Pet Shop Pussy
- 4 years ago
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"I'd just turned fifteen and Sparky was a stupid name, but I was a kid. Besides, he was a pretty stupid cocker spaniel. Except that he had a tongue on him that went on for days," she giggled, accepting his offer of a joint as they sat cross-legged on the floor, knees touching, eyes drilling right into each other.
"Go on. I'm listening," Justin replied, waiting for her to inhale some grass before he took the joint back from her. He was already cresting a high, stoned on the dope and stoned on her sheer physical presence. It was as if there was so much to catch up on and he was content to watch her as she spoke, to listen to her telling him about the first time she had had sex with an animal.
"So there I was, fifteen; the product of a bloody awful first fuck with this jock prick in high school named... yeah, I still remember. His name was Barry Galena and he was a shithead, Justin, a real stupid ass," Pam went on, rushing from the dope and becoming just as stoned as he was. "So anyway, I was alone in my room with Sparky and well, I don't know, he started licking me when I was playing with him. It was right before I was ready to go to bed. And... and I liked it, that's the point I'm trying to bring out. I really dug feeling his tongue going in and out of my cunt."
"Did you let him fuck you that night?"
Pam nodded her head, a blush creeping across her cheeks. She had never told anyone about this before, not even her closest friends. But in front of Justin it seemed perfectly normal. Indeed, that's just what he had called it after they had recovered from their searing bout of bestial sex.
"It's cool, normal. You dig it; I dig it so there's no hassle. What two consenting adults and two consenting dogs do in the privacy of their own home is their business and their business only," he had told her, half-joking but totally serious in his intent.
She believed him. Or at least, she wanted to believe him. But it was still strange talking about it, describing how she had "discovered" Sparky's cock, how she had rubbed her fingers up and down his hairy sheath until his slim pink doodle had slid out into the open and how, when she had gotten it all the way out into the open, she had turned over, letting the dog take over from there.
"And he did it. He didn't have to be told or even pushed into place," she went on. "And all the while I was loving it and thinking that it served Barry right for taking my cherry the way he had, so violently... so lacking in feeling that when he had finished... and I hadn't even come, besides... I felt used, like a dirty piece of toilet paper.
"But Sparky was devoid of emotions; He was an animal and what he did to me was just plain animal sex. I didn't have to communicate with him, or even trust his loyalties. I just let him pound his dick in and out of my cunt and that night I came, came like I'd never come before.
"It was just... just unreal," she concluded. "But it's silly talking about it, isn't it. I mean, I had that dream about you, a man I mean. Not a dog, for God sakes."
"I haven't told you what ol' Holmes here does for me on occasion," Justin announced as soon as she had finished.
"No, I can't, that's unfair," Pam giggled. "Wait... I know. He... he goes down on you, right? You've trained him to suck you off, and rim you, too," she added quickly. " Just the way Bix does for me. Is that it? Did I guess right?"
"Well," he hesitated, grinning at her and loving everything that was happening. "You're halfway right. I mean, he does do all that, lick my cock and slurp my come down, to be gross about it. But he does something even more way-out than just all that tonguing shit."
"Well, you don't expect me to describe it; do you? I mean, I'll just have to get him to do it to me. Would you dig that, Pam?" he asked.
She nodded her head, stoned and feeling like a little girl, playing house. There they were, sitting cross-legged on the carpet, stark naked and now stoned and delighted to just be able to stare at each other. Pam couldn't stop looking at Justin and though she was yet to experience the pleasure of feeling his cock tunneling in and out of her pussy, she knew that before he walked her back to her apartment that part of their affair would be consummated. And consummated to the point of absolute success and sheer exhausted delight.
She had recovered her strength and her sexual appetites, blocked for what seemed like a lifetime, rather than five years on and off, were more insatiable than ever. She gazed in awe at his hard muscled body, the planes of his torso, the ringlets of black chest hair. And drooping down so that the head touched the floor, his limp yet sizable cock made her eyes open wide with lust and desire. It was draped over his balls, limp yet not shriveled as she had noticed so many other cocks got when they were detumescent. Justin's pecker was all white and smooth and she could tell from its size that once it got erect again, it was going to be just as impressive as she had first thought.
Unable to resist, she reached out, lifted it up off of his balls and fondled it in one hand. He sighed with stoned delight and his red-rimmed eyes drilled into her, still able to see the thin yellowish clots of drying dog-come which adhered to her blonde pubic nest.
He knew she would freak out when she discovered what he had taught Holmes to do to him. Few chicks were into any of this kind of sexplay, but Pamela was right there with him, sharing his taste for all that was bizarre and bestial.
"That feels so good, the way you just tickle my meat," he whispered, licking his lips and then wiggling his tongue at her.
Her nipples were still hard, taut little cones that projected from the ends of her knockers. They were surrounded by the rosy- red flesh of her aureoles, small as silver dollars. The smooth lines of her figure, the lushness of her hips and the tight gripping warmth he knew her cunt was capable of exerting, all combined to arouse him in no time at all.
And the more he stared at her, the more secure within herself Pam became. She stroked lightly, gently, sliding her fingers back and forth; threading them through the wiry thicket of coarse black hair that grew around his thickening member. It delighted to watch his peter grow, to increase in length and width.
She was inducing this growth and for the moment she ignored the two dogs, even her own curiosity about what he had taught Holmes to do. Whatever it was, she didn't doubt for one minute that it would be just as exciting as what had happened earlier. But now, she wanted to feel his cock moving inside of her, not an animal's.
Justin leaned back and stretched one and then the other leg out alongside of her. He threw his head back and closed his eyes; concentrating on the pleasure she was giving him.
His palms pressed down onto the carpeted floor and he thrust his crotch up demandingly. By this time, his cock was almost fully erect, filling her hand with its surging strength and warmth.
Quickly, Pam drooled into the palm of one hand and used her saliva to lubricate the smooth vein-braided surface of Justin's dick. The rounded head of his cock continued to engorge with blood until it was a veritable swollen plum, bulbous and velvety to the touch.
Even his balls seemed to fill out, some of the wrinkled folds along his scrotum disappearing so that his nuts seemed to grow more tight and firm. But the minute his cock became fully engorged, Pam replaced her hand with something infinitely more pleasurable and exciting.
She squatted so that she was soon enough crouching, right over his lap. His dick jerked as he contracted his muscles and then he opened his eyes, it was to smile at her, knowing what it was she intended to do. "Take your time," he whispered.
"I intend to," she said, even as she moved forward, aiming her paintbrush of blonde pubic fur right over the straining and swollen cap of his pecker.
She reached down, took hold of his dong and pushed forward at the same time, aligning her cunt with the leaking glans of his penis. Justin didn't move a muscle, all eyes to her delightful display of sexuality. It was perfect to just lay back and let her call the shots, to act the role of aggressive and dominant one for a change.
Already, her juices were seeping down to lubricate her cooze; the yellowish dog-come adding to the natural moistness of her swampy cleft. She pushed forward until she was able to rub the head of his penis back and forth against her cunt split. An ache of searing pleasure shot through her body and with her other hand, still crouching there so that her buns grazed against the tops of his thighs; Pam pulled apart the top edge of her cunt furrow. She spread her lips wide so that her pulpy little clit could now be seen, touching the surface of his meat.
She groaned more hotly then, the tactile stimulation arousing her passions to the boiling point. And still Justin didn't move, content to lie back and watch her as she thrust down with a sudden surge of maddened desire.
"Oh shit, shit yes, yes!" she screamed, incoherent now as she sought to stuff the head of his penis right into her cooze. She pushed down a second time, let go of her cunt lips and then watched and felt the way her tender vaginal lapels were pulled tautly back. The pressure of his cock thrilled her to the quick and his glans was rubbing more briskly, back and forth against her swollen clitoris.
"It's so good. I can't stand it," Pam whimpered, struggling to thrust forward. She pressed her hands flat against his shoulders and lunged down, wiggling left and right and feeling his dick sliding deeper, passing from her vulva into her vaginal canal.
Justin groaned just as hellishly, loving what he had suspected would be a tight juicy quim. It was proving to be just that, tight and deliciously gripping. He could feel the way his cock was tunneling deeper and deeper into her muff. His shaft rubbed along her wet and slippery vaginal walls and the dog-come, which still adhered to her cunt flesh, only served to heighten the swampy wetness of her pussy.
It had been a long time, too long in fact, since she had enjoyed a man like this. Now, making up for lost time, she thrust down even more demandingly, not content until she had stuffed the entire length of his virile boner all the way into place.
It wasn't as easy as she had first suspected.
The width of his cock necessitated a bit of caution, for her cunt walls were pulled back vigorously as a result of the thickness of his member. She gasped for breath and relaxed her vaginal muscles, feeling her cunt flesh sticking against the surging smooth sides of Justin Whitlock's penis.
The dogs, whipped up to a near frenzy by the hot smell of sex, stood around them, licking their arms and legs, barking loudly and unable to contain themselves. Justin pushed Holmes and Bix away, not ready to demonstrate what he had alluded to a few minutes earlier.
All in good time, he said to himself, too content now to worry about that until he was certain Pam could deal with it. And of that, he didn't have the slightest bit of doubt. He knew her better than she knew herself and understood where he fit into the scheme of her life. She hadn't had sex like this for months, if not longer, and Justin didn't need Pam Harper to tell him what he already sensed to be a fact.
And that, needless to say, was that he was succeeding in arousing her as no man had ever aroused her before in her life. She didn't have to say a word to make him understand that and a smile crossed his lips, a smile of egotistical pleasure and physical delight. Now, he jerked his crotch up, meeting her next downward thrust.
By this time, more than three-quarters of the length of his boner was stuffed up into her gaping muff. The lips of her cooze adhered tightly, clinging to the rounded sides of his pole. He savored the warmth and mounting heat of her cunt and as his dick frictioned and slid in even deeper, she ground her hips down against his hairy crotch, wanting even more and more of his boner.
"Watch it going inside," he told her. "Just watch the way it keeps getting shorter."
"It's... it's so big inside, like it's growing, so alive," she said, barely able to speak as she kept pushing forward.
Justin thrust his hips up a second time, spearing deeper. He let out a piercing wail of pleasure as he felt the head of his cock actually making contact with her cervix. It hit the end of her vaginal canal, banged against the door to her womb and he stopped short, the entire length of his sturdy engine completely ensheathed, right up to the root.
The dense tangle of his wiry pubic bush, so dark against her fleecy and blonde-haired love nest, tangled with her pubes and she held herself steady, the two of them almost looking amazed at what had just taken place.
Between their legs the dichromatic bush of hair marked the point of entry. The very base of his swollen shaft could also be seen, her cunt lips adhering tightly to his meat. He squeezed his muscles as if to move his cock inside of her and she, in turn, signaled back by clenching and then loosening her vaginal muscles.
The sudden pressure made him groan once again. It was as if she was gripping his dick with her fingers, squeezing and milking his hose. "So... so much. I'm afraid to move," she whispered, licking her drying lips with the tip of her tongue.
"We'll go slow," he promised. He spit into the palm of one hand and then proceeded to anoint her nipples with his saliva. When they were both glistening with his spittle, he began to rotate the palms of his hands over her jugs.
Pam threw back her head and moaned with delight. She raised herself up so that half of his boner slid out into the open. Almost immediately, she thrust down again, his cock hurtling back into her pussy. The friction made her claw at his chest and she ran her fingers through his thick pelt of body hair.
"You're... you're my bear, my big hairy teddy bear," she giggled, jerking back and forth, undulating her hips so that she was able to feel his cock pressuring one vaginal wall and then the other.
Justin laughed and kept stimulating her jugs, finally letting go of her boobs. He slid his hands down along her flanks until he was able to reach around and grip the twin naked cheeks of her ass. He kneaded and fondled her gluteal flesh, pulled her buns apart and thrust up, ramming into her even as she sought to pound down on top of his mallet-sized and mallet-hard pecker.
"Now move with me," he groaned, knowing what he wanted to do next. Still maintaining his grip on her ass, he began to push her gently back, forming a rocking human boat, fused at their genitals. She stretched her legs back along his sides, one and then the other. Her back bowed out in a graceful arc and she held onto his arms for additional physical support.
Once she was leaning all the way back, her hair trailing against the floor, Justin began to rise up, pulling his legs back until he first moved into a kneeling crouch. And all this time he was still keeping his cock in place. The complicated gymnastics delighted her and she flowed with her pleasure, watching him as if she had never known such complete and total happiness in all of her life.
Now that he was resting on his knees and the backs of his legs, her own legs stretched out before him, he didn't hesitate to slide his feet back so that soon enough he was in the position he desired, facing her and penetrating her frontally. He bent his knees and pressed his palms down, right alongside of her shoulders.
The afternoon was not yet over. When Justin Whitlock's cock had gone limp and detumescent, a soft yet meaty sausage floating inside of her swampy and come- filled twat, he gently eased it out into the open. She gripped it hotly, wanting him to get hard again; wanting to be fucked a third time. But Justin had satiated his appetites and didn't want to push a good thing. He had one more ace up his sleeve though, for no sooner had he removed his cock with a loud and resounding squish, when he...
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My Very Own Pet Tentacle Monster I was working on my computer late one night just skimming different videos and some inappropriate sites. The ones you only view when you are alone. It was on one of those sites that I came across one that seemed a bit different. “Perfect Companion”, it read and had a form to select different characteristics for your pet. I found it interesting because the theme was featured around silly tentacle monsters. They may not be my favorite style of porn, but I didn’t...
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Fantasy & Sci-FiIntroduction: Slut Mommy assists in making her daughter submit to her son. Pet Mommy: My Daughter Submits Summary: Slut Mommy assists in making her daughter submit to her son. Recap: This is actually part four. Obviously, you should read parts 1, 2 and 3 first, as they will help you understand how the mother ended up where she is now, if you have already read the first three parts and cant remember the basic plot, or just want to start here on part four…here is a very brief summary of the...
Introduction: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Pet Mommy: Fucking with Mommy-Slut Summary: Moms task is to seduce daughter for her Master…her son. Recap: This is actually part three. Obviously, you should read parts 1 and 2 first, as they will help understand how the mother ended up where she is now, if you already have read the first two parts and cant remember the basic plot or just want to start here on part three…here is a very brief summary of the story so far. ...
Pet I been a submissive already for several years. Met a few true doms, a few players and a handful of total nuts. I had never truly been collared and looking for something more than an evening or afternoon of rough play. I wasn’t looking for an escape, I wasn’t destitute and selling myself. I was highly educated, had a good job and from all outside appearances had a good life. I was just, not me. I continued surfing the BDSM websites, trying to find an Owner that would...
Introduction: Mom is dpd by son and his best friend. PET MOMMY: DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! Summary: Pet Mommy: Creating a Mommy-Slut Summary: A mother learns her son fantasizes about fucking her and, realizing just how much he resembles her deceased dominant husband, decides to make his fantasy a reality…in the end seducing her son and becoming his submissive pet Mommy. Note: A special thanks goes to Mab7991 DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping...
*** A special thank you goes to my two editors (Estragon and Steven B) who made this work A LOT better than it originally was. PET TEACHER: BECOMING A TEEN STUDENT’S SUBMISSIVE I have taught for over 18 years. I have had many boys check me out; some flirt with me and some definitely get a wicked erection peering surreptitiously at my stocking-covered legs. Now don’t think I am all self-centered and vain; I am not, I accept I am a solid seven. That said, my greatest sexual asset is my legs,...
LesbianLiving as she did in what had formerly been a rent-controlled apartment, quite a plum as far as the vast majority of Manhattanites were concerned, Pam had the added luxury of space, space which included a kitchen that not only had a window, but that was also big enough to easily hold a round oak dining table and four cane-backed chairs. Nearly all of her friends bemoaned their fate, the exorbitant rentals they paid in modern luxury buildings. And almost every one of them were forced to eat...
In the back seat of the rented car, Bix and Holmes had their front paws up against the edge of the car door. The side windows had been lowered and the Scottish terrier and his companion, Holmes the liver-hued Doberman pinscher, kept their muzzles forward, watching the cars that passed them on the road, moving in the opposite direction from the one Justin was taking. In the front seat, Pam lit another cigarette and crossed her legs, displaying her inner state of nervousness and anxiety....
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BDSMIntroduction: MILF Mom catches nerdy son masturbating and becomes obsessed. Pet Mommy: Becoming a Mommy-Slut Summary: MILF Mom catches nerdy son masturbating and becomes obsessed. NOTE 1: This is dedicated to Michael who suggested a story involving a son masturbating with his Moms stockings. NOTE 2: Thanks to Estragon for copy-editing and LaRascasse for plot suggestions. Pet Mommy: Becoming a Mommy-Slut If you are a parent you have probably read, or even own, What to Expect When You Are...
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This was no dream, no reverie, no imagined meeting. It had happened and now Justin Whitlock was just as inflamed as Pam Harper. He stroked the tops of her smooth white thighs, glad that she hadn't been wearing stockings or panty hose, glad that he could caress and massage her tender and supple flesh. And even as he caressed her, his tongue was digging deeper into her cunt, lapping up the hot spicy rivulets of sap, which were streaming down the fluttering walls of her swampy twat. He had...
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Reading the personals i notice how many people want a male pet i started chatting with some of the people looking and derided to talk it over with you. We decide to try it one time to see what it would be like after all it was only for a few days ownership see if we liked it. What we found out after the first disaster was that no one is as naughty as we are they are rather boring so we plot to make the briers into our pets and see what happened. We agree to meet in a motel because...
BisexualPulling over to the grass on the side of the road, Keith jumped out and removed the two flags from the boot. Both were small pennants on metre long poles. One was pink, its partner a complementary pale blue. Climbing over the farm fence into the paddock, he ran quickly over near the edge of the wood and pushed the flags firmly into the soft ground. Turning with a smile, he gave Peta a thumbs-up, and ran back to the car. Climbing back in, he restarted the car, and pulled back out into the...
Dear Readers – I’ve decided to put this story in the ‘romance’ category even though it could also qualify for the ‘mature’ category — there’s a significant age difference between the main male and female characters. The story does include sex — hey, this is Literotica, right? But, it’s not the raunchy torrid sex that some of my other stories include … its more ‘romantic’ (at least, I think so, though it’s still pretty hot) … hence the category choice. Some may be disappointed by the ending,...
The next day, the fifth of her training, marked a change. The first thing she noticed was that he let her walk. On her feet. And shower and get clean with warm water. He even helped dry her off. She cried. Everything made her cry now, if it didn't make her cum. She stared at the food on her plate. She was sitting at the table with Mr. Smith. She kept her hands in her lap until he said she could take a bite. He allowed her to use the fork. She chewed the savory food slowly, relishing the...
Hi everyone To start with, if you are looking for a lot of steamy sex, look somewhere else. What interests me in a story is the build-up of a relationship and the romantic notion that love can be a healing power which is a possibility even for those most fucked up. Kålrot and Lisa have both parts in ‘A Rolling Chair Gathers No Moss’, but it is not necessary to read that story first. Hope you like this one, comments and votes welcome, have a good life. Risgrynsfisk ***** PET ‘Huh?’ Kålrot...
My Hubby and I have been part of a very discreet BDSM swingers group now for quite some time. We often have meetings or get together at our place as it is quite discreet and private with little chance of being interrupted by un-expectant guests. Our club or group consists of approximately 10 couples and a few single men and women. There are very strict rules regarding the club with respect to health checks and discretion. To be members of the club legal contracts are drawn up as well as a large...
My Hubby and I have been part of a very discreet BDSM swingers group now for quite some time. We often have meetings or get together at our place as it is quite discreet and private with little chance of being interrupted by un-expectant guests. Our club or group consists of approximately 10 couples and a few single men and women. There are very strict rules regarding the club with respect to health checks and discretion. To be members of the club legal contracts are drawn up as well as a large...
It was already dark when we got there that night. Some friends were having a small but intimate party with just four or five couples. It was to be a masked party and we were asked to make sure our hair was not visible and our faces atleast partially covered when we arrived. We had met most of the couples before and I thought most of them very attractive, the ones that were not, were atleast doable. After all the others had arrived the hostess came into the living room carrying a silver tray...
"Lori, number 3." The voice comes over the little speaker and a grin traces its way across my lips. I am Lori and my owner is behind door number 3. I am sitting at the little makeup desk in my office. I pick up the black leather collar and buckle it around my neck. I love the way it feels, just snug enough that if my owner tugs, it bites a bit. I like that. Pain is a good reminder, a good teacher. Are you going to watch me? Here, sit here in my dressing room and watch the television. See,...
copyright © 2002 by the author They say that all who love are blind And I'm not one to disagree... For more and more, each day I find Love has made a fool of me (Foolish, foolish me... ) --Each Time I Fall in Love, S. Grundy As usual, the applause was intoxicating, and this year it was especially strong because Cal Morton's quartet had sung their hearts out. As he and the three other men who made up "Lazy River" left the stage, the crowd of barbershoppers, family, and fans were...
This happened when I was a young 16 year old virgin who had never even seen a full grown penis, never mind a large erect penis leaking pre-cum from the end.It was the middle of the summer holidays and for once the sun was out and it was warm enough for me to have on my little cut off denim shorts and a little crop top that came down to my belly button. I had been feeling very naughty when I got dressed this morning so I had left my bra and little panties off to allow the cool breeze to caress...
Hot Shop Copyright Oggbashan September 2016 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. It was another of those hot, humid summer evenings that make people wish for a thunderstorm to clear the air. I was sweating in my uniform suit, nylon shirt and polyester tie, standing behind...
Jolene was a pussy-hunter, and proud of it. She specialised in pretty young white blondes, spreading their creamy thighs and breaking them in to a life of lesbian submission. As she was a charismatic, tall, statuesque, mature black woman with big breasts and a ripe rounded ass, she usually got what she wanted, overwhelming the naive and feeble young white chicks with the sheer force of her commanding personality, blowing them away with the voluptuous curves of her bootylicious body, and...
Tony and Susan Trent had been neighbours as children, then school friends, then closer friends, and eventually married. They had a small apartment near to the centre of the town. Susan had worked up to become an under manager of a section in a department store, whilst Tony was in the accounts section of a trading company. They had no plans for children. Whilst not wealthy in monetary terms, they were wealthy in relationship terms, and were very much in love. Life was fairly mundane,...
These events occurred many many years ago, so I’ve had to use my imagination to fill the gaps, with maybe a bit of embellishment too.....Some people would say it’s bad enough cumming in your pants just looking at photos – which is what happens to me all the time – but doing it before you’ve even bought the mag? Pathetic! My only regret is the only girl I was able to tell, that Her cover photo made me pants-spunk standing in the shop in my dirty mac, was Miss Danica. The first time was back in...
Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @, would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @, would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice...
Let me introduce myself. My name is Nicki—when I was younger I used to put a little heart instead of a dot over the first ‘I’. But I have kind of grown out of that now. I am about five feet six in stocking feet, and five nine most of the time—I love wearing heels. I have long wavy brown hair and a… curvaceous body; sometimes it’s hard for men to make eye contact with me—they prefer making eye contact with my boobs. But that’s OK. I live in Brighton, and have since I graduated from university...
ExhibitionismI walked home, heels clicking on the pavement, feeling full of life. What had I done? Something completely out of the ordinary, and it had left me feeling, well, amazing. The world seemed brighter, sharper, louder—Like I had been looking at the world through dirty sunglasses, and now I’d taken them off. I got back to my flat and climbed the stairs, let myself in, dropped my bag, took off my coat and collapsed once more into my chair. Wow. Now what? It felt like whatever I did with the rest of...
I walked home, heels clicking on the pavement, feeling full of life. What had I done? Something completely out of the ordinary, and it had left me feeling, well, amazing. The world seemed brighter, sharper, louder—Like I had been looking at the world through dirty sunglasses, and now I’d taken them off. I got back to my flat and climbed the stairs; let myself in, dropped my bag, took off my coat and collapsed once more into my chair. Wow. Now what? It felt like whatever I did with the rest of...
BDSMThe hubby had woke with his usual huge morning glory from dreaming about last night, when he and his wife had made love. But as he lay there slowly stroking his cock, he started to fantasize about his wife and the things they had done in the past, and how horny she could be at he set himself a mission that morning.... he was going to make his wife cum in her newly purchased shop. He showered, shaved, dressed in jeans and put on his favourite shirt, which he knew his wife liked him...
(Late afternoon back in Doc Susie's Clinic) Hi Sis, sorry so late back, thanks for making a slot available for me. Oh, do I look flushed, maybe a little too much wine over lunch. Yes, maybe a coffee would be good to calm me down before I meet Pet. New heels since I went out? Well yes, I have been so fed up with wearing flats or low heels since I married that sissy, I wanted to feel like a sensual woman for once. For so long I have worn flats so I didn't look taller then Pet and...
When I was younger in the 1970'sI used to do odd jobs for a local corner shop you know, deliver odd groceries to elderly people , sweep up wash windows ect. The owner paid me a couple of quid for the Saturday mornings work . Sometimes I would buy loose tobacco or single cigarrettes off him. 5p a cig ( those were the days!) There was a Friday I went to the shop as sometimes I got the jobs done on a Friday evening to save time on a Saturday so I could go do my own thing . Anyway, I went in...
sue stopped outside the pet shop and checked the address on the piece of paper her Mistress had given her. It was the right place ok. She pretended to look at something in the shop window while she steadied her nerves, the mixture of fear and excitement she felt made her stomach churn and she licked her dry lips anxiously. She took a quick look over her shoulder at the people passing by in the street, she hardly ever came to this part of town and she was sure she would not bump into anyone she...
sue stopped outside the pet shop and checked the address on the piece of paper her Mistress had given her. It was the right place ok. She pretended to look at something in the shop window while she steadied her nerves, the mixture of fear and excitement she felt made her stomach churn and she licked her dry lips anxiously. She took a quick look over her shoulder at the people passing by in the street, she hardly ever came to this part of town and she was sure she would not bump into anyone she...
Favourite Shop I dressed to go to my favourite lingerie shop. Nothing too obvious, just pretty lacy panties and matching suspender belt and black seamed stockings under my normal clothes. The panties and suspender belt were black satin with lots of lace trim. The panties were almost like French knickers with satin front panel and lace sides, loose fitting with a sexy split up the side. The suspender belt, sitting almost hidden was simple, satin front with lace panels leading down to...
1. The ladies wear shop was called Experience. It lay outside the town centre where there were fewer passers-by but rents were lower and Jane Silk managed to make a living doing what she enjoyed - selling "on trend fashions for the discerning lady." Her clientele were mainly more affluent well dressed ladies who wanted classic fashions with just a nod to the current trends. She stocked dresses, skirts, tops, jackets, coats, trousers, knitwear, some underwear and hosiery and a few...
Pets New Life ~ Part 3 Clickety, Clack, of heels down the corridor, a pretty sexy sound for some, but not for our little Pet stuck in her Highchair in the corner, only walls to look at. Mummy stops at the Kitchen door and sees the big baby in her High Chair, facing the corner of the room. The sound of sobbing starts again as her presence is noticed. The high chair is pulled back form the corned on its little castors and turned to face Mummy. Oh dear, let mummy wipe away my little...
My father owned a pretty lucrative fix-it shop in the town where we lived.Although I never felt that my father was very intelligent, he did make agood living for us because he was an extremely hard worker, staying openseven days a week and often working into the evening. My father was aquiet guy for the most part who appeared to be popular with customers butnever had a lot of close friends. After serving in the military, he met mymom and left his own family behind in another state. After I...
In the 70s there was a normal bookshop in London, on the edge of Soho, maybe Tottenham Court Road or Charing Cross Road, and going past I noticed a sign saying ‘adult books’ and an arrow pointing downstairs. Of course I went in, and you had to walk the length of the shop, in your dirty mac, to get to the stairs leading down to the dirty bookshop. Once there though I had the joy many times of acquiring armfuls of mags to add to my huge collection. There’s always a few of us in there, pervs in...
The guy from a chicken shop Thanks for your lovely feedback for my last story . Am overwhelmed with love. Thanks once. Again My next story which I have encountered at the age of 17 is way am going to pen down now. While I was quite happy with my friend at school , whom we twice a week met in his bed at home right after our school get over, we started to taste both of our ass. We even bathed together while having kissed each other . Just lying naked in our shoulders . It was quite a love that...
Gay MaleHello guys, I’m Mayur, 18-year-old, with a dark and attractive complexion. I live in Mumbai. The story I’m about to tell you happened a few months ago. Its a long story, so if you expect spicy stuff in a few words, this isn’t for you. Anyways, this is my first story, so apologies if I make mistakes! Girls/aunties can mail me on for sexual fun. Moving on towards the story, One of my close friend, who lives in the vicinity once purposely challenged me to buy a condom from the chemist. As I am...
Doug sighed and stroked Rachel’s long dark hair as she devotedly sucked his dick. He groaned as he came and she greedily gobbled up his jism. Then she sat back on her naked ass and smiled adoringly at him. “Good girl, Rachel!” Doug praised and she quivered with delight. “Thank you Master!” she said. “But you better get dressed now,” he instructed. “It’s a big day!” “But I like to wear my collar,” she complained, toying with the red leather strap around her neck which was her only attire. “But...
Mind ControlHer neighbors asked her to watch Charley again. She had picked Charley up earlier that day and left him at home to go to work. Now, she was on her way home from work early. He was coming back today and she had a surprise for him. So, now she was driving her car, and her mind was racing with ideas about playing and being wild. She is a petite, really lovely, blonde... blue-eyed woman, with a girl next-door face. She is wearing a pearlized, lavender silk blouse and black skirt, riding high on...