- 2 years ago
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“1... 2... 3 ... Pull!” Sara called and heaved with all the force she could produce. In accord with Amy, they managed to pry the blonde cum balloon off of Rosa’s giant cock. A massive gush of cum escaped the once tight pussy and sprayed back at its creator. Rosa didn’t flinch as gallons sprayed against her cock, abdomen and breasts. The past year taught her a little jet of cum was nothing to be scared of, even if it’s bigger than what a man can make in a lifetime.
Amy pushed what looked like a giant plug into the new human cum balloon, stopping her flooded body from emptying. “Great job Jess, you did great...” Amy encouraged the blonde as she slowly came too.
“Did I do it? Is she empty?” Her soft voice shattered with strain.
Amy and Sara started to laugh. “Sweety, you’re so cute,” Diana’s voice came as she entered the room, “What you have in you is a drop from the ocean we call Rosa.” Diana inspected the girl resting on her inflated belly.
“I’m not sure I can stand up right now, I feel so full...” Jess wobbled around, trying to understand how the new addition affected her body.
“You can’t sweety, not right now...” Diana got up and walked over to Rosa, “but give it time, I’m sure that by the time Rosa is done with me you’ll be able to wobble out of the room by yourself.” And with those words, Diana walked over to Rosa. She rested in a strange position, her back resting against the headboard with her legs spread wide open across the giant bed. Between her cum sleek legs rested a pair of massive balls contained in a sack. Each orb was as big as a football and felt like it weighed a ton. Towering over them was Rosa’s pride and joy, her massive cock. The pulsating poll that started between her stunning lags climbed higher and higher, as thick around as both her wrists. The only reason Rosa was able to say it didn’t surpass her height was that her hairdo gave her the few inches she needed.
Diana reached the beast and grabbed it with both hands. She shifted it around a little and felt its solidity, a strange mixture of stone-hard and fluff. “Well Rosa, it seems you are a true wonder. To think that a year ago I thought the biggest cock was only 2 feet long...”
“Well, you can say she surprised us all,” Sara agreed, “and to think this strange family of ours would hold for more than a month.”
“But we are holding, and holding well,” came Evelin’s voice as she entered the room.
“Evelin,” Amy called with glee, “we missed you here.”
“Well, Amber took over with the babies so I can take care of our Rosa.” Evelin came to the bed and sat at Rosa’s side. “So how was your day Rosa? Are the girls taking good care of you?”
While Evelin and Rosa shot the breeze Diana turned her back to the futa, took a step away from her and aimed the behemoth cock at her tiny slit. Rosa’s marvelous cock was doing its part to help, the moment it touched Diana’s soft skin it burped out a huge serving of whitish translucent precum, covering every inch of Diana’s ass and legs in its path. After a year with Rosa, Diana was getting used to the process, at first she had a hard time even getting the beast in her, but now, it was as easy as taking a really big cock is for most girls.
Her lower lips parted just as another load of precum surged out of Rosa, it alone flooded every nook and cranny Diana had in her, it alone was fertile enough to get her pregnant again. Diana moaned as the shaft slid in and rearranged her organs, she loved the feeling she got when the rod entered her. Feeling Rosa’s cock pushing out the skin on her belly, knowing that in a few moments she would look just like Jess, probably bigger if Rosa would let her go another round.
“I want us to talk about the future Rosa,” Evelin kept talking with Rosa as if everything behind her was the most mundane sight, “I mean, we’re already 15 people and you’re making sure we keep growing...”
With Diana firmly mounted on her cock, Rosa felt she could address the point Evelin brought up, “what did you have in mind?” She asked.
“Well, I have two options, one is we buy some land and build. We can have our own lot, that way we can make sure we have the facilities to make life more manageable.”
Rosa looked around, her apartment was getting crowded, all her toys pushed aside so they could live there, “I don’t want to move out, not yet ... I love my apartment.”
“Well, option b then. We have money from your show, we can buy the rest of the building...” Evelin hoped Rosa won’t think her idea is a waste of money.
She waited forever for an answer, but nothing came. Diana’s voice came instead of Rosa’s, a deep, pleasurable moan that left no doubt in Evelin’s mind, Rosa wasn’t answering because she was filling the good doctor. After a year with Rosa in her life, Eveline got used to Rosa orgasming a lot. What she wasn’t used to yet was the power of those orgasms. She turned her head to look and caught a glimpse of the miracle that was Rosa. Even though Diana was stuffed with what Rosa has to give, a foot of glorious cock meat still remained outside. It was sleek with the doctor’s girlcum, demanding full entrance into the toy embracing it.
Evelin couldn’t help but gasp as she saw Rosa’s sack, it looked like it was about to explode. The whole sack abruptly shrunk down in size, losing about a quarter of its size as it retracted closer to Rosa’s pelvis. for a moment, Evelin thought Rosa was actually shrinking, but soon learned how far from the truth she was.
The base of the cock exploded in size, adjusting to what looked like a fist-sized bulge that lazily traveled along the cum vein. It continued its journey along the pole, and when it disappeared into Diana another bulge started its journey from the base. The whole show repeated itself another two times before Diana started to scream and moan violently. The outline of Rosa’s cock vanished from her abdomen as it started to slowly distend. It was a sign the girls knew all too well, when Rosa started slow it meant she was going to go big, and it was no wonder she decided to go big with the doctor of all people. Over the past year, Diana was her biggest fan, her most devoted girl.
As Rosa kept pumping her load into the black-haired woman, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for the woman’s willingness to assist. When they learned Rosa impregnate the girls, Diana worked her magic and took care of everything. All Evelin, Diana and Amy had to do was get to the hospital to give birth, after that they were asked no questions or handed forms to fill. Over the course of a month, Rosa’s strange family went from 5 to 13. Amy and Evelin each gave her twins and Diana, faithful to her image as the most loyal of the girl, gave birth to no less than quadruplets, all girls.
Amy looked at Sara, “We’re going to go through another round of babies aren’t we, Sara?”
“Seems like it,” Sara said as she watched Diana’s belly taking her weight and lifting her off the bed. It was clear Rosa was not done yet, even though Diana was already as big as Jess and the bed groaned under her weight.
“Are you going to take part this time?” Amy wondered, unconsciously placing her hand on her flat stomach.
“I don’t know ... Someone has to take care of all the ordinary stuff, you know...”
“Well, you have a point there,” Amy agreed. Both girls noticed Diana’s growth seemed to slow down.
“Okay, time to take her off, who’s next?” Sara wondered as she got on her feet to peel another used cum balloon off of Rosa.
“Wait!” Diana horridly shrilled when she heard Sara’s voice.
The whole room turned to her, fearing something terrible happened. She was usually the quietest of the bunch, even when she gave birth to twice as much as the other girls she didn’t flinch, staying as calm as her doctors. Even Rosa, who was almost apathetic most of the time, had a spark of worry in her eyes.
“Are you hurt?” Rosa wondered.
“Wait, don’t touch me!” Diana spoke once more, “Rosa, you have to give me another load, please...”
“Don’t be silly, Diana,” Amy said as she kneeled by her side, “She gave you more than Jess, you’re already bigger, you’ll hurt yourself taking another load.”
“Rosa!” Diana ignored her assistant, “You know I’ll do anything for you, please, just once, do as I ask...” The brave woman started weeping, “Please, Rosa, I’m begging...”
All the eyes in the room turned to Rosa, the marvelous idol on the bed.
“Whatever you say, Rosa, do you want another round with the doctor?” Sara gave Rosa the final word.
“I say she can have it, I think Diana worked hard enough to earn a little reward, wouldn’t you say?” The girl all nodded in agreement. Diana, overjoyed with Rosa’s decision, started to cry in earnest.
“I can hardly feel you around my cock, Diana,” Rosa said, “I only feel about a foot of your vagina, I want to try something...”
Rosa used her arms to try and lift her body to its feet, she needed some maneuverability to execute her plan. It was clear she was having a hard time moving, squatting her legs below to better balance herself. She paused to take a breath, and calm her heart.
On the other end of Rosa’s cock was the cum balloon formerly known as Diana. She felt the cock in her move around. Her body reacted the only way it could in such a situation, electricity fired across her back and made her shiver with another orgasmic chain as her lungs struggled to scream her joy.
“I wonder...” Rosa said to herself as she started to lean forward, pressing her loins towards Diana’s overstretched pink ring. Before a crowd of shocked girls, the foot of cock that rested out of Diana did the unimaginable, it started to sink into Diana’s abused pussy. The room filled with gasps and whispers. Ever since Rosa grew past two feet no girl took her whole cock, there was always a chubby bit left outside of the warm, dripping cave.
“God, Rosa, are you seeing this, girls?” Sara said, rubbing her eyes and pinching her wrist to see if she’s dreaming.
“I sure see it,” Evelin confirmed. From her place near Rosa, she could clearly see the magic happen, Rosa’s cock vanished into the doctor’s swollen depths. “She’s almost there, I think she’s going to make it girls!”
Diana lost to the orgasm a long time ago, oblivious to everything that transpired in the room. Behind her, Rosa struggled against her balls. The massive sack rested on the bed, full to the brim with gallons of baby butter, the skin almost bursting with the pressure. It refused to move even an inch forward. Rosa screamed in frustration as a few inches of her rod still remained locked out of heaven.
It was clear to everyone Rosa was stuck, unable to move under the added weight of her magnificent genitals. “Fuck, shit,” Rosa moaned, “I can do more, I can!” She strained her body again, but it was no use. Her sack rested on the bed, making more and more cum, holding Rosa in place like a dog on a leash.
Sara saw Rosa’s frustration, she got up and walked past Evelin, onto the bed and behind Rosa’s back. “Let me help you,” she whispered in Rosa’s ear and got on her knees on the soft mattress. The sack was as big as a beanbag chair and as Sara placed both hands on it she could feel its erratic nature. The skin was both soft and flexible but at the same time pushed back on her hand with immense pressure. Inside, Sara didn’t feel the balls themselves, the orb’s contents felt like oobleck, at times solid and at times liquid.
Sara leaned into it, putting her weight against the gargantuan sack, “pull Rosa, pull!” Both girls groaned and heaved, but nothing budged. “Again, Rosa, push!” Sara coordinated but the monster orb refused to move.
Tears started to fill Rosa’s eyes, and Evelin saw it. Her heart went out to her, she got off the side of the bed and kneeled by Sara’s side, Rosa’s balls so big they had no problem finding a place for all 4 hands. “Push!” Sara ordered again, both girls pushed with all they had. With a great groan of cracking wood, the monolith started to move. Even though the pace was slow, it was undeniable, Rosa was closing in on Diana.
Diana, on her end, only faintly heard what happened outside her bliss washed mind. All she knew was that Rosa was doing something with her no women ever did before. Out of the blue, Diana suddenly felt something that snapped her out of her orgasmic joyride and with a gasp she was back in Rosa’s bed. Against her buttcheeks was the warm, soft skin of Rosa’s loins. She felt the weight of her lover press against her back, her soft boobs squishing against her shoulder blades, her hands embracing her and pressing against her swollen abdomen.
Rosa’s lustrous red lips whispered in her ear, “I’m in you, Diana, I’m all the way inside you.”
“Do it, Rosa, I want to have your babies,” Diana whispered back, knowing full well what those words mean.
Jess finally managed to sit on her own and turned around to see what everybody else was looking at. Diana was already bigger than she was, and she was on the precipice of taking another load. “Amy, how is she doing this?” Jess tried to bring some sense into the madness before her.
“I ... I ... I have no idea...” Amy answered, just as awestruck as Jess.
All the while Rosa and Diana moaned softly as their bodies worked overtime. Their moans filled the room and for a moment they were the only two girls in the world. The show stopped when Sara and Evelin gasped in unison, “We can feel it moving, Rosa’s moving another load into Diana...” they scream.
A loud rumble echoed off the walls as Rosa and Diana started to scream. Diana’s voice gave first as the air in her lungs ran out and an orgasmic shiver ran through her spine and exploded her brain. Rosa kept on screaming a little bit longer as her body locked in place and relinquished control.
What sounded like a water jet on steroids filled the girls’ ears as Diana set a precedent for all the girls. Diana felt the pressure building up quickly against the walls of her abused womb. Even though she had a sea of cum inside her she could still feel the jet of cum hitting her walls, It just went on and on, showing no sign of stopping.
“Jess look,” Amy called, “look at Diana’s belly.”
Jess needed a moment to understand what she was seeing, it appeared as though the spherical belly was becoming an ellipsoid.
“It’s Rosa’s cum blast, Jess,” Amy screamed with excitement, “it’s wonderful...”
Since this interactive is female-only, there are a few characters changes I'm making to allow for that. Also, this interactive will be very unrealistic, obviously. The Captain: Amy is acting as the precinct's captain due to the fact that the last captain (Captain Nikki Martin) requested a precinct change after she was publicly humiliated by detective Diaz. Gina serves as Amy's assistant. The Sergeant: With Amy as the captain, a new Sergeant was moved into the precinct: Sergeant Madison Brooks....
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xmoviesforyouYour eyes are covered by his hands as he gently leads you up the stairs. You’re obviously going to your bedroom, but you have no idea how he has set it up for tonight. ‘I wanna see!’ you squeal in excitement, but he softly laughs and kisses the back of your neck. When you’re at the doorway, the faint scent of vanilla tickles your nose, and you find out why when he uncovers your eyes and says, ‘OK, babe.’ You look to see the dimmed room aglow with slim ivory-colored candles, their flickering...
Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main bhaut chuddakad lakdi hu aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja aata h apke samne ek baar aur apni chudayi ki kahani lekar hajir hu jo ki meri sacchi kahani h aur mujhe umeed h apko meri kahani pasand aaygi aur aap mujhe mail karoge aur mujhse sex chat karoge kyu ki main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu ap sab mujhe mail kariye. Main bahut sexy hu aur mujhe bahut sare ladko ne choda h aur main uncle se...
Jenny adjusted her hair in the mirror before popping a fresh piece of chewing gum into her mouth , her belly was filled with a thousand butter flies as she waited for her client to get ready for his massage in the next room . At 19 she was on her first attempt of university and after discussing it for weeks with her friend Shirley she had decided to do massages to help cover costs . He was only her third client and she had surprised herself how easily she had taken to it and even enjoyed it ....
Bhai ne mummy ki gaand pakdi aur jor jor se dhakke lagane lage. Mujhe mummy ki chut mein jata hua lund saaf dikh raha tha. Aur mummy ke muh se nikalti kamuk awaaj mahool ko aur garam kar rahi thi. Bhai ki speed kabhi tej kabhi halki ho rahi thi. Magar unka lund to jaise mummy ki chut se chipak gaya tha. Bhai ka lund sata sat ander bahar ho raha tha. Aur fir bhai ne chudai karte hue mummy ki chuchiya bhi pakad li. Bhai mummy ki dono chuchiyo ko jor jor se daba rahe the. Aur ab mummy ki moan aur...
Three Little Words When I first stuck my cock in my twelve-year-old sister’s mouth she said those three little words, “I love you.” When I first stuck my cock in my thirteen-year-old sister’s pussy she said those three little words, “I love you.” I only have the one sister and Peggy really does love me. She lets me use her any time that I want too and I really mean that. I would stick my cock in her mouth while she was sitting on the toilet. I would fuck her tight pussy while she...
Jake and I met on-line and agrred to meet at my hotel for some guy play. We were both str8 and married but wanted to see whst it was like to play with a guys cock. We were not going to kiss, hug, fuck or do bjs just play with our cocks.I had a fridge full of beer ready so Jake and I could enjoy a few beers when we got to my room. I took my shower first and came out wrapped with only a towel but with a boner already. Jake took his shower and came out with a boner without a towel on. He was not...
After some minor problems were worked out and the initial briefing done with the three assistants the Doctor had selected the physical therapy program started. The Doctor sent to Sandi a list of the patients along with what he thought there problems were. The nine patients the Doctor initially referred had the types of illnesses and injuries that Sandi had worked with in the States. The assistants were females, all in their mid-twenties who were quick learners and had caring personalities....
Sexy wife Jamie is getting wetter by the second as she slips off her dress while the bull her husband sent over Scotty waits outside the bedroom door. Jamie greets him in her silky blue panties and leads Scotty the way into her hot hungry mouth with his bulging hard black cock. Jamie chokes down on his meat enjoying every inch crammed down her throat before she hops on top of her gifted bbc and rides that cock hard. Now Scotty puts her on all fours and fucks her sweet white ass hard and pours...
xmoviesforyouAfter high school, I went to the city to stay with my sister for a few weeks while I looked for a job. She had a two-bedroom apartment which she shared with her roommate, Lena. One day, when I had the place to myself, I was sitting on the couch scrolling through social media on my phone. After a while, I found myself on a porn site watching a video of a woman spanking and pegging her boyfriend. The idea of being dominated in such a way always got me hard. I started rubbing myself through my...
MasturbationIntroduction:This is the continuing saga of Melissa, a woman, a preacher's wife, who is redescovering her sexuality. Please read part one before you read this one. It will really be to your benefitThe idea came to her as she was shopping for today's dinner. Having filled the basket with all necessary ingredients for her lasagna, adding a little fruit to fill the bowl in the living room, being especially careful to add a few bananas to the bundle, she paid for her groceries and made sure to...
My husband Jim has been trying very hard to stay in school and get the grades necessary to graduate at the top of his class. He has had problems because his wife acted like such a slut with some of his classmates. Having to change schools in mid-stream is not the best idea at anytime. It all started with an English assignment he had to do. It was supposed to be an erotic story, either real or fantasy. He had been bothered by it and had even mentioned it to me at one point. I wasn't too...
When I first found out that this game was being made, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I learned about the developer, NLT, through his other flagship project called Lust Epidemic. At first, I thought that that game looked like ass, until I tried it and became instantly hooked. That game was a fun romp through some intricate drug-fueled sexual scenarios. You played as a young buck, stuck in between four women who are all significantly older than him, but they’re all fucking hot. Hell, one of them is...
Free Sex GamesThe room was hot. Well actually hot was an understatement. Hot would have been nice. The room was an old classroom in the local middle school building. On the wall behind them a clock ticked loudly, bringing back nostalgic, though not particularly happy memories for Bryan. Many an August afternoon had been spent in just such a classroom. Bryan wiped the sweat from his brow. The people in front of him were all dressed as lightly as they could muster and retain their modesty. From the smell of...
I was fairly young the first time I gave another guy a blowjob. I can't really remember exactly how old I was, probably 16 or 17. It was sometime in the spring. I was slim with dark, fairly long hair and wore glasses. I was bored as hell one weekend so I invited my friend, Thomas (fake name to protect identity) over. He was fairly tall for his age, very slim, blonde and slightly tanned.By this time, I already knew I was bi-sexual and he happened to be one of the guys I quite fancied. He...
First Time“Go on” hissed Lisa “Don’t think, just do”. “Fine for you to ...” Ellie had no time to finish her thought as Lisa sprinted towards her, knocked on the door and raced back to their apartment, slamming their own door shut. Ellie was frozen to the spot. The idea of seducing her dark haired neighbour with the body of Adonis now seemed a bad idea, so did the martinis. Come to think of it, this wasn’t just a bad idea it was Lisa’s idea. Lisa was the sex kitten, she was the one that had...
Have you ever met a truly beautiful woman who unexplainably just rubs you the wrong way? That’s how it was with a beautiful blonde who lives just down the street from my apartment building. In fact, both she and her husband rub me the wrong way. Why? Well… maybe it’s because they are just too perfect. Both about forty, he still looks 28… and she looks 25. He’s muscular and slim. She’s slim and gorgeous. They live in a big house in a rich neighborhood. Both drive sporty cars. Their children are...
Group SexBefore going any further important note-: 1st stage pokemon should/will be considered as toddlers, 2nd stage pokemon should/will be considered as teenagers and only 3rd stage pokemon should/will be considered as 18+ /adult in my story universe . I'm against underage sexualization, so I'll be using only 3rd stage as love interest. But I'll be including 1st and 2nd stage as friends, relatives etc, mainly for environment aesthetics. Example for pokemon age groups-: ralts ( toddler ) Kirlia (...
RomanceFor the two days after Rita's holes had been unveiled, they were kept in constant, almost non-stop, use. Apparently both the boys and the girls felt they'd been cheated out of 24 hours of valuable fucking time and they were determined to claim it back. Everyone was pretty happy with the new system for keeping their sex quotas up, and the girls especially were happy to have their daily supply of cum back. Three girls however still looked somewhat down, even though they made frequent stops...
The Consultant and the Hounds of Heaven Author Note: Magic has always existed and it is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% have the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. However, it takes hard work and training to develop that raw talent. There are currently, in the United...
Introduction: A Satyr seeks to settle the score on an insult A Satyrs Revenge Ancient Greece 841 C.E. You gave me your word that you wouldnt have sex with me! The young girl protested. I made no such promise, the Satyr smirked. But you said … she insisted. What I said the Satyr explained patiently, was I wouldnt take your virginity. And I wont, but you may soon regret my promise to you. Youre the Devil. She cried angrily. If only I were, he chuckled. We made an agreement. I honoured my side...
It was about one in the morning when her phone rang. We had been asleep for a couple of hours. We normally go to bed at eleven. Debbie reached for the phone."Hello baby," she said. "I hoped you would call."Sitting up, Debbie turned on the lap. With the light, I could see the sparkle in her eyes as she talked on the phone. "Sure baby. I will come right over. Just give me a little time to get ready." And then, "Ok. I can't wait too. I am excited. Kisses."With that, Debbie stepped out of bed and...
Once I was dressed and ready for the day, I made the call to Rose's parents. They must have been waiting for it as the phone only rang once before Dale picked it up. "Hello." "Hi, Dale. It's Sam Knight." "Good morning, Sam. We were expecting your call. Is Rose okay? Should we come get her?" "Rose is okay, Dale. Rose has told me what's troubling her, and as I expected, I am now working for her to help with her problem. I can't tell you about it yet because she's asked me not...
I worked on getting my wife Renu to try a threesome for years, and I almost gave up. I held on to the belief that she would eventually give it a try, I just didn’t know when. Thank God persistence pays off! Renting a bunch of porno movies with lesbian scenes was the best idea I ever had. She really got hot watching two athletic lesbians go at it, and I was shocked when she confessed she’d slept with a woman in college and enjoyed it. You can imagine how this new information excited me and I...
Molly breaks in a brand-spanking-new Cherry Red Corvette Good golly, miss Molly told me this and I had to share. Youthful exuberance and sexual exploration at it’s freshest. A really good friend of mine came to the house about 6 or so last night. He was driving, of all things, a brand new Cherry Red Corvette. I thought to myself “How sweet is that?” He got it as an early graduation present. He is already 18 but it didn’t matter with me being two years younger. We had never dated really...