Flossie's RevengeChapter 15 free porn video

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There was no interaction between any of the young people in Flossie’s ‘sexual education’ class that night.

Jesse’s parents were going to a neighbor’s for supper and to visit that night, so he couldn’t dally on the way home. Because the blood brothers always did everything together, it was inconceivable to Johnnie Sue and Luthor to do anything without him being there. Neither of them even thought about it.

At the Wilson house, there were television programs on that night that both parents wanted to see, and they stayed up late enough that their children could not experiment further.

Sexual tension built, during the hiatus of experimentation.

True to her word, Flossie did not revisit health class the next day. When the older children stayed, she worked on Geometry, using a textbook printed in 1918, that had been donated to the college by a white high school that had bought new ones in 1932. The old ones had sat around in storage until someone thought to offer them to the college. No one had thought it was a slap in the face of the institution of higher learning to receive high school hand-me-down textbooks that had been out of print for decades. She was allowed to keep it when she finished the class. It had cost her fifty cents.

Her students saw the application for Geometry almost instantly, in terms of how it could apply to farming. They eagerly soaked up the information.

For the next two weeks, the population of Catfish Hollow enjoyed the brief break between harvest and the new planting cycle. It was the one time of the year when people got together to chat, and share meals, and swap news, or stories, without having to hurry off home because there was work that had to be done. The children were always taken along on visits between families. Parents stayed up later in the evening.

And, while the Wilsons were not invited to share in this social splurge, the Wilson children were likewise denied the opportunity to further explore the new sexuality they had discovered. That’s because Harvey and Marian’s sex life was, perhaps not oddly, tied to stress in their lives. When things were difficult, they sought release together, in the bedroom. When things went more or less smoothly, they were satisfied to sit and watch TV. Basically, the only time they went to bed early, was when Marian knew her husband needed some relief from whatever stress was causing him to get ugly. Music is not all that soothes the savage beast.

And sexual tension continued to build.

To be sure, there was the odd opportunity to masturbate. Bernadette and Hilda Mae now did so whenever the mood struck them, which was almost nightly. Quite often one would start, and the other would join her sister, inflamed by what she heard in the bed next to her. If they heard their brother through the wall, it was the same.

But, for them and the others, the sharing of sexual feelings seemed so much better when a member of the opposite sex was involved. They had sweet orgasms, but those orgasms didn’t quite quell the urge, quite often leaving them still excited. Where once a night had been enough in the past, the desire to feel that sweet release became stronger, and more frequent. In the case of Jesse, his mother came to his bed to see if he was sick, because he was tossing and turning so much in the night. At least that’s what she thought it was. The squeaking of his bed springs couldn’t be anything else, after all.

And each day, at school, the girls got to see the boys, and the boys got to see the girls. There were long, lingering looks between some of them, some noticed by the other, and some not. The unfortunate part was that Flossie didn’t recognize what her eyes didn’t try to see.

Perhaps “unfortunate” isn’t exactly the right word. It all depends on how we look at things from our own vantage point these days. Integration, outside the Catfish Hollow Public School, was still years away, court ordered or not. There was trouble about it in the larger towns and cities, and that trouble was getting more and more visible. The NAACP was testing more cases of what, until now, had been lawfully mandated segregation, and people of color were beginning to demand their rights as they saw them described in the Constitution. That whites interpreted the same words differently was, back then, simply a matter of habit. Colored people were inferior. They weren’t “men” in terms of all men having been created equal. Of course these days we know that a man is a man, regardless of his skin color. A white life can be saved by the transplant of a vital organ from a black donor. DNA research indicates there is less than .0000001 percent difference between the DNA of a black person, and that of a white person. The genetic differences are about the same as those of the animal commonly called “dog”. They look vastly different, but they’re all the same beast, on a genetic level.

And, while whites couldn’t explain it, “separate, but equal” didn’t mean “equal”. Not in the South. The mixture of races was still taboo, and the strongest taboo of all was sexual mixture of the races. That was the other reason people resisted integration. It was assumed that, if colored and white children mixed, they would mix in all ways, including sexual, and that was not to be tolerated.

They were right, even though they didn’t have any proof of it.

That was something that also had strange rules, though. Ever since the Negro had been purchased and brought to the U.S., white men had looked on black women as sexual partners. While a white man would never think of sharing food with a nigger, fucking one, perhaps the most intimate kind of contact imaginable, was commonly accepted. And, it was accepted by both white men and white women. True, it wasn’t talked about. But white women knew it happened, and they made no bones about it, because, as they saw it, black women weren’t really ... women. They were sub-human ... little more than animals. No one thought it strange that a white woman who would flay her husband alive, if caught fucking a sheep, would turn a blind eye to him impregnating a young, shapely slave. And, men who were willing to take a black woman gainst her will, were also the kind of men that white women weren’t enthusiastic about being in bed with either. If the Master spent his lust on the slave women, that meant less time that the Mistress had to endure him in her own bed.

This incomprehensible (to us) and complex social structure began when the first slaves were bought, though the folks in America in the 1950s probably didn’t know that. The slave traders bought their black slaves ... those sub-humans ... from other black men. Tribes in Africa raided each other for slaves routinely, and when the white man happened by, and saw the advantages of slave labor, he ignored the fact that the seller was exactly like the product. White men would do business with sub-humans, somehow seeing them as business partners. The product they purchased, however, was not seen as human at all.

None of it made any sense. That’s because it was all based on emotion and greed, rather than intellect. Emotion often leads us astray. Greed always does.

At any rate, while desegregation was years away in most of America, it had a jump start that would probably equal twenty years in Flossie’s little classroom. Her students, as hundreds of thousands would in the next twenty years, found that, once you looked past that .0000001 percent genetic difference, what you were left with was just another kid, who had the same interests, dreams and desires that you did. For those children, it was relatively simple. The tooth fairy was a myth. So was Santa Claus. Toads didn’t really give a person warts. Lots of people didn’t live happily ever after. Parents and other adults lied, and were found to be fallible. They hid things from children, and some of the things they hid, like sex, were very important, once they were discovered. Why, then, should they believe what those parents and adults said about race?

Racism wasn’t dead in the Catfish Hollow Public School, but it had been dealt a mortal blow. Had it taken twenty years to deal that blow, things might have been much better. There would be innocent bystanders caught in the storm that was to follow, and, had it been twenty years later, it might not have been so painful.

Then again, there are those who say everything happens for a reason. What would soon happen to the students of the Catfish Hollow Public School would have far reaching effects on hundreds, perhaps thousands of people, some day. And those effects would include more good ones than bad.

The first thing that happened was that Nathan got a letter in the mail. It was completely unexpected, primarily because it was from the Kansas City Metropolitan Police Department. Nathan hadn’t written to them. He had written, he thought, to the “Casey” Police Department, in Georgia, a town just outside of Atlanta. He had chosen that one because Atlanta now seemed too big a place to be a policeman in, at least in the beginning.

He had heard people talk about Casey while he lived in Atlanta, but didn’t know how to spell it. “KC” seemed reasonable to him, and in those days before zip codes were the rule, mail got sent wherever a postal clerk thought it should go. His letter happened to be handled by a man who had lived in Kansas City before the war, and then moved to Atlanta after the war, where a buddy lived who had saved his life. That man threw the letter in the bag going to Missouri, and when it got there, it went to the “KC” Police Department.

It was the first letter that had ever been received in the Wilson household that was not addressed to either Harvey or Marian, and it caused a sensation. Marian presented it to her son, with great fanfare when supper was done, calling it “dessert”.

“It looks all official,” she said excitedly. “Though I don’t for all the tea in China know what ‘KCMOPD’ stands for.” She peered closely at the return address. The clerk that had sent the letter had typed only part of the return address on the envelope before being distracted by another task. The rest, including the city and state, was left off. That was to turn out to be a fortuitous event, at least as far as Nathan went. Had his mother known what was in the letter, it would never have been given to him.

Nathan looked at it. PD had to mean Police Department. He felt a thrill go down his spine. He tore it open and read.

The letter explained that, upon receipt of a bonafide High School diploma, they would happily consider his application for employment as a police officer in the metropolis of Kansas City, Missouri. It went on to say that, if his grade point average was 3.5 or above, his acceptance was merely a formality. When they had the diploma, along with a letter certifying his grade point average, he could fill out an application, take the necessary tests, and attend the academy.

Marian almost collapsed while contemplating that her baby might go what seemed like thousands of miles away, clear up in hated Yankee country. If he did, she’d never get to see her son again, or any grandbabies he sired, because there was no way in the world she could find her way, and she doubted that Harvey would even think about driving her all the way there. She basically lived the next twenty years of her AND Nathan’s lives in her imagination, and it wasn’t pretty.

Harvey, still on barely speaking terms with his son, didn’t know what to say or do. The thought that his disappointing and uppity son might disappear and leave him in peace wasn’t all that unpleasant. At the same time, he recognized something in his wife’s behavior that warned him this was serious. He knew, somehow, that he would not be able to dictate to Nathan what would happen ... or not happen, as it were ... and that left him more or less helpless. Harvey didn’t like feeling helpless.

That his daughters were also distressed by this news also bothered him. He would have thought they’d be happy to see him go too, seeing as how he had embarrassed the entire family, but that was decidedly not the response they displayed. They, in fact, started crying in their cups, along with their mother!

For Nathan, the electricity of getting a job offer that would take him away from “all this”, caused a surge of emotion that left him grinning inanely. Then his mother fell to pieces, and he didn’t know how to feel. His sisters joined her, and he suddenly felt guilty somehow.

Everyone went to their bedrooms early that night.

Only Harvey and Marian stayed there, though, easing the pain in each other as was their habit.

When Marian was upset, she liked sex that was rough enough to take her mind off her troubles. She was troubled enough, that she wanted very rough sex this night, and she was troubled enough that she forgot to send the children away somewhere while she got it. And get it she did. Harvey gave it to her rough ... and loud.

The children didn’t even have to leave their rooms to hear it this night.

“How about that, bitch!” came Harvey’s rough voice, through the walls.

“You bastard. You know I love that!“ screamed his wife.

“You want me to fuck another brat in your belly tonight?“ he raged. “To take the place of that worthless son you worked so hard to raise?“

“He’s not worthless!“ she screamed. “Yes ... fuck me pregnant you cocksucker!“ she howled.

“I’m not the cocksucker in this house, you whore!” growled Harvey. “You want to suck it now?“

“No, just fuck me harder, Baby.“

“They can probably hear us, cunt! You want them to hear us?”

“No! I don’t care. Just pound me, you bastard!”

It was shocking in an almost unbelievable way. Had they not been through health class, Nathan would have beaten down the door to save his mother. But, health class, while it had not approached covering this kind of sex, had expanded their consciousness about sex, at least a little, and they, themselves, had done things that would have been unthinkable just a short time earlier. That other unthinkable things might be done voluntarily ... intentionally even ... was no longer outside the realm of possibility.

The girls tears over Nathan dried, as they sat, pale and frightened, until they heard, in their mother’s voice, that the words didn’t really mean what they sounded like. It was clear, incomprehensible as it seemed, that this was some game they played ... something they did out of some kind of twisted need. The girls calmed, and then their own ... need ... manifested itself.

Nathan, too, heard the words. He recognized them for what they were, as well, but the effect on him was different. That his mother ... his staid, proper, dignified, gentle mother, whom he had lusted after until his sisters took her place in his dreams ... that she could use that kind of language ... could abide being called a whore and a cocksucker ... made her into a stranger to him. That his father could treat her like that made his blood run cold. The first thing he thought about was his father treating his sisters like that too. He got up and left his room, opening their door and walking into their room as if he owned the place.

“Nathan!” squeaked Hilda Mae. She was sitting ramrod straight on the edge of her bed.

“Come on,” he said. “We’re getting out of here.”

“What?” asked Bernadette. His voice sounded like he meant forever.

“There’s no call for you to have to listen to that,” he said tersely.

“Where will we go?” she asked.

“I don’t know ... just out ... at least until they finish.”

“Oh,” she said, relieved. “Okay.”

They crept through the house, as though they were making an escape, stepping past squeaky boards they knew about, and cringing when they hit one they didn’t. When they got outside they were still so stunned that they just walked down the street together, no clear destination in mind.

Nathan was so agitated that he stopped, his fists clenched as he faced his sisters.

“If any man ever treats you like that I’ll kill him.” he said, his voice intense, but quiet. It was clear that he meant it.

The girls stared back at him, wide-eyed, and then followed as he started off again. Both stared at his back, a strange warmth creeping into them. What they had heard through the walls scared them, because they, too, couldn’t reconcile the words, and imagined actions, as being any part of their parents. They felt threatened in a vague, unspoken kind of way. Nathan’s vitriolic threat, though, made that fear quail. They believed him ... knew, somehow, that he would protect them, and that knowledge let loose a flood of love and affection for their protector. Danger or fear, they say, can unleash passion, and the rush of gratitude each of them felt for this boy they had grown up with, but who seemed like a new person to them now, gave that passion an outlet. At the same time, the contents of the letter, and the implicit assumption that Nathan would leave them alone with ... what was back at the house ... made Bernadette feel an almost uncontrollable urge to clasp her brother in her arms and never let him go. Her “breeding”, however, prevented that display of public affection.

“Nathan,” said Bernadette, her voice low and husky. “Let’s go to the fire Barn.”

He whirled, his jaw slack. “How can you even think about doing that now?” he asked, his voice still intense.

She was taken aback, and stopped.

“I’m afraid,” she said helplessly, unable to fully communicate that complicated fear.

“I don’t understand,” he said, looking puzzled.

“I just want to be somewhere safe ... with you.” she tried again. Her mind was in turmoil. She was thinking of what she wanted to do with him, but it was still too new to speak of plainly, casually. Had she ever been on dates, and faced that moment when each person wants to kiss the other, but is unsure about whether they should, she might have recognized what she was feeling.

Nathan looked at Hilda Mae, whose emotions were just as fragmented and tumultuous. There was a single tear drop running down her cheek, and she looked at him with something strange in her eyes.

“Okay,” he said.

They walked quickly, then, unaware that, while their earlier meandering might have drawn attention, the sure stride that they now exhibited suggested people with a place to go, and a task to complete. That kind of stride is almost invisible to the average person. It served them well, because people were still out and about in the town, and might have noticed three youths “sneaking” into the fire barn. Now, though, no one noticed them.

Once inside the building, the girls breeding lost sway, and they both rushed to hug the man they most loved at that point in their young lives. He didn’t even have time to light the lamp before his arms were full of soft girls, who sobbed quietly into the front of his shirt. His natural instinct was to stroke their hair, and murmur that everything would be all right. That led to light kisses on that hair, and his hands stroked their backs. He was not aware, at first, that both girls, in clasping him, had straddled each of his thighs. It was unconscious, to give the girls their due. They were simply venting emotion and passion, and the fact that they ended up pressing their genitals against his hard thighs was simply a function of both of them trying to hug him at the same time. But the pressure applied there communicated itself to subconscious minds, which told the girls’ bodies to “increase that pressure please”, and, without realizing it, they began to ... rub.

Passion flamed brighter, pushing the fear back. Now the passion sought the kind of release that would banish that fear, at least for the moment. Bernadette raised her face, to ask him to light the lamp, and his lips, which had been aimed at her hair, met, instead, her own lips. The feel of lips on lips was almost electric. They had kissed each other in the past, and, in the Southern tradition, it had often been on the lips. But those were quick pecks of duty, perhaps tinged with affection of some sort. This was something that was infused with passion so quickly that it resembled lightning striking.

Neither had kissed a lover before, and one would have thought it would be awkward and stiff. But their lips remained soft, and the urgency of the almost electric shock caused a natural rubbing of those lips together, lightly at first, and then with crushing force. Wet, sucking sounds were produced, and Hilda Mae looked up. Nathan felt her head move in the darkness, and sensed her lips were exposed, and the sudden wrench in his gut from kissing Bernadette demanded that he kiss his younger sister too. She was unprepared for that, but her passion was at high burn too, and she went limp, surrendering to something she had never thought about doing before.

For perhaps five full minutes, the girls kissed their brother, alternating, somehow sharing him without impatience, but eagerly looking forward to their next turn with his soft lips. Their loins rubbed eagerly against his hard thighs. That level of passion demanded something else, though, and when that didn’t happen, the passion cooled fractionally, unhappy at being disappointed. Nathan finally pulled back.

“Let me light the lantern,” he whispered.

They let him go, but their touch was lingering in that way that communicates it doesn’t want to stop. Nathan realized his penis was fully hard. He hadn’t even felt it happen. With the flare of the match, both girls disappeared around the fire truck. By the time he got to the tiny living area, two shirts and bras were already on the cot, the girls’ bare breasts gleaming in the light. Rushing away from something troubling, and toward something exciting and pleasurable, even though it was brand new, was an unthinking response to the situation. Bernadette looked at him as he came around the front of the truck, her fingers at the button on her jeans. Staring at him, she undid it, and then pushed the zipper down. It was loud in the silence.

“Bernie?” husked Nathan.

“I want to be naked this time,” she said, passion in her voice. Hilda Mae didn’t say anything. She hadn’t waited and was already pushing her jeans to her ankles, her panties tangled with them. One shoe flew through the air as she kicked it wildly off. She was so excited that, as soon as her pants were off, she flopped onto the cot, making it creak, and her hand went immediately between her legs.

“You can’t hog the cot,” said Bernadette, shoving out of her own shoes more gently and pulling her pants off. She looked back at Nathan through her eyelashes, coquettish without even knowing it, and slowly pushed her panties to her knees, bending over. She stepped out of them almost daintily. Her hand drifted to the auburn fluff on her mons, and tickled it absently, roughing it up. Hilda Mae was already rubbing furiously, while Nathan goggled at them both. “You can’t hog the cot!” Bernadette repeated. “Make some room for me.”

“Ohhhhh,” moaned Hilda Mae, frustrated that she had to stop. She already felt like an orgasm was near. She did stop, though, throwing a dark look at her sister, and sat up, then stood. She saw Nathan, standing frozen and went to him, reaching for the buttons on his shirt.

“Hildy?” he whined. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked with her mass of hair, uncut for as long as he could remember, tumbling around her naked shoulders. Her nipples looked huge and swollen.

“I want to see you,” she panted. “I want to touch you.”

He stood, as Bernadette joined her sister in stripping him. They knelt together to pull his underwear down, pulling hard on it to get it to clear his erect phallus. Both sighed as they saw it. Bernadette’s hand reached, grasped and stroked, slowly, languidly, uncovering his knob and then hiding it again. His pants and underwear were left, abandoned, clinging to his thighs.

“It’s so beautiful,” she sighed.

Hilda Mae stood up and hugged her brother again, this time pushing her wet pussy against his thigh intentionally, and using him to get the pressure she wanted. She lifted her face to his for more kisses, but he ignored her, staring at Bernadette’s hand, slowly sliding back and forth on his rod. Impatient, Hilda Mae reached for his cheek with one hand and turned his head, standing on her tiptoes to reach his lips. Her breasts pushed into his side as she burrowed under his arm and he felt the heat of them on his flesh.

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Church Lady By Pamela ([email protected]) My wife, Alice, has a problem with my crossdressing. "I'm not thrilled with it Francis. I tolerate it because l love you dearly, but it's the kind of thing that I don't want to see. My philosophy is 'out of sight, out of mind.' Go ahead and wear your girls underwear, but just not so that I'm aware of it." Of course, my wife doesn't want me wearing dresses when she's home. Only when she's out of the house. "Go crazy when I'm not here,...

2 years ago
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Dancing on Grapes

The jet black Z3 was eating up shoreline like a ravenous hawk, but Hayden decided to pull off the highway. Cutting his speed and easing onto one of the winding side roads, he stole another glance at Diva. She had the passenger’s seat reclined half way while she stared at the roadside in silence. She was close enough to reach out and touch, but the rest of her was somewhere far away from there. The top was down and the summer breeze was blowing back long strands of Mediterranean black hair...

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Neglected Black HousewifeChapter 3

"Wow, Uncle Reggie was all over you with his 'What are your intentions with my niece?'" Jasmine laughs while mimicking her uncle's deep voice. We're in my apartment and she has just slid her tight little pussy down onto my very erect cock. Squeezing her smooth thighs against my hips, she sits up straight making her tantalizing breasts jut out invitingly from her chest. "Your Aunt Cyn wasn't any better," I answer, hefting her firm tits as she starts rocking my cock in and out of her...

1 year ago
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How I met my Swinger friends

Part 1 of two part series This is a story about how I met my swinger friends. A 26-year-old man; one, I have attended a Tantra session with a couple. Anyone who understands the concept of Tantra might know how it works. It's a "Pink" Tantra, so no nudity lol. Women will form a circle inside, and men will circle the women you should move from one woman to another. I got paired with a beautiful mature (in the '40s) Woman. The task is to kiss women on the place she points you with her consent. The...

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MyPervyFamily Lily Starfire I Help You8230 You Help Me

I (Diego Perez) might not be the strongest or the smartest, but I know a good opportunity when I see one. My stepsister Lily Starfire is curvy in all the right places – big natural tits & a fat, juicy ass. When I tell her I could use some advice in the bedroom area she basically laughs me off. But then she realizes nobody is going to help her with her math homework – then comes the pinky swear proposal. She helps me get more experience & I’ll tutor her in math....

3 years ago
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Me and He

it was raining outsideThe wind shook the treesI shivered so coldThe knocking of my kneesGrabbed his attentionAs he offered to drive me homeHe was a good friend of mineOne I've always toldMy deepest feelings toMy thoughts and dreamsBut my feelings for him alteredDeep within our relationship's seamsSo as we made our way to my home Safely we arrivedI told him calmly, warmlyTo come insideI went to change my clothes And returned to findHis half naked body Soon sitting next to mineWe talked for a...

First Time
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The Early YearsChapter 10

I am sitting here remembering my time in that dark place. I can see and feel the memories as they make their way out and say "hello" to me. I think I understand how others feel when faced with similar episodes. I want to go back in time and change the events. Or, at the least, go up to those boys and tell them to knock it off. Leave the little kid alone. Another Interlude: I recall they day my son fell out of a tree. He was 6 years old. It was 1997. Our babysitter watched him, our...

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Brotherly Love

When Leo came home from work, it was 1:30 in the afternoon. Due to a gas leak at his job, he had come back 4 1/2 hours early when nobody was usually home. He pulled the mail out of the mailbox and walked into the house. As he was sifting through the letters, he heard some noise coming from upstairs. As he crept up the flight, he realized he was hearing moaning.His sixteen-year-old sister. Isabelle's door was open just a bit. He looked in and there was Isabelle on the floor. Naked. Fucking...

2 years ago
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Ring of TruthBlog 18 The Slave Auction

15th December 2004 First the family news. Sorry it is two weeks since the last blog. I spent last Wednesday evening erecting bookshelves in the spare room ready for when it becomes Sarah's workroom. Sarah has definitely decided to move in with me next weekend and we've been busy packing a lot of her stuff into boxes and transferring them to the guestroom at my place. I will hire a van to move the larger stuff later. Of course, Mother still doesn't really approve, but she and Sarah talk...

1 year ago
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Birthday Party

She started riding me, bouncing in a particular way. I didn’t take my eyes off of her pussy as she was there squatting on my cock. She started grabbing her tits and bouncing hard. She knew what she was doing I could tell. She would bounce hard and then slow and then hard and again slowly, giving me the chance to hold my load for some extra fun. I just moved to a new neighborhood. It is known to be full of students of my university. One day while going to the store I encountered with this girl I...

3 years ago
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Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

I knew Fiona well a long time ago, but she married and moved away.  I lost touch with her then.  We had never been an item; she was just a friend.  Worse, I was just her friend. Recently we reconnected on-line and found we still had so much in common. I also learned that she was divorced and had been alone for a while.  I couldn’t really believe it.  She was so beautiful in the past, both inside and out.  I was sure that, although older now, she was still stunning.  How could she not be?The...

First Time
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The Snow Storm

Sue checked into the hotel closest to her work, she was going to be there a few days due to the weather. She had some important files that she had to take care of even though a large snow storm was forecasted for her area. She hated being away from her family but didn't want to take a chance on not being able to make it to work. She had all ready ate and was ready to settle in and relax the for the rest of the night. She took a long, hot shower, slipped into her comfy pjs and called her...

4 years ago
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A Shemale Fantasy and my wife Part 3

Introduction: I didnt know what I was in for. But what a ride After our night of raw sexuality, I started to look at Carol in a all new way. She wasnt just my wife, now she was so much more. Their was so many areas I wanted to explore with her. I felt like a teenager again. I couldnt stop thinking about how naughty Carol was being. It was Sunday, and my only day off so I decided I would do something nice and bring Carol breakfast in bed. I went to our kitchen and made our favorite...

3 years ago
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Bar Room Dancer Alternate Ending

My business meeting had run late. I was to meet Susan an hour ago. She had talked me into letting her come along to my most recent company convention. For years I had gone alone, as most of the men in the company had done. But this year she insisted on seeing just what went on at these conventions. So, reluctantly I agreed. We had an early dinner together because I was to meet with the CEO of the business that evening. I assumed it would be a short meeting so I told Susan just to go ahead to...

Group Sex
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Sunday Love SongsChapter 2

Now here I was years later listening to a Sunday morning sloppy 'lurve' programme, which was telling me she wanted to contact me again. I was not in a relationship, though I had a couple of girlfriends who were friends-with-benefits. They felt it was too early for them to be committed long term to anyone. Beth and Julie were good friends and each knew the other was sleeping with me, and I was happy as I was, who wouldn't be? I wondered what good it would do to see Nicola. Why did she...

2 years ago
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James return on Saturday

James' return on Saturday. Saturday morning waking up, I was rather anxious to see James again after a good previous nights visit. My pussy was wet from the moment I woke up and I decided the only way to relax was gonna be to jump into a hot bath. It was just after 8 as I was running the bath for myself when James called. He was already at work and planning his day as he also asked me if we still on for this afternoon. " I cant wait to have you on my bed again, as I woke up extremely wet and...

3 years ago
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Vacation Drive

Finally, we had our own car back and it was just in time too. We had already planned our vacation and even rented our room in Gatlinburg, Tennessee starting the following night. I lay in bed next to my wife as she was reading. She had a confused look on her face.“What is it?” I asked.“This sounds fake.” She replied, pointing at a page in the book. “But, I don’t know cars.” I rolled to face her.“What sounds fake?”She began to read to me from the book, which turned out to be a compilation of...

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What follows is a brief description of some of the sexual experiences of a young girl in 1840s America called Nancy. She lived on a small farm just over a day's ride from the nearest town, which was small in any case, just a church, a saloon, some stores and a few houses. She lived with her three older step-brothers and her Pa (who was really her step-father - her father died just before she was born and her mother just after she turned 10), and a few farmhands: four black men and a fat white...

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Monster King

Enable game mode for the real experience. The prologue has some gangbang scenes that could be seen as cucking, skip the prologue to avoid. This story is inspired by the Re:Monster and Reborn as a slime, but the setting, characters and story are completely different. The main route isn’t an Isekai, though you can write that kind of route, the introduction is vague to allow any race or backstory for the protagonist. My route will be focused on themes of incest, breeding and sexual...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 263

I rode back to the Island Airport with Joey to pick up my Suburban; then made my way back to the office. On my desk was a stack of paperwork I needed to work my way through today. Jenny had been at her desk most of the morning; she came in and plopped in the extra chair beside my desk. She was holding a cup of hot chocolate and a partially eaten donut. "I am going to work out in the gym in a little while, can you join me?" she asked. I handed her one of the FedEx packets, "You read this...

1 year ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 27

Wednesday, April 10, 2002 She came up next to me and slid her arm around me. "Love you, Tom," she murmured, leaning close and kissing me on my cheek. I waved at the view in front of me. "This, dearest, is as beautiful as it gets." A short distance in front of my eyes was a lightly tinted pane of glass; a very large pane, a window that gave a completely unobstructed view of the open space before us. Across a gap of a hundred feet or more another tinted pane of glass looked back at me....

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Jessica 3

I was awakened early —farmer’s daughter, got-to-milk-the-cows early— and she wouldn’t tell me why. She just sent me off to my own place, told to shower, shave and pull the car around.She had me headed west toward the college. I rarely went that way except when I had a craving for deep fried country chicken as there was a great place near the college. There was also fairly well stocked used book store to spend a few hours sorting through all the garbage they make k**s read today to find the...

4 years ago
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Best lover ever my twn Ber

Hi my name is Amanda/Mandi (not real names, just on xHamster)I am half asian/mom and german/dad. I have a tw*n br***ertwo other br***ers and three s***ers. My tw*n is Karl and he is 5'10" about 185 pds of pure muscle. We all have momsasian looks, but the males have been blessed with dad's private parts. We live on a large acred farm in north centralpennsylvania, USA. It is a farm that has been in fat**rsfamily from the earley 1800's. There are three houses onthe land that dad's sister and...

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Tanyas first day at the office

It was 6am when the alarm clock rang, jarring me awake. I opened my eyes and instinctively jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom, another long day locked in a small office all alone. It was until I had washed my face and brushed my teeth that I realized how wet my pussy was and slowly the dream I was so shockingly awoke from slowly began to invade my consciousness, it was another in the long series of dreams id had for weeks now. I was having wild passionate sex in all sorts of...

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Local rumours

For the last week there had been rumours circling our school that a local woman was appearing on a web site called hornymilfs.com.Our town is small and in the middle of nowhere, so any rumour like that spreads like wildfire. It seemed the whole town, well everyone in our class was trying to find out if the rumour was true. Being a small town all my friends both male and female were all in the same class, and it appeared that everyone was surfing the internet to find out who the woman was. Every...

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A Fresh StartChapter 142 Intelligence

Monday, September 24, 2001 The funeral was finished by Thursday afternoon. Laura and the girls officially moved out on Friday. I needed to take a few days off myself. Marilyn and I flew back to Hereford on Thursday for a long weekend. In the meantime, the White House Chief Usher, the head of the residence staff, would coordinate getting the Bush’s belongings out of the place and out of Camp David, and getting our stuff moved over from the Naval Observatory. We would officially move in Monday...

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Sneha And Her Son Sachin 8211 Part 3

Thank you all for the huge response. Many people loved the story and asked if it’s real. I again say that it’s based on real life experiences; ) Love to know that many mothers think just like Sneha. Please do send your feedback to For new readers, read my first 2 stories in the series. And sorry for the delay…Here you go…Enjoy the Story “How’s amit doing? I heard he’s been really sick.”Sneha asked. Sachin’s heart was racing so fast he could hardly answer.”Uh…getting better I guess amma.” He...

2 years ago
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Most wonderful masturbation

I have always been very open minded in the erotic world. Try anything once and twice if i like it, which i usually do. As time goes on my sex life has grown along with my sense of self. For a few years i have heard about many different fantasies and of many fetishes, i do believe i have a few fetishes and things i would definitely try. My whole sexual life, from what i can remember, i have been absolutely fascinated with the female body, to me it has so much potential and a lot of mysteries....

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show me off and let them use me

Before we even got married I knew Brad loved it when I wore sexy or see through things when we went out, but after we got married he wanted me to go to the next level. Even on our honeymoon he had me pretend to be sl**ping and call room service up and order something just to get it delivered to our room. It started with me nude with a sheet covering everything except casually exposing my lower body, like a leg and part of my naked ass. Brad really got a trill watching the young guys...

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CoEd Tenant

He lived within walking distance of a major university and thought of an idea that might provide the best of all worlds for him. He could rent out one of his bedrooms to a female college student at a discounted rate, in return for household duties like cooking, cleaning and laundry. He would have some companionship and not have to deal with outside companies for these services, while also paying for part of his monthly expenses. He had no intention of getting romantically involved with...

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Professor Kanes Erotic Dreams

Professor Joel Kane’s eyes began to glaze over as he read what he dearly hoped was the last page of the ecology student essay: ‘What a thrill it would be to walk the plains of North America as they were in the Pleistocene Age, twelve thousand years ago. To see great herds of camels, mammoths, and ground sloths, and other species of megafauna that soon became extinct. Now they exist only as fossils.’ Joel took another sip of decaf, seeing by the clock in his study that it was nearly midnight....

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ive answred the BLACK DICK QUESTIONNAIRE1. WHEN U 1ST ADDRESS 'INITIAL TOUCH' THE DICK, DO U... A.KISS/TONGUE THE HEAD B.KISS/TONGUE THE SHAFT EXPLAINi suck on the bottom of yor balls if u want me 2 kiss yor dick u can tell me or make me 2. AS U WORSHIP THE DICK, DO U... A. TAKEOVER THE DICK AND HANDLE IT THE WAY U KNOW HOW B. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS EXPLAINi want instructions or u can make me ill wait 4 u 2 grab my hair and pull my head up and push yor cock in my mouth but i wont do it until u...

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The day started off like any other day for Cassandra. She was awakened by the soft kiss of the sunrise and the sound of the waves rolling up to her Malibu Beach home. Her husband, like always, had already left for work early and hadn't bothered to make love to her or even kiss her before leaving. She rose from her bed and went out on the balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The same thoughts began to haunt her again--how had her life come to this, seemingly having everything...yet having...

Group Sex
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Nayi Kirayedaar

Hi friends mein Lucknow se hu meri is site ko mein pichle 4 saalo se dekhta aaya hu aur aaj mujhe bhi aisa laga ki mein apni real story aap sab se share karu to mein aap sabko apni real story sunata hu. Dosto mera naam ranvijay hai mera ghar mein last 3 mahino se ek naye kirayedaar rehne ke liye aaye hue hai family mein 3 log hai choti ladki aur ek bahbhi aur unke husband wo log mere ghar ke sabse upar wale portion Mein rehte hai jaha pe 3 room aur ek kicten hai aur ek toilet bathroom attach...

1 year ago
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Fetishes of the RichChapter 3

It was six months before we had three thousand inmates. Quite a few were rejected from the screening; Herpes and Aids were the major rejects. Drugs were pretty minor; we could get them off drugs, since drugs never made it into our facility. Inmates had no contact with the outside, so money and drugs never had a chance of getting in. Smuggling in drugs for an inmate was even more stupid since she had nothing to pay you with. If you were caught with drugs, let's say that we pressed charges to...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 64 CiCis Departure

Thoughts The time waiting for Bill stretched onwards with no sign of him. He is already substantially overdue based on his previous turnarounds, and no sign of him yet. I've begun speculating on reasons for this. The first thought is that something has delayed him from returning to us this time, although I must admit that this is weak. Even if he's sitting in some foreign jurisdiction's prison system, which can happen even with what we call the World Government, he could surely get a...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 17 Awards

Dave lay panting on the sofa next to four people he didn’t know. He’d fucked the two women, and then other men had come and done them next to him as he did Julia Ann again. Rebecca and TJ were their names: both blondes, sexy, and bordering on enthusiastic nymphomania – just the way Dave liked his sex partners. They were certified sluts. Everyone at the party was – male or female. Julia Ann lay against him with her eyes closed. Occasionally, she’d kiss his chest. She had an arm draped across...

2 years ago
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A warm breeze blew under Goldie’s short skirt, brushing delightfully against her bare and rather wet pussy lips. Despite the fact that her outfit didn’t do shit for the hiking activity she was currently indulging in, it had its perks. She wasn’t hiking because she really wanted to. She had been camping with a couple of her friends. They’d found a nice quiet place in the woods where they could all fuck each other silly, and had been doing exactly that for the past week or so. However, most of...

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TeamSkeetExtras Luna X We Made Love In The Tub

It’s always fun to strike up an art project when traveling the world, and I can’t help but feel inspired while taking a look around the gorgeous monuments and sculptures in this beautiful city. So, James and I decide to do a little painting in our room! Of course, that leads to an intimate lovemaking session in the bathtub as we clean up the mess we made! I kiss the tip of his cock, giving him a blowjob while he gets ready for my tight Asian pussy. He pushes me up against the bathroom wall and...

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Getting BitchyChapter 3

My dick was aching, though Goddess Janelle had removed the cock cage. Still, as I gazed up at Her, lewdly spread above my naked body, shoving the big green gel vibrator in and out of Her dripping cunt, my "pitiful, midget pecker" remained rigid and straining with lust. (Now here is one of those weirdnesses of my kink. I know perfectly well that I have a nice, average-sized cock. 5-and-a-half inches and pleasingly thick, it is nothing to be ashamed of. But I do love to be shamed and...

4 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 3

Monday, May 24, 2010 Oh, God, those nipples! Jake thought. And he was not the only one thinking it. Every boy in eighth-grade social studies thought the same thing except for little Hal. Hal was a late bloomer and indifferent to the sight of Mrs. Harrison’s breasts in her tight sweater. Well, there was Owen. Owen’s drives were just as strong as the other boys, but it was not girls he was interested in. Mrs. Harrison moved from the left side of the blackboard to the right as she continued...

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