Pet Sitting free porn video

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Dear Readers – I’ve decided to put this story in the ‘romance’ category even though it could also qualify for the ‘mature’ category — there’s a significant age difference between the main male and female characters.

The story does include sex — hey, this is Literotica, right? But, it’s not the raunchy torrid sex that some of my other stories include … its more ‘romantic’ (at least, I think so, though it’s still pretty hot) … hence the category choice.

Some may be disappointed by the ending, but as I don’t wish to give away the ending, you’ll just have to wait till you get there. If it really pisses you off, then you’ll just have to leave me a nasty comment and give the story a -9 in the voting, though I sincerely hope that most of you will enjoy the story and leave me nice comments.




I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard distinctive scratching sounds, and canine whining, coming from the living room, which meant my sister’s ten month old Great Dane puppy, Kelly, needed to go out to pee.

I was pet/apartment sitting for my sister Karen and her husband, Dan, of just eight months — Dan thought a puppy made a great wedding present for his new bride who’d told him she’d always wanted a big dog. I thought he was nuts buying a Great Dane for my sister when they lived in an apartment, but what do I know? All I know is that I graciously agreed to take care of Kelly while they spent two weeks in Hawaii for their belated honeymoon. I’d just finished my junior year in college, and so, had all summer free.

The damn dog scratched at the door again.

‘Alright, Kelly … cross your legs or something while I get some cloths on.’ I shouted to the dog as I quickly dried myself.

I ran into the guest room where I had my things and pulled a short denim skirt up my legs, I zipped it, and then pulled a tank top over my head as I ran into the living room to get Kelly’s leash on her. In my haste, I hadn’t bothered with underwear.

Karen, before she left, begged me not to let Kelly have any accidents in the apartment, they’d just had new carpet installed — in a very light beige color. The carpet had recently been replaced, she’d told me, because of all the puppy stains, why they didn’t wait a few months longer or have tile put down was beyond me, but it was their apartment … and their dog.

‘OK, Kelly, we’re going for a walk, girl.’ I told the dog as I attached her leash. She was so excited that her whole rear end went side to side as she vigorously wagged her tail.

‘Hold on, girl, let me get the keys and poop bags.’

I shoved the apartment keys into one pocket and plastic grocery bags in the other, and then opened the door. Kelly lunged out the door — almost knocking me off my feet – and she headed for the stairs. Sis’s apartment was on the third floor and I rarely used the elevator, it was good exercise.

I had to hold onto the dog’s leash with both hands when we got to the bottom of the stairs which opened onto a courtyard. Kelly weighed over a hundred pounds already, and since I’m only five four and very slim, I figured she probably out weighed me by a few pounds. It was all I could do to keep from being dragged along the side walk like a cowboy who falls from his house and is pulled behind with his boot caught in the stirrup.

Karen’s apartment complex had strict rules against pets going on the grounds (even peeing) since there was a very large county park across the street. Even so, Kelly squatted and peed as soon as she reached a patch of grass and I hoped none of the other residents would report this blatant breech of the rules.

‘Come on girl … let’s go to the park.’ I said, yanking on Kelly’s leash.

Since Kelly loved romping in the park, we took off at a half run, that is, she tried to run and I was towed along doing my best to keep from being knocked off my feet. I am sure I must have looked wonderful to all the other residents of the complex with my wet hair, no make-up and my boobs flopping around under the thin material of my tank top. My boobs aren’t enormous, or anything, but I was suddenly self-conscious of them bouncing under my top and I was kicking myself for not taking time to put on a bra — or panties, for that matter.

When we crossed the street and entered the park, Kelly put her nose to the ground and went from tree to tree sniffing where other dogs must have peed. We followed a dirt trail through a wooded area that would eventually take us down to the river, it wasn’t much of a river, hardly more than a wide creek, but it was nice to sit there under a tree and just relax and contemplate one’s navel, sometimes.

As we walked, Kelly was kept distracted by all the, no doubt, wonderful dog smells she detected with her sensitive nose, she keeping going from brush, to tree, to brush, sniffing away happily and peeing every so often. Then, I saw a squirrel on the trail ahead of us happily chewing on an acorn, Kelly saw it, too.

The next thing I remember, Kelly was leaping forward to chase the squirrel and I was doing my damnedest to stay on my feet while shouting ‘no’ and ‘bad girl’ as she pulled me along after her. I think I would have been able to keep my feet and subdue the gigantic puppy had it not been for the big root sticking up out of the dirt where grew across the path. Just how I managed to catch it, I don’t recall, all I remember is holding on to Kelly’s leash for dear life, flying through the air, and then my head suddenly hurting like hell and everything went dark.

I know I blacked out briefly, but I don’t think it was for very long, just a few seconds, maybe. When the world came back into focus I was looking at blue sky filtering through the branches of huge trees above me and there was a very wet tongue licking my face.

‘Hey, you alright?’ I heard a voice.

I saw a head leaning over me and felt hands on my shoulders trying to help me up. I made it to a sitting position but my head started to swim and I suddenly had the worst headache I could ever remember.

‘Saw you go down, I was jogging behind you a ways up the trail. What happened? Should I call 911? Do you need an ambulance?’ It was a man’s voice I heard, but I had my eyes closed, the bright sunlight seemed to make my head hurt more.

‘No, no … I … I think I’m OK … I just need …’ I mumbled as I tried to open my eyes again.

My head was hanging down and I what I saw when I slowly opened my eyes sent a wave of humiliation through my whole being, I was staring at my lap and my short denim skirt was hiked up almost to my waist. Since I’d not put on underwear in my rush to get the dog out before she peed on the carpet, my bare pussy was exposed for all the world to see, well, at least for the guy who was kneeling next me and trying to help me get up. Did I mention that I keep my pubic hair completely shaved? I think a ‘bush’ looks disgusting so I’ve kept my pussy as clean and smooth as the day I was born, and now, some stranger was likely gawking at my naked pussy.

To make matters worse, my tank top, which was a loose fitting affair with thin shoulder straps, was all askew, one of the thin straps had apparently been ripped in two by my fall so that the material of my top was hanging down on one side and my left boob was completely exposed.

‘Oh shit.’ I mumbled. I wasn’t sure what to do first, cover my boob or pull my skirt down to hide my bare pussy. As I sat there, stunned, drops of blood splattered my bare breast.

‘Listen, I really think I should just call 911 and see about getting you to the emergency room.’ The guy said.

As I looked up, I saw him pulling a cell phone from a pouch strapped around his waist, the kind you often see joggers wearing when they run.

‘No … no, please … I’m alright … honest.’ I said.

As I spoke, I noticed him for the first time, I mean, I saw how gorgeous he
was. He was older, maybe forty something, or even fifty. Regardless, he was handsome beyond belief with a strong jaw, a touch of grey hair at the temples and piercing blue eyes that almost made me shudder.

‘Are you sure? You’re bleeding.’ He said. He pulled a small tarry cloth towel from his pouch and dabbed gently at my forehead, then he pressed it on my scalp where the cut appeared to be.

‘Scalp lacerations can really bleed a lot, even when they’re not severe.’ He said as he used his towel to wipe the blood from my hair. ‘I think it’s stopped bleeding now. You’re lucky.’

‘Huh?’ I said as I was fumbling with the torn strap of my top, trying to cover my naked breast.

‘That you didn’t cut your face. You have an extraordinarily beautiful face, I’d hate to think of a scar marring it.’ He said. ‘Here, let me help you with that.’

He gently took the torn strap for my inept fingers, and reaching around behind me, he pulled the other end up over my shoulder. He nimbly tied a little knot to join the torn straps so my top would stay up, even though it was a bit lopsided with one strap being shorter than the other.

As he fixed my top, I reached down and tugged my skirt down as far as I could.

‘Thanks.’ I said. ‘I need to get home now.’

‘Sure, let me help you up.’

‘Where’s Kelly?’ I asked.

‘Who?’ He sounded puzzled.

‘The dog.’ I said as I looked around. When I turned my head the world spun around a bit. ‘Whew.’

‘The dog’s right here. I’ve had my foot on the leash so she wouldn’t take off. You sure you’re OK?’

‘Just a little woozy.’ I said as I attempted to stand up.

‘Careful … let me help you.’ He placed his hands under my arms and pretty much lifted me to my feet. Feeling his strong hands pressing into my sides and just barely touching the sides of my breasts, gave me little thrill.

When I made it to my feet the world started going round and round in earnest. I put my hands to my head and closed my eyes again, that seemed to help, though my head was throbbing. The man still held me, a good thing, too, as I am sure I would have ended up back on the ground without him supporting me.

‘I really think you need to get checked by a doctor. If you don’t want me to call 911, then at least, let me drive you to the emergency room. If you have a concussion, it could be serious.’

‘No … I’ll be fine … just give me a second.’ I said, not wanting to admit that I had no insurance, and as a college student, I had no money for what I knew would be a whopping medical bill.

I opened my eyes slowly and felt better, at least the ground had stabilized and the sky remained steady, even if I wasn’t.

‘I feel better now, just hand me Kelly’s leash, please, and I’ll be fine.’ I told the man.

‘Well … alright, but I really think …’ He said as he let go of me and bent over to pick up the handle of Kelly’s leash.

When he let go of me I pretty much collapsed over his back where he bent down for the leash. Thankfully, he grabbed me again before I could slide off him and hit the ground.

‘Thanks … but I really want to get home … I hate to impose, but do you think you could just give me a hand … it’s just across the street.’

‘Sure, but I still think you should see a doctor.’ He said.

He had his arm around my back and his hand held he tightly under my arm. His fingers pressed into the edge of my right breast, and again, despite my throbbing head, I felt a twinge of excitement. He held the leash in his other had and tugged at it to get Kelly’s attention and let her know we were about to head off in the opposite direction.

‘Can you walk?’ He asked.

‘I think so.’ I said and took a couple tentative steps. ‘Yes.’

I’m not sure I was walking on my own, so much as being mostly carried by my ‘knight,’ though he had no shining armor, or armor of any kind. I managed to stumble up the trail with him supporting me and we eventually made it to the street. By then, I felt much better, which is to say, that my head was only aching horribly and no longer felt quite like a little guy was inside trying to break out with a tiny jack hammer.

We crossed the street and when we got to the stairs Kelly ran up them as far as her leash would permit. I stopped and looked at the stairs. My legs felt wobbly and I didn’t think I could walk up three flights, I was going to suggest the elevator.

‘I don’t think my legs are working well enough for the stairs, perhaps we should …’ As I was about to say ‘take the elevator’ I felt my legs being swept out from under me and the next thing I knew I was being carried up the stairs in the guy’s strong arms.

‘Oh my … you really are my knight in shining armor.’ I blurted out.

‘Which floor?’ He asked, huffing and puffing a bit.

‘Top floor.’

‘Hmmm … perhaps I should have asked first.’ He said with a chuckle.

When we got to the top he didn’t put me down. I have to confess I felt so absolutely safe in his arms, notwithstanding my throbbing head, that I didn’t want him to put me down, ever.

‘Which way?’ He asked.

‘To the right, it’s apartment three ten.’ I answered.

When we got to the door he asked me for the keys. I took them from my pocket, handed them to him, and he opened the door. Kelly ran inside so the guy let go of her leash. I immediately heard her noisily lapping water from her bowl in the kitchen. The wonderful man carried me over to the sofa and deposited me gently there and arranged a couple of pillows under my head.

‘How’s your head feel?’ He asked.

‘Throbbing … but much better than a few minutes ago.’ I told him.

‘Do you have anything for headaches, aspirin, ibuprofen?’

‘I don’t know … it’s not really my apartment. It’s my sister’s … I’m just staying here pet sitting while she and her husband are on their honeymoon.’ I said.

‘I guess I could check the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.’ He said as he stood up.

‘No, no … please, you’ve done enough. I’ll be OK and you’ve been so great … I really don’t want to impose anymore …’ I told him and I tried to stand up, thinking I would go find something for my headache myself.

As I sat up and tried to stand — I was about half way up — the world reverted to an amusement park ride again and I flopped back on the coach holding my head. With my eyes closed once more to help alleviate some of the pain, I felt his hands on my shoulders as he gently forced me to lie back on the sofa.

‘Stay put. Let me explain something … I’m not a doctor, but I had some medical training years ago in the Marine Corp and I’ve dealt with more than my fair share of head injuries. What you need is complete rest for the next few days, at the very least, and someone to stay with you for observation … just in case.’ He explained.

‘Oh. But certainly you must have other things to do … and your wife will be worried …’ I’d noticed his wedding ring earlier.

‘First, my wife died several years ago … cancer. Second, I have absolutely nothing planned for this weekend and no one expecting me to be anywhere. So, you stay put while I go and find something for your headache. Do not move, understand?’

‘Yes sir.’ I said. ‘Sorry about your wife … and thank you so much for helping me … but, I, ah … I don’t even know your name.’

‘Harold … Harry to my friends.’ He said.

‘I’m Kelly.’

‘I thought you said the dog’s name was Kelly.’ Harry said, sounding puzzled.

‘It is. My goofy sister named her after me.’

‘Oh … ah, where’s the bathroom?’

‘There’s one off the hallway right there.’ I said pointing. ‘And another off my sister’s bedroom … down the hall on the right … I guess that one would be the best place to look.’

Harry left and returned a short while later carrying several items he must have found in the master bathroom. He went to
the kitchen and filled a glass with water and returned.

‘Here, take these.’ He said, handing me two pills. ‘Ibuprofin.’

‘Thank you, Dr. Harry.’ I said, taking the pills and placing them on my tongue. He gave me the water and I took a sip then threw my head back as I always do to take pills. A sharp pain shot through my head as I swallowed the medicine.

‘Damn … that hurt.’ I complained while holding my head with one hand. I also felt a sharp stinging under my hand and realized I’d put my hand on the spot where my head had been cut during my fall. ‘Shit … and that too.’

Harry pulled my hand gently away from the cut on my head.

‘Here, let me have a look.’ He said.

He’d set a bunch of stuff on the coffee table and he reached over and took a couple cotton balls from a box and dabbed gently at the wound in my scalp, which made it hurt even more.

‘Ow!’ I yelped.

‘It doesn’t look too bad. I don’t think it will require sutures. But it needs cleaned out.’ He told me. ‘I’ll be right back … need to get a towel.’

He came back a moment later with a dark blue bath towel.

‘Here wrap this around your head and hold it there while I clean the wound.’ He wrapped the towel around my head for me and placed my hands on the towel to keep it in place, then he picked up a brown plastic bottle from the coffee table in one hand and more cotton balls in the other.

‘Now, this is going to hurt like hell … its peroxide, but it will kill any bacteria and clean out that cut … OK, here is comes.’ He announced, and poured the stuff on the cut in my scalp.

‘Oh geeeeez … fucking shit! … god that smarts!’ I yelled. I felt some of the cold liquid run down the side of my head but the towel soaked it up. Then I felt him dabbing at the cut, I am sure he was being as gentle as possible, but it still hurt like hell.

‘Oh fuck! Oh … oh … shit! Aren’t you done yet?’ I complained vociferously, tears welled up in my eyes, it hurt so much.

‘Let me just dab some Neosporin on the wound … it’s an antibiotic I found in the medicine cabinet. Hold on … here goes.’

‘Oooooooow.’ I winced, and then he took the towel from around my head.

‘OK, all done. I can’t put a bandage on it … unless you want me to shave your head.’ He said, then he chuckled as if something suddenly seemed to strike him as funny.

‘What?’ I asked, curious what he thought so funny about me being in so much pain.

‘Oh … ah, if I shaved your head … then you’d be shaved all over.’ He said, and broke up laughing. ‘I … I’m sorry … I couldn’t … couldn’t help thinking about … oh shit … I’m so so sorry.’

‘Oh my god!’ I was aghast. I knew he’d probably seen me bare between my legs. So just why I was so shocked was beyond me, still, I was.

‘Please forgive me … that was so rude of me but I couldn’t help it … the thought just popped into my head … and then you asked me …’ He broke up laughing again and this time I was laughing with him.

‘Ow … damn … it hurts when I laugh.’ I told him.

‘Can you ever forgive me?’ He asked sincerely after he’d regained some composure.

‘That’s OK. Though, when I think about it, I guess you’ve already seen more of my body than most guys do by the tenth date.’ I said with a chuckle and then winced again.

‘Well yes, I guess your modesty was a bit compromised by that fall. But I must say, though, you are a stunningly beautiful young woman.’ He said. ‘Even if you are covered with dirt from head to toe.’

‘Oh thanks!’ I said with a pout. Then I realized he was right. I hadn’t noticed earlier, but I was filthy.

My legs were covered with dirt, as well as, my arms, and my tank top was more brown than the original blue it had been when I’d put it on earlier.

‘Hmmm … let me look at your knees, they looked skinned up too.’ Harry said as I was examining myself to see how dirty I was.

‘Ouch … ‘ Harry was dabbing my knees with the cotton balls. Then he put a couple cotton balls on top of the bottle of peroxide and tipped it over.

‘This is going to sting again.’ He warned, and it did. Then he applied some ointment.

‘God, I really need a shower. Karen will kill me if I ruin her sofa.’ I said and sat up. My head spun again. I was getting a little tired of having my head spin every time I moved.

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It was already dark when we got there that night. Some friends were having a small but intimate party with just four or five couples. It was to be a masked party and we were asked to make sure our hair was not visible and our faces atleast partially covered when we arrived. We had met most of the couples before and I thought most of them very attractive, the ones that were not, were atleast doable. After all the others had arrived the hostess came into the living room carrying a silver tray...

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"Lori, number 3." The voice comes over the little speaker and a grin traces its way across my lips. I am Lori and my owner is behind door number 3. I am sitting at the little makeup desk in my office. I pick up the black leather collar and buckle it around my neck. I love the way it feels, just snug enough that if my owner tugs, it bites a bit. I like that. Pain is a good reminder, a good teacher. Are you going to watch me? Here, sit here in my dressing room and watch the television. See,...

2 years ago
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Pets New Life Part 4

(Late afternoon back in Doc Susie's Clinic) Hi Sis, sorry so late back, thanks for making a slot available for me. Oh, do I look flushed, maybe a little too much wine over lunch. Yes, maybe a coffee would be good to calm me down before I meet Pet. New heels since I went out? Well yes, I have been so fed up with wearing flats or low heels since I married that sissy, I wanted to feel like a sensual woman for once. For so long I have worn flats so I didn't look taller then Pet and...

2 years ago
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Pets New Life Part 3

Pets New Life ~ Part 3 Clickety, Clack, of heels down the corridor, a pretty sexy sound for some, but not for our little Pet stuck in her Highchair in the corner, only walls to look at. Mummy stops at the Kitchen door and sees the big baby in her High Chair, facing the corner of the room. The sound of sobbing starts again as her presence is noticed. The high chair is pulled back form the corned on its little castors and turned to face Mummy. Oh dear, let mummy wipe away my little...

2 years ago
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Pet Project

Doug sighed and stroked Rachel’s long dark hair as she devotedly sucked his dick. He groaned as he came and she greedily gobbled up his jism. Then she sat back on her naked ass and smiled adoringly at him. “Good girl, Rachel!” Doug praised and she quivered with delight. “Thank you Master!” she said. “But you better get dressed now,” he instructed. “It’s a big day!” “But I like to wear my collar,” she complained, toying with the red leather strap around her neck which was her only attire. “But...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Her neighbors asked her to watch Charley again. She had picked Charley up earlier that day and left him at home to go to work. Now, she was on her way home from work early. He was coming back today and she had a surprise for him. So, now she was driving her car, and her mind was racing with ideas about playing and being wild. She is a petite, really lovely, blonde... blue-eyed woman, with a girl next-door face. She is wearing a pearlized, lavender silk blouse and black skirt, riding high on...

3 years ago
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Pet for rent

Reading the personals i notice how many people want a male pet i started chatting with some of the people looking and derided to talk it over with you.   We decide to try it one time to see what it would be like after all it was only for a few days ownership see if we liked it.   What we found out after the first disaster was that no one is as naughty as we are they are rather boring so we plot to make the briers into our pets and see what happened.  

3 years ago
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Petra Home

Petra Home Petra sat on the settee in the lovely sitting room of his Aunt Anne's large old house. She was feeling tried after flying from the States and the bother she had just had with her father. Petra was 18 just under 5 foot 8 inches a size 14 with a very feminine shapely body. Also she had a feminine styled blond bobbed hairstyle that framed a lovely sweet young girl's face. The thing most people men especially were drawn to was her large blue beautiful eye's, which at that moment...

2 years ago
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Petras 4th sexy secret about Alex 2

PETRA APPLIES ALL SEXY SECRETS OF ATTRACTIVE ALEX: FINE FINALE FIRST 3-SOMEPetra is in total control of awesome Alex, seduced & subjugated, a tremendously tasty tiny tit teenPetra is also in total control of her great granddad - own fault of open erotic educating his hot teenPetra is as well very generous and a great intriguer of interesting intimacies she fancies for comingPetra is aware nothing gets her gorgeous granddad more hot and horny than a fresh vintage virgin!Petra keeps Alex...

1 year ago
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Petra the Small

[This is the first part of a much larger work. It is not a sex story, although there is sex in it and more as it goes along. This part has oral sex, fondling, woman-with-woman, and coitus. This part has the characters looking at the nature of their beliefs, what drives their actions and the possibility that life doesn’t need to be the way it has been. I would appreciate feedback on what works for you, the reader, as well as what doesn’t.] * She was tiny. When the other kids hit puberty they...

1 year ago
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Petras 4th sexy secret about Alex 1

Petra tells us all kinds of sweet secrets about Alex in her hot sexy series of dirty disclosuresPetra secretly seduces sweet sexy Alex in her dream, which was very real - in fact in her own bedPetra knows now the second secret side of Alex: her submissiveness to her girlfriends in real sexPetra soon discovers her third sexy secret: very slutty foxy fantasies often playing with herselfPetra has a special sexy pervy plan for the occasion to learn the fourth foxy sexy secret of AlexPetra knows...

2 years ago
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Petra the Small Ch 02

This story contains nudity, sexual activities shared in a group setting, romance, Love, affection and conversations about relationships, Love, Life and even God. This is not a ‘Wham-Bam-Thank-you’ story. It is fiction, and it is possible. Fiction means the characters in the story may not have the same names in life, may not live where they story places them, may not looks as the story says they look, and may not exist anywhere except in my head. May is a very big word.] * ‘How can you decide...

3 years ago
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Petra Ch 02

Two weeks off! Wow! What will I do?’ Petra thought after her boss left. She looked around her small apartment and decided to clean. So not wasting a moment, she started cleaning. Not that she had much, but over the years she had acquired some things. Soon she had two piles. One pile was things for the dump, and the other were things she could donate to the local shelter. Taking her time, Petra carried several small boxes to the curb. No one offered to help and she finished putting things out...

3 years ago
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Petras 3rd sexy secret about Alex

Petra secretly seduced sweet sexy Alex in her dream, which was very real - in fact in her own bed Petra knows now the second secret side of Alex: her submissiveness to her girlfriends in real sex Petra soon discovers her third sexy secret: very slutty foxy fantasies often playing with herselfPetra and Alex exchange sexy secretsPetra and Alex chat almost every day in the net about lots of things, like likes in life and lovePetra tries the taste of Alex - sends her links to videos of girls he...

3 years ago
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Petra presents Penelope

Penelope is pretty. She is a blonde beautiful shy sexy student. In Poland her name is Penelopa. This is the story of her first experience in lesbian love with Petra, who hosted her in Holland.Penelope first met Peter in the net. Peter speaks Polish and wondered how he could please her?Penelope confessed she lost most of her interest in men in five years of making love with them. That's where Petra took over. She is his grandd0d, who was raised by him from her earliest years. She still often...

2 years ago
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Petra walked into the office. Ignoring the stares and whispers as she passed each desk. She knew they talked about her, but she tried to ignore it. Most of the people who worked here had two things on their minds, work hard , then party. Having grown up in a strict home, Petra didn’t participate those things she was a complete novice. She didn’t drink, smoke or use drugs. She was not a sex addict. She never dated, and most of the time, she was the butt of ever joke. People found that amusing...

1 year ago
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Petra the Small Ch 04

[This is the continuation of a story about an unusual family. I originally called this chapter ‘Momma.’ I encourage your votes and comments. What you think and feel are important to me. Thank you for reading.] * Early the next morning Jenny and Jerry were awakened by the phone ringing. Jenny answered and the voice on the other end of the line was Sabrina. She told Jenny that her shop had been vandalized during the night and that she needed help. ‘We’ll be there as soon as we dress,’ Jenny...

3 years ago
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Petra 2

There was an earlier Petra, and like this it is a stand-alone story although some of the same characters are in both. PETRA 2 Peter was happy to back in his favourite Op Shop, a good distance from home where no one knew him except the nice ladies who worked behind the counter but what he really loved most of all about coming here, it was always quite. In fact, in all his time coming here he could only remember being in the shop twice when other customers were also there. He...

3 years ago
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Petra Private My Molly Malone 1

Precious Princess Petra meets Molly Mallone in Paris, who looks for hot help in ordering something very erotic.Petra reads her hot thoughts through her great green eyes, so she offers her hot help for some sexy solutions.Precious Princess Petra, see her private photo below, is an expert at erotic writing as her granddad, poet Peter!Petra in Paris: source of some sexy stories to seduce our dear readers into intimate extatic erotic 'dirty dreams':Precious Princess Petra hot & horny hosted...

3 years ago
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Petra Private Molly Masturbates 3

Petra's Perfect Perverse sexy set-up is make Molly Mallone Masturbate on camera for a very private audiencePetra Perfectly sees signs of excitement of Molly as she unpacks her box with ordered sex-tools next meeting!Princess Pretty Petra 'en Profil' at her 18th birthday: provides an armchair...

4 years ago
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Petra Private My Molly Malone 2

Petra is author of several sexy short seductive stories secretly, at both my 'petdyke' profile and at 'Poet-PETER'.Petra is awesomely attractive, as you all can admire her hot lovely looks 'en profil erotique', ma belle, tout nu ici:Precious Princess Petra en profil, an intimate invitation: provides privacy for Molly Mallone's petty 'perverse' purchases in internet: two dildo's & a set of handcuffs.Petra provides privacy for her...

3 years ago
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Pet Project

Warning: Story is not intended for anyone under 18. All aspects of this written manuscript are fiction. Pet Project Chapter One ?Jared I thought we were just going to spend the evening together. I don’t really want to go to a party, especially if there’s a bunch of people that I don’t really like there.?        ?Relax, it’s not even a party; it’s just a couple close friends and they’re all really nice; no one will cause any drama.?        ?Is there anyone there from our old group??      ...

2 years ago
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Pet Shop PussyChapter 5

The afternoon was not yet over. When Justin Whitlock's cock had gone limp and detumescent, a soft yet meaty sausage floating inside of her swampy and come- filled twat, he gently eased it out into the open. She gripped it hotly, wanting him to get hard again; wanting to be fucked a third time. But Justin had satiated his appetites and didn't want to push a good thing. He had one more ace up his sleeve though, for no sooner had he removed his cock with a loud and resounding squish, when he...

1 year ago
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Petras 2nd sexy secret about Alex

In fact, Petra found out two sexy secrets of Alex in the year after their first time together.The first sexy secret for Alex is whether what had happened between them was real or just a dream?In this story she will unveil some more of the sexy secrets of Alex, which she slowly discovered. First sexy secret As Alex does, Petra fondly remembers how she suddenly surprised Alex in bed after tugging her in.As always she had kiss-closed Alex eyes. After a big kiss on her fore-head switched off the...

1 year ago
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Petras sexy secret about Alex

Let me introduce my granddaughter to you, Petra is a pervy hot-shot. That is mostly my fault.Not only my genes but also my sexual education of her in practise. Perhaps I will tell later.She is still a teen, but has a very strong head. A body slender and muscular as an athlete.Her hot love is Alex. She stole her friendship from me. Petra always gets what she wants.In fact, I introduced Alex to Petra on picture. Again, it is all my fault. Mea Maximá Culpa!I showed Petra once the only photo Alex...

4 years ago
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Petra Gefhrliches Spiel

Petra, Mitte 30, war Lehrerin an einem Gymnasium. Sie war schlank und hatte kinnlange braune Haare. Auffällig war ihre Oberweite mit einer BH-Größe von 75 DD. Speziell im Sommer, wenn sie ein enges T-Shirt trug blickten ihr die Jungs der Abschlussklasse gaffend hinterher. In der Liebe hatte Petra wenige Glück. Ihr Jugendfreund verließ sie für eine andere. Seitdem hatte sie keine feste Beziehung mehr. Kurz vor den Sommerferien kam Luca neu in ihre Klasse. Er hatte gerade seinen 18. Geburtstag...

3 years ago
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Petras Trip to Africa

She was daydreaming as she looked out of the office window overlooking the high street in Canterbury. All those people bustling about yet few of them looked happy she thought. She had thought she had the dream job too as Personal Assistant to a busy advertising executive but the financial collapse had dramatically reduced advertising business and for the last few weeks she had not been busy and had begun wondering just how long her boss, Mark Hughes, would be able to keep her on. If she lost...

4 years ago
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PetuniaChapter 11

When the cage door closed and Mr. Smith walked off without even saying 'good night', Alex cried for a while. Then, mentally shaking herself, she got a grip and forced herself to stop feeling sorry for herself. She wondered if those other girls had cried in here when they were left alone or after they had displeased Mr. Smith. Silly, of course they had. But she wouldn't cry over such a silly thing. She would just have to try harder to please Mr. Smith. She wasn't sure what had gone wrong...

2 years ago
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Petrol Station

It was a rare sight, seeing a convertible full of bubbly teenage girls pull into a petrol station in a sleepy village at 2am, NB: The first part of a many part story ? will be updated when I can. Petrol Station It was a rare sight, seeing a convertible full of bubbly teenage girls pull into a petrol station in a sleepy village at 2am, and one that Valerie, the clerk attending there, thought she should savour. It just seemed like a momentous occasion ? beautiful teenage girls were in...

3 years ago
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Peters Punishment

Peter's Punishment ? by: Patti Remick Prologue/Part 1 10 year old peter has been a total little brat again! Mommy has really had it with me this time. She is going to punish me and She knows exactly how She will do it! It all starts as She says to me, "Now I have repeatedly warned you about this behavior of yours. I am sick and tired of it and now Mommy is going to punish you real good, you little brat." Mommy then says to me with a wicked look in Her eyes and a smirk on...

2 years ago
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Petes inheritance chapter 5

"Pete! Are you ok?! Pete! Mom! Talk to me Mom! OH GOD, THEY'RE DEAD!?" Amy was frantic. She had watched Pete have sex with their Mom. His penis was huge, the only thing comparable was the stallions on the ranch. She couldn't believe her Mom had actually took that big penis in her vagina. It was horrible watching Pete force Mom to have sex, but it did make her very wet. Amy wasn't dumb, she was a virgin, but she knew a lot about sex. Her nipples were hard and her vagina was very wet, it...

3 years ago
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Petes inheritance chapters 67

"What are you doing up?" He asked "My job! You sit I'll bring you some coffee in a second." Sara answered smiling at him. she wore a terri cloth robe with a belt tied in front. Pete was a little confused by her saying her job. She hasn't been up this early since Dad was alive. Pete sat at the dining room table took a cigarette out of the pack and lite it. Sara entered with a cup of coffee sitting it in front of him "here you go. We're out of eggs, will oatmeal and bacon do?" ...

2 years ago
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Petites soeurs

Petites s?urs. Je ne vais pas tarder ? faire mon entr?e solennelle dans l'?glise. Maman est ? mes cot?s. Plus nerveuse que moi, elle ne cesse de r?ajuster ma coiffe. Elle veut que je sois parfaite pour mon mariage. Mais en ce moment, je suis nerveuse pour d'autres raisons... Et d'abord, parce que Daniela, ma s?ur, est en retard... Comme toujours. Pour la dixi?me fois en moins de deux minutes, je demande ? maman de me donner l'heure. J'entends la marche nuptiale qui d?bute, je vais faire mon entr?e, et t...

4 years ago
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Petes inheritance chapter 11

"Pete I know it's not your fault, but I don't think I'm going to be able to do this right now. I went to fast and it hurts like hell!" Lee began to really cry. Sara had regained some strength she crawled up to Lee. "Is it really that bad honey? Did you rip yourself? Lee baby please quiet down calm down and talk to me hon." Sara rubbed Lee's head. For a moment "GOD DAMN IT AMY BREE AND YOU TOOK HIM! I CAN'T I FAILED! I COULD FUCKING DO IT!" Lee yelled with anger and pain....

2 years ago
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Puppets 2 The strings are cut

Puppets 2 - The Strings are Cut I stood in the smoking remains of a building, wondering what happens next. It was two and a half years ago that I had first been taken to this place, which had served as the headquarters of a group called Real Power after they had learned about my gift for controlling the minds and bodies of others. They placed a device in my brain to bend me to their will, and then sent me out as their agent, moving among the rich and powerful and forcing them to...

3 years ago
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Peters Potty Training part 1

Peter's Potty Training part 1 by dirteesissy Chapter 1. My name is Peter Tointon and I'm 18 years old. After leaving school and barely scrapping my GCSE's, my Mother decided to send me to a rather exclusive finishing school. My Father had died when I was just a child and just a few years later Mother had remarried to a rather wealthy older man named John Tointon. Just like my Mother he'd lost his partner some years before, but instead of a young boy she'd left 2 teenage...

4 years ago
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Petes inheritance chapter 34

Pete was a hard worker, and he could already handle the physical end of the ranch. He could, for the most part, handle the mental aspects of running the ranch as well. People that dealt with him would actually forget that he was just 15, because of his mature attitude and the way he carried himself. There was a few things that being 15 would cause him some difficulties. He fixed up his Dad's old Indian chief so he could drive legally. Not actually being legal to drive the truck made...

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