Compound X13.1Chapter 11: Loyalties free porn video

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Kate kept her vigil by Merrill's bedside in silence waiting for the effects to surface, her quick calculations, based on the Pharmokinetic studies suggested the drug would kick in 2 to 4 hours after application of the patch. Allowing for the skin diffusion Kate estimated a further 60 minutes, so applied at lunch, say at 1 O'clock Merrill would be in the clear by six. Give it to eight and she could be certain her friend would be unaffected by the compound. Was that little episode earlier with Nicola an effect of the drug? No, decided Kate smiling to her self - that was just pure Merrill. The time dragged on but eventually the magic hour came, and went. Kate cheered up considerably and slunk away for a quick coffee.

Standing quietly in the canteen she ran the last few days through her mind, she had finally decided. Her CV would go in the post to the agencies tomorrow. The light tap on her shoulder sent Kate in to her customary panic, but swinging around she was pleased to see Merrill standing before her.

"Uh, I feel a bit woozy can you help me to the can K?" Merrill affectionately shortened Kay's name.

"Sure lean on me girl," Kate offered scooting her friend along the darkened corridor.

As Merrill hung on to Kate's shoulder Kate became uncomfortably aware of Merrill's rock hard nipples chaffing her arm.

"Jesus it cold out here" Merrill commented, and it sure was!

Kate breathed a sigh of relief and cuddled her friend a little closer.

Kate got Merrill back to bed and decided to stay on, the girl still looked a little grey to her, but surely that must be the after effects by now, Kate glanced at her watch half past nine. O.K. another four hours and she would have metabolized the drug away, mostly in her urine and as Kate had over-heard in the restroom, plenty of that had already been passed. Two more hours slipped away, intently watching Merrill's covered form closely before Kate finally nodded off her self, listening to Merrill's light snoring. It was several hours later when Kate was roused from slumber by Merrill's soft hand brushing her cheek.

"Kate, hey Kate! Are there any bedpans in this dump?"

"Yep sure, hang on I'll get you one" Kate answered dreamily.

Kate rolled out of the bedside chair, switched on the light and made her way to the cupboard at the back of the room.

"Only paper ones I'm afraid, can you manage with that?"

"Me I can piss in a lager can from ten paces," laughed Merrill.

Kate joined in, relieved to hear her friends sense of humor make a welcome return.

Merrill emptied her bladder for what seemed an age, and when she finally shook the last few drips off her pussy she coughed.

"Damn I needed that"

"Sure sounded that way" Kate replied winking at her friend. Kate went to pick up the potty, god it was full to the brim! "I need to be careful not to spill this" Kate stated.

"No it would be a crime to waste it," replied a smiling Merrill. "Wait what's that, is that normal K?" Merrill asked.

Sudden concern for her friend overcame her natural repugnance and Kate positioned her face a few inches above the surface of the amber liquid, peering in to its depths.


Merrill yelled, and brought her hands firmly down on the back of Kate's neck, Kate put up a tough struggle, but it was an uneven contest. Kate's unbalanced position and Merrill's strength won out. Kate's face plunged into the warm pee; it stung her eyes, and then slipped past her lips and teeth filling her mouth with a sour cocktail.

Same as Compound X13.1
Chapter 11: Loyalties Videos

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Down on the Farm Part 2

This story will make more sense if you read Part 1 first. I didn’t see Jenn any more the rest of that day as she was doing her chores and I was doing mine. The next day I saw her drive out to the field around 8. I’d been two fields away since 6 that morning. I always start early to beat the heat of the day. She wasn’t too far into the field as I drove by about 9:30. She had this really shit-eating grin on her face so I figured it might be redundant to ask how she was but I thought it best to...

3 years ago
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The Curtis Briefs

I’ve worked in multi office buildings, corporate centers, shopping centers, and, in all of them, the security men usually became more interesting and attractive, just because of their uniform. None of them wore the same uniform, so, what is it that makes them sexy?In one of the shopping malls I worked in, I had access to the back areas. The truck docks, the service halls, and the freight elevators that most people who shop, or work there, don’t ever see. They’re bland concrete and raw wall...

4 years ago
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So Fresh So Clean Part 1

Chloe sighed and ran her hands down the front of the new uniform that felt stiff and starched against her skin. Looking in the mirror, she gave herself a quick appraisal: shiny dark locks curled down to her breasts framing her pretty face, her large dark brown eyes and plump lips smiling at what she saw. Black satin ballerina pumps, bright white short socks which reminded her of being in school and stood out against her long, toned caramel legs, up to the almost indecently short skirt of a grey...

4 years ago
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She finds what 11 Means PT3

Jessica could not believe the number of climaxes she had as he pounded her. She seemed to be in a constant state of orgasm. In her ecstasy, she was screaming, "Need your cock! Need your black cock so baaaad!"Even though he was down the hall in the guest room, Jim could hear his wife's rantings, their flesh slapping against each other, the bed banging the wall, Jessica beseeching for more and her shrieking orgasms. Marcus must have been a fuck monster the way he kept going into his wife. He...

2 years ago
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The Bosss Daughter

I was once told that it can be a dangerous thing to try it on with the boss's daughter. Mixing work and pleasure can be as troublesome as it can be rewarding. Turth was I always associated that kind of stuff with high flying executives who had a Ferrari in the car park. I'm nowhere near that kind of life. I'm a security guard who works in the gatehouse at a truck depot. I spend twelve hours a day signing trucks and cars in and out. That was where I met Kirsty, the daughter of the site manager....

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Bus Driver Manaiviyai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyana bus driver manaiviyai oothu ulasamaaga iruntha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar chandru vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Naan theniyil vasithu varugiren, en veedu arugil oru ground irukum angu naan adikadi sendru vilaiyaduven. Antha ground arugil oru veedu irukum, antha veetil oru ilamiayaan thirumnama aana manaivi irunthaargal. Avargal veetil naan adikadi sendru akka kudika thani irunthaal kodungal endru...

2 years ago
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Caught masturbatingPART 3

This is the 3rd part of a story that DEMANDS you read Parts 1 & 2 first:Part 1: 2: you've read may continue...with PART 3:That second night after my wife, Samantha, got home, Tara and I exchanged more than just a few looks. While the three of us were preparing dinner and setting the table, Tara leaned far over the table in her green blouse and stayed there for a...

3 years ago
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Over The Moon

This story may be offensive to some and contains scenes of hardcore sex, incest, and underage sex. Please be warned and do not read on if you are offended by any of these things. Everyone wondered why my best friend’s Dad had married an Asian woman. His son and I were just about to find out. Over the Moon He was the talk of the small village we lived in. The dirty old man, some called him. Others simply referred to him as lucky! Mr Thomas had lost his wife to illness a few...

1 year ago
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Jack and Diane Ch 1921

Jack and Diane Chapter 19. So. One door had closed. I needed a period of reassessment. I no longer had the threat of a prosecution hanging over me. That actually came as a surprise. Up until that moment, it hadn’t occurred to me that I could have been taken to court. That rocked me for a moment. But it was over. I needed to take stock. The first thing I realised was that I was still simply responding to events. I had been so busy juggling everything that I had just gone with the flow. There...

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