers, I think. Moving water is hard to see across.”

She looked at the chest and went back to it, fingering through random handfuls. Her eyes widened at all the images of the women they were destined for, flickery and indefinite, because the future was not written yet, and the laws of chaos and the pattern of destiny were still open to interpretation.

One crystal seemed to resist falling from her fingers because the chain twined and caught. She picked it up alone, and saw Christy’s face, contorted in orgasm and smiling through it, and she kept it out, smiling to herself. It seemed she could choose who got a crystal somewhat, because she also caught flickery images of the last owner’s face, and another girl, young, about 12 or 13, but Christy’s was superimposed over all of them.

“Ivy, you know I love you, right?” he asked, still sitting on the bed. She looked up at him, somewhat alarmed.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” she asked, starting to get up.

“Nothing’s wrong,” he said quickly, then indicated his lap. “It’s just that I want to fuck you again, or something.”

“Something?” she asked with a wry smile. “Does that mean you want me to suck it again? I really like sucking it, so it’s okay if you do. I’ll suck it whenever you want!”

She got up and came over to the bed, then got on it and lay down between his legs, her head right above his groin. His hard cock was pressing up between her small breasts as she smiled up at him. “Come in my mouth this time. I want to taste it again. Just tell me before it happens, okay?”

She moved down a little and took him in her mouth, still looking up at him with a smile in her eyes, going down on him to her usual spot, about halfway or a little more. She tried to take the last two or three inches, but she gagged ad had to come up for air. It was that or puke, from the sounds of her retching.

“I’m sorry!” she said. “I want to do the whole thing, because I know how good it would feel to get the whole thing wet, but I just can’t. It’s just too big!”

“The part you were doing felt wonderful, and it will make me come, I promise. And when I want to get the whole thing we, I’ll just bend you over a little and fuck your pussy!” He smiled at her lovingly, gently pushing her head back down. “Suck it the way you were doing, and keep having fun with it. I’ll tell you before I come, I promise. Just keep sucking it, honey!”

She smiled at him and licked his pole. “You called me honey! I like that, sugar!” She began sucking him again, only doing what was comfortable, and enjoying herself, because she honestly DID like sucking on him. Pretty soon, she could hear the change in his breathing, and felt it stiffen almost imperceptibly in her fist, and he grunted a warning.

“Get ready, baby! Ivy, get ready, I’m… I’m… UNNGH!” He spurted her mouth full as she stroked her fist up and down, just holding the head of him between her lips. She gulped it quickly, tasting his saltiness as the thickness coated the inside of her mouth. She swallowed the next spurt, too, then moved her face back to see it come out.

She kept her mouth and her eyes open, not missing a drop, and smiling up at him as she drank his seed. She could feel the power within her growing with every drop she swallowed. Alan felt it, too, feeling himself Filling to overflowing with some untold Power, and knew it was this same Power that had brought Ivy to his bed that morning.

He wondered who else he could bring to his bed, and thought about Christy Miller, the girl Ivy had picked out for a crystal. He had sat behind her in science class last year, so he was quite familiar with what she looked like. As he brought her into focus in his mind’s eye, details became more clear, as he focused the Power into the vision. He could smell her hair, and see that she was sweating across the tops of her breasts as she lay outside in her backyard, dozing in the hot sun.

She was wearing bikini top, covering her nipples, but he could clearly see the shape of them through the taut material. He wanted to see the color, as well, and imagined her with no top on at all. A moment later, he saw her sit up in the vision, and take her top off, untying it and dropping it beside her chair before laying back down.

Alan feasted his eyes on her small pink nipples, imagining himself licking them, one after the other, with little sucking motions of his mouth. In his vision, he saw Christy arch her back and open her legs, rubbing the outside of her bikini bottoms.

Inspired by his vison, next he imagined kissing his way down her belly, and was astounded to find he could taste her sweat and smell her arousal. At the same time as his vision, her fingers and his together pulled the gusset of her bikini aside .

He could taste her! In his vision, he watched Christy’s reaction to his mouth on her, reading every line of her face and feeling every twitch of her muscles, and at the moment of her orgasm, he poured all the Power he could summon unto her.

Ivy looked up from the chest, where she had been fingering Christy’s crystal as she heard another woman crying out in the throes of orgasm and saw Christy laying on the bed, Alan’s mouth buried in her crotch. She stood up as Alan kept Christy up on the peak of pleasure, and found she was holding two other crystals in her hand opposite Christy’s. They were Angel and Misty’s. Apparently, Alan was supposed to call them too, because he got up when she showed them to him.

“Is it anyone we know?” he asked wryly, giving the crystals a nod as Ivy placed Christy’s crystal around the sleeping girl’s neck. She would find it when she woke, even if she didn’t recognize the room.

Ivy looked into each of the crystals, one at a time, and for both crystals, she smiled. “I hope you like them young,” Ivy smiled. “Both of these girls are best friends, and they don’t start high school until next year. Neither one is fourteen yet!”

“Show me,” Alan said, reaching for one of the crystals, but it flashed before he could touch it, so he drew his hand back. “Okay, you bring them here, then. It’s your turn anyway!”

“Alan, the note said there was a price to be paid for using the power of the crystals…” Ivy said cautiously, but Alan grinned at her.

“What harm could it do? Besides, I want to see if you can do it, too.” He smile even more broadly at her. “Isn’t this fun? It feels good to use the Power, Ivy! Go ahead, you try it! Bring one of them here!”

Ivy looked into the crystals, then put them together in one hand. “Both of them are together,” she murmured. “I think I can see them, yes, there they are! They’re in the same house, in the same room. I can almost make out…” Ivy gasped and looked up in surprise. “They’re naked together, and they’re… they’re LICKING each other! They’re about to make each other come!”

“Go back into them and bring them here!” Alan urged her, so Ivy closed her eyes and went back into the girls, letting their feelings become her own, and them making her feelings become theirs.

The crystal on Ivy’s neck flashed brightly, blinding both of them for a second, and when their eyes cleared, there were a couple of sleeping girls on the bed with Christy. Both were nude and beautiful, Alan saw, and they looked even younger than Ivy had told him, so naked and vulnerable as they slept. Ivy put the crystals on them while they slept, too.

Alan looked at Christy and decided she had been sleeping long enough. He looked at the pretty little bow of her sleeping mouth, smiling from the orgasm he'd given her by eating her out, and came to the conclusion she owed him some face time, too.

He pulled her head to the edge of the bed and pushed his already hard cock between her lips. Christy had never even seen a real live penis before, but even in her sleep, her body knew what to do with it once it was in her mouth.

She awoke sucking on him, in a strange bed, but somehow, in her mind, everything was… not normal, exactly, but the way things were supposed to be, anyway. Christy felt completely fine sucking Alan’s cock, even though, somewhere in the back of her mind, part of her was freaking out, completely panicked, but at least her face was serene.

“You like sucking it, don’t you, Christy?” Alan chuckled. “Well, that’s not the reason I brought you here, you know. This is.” Alan pulled her legs around, spinning her sideways on the bed as he stood beside it. He lifted one of Christy’s legs up and moved it to the other side of him.

Christy felt him rub his cock up and down over her pussy, and pushed her hips up into his as he thrust into her. She let out a cry of joy as she felt him tear through the barrier inside her. She belonged to him utterly now, and knew she had found her place in the Universe at last. It was right here, under her Master, with his cock inside her. She couldn’t wait to have him in her mouth again!

Alan pulled out of Christy before he came, not wanting to get anyone pregnant, especially not anyone from his high school.

“You’re not going to come inside me?” Christy asked him, cupping her empty pussy with a disappointed look on her face. “How about in my mouth, then? Can I at least taste you?”

Alan looked at her, unable to answer her question with an answer she wanted to hear. As soon as he had broken her open and Filled her, he had known the truth, as had Ivy. When Alan made Christy suck him before Filling her, he had taken something from her, something she hadn’t known she was giving. She had given her heart to Alan; she was doomed to love him the rest of her days. And she was barren. She could never have the child of love she now so desperately wanted to give him, nor could he ever return the love she felt for him. Hers was a cursed existence, and thus was the price of the Power.

Alan was almost afraid to wake the other two girls; they looked so young to have their lives ruined through no fault of their own. They were beginning to stir on their own, though, so he knew the moment couldn’t be forestalled much longer.

He let them awaken by themselves, sitting on the edge of the bed with them. All three of them were naked, but neither of the girls seemed surprised by this. After all, they had already been naked before, but on Ariel’s bed, not this strange one.

“What are your names?” Alan asked them. Ivy had taken Christy downstairs when they saw the two younger girls beginning to stir, to give Alan a moment alone with them. Ivy knew that he would be able to explain this situation better by himself, especially to girls so much younger than themselves.

“I’m Ariel, and this is my friend Wendy.” Said the blonde, pointing at the brunette with her. “Where are we? How did we get here?”

“My girlfriend dreamed you here so I could Fill you.” Alan said truthfully. “Those crystals you’re wearing will explain everything if you look into them and listen.”

Both girls picked up the crystals laying above their just developing breasts and peered deep into them. Their mouths both dropped open in shock as they heard what the crystals spoke into their minds, then looked at Alan and went to the floor on their knees before him. Ariel was the first to sit up taller and take his cock in her mouth, but Wendy wasn’t far behind her. Alan knew instantly what they had done to themselves, even if they did not.

“We found you!” Ariel said happily, taking him into her mouth again and sucking with a sm

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Camping with Mom

Hi to all.I was reading Iss from last so many year,N finally i wrote something.Please any gals or aunties from anywhere in gujarat for any kind a relation do contact me on my id It was January 2008 and I was your normal almost 19 year old… always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 8 Jellies

There were those who doubted the Union could win this war. The Galactic Council led and controlled by the Kermac, was a powerful entity, with hundreds of Thrall species, massive fleets and many millions of warriors. The Larkami were no exception, difficult to control but tremendous fighters. Ninsibfiv, the High Wizard of the Military himself had traveled to Lark, the homeworld of the Larkami to coordinate. He planned to use Larkami manned Kermac warships to counter-attack several Union...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 68 Back to School

After such a rough start the rest of the vacation went surprisingly smoothly. Miki proved to be a huge asset. She knew places to visit that we might never have thought of. There was a small feeling of loss after Liz and Cassidy were picked up. None of us knew them well, but they had been friends. Her short tale of the conditions at the pickup had definitely impressed everyone. Maurice was at times fawning on Jessica. Fortunately the young lady just laughed and then had her minions pounce on...

1 year ago
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Dad With Aunty In Absence Of Mom

Hi friends, am going to share my memories of my childhood. Let me first introduce myself I am raj, my family consists of three; me my dad and my mom. As I mentioned earlier my parents are very active in bed. I always try to peep into my parents bed room at night and used to enjoy watching them making love with each other. Today I am going to share all new experience of childhood. The story starts like this, there used to be a family in my neighbourhood, a husband Ramu (nearly 50 years) working...

2 years ago
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The Woman in the Office Window

As a frequent business traveler and nudist, I commonly disrobe as soon as the hotel door closes behind me and only get dressed again when it is time to leave. After a typically long day of presentations, training, and meetings I can't wait to lose the coat, tie, and everything else that goes with it to experience that wonderful feeling of freedom.I normally pour myself a glass of bourbon (neat) and take a shower before laying a towel onto a chair and relaxing for the evening. Lush Stories...

4 years ago
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Zak Enjoys A Live InFlight Movie

Once again I was sitting at the airport. The USA Track and Field National Championship is being held in Miami and some local Philadelphia athletes are participating who have Olympic potential. It would be a boost for the city to have local athletes represented.The late-night flight out from Philadelphia International should not be crowded. I have my latest James Patterson book, Along Came A Spider to pass the time.I was turning the first page and a guy approached and sat across from me. I was...

Gay Male
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Turned Out Gay

My induction to man sex was planned, but not by me. I had been friends with Gabe and Dot for about six months. We all worked at the same place and would stop for a few beers when we got off. We enjoyed a lot of the same things so we started hanging around together. What I did not know was that both of them were gay and used each other for “cover” (our job is at a lone company and the branch manager is as straight laced as they come. Hence, any suspicion about Gabe and Dot having relations and...

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I was flying into Shanghai for a business conference and still felt like shit from the giardia I contracted on the last leg of my hiking trip through Nepal. Not to mention that I was shaken by the turbulent ride over the Himalayas, having watched the snowy peaks of the mountains, like a bed of nails below us, as the plane’s cabin violently shook, and passengers screamed. The plane sliced in through the smog, and several people onboard applauded as we touched down safely to Pudong Airport......

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Church Girls are easy part one

Church sometimes was more of a social outlet for me. Meet people, make friends and have clean people to hang out with and on occasions, maybe even bed down one. This two part story is one such occasion. As I soon found out, guys are not the only ones with similar intentions. I was young, naive, by no means a "Man of the World" at that point in my life. I changed the names. Geographical locations are correct. I guess I made her happy, she made me happy. So it is all good. VAL THE...

1 year ago
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Tabbys Little Brother Ch 2

When James awoke the next morning he was still lying on top of his bed dressed in the tight fitting lace panties. His cock and balls were tucked into the flimsy garment. He looked down at the pool of dry cum that stained the front of them. Lana was no longer there, but her red panties still lay on the floor as evidence of their night together. He put his hands behind his head and smiled contentedly to himself.All the girls were out when he finally came downstairs after a long hot shower and...

2 years ago
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First aunty

Hello friends this is Manas and a regular reader of ISS from past 5 months. This is a real story which happened a couple of weeks back. This is my first posting, so please ignore if there is any mistakes This story describes my sexual encounters with my cousin mother. When i was living as paying guest with them. I had a great job, but it required me to get up before anyone else. But one day I was tired and I slept in. Everyone was off to school and work except her mother. She was beautiful for...

1 year ago
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A Genny Story Our First Time Together

  Quite a few people that have read my stories have asked how Melly and finally got together. I guess I have hinted around about it but never really told the story. Part of it is because it is very personal between Melly and I. I had actually wrote a version of this story but had not sent it to anyone. I just kept it for myself. Recently a new friend (Marcey) asked me about our first time and I looked up the story and  showed it to Melly and asked if she minded if I post it. She laughed and...

3 years ago
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The Seduction Of Maria

Hi, This is Undercover, A suave and sophisticated 30+ mumbai male. Any female i.e. Housewives/working women/students ( Of legal age ) in and around Bombay may contact me at for mutual enjoyment and pleasures. I am also open to long distance phone sex satisfaction and long distance travel sex with the right female. This story is about the seduction of my 27 year old sexy office colleague named Maria. I work in a typical MNC. Due to my personality i had the privilege of sleeping with some...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky Chapter 12

As I approached the house, I was surprised to see a light on. It was late and mother goes to bed early. Of course she knew I would be late, and so left a light on for me. I walked with a spring in my step and whistled a tune as I walked. It felt as though I was walking on a cushion of air, maybe a foot or so off the ground. Lacey and I had done it! She was a woman now. I am sure that we will still do a lot of other things to bring pleasure to each other, but full on sex was now open to us. I...

2 years ago
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Aliens Just Wanna Fuck

"Sir this rock is giving off living energy." Private Cassidy said as she picked up the rock and handed it to Sargent Dutch. "Strange." Dutch said examining the rock. "We need to take this back to the scientists back on Earth." Dutch walked back toward the ship while Cassidy continued examining the surrounding area. "There's nothing here." She said as she put her hands on her thin hips and continued exploring. Earlier they had found what seemed like war relics but over in this valley there was...

2 years ago
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my new friend

After I shot my load he said I should go home and come back tomorrow. I said ok and stood up. My legs were like a new born calfs, they wobbled as I headed home. I went in stripped and took my shower. For the first time, when I got out the shower I wasn't hard. I laid in bed thinking about what just happened. Thinking I can't believe I not only let an other guy see my dick, I let him touch it. I climbed under the sheets and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up from a very eventful dream. My...

1 year ago
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Saras life changed

*** fictional Hi. I'm Sara. I'm 19 years old and just graduated highschool. I have beautiful blue eyes and small B cup tits. I have long thick brown hair. And I am 5'4". This is a story about how my life changed. It was summer and I was going over to my new friends house. Her name is Katy. I had met her at an end of the school year party and we hit it off right away. She had an olive skin tone with wide green-gray eyes, black hair with about C cup tits. She was about my height with a firm sexy...

3 years ago
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Slut School Pt 8

Part 8--------------------------------------------------------------------------While Sarah waited patiently for Mandy to return, she sat there wondering just how Mandy was going to 'take care' of her, all scenarios played through her mind and her body tingled in anticipation. Alas after 2 hours, Mandy walked through the door. She was wearing a little black see-through nightie with a black velvet thong, her ample breasts were showing through the soft transparent material of the nightie, her...

3 years ago
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A toy boy story Chapter 3

After our little interlude I try to avoid too much contact with my boss, Mrs Williams. She seems to also avoid contact and when she does it is strictly business. I come to the conclusion that our romp on the fourth floor was a one off. A pity really as I enjoyed making her talk dirty and beg to be fucked. It gave me a sense of power even though she got was she was craving. I guess you could say we BOTH got something out of it. Having gotten through the week both at work and an amount of...

4 years ago
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Plussized Blind Date

Being a good-looking jock in college was a good thing for Zack Reynolds. His male peers envied him because of his easy-going natural charm that drew girls to him like moths to a flame. But eventually Zack was drawn into a steady relationship with Jill, the head cheerleader. She was sexually adventurous and so physically enthusiastic that she often wore Zack out in bed. After they had been in an exclusive relationship for 3 months, Jill asked him for a favor one night at the dinner table at her...

Straight Sex
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Episode 89 Doggers

IntroductionThis is probably the final story in the mini-series that started with Episode 83, featuring Grace and her teenage sister Alia. Professor Lola G-spot is hosting the third day of the Copenhagen Sex Therapy conference with a session called Dogging. As her author, we actually met for the first time in the restaurant last night and then her bedroom. The raised leather-topped bed that Lola presented from yesterday had been replaced by a white Tantra Chair. Sitting in the front row it was...

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My First Time In Pind 8211 Part 2

So this is the second part of my story with Siddharth, a sexy Punjabi hunk who was about to fuck me. As I mentioned, I was crying as he started kissing me really wildly and licking my face, his mouth and tongue were so big I was surprised, but was still in shock as to what he was doing tome and how could a Shareef girl like me could let this happen. But his cock was getting hard and touching me, and I was confused by how my body was responding to his unwanted touch. I kept on pushing him away...

4 years ago
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Jack and Jill masturbation party

I had no idea what might come of the ad I placed in the Yahoo personals seeking participants in a jack and jill party for the region I lived in. I was also a little concerned about whether people could indeed restrain themselves and simply keep the meeting to a masturbation activity. For those of you who are not familiar with a jack and jill party, it simply refers to a get together of males and females where the participants masturbate while the others watch. I had never tried it myself but...

3 years ago
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At Mr Donalds house

It was the last week of summer break. I spent more time at Mr. Donalds house then I did with my friends or my own.When ever I go there I put my bike in the backyard and pull off my clothes. I'd play on the swings or swim while waiting for him to come out to greet me. He would always offer sun lotion and I would stand in front of him, arms out, legs spread. This particular morning Mr. Donald was already outside drinking his coffee. After stripping off everything I ran over and sat beside him. He...

2 years ago
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Brandons Fuckslut Family Ch 09

by BrettJ © 2013 I just want to take the time to thank all of you who have enjoyed this story and been so patient while waiting for this final chapter. I grew to really enjoy these characters and wanted to finish the story in a way that did them justice. I hope you readers feel that I have succeeded. ~~ BrettJ Victoria Williams was normally a very sound sleeper. Her girls had often told their mommy that she could probably sleep through a hurricane. So the fact that she was restless and on the...

2 years ago
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Husband8217s Mistake To Leave Hot Wife At Home

Hi all, this is Shash 22 year male from Bangalore working in an MNC. I’m 5.6 ft tall good looking and fair enough to attract a female. For feedbacks on this sex story, mail me This happened just an year back when my neighbor aunt who was alone at home. Was damn hot, looking gorgeous, size 38-32-36. Was 26 then, I fell for her ass it was stunning. Believe me guys there is a magical power in her ass. It was just wow. She was married for 5 years but she dint had any children till then, her...

4 years ago
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Love in the Shower

I had always had a special place in my dreams for this particular fantasy. And the day it came true was one I’ll never forget, nor will I ever better it, everything was perfect: the place, the girl, the atmosphere that evening. It all took place at my house one Saturday night. My parents were away for the weekend, so I had invited my girlfriend Marie over for the evening. We had been seeing each other for nearly seven months now, but we had never progressed beyond some heavy petting. I deeply...

1 year ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 76

Across the small hotel dining room, there were three well-dressed men wearing tall white hats, drinking coffee and smoking fat cigars. One of them moved closer to sit at the table nearest the Young Bucks. “Excuse me please, but did I hear you say you have an exceptionally fast horse bred from Cheyenne horse blood?” The man asked from behind Eli. Eli turned to look back at the man, “Yes Sir, we sure do. He’s never been beaten in about thirty races,” he told the man. “We’re here to meet the...

1 year ago
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Fucking Louise

Louise was a beautiful girl with long, straight brown hair and a lovely figure, who did the same course as me at university. I had been admiring her from afar for about a year, trying to pick up the courage to ask her out, and I was extremely jealous when I heard she was sleeping with one of our lecturers. Then one night we were at a party together and somehow we started kissing. We were standing in the hallway, tongues exploring each other's mouths, when I slipped one hand under the sweater...

2 years ago
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Finding BathshebaChapter 16

Allison heard the knock on the front door, but didn't move from her seat on the edge of her bed. She listened to the muffled conversation down the hallway. "Why, young Mr. Merrill!" Her dad. "Nice to see you this fine evening." "Thank you, Mr. Garner. You are looking quite well today." Allison rolled her eyes. Tyson the Charmer at work. "And you, Mrs. Garner, are looking as lovely as ever." "Come with me into the den. Sharon will go see if Allison is just about ready. Could I get...

3 years ago
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Exploring The Virgin Pussy Of Hot Maid 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Suresh again. Let me give a quick recap. I am 20 years old now and I have a six pack body and a 7-inch cock. It had been long since I had sex. I never really had a virgin pussy. But I always wanted to have one. As usual, summer vacations came and I went to my granny’s village. My granny welcomed me with joy and happiness. I saw a girl there who was around 18 years old and looking hot. I asked my grandma who she was. She said her name was Kaveri and she was the maid who was hired to...

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One of several times at the XXX theater

Out to the MoviesI sat in the living room, waiting for my wife to finish dressing for our evening out at the movies. I heard the closet door close upstairs then her steps to the stairway. She emerged at the bottom of the stairs looking very ravishing in a sheer white blouse, her red, shelf bra visible through the sheer blouse, her nipples about half visible; her black mini-skirt, form fitting around her small waist, flared out at her hip line, and ended just below the lace of her nose tops. ...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 7

The winter passed almost into spring once more. Susan was coming up on her eighteenth birthday and her graduation from school She was also seeing more of Ron -her "boyfriend"- between making love with Jane. Susan became aware that the choice was going to be more difficult than she thought. She had been honest with herself when she had chosen to spend time with Ron. He was a good man. Jane knew it too. She did her best not to become moody or alter the outcome of the decision. She still...

2 years ago
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Not the Marrying KindChapter 6 The Confrontation

Saturday night I ran on my treadmill like I have never run before. With my radio blasting music I ran and cried and cried and ran. When I was finished I fell to the floor with no more strength to run and no more tears to cry. After a hot shower I laid in bed with my red rimmed eyes unable to lull myself to sleep. I awoke the next morning realizing that eventually sleep had found me. I was smacked in the face with my heartbreak. Should I have told him how I felt about him when I had the...

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Working out doctor

I couldn’t believe my eyes.I live in a small town, that’s true, but never would I have imagined that dr. White was a member of the same gym I regularly went to. He must have just joined, I thought as a reason for not having met him before, or perhaps he had recently changed his visiting hours. Whatever the reason, he had just entered the locker room, having apparently finished his session.Perspiration coated his body, his skin glowing on the shoulders, arms and upper legs. His blond hair was...

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Had Sex With My Mom Before Going Abroad

Hello, everyone. Be patient it is a long story but you will enjoy a lot. I am posting my first story which happened last year when I was going to migrate to canada for higher studies. My name is Gavy and I am a skinny guy having a nice cock size which is 7 inch and my mom is a housewife she has amazing figure 38-28-40. Actually we were living in dubai for 12 years and my was addicted to gym that is why her body was really awesome.We moved to india delhi and my father was still in Dubai. Lets...

2 years ago
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Suzanne The Perfect Wife

Hello, My name is Greg Davis and I want to tell you that I have the perfect wife, one who every man dreams of and so out of sight beautiful, most women kill to look like her. Do I say this because I am married to her? No, I am telling you this because it is true. She is not only drop dead gorgeous with a killer body, she is kind, witty, and in the sack, she does everything to please me. Of course she enjoys that part of our life also, and is always seeking new things to please me. On the...

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A new sexual encounter

I know its been a long time since I posted a story but to be honest I didn't think that many people were into it. I have now gotten numerous request to continue telling the world about my sex life. Well here it goes. This was the next time we all got together and had some fun. The best part about our new friendly benefits :) is nothing seemed weird. We could all chill and hang out and no one seemed to talk about the kinky stuff unless I brought it up myself. One part of our friendship is...

3 years ago
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My Strange LifeChapter 8 The Funny Thing About Lauras Mom

Laura Lovejoy was a senior at The Virgin Mary's Academy for Girls when I was only a sophomore. So we weren't what you would call friends by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, for the most part, we were barely even aware of each other's existence, except as another student to pass wordlessly on our way to class or lunch or mass. Whatever. It probably would have stayed that way too, if it hadn't been for her catching me in the confessional with Monsignor Hardin, doing my penance by...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of a Robot Fuck ToyChapter 4 Victim

A week went by, and Billy got paid and bought the bed he promised. It was big, too big for his car, so we had to use Dave's van to bring it home. He grunted and struggled to drag it into the house. He struggled more to get it set up in the room. But now we had a bed. Finally, we slept together side by side. I clung to him and he didn't seem to mind. Little pinches, a few kisses. "Please fuck me." That night, after he finished me off – again with his fingers – he didn't leave and sleep...

2 years ago
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Sins of the Flesh Part 30

My feet pounded against the pavement and sweat ran in streams from my temples. My tight fitting t-shirt clung to my body and I was certain that the outline of my sports bra was showing through the thin material, but I could care less. They say that physical activity is a great stress-reliever, but I think that is an understatement. My time running on the track team was just about the only thing that had been able to stop the constant buzz in my head since the last time I was with...

3 years ago
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Postapocalyptic reality 7

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1 reality 2 reality 3 reality 4 reality 5 reality...

3 years ago
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Getting Even Ch 03 The Final Chapter

Zane stormed into his hotel room. The meeting with his biggest client yet wasn’t going well and he was pissed. This was the deal he had to close to finally lock in his promotion he was promised three months earlier, and had been working on for the last year. He had put more energy into earning this promotion since he met Bella and her two children. Though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, they were the reason he was working so hard. Part of the delay for his promotion was due to the bad...

1 year ago
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Couples Bike Ride two friends swap wifes while th

It would never have happened if we hadn't all been drunk. That's no excuse, of course, and it's probably a good thing none of us has ever spoken about it.The four us were cycling in France, me and my wife May, with our best friends Eddie and Lisa. We were on a ten-day tour of the wine district south of Dijon, traveling light on easy back roads through the gently rolling hills, stopping in small two-star hotels - guesthouses really. The early autumn weather was warm, the food was fantastic, and...

2 years ago
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Vacation at the BeachChapter 5

When the three of us decided to go back to see what Sam and Rudy were up to, Tawny tried to stop off at the bathroom to take a shower. The door was locked and we could hear the water running. Rudy was lying on the bed, spread-eagle, with a goofy look on his face. His penis was soft. It was also a mess, covered in sticky-looking, milky stuff, which was also all matted into his pubic hair. About then Sam, who had taken one look at Rudy’s sperm dripping out of her pussy and realized that would...

3 years ago
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Friends Swap Chapter One

“Can I ask you a hypothetical question?” Jane was lying beside Dave in a state of post-coital bliss.Dave turned to look at his naked wife's beautiful body and said, “Yes babe ask away.”Lifting himself up on one elbow he reached across and wiggled a finger into her belly button. “I am all ears - hypothetical or not.”Jane felt a tightening in her belly, whether from excitement or a sense of nervousness, she wasn't sure. The question she wanted to ask had been running around in her head for some...

Wife Lovers
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Try to Be or Not to BeChapter Four

As the guards came into my cell I wriggled out under the bed whilst their attention was fixed on what they thought was me. One turned around and saw me as I got to my feet. "Stop right there." I had no intention of stopping. As he tried to grab me I slammed my foot between his legs as I had been taught in case anybody tried to rape me. I grabbed his keys, slammed the cell door shut and locked it, then fled as quickly as I could. Behind me I heard the outraged howls and the hammering on...

1 year ago
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Black Magic Genie

‘Black Magic Genie’ As I looked out of the window at the depressing landscape before me, I could barely hear the weather report on the radio deliver more of the same news as the day before. ‘A high of 85 is predicted in the valley and the desert’. I thought to myself, ‘It’s January, and should not be so goddamn hot’ I was uncomfortable and I was pissed of. And as I looked out of the window at the urban blight of the homeless people pushing carts, begging for money, and offering to do...

3 years ago
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A Day in the Life of a Girl

A Day in the Life of a Girl By Donna Allyson Copyright by Donna Allyson 2001 Posting rights granted to Fictionmania, all others by permission only. Email [email protected] Chapter one: Preparation I felt the warm sun stream in the window as I lay snuggled up to my pillow desperately fighting the urge to roll over and go back to sleep. I really had no need to get up as classes had ended for the year and my roommate had left for home two days before. I finally succumbed to...

2 years ago
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Annas AwakeningChapter 16

Second Day — Anna It's hard but it feels strangely good to have this piece of hard meat in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I guess it's more than the feel of it, the shape and the taste. I think the pleasure has everything to do with the noises my father is making. He grunts like he did when he was fucking my mother last night. I dark shroud of guilt is wrapping itself around my heart at the thought. This man is not just my dad. He's the love of my mother's life. Her man. I keep...

3 years ago
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His Favorite Girl

"Hey Coco watch where you are walking sweet thing!" Hunter hooted as his boss nearly dropped beer all over his uniform."Hunter O'Neal, you know my name is not Coco. It's Cindy!" Cindy said placing her hands on her hips and turning around."You let all those other boys call you Coco. Why can't I? I work here at this club every night with you, and I can't have a little bit of fun?" Hunter asked again popping the top off two beers and sliding them down the bar to a guy at the end.Cindy glared at...

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