State Of ChaosChapter 14: A Piece Of Rebecca's Mind free porn video

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"Evidence Tony?" Tony was driving Cheri to his house after the meeting. "You've been collecting evidence on me this whole time?"

"Nope, I haven't. I've been gathering evidence on me the whole time. There is a difference. You, by extension are included in that."

"Why? I mean the way Scott described it only the judge has seen it, but still, everything in my life since July?"

"Rupert. Rupert Winslow has seen it too, but that's all. It's not that bad Cheri. I'm keeping the state up to date on how you are doing. Having it written down and getting other people's opinions helps me. You didn't come with an instruction manual you know?"

Cheri laughed. "Manual wouldn't have worked. I'm one fucked-up smart chick, remember?"

"True, but really, it turned out to be the right thing to do. I have a solid record as your guardian and no one can stop us. Are you feeling better about things today?"

"Yeah, for some reason I couldn't put my finger on it, you know? There wasn't a better solution than staying with Uncle Chris and Aunt Marj. It never felt completely right to me before, it made me anxious all the time, but that was the best option I had. Now it feels right. Where everything's going feels like it should in my mind."

"OK, more psychology then; any idea why that is?"

"Not really, it just feels right. I have no anxiety thinking about it this way."

"Some people feel that man has either stopped evolving or at least slowed it way back. They say that man no longer adapts to his environment because he's become so good at adapting the environment to him."

"OK, I think I see what you're saying. We build high-rises and pack more people in cities. No, that's not exactly it, is it?"

"No, not really; we're the only species, or at least the best at it, that evolved to out-think the environment."

"Like air-conditioning and heating?"

"No, like everything. Caveman Tony and cave baby-girl Cheri are out for an afternoon stroll and along comes the big, bad, saber-tooth tiger! I'm not liking the odds for cave-baby Cheri personally. She's gonna be a snack."

"Hey! You're supposed to die protecting me with your spear!"

"Hah! Survival of the fittest and I can run faster. Today though, after tens of thousands of years of tool use and making them I just pick up my trusty rifle and bam! Who's your daddy now Mr. Saber-tooth?"

"OK, I see, where once our surroundings controlled us, now we control our surroundings."

"Right, so assuming we're both nut cases, and we are, to make you feel right again we didn't adapt to the situation. We adapted the situation to fit us. You have a fear of authority figures, mostly males. You have abandonment issues, again mostly with males. We get thrown together and now you have a father who really doesn't much look or act like an authority figure, which works for you. Having me adopt you takes care of the eight hundred pound gorilla that you, Rebecca, Anita, and Tina have been seeing in the room lately, because if you are, in fact, my daughter you are definitely going wherever I go, so you won't be abandoned. It's a perfect solution for your loose nuts and bolts upstairs right?"

"Ah, I see now. We didn't really do anything to fix what's wrong with me. We just kind of changed the rules to fit the situation."

"Yep, and you feel better about things now. The irrational is not having a fight with the rational any more, they agree on this."

Cheri was smiling at him. "That actually makes perfect sense. Wow!"

"It's amazing how much you can apply this stuff to. How about my damn boat?"

"Tony! I was just kidding. You know I love that old boat too. Not for the same whacko reason you do, but there is something about it that just feels comfortable to me."

"Uh-uh, you aren't getting away with that one. It's a nice comfortable, safe place for you isn't it?"

"Well yeah, when you put it that way, I guess so."

"OK, as long as we are going to practice psycho-analysis on each other, care to take a crack at why crazy smart chick?"

"It's just a nice boat Tony, it's beautiful ... It's more than that isn't it?"

"To you and me it is, probably a bit to Anita as well, though. Your reason is most basic of all though. What are the most basic human needs?"

"Hmm, food, clothing, water ... Oh hell, you got me didn't you?"

"One more irrational thing; you lived under a pier, it was cold at night, hot in the day, nothing to keep the wind out. So what's Kalliste to your subconscious that makes her somehow special to you?"

"Shelter, no doubt about it. More than once I've walked down there and just curled up in one of the bunks and felt better. Fell asleep more often than not."

"Yeah, I've noticed. She's safety, shelter, the first safe place you had when you were running away. Kalliste feels more like a home to you than either my house or Rebecca's."

"How'd you get so smart?"

"I didn't, I've just got a few years head start on being a psych-job. Really though, we do have to get you started facing these things. We can't change the whole world to suit us so we do have to learn how to get along with what we've got. Assuming this all works out, next year you'll be in a new school in Athens. I'm not going to be there, I'll be across town in the college. You need to be able to cope with that, or a cop who stops you on the road when you're driving. You can't freak out because the real world jumps into your comfort zone."

Cheri nodded absently. "Coping, right? We can learn what's wrong with us and what that means, but eventually we have to learn to cope with it. At least try to force the rational side to deal with the irrational even if that makes us uncomfortable at times. That right?"

"Our therapist is going to hate me." Tony was pulling into his driveway. "OK school tomorrow. You going back to Rebecca's tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, why are we here then?"

"You are here to take the whole envelope of 'evidence' that I have sent in, curl up down on the boat, have a glass of wine and go through the whole thing and decide if you hate me or not. Full disclosure, yadda, yadda. You can either bum a ride to Rebecca's or I'll take you when I get back."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going inside to call my girlfriend and invite her to a nice dinner if she's still speaking to me. Then I'm going to spend the evening trying to dig myself out of whatever pit of doom I've dug by going off and agreeing to adopt her cousin without even so much as mentioning it to her first. Do you have any idea how much shit I'm in right now?"

"So Tony, tell me how this is going to work."

Tony and Rebecca were seated at Antoine's on the north end of River Street. They were at a nice table, but neither was enjoying the view.

"OK, I know you mean more than the nuts and bolts, but I'll start with that. You know there is a new custody order. It runs, at a minimum, until the middle of May. The day after my eighteenth birthday Scott will file for adoption.

"For the record they think I've been doing great job with Cheri, mostly because everything I've done I've documented and sent to Rupert. They know everything and I mean everything that's happened where she and I are concerned since we got back. Judge Cauthan is pleased, very pleased. Once he saw all that, he had no problem issuing a new custody order. Scott even thinks he'd sign an adoption right now, but that might be open to appeals, challenges, and all kinds of things and you can bet Yakimoto would try them all. So we wait until I'm eighteen and we can throw out the whole Captain Tony crap, and I'm just another adult helping out the state by adopting a child that needs help.

"It's not normal, but the law says you can adopt when you're eighteen. About a week later we'll fly up and either Yakimoto will have a gaggle of lawyers there to challenge it or not.

"The ace in the hole is the evidence I've sent. Cheri is a minor, they can't see it; they'll never see it. It's considered too confidential even to challenge an adoption. The judge sees it and says OK I've considered it. Otherwise we'd have to listen to them make some bullshit legal challenge on every little thing. They state their case, Judge Cauthan says I've considered the evidence and signs the petition anyway and it's done. We can't lose."

"Now when you say 'we' fly to New Jersey, who do you mean?" Rebecca asked, "because I sure didn't get invited to dinner last night when all this was discussed."

Tony cringed. There it was. It was his critical mistake and he was guilty as hell. There was absolutely no reason or excuse for that one and he knew it. Of course Rebecca should have been included. It was the perfect 20/20 hindsight solution.

"I'm sorry, when it's put that way it sounds pretty damn inconsiderate of me." In the unstated rules of arguing with a female, Tony didn't dare mention that Cheri had asked that they do it that way. Better to fall on your own sword than be seen as trying to shift the blame.

"You haven't thought this through very well. How long were you going to wait to tell me?"

"Thought it through? I never even considered it. Put Rebecca's cousin on the boat, take her to Marj and Chris. Done, end of story; all the big people take over from there. Mom takes care of the paperwork and all is sunny in the Harris family. One good deed done for hero-boy. That's how far I thought it through. Shit, Rupert didn't really even tell me why I was going to see the judge that day, not in any way that registered what we were actually doing. Actually adopting Cheri? Never crossed my mind until she asked me to do it. That was, oh, around noon yesterday."

"You can't stop yourself can you? I mean I know you can't, dear God of course you can't, can you? What made her even think of asking you to adopt her in the first place?"

"Her talk with Yakimoto. She said when she was talking to him she realized that I wasn't just a stop along the way. She said she already knew it, but she just hadn't voiced it. She said I was her only real father since her dad died and she really didn't want to be passed off to another one."

"She really feels that way?"

"Rebecca how have I treated her? Like a normal friend? Like my girlfriend's cousin? Do you remember how scared I was when we got back from court that day? I've been writing down every damn thing I did for that girl. How have I treated her almost from the start?"

Rebecca thought for a minute then sighed. "Like you were her father. Shit you treat her better than most fathers do. You know you two really are fucked up.

"How do you feel about Cheri, Tony? What is she to you? Is she a name on a piece of paper the judge gave you? Just another stray you picked up?"

Tony closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. "Do you remember a long time ago, I told you I stayed awake at night thinking about what I should be doing for her?"

"Yeah, at school that day, I think we were all in a pile up on the grass." Rebecca smiled at the memory.

"OK, the closest I can come to answering in a way I think you would understand is Anita. It's different; it's like Anita with all the responsibility of everything about her thrown in."

Like Cheri, Tony had never voiced it quite so simply before. He let out a soft sigh and stared into those huge green eyes and said, "She's my kid Rebecca."

Rebecca's face softened and she gave Tony a smile he thought he might never see again only twenty minutes earlier. "OK, pay up, let's go."

Tony threw enough cash on the table to cover the bill and raced to catch up with Rebecca. He caught up with her near the door and asked, "Uhm where are we going?"

"My house, to pick up some clothes for Cheri and me for school. Then your house for a family conference."

Ten minutes later they walked into the Harris house together. Rebecca mumbled a greeting to her parents and walked straight to her bedroom already pulling off her dress as she disappeared through the door. Marj shot Tony a questioning look.

"The girls are staying with me tonight. We need to talk. I'll get them to school in the morning."

"What's so important that it can't wait until tomorrow?" Chris asked.

"Well, I take it that back when you two were dating you never agreed to adopt Marj's cousin without either yourself or her cousin discussing it with her first?"

Rebecca exited her room; she had thrown on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans and now carried an overnight bag. She turned left and disappeared into Cheri's room.

Chris cringed. "Oh you guys have a good night. I'm not going to try and stop her."

"I always thought you were a wise man sir," Tony replied deadpan.

Rebecca entered the living room. She didn't look upset, but she did look determined. She kissed her dad on the cheek and told him, "'G'nite Daddy, I'll see you tomorrow." Then she headed out the door followed by Tony.

In another ten minutes they were back at Tony's house. Tina headed downstairs while Tony stopped briefly in the kitchen to tell his mom that the girls were staying the night.

"Ah, Rebecca finally caught up to you. That's going to be quite the discussion I would think."

Tony laughed. "Yes it will be. And don't start with the be-all, know-all parenting voodoo. I'm starting to catch on to it now you know. You just have a big head start."

Carol laughed. "Well more voodoo for you then. I haven't talked to your sisters. That's your job, but I'll keep them up here for tonight."

"Yeah, you didn't surprise me with that one. Anita's not going to be pleased with the situation I don't think, that's going to take some work."

"Good luck Tony, you're going to need it. The simple fact she's here means you're safe though. I'd put just a little more forethought in these things in the future. A certain redhead should be the first thing that pops into your mind, not the last."

"Oh don't I know that. G'nite Mom."

He caught up with the girls sitting in the salon on Kalliste. Each had already poured themselves a glass of wine so Tony made himself a bourbon and sat in the chair opposite them. "OK baby-girl, hate me yet?"

Tony could see tears forming in her eyes and for a minute he thought he was in trouble.

"I knew. I knew all of this, well most of it. But when you put it all together like this you really have done a lot for me. It's tremendous Tony. How could I possibly hate someone who did so much for me? No Tony, I don't hate you. I still love you like a dad, even more so. I didn't have any idea I had a $30,000 college fund. What's that all about?"

"That's for you and Marj and Chris. Most people who are smart start saving for their kid's college education almost immediately after they are born. I wanted to make sure you could go to college and they haven't had years to save up for that yet. I don't think Chris would have objected to that if it just came along with you, so there you go."

"Tony, I've always hated to ask this so I never did. It seems rude, but..."

"The last time they counted the chips about three hundred and sixty million."

"Oh dear! I mean holy shit! That's just ... a lot."

"That it is baby-girl. That it is."

"Uhm, Tony you wouldn't think that I'd ask you to adopt me because of that would you?"

"I believe you asked me before you knew, didn't you?"

"True, I mean I knew you had some money, probably even a lot, but that's..." Cheri sighed.

"I think the chances of my little girl ever needing for anything are pretty slim."

"Why even bother to go to college then, what's the point?"

"Easy, all that money is managed by consultants. Those consultants are very, very expensive. They take a large bite out of every dime I earn. So I need to study business and finance to understand it. I need to go to college because I have all that money. I also have to learn that for Tina. The day she turns eighteen she's just going to hand over hers as well. It will still be her money of course, but I don't think any of us can imagine Tina worrying about financial wheeling and dealing. As long as her credit card functions, or mine if she can get her hands on it, she's just not going to care. It's just not something she's going to be interested in. If you ask her right now she'll just tell you that Tony is going to take care of all that for her. So I will."

"Oh, OK, well that makes sense when you put it that way."

"Anyway, you read all that stuff, still trust me?"

"More than ever Tony. Like I said I knew most of it but having it all in one place made me realize just how much you really do care for me."

"Good because I really do. Now, I think we need to let Rebecca start out. The term used was that this is going to be a family discussion. Family in this case means the three people in this room. I made, no Cheri, we made a huge mistake yesterday, something that could have cost me the single most important person in my life. We need to talk about how we can't let that happen again."

"I've been thinking about that some since you left and I agree. Why didn't we just think to invite her to dinner with Scott?" Cheri asked.

"Oh no, it's not that easy you two," Rebecca started, a touch of anger had returned to her voice. "No way. This is something we should have talked about long before talking to Scott. I know things happened really fast yesterday but as crazy as you two are, you both claim to love me and I will not be left out again, ever.

"There were some questions I needed to ask before I at least tried to talk you two out of this. What if this isn't the right thing for me? What happens? What happens if I think it's not the right thing for Tony and you two shut me out and don't talk to me?

"Everything," Rebecca shouted, "and I do mean everything that involves Tony involves me and everything that involves me involves Tony. I don't give a shit, Cheri, if you have PMS one day and irritate him. That involves me. There hasn't been a Rebecca or a Tony for a long time now. There's just the two of us, we aren't just a couple, we're much more than that. You have to understand that. We aren't like other people."

"So you don't think this is the right thing to do?" Cheri asked, tears once again starting to form in her eyes.

"No Cheri, that's not it at all. What I did do last night was go to bed with a lot of doubts and not just a little fear OK? That's because we didn't talk about this first.

"Here's what I thought last night OK. There are three people in the world that hold an absolute death grip on Tony's heart: me, Tina, and Anita. There is no doubt in any of our minds that he would do absolutely anything for us. He loves us completely and unconditionally. He has a lot of love to go around and that's OK. Even when Anita and I joke around about him it's just that, jokes. Those first couple of days on the boat maybe there was some minor seriousness there, but since then we're fine. We both love him to death and we know we get it back in spades."

"So you don't think he loves me?" Cheri sniffed.

"You need to let me finish Cheri and not get yourself in a tizzy. Tony loves you, never fear that. It made perfect sense to me that you at least thought and truly believed that having Tony adopt you instead of my parents was the right thing for you. Tony and I talked about it at dinner. We talked about how he treated you right from the start, all those things in the envelope there. Once I realized that he absolutely has been treating you like a daughter all this time then it makes a heck of a lot more sense. That big lug there has been a better father to you than most fathers I know hasn't he?"

Cheri just nodded at Rebecca.

"Well then it makes perfect sense and we can't change it. If he had been more distant, if he had just dropped you off at our house and then did nothing otherwise than just treat you like a friend you wouldn't feel this way. Dad may have seemed like just as good a choice probably."

This time Cheri shook her head. "I'm not sure, one thing Tony and I talked about today was that he looks nothing like an authority figure to me. He's not even two full years older than me. While I might not have looked at Tony as a father, or a very good one at least, he would have probably still been less threatening to me. The fact that he treats me so well and works so hard just makes him more perfect."

Rebecca nodded her agreement. "OK, I can see that. So that solves Cheri. The best thing in the world for Cheri is the whacky and weird, having another teenager adopt her.

"But Cheri, did you really ever stop to think about Tony?"

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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 3

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of...

3 years ago
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A Piece of Art

Edited by Barney R and qxvw198 Hello again, Sue here to tell of another of Mike and my adventures. Mike has always been spontaneous so when he suggested we go to the modern art exhibit at the last minute I had no problems or worries. On our way Mike starts a conversation about art. "You know standing there being looked at by so many people," he said. "I bet a piece of art must have an exhibition fetish like you." "Yes but what piece of art gets to make love to her husband after being...

2 years ago
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Just a Piece of Ass

Disclaimer. This is set in England, with English dialogue so if 'F words' offend you, don't read it.None of the Characters or corporations are based on real people, or corporations, any similarities are unintentional.Just A Piece of Ass.It was just a blue door beside a book shop, anonymous, blue, drab, I knocked and an ageing concierge greeted me, "Yes?" she asked as she blocked the way forward up the drab stairway with peeling brown wall paper and worn green stair carpet."Maggie? I phoned...

4 years ago
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At tim ananRebeccas III

I woke up with the bed shaking and felt someone moving me. I looked around, and remembered I was in their bed. Looking down, my legs were nearly to my chest, Tim's hands holding them up and spread wide. He was switching between sucking my dick and licking my butt hole. Rebecca was no where in sight. Tim's mouth felt good, and his tounge snaked around my dick tickling the head and piss slit. He raised his head, smiled and asked have a good night. Yes I told him, and asked where's Rebecca. He...

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A piece of art

Let me introduce myself, my name is Brandy. I'm 26 years old and married with two beautiful kids. At the tender age of 26, I work for one of the biggest law firms in the United States. You would think I was living the American dream — a great job and two wonderful kids, a big beautiful house and the car of my dreams. I hate to tell you this but everything isn't what it seems. Things at home really aren't all that great. You see my husband is a great guy with a great job and does everything he...

Straight Sex
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Harem Piece

I was finally done with my work. To release my stress, I decided to read One Piece. But today was a special day! It was the premier of chapter 1000 of One Piece! Finally, it had felt like ages but it was finally here. I switch on my phone while on the elevator and search up reddit, browsing for a scanlation because I just couldn't wait for the official release. I found a post with a sketchy link but I decided to take my chances. What's the worse that could happen? That was when my phone...

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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 5

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 5 Rebecca wakes up from a good night's sleep. She rises slowly at first, then sits up suddenly, "Oh shit!" She exclaims as she sees by the clock that it's eight in the morning. "Lilith is up and I haven't made her morning coffee!" she mumbles to herself. She jumps out of bed and runs to the kitchen, naked. Her Mistress is already gone. Then she remembers it's Sunday. Lilith doesn't normally work on Sunday. She feels badly about not getting up with...

2 years ago
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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 4

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 4 Linda calls Rebecca's name. Still in a bit of a fog, Rebecca doesn't reply. Lilith shakes her and Linda says her name again. Rebecca slowly comes back to the real world, the fog in her head starting to lift. Where is she, she wonders? Oh yes, the Master Bedroom. That must be where I am, she thinks as her senses start to recognize the familiar surroundings. "Are you alright, dear?," Linda inquires. Rebecca nods, then nods harder, "Yes, yes...I am...

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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 3

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 3 Rebecca, has been taken three times in the ass over the last couple of hours and finds the butt plug to be a little uncomfortable. She wonders why are they keeping her plugged. She thinks to herself, the obvious reason is that they don't want her leaking, but to what end? She can't help wondering if there is another deeper or darker reason. Perhaps they will tell her, eventually. Either way, she is glad that Mistress Lilith had her rinse before all...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Rebecca

This story was inspired by two of the web’s best authors on the topic of reluctant lesbians – LCDRJMC and Jenna Tarp, although neither seems to be writing these days much to my dismay. Many of the themes contained within can be found in their works, although probably better written then my attempt here. My hope is you’ll enjoy the story and that either the two authors will love it and be inspired to write more, or hate it and be inspired to write more – either way it’s a win for me. You should...

3 years ago
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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 6

The Taking of Rebecca, Chapter 6 Lilith is dressed to the nines today. It is an outfit that Rebecca has only seen her wear when she has a hot date. Perhaps something exciting is happening today. The outfit is composed of a rather short form-fitting black skirt with a low-cut white blouse that barely covers her bra. She is wearing an exquisite pair of spike heeled platform pumps, and stockings with a garterbelt instead of pantyhose. The truth is that Lilith is closing a huge deal today...

2 years ago
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The Private Massage With Rebecca Lenas Time Alone

After Rebecca left Mike and Lena stared at each other for the longest time before Mike finally suggested a shower. Lena slid off the table as Mike stood. She went to him and he wrapped her in his arms feeling her naked body against his.They walked into the bathroom to take their shower. Both were still feeling the glowing after-effects of their brief time with Rebecca. Mike took his time to lather, rub and wash Lena from head to toe. Then Lena did the same for Mike. Before long they were...

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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 2

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 2 Taisha pulls Rebecca up from her cum-sharing kiss with Lilith forcefully. She sticks her nine inch cock in Rebecca's mouth, fresh from Rebecca's ass. Rebecca licks it clean, savoring the taste of the cum and the juices mixed together. Taisha's cock is amazing. Rebecca wraps her tongue around the spongy head of the sizable cock and takes it deep into her mouth. She can feel it softening slightly, making it easier to swallow. Rebecca reaches up and...

4 years ago
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Rebecca and the school janitor

Richard Cherry whistled softly to himself as he moved along the deserted hallway of local Elementary School. He'd been working there for fifteen years now and he never got tired of his job. It wasn't so much that he enjoyed being a janitor or cleaning up after all the spoiled teachers who mocked him. Richard enjoyed the fringe benefits of being an elementary school janitor, the chance to spy on all the sexy teachers. He would never touch any of the them, but he enjoyed looking! Richard smiled...

3 years ago
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Rebeccas Secret Ch 03

Kate stood before me, dressed in only a burgundy bathrobe, with her back to the door. She looked up at me as if waiting for me to say something, as if I was the one who needed to provide an explanation. Rebecca, meanwhile, stood behind me, using my body to shield her from Kate's eyes, not that it made a difference now. Kate had plenty of time to see all there was to see."What are you doing here?" I asked sternly."Well, I . . ." she hesitated."I'm already pissed off, Kate," I told her. "Unless...

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Rebecca in trouble

"Rebecca, will you hide this dope in your overnight bag and take it down to Brazil when you meet Mom and Dad tomorrow?""Are you crazy, I am not going to get caught for you," said Rebecca. Rebecca's brother David had been trying to get Rebecca to take his dope, when Rebecca joined their parents in Brazil this week. Their parents were already in Brazil, where their father had taken a new job. They had left the week before, with Rebecca to go on Saturday with David. Since Rebecca finished school...

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Jasmine and Rebecca

arriving at the party, jasmine realised she was slighly early as there were only 4 people there. thinking she might get drunk early and say something about wanting to fuck rebecca, she told her that shed popped in early to drop the drinks off but had to nip back home to get rebeccas present. driving home she couldnt believe how sexy rebecca looked. the image of rebecca wearing the white dress that clung to her curves and showed her full suckable tits off madejasmine moist. pulling up outside...

2 years ago
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by Gail Holmes Rebecca and her father were very close, she’d could never remember her mother, she and her father had separated when she was very young, but it never bothered her not having a mum about, her father seemed to be well educated in all aspects of the female. Although as far as Rebecca was concerned she’d never known her father to date or even see another woman. They’d lived in the Cotswold, a part of England that was much loved but tourists and holidaymakers. Her College years...

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Rebecca in trouble part 5

Rebecca began to scream again from the fresh pain. The Judge changed the angle of his cock each time he drove into her asshole, maximizing the pain that Rebecca would feel from the anal ****. He thrust in and out, forcing her to accept his cock deep into her. He fucked her ass for over 10 minutes, forcing groans and screams of pain from Rebecca as her asshole clung to his cock. He finally thrust deep into her ass and shot his hot cum into her, to mix with the Commander's.The other guards jumped...

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I work at a large restaurant chain in their construction division. I spend my time co-ordinating the construction and remodelling of the stores in our chain. Part of my job includes travelling to locations where restaurants are being built, and ensuring that nothing goes wrong.I was recently in another town, and on my first night in town I hooked up with Chantal, the woman who worked behind the counter. She was an aspiring architect, and so we discussed the construction industry at length over...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH5

This was going to require a little thought, but it would definitely lead to a lot of fun. I sat down in my chair and pulled open my desk drawer while I compiled the commands I was going to give them. “Rebecca,” I said as I pulled the two pool balls out of my desk drawer. “Hand these to my sister and ask her politely to stick these up your pussy.” Rebecca stretched out her hands and I placed the two pool balls in her palms. “Karen, you will do what Rebecca asks you to do while we are here...

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Rebecca George Begin To Swing

We met them a few months ago while visiting my step-daughter and her family. Bob and Amy were a new couple in their neighborhood and were rumored to be swingers. My wife and I had more than a few dalliances with others in a group setting, such as threesomes and moresomes, but never actually swapped partners away from each other.It was a long-held fantasy of mine to take another woman with her partner's consent while knowing that he was taking my wife in the next room. My wife and I were very...

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That Purple TwoPiece

I spend most of my summer days at Tammy's house. It's easier for Mother, and I enjoy Miss Johnson and Tammy's company. I've tried a couple of times to go out and do 'boy' things with some of the guys in the neighborhood, but never really enjoy myself. Boys like to explore and play army in the woods near our house. I enjoy reading with Tammy. We sit and chat and play games. And her house is air conditioned. Mother says we'll do that to our house some year, but I just can't imagine...

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Rebecca Lord

The offices of Marley Johnson Associates were unremarkable. The street they were in was nothing out of the ordinary; the small English town that surrounded the offices was similar to many other prosperous towns up and down the country. Marley Johnson was a medium size accounting firm. Business was good and as such the well-known local firm had no problem in recruiting local staff. One of those was Rebecca Lord, director of Personnel Recruitment. Rebecca hadn’t gone to university, one of the few...

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Rebecca in trouble part 2

Rebecca trembled as she lowered her arms from her breasts. She laced her fingers behind her neck and thrust her breasts out for all of them to see.There was a murmur from all as Rebecca's breasts were bared to them. Although she was very young, her breasts were big, yet firm. They defied gravity by pointing out. Her nipples were large, and because of the fear, had hardened to points."You have magnificent tits, Rebecca. We are going to enjoy them immensely in the days to come. We have great...

1 year ago
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Sir Philip Rebecca Chapter 8

Sir Philip has a few friends around to really punish Rebecca. Chapter 8 She’d been left, wrists tied to the bed, handle of the whip in her ass, cum covering her pussy and boobs. She’d been turned on the whole time, not knowing when her master would be back, not knowing what was in store for her when he was back, not able to remove the handle in her ass. She was his filthy little slut. She knew damn well he meant it now. It felt like hours that she’d been lying there, pussy...

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The Taking of Rebecca Chapter 1

The Taking of Rebecca - Chapter 1 Lilith pulls into the driveway of her modest home, back from a busy day at work, despite the fact that it is a Saturday. She is a small, well- built woman of mixed descent, standing at 5'6" high. You would never know it though by the way she carries herself, so self-assured and confident. She wears four inch high heel grey pumps. Four inch pumps are her standard daily wear, color optional. She wouldn't be caught dead without a pair on. Her skin is...

1 year ago
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Robert lost his virginity by Rebecca

I am an 18 years old with a very horny virgin seven inches dick. My name is Robert. I do not have the experience of fucking a woman. I do not know how a ripped woman looks when she is naked. I have seen photographs of naked women in websites but never have seen them in reality. Rebecca is a dream girl for me as well as for my friends. She is an astounding 19 years old girl, 5 foot 4 inches tall, blue eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 C breasts, long legs and a big well shaped rounded ass. I...

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Rebecca in trouble part 10

Part TenRebecca opened her eyes, the cock in her face. It was no longer hard, just a glistening, cum covered piece of man flesh. She opened her mouth as she felt him move his hips forward until it was pushed inside her mouth. Her lips grasped it firmly as her tongue began to wash over the surface, sucking all of her and his cum from it. She ran her tongue over the tip, feeling another drop of cum fall out onto her tongue, the salty, heavy cum filling her mouth with his taste. She looked up...

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My busty aunt Rebecca

“Sorry to bother you,” Emma repeated again. “It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.” With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street. It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I was fixing her laptop too. Jackie is about 40 but have a very youthful appearance. An image...

3 years ago
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My busty aunt Rebecca

Note: I reuploaded this because of fixing paragraphs, so that it will be more comfortable to read.“Sorry to bother you,” Emma repeated again.“It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.”With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street.It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I...

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My busty aunt Rebecca

“It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.” With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street. It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I was fixing her laptop too. Jackie is about 40 but have a very youthful appearance. An image flashed in my memory: Jackie in a white top...

3 years ago
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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 1

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you underage, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to the Mermaid Stories group on Yahoo and read them post haste. This...

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Rebecca in trouble part 6

Part SixRebecca screamed as her burnt and punctured asshole was stretched wide to accept his large cock. Her anus clamped tightly on his cock. The Judge pulled his cock out, allowing Rebecca's asshole to clamp shut, but abruptly pushed it back in again, forcing a new scream of pain from Rebecca's lips as she had to relive the stretching of her anus. This time he pushed in further, burying two inches of hard, erect cock in her asshole. He pulled out and forced Rebecca to accept four inches,...

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I Love Rebecca Moore And Her Bush

After twenty minutes, her head suddenly leaned off my chest, and she kissed me. "That's enough; I think I'm ready to go home. Are you ready to come with me?""I've never been more ready, Rebecca."She smirked at me and lazily got off me.Although, she did grab her bra and panties, though, as I leaned up with her. "Well, flattery did get you everywhere, but I want to give you something else," she mentioned, before bringing both of them to my hands. "Just as a memento of this day where you...

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Rebecca in trouble part 3

The guards ran their fingers gently over Rebecca's nipples, "OHHHH, please," moaned Rebecca. They seized her large breasts in their hands and began to fondle and maul them, paying special attention to her nipples. Fingers gripped them tightly and pulled them away from her body, stretching her tits, further and further. "OHHHH, that hurts," she cried, but her nipples grew bigger from the mistreatment.Meanwhile, the Judge continued to lick her pussy and now began to finger-fuck her."Tell me what...

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Yes Rebecca Moore Does Have A Bush

"I asked you a question, who are you?" she whined, shooting me a dirty look. "Were you just watching me, and did you jack off too?"I failed to look at her and covered my face with both hands.Although, then she grabbed one of my hands and yanked me out of the stall. "You sick bastard," she blasted me, grabbing her undergarments. "You stole my bra and panties and jacked off into them as you watched me pleasure myself? What the hell is the matter with you? Can't you respect a woman's...

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Chapter Ten Ms Rebecca Gets Help Preparing Daisy to Meet Her Master

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Ten - Ms. Rebecca Gets Help Preparing Daisy for Her Master Ms. Stephanie brings her sissy Prissy to Ms. Rebecca's home and they contribute to the preparation of Daisy to meet her Master that later that night. While Prissy is left to complete some of the necessary preparation, Ms. Rebecca and Ms. Stephanie retire to Ms. Rebecca's bed from some fun. "Prissy, introduce yourself to your new sister sissy, Daisy," the woman with Ms. Rebecca...

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