Flossie's RevengeChapter 6 free porn video

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Johnnie Sue made a bunch of noise about how she had been abandoned up in the ceiling, but they could all tell her heart wasn’t in it. Moses, since he was still up there, went to the hole in the ceiling and she let herself down to stand on his shoulders, jumping on down to the floor from there. Both ran for the staircase.

When they ran into the entry room from the kitchen, Moses was almost tackled by Hilda Mae, who threw her arms around him in a tight grip.

“I thought you killed him, but you saved his life!” she cried.

Moses tried pushing her away from him, automatically in terror that a white girl was pressed against his body. His hands pushed at her waist, but her grip was too strong. She was sobbing into his shoulder. Mixed in with the shock of her hugging him, was amazement at how slim her waist felt, and how hard the flesh was under her shirt. He had expected a girl to feel soft, but her skin was firm. Something else felt soft too, pressed against his chest, and it made his knees go weak.

“It’s okay,” he said, hesitantly. “He’s okay.”

She changed her hug to a grip on his biceps and shoved him back so forcefully that his head snapped forward before he could straighten it back up.

“He’s okay because of you,” she said, her eyes shining.

“Hilda Mae Wilson! What in the world has gotten into you?” came the strident voice of her sister. “You let go of that boy right this instant!”

Her usage of the word “boy” was not misunderstood by any of them present to mean “young man”.

Hilda Mae turned her head, her hands still clamped firmly on Moses’ biceps.

“This boy just saved my brother’s life, and I don’t give a damn if he’s a ... Negro!”

“What do you think Daddy would say if he saw you right now?” asked Bernadette, clearly flustered.

“I know what he’d say, but he isn’t going to ever find out about this, because if he did he’d know we were here, and if he knew that I’d have to admit that it was you that brought us here and almost got Nathan killed!“ shouted Hilda Mae.

She turned back around to Moses, who was staring at her, the whites of his eyes bright in his face. She leaned forward until her face was only inches from his.

“I’m not going to kiss you Moses, but I want you to know I feel like it. That’s how much I want to thank you for helping Nathan.”

Then she pushed him away and let him go. The young man stood frozen, his mouth open. Then as he realized he was holding his breath, he let it out in an explosive exhale and stumbled backwards away from Hilda Mae. He bumped into a wall and she laughed.

“You’re supposed to say I’m welcome,” she giggled.

“I’m welcome,” said the boy instantly, and Hilda almost doubled over laughing.

She turned around to find all the others staring at her.

“What are all of you looking at?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips.

Nathan was staring at her, much like Moses had been staring at her, but he didn’t say anything.

Suddenly, almost as if it was to change the subject, the discussion turned to how Nathan was going to get back home and get his shirt changed without his parents finding out what happened to him. He was in some pain, but it was manageable, now that the pressure was gone. His shirt, however, was hopelessly torn, and bloody to boot.

Johnnie Sue stuck her hand up in the air, like she was at school. When everyone looked at her she blushed and dropped her hand.

“I was just thinking,” she said, still discomfited by what she had done, “Just the other day, Mamma gave me a whipping because I tore one of my shirts on some barb wire while I was climbing through the fence. Maybe you could say that’s how you tore your shirt.”

The merits of that were discussed at length, the group being about evenly divided between those who thought no one in their right mind would believe a shirt could be completely destroyed by a fence, and those who insisted that the scrape along his side looked just like a fence had grabbed him.

They were still talking about it as they left, when Moses suddenly stopped. They all turned around to look at him. He looked at Luthor and said “Give me the hatchet.” Luthor, looking puzzled, handed it over. “Be right back,” said Moses, and he bounded back into the house. The rest drifted back toward the front door, but suddenly the overhanging balcony, with its missing supports, looked more unstable somehow than it had before and they stopped. Sounds of banging and crunching came from the house, and Johnnie Sue started for the front door. “I’m cuu-ming” came faintly from the house and she stopped. Seconds later Moses came tearing out of the house, the hatchet in one hand, and something else dangling from the other. He shoved the hatchet at Luthor and pulled up in front of Nathan.

“Here,” he said, holding out the other object. It was the doorknob, still attached to the metal body of the locking mechanism by a square metal shaft. There was another doorknob on the other side, this one made of some kind of veined blue stone. The lock was fitted to take a skeleton key.

Nathan accepted the gift, a look of wonder in his eyes.

“Since you got hurt and all,” said Moses in unneeded explanation.

“Thank you,” Nathan said quietly.

In the end, Nathan had the barbed wire story well rehearsed as he tried to sneak into the back door of the house while Bernadette and Hilda Mae went in first to distract their parents. They needn’t have bothered. Both adults were engaged in watching television, and paid no attention to any of their children. Nathan stuffed the shirt under his mattress and put on a new one. The door knobs were bulky, and the only place he could think of to hide them was in the top of his closet, under some extra pants. Then he went out into the living room as though nothing had happened.

The only response the Wilson children got from their parents concerning their outing was from Harvey. When, during the commercials that ran at the beginning of the Ed Sullivan Show, he noticed his children, he informed them that if they were so rude as to miss supper, then they could just go without.

None of them complained. Their parents didn’t notice that either.

It wasn’t until the next evening, when Johnnie Sue, Luthor and Jesse got back together for the first time since the trip to the mansion, that Johnnie Sue was able to tell them her secret.

Once they had gotten the Wilson children back to town, all the others had split to the four winds to run home. All had missed supper which, on a Sunday, wasn’t all that unusual, but all were nervous about the events of the day. Johnnie Sue was worried that the nail might give Nathan lockjaw. Curtis Lee insisted that, before the nail had been exposed enough to break Nathan’s skin, it had been embedded in wood, and was therefore not dangerous in that way. In all the talk about that, she had forgotten that she had seen something while she was in the ceiling of the mansion that she intended to tell them all.

So, when the friends got together, this time with Moses invited, she was anxious to tell them about it.

“I saw something in the mansion!” she said excitedly as Moses and Jesse walked up to complete the group.

She expected them to be excited with her, but they just looked at her. Then she realized that her words had not conveyed anything in particular.

“Up in the rafters,” she added, not actually telling them anything more. They still just looked at her expectantly.

Finally she calmed down enough to speak plainly.

“While I was up there I saw a wall, way back in one corner of the house. I think there is an attic up there. It can’t be very big, but it was definitely a wall. I meant to say something, but in all the excitement I forgot.”

She got a lot less enthusiasm than she expected. In fact, she got almost none. Jesse smiled, but that was it.

“Aren’t you excited?” she asked, temper creeping into her voice.

“I don’t think there’s anything exciting about that place,” said Luthor firmly.

“Oh, come on,” yipped Johnnie Sue, stamping her foot. “Who knows what might be up there?”

“Nothing is up there, Johnnie Sue,” said Luthor patiently. “You saw that place. There’s nothing left.”

“We won’t know that until we actually look,” she said stubbornly.

“You actually want to go back there?” asked her friend, looking amazed. “You’re starting to sound like that Hilda Mae!”

“She hugged me!” blurted out Moses.

To be truthful, all of them realized the import of that hug, but as for Johnnie Sue, all she could think about was that Moses’ comment was distracting them from what she wanted to talk about. She went to him and hugged him herself, squeezing him gently and then letting him go before he could react.

“There ... I hugged you too. Now, can we talk about the attic?”

Moses was round eyed. He had gone to bed the night before, thoughts of the feel of Hilda Mae’s waist and breasts uppermost in his mind. He had gotten hard thinking about that. He couldn’t do anything about it, because his younger brother was in the bed with him. Sleep had come with difficulty. Now he had felt another pair of those soft breasts being crushed into his chest. He found himself staring at them, pushing out Johnnie Sue’s shirt.

Johnnie Sue was looking at Moses when she made her not-so-veiled suggestion that they should be talking about the attic. When he didn’t answer, she noticed where his eyes were staring, and looked down. As she realized what he was looking at, a wave of heat started, just above those breasts, and crept upwards to stain her cheeks red.

“You’re looking at my titties!” she gasped.

Moses’ eyes jerked up, and a look of horror came over his face. He covered his eyes with his hands.

“I’m sorry!” he yelped. “I couldn’t help it!” He moaned and went from peeking through his fingers to closing them tightly.

Luthor laughed, breaking the tension. Johnnie Sue glared at him and he doubled over, laughing even harder.

“What are you cackling about?” she shouted.

She looked at Jesse, who was looking up at the trees above them.

“Well?!” she shouted impatiently.

Luthor got his breath and grinned. “Of course he’s looking at your titties. All of us look at your titties!” He started laughing again.

Johnnie Sue tackled him with a growl, taking both of them to the ground. She rolled with him until she was on top of him, sitting on his stomach. Luthor kept laughing as she pummeled him with her fists, and did nothing but try to ward off her blows. Finally she grabbed both of his wrists and put her weight on them, leaning over to put her face right in front of his.

“You take that back!” she demanded.

Instead, Luthor dropped his eyes to her chest, and stared at it pointedly. Johnnie Sue was almost incoherent as she realized her shirt was hanging open at the collar loosely. It was one of her father’s old ones, and she liked it because it was loose and comfortable. But, sitting like she now was, it gaped open and her breasts, unfettered because she hated bras, hung in plain view as she looked down the open collar ... just like Luthor was looking down the open collar.

She sat back up and raised her butt six or seven inches off of Luthor’s stomach. Then she dropped with every ounce of weight she could bring to bear. Luthor’s breath exploded from his lungs and she bounced again, taking great joy in the look of panic that came into his eyes as he couldn’t draw a breath. She put her hands on his chest and raised herself for another drop. His hands scrabbled at her arms.

“Just because I have ‘em, doesn’t mean you get to stare at ‘em,” she said, and dropped again.

Luthor was wheezing weakly now, his face turning blue, and she stood up suddenly, one foot on either side of him, looking down.

“You hear?” she snarled.

He nodded and rolled to curl up, just trying to get air into his lungs. She whirled to find Moses and Jesse staring at her, their mouths open.

“And you two mind where your eyes wander too ... got that?”

“Yessum” gasped Moses automatically.

Jesse, though, knew her better ... had known her better for a lot longer ... and he was able to make a grin come to his face.

“You goin’ to sit on me like that too?” he asked.

“I’ll neuter you like my pappa neuters a pig!” said Johnnie Sue, her voice heavy with scorn.

“Awww, come on Johnnie Sue,” pleaded Jesse, still smiling. “We didn’t mean nuthin’. You are a girl, after all.” Unconsciously, though, he cupped his hands over his groin.

It was seeing her friend protecting his ... manhood ... that caused the mood to lighten for Johnnie Sue. He looked funny, cupping his privates like that, and she suddenly laughed.

“Look at you!” She pointed to his hands. Luthor was still just trying to breathe, but both Jesse and Moses looked where she was pointing. “You actually think I’d hurt you!”

Jesse jerked his hands away from his crotch, and his already dark skin got a shade darker.

Johnnie Sue laughed some more. “What a bunch of sissy boys you are! Scared of a pore old little girl!” She thought that was hilarious, but was the only one laughing. She stopped as the uncomfortable mood made itself plain.

Luthor sat up, finally able to breathe normally.

“You didn’t have to do that,” he complained.

“You were looking at my titties!” she exclaimed. “What’s the big deal anyway?” she snorted. “So I got titties. Every girl has titties. Why are they so fascinating to boys?”

“If you think I’m going to talk about your damn titties when you just done that to me, you must be crazy!” panted Luthor, getting up and dusting off his clothes.

Johnnie Sue felt this new and sudden, but obvious, rift in their friendship in a way that was painful. Her feelings were conflicted. She had been mad that her friends would look at her ... that way. It was like a trust had been abused. And now it looked like all this was going to cause problems between best friends. That made her mad too. She couldn’t help it that the damn things grew on her chest. And lately they had grown so much that her mother was starting to insist that she wear a bra. She only had one, and it was way too small now. It was like her life was being taken away from her somehow, and she was helpless to do anything about it.

“Answer my question!” she demanded, frustrated so much that she almost danced. “You stared at them. You owe me an answer!”

“Moses stared at them too,” grumbled Luthor. “Ask him.”

Johnnie Sue whirled to confront Moses, who was edging backwards.

“Don’t you go anywhere Moses Finshaw!” she snapped. “You started this! You answer my question!”

“You hugged me!” babbled Moses, scared so much he started looking gray.

Johnnie Sue realized how frightened he was, and held up her hands. This was getting worse and worse, instead of better.

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Roommates Alex Coal and Whitney Wright are getting into the Christmas spirit as they decorate the house. There’s just one problem: They’ve set up some mistle toe in the kitchen, and they keep having unexpected meetings beneath that Christmas tradition. The girls have been trying to deny that they’re hot for one another for a while now, but the mistletoe may be exactly the Christmas miracle they need to move their relationship to the next level. After the third unexpected...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Peril Legal

LESBIAN PERIL LEGAL LESBIAN PERIL LEGAL  By Michelle Makens Chap. 1 A preference choice to continue a small but somewhat lucrative law practice with L.P.L Brokerage & Defense (known only to a chosen inner circle as Lesbian Power Legal B&D) easily fulfilled my secular desirers and soon became more rewarding in many ways. With the shared caseloads and practical billable hours, things were less hectic as the overall workweek schedule helped open up my personal time for many other more...

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Best Friend8217s Hot Wife Shital

Dear readers, this is my true story. My name is Santosh. I am working in private limited company. My friend’s name is Nitin, he is my best friend. We are friends from childhood. We were living together as a roommate during our college period. We know each other’s each and every secret, all affairs etc. there was nothing hidden thing between us. Since we were best friends, we took our new flats in same society and on same floor. We got possession of our new flats in June 2010. We both started...

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Mary Joe Marries a doctor

Mary Joe Tate was four feet tall and weighed seventy pounds. Her nickname was Smallstuff. She was proud of her my wet pussy and fuck me." she pleaded."Dr Brutus stood at the end of the table and the head of his throbbing pecker stretched her cunt hole open. He then pushed it in slowly until he felt it touch her cervix and stopped. There was about three inches left!"RAM IT ALL THE WAY IN.""I DON'T CARE IF IT HURTS." she screamed.The doctor was sweating, and in lust and he pushed it all the way...

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Astor Heights Boys Academy Ch 06

Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter two of the three new female teachers will fulfill their desires. REFLECTIONS AND SCHEMING On a Sunday morning, Beatrice Hollander, Claire Dubois and Doreen...

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—A Flash Story— The darkness lay in my mind, thicker than a peasouper fog. A dull throbbing on the back of my head marked a spot where I had received a hard blow. Who hit me? Why did they? Where did this happen? And, where am I? All answers to my questions eluded my frazzled mind. I understood I was a prisoner. How I knew this, I cannot explain with words. You see, at this point, I had yet to open my eyes. My eyes fluttered open, and the darkness in the room neared that in my mind. I could...

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mother in law strapon

My name is Paul and I love my mother in law, we have always got on well together ever since I married her daughter 20 years earlier, we had even progressed to a little titillation and on more than one occasion she had caught me looking at her legs when she sat cross legged on the sofa and a couple of times when I tried to peer down her top to see what color bra she had or if she even wore one or as much of her breasts as possible, she would always give me one of those sexy knowing smiles. ...

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My anal abuse visit from my Master

I had been looking forward to my Masters visit on Tuesday morning, since before the weekend even started. Having been promised total abuse of my un-stretched ass, the anticipation was almost unbearable mind you I love anal sex but my ass had never been stretched by anything bigger than the cock that's in it. My Master told me I needed to practice stretching myself with my toys and fingers so it wouldnt be such a shock so like a good Sub I obeyed as often as I could, fingering my ass in the...

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Through the YearsChapter 14 More of the Cruise

We showered and got ready to go to the pool to eat and lay in the sun. I was enjoying the view of my girls and their gorgeous bald pussies, noticing that we were all rather red in our private areas. I especially noticed Tam looking at her pussy in the full length mirror. “Oh my God, I was going to go nude to the pool but now I’m going to have to wear my bottoms. My pussy is so red that it would be too embarrassing for anyone to see it.” Tam said. “I think maybe we all ought to just go...

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 8

“I know her,” Claire told her partners as soon as she walked up to the small conference table they were sharing. “You know who?” asked Dennis. “The clerk at Tiffany’s,” Claire answered. “I thought that ‘Teme’ was an uncommon first name for a girl, and I had only known one other girl with that same name, so I did some digging through public records on Sunday and found out that she is the same Teme that I know. She is still using her married name even though her divorce was final last...

4 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 25 My fate is sealed

I spent the whole day trying to think of ways to prevent Jack from coming again for dinner, but I could not think of a single thing. There was only one hope left. That Jack still held a shred of respect for his old 'best friend', and wouldn't take advantage of my situation any further. "How's dinner coming?" Janice asked as she stepped in the door. "It's ready," I said. "Everything's in the warming drawer, and can be served up at anytime." "You are such a good housekeeper and...

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A Co8217nd Incidental Sexual Response From Aunt

Hello everyone this is Shreenu. I was a loner since birth. And after my girlfriend betrayed me I stopped believing people and started analyzing them. Without any delay let me come to the story. I got an athletic personality and a 6 ft height. Being a sports person I’m very much concerned about my calories, diet and fitness. To understand the complete story it’s obvious to read the starting part. Here the story starts…. …It was a mid rainy season when rains used to occur after every 1 – 2 hrs. I...

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Meri Pyari Nanad Ka Pyar

Hello dosto. Mera naam Maahi hai. Aur mai 31 saal ki separated lady hu. Mera ek 5 sal ka beta hai Vivek. Mere husband se kabhi mujhe pyar nhi mila. Humesha ladte jhagadte the mar peet krte the. Sex bhi janvaro ki tarah krte the jisme mujhe sirf dard hota tha bilkul bhi maja nahi aata tha. Meri Nanad, Arpita hi sasural me aisi thi jo mujhe pyar karti thi. Wo 19 saal ki ekdam hot figure wali ladki thi. Mujhe use dekhke pata nhi kyu aisa lagta tha jaise uski najre mujhse kuch chahti hai. Bar bar...

3 years ago
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Mere dost ne banaya mujhe callgal

Hi main manisha main abki baar kuch jyada zaldi aa gai aap ye hi sonch rahe hai na par kya karoon main apni baat apne dil main nahi rakh paati naa ok main aap ko bore nahi karoongi main apni story par aati hoon jaisa kiaap ne meri last story sex meri birthday par main padha hoga uske aage… Jaise ki sameer ko maine promice kiya tha din main milne ka maine apne kapade pack kiye aur ghar par keh diya ki shalini ke uncle ki tabiat theek nahi hai main shalini ke saath moradabaad ja rahi hoon do ya...

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SweetheartVideo Sovereign Syre Kendra Spade Pound It Out

Curvy, brunette Sovereign Syre is convinced that her gorgeous girlfriend, Kendra Spade, is cheating on her. When Kendra tells Sovereign that they need to expand their horizons, Sovereign takes matters into her own hands, deciding her girlfriend needs to be reminded of how hot their sex life can be… Sovereign begins making out with Kendra and it quickly turns into hot pussy eating action. Both ladies are wet and horny, and Kendra is primed for some hardcore strap-on sex. Sovereign goes to...

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Robs Choices

Foreword I am constantly receiving feedback from people who want to know why I ended a story a certain way and then telling me that I should have _________ (fill in the blank). Many asked me if I would mind if they wrote an ending to the story. This happened so many times that I decided to hold The Just Plain Bob Annual Invitational The idea was that I would write a story and then let those who so desired write and submit their own ending. They could take the story anywhere they wanted it to...

2 years ago
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Weekend Discovery 3

Simone was left alone in a room that held the most extensive collection of lingerie that she had ever seen outside of a retail store. She was amazed that she was as turned on as she was and not shocked at the current events. She had gone to her boss's house to confess just how much she wanted him and to see if the feeling was mutual. She was momentarily heartbroken when a stunning blond answered the door. Simone discovered that the stunning blond was in reality her boss, Andrew Lippincot. It...

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Another CD story

I have been a closet crossdresser for a lot of years now and like most cross dressers wish that I had someone to share it with. Many years ago I had told me ex wife that I was one and she seemed very supportive even buying me panties.However a few months later she filed for divorce and used my crossdressing as her reason. When I met my currant wife 15 years ago I was very tempted to tell her right off to avoid any problems down the road but I have to admit I chickened out. My wife and I work...

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Disaster ReliefChapter 6

I normally consider eavesdroppers to be the scum of the earth. I put people who listen into and tape other's telephone conversations without permission in the same scumbag. I felt guilty for listening, but it helped put my life in perspective. From the tone of her voice, I could see that Jennifer was in conflict. I also realized that she had someone in her life whom she had strong feelings for. I assumed that our encounters had been a sexual release effort in her troubled life. I closed a...

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I moan louder and louder as you kiss ,lick and nibble the strawberries,cream and chocolate sauce from my breasts " oh my god WILL ,please don't stop " I beg as you travel down my body... I am shaking with desire for you as you go down on me and lap up the whipped cream from my pussy ... So near to cumming yet wanting you so bad... Hear myself tell you " I want to taste you "... You walk on over to me and unzip ,looking at me somewhat nervously , * I smile and tell you I want you to... You place...

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magic of wolfords

i had to pick up a letter from the hr office.when i got there this sexy woman in a business dress suit with heels and shiny black pantyhose was waiting for me. I was in love...lol. she handed me the letter and l was so nervous being with her that i dropped my clipboard and it hit her leg. It put a run in her pantyhose.I apologized and asked her to dinner as a sorry. she accepted. when i got home I showered changed and put on a pair of wolford satin pantyhose. When i arrived at the...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Charles and I

Chapter 1 I discovered the joy and pleasure of masturbation at the age of 12; I had masturbated for at least 6 months before I had my first orgasm. I enjoyed the feeling I got when I was ‘jacking off’ then I finally had an orgasm and was hooked. I went from masturbating once or twice a week to really jacking off at least once a day. If I was out after dark I would beat my meat as I walked home or I would go into our basement and jack off. My mother had too know what I was doing because my...

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PrincessCum Cielo West Ready Or Not Here I Cum

Ricky Spanish is doing some homework about male sexuality. He’s just reaching the part where he is writing notes about a man being able to hold back on cumming when his stepsister, Cielo West, comes up behind him and sees what he’s writing. Cielo claims that Ricky is wrong, that guys can’t control themselves with their minds. She eventually insists that Ricky prove it. Ricky tries to tell Cielo that she’s his stepsister, so he can’t even get hard for her. That just...

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Being Found Out

BEING FOUND OUT BY STATS CHAPTER 1: Friday Afternoon I am a crossdresser. Have been since age eight when I found a pile of discarded female clothes in the attic. Now, at age 28, I shave my legs and arms, wear nail polish on my toes and female undergarments to work. I have a particular fetish for women's shoes and will occasionally slip a pair on while working at my desk in my office. I have grown a respectable ponytail over the years but there are three other guys in the...

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My Wife at the Strip Club

We had gone out on a date that night: dinner and a movie, nothing to exciting. We had dropped the k**s off at my parents, so I thought that we could take advantage of it and not rush home. I suggested going for a walk in the park, dancing, or something else if she had any ideas. Hell, I was open for anything other than going home. Then she said no. She said that she just wanted to go home and relax. Frustrated is about the only word that I can come up with to describe how I felt. Our sex life...

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A Joke Surviving Armageddon

Foreword: READ THIS FIRST After reading Agena's "A Joke", then reading all of the endings, I wasn't ever really satisfied with any of them. Even Triple T's "Texas Ending" and "Texas Epilogue" just didn't sit right with me. I understand where he's coming from, and both his Ending and Epilogue are 5 star reads. However, I just felt my teeth itching to take Agena up on his invitation to write my own. READ "A Joke" first, if you haven't already. I take over this one as the "sex...

3 years ago
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The Secret

It was very hot outside. Sweat ran down Jack's young face as he mowed the last row of grass. Finally he was finished. He pushed the mower into the garage and made himself a glass of ice water. He stood over the sink covered with sweat. His hair was wet and his tanned young body glistened. He downed the water and filled the glass again. He took the water with him as he headed to the shower. He was so hot he left the bathroom door open as he showered. He set the water temperature to the coolest...

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