Flossie in Bondage 1930s public domain story
- 2 years ago
- 38
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Moses hadn’t actually offered to teach anyone how to fish. When the others did, he almost spoke, but kept silent. That was primarily because he had just watched these two strange white girls lying naked on a blanket, pushing their fingers deep into their pussies. They were in a different category than Johnnie Sue, even though his world view had been stretched in the recent past. This morning had stretched it even further. What Nathan had done for him, and he recognized it for exactly what it was when it happened, had meant a lot to him. That these girls had seen him, and let him see them, meant a lot to him too. Still, while his world view had stretched, it wasn’t torn, and he was shy at the idea of being “alone” with Hilda Mae. She saw it instantly, when they’d picked a spot to fish from, and she was waiting impatiently for him to begin teaching her how to win the contest. He just stood there, looking at his pole.
“Come on, Moses,” she urged. “We have to catch more fish than them.”
“Uh ... okay ... he mumbled,” not looking at her.
“You just saw me naked as the day I was born!” she said softly. “You can surely look at me now that I’m dressed.”
“I know,” he said haltingly. “I just feel strange, that’s all.”
“I thought you took care of that out in the woods,” she teased.
“I did!” He ducked his head further. “I’m just not used to you ... I guess.”
Hilda Mae had truly felt intense gratitude when Moses had figured out a way to get Nathan out of his predicament. Her comment to him about wanting to kiss him had only been half in jest. It had shocked her, then, that she felt any urge to kiss a Negro boy at all, but her feeling of relief that Nathan wasn’t dead had overcome that easily.
“You remember how I said I felt like kissing you? In the mansion?” she whispered.
He darted a look at her and then looked back down.
“Yes,” he answered softly.
“If we win this contest I’ll kiss you then for sure!” she said.
She was teasing again, but when his head came up, there was something in his eyes that shocked Hilda Mae to her very core. His eyes flashed with desire, ever so briefly, and then went blank again as he saw her startled face. She felt a flutter in her belly and recognized that for what it was too. Impulse drove her to add: “I mean it, Moses.”
The contest was won by Hilda Mae and Moses, with ten fish between them, all pan-sized. Johnnie Sue caught four, and Bernadette caught three. Johnnie Sue alleged that the only reason was that the worms Moses had dug up for bait were bigger.
“Boys with bigger worms always win!” said Moses, feeling cocky.
He had meant it as boys always win’, or boys, whose bait is better than the bait of other boys would always win’. He wasn’t prepared for the giggling of all three girls as they started teasing him about how big his “worm” was. Johnnie Sue said that Nathan should have caught a whale, and the whole group broke up into gales of laughter, while Moses stood, looking embarrassed.
Hilda Mae felt the flutter in her belly again as she and the other girls teased Moses about his “worm”. When she saw how embarrassed he was, she remembered her promise. The prospect of kissing a strange’ boy was just as much in her mind as the prospect of kissing that boy’s dusky, dark lips, and that made the flutter in her belly wag even more. But she couldn’t do it in front of the rest of them. She wasn’t thinking about his feelings, at that point, but her own. Her beliefs had been stretched to the breaking point too, but she couldn’t do that in front of the others.
“We’ll be right back,” she said suddenly, taking Moses hand and pulling him toward the woods. “We forgot something.”
There were looks of surprise, but it was getting late, and they all needed to be getting back home with their fish, which still hadn’t been cleaned, so they set about getting ready to do that. Bernadette sank to her knees and began re-packing the picnic basket, while Nathan got all fourteen of the fish they’d be taking home on the improvised stringer he’d made.
Hilda Mae pulled Moses, stumbling, a good thirty yards into the forest before she stopped and looked over his shoulder to make sure no one had followed them. She looked at him, and he shrank back from her.
“I owe you a kiss,” she said softly.
“No you don’t,” he moaned. He could already feel his penis getting stiff again.
“Yes I do,” she said, feeling the flutter kick up harder. She couldn’t believe how horny she felt just anticipating kissing those wide-looking lips.
He stood there, frozen, anguish in his eyes.
“Don’t you want to kiss me?” she asked.
“Uh huh,” he gurgled. Then “I mean no ma’am!”
“Moses Finshaw, I’m not a ma’am’,” she said. “I’m just a girl you helped win a fishing contest, and I promised you a kiss. I try to keep my promises.”
She stepped forward, recognizing his reluctance, and reached for his hands. She put them on her waist, and then draped her arms around his neck loosely.
Moses had kissed his mother, and his Auntie Millie. Those had been dry pecks on the lips. What happened to him next was something so far outside his realm of experience that it left him dazed. Her lips came against his hungrily, soft and loose, and her tongue flicked into his mouth like some ravening animal. Those soft breasts he had stared at pressed into his chest, threatening to take up all the room his lungs needed for air, and her loins pressed hard against his erection. Her hips moved in time with her head, as she twisted it gently, rubbing her lips all over his, the crotch of her jeans moving his boner back and forth as it pressed against her pussy.
The effect was almost as devastating on Hilda Mae. She kissed Moses the same way she would have kissed Nathan, and the passion it unleashed was just as intense as it was when she kissed her brother. She wanted to sink to the ground and see how far Moses’ prick would reach into her throat ... to see if it would touch that special sensitive spot that would bring her relief.
Moses closed his eyes once, very briefly, and surrendered to the incredible feelings coursing through his body. Then the shock of what was happening hit his arms, which straightened instinctively, pushing the terrible danger he was in away from him. Their kiss broke suddenly, almost violently, and Hilda Mae’s eyes flew open wide, to mimic her mouth, which was in the shape it would be in if she had been able to do what she was thinking about.
“I got to go!” gasped Moses, panting.
Whirling, he set off at a dead run. He had gone twenty-nine and a half yards when his frantic brain realized what it would look like if he burst into the clearing like the Klan was after him, and skidded to a stop. Taking a deep breath, to steady his nerves, he moved the last eighteen inches and tried to stroll into the clearing. He couldn’t control the wild look in his eyes, though, and the fact that he was panting heavily.
“What happened to you?” asked Johnnie Sue, looking up. Nathan looked over at him too, and concern came over his face.
“Nothing!” he barked. “I have to go!”
“Where’s Hilda Mae?” insisted Johnnie Sue.
“She’s coming,” blurted Moses. “I have to go!”
He leaned down and picked up his pole and stringer. He was moving toward the bridge when Nathan blocked his path.
“What happened?” he asked, his voice deep.
Hilda Mae stepped into view.
“I had to pee and he got all shy. He thought I was going to do it right in front of him.” She giggled. She, too, was flushed and breathing deeply.
“Hildy!” yelled Bernadette, “You can’t do that sort of thing to a boy! What in the world has gotten into you?”
“I’m sorry,” laughed Hilda Mae. “Will you forgive me, Moses?” she called out.
He turned to face her mostly because Bernadette had called him a boy. He was sixteen now, and didn’t want the last thing all these kids to see him do was scurry home like a little boy. Hilda Mae’s attitude also had something to do with it. He knew he had crossed a very dangerous line back there in the woods. He had crossed lines all day. But she had clearly crossed lines too, some of them with him, and she didn’t sound at all unhappy about it. She had even covered for his panic.
“We’ll talk about that later,” he said, taking another deep breath. “I’ll have to think about it. “I’m actually terribly embarrassed by all this.” He grinned, as they remembered those were Hilda Mae’s exact words, back at where they had swum. He disappeared into the forest before they could react, though.
Nathan knew something was up, because Hilda Mae wanted to suck him on the way home. They had been walking their bikes, because the fishing poles, and stringer of fish seemed too much to try to tie onto one bike. They left the road at her insistence, taking the bikes with them, and went far enough into the woods that no one passing by could see them.
“What happened back there ... really,” he asked as she attacked his belt and pulled his pants and underwear to his knees. He was flaccid, and she played with his penis, on her knees, fascinated with the difference between this, and when he was hard. Bernadette stood, watching her sister, also suspicious.
Hilda Mae looked up at her brother.
“I kissed him,” she said softly.
“You what?“ he exploded. There was still racism burned into Nathan Wilson’s subconscious.
“I promised him a kiss if we won the contest. We won, so I honored my promise,” she said simply.
“Do you know how much trouble you’d be in if anybody found out?” he gasped.
“Do you know how much trouble I’d be in if anybody found out I do this?” she asked. She sucked his soft penis into her mouth. It began to swell and lengthen almost instantly.
“But...” he gasped, feeling light headed.
“Oh, leave her alone. It was just a kiss,” said Bernadette, getting to her knees beside her sister. “It’s my turn to taste,” she said in her sister’s ear.
Hilda Mae pulled off and jacked the stiffening prick in her hand expertly. It was almost hard. “Okay,” she said, inspecting the head and marveling at how she could get that so far down her throat. “If I can get him in deep enough I can have an orgasm.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his curly brown pubes.
“How do you do that?!” gasped Bernadette.
Hilda Mae didn’t answer her. He was fully stiff now, and it was tickling the spot. She put her hands on his hips and used them to help her head make the short jabs that brought a rush of wet to her pussy. She stayed on, almost thinking she could make it happen again, but then he jerked and it hit her gag reflex. She pulled off coughing. Bernadette reached for it, and pulled him around so she could suck too. She tried a couple of times to get it in as far as Hildy had, but gagged each time. Finally she gave up on that, and started sucking the knob like she liked to do. One hand fumbled with the buttons on her jeans and she slid her fingers inside to rub.
Nathan groaned, and Bernadette hummed as her mouth was washed with salty-sweet goodness. She swallowed, and shuddered as her fingers, and the taste in her mouth brought her off. She continued to suck and lick and squeeze until he was limp again. Then she just stood up, licking her lips and re-buttoned her jeans.
Since they were going right by Flossie’s, they stopped and offered her some fish. She declined, but let them use the cleaning station that was made from old two by fours and a battered counter top that had come from who knows where. She stayed to chat with them as Nathan taught the girls how to clean their catch. Neither girl was much impressed, but she told them it was part of the job, and that it had to be done. When they were finished she changed her mind and accepted two fish for her own dinner, and waved as they went home.
Flossie noticed the subtle change in her classroom. The older students were smiling more, and cooperating better. There seemed to be very little, if any reticence left when it came to discussing something in the realm of things social, whether it was about how government served the people, or how cooperative farming affected the marketplace. The teens seemed more relaxed too, and it worried her.
The primary thing behind her feeling of disquiet was that she watched Johnnie Sue, Luthor and Jesse, to see how they interacted, based on her sure knowledge that they had been dabbling in sexual things. She had convinced herself that it really was play, as Nathan had suggested. That they were friends, and close friends at that, was apparent in much more than their casual physical touches, or the way they talked easily with each other. There was the occasional look, between Johnnie Sue and either of the boys ... that almost sultry smile she shared with them, that made warning bells vibrate inside Flossie.
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GayThe good thing about having so many parties is that I get to call up a new maid every week. And the good thing about a new maid every week is that i get to try and fuck them all. This week this nineteen year old college student who cleans part time showed up. This chick had some huge tits. After she cleaned my kitchen I had to ask her to show me a little bit more in exchange for some dough. Soon after, i offered her so much money that I had her sucking my dick and getting fucked in different...
xmoviesforyouLate the next afternoon, Tony met with Barely to set things up for that evening's session at Crazy's place. "You know," Barely said, "I came across something last night when I was editing the tapes." "What was that?" Tony asked. "It's best I show you, then you tell me if you want it back in. It was me, I'd keep it out. I just don't feel comfortable with it." "Let's have a look then," Tony said and sat down in front of the TV. Barely ran the tape with Kristy and Heather....
Bangkok Diaries… Part 2 This is the continuation of the first part. It is rather a long story and not for people who wants Sex from the first line till the last word of the story. In the first part, me and Aayush had a discussion on the old memories of our school times and also unfolded few secrets. I had mentioned he took my phone number. That day I was restless to receive a message from him. I could not concentrate on any work until at 10Pm when my phone pinged. Yes it was Aayush. Aayush:...
"Get up!" I groggily became conscious. Someone was shaking me. "Get up, Joe! Tina!" Sharon's voice. I opened my eyes. Sharon stood next to the bed in boxers and a t-shirt, looking alarmed. Tina stirred next to me, shifting so she could see Sharon. "My mom's coming back in a couple of minutes. You need to get in the shower, Tina!" "Huh? Oh!" Tina bounded out of bed, looking around wildly. "I told my mom you were already in the bathroom getting ready for your shower—so you...
I was writing this story at my computer, and as usual, I was devoid of certain articles of intimate clothing, I was actually in my housecoat and totally nude under it.You of course, as most of you already know, as to my self confession and my state of mind, when I converse with you about sex, I am usually horny and wet, part typing and part masturbating, my gown open and my legs also, with my ankles on the desktop and my bum on the edge of the seat, spread on the soft towelling, under it, as...
Last day was amazing. I watched her, secretly. It was 6 in the morning and I have been sleeping beside her in the tent thinking about her all night and fapping whenever I could. The thrill to watch her from the bushes was just hot. I couldn't forget how juicy her ass looked. I just closed my eyes to get some sleep when I hear her waking up. I had entirely forgotten that she wakes up early for her yoga. It was her idea to do yoga in woods and hence we were camping. I pretend to sleep but...
Authors Note: This story came from a chat I was having with an online friend. She also wrote the line, Rachelangel, wherever you are, I hope you found the help you needed. This story contains INCEST fellatio, MF intercourse, MF sodomy, spanking and mild D/s, and DD/lg. If you don’t enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story. “Welcome to New York. The local time is 6:19 pm. The outside temperature is 78 degrees Fahrenheit.” The announcement woke me from my slumber. I must have been...
Hi Scott here again! It has now been two years since I last even thought of doing anything with another boy! Since my friend Leonard moved away, my mother has remarried and we moved to another house and my aunt moved away too! Actually this is the second time we moved. I now have a new baby brother and a room all to myself on the third floor of our house! I've made a new friend also named Leonard. We have a lot of fun playing in the woods at the end of our street and we also go over to the high...
Gay"Get me a drink bitch" I had just set up my motor home when I heard the voice of my next door neighbour; it wasn't a pleasant request but a snarling demand. I'm Jim Wilson, mid fifties, single and semi-retired. I'd just sold my small engineering business and bought a converted bus with the intent of taking a leisurely tour of Australia. I was towing a trailer with a small four wheel drive vehicle and an aluminium boat inside plus the usual things that went to make life as easy as I could...
Gwen disengaged her mouth from my flaccid penis. "It's no good babe ... it's like flogging a dead horse." Earlier that evening I had lost wood during a session of rumpty pumpty, and Gwen had been forced to give mouth to groin resuscitation to restore my libido, which unfortunately was a wasted effort. This wasn't the first time over the last few days I had failed to give Gwen the shagging she deserved; the shagging she expected and, quite rightly, she got bloody angry when I didn't...
Chloe was the hot little Asian girl who lived right across the hall from me. I met her by happenstance and as luck would have it, she and I hooked up. She was a steamy little sexpot, with a wild streak.Our relationship was easy-going for the most part. We quickly fell into a routine of seeing each other and despite my best efforts to get Chloe to move in with me, she liked the autonomy of having her own apartment.During the day, Chloe worked as a secretary for a property management company....
Office SexThe rain had forced them to abandon the picnic and seek shelter, he grabs her hand and leads her up the grassy path to the church. Pushing open the big oak doors they both enter and look around to see if anyone is about. They look around as they walk down to the front of the church to where the stained glass windows are situated, their eyes taking in the beautiful colours and the biblical scenes they portray. He stands behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, she leans into him and rests...
White furniture is hard to clean, so people often put in place a no shoe policy when using them. Despite having such a policy in the house, Chloe Temple is still reluctant about removing her shoes. Milan tries his best to remind Chloe of the rules, but she is adamant about not removing her shoes. The skinny blonde cutie tells Milan that she is conscious of the smell of her feet. She’s wearing her sneakers all day, so it is possible that her feet are already stinky. The bearded lad...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Wife gets a birthday gift The Gift I tucked the present birthday inside the dresser drawer turned out the bedroom lights except for a single bedside lamp then looked at my watch. Paulene would be home any minute now so I better take my place in our walk in robe. Id been planning this night for several months and I was getting a bit nervous as I looked at my watch again. I heard the car pull up into the garage. This was it. There was no turning back now. My hands were shaking as...
She Gets Him Bi[/u]Part 5John opened his eyes from a very restful night, pulling the covers off of himself. John felt the cool air of the A/C until glide over his naked body. He laid still for a moment to reflect on the recent adventures of himself and his beautiful wife, Tiffany.It had been several months since the Christmas party, and much had changed. Alex, the man who had basically been converting John into a girlfriend, had moved away after accepting a new job in Las Vegas. Tyrone, the man...
‘You’re kidding, right,’ Becky said incredulously to her best friend Dana!?! ‘I’m telling you the truth,’ Dana said with a giggle, ‘just take a look at this,’ as she shoved the tape into the VCR and hit the play button!!! Both girls stared at the screen while waiting for the first images to come to appear, which turned out to be part of a bedroom!!! ‘See,’ Dana whispered, ‘there’s dad, he’s gettin’ into bed!!!’ They watched a little longer and Becky offered, ‘He’s just reading a book, Dana,...
Chapter 1 Here she was yet again, walking through a village in Afghanistan with the Marine unit that she was attached to. She was a navy corpsman and damn proud of it. She also filled the role of the unit’s FET member and also was sort of the unit’s good luck charm. On this morning, they were on a routine patrol when out of nowhere a single shot rang out. Just ahead of her the unit’s commander had just been hit in the neck and she was there in a second. For not only was this the very...
Emma Starletto has never had a dick in her ass before, and she’s in for a surprise. A whole new world of pleasure awaits her, as that monster cock is going to go where nobody else has! After rimming her asshole until it starts to open up, that lucky dude slides his thick rod into that super tight booty. You can tell Emma loves having her asshole stretched out by her hot moaning and the size of the gapes. This hot blonde takes her first ever anal cream pie as well. A new anal princess has just...