MarlaChapter 14 free porn video

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Diesel engines roared, jolting Marla awake. She'd fallen asleep to the music of .22 caliber rifles destroying the undead. The rifles still fired, but the machine guns mounted on the Hummers had joined in. The wide vehicles drove straight into the crowd, loosing short streams of bullets as they went. The sound wasn't like what they'd heard from elsewhere in the city, but had a purposeful, businesslike air to it. As they drove away, the bigger gun echoed authoritatively down the street, drawing the attention of all the dead that could hear it.

"Cease fire, Cease fire." Captain Hansen ordered. "Swap out the suppressors, and only fire at the ghouls if they have spotted us and are within five meters." He moved further to the back of the bus, and his voice lowered, setting the mood for everyone. "Real quiet now, Everything else goes into the truck until it's full. Pass it hand to hand."

Zoe sat in the drivers seat, listening to the radios set up in the front. She shifted from one side to the other, constantly checking the windows, and occasionally turning to stare at Marla. When she did, Marla smiled encouragingly at her.

All of the dead in the parking lot followed the rest of the convoy, Others continued to stream along the road, but by the time the truck was full, the flow had died to a trickle. They passed singly, and in groups of two or three. They'd stopped drifting in from the right as soon as the Hummers rounded the corner. None of them seemed to even look towards the bus, they just kept moving towards what had last captured their attention. Occasionally the big gun fired, just one shot, enough to keep the mob moving. Once, both of them let off several bursts ... Shortly after, they called in. They'd found two survivors, neither one bitten.

The captain came back to the front for the radio call. He arranged to meet up with the others, but the location was in code. 'Point Bravo-Three' could mean anything. He hung the handset up, and patted Zoe's shoulder reassuringly. "You're doing fine, want to go inside and see if we missed anything?" Zoe shook her head, and shuddered. "We're moving out in five minutes." he said. "How about you doctor?"

"No." Marla said, "But if you have something for me to do... ?"

"Just get some rest, we've got a lot for you to do back in town." He moved back to where the kids stood ready with their silenced rifles. "Pair up, you have five minutes to grab anything you think we need back in town. Take a weapon with you." He grabbed four others as they came in and put them in the firing positions and came back up front with Eckert. He sat Eckert down next to Marla and squatted down in the isle next to them. He pitched his voice low so only they could hear. "I'm not going to override a call made by someone in the field, but going into that shoe store was very risky. Think twice before you take a chance like that again."

Eckert closed his hand on Marla's leg possessively. "Yes sir, I sure will." Zoe stared at them, and when Marla looked at her, she turned away, eyes moist.

Neither of the men seemed to notice. "Sergeant, that shoe store, how many pairs of boots were there?"

Eckert thought for a moment, "Had to be at least a hundred." he said. "Probably more in the back and there were gloves too." He lifted Marla's hands to show what he meant.

"Alright, here's what we're going to do. I'll lead a team in to the store, You take command outside. If the situation gets untenable, pass the word. If there isn't time for that, just honk twice and we'll come running. Remember, we need supplies, but the real mission is 'Everyone comes back'."

The door slid shut, and Zoe wrestled the bus around onto the street out front. She pulled carefully through the gap between the cab of the semi and the storefronts, then shut down the engine. The farm truck pulled through behind them, then up next to the bus, blocking passage between the three vehicles.

Eckert took a quick look at the situation, then grabbed two of the boys. "Up on the roof and crawl to the back of the bus. Keep your heads down and don't shoot unless I tell you or they pass that fire hydrant." They scurried up the ladder, and he brought the other two kids up to the front. He untied Marla and and pointed down the street where a half dozen walkers staggered towards the bus. "When they get close, have them shoot, I'm going to watch the back. Ki ... guys, don't shoot unless Dr. Marla tells you to, got it?" The girl was perhaps twelve, and the boy only ten or so, but they nodded gravely and steadied their rifles on the metal, barrels poking through the welded-on chain link fencing where the front right windshield had been.

In the quiet, she clearly heard Eckert order the boys to fire, and two rifles coughed at once. She spared a glance to the rear, and saw the boy she'd examined sleeping on his father's lap. His eyes kept flickering to the open back door and back again. The older man sat on a bench opposite him, jaw clenched. He stared at the drugstore, not seeming to notice anything else. There was no sign of the woman.

The zombies in front of them had noticed the bus all right, but didn't seem to realize there were people in it, yet. Zoe squirmed in her seat, revolver in her hand. Marla leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Everything is going to be fine. Just do your job, you're going to drive us all out of here in a little bit. Remember, you're alive." She nipped Zoe's ear and moved next to the girl in the scout uniform. "What's your name?"

The girl didn't move, all her attention was concentrated on the zombie in her sights. The kid sized bolt action rifles had low power scopes on them as well as iron sights. The scope on her pink rifle was high enough the girl could see over the tube screwed on to the end of the barrel. "Private Stewart ma'am, Becky Stewart."

"You sure you can hit that one Becky?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Do it."

The rifle coughed once and Becky shifted to the next target before the first hit the ground. "Good job. How about you?"

The boy looked up at her with a grin. "Billy Johnson, and I can shoot better than her."

The girl didn't look up. "Can not."

"Can too, want to see?"

Marla smiled at him. "Go ahead, the one on the left." That one dropped with a single shot as well. She had them take turns until all the close ones were gone. There were more, way down the street, but those ones didn't seem to have noticed the bus. Occasionally one of those passing along the cross street heard the persistent cough from the rear of the bus and wandered over to investigate. The kids put them down easily. She'd expected more of them to come from her end of the street.

Zoe watched her furtively, but didn't seem to be afraid anymore. Embarrassed was more like maybe a little angry too, she blushed every time Marla looked her way. Marla laughed to herself. "You're doing great guys. Zoe, take over. I'm going to see how they're doing."

They almost had the store empty, but the dead were closing in. The two kids on top of the bus couldn't keep up with the approaching horde. Their rifles fired five times in as many seconds, but only three of the front rank fell. Accuracy was only part of the problem. These zombies could see the soldiers clearly as they moved in and out of the store. They moved faster than the others and the hunting moans encouraged those behind them. She hurried back and grabbed Becky. The old man glared angrily at her when she passed. Marla ignored him and put the girl in position to shoot out the open door over the heads of the soldiers on the ground behind the bus. Marla pointed to the front of the truck. "They'll have to come around there, or crawl under the truck. Shoot if you see one, don't wait for me to tell you."

The captain came out of the store with a stack of boxes, lifted them into the bus and turned to face the oncoming dead. "Mckay, Johnson, see if the keys are in that truck. Can you drive it?"

"I can sir." Eckert said from his position on top of the bus.

Captain Hansen looked up. "Good man, go with them. If you can get it started, follow us. Use channel five for commo."

Eckert hurried down the ladder on the back and dropped to the ground in a crouch. The younger boy, Jeremy, checked under the truck while Alex covered him, then they changed position and Alex opened the door. Alex turned around and gave a thumbs up "Keys are in it."

Eckert climbed into the cab and she lost sight of him. The truck whined, but didn't start. The captain climbed the outside ladder to the roof, and Private Jenny made sure everyone else got in before climbing in herself. She stood by the door, ready to shut it.

The cough of Becky's rifle came as a surprise. The girl worked the action and fired again dropping a second one right in front of the semi. The Semi whined a third time, weaker than before, but this time it growled to life, belching black smoke from its exhaust. The boys on the roof dropped two more, and Billy's rifle coughed up front. Marla was sure he'd dropped one as well.

Eckert revved the engine then hopped out on the running board and helped the other two in. The gears of the semi ground together briefly then it lurched into motion with a squeal of tearing metal. The cop car crashed to the ground, back on its wheels as the truck pulled forward, then Eckert muscled the wheel around, bumping the big front tire up on the sidewalk as he turned away from the other vehicles. The big rig roared away from them and turned the corner headed towards the car dealership. The sound got the attention of the zombies and most of them hurried after it as best they could.

Jenny slid the door shut, then hauled up the plywood so it wouldn't drag. Marla followed the captain back to the front of the bus as it roared to life. The old man grabbed his arm and pointed to Marla. "How come she isn't tied up? You made my wife stay behind because she wouldn't let you do it to her, but this, this ... person gets to walk around loose?"

Captain Hansen shook him loose. "Go on up front Doctor." He pushed the old man back into his seat. "The doctor was doing a job and has no symptoms. Your wife is infected and lied about it. Thats why."

The boys slid down the inside ladder and hurried to their places. Billy's rifle coughed again. Another zombie collapsed on the road. Zoe's knuckles were white from clenching the steering wheel. "Relax Zoe," Marla whispered "just drive. Enjoy the road, the roar of the engine. You're in control of tons of metal moving much faster than you can run. Doesn't it make you feel alive?"

Zoe gave her a weak smile. "Yeah, but ... I'm terrified."

"So am I, isn't it great? Doesn't it make your heart pound? Can't you feel the blood rush through your veins?"

Zoe shifted into gear, leg stretched out to push the clutch. "You're not going to bite me again are you?"

Marla moved her mouth right next to the smaller womans ear. Zoe's hair smelled like shampoo. "Only if I think you need to be reminded that you're still alive ... or if you really want me to."

A warm hand came down on her shoulder. "Doctor," Captain Hansen said "we're moving out, sit down and I'll be with you shortly." He grabbed the metal bar by the windshield and squatted down next to Zoe. "Head north, up this street to the next major intersection, there should be a stoplight, and turn left. Then bring it up to thirty, or if you feel safe doing it thirty-five, but no faster. Don't be afraid to slow down if you need to and stay as far away from any wrecks as you can."

He came back and sat next to Marla. "Doctor, you did the right thing pulling Becky back to the rear. Don't take this the wrong way, but I do need to restrain you."

Marla laughed. He looked into her eyes, searching. "It's ok captain, really. I'm kind of used to it now. Go ahead." she handed him the cord and leaned forward so he could attach it to the collar.

He looked at her with knowing eyes. "I can guess what happened to you from the little Sergeant Eckert put in his reports. If you need to talk it out with someone, I think First Sergeant Corbett is the right woman to help you."

Marla giggled. "I'll talk to her if you like, but I'm alive. People care what happens to me, and I don't have to be alone ever again." He didn't look convinced. "Look captain, you care. You care about everyone on this bus, even that nasty old man. These kids ... they care too. I know I'm ... It's like part of me broke inside, but Eckert put me back together again. I don't know how, and I don't really care. I'm ... different than I was two weeks ago, changed, but this me ... the new me ... None of this," she spread her cuffed hands wide and pointed to the dead city around them. "None of this bothers me anymore. I can live this life. I'm happy just to be alive, grateful for each new breath. Everything is for the best, in this the best of all possible worlds. I thought that was idiotic, but I understand it now. This..." She gestured school playground as they passed. A pack of zombie children pushed at the low fence, trying to follow the bus. "This is the best world of all, because it's the only one we have." She shrugged and looked into his eyes. "You're going to get a lot of people with problems, some of them real bad off. Don't worry about me. I may be damaged, but I'm functional."

He nodded slowly, eyes distant. Whatever he was going to say was interrupted by the crackle of a radio. They had the radio working in the truck. The captain called the Hum-Vees and arranged to meet them at a code named point. He diverted the little convoy north along wide streets where they could move faster. They were doing nearly fifty along a nearly deserted five lane road. They passed business parks and skirted a hospital. When they passed it, Marla saw dead in many of the windows, pressed against the glass watching them hungrily. She shivered thinking what would have happened if she had been at work. Was anyone who worked in any hospital still alive?

Billy came up from the back. "The truck's stopping." Marla looked, it had fallen far behind. It swerved into a zombie and then away, stopping about twenty yards past it. The bark of Eckert's rifle was audible over the bus engine.

Jeremy called in on the radio. "We'll catch up, Sergeant Eckert spotted something we need." He was tiny in the distance as he swung down from the cab and ran back to the broken corpse.

Captain Hansen took the handset from Jenny. "When he gets back, tell him to call in first before stopping, and explain to him the two man rule." He gave the handset back and moved up next to Zoe. "Slow it down to twenty until they catch up." She nodded and let the bus coast for a long time, then cruised while they waited.

The truck caught up to them about three blocks later. Eckert flashed his lights and called over the radio. "Six-Actual this is Two-Three. I have a bundle ready for transfer. Just stop when ready and we'll pass it over."

The transfer took only seconds. From the passenger window of the truck through the side emergency exit of the bus and run up to Marla by Billy. "They said this is all for you, Doctor Marla." He told her as he plopped the black leather bundle into her lap.

Same as Marla
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"Bullshit," Dan said, waving the phone out of his face and taking another bite of his square pizza. The crowded cafeteria created an insulating din of noise around them. "No, I'm serious," Charlie said. "Look at this." He clicked buttons with practiced fury as he navigated to saved multimedia messages. A photo appeared, slightly blurry, of a pale nipple. Serious now, Dan leaned closer and took the phone, studying the picture. It was too close to tell who the nipple belonged to, but...

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Mom and the Dirty Optometrist Part 2

A couple of years later, this incident happened.I used to go shopping with my stepmother who I called Mum, as she needed help to carry the bags, as the shopping centre was only a short walk away and Mum saw no need for the car. One day, before shopping, she came downstairs all dressed up, in a black leather miniskirt and flimsy blouse, her hair newly done and wearing the black leather thong sandals I'd just bought her for her Birthday. Her toes were newly painted all tarty red, and she wore an...

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The Perfect Family Imperfect Desires Ch 1

The middle aged man sat alone on his bed. Frustrated. Not getting enough from his wife of twenty plus years, but getting too much work at his job. He worked early mornings through to afternoons or even sundown, at times. With what little time he did have to relax, he spent making repairs to the family house and whatnot. And when the family had a holiday (which would come around 3-4 times a year), he was lucky enough to be the one who would fork out the money. Yes, Steve was a giver. His...

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I Sissy

I, Sissy By Cassandra Morgan The late-night glow of the computer screen was the only sign of life in the house. Molly had long since gone to bed, alone. It was 3 a.m. Casey Matthews knew he should get to sleep. But he wanted to read one more fiction, get to one more situation, feel the stirrings from one more author. This was story time for Casey. His hand dropped and rubbed himself, just for a minute. He wasn't going to masturbate, not with Molly in the next room. But shifting...

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Next doors not so little girl part 3

“Are you Harry”? She demanded angrily. A bit hesitant I confirmed I was She turned to Kat and said sternly, “Right you get home NOW, I’ll deal with you later”. Turning to me she said snappily “I want to talk with you so I suggest we go in” A little taken aback agreed and showed her in to my lounge/dinner. She stood in the middle of the room looking around. “I’m Lisa, Kat’s mum as if you couldn’t guess” “What’s this about”? I asked nervously, unsure what Kat had been telling...

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A New BeginningChapter 7 Moms naughty side

"I can't believe you actually talked me into doing this," she said as she hurriedly removed her clothes. I had actually known her answer even before she had pointed towards the door. I had seen the look in her eyes. The same one I had seen so many times in the photos. The thing about mom, was that she was so much like me whether she'd freely admit it or not. Once she was truly aroused, she was willing to do just about anything, at least once. So maybe this was that once. And maybe she'd...

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Rainy Interlude

Walking home, engrossed in each other, as they had been, the onset of the summer rain shower caught them by surprise. Gentle at first they hadn't bothered to hurry, then the clap of thunder announced a new intensity. Still holding hands had they been younger they might have broken into a run. Given their age they just ended up wet! Turning up the path of their secluded holiday cottage on the edge of the coast they ambled round the back onto the outside, covered, veranda. They dripped as they...

3 years ago
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Initiation by loyalsock

"Come with me, Kiki," and be quick about it." "Yes, ma'am," the shy eighteen year old Japanese girl replied softly. Melinda Clanton opened the door of her chauffeur driven Lincoln and waited impatiently for the young Asian to climb inside. Once on their way Melinda scolded, "You seem to be preoccupied, dear, let's not make it a habit." "I'm sorry, ma'am," Kiki replied, "I guess I'm just a little nervous, that's all." "Howard, stop the car!!!" she snapped to her driver. Once stopped Melinda...

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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 03

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 03 BASED ON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle EDITOR: Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘The characters of Sean and Tessa are obviously based on two fellow Literotica writers, Sean Renaud and Tessa Alexander. Though they are not a couple in real life, nor have they ever met, they made a hell...

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RawAttack Riley Reid Porn Legend Riley Reid Gets Her Hairy Pussy Pounded

Riley Reid is here and she looks incredible. This petite XXX legend shows why she is one of the most popular girls to ever do this. I must admit I was a bit nervous, but could not pass up on the chance to pound her incredible pussy and load on her face. This incredible slut has an upbeat personality and a pussy so tight you wouldn’t believe. Riley has a perfect tiny body with a big ass and mesmerizing green eyes, she’s a really cock-hungry, first I wanted to have a little chat with her ’cause I...

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EIGHT by Jodi Master Nathan (known in normal life as Nate Cline) walked into the club, nodding at the bouncer Mike as he entered hid second home. He looked around and smiled as he saw the women and men, some holding a leash and the rest standing hooked to one. The smells assaulted his senses as he took in the heady mix of leather, latex, sweat, perfume and smoke and he headed for his booth. He sat as a waitress, her eyes never meeting his as she...

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The Perks of Military Command Part II

As the commander over an Army training cadre, an assignment I didn’t want or seek, I had to deal with a host of disciplinary issues from time to time. I had to be fair in the administering of military justice and insure our main goal of teamwork and producing a well trained soldier remained centrist to everything we did. After disciplining two female recruits that had been caught in bed together--something for which either could have been easily discharged, I had struck up a special...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 6 Watching Her Get Her First Cock

Introduction: I finally get to watch her take another cock inside of her. Sharing Cindy Chapter 6 After our experience with Ron watching us have sex, Cindy and I were more open about our fantasies and desires. I admitted to her how turned on I was when I thought of her actually doing something sexual with another guy. She told me that she sometimes thought about what other guys would be like in bed. It seemed as if we may have been a match made in heaven. We used the incident with Ron to fuel...

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A Cougars Story

After my indiscretion with Bob that Oktoberfest weekend, Jim and I's sexual activity increased considerably, mostly if the truth be told, because of my initiating 'fooling around'.There was no doubt about it anymore, at least for me, that the night with Bob had reawakened a part of me that wouldn't go back to sleep. One evening, after Jim and I had finished a very delightful 69 session, I lay with my head on his thigh, enjoying the cleaning I was doing of Jim's cock after he had climaxed.He had...

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Sister Sister Sister Part 5

Sister, Sister, Sister - Part 5 By Missy Crystal As I tagged along with Beth and her friends, I thought to myself that at least they never saw me as a boy. That was an improvement over running into Mrs. Johnson earlier. Cindy's house was about five minutes from the park. As we walked along, the girls chatted about school and clothes and dates. I knew Beth didn't have a boy friend and I don't think she ever went out on a real date. The way Crissy and Dee talked, they seemed to have...

1 year ago
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Fucked by the football team

I’m nervous, but excited as all hell. The day is finally here! I’m in the hallway, under the bright lights. The passage echoes distant movements, smells of testosterone and sweat. There’s a laminated ‘Access all areas’ pass around my neck. I twist the little string lanyard this way and that, my fingers giving away my jitters as I wait for my older sister. I owe her big time. Ginny works for my favourite football team, in the marketing department. She has ensured that I was ‘lucky’ enough to...

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Natasha teaches a piss slut to dance Will Adams Natasha Natoli was very pleased with her previous 's fun at The Litter Box(see Natasha part 1). In only a few hours, had moved quickly to reach her dreamof using an older bitch as a . she lounged around her house in her bedroom the next day, she was sated,but already thinking about what to do next. She decided head out Saturday nightto the same bar of her previous evening's . But that afternoon, she receiveda phone call from Alice Burns, had been...

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To Be King

Valgroth The world sees Alphas as being the dominating class. They aren't first rate citizens, but it would bode well for all parties involved to not mess with them or their loved ones. This is why we put in place different districts of spirituality throughout our kingdom. The northern district is governed by the priest and second son, Javex, who taps into the earthen element and grounds all alphas within his domain spiritually. He is said to be an Alpha of considerable strength despite is...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 6 May You Live in Interesting Times

March 7th, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “I don’t THINK so!” Jessica laughed when Kara told her about Penny’s request. “Why not?” Kara asked. “It’s not like they haven’t been together before.” “That’s true,” Jessica replied. “But Steve’s little friend has designs beyond just getting herself screwed silly. And that’s a big red flag.” “Not to mention the fact that she works for my company,” I said. “So you didn’t put her up to this?” Jessica asked. I chuckled, “No way. I’ve known that Penny...

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The Result of Technology

The interesting thing about a story it can begin in a number of ways, some with just a few lines of conversation or in the case of Harry's adventure, a few lines of modern technology. He had recently upgraded his computer and with that he had also to arrange with his supplier to re-establish his e mail communication. It was after the committee meeting of the organization he belonged to that he was asked by a female member if she could send him some reports by e mail as he had told the...

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Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

I took the call a little after midnight, and yes, it was a dark and stormy night, but I guess in my line of work they usually are — in one way or another. Dispatch called just as I ran across an ex-wife in a bad dream, but the sleepy voice on the other end of the line had no way of knowing that, and even if she had, there wasn’t a damn thing either of us could have done about it. Sometimes late night calls are just the luck of the draw, some nights you end up in the wrong place at the right...

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1993Chapter 5 Vacation is over

No matter how I tried, I could not find out what Mrs. Collingsworth had meant when she asked when I was going to receive my reward. She'd made it sound mysterious, and Suzanne did nothing to clear it up for me. "I don't know. It must be something the investors are planning." Wanda, whose mother was one of the investors, claimed she didn't know anything either. "Don't you think I'd tell you if I knew something, Sammy? My mother never talks to me about what is discussed at those...

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Hidden Magic Ch 03

Hers had been a restless night, filled with fitful tossing and turning. Her naked body lay tangled in knotted sheets, the light coverlet long since relegated to the bare floor. Dawn’s pale light peeked meekly over the horizon, filling her tiny room with a hint of morning’s glow. Staring blankly at the ceiling, she lay nearly motionless, drawing in slow, deep breaths as she attempted to clear her troubled mind, reeling from the previous days events and thoughts of what was to come. It was to...

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Awakenings Ch 48

The following morning was Friday, a workday for Abby and Jeanne. They were both up at six. While I didn't have to go to work I still got up with them.Abby had come prepared with an overnight bag so she could go straight into the office with Jeanne without having to stop at her house.Abby and Jeanne both dressed in what they called business slut, slacks tailored to be tight in the rear, daringly low cut ruffled blouses worn over skimpy lace brassieres and two inch heels. The lower heels were a...

4 years ago
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Unsatisfied Goddess

Hi Guys n Girls n especially to the mature women’s at ISS. This is a real story which actually happened with me. 3 years before we just shifted to our new flat at Thane, and we just settled that the Navratri festival came in. Our Society had organized a nine day dandiya night. I went on the last day and was enjoying the society members dancing suddenly I noticed a girl dancing in full rhythm and enjoying herself, she had a sexy figure, juicy boobs with cleavage exposed due to the Garba costume...

2 years ago
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Walked in on my Uncles

About 10 years ago I was home alone with my twin uncles.  They are my uncles by marriage so we are about 3 years apart.  We have always watched porno’s together and have masturbated in the same room before, but that was the extent of any sexual behaviors we have ever had together.  One Monday morning I awoke to loud moaning coming from downstairs.  My room was positioned directly above the TV room so I heard everything that went on down there.  I figured my uncles were watching pornos without...

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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 31

(On the trail from Portland to Seattle – A Tale of Two Cities) There were two strong visual impressions that struck me on this leg of my journey back in time. The first was of the heavy imprint of the railroads on the development of the northwest corner of the lower forty-eight. Back on the east coast on the sweltering summer streets of New York City, I had visualized the Great Pacific Northwest as being a vast wilderness with precious few people and dangers that matched the risks...

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Patchwork People Chapter II The Good Man Hard to Find

II. The good man hard to find. Marcia was soaping the morning coffee carafes in the back room when she heard the jangle of the bells and Walt's cheery "hello." She smiled as she continued to scrub away at the indestructible orange ring at the bottom of the pot, listening to the flirtatious interplay between Walt and Grace, as regular and satisfying as a ritual. At last, Marcia dried her hands on the dish towel. She poked her head around the corner to say "hi." "Hey there," Walt...

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Adams Gangbang Birthday Surprise

If you want to read in detail what happened before this story, check my profile. Sort by date to get the right sequence. The stories involve me and my husband. We just moved into our own small bungalow in this small town. Just enough room for us two. Since we won't have any kids, we decided to have one room as a home gym. Working out is a big part of our lives. I am Mike, 35, lean build with a 7 inch cock.. My Husband, Taylor, 28 but looks so much younger, hot body with a 8 inch dick and...

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