ProeliatorChapter 20 free porn video

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I went back to having casual sex with those ladies that came to me. There were a lot but I picked the best and not the ones that were just pretty or wrapped up in Wodenism. The best did not mean beautiful all the time.

Wodenism apparently was flourishing. Converts were taking my books and reading them to the uneducated masses of Germania Inferior. I knew it was happening in Gaul and Germania too. I was not acting like the Gideons where I gave away the books but they were sold at cost. This was a bit mercenary on my part but it kept some of the abuse down. Men and women going out to spread the word were offered my assistance but most refused this. They were usually very well treated by those they talked to.

A large temple had been erected here on the Rhine. There were stained glass windows of scenes from the future. One was of an astronaut on the moon planting a flag with the lander and the earth in the background. Another had a picture from space of earth with Europe in the centre.

I could copy the art of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello. The names were also easy to remember because of the Ninja Turtles. Nobody could complain about me stealing this art because the artists would not be born for a thousand years. I wanted the Renaissance now not then. Of course it would not be a re-birth but a continuation.

This art in the form of paintings and statuary would help focus peoples' thoughts better. All religions had shrines in one form or another and a lot of holy relics. To compete I had to get the same things made.

The temple made me think of the majestic organs and church bells. In my conversations to date, I found that the organ had already been invented and used in Rome. Whether a Christian church used it or not was unknown. I wanted this now too as well as a choir. There were no shortage of artists of one ilk or another but I had not set out to find them yet or they had not come to see me.

Tertius was already loaded down with work but Manlius and Iulius were due back in a few days. The old physician liked music and he liked mathematics. He may be a good one to carry on this work with the organ.

I knew that A above middle C was four hundred and forty Hertz and that multiplying by the twelfth root of two would get the note above or dividing to get the note below. Getting the right initial frequency would be difficult but I could guess. In the times to come, we could do some calculations with some sensitive instruments but I would probably be dead by that time.

I needed a machine shop now because I wanted to make tuning forks. Again it was a matter of ear but I had never pursued music very much. I sang and I had played the piano but was never good. Maybe even competent was too strong of a word for my abilities.

There were always jobs all over to do but I wanted to get the organ started. I got the horse ready and brought extra clothes and my armour when a carriage pulled up. I switched over to the 'hand of the gods' mode. The visitors looked to be quite influential. Licinia was introduced to them and I found that she already knew the people.

I said, "I wanted to be off to improve on our temple. Music is pleasing to both the gods and man."

This got into a discussion about what was pleasing to any particular god. This same type of argument had to have gone on since man invented gods. I limited this to ten minutes and they tried to make my departure again. There was no point in being nasty but I had to be adamant on occasion and this was such a time. The group wanted to accompany me but Licinia got them to stay so I would get a head start.

I hurried to the mill. Most of the machinery had been moved to other sites because we now had a steam engine in other buildings turning some steel shafts in the ceiling with large wood pulleys on them. These had been very common at the start of the twentieth century. The same arrangement was here but they were driven by water.

I made ten forks in the pattern I remembered but they were in five lengths. Two forks could be compared and if there was a difference then the beat could be distinguished. Almost all of this was from my grade twelve and thirteen physics and a bit more I had at university.

I got some young men to help me clean them up with files and grindstones and they were good with their hands. The pieces of metal were wrapped in clay to keep the oxidation down and put into a small forge to heat. I then talked about what a tuning fork was and how the wavelength was a function of the length above the 'U' at the bottom. I knew that the material used and the hardness had a distinct factor in the natural frequency.

They came out of the forge and were immediately quenched in water. I also got my wagon load of guests arriving at the same time. While they were shown in we cleaned up the metal. No sparks were flying but everybody wore a pair of safety glasses. The safety part was just that they were worn where something could enter the eye. They were the same as regular glasses otherwise. Some were ground to read or for distance while most were simply flat.

The newcomers were happy to wear the glasses but were still warned that if they took them off they would be expelled even if I could possibly heal them.

I tapped the different forks but was disappointed. One leg did not vibrate the same as the other. They were roughly the same length but the metal was not homogeneous as it would be in later years. I experimented with weights on one side then on the other until one worked the way I wanted. The young men had heard the difference and they took the other nine to get them to work.

When I put the fork on a thin piece of wood supported about fifty centimetres apart, they heard an amplified sound and this made them smile.

I was asked by one of my uninvited guest, "What is all this for besides music?"

"An instrument can be played and most people will enjoy the music. A person familiar with some sounds will cringe at the sounds of others if they are not the same as he usually hears. The answer is to have a standard. There are twelve basic notes in the chromatic scale. More notes are added but always in the same pattern. One note is called middle C because of its location on an instrument. One of the notes above it is A. That note I want to standardise at the frequency of forty hundred and forty Hertz."

They all looked stunned. I had to explain Hertz but now he had to be a god. The relationship between the speed of sound at room temperature, the frequency and the wavelength was mentioned. They were still stunned.

I knew we had wine goblets around for guests and I sent some of the boys for them and for some water. When they came I cleared off the bench in front of me and had the goblets put here. I ran my finger tips around all of them to make sure they were no chips or imperfections. When I was satisfied I wet a finger and ran it around one of the glass containers. Soon a sound came out and everybody looked very surprised.

Everybody had a chance now to do the same thing until they got a pure sound. Not all the glasses were the same so not all the sounds were exactly the same. I put different levels of water in the glasses and then made the same motion but now the sound was different.

I had a class of children with wonder in their eyes at seeing something so new to the world.

"A woman has a higher pitched voice than a man. If she can sing loud enough and at the right pitch she can break the goblets that matches the note she sings." I got the stunned looks again but I knew that they believed me but my word was taken on faith alone.

I directed the group to where they could buy similar glassware. I guess I would have to make singing goblets now as a way of performing music like the buskers in old Québec City.

With the guests now out of the way I said, "I thought of something while I was talking to those people. I want you to trim one or both legs of the forks so we do not need the weights to get them to sound pure."

The boys understood this. "Make some wood boxes," I used my hands to give the dimensions. "I want some pairs of forks with the same sound. It doesn't matter with the pitch is but they have to be the same."

The all nodded at me but I like questions not just blind obedience.

"You are all free to ask questions. You may be intelligent but the best minds are very curious too. When you get a matching pair of forks I want you to put a pen nib on one leg of one fork. The pitch will change. You have to trim this leg and put the nib back on until it matches again."

There was blind obedience or understanding but still no spontaneity. "The tuning fork with the pen is put very close to a sheet of paper until the nib just touches the paper. With ink and the paper being pulled we will see a wave drawn on the paper. Do you understand me?"

They didn't.

I took a wood rod and moved it back and forth a little as one end. I then touched the floor with the end. "This is like the vibrating pen." I backed up slowly and the young men could see the lines in the dirt. The lights came on and I said, "Do you understand?" Now I got some verbal responses.

"One second is hard to calculate with any accuracy yet. When we do we can pull the paper for one second and we can count how many waves are on the paper. When we get four hundred and forty we have A over middle C."

One boy got up the nerve to say, "Why do you need this sound?"

"When we sing we have to match the instruments that are playing. We change our voices a bit to match. There may be many instruments and all of them have to match each other. The musicians will tune their instruments to the note A then tune the rest of their notes to match that."

I did not and could not calculate the twelfth root of two in my head but I told them how this number could be used to get all of the other notes if they had one true one to start with. This could mean making more tuning forks for different notes.

"There is a large musical instrument. It is made of a lot of flutes. Each flute only plays one sound. A smaller version of this has two pedals that pump air into the device. Large ones that I want for our temples will have a boy or two pumping a billows in the back.

"A man or woman sits in front of the device and pushes down some wood blocks called keys. The keys are connected to small valves. The valves let in air from the billows and this goes to one of the flutes. With all your fingers and thumbs along with your feet, you can play a lot of sounds at the same time."

The boy asked, "Why not just play the flute?"

"Some of the flutes are taller than two of you together. You need a lot of air to make them work. The billows makes the sound loud and it can fill a temple even if the temple is very large. Both the gods and men like music and I want to make this instrument so we can show the gods that we are worth their time and effort."

It was the last sentence that did the trick and they all smiled and nodded their heads.

I remembered seeing brass pipe organs so I knew that they were made of brass. Wood was used too but it changed with the temperature and the humidity and this changed the sound that a wood tube would generate. This could open up a new sideline by making instruments or even wind chimes. The wind chimes sounded calming too and I should get them installed in the gardens around a temple.

The boys were sent out to find people that made wood flutes. A dozen came back with the boys and I gave each of them the job of making a flute that made only one note. I had to go through a lot to explain but I didn't want to use the order that I wanted it this way.

It was less than an hour before we had working models though some men were not as good with their hands as others. When the billows was worked, I put the tube over the end then took it away and put it back.

"I can make some valves to allow the air to go to one pipe or a group of pipes. I will get different sounds with each pipe played. Now does anybody here know the best musician we have?"

The boys were sent out to find three men and two women. In the mean time I drew the picture of the key layout I wanted. The first would be simple but I would get many rows of keys to operate other pipes. Peddles had to be made too and knobs that stopped the air going to multiple pipes and restricted to just one.

One woman came here first and I briefly told her what was going on. In a few moments the rest started to show up.

"I want to make a musical instrument to please the gods and please ourselves. Air can be pushed from a bellows and go to metal pipes that make the sounds. A finger pressing a small wood block controls the air and to which pipe it will go. I want you to help me make this device. In a few days Iulius will come here and he will help too."

Nobody knew what was expected of them so we talked about our experiences in music. The boys showed the tuning forks then one told them about the nib and chart. The men talked about their pipes and they used them with the bellows. We had to go to another room and I used a blackboard to show the cavity where the air came in. It had a name like all the other things but I didn't know them.

They were not comfortable with technical drawings so I had to draw some common objects by hand to show them until they were able to understand an orthographic representation. With men holding a hastily constructed box I was able to give the first four notes to Beethoven's fifth symphony. I would know the rest if I heard it but there was no chance of that happening.

I had the meal here at the mill and again we had a very short service before starting. I told the rest of the people what we were doing and why. Dancing had been done in Hildestun but it was very crude. When I asked for an example later some smiled. Almost everybody liked music. I eventually learned that the stomping around was very similar to what was done further east.

The length of a second bothered me. We needed a clock for many reasons other than getting up in the morning. The clock was complicated but the very heart of it was the escapement. This device held and then released a gear driven by a spring. All we had to do was make a clock and wait for one of the two equinoxes. If we got twenty four hours we would have everything perfect. The days before the equinox would almost the same and we could use a sundial to start and end the day.

Getting a clock made was harder than making a cannon and powder for me. Perhaps all I had to do was find some mechanically minded people and get them to work on it. We could start with some spring steel and I think it and transformer steel had a lot of silicon in it but I could be wrong. I had to just try it and see how it worked.

I hated to do it but we made wood pipes and I kept telling the people that they were fine but they went out of tune easily. I showed everybody working on the project how a closed end tube had a quarter of a wavelength while and open ended tube had a half. They suggested that we use the closed end but I knew that the open ended ones were used because there were more harmonics produced.

We went by sound and made two lengths of pipe that had the note we wanted but at a hirer octave. They all agreed that the notes were similar but not the same. We didn't even know what notes they were. I did know that the next higher A was double the frequency of the lower A and the one lower half of the original.

The next day we could play ten notes one was the higher one and was not fitting into the rest yet. I tried playing some music I knew but it didn't sound anything like it had ever played on a piano.

Manlius and Iulius came much later in the day and both listened to my serenade. They thought it good. Then again the quality of music was abysmal at this time.

I professed my need for people that were mechanical but most were just smiths with large hammers. Both men agreed to take over for me while I went off and tried to develop some spring steel. I could use this in many areas and also could be used for holding the valves of the organ down. Gravity could work but I was familiar with what springs would do and not how to do this with heavy valves.

At the forge I began the spring project but combined it with my other projects. I handed out some drawings of a large gear that was used to turn a pair of heavy steel rollers. The framework would be cast iron, the shafts and gears would be steel. I could put in a hot bar of steel and get out a much longer rod of steel. Putting this rod through a furnace and another set of rollers would get it small enough to put through dies. I would get my wire then.

We talked a lot about this and had to make sure we had a powered roller to pull the drawn wire through the dies and wind it up again. The dies would have to be very hard but I just knew that they would not last long.

I did not have that many competent people that I could load projects like this on. For two weeks I made steel in small batches for the springs. Some were better than others but usually metal fatigue got all of them. There were other elements in spring steel to give it the correct properties. I had made a listing of all alloys for any steel. Very few were available.

I then remembered the magnetite and I knew that it usually had vanadium in it. This may help make a better spring but I knew it would help me with making nitric acid. Natural gas or ammonia would provide the raw materials for ammonium nitrate.

There was just too much to do and not enough help to get it done.

I left the spring making to the budding metallurgists. They recorded everything they did so far even if it ate a mountain of paper. If something turned out good or bad we would have a record of what may have caused it.

The wire making equipment was only partially done. I gave a few pointers and left the men to their work. Iulius though was further along. They had made a larger organ of wood pipes with a larger chamber to contain the air.

The difficulty of starting out right still bothered me until I thought of the equation for the wavelength. It was just the speed of sound divided by the frequency. I knew the speed and I knew the frequency. I also knew that a tube of a quarter of the wavelength I wanted would work as I had mentioned before. We even had a glass tube long enough. I measured the sides with my standard metre measuring bar and filled the tube with enough water to bring it up to the height I wanted.

I could not get the glass to resonate and hands had to hold the base for me. It took a while but I got a clear note. As my finger continued to go around I said, "This is A above middle C. Make a column twice as tall and you will get the A that is lower. Make this half the size and you have the upper A. Do the same but don't put a bottom on the tubes. A pair of holes near the top will be used to support the glass column. Tap this with a piece of wood and you will still get the notes we want."

Iulius said, "What about the rest?"

I had worked out the value I wanted to 1.05946 which was as accurate as they needed. I gave them the number and showed them how to multiply by this number to get the next note and then take that figure and multiply again to get the next note. The end result after twelve notes did not get to exactly eight hundred and eighty because of rounding off errors.

I got Iulius to do some long division. He liked showing off that he could do it while pretending not to notice the others consternation. We got the length of a quarter wavelength and thus the notes. This was done again to get the half wavelength.

I now taught them about line graphs and adjusted what 'A' would be. We tinkered with the numbers just a bit and we could see the way the line progressed. With the A notes of other octaves or rather the other chromatic, we could plot out the size of the column of air needed for the note. This would be of use in making the tubes, whether they were brass or wood.

The Greeks were called in with their love of mathematics and we were nearly pushed out in their eagerness to see how mathematics and the real world interacted. They loved the ideas of graphs. They had not been mentioned except where I had touched on integral calculus but they saw their value here. More people were called in and long glass tubes of both kinds were made. Some were rubbed at the top but others were tapped with a soft hammer to get the sound.

We worked for two more days on this until a rider came to tell me that Lucius had arrived. I was not needed here anyways and Iulius liked doing things his way. So did the Greeks.

When I came to the house I knew that something was wrong because everybody was pussyfooting around. They had smiles but they looked false.

Lucius wanted to see me in his study and I went in and closed the door behind me. It would not muffle much of the sound.

There was no preliminary. "What were you planning when you gave your father all those cannon? Is he going to kill more Romans? Do you know how many Romans already died because of your devices? I am surprised the Augustus had not sent for you to crucify you. He has not done it yet but he may now."

He started to go into more of his rant when I said, "I gave the cannon to protect Rome and the Frisians. If Rome got them then they would go after the Frisians and kill them. The Frisians are too few to fight Rome but they can fight beside Rome if they are asked to do so."

"Why would they do that? Your father is not stupid. He would let Rome bleed a lot first."

"He would do it to show the Roman people that he sides with them and he would fight because it is still in the Frisian nature. Finally he would do it for the gold and the glory."

"What gold and glory?"

"Frisians take cannons and a few lancers to Persia. Rome supplies the protection of the cannon crews and the cannon crews kill the Persians. It would be only an hour later that the legions sweep in and take the field."

"Rome could take the cannons then."

"Yes but not much powder. I think that all the crews would know how to use the cannons but not make the powder. Torture would not get Rome much but a very angry enemy."

"Clovis could not do that much then."

"I was talking about me."

After both of us cooled down we talked about the other aspects of the trip to Germania.

I talked about the tall trees and the size I could make the school. Lucius learned of the small sawmill and loved the idea. I talked of its strengths and weaknesses and how I wanted to change the design.

"Rufus and I went fishing. Did you like our catch?"

"Fish is always appreciated. Rufus said you had a lot of difficulty." This was said with a grin. "You had to stop fishing to clean the fish and salt them. Can't you make a machine for that?"

"Perhaps a long time from now a machine could do this for us but now we can only have a table that goes by slowly carrying the fish to the men and women cleaning them."

"He said you saved the portions everybody would throw away."

"It went into the soil. It stinks but it's good."

"Rufus wants to build a mighty ship to harvest the sea. He says one trip would make him rich."

"Rufus does not think how much. He has to pay for the ship and how much he has to pay to keep it working. There is very good money in this though. Don't you remember me talking about a ship that would go up and down the Rhine?"

"I did not think it would be good for fishing too."

"It may not but you can make another one that is. Did you notice any work on the river?"

"People are driving poles into the water. It must be you but why?"

"You are familiar with locks." Lucius nodded. "I take all the land I can from the river and then build a very high wall. Stone and clay are used to hold the water out when I remove the water that trapped inside. I dig into the river bottom and into the shore and make a large area that is flat and deep. I build what you would call large ships there. When they are done I let the water in and float the ships out. With the gates closed I can pump the water out again and start another ship."

"How big is the ship you are going to build?"

"I have not decided yet. I was thinking of four times the length of our newest ship and the same sort of width. This one has no sails and only has steam. The props are protected inside the hull and the stern is very low so nets that are miles long can be hauled in. This ship will have a machine that will freeze the fish in ice. Food does not go bad very fast when it is in ice. We can sail around Gaul, Hispania, and into the Mare Internum. You fish and sell as you go. You can even sell to Rome then do the same thing in reverse."

"Why would I want to sell to Rome?"

"You get an idea of how long it takes to sail there. My estimate with a good steel ship that it would take three weeks."

"Three weeks! I would be flying not sailing."

"You can fish. A good ship, only much larger, could be used to take your wine directly to Rome. At the same time you could take passengers, mail and lots of cargo for you and others."

"You are talking about ships that are so large that I cannot see them in my mind. How could I afford them?"

"You and I are making cognac and whiskey. My father likes it and so does an old friend of yours."

"Who is that? You always make me ask."

"That way it is you, that has asked for the information. The friend is Gnaeus Scipio Magnus."

"He was not my friend. He was our commander." This was said stiffly.

"He asked my father to be transferred to my care since he gave his word to me. He is now in charge of security at the school. He and the Franks along with a few Gauls hunt and fish. They pitch in with building the school too."

"That is hard to see. He was always very Roman in his outlook. He was strict. All commanders are that way but he was more so."

"He has accepted Woden into his life. Rome still has a tight hold of him but his word is stronger. You may visit but I do not want any pressure put on his word."

"Will you tell..." he looked around and whispered in my ear, "the Augustus?"

I whispered back, "When I see him next."

"Does he know that Magnus is your prisoner?"

"I told him. There was a war going on at the time and I had no chance to find out what happened. The camp was a shambles and we went in there to save those we could. It would take a long time before they could travel and it was only the Frisians that could find enough food to feed them."

"You told me this before but it is still hard to imagine."

"What are your plans now?"

"The school needs a boiler a hollow iron frames called radiators that take the heat from the fire and send it to the rooms. I need a lot more steel bolts to hold the large beams together. Then I have twenty books to write and then have thousands of copies of each. There is a ship to complete and a new one to build. I need the refrigeration and most of all I have to begin on making the fertiliser. I am building a large musical instrument that the Greeks had but mine will be much grander. It will go into the temple here and others will go into more temples including those in Rome."

"The Christians hold power and may not like it."

"I will treat them with respect as I treat all other faiths. They have a saying about turning the other cheek. I do not do that."

"Men show respect to power. Men respect Rome."

"Wise men do, but fanatics are not sane. There are fanatics to Woden too and I do my best to control them but once they leave I do not know what they are doing. The Frisians are a good example. They do not care too much for life and know that if they die in battle they will go to Valhalla. A man without this belief would not do the same actions so in a way this too is insanity."

Lucius said, "That is why men want to control religion."

"That is true and this gives a politician much more power. This is also why I have to separate religion from the state. It is going to be a hard fight."

Lucius whispered, "This would reduce the power of the Augustus."

I just nodded my head. This was my intention all along and I had to also find a way of keeping the head of the Wodenist movement from being an emperor.

Lucius came out without any bleeding and the family was happy that we were still friends. I stayed for a meal and went over the finances. Lucius and his family were rich. I made a graph of the projected prices of distilled spirits in the years to come. "At some time the governments are going to step in try to take some of the enormous profits away from you."

"We already pay taxes."

"They see the gold and want more of it."

"What about your steel?"

"That could happen but steel prices will fall. We need millions of tonnes of it made each year and both Gaul and Germania will be making it too. Rome will get into this activity and so will Hispania, Britannia, and most other countries. The price will come down for the raw material but the products made with it will not fall as far. Basically what I am trying to get at is that steel is necessary for a country or province to grow. It cannot be taxed too much. Alcohol is not necessary and can carry a very heavy tax. The same will happen to wine and ale."

Same as Proeliator
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I saw her as soon as she came into the building. I had never seen a sexier woman in my life. She had her 5 year old son in tow and they were there to attend a k**s birthday party. I knew as soon as I saw her that she was not like any of the other parents. She had a body built for one thing and I wanted her bad. She had a very pretty face and her body caused a stirring in my pants. She had big beautiful tits that were made for sucking on and an ass that I just wanted to hold onto as I pumped her...

2 years ago
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I cannot say for sure what I thought the first time I saw Janet. She started work at the office, and cut her way into the place at the young age of 22. She had a big smile, blonde hair, wonderful skin, and a very nice figure (during the next 4 years, she always had a flat stomach, except when she was pregnant). It was instantly apparent that she had the largest breasts of any other woman at the office. And you know women, some were instantly a bit jealous. All you had to do, however, was to...

3 years ago
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"I am not going to apologize." He was adamant. He refused to apologize. She was not going to convince him that he owed Patsy an apology, neither was he was going to tell her what really happened. She might explode. "Dad, just call her, alright? She wants you to call. You do not need to use the word, "apology," but you do need to call her. She said you left, just walked out." "Oh, alright, Mary Ann, I'll talk to her later, but I'm busy right now." He thought if he offered a good...

3 years ago
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Morgans CurseChapter 2

Part 2a: Leaving Las Vegas I woke up, reeking of sex, with a rock-hard, firm stomach. After several months of pregnancy, it was a relief not to be pregnant for a change. Argyle was sitting next to me, and had dressed me in my sleep. "How long was I out?", I asked. "Only an hour. You cut it close that time, though." I nodded, and looked into the back of the car. The infant and mother were there, still passed out. They'd probably both be groggy for at least a day. "Yeah, one...

4 years ago
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my Cuckold Life

My wife is very different now in bed as she has having 4 cocks including mine fucking her regularly. the 3 of them knows that they are fucking karyn and since only Mark knows im sharing her. the other 2 guys will plan moments to keep me busy while they fuck karyn. but till today. they are the ones that contact my wife and she will tell them if it is convenient. recently we plan for a trip together. most of them are married and we went on a trip with all their wives as well. we book a hotel...

3 years ago
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Planned For Good Experienced The Best

Hello everyone. This is Nikhil Joshi, a Maharashtrian born and brought up in Chennai. Here’s to all the horny men and women waiting to stroke their rock hard dicks and finger their wet pussies, I hope this story doesn’t disappoint you, people. Excepting the names which are changed to protect the respective individual’s privacy, all other details narrated in this story are real-life events. To tell you a little bit about myself, I was lucky enough; thanks to my dad who passed on his good look...

2 years ago
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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 19 Kidnap

The wig pulled at her hair and Varna resisted the temptation to just pull the ridiculous thing off. As for the gown she was wearing ... Minara had insisted she wear it as it accentuated her figure. Luckily or unluckily for Varna she was practically the same size as Minara so she fitted her gowns without any alteration. She looked down at herself, and with a sigh sat back against the carriage seat. She had a naturally slim figure, but the gown pushed up her breasts so they looked twice their...

3 years ago
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poker night

one night,my ex wife decided to play poker for fun,bout 30 min of playing,we made more interesting,that on the next hand,the loser had to do what ever the winner wants.I lost on purpose,so then she said to take a shower,and shave off all bodyhair,legs,chest,arms,underarms,face.then meet back in the bedroom,where she laid out a very short black minidress,black lace garterbelt matching panties,lace stocking 6inch high heels.then she applyed makeup,painted nails,jewery,and wigI look in the mirror...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 123 Enforcement

The first test of our group dating was that Friday night. We all went to the football game, including Candace. We'd managed a good conversation after school and she drove me home. "Thank you for including me in the group. I don't know any of the others well, but the guys all seem nice and this is a great idea for dating. I hope you know, though, that I won't be spending all my time with our dating group." "I don't expect anyone to spend all his or her time with the group," I...

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Justice For Robin

JUSTICE FOR ROBIN by Susan Fantasy CHAPTER ONE: TROUBLE IN THE BUSBIE CLAN 1. Tennis pro turned math teacher Dr. Busbie's forty-one year old Lesbianite sister, Helen, was a very attractive woman. The slight Mongol element she had that came from a Russian ancestor was hardly noticeable; it was not nearly as evident as it was in the case of her brother. Not that this would necessarily spoil her looks if it showed, for Eurasian people can be good looking - and her...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 3

The two of us walked to the car in silence and mercifully rode home the same way. When we got home, I hesitated to get out of the car. I expected everyone was waiting to say their piece. I finally set my jaw and got out. Mom led the way and I soldiered onward. I wasn’t surprised when the living room was full. I was surprised when Tabby and Collie were there. I took it all in and walked across the room and down the stairs to the basement. I didn’t talk to anyone, I didn’t stop when someone...

4 years ago
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One day, while daydreaming about sex, as I often do, I hit upon an old memory. I had been a young man and was fond of going to the local porno theater. There was only one in town and it was quite popular on weekend nights. I had been watching the porno flick, a gal was taking a guy up her pussy from behind while his buddy sucked her clit from below. I remember not being turned on too much by that particular scene. Especially when the guys cock slipped out of the cunt and landed on his buddies...

4 years ago
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Terror in Ibiza

During a vacation we learn the true meaning of 'Black Power'.The long flight from England was over and we had cleared customs after landing at Ibiza. I had been struck by how unfriendly the customs people were here. Not that they are all that friendly anywhere else. We had been warned that the police and government officials here did not pander to tourists. If you had something to say to them, you had best be able to get by in Spanish, because they did not speak English and had no patience with...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 7

Two more of my men were to be discharged from the hospital today; that made me feel a little better. I had a 0800 meeting with Andy and Ed; Andy wanted to start the process of replacing the men on Monday to get the OPS and Rapid Response teams to full strength. He was right in his argument that we may need them in a hurry. I agreed with Andy’s assessment and the quest would begin with HR reviewing all the applications already on file. The funerals were on Friday; HR was checking and double...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 100

"Retract triple shield, release the "Rivers"; throttles space idle" Clare ordered as Venus masked the USN wall. The acknowledgements came through. "Mr Windsor, turn us stern to the wall. Guns, as soon as we clear the planet, missile attack on target one centre line and flagships." "Turn to engage, aye Ma'am. Helm, pivot the stern seventy three and up nine." Jane Foster acknowledged as she used the stick to adjust the thrusters. "Centre line and flagships, aye Ma'am. Transit...

4 years ago
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Trannys First BBC

Sitting on the lounge at my local sex club I was watching the guys go by. You get to notice certain guys going past trying not to look like they are checking you out on the sly (and vice versa) thinking how they can approach me.Normally it’s just the usual crowd of guys but several weeks ago a big muscular type African guy in his mid 30’s kept going past me and looking at me out of the corner of his eye. After about his third walk past I gave him a little smile. When I could see him coming down...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Wife8217s Best Friend

Hi, readers, I am not in the mood to waste your time by giving my intro as this is not my first story. The number of the story I published on this site is now double-digit. So if I am not wrong most of you know me. Thanks for your love and also ISS for giving such a lovely platform So this story is about how I had sex with my wife’s best friend who is also our family friend. My wife was planning to visit her mother’s home which is in the same city. It was a short trip of 2 days. She handed over...

2 years ago
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The organised party was going really well and the Ladies that had chosen to breed had selected their stud for the evening. The Madam released the boys from their 2 weeks of chastity and allowed there weapons back into the public again!!! I was a little surprised that a pretty, tiny and slight girl with mousy hair called Sharon was standing nervously in the breeding Ladies line up? We spoke and she explained that she had had a couple of white lads, but said they were not up to much in bed and...

2 years ago
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Packing Clarissas GenesChapter 3

Matt looked up at his sister, who had released his wrists, but was still sitting on his boner. She had a really funny look on her face too. She was flushed, and she was breathing much more deeply than her recent physical expense of energy could account for. "Are you going to let me up?" he asked. "I don't know," she said dreamily. Her hands came up and Matt watched in amazement as she rubbed her breasts. "Rissa? What are you doing?" Her eyes cleared suddenly and she looked at her...

3 years ago
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Oral Exam with the Student Body

I was dead. Yet, with a look from her, I was reborn. Lucinda. There was a name that had near mystical properties for my ears; a word that could electrify every fibre of my being, or leave me a crumpled, sobbing mess. Never had a thing or person in my years managed to elicit such a visceral, even animalistic reaction from me and if I were to be frank, I was more than a little perturbed by my infatuation with this girl. It smacked of desire and attachment, which meant weakness. In my world,...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Tezpur Love

Hi! To all ISS fans. I have been a regular reader of ISS story. It’s the best in all the sites providing such stories. But this time it had been great fun so i decide to share with u all guys and girls. I love to sex with with aunties, bhabhis and young girls any females of tezpur, rangapara can contact me on for any kind of service. I promise its remain purely confidential and free. So please send me your feedback I hope u like my story. Let me start by describing both of...

1 year ago
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Leighs Lover

Ever since my was a kid his best friend has always been Steven. And when I came back from college to live with my parents, I've noticed that Steve was the guy that I wanted. To love, to fuck, and to marry. Although he's about 23 years older than me, he is still in good shape. He's tanned from his job of working out in the sun, and buff from lifting weights and exercise. His sandy brown hair was greying slightly, but not enough to really notice, and his blue eyes were beautiful. At about 6'2 and...

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TeenPies Alina Belle Virgins

Alina Belle is still a virgin, but today, she has a special plan to lose it to her boyfriend. She invites him over while her parents are out of the house, but he’s going to have to be sneaky since her next-door neighbors are so damned nosy! The anxious guy manages to creep in undetected, and when he gets inside, it’s no holds barred. Alina slobbers on his cock, letting it poke the back of her throat while spit drips down his shaft. Then, he “forgets” to put the condom on and fucks her teen...

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Home Alone

Letting out a sigh of relief I step on to the front lawn. 'Ahh, home at last,' I think to myself as I proceed to walk toward the front door. Walking toward the front door my mind wonders over the past years events at college, quickly forgetting about them as I approach the door. After some trouble I pull my keys out of my pocket I open the front door and step inside. Nothing seems to be differe, I think looking around the house. I walk to the kitchen remembering that mom and dad went away for a...

3 years ago
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My BFB 2

For the last several weeks, Stephen and I have been secretly seeing each other. Megan was so wrapped up in school that she wasn’t really around much, so Stephen and I took what time we could to mess around. When I slept over, Stephen and I would get up in the middle of the night and have a tryst in the bathroom. I really enjoyed the secrecy of our relationship, it gave me such and erotic feeling. One morning I rolled over to the sound of my cell ringing. “Yeah.” I said in a scuffed voice when...

Oral Sex
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TeamSkeetClassics Paige Owens Tricking My Pervy Stepbro

Originally released in May of 2019, this Team Skeet Classic features bombshell Paige Owens and Oliver Flynn. This scene does so well because it combines excellent fantasy and comedy, and the actors shine here. As a longtime fan favorite, we’re happy to have selected this scene for our Team Skeet Classic series. Paige Owens is always teasing her watchful stepbrother, Oliver Flynn. When her stepdad goes away for the afternoon, Paige finally catches Oliver alone and takes full advantage of the...

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The CollectorChapter 6 Sisters of the Web

Dubai - One Year Before Lord Tilsbury’s Funeral Charlotte sat in the comfortable wing-backed lounge chair her legs demurely crossed at the ankles. She was wearing a dark green business suit, the jacket was open and her pert breasts strained at the tight white silk blouse, the skirt was so tight that without the kick pleat that effectively split the skirt to her thigh, she wouldn’t have been able to sit at all. Her blonde hair had been coiffeured only that morning, tinged platinum, her...

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Emily 21

disclaimer The following is 100 percent fictional. All characters are fictional and 18. The things I will write about abhor me as concepts and I do not condone them in any sense of the word. But my therapist has helped me see there is distinction between fantasy and reality. If you can see that line clearly please continue. If you cannot please seek immediate psychiatric help. 8 45 pm “Please come this way” said Mr Black. I catch a glimpse of something in Mr blacks eyes as he looks me...

2 years ago
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RookiesChapter 21

Fenway, as always, was chock-full of screaming Red Sox fans, despite the fact that their club had been all-but-mathematically eliminated from the pennant race. They'd have to sweep our three-game set just to avoid elimination. They weren't up to it. We took two out of three from the dispirited Red Sox, including the first one -- the one that decapitated them, so far as getting to the post-season was concerned. The fans still showed up for the other two games. God, I love the Baltimore...

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Little Johnny's teacher got up in front of the class and announced they were going to play a guessing game! The teacher said, "I have something behind my back. It's red in color and round. It's soft, but it's hard."Johnny raised his hand and said, "I know, it's a red rubber ball." The teacher said, "No Johnny, it's an apple, but I like the way that you think."The teacher grabbed another object and put it behind her back. "I have something behind my back. It's orange in color and round. It's...

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Danielles first exposure

It all started for Danielle about three months ago, it was a lovely summer day and she come home from work hot and bothered. Because of the beautiful weather she decided to get changed into something much cooler and comfortable and sit out in the garden to relax. She sat on the edge of her bed and undressed, relishing the slight movement of air across her naked body, she lay back on the bed finally feeling comfortable. Her eyes closed and she began to daydream, she ran a hand over her body...

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Jenny needs a spanking

Jenny was curious. No more then that. She NEEDED to know. She NEEDED to feel it... She had seen the pictures and read the stories online of the huge submissive rush of being bad and getting spanked for it. The way she would be manhandled over a hunky guys knee. The way he would scold and lecture her for her naughtiness as he disciplined her. The way her backside burns as the skin darkens to pink and then red. Does it really sting that much? Does it really feel so hot that it turns you ? Or is...

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Former student with a crush about to be deployed

Where to begin... I'm not a very good writer. I taught history for 6 years but I've recently taken a sabbatical. I'm told that some of my sexual encounters are story worthy so I'm going to post a few here, starting with the most recent.One of my former students (lets call him Travis) posted that he was soon to be deployed with the army, on his social media. I messaged him to tell him that I was proud of him, which lead to a long conversation. He admitted that he had a crush on me when I taught...

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Stories I like Great Grandmother Comes Alive

Great Grandmother Comes Alive My great grandmother, Edith has been in a care home for some years. She is 93 and, put bluntly, is not all there — it’s not Alzheimer’s but a form of dementia which means her mind wanders and she behaves irrationally much of the time – although she sometimes recognises the staff in the home, she less often knows her f****y but can cope with the majority of routine activities in the place. I’m now 18 and until recently had only visited her when f***ed to. It’s not...

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My Stepsister Hailey P4

Saturday was my big game, the season was over but our team had got to the cup final, and now our little town was going to play in one of the biggest football games we had ever played in, and I was one the key midfielders they were going to rely on.So, Friday night I eat well, had a light run down the park and back, and then got an early night so I would be fresh for the game the next day.However, the next morning I didn't count on my hot brunette stepsister, slipping into my room early to wake...

2 years ago
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Julie almost caught

Saturday after work I had just gotten in the door and the phone rang; it was Julie, my fiancee. She wanted me to come over to Dave's house right away. "Sure, I'll be right there;" he lived just a few blocks away. Once there I noted Dave's wife was busy putting away groceries as Dave led me into the livingroom. There was Julie. Dave spoke quietly, said "Julie and I were all by ourselves here for two hours and didn't lay a hand on each other." Hmm, that didn't sound like my girl Julie.We stayed...

Wife Lovers
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Arlene and JeffChapter 324

Earlier in the Morning on Carla's Farm During the last months, Carla had been buying calves, yearlings, cows and a bull to replace the herd that she had been forced to sell off to pay for her dead husband's hospital bills. With the influx of Jeff's money and the settlement with the hospital and insurance company, she was now financially able to reestablish her herd, but she wanted quality, and was buying with that in mind. Some of her new herd had come from the sale of early fall calves...

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Marys Dream

Mary felt that she had to have everything done to perfection or there would be dire retribution for her antiquated performance. She looked into the mirror and made sure that her auburn hair was clean and pulled tightly back into a neat bun. Mary also took the time to insure that her make-up was on her face properly. Her full lips were painted a deep red, which made them look even fuller and pouty. Her mascara made her eyelashes long, flirty and free of clumps. As for the rest of her...

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Fucking my sisterinlaw

About 13 years ago I was hosting Thanksgiving at my house. We invited family over to have some turkey with us. The only ones that could make it was my sister-in-law and her husband. My wife Linda, was little bit unlucky, she had to work that day but she did got off at 2pm. Linda’s sister Jenny and her husband Mick got to the house about 12:30 because I needed help cooking. So me and Jenny was in the kitchen cooking getting stuff done while Mick was watching t.v. It was almost 1pm and the only...

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Wifes First BBC

Wife’s First BBC We arrived at the hotel early to allow my wife time to get ready. She showered, shaved and got dressed in a red teddy that contrasted with her pale white skin. Her breast lightly visible along with her pussy which I noticed was now shaved, not the way we arrived, so I knew this was going to be something special for her. We had spent weeks searching and interviewing several men before she settled on Jerome. From his profile he was athletic worked out regularly and was a...

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Catching my wife Part 21

As my daughter calmed, from her intense orgasm, Connie raised up and walked across the room, returning with a strap-on harness. "Are you a virgin?" asked Connie of my daughter.My daughter’s eyes open wide as she saw this thick, vein-covered life-like dido extending out from the leather harness.“Um…” My daughter, as a loss to share intimate details in front of her step-mother… even if both were naked, “well, I’ve put one in my mouth before” she added, blushing, “but never had one down there.”...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 6 Miracles Never Cease

Just as Liz predicted, Sean had to be taken to the hospital at least three times a week so the other nurses could see him. Martha was getting used to surprising things happening around Sean but she found that she could still be shaken. There were areas of the hospital that two month old babies couldn't be taken to because of fear of infection but the areas that were available were visited. One ward they could visit was the cancer ward. The cancer ward wasn't an especially pleasant place to...

3 years ago
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me my daughter and a shemale

my last story was with my daughter for the first time now we both have shemale girlfreind very beautiful ones they would come over me and my daughter would put on our sexy heels she picks my shoes now lol and they would fuck us both on the same bed theses shemales are in good shape they would fuck me and my daughters tight lil asses and shoot globs of cum then they would watch us creampie it out one of them came over one night when i got off work my daughter wanted me to tougue out her shemales...

2 years ago
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Serving My Sister

"Billy, come here!" my sister loudly demanded. "I need a favor." So I stopped what I was doing and crossed the hall, not wishing to anger her since she was a tyrant when she was mad. She was flat on her bed, naked, one knee raised and smiling at me. I blinked at her and waited, feeling my cock tremble. My sister is super hot, a high school senior with a killer body, a fine athlete and a real brain. She smiled at me and licked her lips. Her pussy lips were bulging out and quivering. I...

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Sex Club 7 Chapter 1

Sex Club 7 - Chapter 1"Hi Hannah," said Jo as she as she woke from her bunk in the LA apartment the lived in. Jo raised herself from her bed and appeared topless in front of her surprised friend."It's OK Hannah we've both seen them before," explained Tina, with her roommate Rachel standing astride her.Hannah then returned her puzzled gaze at Rachel and Tina wondering when they saw them.Jo's breast wasn't the biggest of the four girls but were very firm. Rachel then proceeded in unwiring her...

2 years ago
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For the Love of AliceChapter 3

Spring 1995 I returned to university in the New Year and was soon once more engrossed in study. On the last Saturday in February, my world was torn apart. The first hint was when Joe burst into my room. "Your dad's at the door." A million and one questions race through my mind. I was dressed and downstairs in less than a minute. One look at Dad's face confirmed the worst. "Mum?" I asked urgently. "She's fine. It's Alice." "What! What happened?" "We're not sure exactly....

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Brendas Turn by loyalsock

After having just watched her mother's sister achieve a stunning climax with her new vibrator, Brenda's own pussy was engorged with blood and flushed wide open! "I really have a lot to learn," the young girl said in a shaky voice, "I-I hope that I can handle it all, I mean taking care of Freddy's pecker and all!!! Her mother chuckled a little before replying, "Oh, honey, don't worry, like we were both saying, you are going to get so attached to his cock that pretty much when ever you see it...

2 years ago
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My Hot Cousin My Love

My name in saleem and i m going to share my personal experience with you today. I have always been a very shy guy since my childhood.I used to be a very normal skinny person in my childhood therefore no girls ever used to like me as a boyfriend. As i grew i became a little better in physique and there my elder cousins started liking me a lot.I had a problem that i always used to like my elder married little chubby bhabhies rather than girls of my own age.There was one bhabhi of mine who was my...

1 year ago
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Star Struck

His name was Frank, a local bouncer at one of the busiest strip joints in town. He was hired because of his obvious shoulders and six foot seven frame, which struck fear into the intoxicated to the point where they remained well behaved during moments they would have made a scene otherwise. Frank was a gentle person though, with a bark much bigger than his bite, but was tough enough to get the job done whenever necessary. He wasn't a bad looking guy either, but he would be the last to tell you...

4 years ago
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Grasping the Moment

Izetta's eyes close in near-bliss. His hand sweeps across her lovely, caramel-toned, rounded hip and continues on towards its target. With a little thrill she notices just how closely Alphonse is watching her response. How she loves an attentive lover and this man is solely focused on her pleasure. His brown eyes study her face, as though drinking her in. He lies mere millimeters away, their faces almost touching. As his adventurous hand begins its delicate probing of her pussy, Izetta can't...

Straight Sex

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