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After perhaps eight shots, Patrick began yelling over the whooping and horn blasts of the car alarm, "Two shooters! Two shooters! Stay down! Stay down!" The sound of Patrick's voice caused Dex to turn his head to watch the action. As Patrick reached the trees, Randy yelled out "Gun! Gun!" again. In silhouette, Dex saw Patrick raise his gun with both hands and there were three more quick reports.
After Randy's yell and the last three shots, Jeanette screamed, which turned out to be the only sound any of the women made until it was over. Apparently hearing his wife, Patrick bellowed out "We're OK! We're OK! We're OK!" There followed twenty or thirty seconds of silence, then Randy called out "It's over! You can get up!"
The owner of the shrieking SUV must have been waiting at the door for an all clear, because he dashed out with his fob and brought a merciful end to the clamor. He stood looking in dismay at the two windows that had been taken out by Alex's stray shot.
Out at the tree line, Randy was gaping at the two bodies in front of him. "Holy Shit, L.T.! That was some shooting!"
"All those years! All that practice! I never even broke leather when I was on patrol," Patrick said in obvious disbelief.
"Well, it sure came back when you needed it," Randy said, still shaking his head.
"Makes all that work more than worth it, I'll tell you!"
"Uh, Patrick, I'm not sure if that second fucker was really going for his gun or just reaching for help," Randy said almost apologetically.
"Wouldn't have mattered! I was ready to shoot on any movement. He comes for my family, he gets no mercy." They stepped gingerly around the body for another minute, then Patrick observed "Damn! This guy's dressed like he was going to a board meeting!"
"I'll be damned! That's Alex Kolchek you just wasted. What in the Hell... ? My friend, I am afraid you and me are going to be sitting across from a lot of suits and badges for a long time on this one!"
"Just glad I don't have to do the paperwork," Patrick quipped, and they both laughed. "Say, Son, you've got some balls charging at these guys like that!"
"I hate being a sitting duck. If some guy wants to waste me, I want to make sure he's a damned fine shooter." This produced an even louder laugh from the two.
Jeanette was on her feet, but badly shaken. "H... h... how can they laugh at this?" she almost sobbed.
Dex was at her side in a flash. "Jeanette, if Patrick couldn't laugh, he would have a severe case of the shakes right now. It's a tension release. A hug from you would be another great tension release - go to him!"
The words were barely out of Dex's mouth when Elise let out a shriek. "Oh, God! Dex! No!" With that, she fainted and crumpled in a heap.
"What the..." Dex started to say as he spun back toward her. He scooped her up off the gravel and held her across both arms with her head on his shoulder.
"I think I see the problem, Buddy. You've got blood on your back," Tim told him. Dex then remembered the stinging sensation after the first gunshot. They later deduced that a bullet had hit the gravel not far behind Dex, smashing a stone and sending three shards into his back. Two of them had gone in quite deep, and produced enough blood to give Elise her scare when Dex turned away from her.
Dex told Megan which pocket he kept his keys in, and had her fish them out. Tim took them and opened the Jeep so Dex could set Elise down on the seat. He knelt on the running board beside her until she revived, then reassured her that he was all right. She went from relief that he was OK to embarrassment at her overreaction to renewed shock as she remembered what had happened.
By that time, all the players, refs and spectators from the current game were either out in the lot or looking out through the doors. Randy's earlier police training returned to him, and he and Patrick set about cordoning off the scene, including where Dex, Tim, and the women had gone to the ground, and the spot where the bullet had hit the ground behind Dex.
With action of any kind finally stopped, shock set in on all of them. Apparently, someone in the gym had called 911, because within three minutes, the first siren came screaming up the street. Before ten minutes had passed, there were five squads and a paramedic truck in the lot. The coroner's wagon took almost thirty minutes to appear.
Over his objections, the paramedics decided Dex needed attention first, and they ended up stitching one of his wounds. The women had cuts and scratches from the gravel, and there were three pairs of slacks that would have to be replaced. The elbows on a couple of nice jackets took a beating, also.
Back in cop mode, Patrick had taken off his holster, ejected the clip from his automatic, and wrapped the strap around it all. He carefully handed it to the first officer to arrive on the scene.
Over the next hour, the parking lot and adjoining street filled up, as everyone up to and including the chief put in an appearance. The FBI was not at all happy that it took a half hour for anyone to think of calling them. They made up for it with even more than their usual attitude when the three agents got there.
The inspiration to call Marty had hit Dex as they were working on his back, and she and Nichole arrived almost together. Marty huddled with both Patrick and Randy, and was retained to represent both of them temporarily. No one had yet commandeered cell phones, so Dex called the house to give them a brief rundown, then he called Carl.
Marty heard that no one had eaten, and went to the nearest fast food and brought back several bags which were emptied in record time.
The bugging of Craig's home and office was not legal, nor was the tracking beacon in his car. Because of Megan's legitimate residency, the house wasn't much of an issue. The existence of the other electronics was best not revealed, however. The knowledge of Craig's hidden assets the team had gained was certainly not to be divulged to the authorities.
Carl was adamant that Megan should spend the night in the house as if she lived there. He also wanted to be there himself to retrieve any important documents that would help with appropriating the assets. He was certain there would be a warrant to search the house by morning. The idea of returning to the house did not go over well with Megan until her parents and Tim all agreed to stay with her.
It was a foregone conclusion that Patrick would be very, very late getting home. For some reason, the Police chose to classify Randy as a combatant, as well, and he also had to stay. The others were allowed to go after an hour and a half, with appointments for interviews the next day. Even the people who were inside at the time had been forced to remain until identification and statements were completed.
Tim brought Megan and Jeanette back to Dex's to get what they needed for the night. Jeanette optimistically took Patrick's things, too. Morgan spent a few minutes talking quietly with Elise, and Elise could be heard ordering her to go with her mother. Obviously concerned about her friend, Morgan was even more worried about her mother, and hurriedly packed a few things.
When the Shaughnessy women had left with Tim, only Dex, Elise, Sandra, Eric, Kendra, and Harv were left in the house. Harv had come over for protection when Dex and Patrick had both gone off to the game, or at least that was the cover story.
Elise was obviously very troubled. Morgan had been her caregiver so far, but she was not there. Dex, more than a little shaky himself, knew he had to provide the strength for her. He took her hand and led her toward her room, but halfway down the hall, she stopped him. Lip quivering and unable to look him in the face, she asked "Dex, is that invitation still good?"
"To sleep in your bed?"
"Absolutely! But are you ready?"
"I don't know! But if you want me, I'm not spending another night away from where I want to be. Especially not tonight. Wait for me just a minute." In a remarkably short time, Elise came out in her robe and took Dex's hand.
In Dex's room, Elise was very tense, but she also seemed relieved. She used the bathroom first, and when Dex came out, she was under the covers. When he slid in to join her, he was rudely reminded of his wounds. It did not seem likely he would enjoy his usual face-up sleeping position that night. Turning on his side to face her, he said "Elise, there are so many things I want to say to you, I hardly know where to start."
"That was going to be my line, Dex."
"First of all, it was incredibly brave the way you tackled Megan. You moved even faster than I could." Elise was silent for a long time. Dex did not know if she was embarrassed by the compliment, or what the problem was. Eventually, she spoke softly.
"My first year with the County, I had been working with one abused young mother for weeks. I tried again and again to get her to leave, but she couldn't do it. I pled with her to call 911 if things got bad again. She didn't. Her husband shot and killed her and the baby."
"About a year ago, I got a woman out and helped her find a lawyer, get an order for support, and everything. Despite all of my pleading, she went back. He shot her to death. I think that's when I started going downhill."
"Dex, I don't know if you can understand this, but I couldn't let it happen again. If it was me that died instead, that would be better. I couldn't live with another of my women dying like that."
Understand it? He had lived it! She had played back to him his own thoughts as he lunged to cover Megan! He was too stunned to breath. His whole life, smart people had told him that he was not the only one who suffered from guilt and fear; that his guilt was unreasonable, irrational. No matter what they said, he had felt isolated, forced to deal with it by himself.
In a few sentences, everything changed. No illusion of isolation could exist any longer. He was not alone. He had seen a picture of his own soul in that of the woman he loved. Yes, loved. The last possible doubt had been swept away.
Elise lay on her back. Dex leaned over and kissed her very softly on her lips. "I love you, Elise!"
"Oh, Dex! Do you mean that? I... I couldn't stand it if you didn't!"
"Yes, Elise, I mean it. I think I have loved you for a long time, but never let myself think about it or admit it."
"Y... you know I love you, Dex. With all my heart. I had lost any hope that you felt the same way. Wh... why tonight?"
"What you just told me," Dex answered. "Those were my exact thoughts as I tried to cover Megan. I would rather die myself because I couldn't stand the guilt if she did. Ever since my mother died, I have felt guilt - I should have been able to stop it. I was supposed to be protecting her, and I couldn't."
"Elise, my first thought was that you were wrong to feel that way. Those other deaths weren't your fault. You shouldn't feel guilty because you couldn't stop them. Then it hit me - if you were wrong to feel that way, so was I. All these years I have been wrong. I just could not see the truth until I saw myself in you."
"Besides all the other wonderful things about you, Elise, you can understand me in a way no one else ever could, and maybe I can understand you that way, too. I think Morgan saw that right away."
Elise looked at Dex with wide, moist eyes for long moments before she spoke. "Tonight, on the ground in the parking lot, you held me. Death was very near, but I felt safer than ever in my memory. I had the overwhelming feeling I was where I belonged. Dex, hold me!"
"Will you be OK?"
"If I shake, just hold me until I stop. Don't let go!" Almost awkwardly, she turned to face Dex and pulled herself tight against him. She had put her arm around his back, touching one of his wounds, but there was no way he was going to let her know she had hurt him. Hopefully, she would read his flinch as a sign of emotion.
Dex carefully slipped his lower arm under her and hugged her tightly with both arms. Her breath became ragged, and the shakes started, but she tightened her own grip. He spoke soothingly to her, but still she quivered, and he feared she would hyper-ventilate.
Music was not one of Dex's strengths. He had better than average appreciation and recognition, but no performance skill. For some unknown reason, he started humming one of Jenny's old songs. Whether Elise could recognize the tune or not, the act itself had a rapid calming effect. Within a few phrases, her breath steadied, and after a few more, the shivering stopped. As she finally became still, the tension seemed to drain out of both of them.
When the tension and Elise's fear were gone, neither of them had anything left. Dex's humming petered out in the middle of a line, but she was not even awake to know it. This was the perfect time for a dramatic first coupling, but the shootout had ensured that it was not going to happen right then.
It was probably fitting that Dex's declaration of love was not immediately consummated with sex. The last few days of their relationship had not been centered around sexual attraction, after all. Elise's distress, Dex's concern, and Morgan's perceptivity and her self-sacrifice had been the triggers that brought them together.
There was no doubt about the sexual attraction between them. From Elise's end, it went back years. For Dex, the attraction to Elise had seemed to unfold hour by hour over the their last few days of constant togetherness. Elise, like Megan, had the tall, trim, athletic body that Dex preferred over all the others that he loved so much. Over all the years of his working partnership with Elise, he had avoided noticing all the lovely little features that now seemed to be assaulting him constantly.
Sex would most certainly happen, but it could wait. For the moment, the simple fact of being together and of sharing in common something so central to each of their psyches was more than enough. It was more than just sleep. It was shared renewal.
Some hours later, Dex awoke. They had drifted off with the reading lamp still on, and his face was inches from his love's. He lay there looking at her, his mind, now somewhat refreshed, racing back over the incredible last two weeks.
He had done it! He had rescued Megan, and now she was free. Not only free, but headed for the kind of life that had eluded her before. But he hadn't done it alone. He had not been the one to kill Megan's monster. He had not been the only one to protect her when the shooting started. Others had played key roles in her liberation, and it did not diminish his satisfaction!
The idea that a team of people had effected Megan's freedom should not have been hard for Dex to grasp. After all, in basketball, he had always been the consummate team player. With the women, however, he had always felt a unique responsibility, not shared with anyone, driven buy his guilt. His look into Elise's soul had shattered that sense of isolation and uniqueness.
When Dex thought of the six other abused women that had moved through his life since Megan's rescue, there was another revelation. Morgan had been the driving force in turning their lives around. Certainly, he had contributed in some key ways, but she was the leader of the team. He felt no loss of satisfaction over the results just because he wasn't doing it all. In fact, he felt ashamed that it had taken him so long to appreciate the need for a team effort.
Two weeks! In the clarity of the wee hours, and with the new insights into himself, he could see the events of the last two weeks chipping away at the life he had carefully constructed over the twelve years since Connie's death. He suddenly understood the concern for him that he always saw on the faces of his loved ones. He had regarded those looks with bemusement, and sometimes with irritation. Now he understood them. They were right to be concerned, and his heart swelled at the evidence of their love for him.
What had really happened in those two weeks? As he was acutely aware from her gentle breath against his face, he had found his soul mate, the true love of his life. He knew that with absolute certainty. But he knew it was even more than that. He saw the faces of Megan, Kirstin, Sandra, Carol, Teri, Kendra, and Sonja. The stream of faces didn't stop, and he saw others, as yet without names. He knew what the faces meant. He was redeeming himself, face by face, life by life,...
Author's notes: So this is my first story, please forgive me for my horrible writing, spelling, word choice and everything. And also I have no clue what some of the settings I chose were like "chapters can have conditions" like I have no clue. So wish me luck. Don't be to harsh on me for this story it's my first. Give me all the feedback you can please about everything, whether it be plot, characters, writing style, spelling/grammar I would love any feedback thank you Also I'm typing on a phone...
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“We can’t get her to talk,” Boyd sighed, Lorza closing the interrogation room’s door behind him as she followed him out. Moralez was waiting for them in the corridor outside, looking up from his tablet computer as they emerged. “She’s as stubborn as a mule, won’t give us the time of day, let alone a confession.” “She continues to insist that she had no part in the attack,” Lorza added, “and she demands that her right to diplomatic immunity be respected. I fear that we will be forced to...
As the end of my first year at the university was nearing an end, I was trying to find an apartment where I could live for the next three years when, to my surprise, I received an e-mail from my big brother: ‘I have a solution for your apartment issues. I’ll call tonight.’ That evening, as I sat on the front steps of the university library, my cell phone rang, and when I saw my big brother’s name on the screen, I felt quite warm and happy. Although he was six years older than me, he and I...
Hi everybody.mera naam Imran Hai.main 35 yrs ka hoon aur kolkata mein rahta hoon.Aaj main aap ko apni ek aur real storie batane ja raha hun.Ye kahani aaj se almost 6 yrs pehle ki hai.Main dikhne mein average honaur bi seual hoon.Ladkiyon ke sath bhi sex enjoy karta hoon aur ladkon ke sath bhi.ladkon ke sath main pure top hoon.yun to mujhe chodna aur chuswana pasand hai lekin chuswana mujhe zyada pasand hai. Aur bhi zyada maza aata hai jab mera partner elder ho.Ab main start karta hoon meri...
"Green Acres II" After his warning to Dale, Andy began shutting off the lights in the bunkhouse. He could hear the other boys settling in for the night as the bed frames and the springs in the bunks creaked until finally the room fell silent. Dale studied the pale blue moonlight as it filtered in through the windows, the fluttering leaves of the trees outside casting eerie shadows as they danced across the wooden floor and the far wall of the room. He wasn't sure if he believed...
Hello ISS readers. This is my third story on ISS and in this story i am going to tell you about the experience about how i got to fuck my extremely hot and mature secretary. We had shifted to Singapore two years ago and after joining the office, i first met her. My boss introduced her and told that she was to be my personal secretary. She was a beautiful woman, about 38 years of age, not so fat. Her assets were beautiful. She had a nice pair of round breasts and a firm tight ass. She was...
He lay beside he beside her, the fire warming her pale skin. He slowly stroked his hand across her skin, savoring the sight of her body stretched there before him, her entirety bared to his eyes and his hands. She slept soundly, the exertion from earlier weighing heavily on her, her body taxed. She roused only a little when he teased the tips of her reddened, tender nipples. He smiles, leaving them alone, returning to gently caressing her. He can still smell her scent from their love making...
I nervously paced back and forth in my home waiting for the escort that I had called for while constantly checking my breath to see if it smelled good as well as my body. I felt like taking another shower but was worried that the escort would arrive while I was in the shower. As I continued to pace, I wondered what she would look like, hoping that she was as attractive as her profile picture. As I dried my hands for the fifth time, there was a knock on the front door. I opened the door and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMy mother-in-law continually amazes me. She is always alert to any opportunity for sex. We are sitting at the dinner table tonight. Ruth, my mother-in-law, a very young sixty five, is sitting next to me, with my wife, Beth across from us. Ruth says to Beth, "I don't see that salad dressing you had last time, the French vinaigrette type." Beth says, "I have some in the refrigerator. I'll be right back." My wife turns to fetch the bottle and Ruth's hand is in my crotch unzipping my...
Your name is John and work for Dallas Cowboy work in the IT department. You were stuck installing security upgrades for the corporate office that would lock everything out on the executive floor and you were suppose to be by yourself all day. You have had much luck with the ladies, being the most unattractive person, as were bit of a nerd. Most weekends you would the building would empty except for security guards. But this this weekend one of the top executives and couple of the team's...
Nathan had life and the world by the balls. At age 26, he had his own successful construction company and a very beautiful wife. His wife was his high school sweetheart and after college, they got married and began living out their dreams. It did help having a wife whose parents were filthy rich. When they got married, her parents gave them a wonderful and luxurious home along with her father providing the upfront money for Nathan to start his own business. Now, he has over 200 hundred...
First TimeWhat was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people...
Author's Note: Before I begin this serial I need to give thanks and give warning. The thanks I give to my incredible patrons. One of whom made the suggestion that became the seed of this story and all of whom helped me create these characters and this world. World building really was a team effort on this one and a hell of a lot of fun. The warning I give to you. My goal with this story is for it to be a pure slice of life where we simply peek into the day to day life of our main character. A...
TranssexualThe night a slow dinner for both of us. The choice maybe not the best with noise and a crowd with neither of us able to feel like we were talking to each other anymore. The drive home a continuation of what was. The lighting of the street making the mood even more somber. More grim than anything needed to be. The key sliding into the door almost an echo and me stepping aside to let you in with my motions more robotic than anything else. The same thought in both of our minds ‘is this it.. will...
Chapter 02: Now I get a secret of my own This is a continuation to the story ‘Hubby has a Secret’, it’s best to read that first. ‘WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME?’ Since that day my husband Mike told me about his fetish for nylons there has been a change in me. I’m not saying it has been a bad change, I’ve had fun, but it’s like I’m someone else. Best I explain from the start. So, there I was making dinner. My son, Daniel, was in Mike’s study chatting to him about an up coming rugby match he...
I stood and faced her. “Do you really have to leave so early?” I asked. “I don’t want to wear out my welcome,” she replied. “Don’t worry about that. The evening’s still young.” “What do you have in mind?” I approached her, stroked her cheek with the back of my finger and then kissed her lips. “I wasn’t expecting that.” “I wasn’t expecting it, either.” “I’m not that sort of a girl, Eric.” “What sort of a girl are you?” “What sort of a girl do you think I am?” she asked. “I think...
The Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 3. Dear master, Saturday started really strangely for me, I woke up from dreaming about our meeting. I trembled at the thought of being in your presence and must confess nearly did not turn up, However I did show and was glad I did. I Selected the clothes you demanded I wear, took a shower making sure to clean not only my pussy but I had three enema’s, self administered of course, to ensure my arse was clean for you. I took my time in shaving my...
FetishNeighbourly Love Susanna says: - This is one of those T-girls, TV nightmares. You develop good friendships with your neighbours and keep your other personality hidden from their view until one day they see you and find out and everything changes, either for the worse and you never speak or for the better and you become even closer friends than before. This is one of those, and it shows how lucky I was with my neighbour, although it doesn't start out sounding like that! Jeff had...
What Boyar lacked in science, he sort of made up for with weapons and weight. I weigh just under two hundred pounds and Boyar must have weighed around three hundred. He was trying to bowl me over and stab me with the knives. Running with sharp things is not always a good idea particularly if your target is willing to move. I was definitely willing and moved just as he arrived except for the leg I stuck out to trip him. He fell heavily. To make matters worse for him, he fell on his knives...
It started very serendipitously. On a warm summer night in Bangalore. I had returned home from a long day at work. I took a cold shower to wash away the day's worries. Got out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around me and went into my bedroom to get dressed for bed. My standard sleeping garb in summers was a loose t-shirt (no bra) and shorts (no panties). As I rummaged through the closet, I realized that I was out of all clean shirts and shorts. Work had been keeping me busy for a while,...
At 46:00:00 the clock chimed again. The Judge stepped forward and said, “The unnamed one has had a half hour to rest and think about what has happened. The next phase of education can now begin.” As he spoke, Gena’s parents stepped forward. “Al and Margie Aims, as the parents of Gena Aims you have permission to continue the education of this noname.” Al, age 45 and Margie, age 44, were in good shape for their age. They went to the gym regularly and ate well watching their weight. Margie...
Searching A Short Story By Maryanne Peters It barely rang twice. She was waiting for his call. He was always happy to hear her voice, whatever the circumstances. She asked: "Honey where are you?" "I'm still in the Quarter," he said. "I haven't found him yet, but I have some news. It's been very ... unsettling." "Oh," she said. She sounded very worried, so he felt that he needed to reassure her. "I have no reason to believe that he is not safe," he said. It is...
I just had another fight with my boyfriend and decided to hop on a bus to see where it would take me. I got on the first bus that came my way. The driver appeared to be middle aged and very stern looking. He told me to hurry up and find a seat and sit my ass down. I could tell this was going to be a fun ride. I still can’t believe my boyfriend cheated on me again. I’m going to get even this time with that creep. I looked in the back of the bus and saw two guys, they...
I woke with the sun shining in my eyes through a gap in the curtains. I tried to roll over so I could go back to sleep but my husband was snuggled up close to me. I could feel the warmth of him against my back as I woke to what my body was feeling. Keeping my eyes closed I could smell his manly scent and feel his heart beating against my back. My Chutad was pressed against his Lund, which was hard and pulsed with his heartbeat. I slipped out from underneath his arm, turned and took his Lund...
Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the nights that she goes to Marcus’s house next door and sucks and fucks with him. The rest of the nights I get to sleep in her bed with her, albeit clothed but at least I share her bed. We had arranged to go out to eat on Tuesday and I arrived home at my usual time from work. She went into the shower first leaving me in her bedroom getting my clothes ready for our dinner date. She came from the shower wearing just a towel and I wanted to take her right there...