LowbornChapter 8 free porn video

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Mindblind stood staring at the wall, fist clenched tight around his sword hilt, and his vision red with rage. He tried to master his emotions, as he'd done all his life, but it was having no effect.

After everything - even killing the last of the assassins - he was no closer to discovering who was really behind it all.

Behind him, Indigo related what he'd learned from the women locked in the back of the establishment. The assassins had stormed their family farmstead, killing every male, and forcing the women to provide cover during the flight from Draxnog's wrath.

Apparently pleased with the convenience, the guildmaster had kept the women in tow. Since then, they had served to slake the carnal lusts of the guild, and provide a concealing front for the murderers by cooking for the eatery.

"There's more than enough here for them to take this place as their own, or pack up and go home without having to worry about coin for a while," Raven said.

"Blood money," Indigo said with disdain.

Raven countered, "You don't think they've given their share to deserve it?"


Voices raised in anger snapped Mindblind from his state of numb rage, and he spun on the open door, sword at the ready.

"Easy," Raven said before darting past Indigo into the hall. Her battle-ready posture immediately dropped, and she chuckled.

"What the hell is it?" Mindblind growled - the first words he'd uttered since finding out that the guildmaster hadn't written down who had hired him.

Raven walked back into the room, still chuckling. "I was wondering what we were going to do with the fat fuck swimming in his own piss out there. Problem solved."

Mindblind finally sheathed his sword and followed Indigo into the hall. The handsome Draxnian muttered something in his own language and froze before Mindblind could see what had caused the commotion.

In the hall, one of the women had retrieved a kitchen knife. Her skill at carving meat and vegetables apparently extended to carving human beings as well. She consoled the youngest woman of the group, bloody knife still in hand. Even though he couldn't understand more than a few words, it was enough for Mindblind to fathom that the fat man had taken the young woman as his own - frequently and violently.

"Tell them this place and everything in it is theirs now, as long as they don't mention that we were here," Raven said.

Indigo nodded and walked toward the women, still looking a little pale.

"Except this, of course," Raven whispered, patting the pocket where she'd stuffed a bag of gemstones. The small, easily concealed sack would have ensured that the guild could quickly relocate and set up shop elsewhere, if necessary. Since they no longer had any use for it, she had appropriated it.

When Mindblind barely reacted, she asked, "You okay?"

"Fine," he growled under his breath.

"You've got to get it together. We need to get back to the Wench. The law is on the take around here, but they can't completely ignore random bodies. The last thing we want to do is be anywhere near when this all starts coming out."

"Seems like the law's fucking corrupt everywhere."

"Everything's corrupt. Rotten to the core. Come on. I need to knock back a few and sleep for a couple days."

Though he nodded as he followed her out, Mindblind doubted that sleep was in his immediate future.

Knocking back a few proved to be a vast understatement. Mindblind was taken aback and more than a little baffled as Raven seemed to toss all caution to the wind. She didn't bother with beer, going straight to whisky in large quantities. Lost in his own chaotic thoughts, he nursed the same flagon the whole time.

At some point, Kayleen had come down and whispered something in Raven's ear, which had the effect of partially sobering her up. She had left without a word - more than a little unsteady on her feet. He knew that he should probably be concerned, but nothing seemed to be able to compete with the red rage slowly boring deeper into his brain.

He had no idea how much time had passed when Kayleen stopped at his table again, though the shorter candle in the middle of the table suggested it had been a while.

"I ... Can I talk to you?"

It took a moment or two for her words to pierce the chaos of anger roiling in his mind, but he finally answered. "What is it?"

"Not here."

Letting out a grunt, he stood, and noticed that the blonde's eyes were red, as if she'd been crying. "Okay, let's get out of here."

She led him back to their room, and he was surprised that Raven wasn't there. As she shut the door behind them, Kayleen said, "She's with her sister. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm really worried."

"Okay, what's wrong?"

She plopped down on a bed and cradled her head in her hand for a moment. "Yani was acting odd. That's why I came to get Raven. She stopped and talked to the innkeeper on the way there and got some sort of potion. After she drank it, Yani fell asleep."

"Probably a good thing."

"That's not the problem, though. Raven was on the verge of passing out too, and she started talking - saying terrible things. She was saying that Yani would be better off dead than mad. There were other things, but I couldn't understand her. I'm not sure she even knew I was there after a while."

"Probably just the booze talking. You know how that is."

"I do, and that's why I'm worried. This is something else. Cerebus, she's hurting. She hides it in the way she acts, but she's in pain. She has been for a very long time. We ... We talked a little at night, and she told me some of the things that have happened to her. I can't imagine how anyone could survive through what she's endured."

"She has, though. Look, she's tough as nails. That ain't all an act. Maybe she plays the part sometimes, but it's who she is. Her sister's getting worse, and maybe she's having trouble dealing with that right now, but she will."

He paused, thinking about the way Raven acted around Kayleen. It made him consider that there might be a soft spot in her iron exterior. "Don't mean that you shouldn't try to talk to her, though. And you can keep an eye on her. If she starts talking that way when she's not boozed up, let me know."

"Are you sure?"

He shrugged. "When can you be sure about what anybody else is thinking? All we can do is the best we can."

"Do you think there's anything that can be done for Yani? If she got better..."

"I don't know. Never seen anything like it. If you can try to watch out for her, that might help. Get her that tea when she needs it."

"She does seem to listen to me a little when one of her spells comes on."

"Good." Though he didn't say anything, his own red rage had dulled as he talked to her. "Think you have a knack for that."

"I'll do my best."

"And we'll both keep an eye on her. Why don't you go to bed? They're probably both out for a while between the booze and whatever Raven gave Yani. Not doing anybody any good if you're dead on your feet."

"I'll go stay with them. I already asked Cammie to switch rooms around. You can have this one to yourself."

"Go on, then."

Kayleen stood up and walked to the door. She paused before opening it, though. "There's more to you than people see, too. There's more to you than you know. You're a good man. Better than most."

He let out a snort. "Don't know about all that."

After she left, Mindblind slipped out of his gear, propping his sword up next to the bed - thinking he should take his own advice. Now that he wasn't overflowing with blind anger, he felt his eyelids getting heavy. He wasn't going to be of much use if he was exhausted, either.

It still took him some time to fall asleep after hitting the rack.

Mindblind's sword swept in great arcs, cutting down all that stood before him. Whole tribes of goblins fell like wheat before the scythe. The blacksmith who had cheated him when purchasing his first sword. Arrogant Reed, calling his mother a whore. They all died in a rending of flesh, crunches of bone, and fountains of blood. Then, a sudden attack.

His fingers dug into Raven's shoulders, shoving her upright with a roar as he tried to sort through the chaotic fusion of reality and dream.

"Easy," she slurred, prying at his fingers.

She was naked, sitting astride his body, but it still took several pounding heartbeats before that registered and he relaxed his grip.

"Much better," she said, reaching for his breeches and ignoring the angry red marks on her shoulders.

The door opened and Kayleen hurried into the room looking bleary-eyed. "What's wrong?"

Raven looked back over her shoulder. "Mmm ... Nuffin'. Get over here, honey."

"Not in the mood," Mindblind growled, pushing her hand away as she tried to expose his manhood and Kayleen closed the door to the room.

"You've got to be kidding me," Raven said, wobbling unsteadily atop him. "Fine. Kay and I can play, then."

The blonde stepped up next to the bed and reached out to caress Raven's shoulder while leaning in to whisper something to her.

Raven snapped in response to the quiet words, "Don't call me that. That's not my name." She tried to slide off her perch atop Mindblind, but her inebriated state made it more of a lurch.

He moved, pulling his legs out from under her, and at the same time, Kayleen slipped into the bed and threw her arms around the dark-haired woman. He could only hear a few words of what the blonde said as she pulled Raven close and held her tight. "It's okay to need..."

"Get off me," Raven protested. She struggled a little, but Kayleen held on strong. "Get ... Get off," the thief repeated, but this time, it trailed off into a sob.

Mindblind watched in stunned amazement as the hard-edged woman melted into Kayleen's embrace, sobbing into the blonde's shoulder. Kay held her, stroking Raven's hair and back, rocking from side to side. After long minutes, Raven's sobs quieted, and Kay guided the other woman to lie down. Mindblind scooted farther onto the opposite side of the bed, giving them room. Once the two women had fully reclined, Kay looked over Raven and gestured with her eyes.

Interpreting the signal as her wanting him to join in the embrace, he shrugged his shoulders and lifted his eyebrows. Kayleen's gaze intensified, and she nodded her head almost imperceptibly.

Tentatively, he rolled onto his side and slipped an arm beneath Kayleen's and around Raven's body. Though he couldn't hear them, he could still feel sobs shaking the thief. He moved closer, letting his body come into contact with hers - more than a little surprised by how good it felt.

Ever so slowly, Raven's sobs stilled, and her breathing slowed. Mindblind had nearly dozed off when he felt the mattress shift. Raven whimpered as Kayleen slipped out of the bed, but Mindblind pulled the dark-haired woman closer, quieting the unconscious protest.

Kay leaned in and whispered into his ear. "Please, just hold her. She needs it, but she's afraid to ask. I need to get back to Yani. Cammie is watching her, but she has ... She has someone waiting."

Mindblind gave a slight nod in response, and then heard Kayleen tiptoe across the floor, followed by the creak of the door opening and closing. Snuggled up next to the thief in a strangely comfortable embrace, he drifted back off to sleep.

This time, no dreams of blood and death haunted his slumber.

Sunlight shining through the window and the heat of the day dragged him back to wakefulness. Raven was lying with her head on his chest, and her expression bore hints of a smile. His arm was asleep from lying beneath her, and he moved, trying to pull it free without waking her up.

"Mmm. Just a minute more," she said in an uncharacteristically soft voice. She raised her shoulder, allowing him to move his arm, which he lifted to stroke her hair, though he could barely feel it through the pins and needles of returning circulation. She moaned again in response.

Sweat was beading on both of their bodies, and kicking away the covers with as little movement as possible did nothing to alleviate it.

Raven sighed, giving in to the inevitable, and braced an arm on the bed to lift up from his chest. Before he could think of anything to say, she leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you."

She sat up and wiped her brow - and then a bead of sweat running between her breasts. She fixed him with a gaze surely meant to be stern, but still shot through with hints of the gentler emotions that had overwhelmed her the night before. "I swear to the gods that if you ever tell anyone about this, I will cut your balls off before I slit your throat."

"Who'd believe me?" he responded, and then chuckled.

"There is that," she said, and flashed him a smile. A second later, she pinched her eyes closed and groaned. "Gods, I feel like I have an army of dwarves marching on my head."

The door creaked as it opened, but only wide enough for Kayleen to peek in. "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Yes, Kay," Raven answered as she moved to lean up against the headboard.

The blonde opened the door a little wider, and then struggled to pull inside a narrow shelf cart. It wouldn't have been difficult if she had fully opened the door, but knowing that Raven was nude, she avoided that. Once the cart was inside, Mindblind could see a pitcher, two cups, and a large ceramic bowl sitting on top. Kayleen also carried a bundle of what looked to be Raven's clothing under her arm.

"So, you're not too mad at me?" Kay asked as she pulled the cart up next to the bed.

"No. Thank you, Kay. But like I told him, if you ever tell a soul..."

The blonde offered a beaming smile. "I won't. I brought some cold water to drink, to help with the hangover, and some to wash with."

"Gods know I need it. I've got rivers of sweat running between my tits and down my back into my ass," Raven said as she levered up from the bed, slipping back into the character with which they were all more familiar.

Kayleen sat the bundle of clothing down on the foot of the bed. "Yani seems better today. I didn't give her as much of the tea, and she's been up and talking. Becky is with her, but I should probably get back."

"Thanks, Kay. I may come see her later," Raven said as she picked up a cloth from within the bowl and squeezed excess water out of it.

"I'll be there if you need me," Kayleen said, and then snuck back out the door while Raven wiped away the sweat on her face.

Raven turned back toward the bed. "I've been thinking that maybe we should buy another wagon."

"Suppose it would be faster if they all could ride," Mindblind agreed, rising from the bed with intentions of pouring a glass of water.

"I had the greasy bastard move the one we have out back. He's got a hidden gate in the wall back there. When we leave out of here, I'd rather not leave by the normal gates if we can avoid it."

Having a little trouble keeping his thoughts focused with Raven standing nude next to him, washing her breasts with the cloth, he said, "Probably a good idea. I guess we should start looking around."

"Fuck that. I'll have Magar send word around to find us one and a horse to pull it - though I'll have to tell him to make sure they just find it and don't pinch it. Last thing we need is a stolen wagon right now. Gave him some of those gems to fence, too. Can probably sell them to anybody in dribs and drabs later, but for now..."

Mindblind downed his cup of water in one long pull. "Roads will probably dry out pretty fast in this furnace. How long do you figure if they do, and it doesn't piss and pour on us?"

"If we leave at daybreak, we can probably make it to Lakenshire by dark."

"So, tomorrow, if we can find a wagon?"

"Tomorrow, whether we find one or not. I don't like hanging around anywhere there are bodies I'm connected to."

It was hard to argue with the wisdom of that.

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mature an daughter next door

When i was growing up,there was only me and my mum ,when i was 15,we moved in the early 80s to rural norfolk,to a small house,which was a bit run down,as were the rest of them in a small row,which seemed to be in the middle of know were,as my mum was skint, seemed the best she could find ,the neighbours were ok,a very old couple on one side,and a single mum,like mine,and her daughter who was my age,and two younger brothers on the other,the daughter was called karen she was,about 5.4ft,brown...

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Fun at the Bank

My name is Angad, I am 18 years old, 5:11 ,Indian guy, dark hair, green eyes, fair and very atheletic. My cock is 6.5/7 inches and relatively thick and this is the story of how I lost my virginity. It happened a couple of months ago, my 1 semester at college had just ended and I had come back to my hometown.I went to the bank one day as I had to withdraw cash and deposit a cheque. There was a long line and I was getting really bored so I started noticing all the people around me. At the...

2 years ago
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Go Get Some A Poem

Just another poem...you don't have to take it to heart, though not a bad idea...Go Get Some.So, you’re looking for another rhyme,Don’t know if I can do it this time,I tried to think of something hot,Something with a lusty plot,Something you can read and wank,But my mind simply came up blank,So instead of reading some dirty poem,While you’re sitting back at home,Take a trip into the city,Where you may find some real kitty,Cause sex isn’t just to read about,It’s something I can’t do without,Cash...

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Whitewash High Ch6

Nik walked through the doors of his home, tossed his bag in the corner, and proceeded to relax on the couch. The game was on and he half watched it as he shifted around, trying to find a comfortable spot from the pain of the knife wound. It dulled down but was still throbbing.“Fuck, this is going to make teaching tomorrow annoying.”He didn’t have to go. People wouldn’t blame him for taking time off after getting stabbed but he wanted to make a point, a statement to the students. Don’t fuck with...

1 year ago
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Not Scrambled Eggs

I don't know what it is about cooking eggs. If I try to cook sunny-side up, the yolks break. If I try to cook a simple fried egg, it disintegrates when I try to flip it. I can't even seem to fold and flip an omelet without making a mess. I'm pretty good at a lot of skills in life, but when it comes to eggs, all I can do is scramble them. If someone wants anything better than that, they better take over the cooking.Of course, I only mention the eggs because the warm body in the bed with me...

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a friend helping a friend

I'm Kala. I'm 18 years old and I'm writing to tell everyone about the most wonderful sexual experience that I have ever had.My best friend name is Amber. We're both 18 years old and just about to graduated high school. Last Friday night was one of those hot muggy nights. Our doorbell ranged at just after midnight. My Mom opened it to find Amber standing there crying. Her "Date" just threw her out of his car. To get through the boring part, she asked to spend the night. That meant she had to...

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My Horny Encounters 8211 Part I

Hey friends!!! i am duggu( my pet name) narrating you this beautiful memory of mine which happened 10 years before…i was the only child my parents had and i was belonging to a wealthy family.my dad was a business tycoon in Mumbai and my mom was a Manager at our own company. mostly i missed my dad so much because he rarely used to come back home because of his meetings and oversea internships. Now let me describe u the most important character of this story ‘My MOM’. She is a fair women,not too...

2 years ago
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Kims Seduction Part one

this is a TOTAL work of fiction. It was inspired by a friend's fantasy. All characters are over 18 Hope you enjoy it as much as Kim The Seduction of KimKim sat in the bar of the hotel. She was sad her husband had not been able to join her on this trip but their work schedules had not allowed it. This conference was worse than all others she had been on as she was not able to get out and enjoy the sites as she usually did. She had been in New York for 3 days had not been out of the hotel and was...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 60 The Cavalry Arrives

The girls and I quickly got to the corridor that led back to the main room. The far door suddenly looked so much further away. Those foreboding doors that our captor's women had jumped me from lay between us and that gateway to the rest of the world. With my speed I could make it, but Chloe, Carrie and Tanya would be left behind. I would trust Chloe to no one, not ever, not again. That same rule wouldn't necessarily apply to the rest of my women, but they would have to convince me to allow...

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Summer Walkabout

As i lay on my bed looking out of the window i counted down the minutes until you arrived. I had the day planned and after being apart in such a long time i had decided to make the most of the short time together. I wanted to take the pure chance that i was about to be given. Loud noises of passing cars flew past the window and i was surprised t notice how unbeliveable hot i had become. i Jumped in to the shower glancing at the time to make sure i didnt miss your arrival. As the water bounced...

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Something Strange in Iowa Part Four

Cain was tired. He had spent most of the night talking to his wife’s young cousin and initiating her sexually. It had been a tremendous night for him and one that he would never forget. Up to this point, he had always been faithful to his wife, Carolyn, and he couldn’t say what had come over him last night. Still, he wouldn’t trade his night with the lovely young Ellie for anything. He hoped that she felt the same way. They had been snowed in to the family church after their annual reunion....

1 year ago
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Im In Love With Twin Vampires Redone

It was a chilly November evening. I walked down the sidewalk of the city streets at twilight, somewhat oblivious to what was going on around me. Frankly, I didn’t care what anyone else was doing. Hell, like there was anything to give a shit about. Life really sucked ass for me. For the past five months, I had been something of an emotional mess. The reason? I had graduated high school back in June. Some of the richer kids had helped throw a graduation night party at their mansion. I had...

2 years ago
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At what age it can be definitely classed as that, is for lawmakers andjudges to decide. UK law is clear but not always a realistic guide. Forreasons of shame or guilt many gay or trans youngsters have found thatcasual sex with much older adults was the only discreet way of exploringtheir own sexuality, before they felt ready to step into the morefamiliar minefield of emotional relationships with people nearer theirown age.An age-limit there must undoubtedly be, and obviously for the...

2 years ago
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Shaved and Snipped Her Big Operation

Shaved and Snipped - Her Big Operation By ladybalddreamzI had met my girlfriend a year before my journey began, she was tall and slim and had black hair to her shoulders and like me shaved her cunt bald. She was dominant and I loved it, she was a doctor who owned a private clinic and loved to 'treat' me, we had discussed ultimate fantasies for a while and then she decided it was time we would live it out. I was so excited it made my 'problem' worse, my clitoris was swollen all the time and...

1 year ago
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Making a SlaveBoyChapter 5 The Party

Three o'clock in the morning and David was sporting the biggest erection of his life. That must have been some dream — if only he could remember it! Something about the party, Jason's party, and Jackie in her skimpy little bikini... his hand started stroking... she was smiling, her hand playing with the strap of her bikini top, teasing him, making out she was about to lower it and uncover herself. She was laughing as he pulled down his trunks... he pumped his hand furiously... She was...

4 years ago
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Nice Time With A Neighbor Woman

(This is also my true experience which happened some 18 years back) I was about 20 then. Our family was living in a small ancestral house, and after partition of property between my father and his brothers we left that house and took residence as a co-tenant in what is known as a storehouse. It is popular in our place and usually found in older part of every city. Let me explain it. It will be one big house with many rooms, enclosed verandahs, walking passage and a court yard in the back....

1 year ago
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HorseplayChapter 6 A Long Saturday

Neil snuck to the shower early on a humid Saturday morning. The girls barely stirred when he extracted himself from the legs, arms and blankets on the not-quite-big-enough mattress. Standing in the warm spray, he was a bit shocked at the night's activities. Just thinking back at some of the images now seared into his mind was enough to arouse him, and he had to fight the urge to either take care of himself or rush back to the cabin for another round. He found Mae awake when he returned. She...

1 year ago
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Ladies Day at the races

The stables are owned by two brothers, Jack and Max, who are multi millionaires. They are both bachelors and are invited to attend the Ladies Day at the races, which is the most prestigious event of the season. However, they have a problem. They are recently divorced and don't have any female companions to accompany them to the event. So, they come up with an idea. They approach two of their apprentice jockeys, Tom and Alex, who like all jockeys are both very small and slim, but these...

2 years ago
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Joans Room Chapters 5 and 6

Chapter 5 One Thing Leads to Another Darla and Aunt Vivian stayed well into the evening. It seemed that Mom and Aunt Viv were establishing a real friendship. I was beyond happy for her. Aunt Alice is a wonderful person, but Mom was definitely in need of a new perspective. I also figured their friendship would benefit me, somehow. I actually found myself asking permission to bring Darla up to my room. Mom looked at me rather strangely when I did so, but gave her nod of approval....

1 year ago
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Sleeping Beauties Chapter Six

Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Six - You didn't accidentally fuck her did you? After his fight with Penelope, Bradley Wilson had gone back to his hotel and had a fitful night's sleep. As directed, he put on his best Brooks Brothers navy-blue suit and crisp white shirt. He wore a blue silk tie and highly polished black shoes. He left the hotel at seven o'clock to make the eight o'clock interview. Even though he was dog-tired he looked good, his toned body filled...

3 years ago
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The motherfuckers Part 2

Carole put on a t-bone steak for her 18 year old son and made herself a piece of halibut. As she sat across from her son, she watched the teenager devour the large piece of red meat. Yes, he is certainly a red blooded young man...Look at that boy tear into that piece of meat! I hope he tears into his horny mommy like that! Her mind started to wander. "MMMM!! Eat all that protein, darling! Make lots and lots of tiny little sperm for your horny mommy!!!"Carole was getting so turned on watching...

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My Fantasy

This is my first attempt at writing, and I am no writer by any means. A fantasy of mine. I just got to your place and walked up to the shop, you are in a housecoat sitting in a chair. I looked down at your legs as I walked in and noticed that you are wearing silky tan nylons. You tell me to strip, I take of my clothes to reveal that I'm wearing black pantyhose You say very nice and tell me to kneel down, once I'm on my knees you open and drop your housecoat to show me what you are wearing. You...

3 years ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 18 A Matter of Trust Epilogue

I heard Jim get up that morning. I waited until he left, and I watched out the window of the spare bedroom as his car left. He looked like shit. Something inside me was happy about that. I managed to extract a little revenge on that pervert. On the other hand, there was another feeling, as if I was almost feeling sorry for him. Me? Feel sorry for Jim the manipulator? That's a laugh! It took me half a dozen trips between Jim's house and my old apartment to bring my shit back. There were...

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Delightfully Evil Part Five

Samantha walked quickly, pulling me along out the door of my cell. I was trying very hard not to fall down, so I didn’t notice the newly placed, wooden crossbar.Shaped like a narrow X, leather restraints for my ankles, no chain, but fastened to bar itself. As I looked up, there were the leather cuffs for my wrists, but the chains were adjustable by winch on either side of the X. I felt another violent tug, Samantha wanted my attention.She slowly rolled up the leash, forcing me closer until...

4 years ago
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Special Valentines Day With Girlfriend

Hi, I am Rohit working in Pune, 25 years of age. I am 6ft tall with athletic built, fair looking and handsome that’s what girls say. This is my personal experience on Valentines Day this year with my gf her name is Pie(Name changed) Let me tell you about her she is 5’3″ tall and very beautiful having a curvacious body with a figure of 32 28 32. She is damn sexy with curves at right places fair in complexion. Her best feature is her lips she has a very kissbale lips , whenever I see her I want...

2 years ago
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White CaptiveChapter 3

There was no sun the next morning, and the low forest mists surrounding the clapboard shack created an air of dismality that seemed to permeate the atmosphere with a heavy cloak of doom. Susan sat huddled before the fire, draped in one of the tattered blankets from the bed upon which she had been so brutally ravished last night. Her body ached horribly in all the tender places the three negroes had so mercilessly pressed their attentions upon. Duke had awakened her early, in the same...

3 years ago
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A college friendOnce

Preface: This will be my first story to write. I have been a longtime observer and have finally gotten the courage to see what you all think of my experiences and the stories that have come from them.The First time I met Alexis was at a Summer camp during my High School days, we became acquaintances during the short time that we were there, I was immediately attracted to her like no other woman I have ever met. Unfortunately there was no contact between us until my Junior year of college, some...

Straight Sex
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I was pretty sore for the remainder of that weekend but it didn't stop me from sucking daddy's cock which I found hard as a rock every morning. I became a natural at it even though I had never sucked a guy's cock before. I have played with a few, rubbing them until they sqiurted their come but the thought of putting it in my mouth was kind of gross. I loved sucking him, squeezing his big fuzzy balls. I couldn't get more than a quarter into my mouth and after a while my jaws started to ache so I...

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Good Girls Arent GayChapter 8 Love Finds a Way

You know how every once in a while a miracle occurs? The next day at work, one happened. I stepped into my office, shocked to see roses on my desk. Figuring Bernard was up to something, I picked up the note. Much to my surprise, the handwriting wasn't Bernard's. While sitting down, I opened the note, without knowing my world would soon change. Jenine, Don't hate me. I'm going to take a chance and tell you something I can't keep secret any longer. Put your coffee down, because you're...

3 years ago
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Preteen Exploration V2

Introduction: This is the edited version – to insert better paragraphs. Enjoy! I was 12, in my first year of secondary school. I was 46, slim build, and twinky look. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and an awakening 5 erect penis I was just figuring out the joys and pleasures it had to offer, the same as every normal boy. I was always quiet, in a family of 8, quiet was the best option I didnt mind I read, listened to music, played Lego, and met up with my best friend Mark. Mark was also twelve, we were...

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Sex Starved Daughter In Law 8211 Part II

I took voluntary retirement at the age of 50 years from Army Service and running a private business at Bhubaneswar in the state of Odisha. I have my 48 year old wife Laxmi, 28year Software Engineer son Ajay, 25year daughter in law Rani and a granddaughter of 2 years. My son works in a reputed IT Company at Bhubaneswar and has been sent to Russia by the Company on a Project work for one year. My DIL also works in a Multi National Company at Bhubaneswar in a non technical post and goes to office...


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