Flossie's RevengeChapter 7 free porn video

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The Wilson family sat around their dining room table, together, as usual, for a meal. As for the children, their recent adventure, though it had ended badly, still excited them, and their mindset about being around the other young people they knew had changed somewhat. The girls still had a few Nancy Drew books to read, and had learned that they could order new ones from the owner at the General Store. They used their allowance for that purpose, paying in advance even though it wasn’t required, since that made them feel like the books were closer to being there.

Nathan, though, was bored again. He had vague unformed thoughts about what the others were doing. He was sure it was more fun than sitting around the house or watching television. The problem was, he had no way of getting out of the house. Then he remembered Luthor’s fishing pole.

“Daddy?” he said carefully. “How come you don’t take me fishing?”

“Fishing?” said Harvey, his voice rising. “Why on earth would you want to go fishing?”

“Well to catch fish, I guess,” said Nathan, bottling up the anger that was already building in his throat.

Harvey laughed. “Why would you want to go to all that trouble, and be out there with the bugs and all that, when you can just pay some nigger kid a penny per fish?”

“I’m bored out of my mind, Daddy,” Nathan finally confessed. “I can’t find a job, because there ain’t any that you’d approve of. I just want to find something to do.” he admitted.

“You could come down to the bank and learn that business,” said Harvey, importantly.

“Aww, Daddy, you know I don’t have no head for numbers,” drawled Nathan.

Actually, that was no longer true. Flossie had taught him things that made math seem a lot easier. It didn’t scare him any more, like it had in the past. But being cooped up with his father didn’t appeal to him.

“How much would you pay me?” he asked, knowing the figure would be small, and that this would give him another reason for not doing it.

“I already give you an allowance, you scamp!” scolded his father. “I wouldn’t pay you anything. You’d just be learning a trade.”

“Harvey,” came his wife’s warning voice. “No young man of Nathan’s age wants to be in some stuffy old bank in the summer time. Let the boy go fishing if that’s what he wants to do.”

“He don’t know the first thing about fishing,” snorted Harvey. “Wouldn’t even know how to bait a hook.”

“You could teach me,” said Nathan, knowing what the answer would be. He doubted his father had ever baited a hook himself. He had grown up in Atlanta as a child.

“I’ve got more important things to do than teach you how to kill a worm,” said Harvey.

“There’s a kid at school...” said Nathan, as if he had just thought of it. His sisters stopped eating and watched him intently. “He probably goes fishing all the time.”

“White trash,” snorted Harvey. “That’s all they’ve got in this one horse town,” he added in a disgruntled voice.

“He don’t seem too bad,” said Harvey carefully. “I think his daddy has a pretty big farm,” he said, having no idea whatsoever how big the farm actually was. For that matter, he didn’t even know what Luthor’s father did for a living.

“What’s his name?” asked Harvey.

“Luthor,” answered Nathan.

Harvey frowned. “Luthor what?”

“How am I s’posed to know?” said Nathan truthfully. “I never thought to ask him.”

“That proves he’s trash,” rumbled Harvey. “If’n he was from good stock you’d have known that and asked.”

“Hell, Daddy,” said Nathan impulsively, “he’s just a feller.”

“That will be enough of that kind of talk, young man,” said Marian, scowling. “You can just retire to your room for cursing at the dinner table.”

Nathan went. He knew it would be fruitless to argue. He daydreamed, lying on his bed, about getting away from this house some way. Perhaps an hour later there was a tap on his door, and his mother opened it. He looked at her, but said nothing.

“I talked to your father,” she said. “I figured if you were so upset that you’d use profane language at the table that something needed to be done. You can have this boy teach you how to fish if you want.”

He smiled and she held up a hand.

“But understand me, I am not going to clean any fish around here. You bring them back ready for the pan, you hear me?”

“Yes, Mamma,” he sighed.

She smiled again, and closed the door.

Having permission was one thing. Nathan, though, had no idea how to contact Luthor. He didn’t know where the boy lived, and didn’t want to ask anyone, out of some misplaced pride. Instead, he pedaled around town, which seemed curiously deserted. He ended up down by the truck depot.

Catfish Hollow was much too small to have its own cotton gin. Cotton had to be hauled to a town twenty-two miles away. To do that efficiently, and be able to spend as much time in the fields as possible, the area farmers formed a transportation co-op. Cotton was ricked in the field, which meant it was dumped into a hopper and stomped into long loosely packed rectangular bales. Trucks made the rounds of the farms on a circuit, throughout the day, picking up ricks of cotton that were tagged with the owner’s information, until the truck was full. Then it was driven to the gin. The number of trucks needed varied, so permanent drivers were not hired. Mostly, whoever was free at the moment drove the trucks.

Currently, the weather was good, so no one wanted to abandon the field to drive a truck. That was how Nathan found himself offered a job, at the whopping sum of five dollars a day, if he was willing to drive a truck from first light to pretty much so dark that he had to figure out where the headlight switch was.

He didn’t go home and ask his father’s permission to take this job. He was pretty sure what the answer would be. So, for the first time in his young life, he just made his own decision. Besides. If he didn’t like it, he could always just quit.

It turned out there was a side benefit, beyond the five dollars he kept thinking about all day. Along the way, he found out where everybody lived. Mr. Parsons, who hired him, made pencil marks on a county map and, after the first couple of circuits, Nathan had it down cold.

He learned a lot that first day. He had to help load the ricks into the truck, which was hot, hard work, because they were so loosely packed that they’d fall apart easily. That meant three people had to lift them and slide them into the truck, if three people were available. Usually they weren’t. One person could stomp the ricks. Everybody else picked cotton. A rick could weigh anywhere between ninety and a hundred and forty pounds, and it was hard work, at least for a boy like Nathan. His pride kept him from walking away from it.

He also saw how cotton was picked, and he saw his new friends picking it. Even Curtis Lee hired on for harvest, to make a little extra money. Curtis Lee and Nathan were all that was available to load the ricks at the Hawthorn farm, where Jesse was toiling in the field beside his father. As he drove along in relative comfort, he began to realize how hard the life of these new friends was, and that they were not, in any way, shape, or form lazy. He already knew they weren’t stupid. Now he wondered what else they weren’t, that his father, and others like him, had always claimed they were.

Another small crack grew in his habit of assuming things about black people.

He had completely forgotten about the fact that he was gone all day, until after dark. His mother was frantic when he got home, and his father irate for making his mother worry. It was no longer an option to keep his new job a secret. He framed it in terms that he hoped sounded like it involved a lot of responsibility and trust. His news that he had gotten a job after all was met with little approval. Truck driving wasn’t lofty enough to impress his father. It was a pivotal moment in his relationship with the man.

“I don’t care,” he said suddenly, as his father went on and on about how lowly working with farm produce was.

His father stopped, surprised. “What’d you say to me, boy?”

The first thing Nathan though of was how everybody called blacks ‘boy.’ His temper snapped.

“I said I don’t give a damn about what you think!” he said loudly. Marian rushed into the room, but Harvey held up one hand. Two other female faces peeked into the room. “I went out and got this job, and I’m gonna do this job, and if you don’t like it you can go sit in your damn bank and be mad about it,” he raged.

“Boy,” announced his father, unbuckling his belt and pulling at it. “I am going to teach you a lesson you’ll never forget!” The look on his face was ugly.

“I ain’t no fucking’ Boy!” shouted Nathan, and swung.

He almost broke his father’s jaw. And his hand. His fist landed solidly, almost like a sucker punch would, which was really what it was in principle. His father would never have dreamed that his son would strike him, and therefore was in no way, shape, or form prepared for the blow. He went down against the table, and flopped limply to the floor, his hands coming to his mouth. Nathan stood over him, glaring down.

“And if you ever threaten me with that belt again, I’ll paste you another time!” he said, his voice hot.

Harvey sat up, embarrassed. He looked up at the boy towering over him. When had the boy put on that weight? How did he get that tall? The weasel in Harvey - and it was pure-bred weasel - realized that he could actually lose in a contest of strength.

“You get the fuck out of my house,” he said heavily. “Go on, git!”

“Harvey,” whined his wife.

“You hold your tongue, woman,” he growled. “If this pup wants to act all growed up, then he can act all growed up somewhere else. I’ll not have a boy strike me in my own house and let him get away with it.”

Nathan, still full of anger and adrenaline, stomped to the front door.

“Nathan!“ came his mother’s anguished cry.

He closed the door softly, not because he wanted to, but because he didn’t want the slamming of a door to be his mother’s answer.

He slept in the truck that night, stretched out on the dusty seat.

The next morning Nathan, dressed in the same clothes he’d had on the day before, got out of the truck when Mr. Parsons opened the door and woke him up.

“You slept here?” the man asked goggle-eyed.

“I just meant to close my eyes and rest a little. Guess I was more tired than I thought,” mumbled Nathan.

“You want to drive today?” asked the man dubiously.

“Yessir,” replied Nathan.

“Well get started then. You’re already half an hour late. I was about to go myself. Stop at the Thorpe place first, and tell Wilamina I said to feed you.”

Nathan knew where the Thorpe farm was, of course, but he didn’t know Johnnie Sue lived there. He hadn’t had occasion to see her the day before, and didn’t, until today, know her last name. When he walked into the kitchen and saw her, he was surprised.

“Boy, an apron and everything,” he said, grinning. It had been plain, even to him, that she was a tomboy.

“What are you doing here?” she asked crossly.

“Mr. Parsons said that somebody named Wilamina would feed me.” he said.

“That’s my mamma,” said Johnnie Sue, surprised. “Why in the world would he tell you that?”

“I kind of got kicked out of my house last night,” said Nathan sheepishly. “I’m driving ricks of cotton to the gin over in Stapleton.”

“Oh!” She was plainly astonished. “Well ... I have to hear that story sometime. Come on, I’ll get you a plate. It’s cold by now, but it will have to do.”

Nathan would never have believed cold bacon and eggs and grits could taste so good. Johnnie Sue hovered around him wanting to know what happened. He put her off, telling her he had to get back on the road, and went out to load the first two ricks of cotton that were ready to go.

Nathan’s banishment had great impact in many ways. It worried him, at first, but as he drove, he tabulated what he’d make. When this job was over, there would be another. The next time he wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not his father would approve. He hadn’t planned on leaving home so soon - or at all, for that matter - but he was sure he could make a go of it if he could find work. Food would be a problem. He had no idea how to cook, and had never shopped for groceries in his life. He’d run to the store to get something for his mother, but that was it. Having no place to stay bothered him more. He couldn’t rent anything. He had no idea how to go about it, and didn’t have any money anyway. Sleeping in the truck hadn’t been so bad, but he didn’t want to do that every night. Sooner or later he’d have to explain that to Mr. Parsons, and he didn’t want to do that either.

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 36

"Good morning," said the receptionist at the front counter of the day spa."We haven't seen you here for a while Ms. Williams. "No, we have moved to the country. We need to get a bit of the evidence of the farm removed," said Tess light heartedly as she held out her unpolished and chipped finger nails for the receptionist. "Oh my goodness," the red head said in mock horror. Tess had booked Evelyn and herself in for three hours of pampering. Evelyn was curious, she had never been to one of these...

4 years ago
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the book store

She went to the store to get something new to read. She was feeling sexy and horny today and dressed like her feelings. A tight t-shirt over her large breasts and a very short skirt. Because she was going to be in the erotica section, she wore no bra or panties. She felt that would set her mood.Inside the store in the erotica book section an attractive young man was looking at books and he noticed her walk in. He looked at her large breasts in the tight t-shirt and then at her short skirt. She...

1 year ago
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Blue Cascade

Blue Cascade by Hidden Friend writing as Voyager Pete Marks followed the path as it twisted its way up the hillside; the right side of the path was boarded by a steep, weathered scree covered slope, while the left dropped steeply into a deep tree strewn gorge. The overhead sun burning in a clear blue sky failed to reach the gorge bottom, instead it painted the hillside and trees in a patchwork of greens and browns. The path turned sharp right and started to descend; Pete followed its winding...

4 years ago
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Down on the Farm Part 2

This story will make more sense if you read Part 1 first. I didn’t see Jenn any more the rest of that day as she was doing her chores and I was doing mine. The next day I saw her drive out to the field around 8. I’d been two fields away since 6 that morning. I always start early to beat the heat of the day. She wasn’t too far into the field as I drove by about 9:30. She had this really shit-eating grin on her face so I figured it might be redundant to ask how she was but I thought it best to...

2 years ago
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The Landlord part 2

THE LANDLORD PART 2 CHAPTER 1 It was almost two weeks after my horrific experience at the hands of my landlord and fortunately I hadn't seen him about since. I had been frantically looking for a job but to no avail. I had even tried the local McDonalds I was so desperate. There was always the option of just packing my bags and going home to my parents but then I'd never get a job there. After the part that I had played for my landlord I honestly thought that I had bought...

2 years ago
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The German Way

“I’m horny” Gabbi said in her strange German accent. She was looking over the pile of school books spread out on the kitchen table. “Do you want to watch some porn?”It was the late nineties and my first year in high school, Gabbi had only arrived in school about two weeks ago, the English teacher had made her sit beside me. She was different to all the other girls, although she was tall slim and blonde, she dressed and looked completely different. While most of the girls wore short skirts or...

3 years ago
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BBW Xenia

My psychologists’ name is Xenia Jones; honest to God that really is her name. Why I had to see her is a side story. I’ll give you the short version: I was about to leave a restaurant one afternoon when this young guy, about my height and size bumped in to me. I automatically said.” Excuse me!” Then I stepped back to let him go past. For reasons unknown, he snarled belligerently. “That’s not good enough gramps I’m going to kick your ass just because you are a stupid old man who is in my...

1 year ago
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NOTE: This story is COMPLETELY fictional! NEVER try to do it in real live! Part 1 My story is about the little neighbor girl who lives in the apartment below me. Her name is Jennie and she is 18 years old. For a young girl she is very attractive, she has small budding breasts and a cute little figure. Every time she would see me outside she would always say "Hi". Her mother was divorced and the two of them lived there alone. Her mother had a boyfriend that was there all the time so Jennie...

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Erica Ranch Wife pt 2 her first time

Erica was an enthusiastic learner and would anticipate questions and seemed to be instinctive on every level of the horse ranching business. We were like peas in a pod. We would share the work that needed to be done and enjoy it. The first time we had sex was after the first few days together of settling in and catching up on work. The Timothy was coming in and the lease needed to be baled after having been cut and left to dry. I drove to the lease in the flatbed loader to where the baler was...

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 86

Up in Sandra's room, Veronique stopped Sandra and turned her around. Wrapping her arms around that lovely naked body, she pulled Sandra closer and then gave her a toe curling kiss. Sandra kissed her back with the same ferocity. Veronique tried to push Sandra backwards towards the bed, but this was when Sandra stopped her. "Um ... Could we just talk? For now." Sandra asked her lover. "Sure," Veronique answered while pinching Sandra's bum, but not trying anything else. Sandra walked to...

2 years ago
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Christmas 1976 part 2

As Dave called "Action!" , Terry stood by the bed, his cock sticking out of his boxers. He was around 7 inches, I knew by now what I was expected to do, as Dave filmed I noticed that Monica was also taking photos on an instamatic camera. Terry grabbed my hair pulling me to his cock. I took him into my young mouth sucking his length. My tongue licking at his bell-end, feeling him grow harder in my mouth, Pete was suddenly by his side his stiffening cock, two inches longer than Terry's, I...

1 year ago
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Lonely Twenties The Venus Flytrap

"Just go away, Arvan!" shouted Lisa.“It’s no big deal,” replied Arvan, in bed naked with the tanned girl with dark hair.“No, it’s over, fuck you, you are a fucking monster! You don’t show any love, get out!” shouted Lisa, crying after feeling like she had been used.Lisa looked exactly like Dua Lipa with her black hair and was one of the girls on Arvan’s rotation. In the past, she had complained of Arvan not showing enough love. Now Lisa was upset as Arvan had been his usual self, only fucking...

2 years ago
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new to the neighborhood pt 2

continued for pt 1 emily was screaming YES FUCK MY PUSSY FUCK ME HARDER FUCK IT FEELS GOOD (PT 2 FUCK MY TIGHT TEEN PUSSY. So i continued to pound her pussy like there was no 2morrow then i felt a tingle feeling in my balls and i said emily im gonna cum she said YES CUM INSIDE OF MY PUSSY BABY I WANNA FEEL YOUR LOAD INSIDE OF ME with that i released spurts of cum deep inside of her pussy. Then we layed there for a while...

3 years ago
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Another AmberChapter 2

By the fourth day, Amber had recovered sufficiently for Roger to have sex with her. Though her vagina was still sore, her mouth and throat had healed already, and were the target of Roger's desire. She took him into her throat easily. Though he was 8 inches long, she had been abused by men with 12-inch cocks, and had been taught to take them. Roger was easier to take. Afterward, he had kissed and sucked her breasts and nipples, bringing Amber to another set of orgasms. In the following days...

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Weekend get away p1 night by the pool

You have finally done it. A much needed couple of days by yourself. You got a free stay at a luxury hotel. Very private and secluded. So on your first night you decide to enjoy the warm weather and sit by the pool in the moonlight. After getting comfortable in your deck chair you look around and see nothing but the glimmer of the moon off the water of the pool. Just for a moment you see to guys across the pool stripping down to nothing and jumping in the water. From the laughter and the noise...

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Katies Education

Katie, a fourteen-year-old sophomore in high school, was the perfect student. She had nothing but perfect grades since the fourth grade, and although very smart, she was ignorant when it came to sex. Oh she learned in her sex-ed class long ago just how and where babies came from, but the joys and pleasure of sex were never discussed. Since she had attended private, and very expensive all girl schools since first grade, she had little or no contact with boys her age and even the street...

1 year ago
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Cheaters Part 1

I stepped into the shady underground "bar" and nodded at the owner. He was serving drinks at the bar. I my coat in the closet and wiped my feet across the rope mat. Then I took the door marked "Employees Only" and went up the stairs. I walked across the room to another door and took two flights down to the basement of the adjoining building. As usual, everything was perfectly arranged, including Sasha. She's no more an employee at this place than I am, but she is the owner's goddaughter and he...

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The IRLRPG System

The universe is at war, and we are losing. Invaders, terrible beings from the void between dimensions, pour into our reality. We stem the tide as best we can. With blood, bone, and metal we desperately try to hold the line, but we are slowly being pushed back, a cycle that repeats itself with each new galaxy that the Voidlings invade. Each cycle begins with the invasion of a fresh galaxy, and each time and we meet them in the black of space. Solar system by solar system, cradle world by cradle...

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blind date and tongue bath

Dinner was fantastic, my date Dan was gorgeous and I loved his apartment. The evening passed quickly and the conversation fairly sparkled, Dan was both interesting and interested in me. I had never done a blind date before but Sally had recommended Dan very highly, apparently he was just back from a period travelling the world and would soon be snapped up, me being single Sally had done some manoeuvring and here I was. I was nervous but Dan's attentions were getting me quite excited, he was...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 07

It was a sunny and beautiful Saturday morning when I arrived at the airport with my beautiful girlfriend, Becca. Normally, it was difficult to find parking near the airport. However, luck was on our side today. There was an available parking spot that was relatively close to the airport doors. “We're here,” I told Becca, as I parked the van that I recently rented. “Thanks again for the ride, dear,” Becca said, as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “You're quite welcome,” I told her. Becca was heading...

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Golden Dragon a New BeginningChapter 4 Temptation

Dim footsteps echoed through his head. The plastic rope twined around his wrists stung like a thousand tiny bee stings. His mouth was dry, his head was pounding with the parched force of a nasty headache and his chest continued to burn poisonously. ‘He’s awake.’ An Arctic voice enveloped him in freezing air. Jun opened his eyes. A toothy grin greeted him, planted on the face of a reddish-brown man. His slanted eyes glinted in the musty light. Jun squirmed back into his chair. ‘What the...

3 years ago
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Bareback naughty fun with hubbys friend

Hi guys ..heres another story id like to share with u guys. This took place a week ago and while still fresh in my mind id like to share it with you .So im a mid 30s Pakistani women who loves sex and married to a like minded guy who lets me indulge my fantasies. In fact theres nothing more that turns him on then me coming back to him after being all used by another man. So...my husbands friend...lets call him "s".....has always fancied me ..hes in his 40s , indian and married . He and my...

1 year ago
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A surprising invitation part two

I stood in the doorway for a while, overwhelmed by the prospect in front of me. I looked up and sure enough, there was the video camera on a shelf, feeding the image of my latex slut to the TV. Her bed was littered with toys and the air was heavy with the scent of her sex. I pulled her legs over the side of the bed, knelt down and pressed my face into her soaking wet cunt, and rubbed it all over my face until I was soaked in her juices and then reached up with both my hands and pulled her labia...

3 years ago
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LebenChapter 4

Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Alan had just gotten to his feet when he felt the intrusion and impending fight outside his door. Growling he appeared next to Harman who had a wicked smile on his face that became even bigger when saw that Alan had joined the party. They were all tense awaiting the advancing enemy, suddenly Alan’s eyes went large, and then they narrowed when he saw the weapons that the advancing men were...

4 years ago
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After the barbeque

My boyfriend and I often hung out at local alternative bar... The thing we loved most about it was no matter who you were, race, religion, or sexual preference, you were accepted... We met and made many wonderful friends... That's where I met her... She was absolutely gorgeous! I'd seen her there several times, and we'd spoken on occasion, and even though I kept it no secret that I was bi-sexual, I always feared saying too much or scaring her off if I told her about my attraction to her...One...

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