College Madness 8211 Part 1 Hot Classroom Sex
- 2 years ago
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He was awake. There was a sound echoing down the long empty lower corridors of the arena, faint but growing steadily louder. People running, two or three. A yell. The footfalls suddenly close, another shout; 'Hold it right there!'. Amanda wakes up, begins to sit up when the door slams open against the wall with an incredibly loud bang, and she screams.
In very quick succession:
A figure in parka, scarf and toque sprints across the room, leaps completely over the bed, brandishes a half inch wrench and screams 'LET HER GO!'.
Corey raises his hands like Amanda's skin is scalding him.
A man in black jacket and pants bursts through the door, quick-draws a chrome.45 automatic from a shoulder holster and takes military aim at the figure with the wrench, and yells 'DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!'
Amanda turns her face to Corey's and blurts in a voice full of fear: "My sister Cindy!".
The figure in winter gear raises it's hands but also ducks behind the bed.
The man at the door raises the gun to rest position beside his ear.
Everything freezes. The moment stretches. Suddenly, Corey lifts his butt off the bed and whips the covers down to below his knees, then sits up, lifts his feet, and throws the covers over his and Amanda's nudity. He holds his hand out to the figure beside the bed, and is handed the wrench. He tells the man at the door;
"It's cool, Marcus. She has my full authorization."
Marcus returned the gun to it's holster, saying;
"Sorry about the scare, Boss. She shouldn't have gotten this far. That one on the bed with you must've left the door unlocked. I didn't expect that. Pretty embarrassing, letting two of 'em get by in one night. When did she get in?"
"About twenty minutes after the show last night, actually, and I'm sorry I didn't let you know she was here." Corey told him. "I'm surprised you're still here, you're only on duty till two."
"Yah, well, when the limo guys went home, I figured I'd keep an eye on things around here, in case you needed anything." Marcus replied. "There's a snow storm outside, and most of the highways are closed. I talked to the crew on the cell phone. All the trucks are stuck at a truck stop outside of town. You mind if I grab a Coke an' a sandwich at the bar before I head back to the security office?"
"Sure." Corey turned to the person who was apparently Amanda's sister Cindy, her face still covered by the scarf except for her eyes.
"Which grate?" he asked her.
"Third window men's room, blue section." Came the reply in a girl's voice that sounded almost exactly like Amanda's.
"Do me a favor Marcus?" Corey asked. "Take this wrench. You'll find it fits the bolts that have been taken out of a window grate on the third window of the men's room in blue section. If you could put it back, I'd appreciate if you could keep this out of Arena Security's log. What do you think?"
"Sure, no problem Boss."
With a submarine sandwich in cellophane under one arm and a can of coke in that hand, Marcus tucked the wrench into a back pocket with the other, and let himself out.
Another long moment of silence.
"Competent guy, that Marcus." Corey announced conversationally. "He saved my life once."
"Are you all right?" Cindy asked Amanda.
"I'm fine." Amanda replied, her voice still shaking a little. "Cindy, this is Corey Michaels. Corey, this is my sister Cindy."
"You're all right." Cindy stated straightforwardly. "I'm sweating to death. Jesus Christ." Then she seemed to snap out of it, and into rage, ripping the scarf off her face and yelling at the top of her lungs;
"JESUS CHRIST, AMANDA! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO CALL IF YOU WERE GOING TO STAY MORE THAN AN HOUR! IT'S SIX A.M.! HOW MANY TIMES DID I MAKE YOU PROMISE YOU WERE GOING TO CALL AND LET ME KNOW YOU WERE ALL RIGHT! CHRIST!" She whipped the toque off her head and threw it at the floor like a triumphant football player spiking in the end zone. She continued ripping off pieces of outerwear and throwing them around the room as she continued her enraged tirade. "I'VE BEEN GOING CRAZY ALL NIGHT WORRYING ABOUT YOU, WONDERING WHETHER YOU'RE GETTING YOURSELF BEATEN TO DEATH, I GET DOWN HERE AND THAT ASSHOLE CHASES ME THROUGH THE WHOLE DAMN ARENA, I GET IN HERE AND YOU'RE SCREAMING LIKE YOU'RE BEING FUCKING RAPED, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" She had finished with her scarf, mitts, and jacket, and sat heavily on the edge of the bed to pull her boots off, still yelling at full volume. "AND THEN HE POINTS THAT BIG FUCKING GUN AT ME, AND I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE, AND NOW I BET YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME YOU FORGOT, RIGHT?!!!"
She finished with her boots and buried her face in her hands. Taking three deep breaths, she continued in a very quiet voice; "God, Amanda. When I saw him pull that gun out and aim it at me, and I was looking right into the barrel, I really thought he was gonna kill me." She started to cry with silent shudders.
Cindy was a little taller than Amanda, maybe five foot two, and her hair was very light blond, almost white, straight and halfway down her back except for her bangs resting on her eyebrows. Where Amanda was lightly tan, Cindy had a healthy pink 'peaches and cream' complexion. She was as slim as Amanda, but had a more delicate, bikini-model type build, lacking the physical development that gave Amanda her aerobics-instructor looking body. And she was beautiful. He could see why Amanda judged herself harshly in comparison to Cindy. He could tell through her tight sweater that her breasts were just a touch smaller than Amanda's, and from what he could tell under her jeans, their buns were exactly the same.
When Cindy began to cry, Amanda moved to console her. For a moment Corey was worried that she was going to pull both herself and the blankets off of him, so he scooted sideways till his hip was almost touching Cindy's back. Amanda turned to put a foot on either side of Cindy on the bed and hugged her, and Cindy turned sideways and hugged her back as they cried out their fear and tension.
"I'm sorry, Cindy, I'm so sorry..." Amanda sobbed into her sister's shoulder. Finally they got their emotions under control, and Cindy told Amanda:
"I want to speak to you in private."
"No. I'm sorry, Cindy, but I know he doesn't want me to. I'm an adult now, and you're going to have to respect this decision."
"But I can't talk in front of him!" Cindy hissed.
"Yes you can, Cindy! You know you can trust him." Amanda re-assured her. "Just pretend he isn't here."
Cindy wavered in indecision for a few moments, till her need to know overcame her reluctance.
"Fine." she said. "Why didn't you call?"
"Well," Amanda began, blushing and looking down, "An hour after I got here, his mouth was on my pussy and he was giving me the most incredible orgasm I've ever had. Actually, the second most incredible, now. I know that's no excuse. I really wish I had something better to tell you, but the truth is, I did forget."
Cindy stared at her open-mouthed, surprised that she could be so blatant in front of Corey.
"So," Cindy stammered, "Everything went well?"
"Oh, so much better than 'well'." Amanda reassured her, happily. "You just wouldn't believe how excellent it's been! I must've cum ten times, plus all the ones I had when I was sleeping!"
"Cool." Cindy stated, relieved. She flashed Corey a glance over her shoulder, and scratched at her ribcage under one arm before continuing. "So, you didn't make him hurt you?"
Amanda's countenance fell. "Well, I did, but not much. Just when he was putting it in me, at first, and a little later when he squeezed my titties a bit."
"Shit." Cindy swore under her breath. "Did you hurt him?"
Amanda looked like she wanted to crawl under the covers and hide. She finally answered in a little tiny voice;
"God dammit Amanda!" Cindy burst out, "You promised you wouldn't!" She glared daggers at her sister for a moment, then continued in a more calm tone of voice. "How is he?"
"He's okay. He's not injured." Amanda replied hesitantly. "I did what I could for him, but I don't know how well I did. I'm too close to the situation to judge."
"Shit." Cindy said to herself, "You can say that again." She closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, and seemed to gather herself for something.
Just when Corey was about to comment on how weird it was to be talked about like he wasn't even there, Cindy turned to him and looked him directly in the eyes. She had the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen, and she held him locked to her gaze long enough for him to think to himself; 'Christ! She really can look right into your soul!'
"How do you feel?" she asked him. It was incredible, like a hypnotic command. He tried to say: 'Hey, I'm fine, no problem here.', but his mouth disobeyed his brain. What his mouth actually said was:
"I'm not proud of all the things I enjoyed last night. I think I can handle it. Amanda's an emotional roller coaster, but it's been the experience of a lifetime."
"Did she try to make you put it in her bum?" Cindy asked.
"She mentioned it..."
"And did you?"
"Did she try to make you hit her?" Cindy enquired.
"She mentioned a spanking..." Corey admitted.
"And did you spank her?"
"No." Corey said.
"Then you should be proud of what you enjoyed." She reassured him as she gave his shoulder a little shake. "Amanda obviously enjoyed it, and you showed more self control than most men would have. If you're going to have her around, she'll get you to do the rest of it to her eventually anyway, so you might as well have a healthy attitude about it."
She broke the eye contact, releasing him, and he sagged back against the pillows, amazed at the intensity of it. And he felt... better.
"He'll be fine." Cindy reassured Amanda. Amanda turned to Corey;
"Pretty wild, huh?" she asked him with a smile. "Told yah she was spooky."
He could only nod.
"So," Cindy said to Amanda, "I guess you might as well tell me what happened. Briefly."
"Briefly?" Amanda considered. "Briefly. I came in, he was only wearing a towel, he told me to tell him how I got in or he'd call the cops. I told him, and told him I was here to make love to him, and stripped down to my tights, and hugged him and rubbed myself against him and sucked his nipple. He was going to send me home with a C.D. but he was getting stiff, so I took his towel off and touched him with my hand. Then he said he'd do it for me."
"No doubt." Cindy interjected, somewhat sarcastically.
"So then we kissed," Amanda continued, "And he carried me to the chair, and I tested him."
"That soon?" Cindy asked, "What did he do?"
"I wanted to get past it and I knew he'd do fine. Wow Cindy, you wouldn't believe how excellent it is! He's so perfectly balanced on the line that he gets mad at me and asks if I realize he can hurt me!"
"Wow." Cindy breathed.
"Yah!" Amanda continued. "And then he carried me over to the bed and gave me the most glorious orgasm with his hand. Only when I was done, he kept rubbing me till I was going crazy!"
"Serves you right, you little minx." Cindy threw in.
"So then he wipes my whole body down with a warm cloth, makes me drink apple juice, shoves his face in my bum, and does the wildest things in my bumhole with his tongue. Then he rubs his face all over my body and then that's when he got me in the pussy with his mouth, when I didn't call you. I'm leaving most of the good stuff out, but it was incredible."
"Mm hm." went Cindy. She flashed Corey a little glance, made a motion like she was thinking of touching herself, turned it into another little scratch at her side.
"And then we made love, but it was really close. He wasn't gonna do it at first, 'cuz he's really big and he didn't want to hurt me, but I talked him into it. He finally put it into me until I was full, and we both came. So then he wipes me down with the cloth again, and I did the same for him, and I realize that he's got this much he's not putting inside me." She held her thumb and finger about four inches apart. Corey reached past her and squeezed them together till they were two inches apart.
"I couldn't get him to put the rest into me, then he told me to do it if I wanted it so much. I pushed real hard but I couldn't get it all into me, so I just dropped myself on it. That's how I hurt him. And he's been doing it to me constantly ever since. Even while we were showering. Even when we were sleeping. Even right now."
"He's still inside you? Right now?" Cindy asked, amazed.
"Mm hmm." Amanda agreed. She slowly gathered the blankets in front of her and raised them to her waist, showing Cindy that his manhood was indeed still deep inside her naked little quim. Cindy could only watch in helpless fascination as Amanda slowly put one hand behind herself, braced it on Corey's left hip, and oh-so-slowly raised herself off him until only half the head was left in, and paused.
"My God!" Cindy exclaimed. "He's huge!"
"He is, isn't he?" Amanda replied with a smug little smile. She slowly lowered herself down till he touched her cervix.
"I'm full here. I have to stretch to take him the rest of the way." Amanda demonstrated as she spoke, and Cindy could see the tension trying to pull the outside of her pussy inside her with the base of his cock.
Corey decided to himself that he wasn't going to say a word.
"Wow!" Cindy stated. Fascinated, she slowly reached out and touched her sister with a fingertip at the edge of her opening, brushing the base of his shaft. Amanda felt stretched as tight as a drum there.
"That must... hurt." Cindy breathed softly.
"Oh yes." Amanda replied with a raised eyebrow and a satisfied grin, "It does. But it also feels so good. I'm so full, I feel so... womanly." She pushed the covers aside and gently took Cindy's hand in both of hers, pressed it's palm against her belly button and bounced a bit. Cindy could feel the immensity of Corey's manhood moving inside Amanda's body, and was completely mind-blown. She moved her hand away and pressed her ear against Amanda's belly, looking down, like she was listening for it's heartbeat. She blushed dark pink, then red. Amanda gently cradled Cindy's head to her belly and slowly rubbed her loins against Corey's.
"He's going to keep me, Cindy. He's going to keep me for a long time, he told me. I feel so grateful whenever I think about it, I can hardly talk." For a minute no one spoke or moved except Amanda's little rubs against Corey. Finally, Amanda noticed a feeling of wetness on her tummy.
"Cindy?" she asked. "Are you alright?"
"Oh yah. I'm fine." Cindy stated, and she did sound like nothing was wrong.
"Cindy." Amanda stated quietly. "I can feel your tears on my tummy. They're trickling down onto..."
"Please. Amanda. Don't gloat." Cindy interrupted.
"What?" Amanda asked, confused.
"Please. Cover yourself. Cover him." Cindy said, and reached around Amanda herself to draw the blankets back around her sister's shoulders and tuck them closed in front of her breasts.
"What's wrong, Cindy? I thought you'd be happy for me, it all worked better than we hoped!" Amanda said worriedly.
"Amanda." Cindy said tiredly. "I'm trying to be happy for you, really I am. But you've gotta understand. When I knew they weren't coming back, I promised myself that I'd finish raising you right. Sometimes the responsibility of looking after you was the only thing that kept me going. I tried so hard to keep you on the right track and in school, and when I found out you were... were kinky, I thought I'd be able to get you to want more... healthy things, and I know you tried hard. And now you've given yourself in sexual bondage to a rock star you never met before yesterday, and I helped you do it. Now that it's really happened, I can't help but feel that I've failed you. And you're going to leave, and I'll be all alone in that big old house, with no mom, no dad, no you, and no purpose in life." Cindy's voice and face were calm, but tears were streaming down her cheeks. Amanda looked like she was going to cry too, but was holding it in.
"Cindy, please don't feel that way!" Amanda pleaded. "You've been the best, the very best, you've cared for me more than anyone could ever expect a sister to do for another, you know that! I'm so, so thankful for everything you've done for me! And now you can live the life you deserve, and live for yourself, and go back to college! You did finish raising me, and you did a great job, but now that job is done, and we have to go on. You know that as well as me."
"Yah I know, you're right." Cindy told her. "It just hurts, that's all." She laid her head on Amanda's shoulder and they hugged. Corey saw Cindy flash him only the quickest glance, and she lost control of her facial expression for just a second. Then she was back to the calm expression, tears running down her cheeks. She rubbed her arm against her side like she had an itch.
But it was too late. He'd seen the look, and his subconscious began flashing it's little error flag. Data was reviewed, and implications traced. Conclusions were spit whole into his conscious mind. Suddenly, he had to know if they were correct.
"And?" he prompted gently. Cindy's eyes flashed wide open in panic. She stared wide eyed at Corey over Amanda's shoulder, made little side to side shakes with her head, and mouthed at him silently: 'No! No! Don't!'
"And what?" Amanda asked, pulling back from Cindy's hug to look at their faces. She saw the quiet determination on Corey's face, the silent pleading on Cindy's. Finally she turned to Corey and said to him;
"I don't know what you're implying, but my sister would never..."
"Listen." he interrupted. "She changed into her sexiest under things just before she came over here."
Both girls stared at him open-mouthed in surprise. Amanda turned to Cindy.
"Did you?" she asked incredulously. Cindy covered her mouth with her hands, looked at Amanda, and gave two little nods.
"Christ!" Amanda said to Corey in amazement. "You're as spooky as she is! How the hell did you know that?!"
"I recognized the little side scratch she's been doing. Simone used to do it when she was trying on new clothes. It's from a little plastic tee being left in the side of a bra when the tags are taken off. If she'd have worn it around the house for five minutes before she left she'd have noticed it and taken it out. It's snowing out, so logically she'd have changed into something warm before she left, but that would be long underwear or a tee-shirt or something, not a new bra, so... The only reason she'd change into a new bra before going out is if it's something she's been saving. So..."
"How did you know about the grate, earlier?" Cindy asked, fascinated in spite of herself.
"A half inch wrench is too small for anyone to ever bring one as a weapon." Corey said. "The simplest remaining answer is probably true. Therefore, you probably broke in by unbolting a window grate. But let's not get off the subject."
"You changed into your sexiest under things? For Corey?" Amanda asked. "You never even told me you liked him before."
"Well," Cindy told her with downcast eyes, "I knew there was a small chance you two wouldn't get along, so..."
"Well that's okay Cindy!" Amanda exclaimed. "I want him so much, I don't see how any girl could not want him. You don't have to feel bad about that!"
"It's more serious than that." Corey said.
"Please don't, Corey. You'll spoil everything..." Cindy pleaded.
"Come on Cindy, if you don't tell her, she'll figure it out one day, and then how will she feel?" Corey asked. The silence stretched.
"What? What?" Amanda pleaded.
"Just say it to me then, Cindy." Corey told her. "Come on. Tell me."
Cindy couldn't tear her gaze away from his. Finally, almost against her will, she spoke the words.
"I love you, Corey Michaels."
"Whoa. You love him? You're in love with him? Are you sure?" Amanda asked in amazement.
"She's sure." Corey assured her. "As sure as you are. I can see now, that after the months you've both spent thinking about me, that neither of you are going to feel any less for me in a month unless I treat you like shit between now and then, and I'm not going to. Look girls, this is not a healthy situation at all. Someone's going to be hurt here today, maybe all of us. Your family is mandatory; you'll always be each other's sister for the rest of your lives. Matings are optional, there'll always be other men for beautiful girls like you, and I refuse to have it on my conscience that I ruined your relationship. I think the best thing would be for you two to stay here in Spokane and I'll move on."
"No! No!" both girls protested at once. They looked at each other.
"You've gotta have him, Cindy. I love you too much, and I owe you too much, to come between you and the man you love. I know you'd never let yourself be sure if you weren't also sure that he'd love you back. Besides, he likes you. I could feel it when you threw your coat off." Amanda told her.
"You silly little fool." Cindy said, touching Amanda's cheek. "You'd really do that for me. But think about yourself for the last two months. You can't work or go to school or anything unless it helps bring you closer to Corey. Let's face it, Amanda, you need to make it work with him, or you'll need some serious therapy. If I left town with him and left you here, you'd just sit at home and masturbate to his videos till you starved. My God, Amanda, he's inside you right now! You're having sex with him right now! You got him to make some sort of commitment to you within six hours of meeting you, and it's already done! Besides, Corey doesn't even know me. I'll get over it, and you know I'll have other guys. If it weren't for him, I'd have never let you know I felt like this in the first place."
They were silent for a few moments, then Amanda asked Cindy;
"Out of all the boyfriends you've had, Cindy, were you ever in love before?" When Cindy only bowed her head and couldn't answer, Amanda answered for her.
"No you weren't. I told him everything, all the important stuff at least. So he does have a good idea what you're like. But you're right; I can't give him up. I guess I'm just cursed, because I can't feel good about having him when he's the only man you ever loved."
"Oh yes you can!" Cindy reassured her. "You guys are gonna be great, and you know it! Just wait till he licks you between your legs again, you'll forget all about my problems."
There was silence for another few moments.
"No I won't." Amanda finally said. "We're going to have to share him."
"Oh, come on, Amanda!" Cindy burst out. "That could never work! Wake up to the real world!"
"Why not? You've been the only person that loved me for the last four years." Amanda pointed out. "I love you more than anything, enough that I'd give him to you, but you won't take him from me. I love him, and you love him. If we can make him feel good enough to love both of us, then we'll be fine! Come on, Cindy, we've gotta try! It's the only way where none of us has to be hurt by this!"
"You're nuts!" Cindy shouted in exasperation. She turned to Corey. "Will you talk some sense into her please?!"
Corey considered it. Long moments went by.
"You're both right. Amanda's right in saying it's the only way where none of us has to hurt. Cindy's right in that it almost never works, and most of the time the people who try end up pretty shattered. Most of the time, jealousy is what goes wrong. Almost all people are naturally monogamous, and the more you care for someone, the more it usually hurts to see them in the arms of someone else. There's a lot of three-ways and more in Muslim countries, but I'm convinced that almost every single one of those women want to have their own husbands. I've met thousands of people in the last few years, and I've only seen three healthy, stable relationships with three people. I knew these two guys who were models, and they were a gay couple. They were good friends with a girl who was a photographer's assistant, and one night they were hanging around drinking together, and she bet them a thousand dollars that if they gave it an open-minded try she could convert them both back to being straight in one night. Now the three of them have been together for over four years, and every time I see them they joke that she's still trying to convince them.
"Another example is these two girls in Chicago who were inseparable best friends. They did everything together, told each other all their secrets, spent all their time together. You know the type. Anyway, they realized that whenever one or both of them had boyfriends, they hardly saw each other, and they realized that eventually they'd probably both get married, have kids, maybe move away, and not be able to spend much time together. So they made this pact, and spent almost a year searching for the right guy, and when they found him, they took him home and banged his brains out, and now they have three kids, two by one girl and one by the other. He's simply ecstatic, and they're among the happiest people I know.
"And there was this trio I met in New York once. This guy and his wife really loved each other, but they were really bad at communicating, so they were always having these really ugly arguments about stupid, trivial stuff. They finally broke up, and the wife moved in with her girlfriend. The girlfriend seduced her one night, and they did the girl-girl love thing for a couple of months. One night he comes over for dinner and tries to patch things up with his wife. Everything goes fine for a couple of hours, and then they get into another stupid fight. The girlfriend can't stand to see the wife hurting, and she's a really excellent communicator, so she does some moderating, and patches it up between them. They end up sharing a group hug, then a group kiss, then group sex. It's funny, because now they're all great friends and they all sleep together, and the wife loves the husband and the girlfriend, and they love her. But the husband and the girlfriend aren't in love with each other. On the other hand, the husband and the wife almost never speak to each other, they both just talk to the girlfriend, and communicate with each other through her.
"Anyway, the point is that it might work, but probably not, and we're really playing with fire here. If we try this and it doesn't work, we're going to hurt a hundred times more than if I simply left. I'm like most guys in that I'd love to be with two girls, any time, but I'm not the critical factor here. You two would have to be committed to caring for each other more than you care for me. When you walk into a room and see me making love to her, you'd have to feel a little jealous at having to share her with me. If either of you cared more for me than for each other, I think it would drive you two apart."
There was silence for a moment. Finally Amanda turned to Cindy, and said; "I love you enough that I'd give him up for you, Cindy. You love me enough that you are giving him up for me. I'm making love to him now. Are you jealous of me?"
"No!" Cindy insisted. "You two belong together! This is ridiculous, I'm leaving!" But Amanda's hand on her shoulder was all it took to hold her where she was.
"I need you to kiss him, Cindy. I need to know if it makes me jealous to see that." But Cindy only shook her head and lowered her eyes. Amanda threw her leg over Corey so that she was facing him again, and turned Cindy to face him as well.
"Look at him, Cindy. Isn't he beautiful? You must want to kiss him. If you've fallen in love with him, you must want to do at least that with him. C'mon. Just lean over and give him a little kiss, just so I know how it makes me feel. Please? For me?"
The whole time she was saying this, Amanda pushed Cindy closer and closer to Corey. When her face was about nine inches away from Corey's Cindy closed her eyes and let Amanda slowly push her into contact with him. When her lips were about a quarter inch away Corey kissed her, as softly and as gently as he could, just teasing her lips with his. Amanda leaned over to get a good view. Cindy held still, her lips slightly parted, and let herself be kissed by him. He began to make a little more contact, and gently rubbed his mouth on hers as he kissed her. Finally, Cindy moved her lips a little, then a little more, and ever so slowly, she began to kiss him back. Her passion slowly grew over a three-minute length of time till she was kissing him actively. Her arms slowly rose until they were about to wrap around his head or neck, then paused in mid-air, hovering two inches from touching him for a full minute. Then her resistance crumbled, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily, like she was starved to death for the touch of him. She murmured into his mouth as she kissed him: 'I love you. I love you. I love you... '
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My name is Sharon and this story is largely based on what happened in my life when I was 30 years old. At the time, I had been married for about 8 years to Robert, who was 33 at the time. In general, life was good. In fact, our sex life was excellent. My husband was certainly more adventurous than I, but we both had our favorite fantasies. Here’s what he would often tell me while we were making love, “Sharon imagine that you are dressed provocatively and walk into one of the classy nearby...
I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...
Just then Zack walked out with a towel wrapped around him. Which Maddie took notice to. She knew that he had a crush on her and she kinda liked the idea of getting to know him a little better. And as Zack was moving toward the bathroom she could'nt help but look at his ass through the towel. She then ponderd what it would be like to squeeze it as he fucked her brains out. She then noticed a wet spot on the towel. She waited for him to close the door before she turned to Cody and whispered...
When you leave school in Britain everyone tells you how important it is to go to university and get a degree. What they don’t tell you is that these days just about every school leaver with half a brain cell is doing the same thing. As a result, unless you study at one of the great institutions, you qualify in some very specialised field, or you’re an academic superstar, when you graduate you find yourself competing against thousands of other university leavers for a limited number of really...
I decided to go to a nearby cruising area one night that I had heard about, situated just off a main road. Night time was always the busiest time apparently and there were always loads of guys looking to fuck a cute ass. I was new to doing this. I knew it went on, but had never actually been to a cruising spot at night, especially one where I knew there was loads of action. I was nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I knew if I got out of the car and wandered into that darkness, that...
It felt like I just went to bed when the phone rang. Open your door, he said. Looking around it was still dark outside. Opening the door I asked, is everything okay. He grabbed me and hugged me tight. I had to feel you again, he whispered. Holding me by my arms he said, take off my shirt. As I unbuttoned it, I could feel the warmth of his skin. As I pushed it off his shoulders, he put his hand behind my neck and pushed my head down to his chest. Pressing my face against it I opened my mouth and...
Renata texted Shaye first. Just a hello since he had given her his number. But he asked her for platonic details of her sexual preferences. And then, if she would be open to a romp here and there. “How old are you?” she managed to ask when she saw him again, noticing his pretty-boy looks attracting the attention of other ladies. Shaye leaned closer and replied, his glowing eyes accompanied by a lazy smile, “Two dozens.” Renata bit her bottom lip. Damn it, she thought to herself. She’d just...
MatureI opened MSN and was pleasantly suprised to see Matthew logged in. It had been a while since I had had the chance to talk to him, because I had been so busy diving and studying for my dive master course. The time difference between us also made it difficult to find time to chat. I was sitting with my dive instructor and friends who were participating in various levels of courses. We had ordered lunch and were using the time before our next dive to use the internet, as there were very few spots...
Masturbationo’s MasqueradeMaster dressed in a black tuxedo complete with top hat and gloves. His slave was naked except for collar, cuffs and the mules on slave’s feet. Well, i guess that is not strictly true. i was also wearing a blindfold. It is actually a double blindfold. It is swimming goggles with the lenses painted black. Wearing these it is impossible to see anything. But Master likes the aesthetic of a cloth blindfold, so the goggles are covered with a strip of black silk. He slipped the elastic...
Wilhan and his two brides had the use of a private townhouse for a few days; neither woman wanted her honeymoon to be in Lorgar's house. The house in question belonged to a cousin of Marin's whom she barely knew. It was to there they went soon after Grunden was removed from the party. Marin was eager to find out if what Ethanda said was true. Henna, on the other hand, was resigned to her fate; she could do without a man rutting in her and causing her pain again, but she had agreed to the...
Ed Kilpatrick'sA Veiled JusticePart ONE – The Case of the Missing GirlsBackground:For those of you who have read my various stories dotted all over the internet, some of you will have noticed that more recently the Burqa, a formidable outfit worn by some Islamic woman has started to feature in some of my more recent stories. So much of my recent ideas have come from one website in particular, ?Tales of the Veil.? http://talesoftheveils.infoOn the request of Bo_Emp from TOTV, I'm delighted to...
The Blue Ball By Keterra Sands Copyright (c)2000 by Keterra Sands all rights reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. This is a science fiction story. About a boy who is captured by aliens for their experiments and...
I felt my hearth pound all morning watching him get his boxes inside from the moving truckAfter a year of falling into sissy porn , i was wearing panty 24/7 dreaming of being teach by a caring daddy to be a good girlmy 7unch suction cup black dildo in my drawer , remembering me how im small compare to my toy and prefer a ice big cock up my ass my cock tuck away in smooth pantyat first i was so ashame , sitting down the toy i ordered on the net , alone late nick, getting a condom on the toy and...
I’ve been seeing this Gemini for three months now and I must say that I’ve already found myself compromising and trying to be patient and trying to understand what I’ve gotten myself into. The thing is, he and I understand each other in more than just intellectual conversation, which is why I keep thinking he can’t possibly be a Gemini but however, this describes him to a t. I went three weeks without seeing him and barely communicating because he was so busy and it about had me bawling on the...
The two giggling cheerleaders stood side by side, their hips touching, leaning into the mirror while freshening their makeup. The curly haired girl was vigorously chewing bubble gum, occasionally flattening it against the roof of her mouth with her wet tongue, sliding it forward to grip it with her blindingly white teeth, pushing briefly into its center with the point of her pink tongue, then effortlessly blowing it into a large bubble that emerged from between her full, some might even say...
Present – Maria – In the tunnels After hearing the gunfire, I practically run my ass off getting around the corner ... And son of a bitch! My princess boss is down and so is someone else. I run toward Jens when the door on one of the rooms begins to open, I stop and train my rifle on the doorway... Present – Liz – In the tunnels I yell at Bernie, "Get over here and take Ivan." I begin to open the door and end up staring right into the barrel of a rifle. I raise my hands and plead,...
“Mark, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site ( ) I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down my...
Find That Guy: Round 2 This Time It's Vaginal "Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, for round 2 of FIND THAT GUY" said the host, giving the camera his cheesiest smile. "We left off with our couple Sue and Winnifred holding only 7 points, and one of their opponents, Vince, having been disqualified. Their remaining opponents are Rick, with 18 points, Darren with 10 points, and Miguel in last place with only 5 points." The host put on an incredibly false consoling expression for the camera...
Hi, I am Ketan from Surat. For ek new chudai story leke aaya hu its true if u believe otherwise I don’t mind what u think. Men’s apne bare may last story mai likha hai per new readers k liye bata deta hu me ketan from surat. Hight 5.11 colur normal but good looking mere kari gf hair or mai married hu.Jo bhi koi mujse baat karna ya milna cahta ho to muje maul kare mera mail I’d hair so and story pe a at a hu Me aksar mere did I k pass use milne jaya karata tha than one day I set on sofa at...
It had been a long day at work and all I wanted to do was wind down with a nice cold beer. As I sat at the bar I could feel the tension leaving my body. I noticed someone move in and sit on the stool next to me even though there were several empty stools on each side. I was looking down as I noticed two beautiful long legs being revealed by a very short dress. I was instantly snapped out of my funk as I raised my eyes. Her hips were slim and her stomach was flat as her dress pressed...
Reddit SexWorkers, aka r/SexWorkers! One of the things that I’m known for is being a sort of bully towards women. I mean, there are so many people out there who see me like that, but that’s just not true! For example, did you know I support sex work? Yeah, as a matter of fact, when I’m not feeling like giving 100 bucks on a dinner date without being sure if I’m gonna get to stick it in or not by the end of the evening, I just schedule a session with an escort instead! The only thing is that I...
Reddit NSFW ListWayne and his wife wanted a foot massage. They found the perfect place that satisfied all their needs. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any reference to an age younger...
As I mentioned before I was bullied by my lovely parents as well as some school mates. When I turned f******n and asked my late father about sex he told me to speak to my Mother and she in turn told me not to worry as I,d find out soon enough if I got a girlregnant! Great advice! My best buddy Bert Travis came to the rescue by not only telling me about sex, but using magazines his father had. Fought back from West Germany whilst stationed with the US Army he showed me what women and men looked...
Vorwort und Hinweise:Gemäß geltender Gesetzte weise ich darauf hin, dass dies eine erfundene Geschichte ist. Jegliche Personen sind frei erfunden und bei ihren Handlungen volljährig. Zufällige Namensgleichheiten mit toten oder lebenden Personen sind rein zufällig und nicht gewollt. Die vorliegenden Geschichten sollte minderjährigen Personen nicht zugänglich gemacht werden.Ferner distanziert sich der Autor von den hier praktizierten Handlungen, da diese in manchen Ländern verboten sind. Alle...
Jackie was a 18 year old college student at a small Northern California college. She stood at 5 foot, 7 inches, and weighed a plump 150 pounds. The additional weight was because of abnormally large 38 DD tits and a nice round bubble but. Jackie was half Latino and White; she had stunning blue eyes and a nice tan skin tone. Jackie’s eyes were a beautiful hazel color. This is her story of torture, imprisonment and ****.Walking home one day from school Jackie was wearing a shot leather skirt with...
“A raven has arrived, Khaleesi,” Ser Jorah Mormont, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, informed Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Westeros rather abruptly. “What does it say? Have you read it, Ser Jorah?” Dany turned to her oldest adherent, the most loyal of her supporters. “Yes, my Queen, I have. It is from Cotter Pyke, Commander of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. It seems that there was a brief naval clash ... with the Dead. The Night King attempted to sail around the Wall. He was stopped for now, but at...
With great reluctance, Dutch left Molly and returned to Rosa 's, took a shower and was watching the Cubs play the Twins on TV. Sosa had just hit his 33rd homerun to hold his lead over McGuire who had already belted his 29th off Mike Sirotka, of the White Sox when the women came home from Kathy's game. When the opportunity presented itself, he told Rosa about his afternoon adventure with Molly. "You're kidding me, that recluse?" "Some recluse," he smiled. "She fucked my brains out....
After my shower I walked into my room wrapped in a bathtowel to give Sarah a chance. One of the few points that had brought a negative change to our lives: We had to share the bathroom among three. And girls need their time... Now I stood nude in front of my mirror and turned so that I could see my back side. Nothing to see of the injection. If I hadn't seen the empty syringe, I wouldn't have believed it. How had that gone in so easily, and practically without my feeling it? It could...
After talking with Gwen I went home and thought things out. It was a sleepless night and the following morning I called Maggie before she went off to work. "Hi," I said for openers, a pretty safe beginning. "Oh, hi, I was just thinking about you." "I should have guessed, I said, "my ears are burning." That brought on a giggle and I felt a lot better. "Maggie, we've got to talk." Now I know that's something women usually say, and on hearing it men usually want to run for the...
When I woke up, I wrapped my arms around her stomach and laid my head on her neck, inhaling a faint perfume and the smell of her clean skin. I kissed her neck and nipped her with my lips and teeth. I felt her body stiffen in delight, so I continued more of the same with the other side of her neck, blowing lightly into her ear, sucking her earlobe. She arched her back in pleasure, so I slipped my hands beneath her tank top and slide then up and down her sides getting closer and closer to her...
Myron hurried up the tower's stone steps as fast as he could with the back pack weighing him down. The fact the his drab uniform was a little over-sized on him wasn't helping either, but they had told him that it was the closest thing that they had in his size. Pushing up his glasses, he saw that he still had a ways to go to the top, so he took a deep breath and soldiered on. He was going to need the books he lugged along in his sack. Though the pages were blank now, when he returned from his...
Fantasy"Beautiful, Jamie," the photographer calls to me as I turn my head and look off into the middle distance, giving the photographer a perfect view of the necklace and earrings I'm wearing- not to mention the exquisite white wedding dress! The dress is strapless, but doesn't show off too much cleavage, and hugs my curves beautifully. I have incredibly long fake nails- extending over an inch from my fingertip- attached to each digit and my make-up is applied flawlessly. My long blonde...
Now John's parents decided to leave Wednesday night so they could spend some time with their family although everyone would be arriving either Friday or Saturday and be leaving Sunday. Now lately John's mom, Patricia, has been really moody and has said that life would be a lot easier if he was born a girl and they always had the same arguement that it was all his father's fault and then his mother would always say his room should be neater,etc. John has though about a couple of times, very...
The Turner Ranch was not hard to find. Jake observed the house and the outbuildings from a distance. Jake did not survive in the war or the years as a cowboy in untamed territories by rushing in. He identified the foreman right away. The man liked to yell, and he had a lot of weapons on him. Jake waited until he could follow him alone. The foreman discovered Jake earlier than he had hoped; they were still in sight of the house. "What do you want?" The foreman scowled at Jake, keeping his...
New Year’s Eve 2018, just slut and me no party to go to. I decided to treat slut tonight as I intended to continue in the upcoming year. I had after all been unusually kind to her over Xmas when I we were just girlfriends. I booked a table for 9pm at a restaurant in the town for a pre-midnight meal. I selected a simple black button-through dress, hold-up stockings and heels for slut to wear in the restaurant. After finishing our meal, I sent slut to the Ladies Room to remove her dress. She...
tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p'uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k'aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco...
Chuck, Cindy, Tim and Sue had vigorously continued their lusty family sex affair through the next few months as both Cindy and Sue became very visibly pregnant. Of course, they'd both BEEN pregnant but the reality of their "mother to be" status had become readily apparent to everyone -- themselves and those they met out in public. Of course, no one but the foursome knew that Tim had knocked his mother Sue up and Chuck had gotten Cindy with child. That was their secret and they intended to...
“I need to show off some of the most talented young ladies you won’t hear anywhere else. Carla, Anna, Geena, Zoe, Rose, Martha, Sofia and Lily ... Ladies?” They came out in lockstep looking great. I started one of my favorite of Paul Williams pieces of music... This looks familiar, vaguely familiar, Almost unreal, yet, it’s too soon to feel yet. Close to my soul, and yet so far away. I’m going to go back there someday.{br} (Their voices blended rather nicely) Sun rises, night...
When Michelle left, her tears were almost gone. She acted very subdued, not at all the bitch she had been when she arrived to work off her problems with a little play for pay. Andy and Mary cleaned up the bedroom. Neither of them seemed at all concerned I had taken Michelle anally against her will. In fact, they had helped me subdue her, tie her down, and stayed to watch the action. While I fucked Michelle’s ass, I observed my kittens’ faces. Andy was watching the action. She was very...
Vincent Jackson was depressed because his wife had put on a tremendous amount of weight after both her pregnancies. He encouraged his wife to enjoy pregnancy and when she ate for two, it was probably for more. Her thin figure became curvy at first, but then she was looking more obese. She had gained about eighty pounds in a short amount of time.He and Candice met at the gym and both enjoyed taking care of their bodies with exercise and good nutrition. After motherhood, Candice got...
CheatingThe red-haired lass took a deep breath, holding the card in her hand. She was alone in her bedroom, just like before. “Punish me.” Nothing happened to her body, no ribbons or ropes sprouting from her collar. However, the text on the card changed. GO SKINNY-DIPPING IN THE POOL TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. ALL THE DOORS WILL BE UNLOCKED. She stared at the card, waiting for some horrible detail to emerge. Really? That was it? She just had to go skinny-dipping in the pool? Hell, that was barely...
Laney Collins sat at her desk in a full-fledged daydream. Her husband had woken her that morning with breakfast in bed and softly spoke to her the words of his latest fantasy. It had to do with him pampering her, as they often did. She knew she’d have to wait a while to play it out as he always caught her off guard. “Ms. Collins, you have a delivery,” the voice of her secretary called over the intercom. “I’ll be right there, Maggie,” she responded. Laney Collins stood up and smoothed out her...
Hi,Aap sabhi namaskar khaskar sabhi married couples ko Mera naam rajesh hai meri age 27 hai meri patni jiska naam mamta hai age 25 Muje or meri patni ko sex bahut pasand hai hum alag alag tariko se chudai karte hai jaise ki using abusing language in sex or har tarah ki dirty things and many more things Ab main aap sab ko meri patni ke bare me bta du. Meri patni thodi si moti hai jayda bas thodi se par ye sab mere karan hi hua kyuki maine chod chod ke mota kar diya hai meri patni ke boobs 34″...
I have a tacit agreement with my man (he is eight-inches and thick) that I can please and be pleased sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, outer sex only, no intercourse, my man can watch and masturbate. If the second man wants to blow my man I love to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply. Something I insist on is the second man must be much younger than me, usually fifteen or...
Friday, June 8, 1979 After our morning cuddle and rapport, Bonnie, Missy, Sharon and I headed in to work for a while. We hadn't much more than got into my office before Ann came in. "The police came by to see me last night," she told Sharon and me. "They wanted to know if I knew anything about my ex-husband getting beaten pretty badly yesterday afternoon. I assured them I didn't, and gave them the names of several people who knew I was at work when it happened." "Did they say how...
Stage 4 (Gang Bang Club)Dave was given a private house address to go to two nights later. Same time, 8pm. He didn’t know the address so it took a while for him to find, so he was a little late. A young man answered the door and asked him in. He was shown into the living room where the fat man and the five men from the Carlton hotel were seated. The young man looked ashen, he knew something terrible was going to happen but not quite sure what. The fat man stood up and said, ‘good evening again...
My wife and I have been happily married for twenty years. We enjoy a very brisk sex life. Therefore, what I experienced should not have been a surprise. While working for a major corporation, I was pleased with the money and how my career was progressing. However, what was a real strain were the quarterly meetings. The meetings always meant a week to ten days away from home and away from sex with my wife. Everyone hears rumors about business travel and sex on the road. However, I have no idea...
EroticRight after the incident in my room with Joyce, Mama and I got into a little situation. That Saturday afternoon, I was in my room eating some sandwiches that I'd asked Gerta to make for me. Mama opened my door, saw me sitting in there eating, then came walking into my bedroom. "Here you are. I wondered where you'd gotten off to. I think you were very insensitive to Joyce's feelings the other night, and I wanted to get a chance to discuss that with you." I put my half eaten, half of a...
Look, I know my drovers aren’t the best fighters, and it’s no secret their combat experience is limited as fuck. I’m well aware of that, but the last few goddamn weeks have toughened their resolve. And that has to count for something ... progress even, as most didn’t have that when we first started out. Sure this won’t cause them to shoot any straighter or punch any harder but at least they now have the stones to pull the goddamn trigger and to defend against any son-of-a-bitch trying to do...
It was the night before the Royal Wedding and Queen Nathalie was working herself into a frenzy, rushing about and making sure that no detail had been forgotten or omitted. Luria watched her from where she sat upon Balor's lap in one of the padded chairs close to the fireplace. "I feel like I should be doing something," she said to him, feeling his arms tighten around her. "You are doing something," Balor teased. "You're making me happy." Luria narrowed her eyes at him. "You know...
Tommy Gunn is new to the area, and he’s just moved into his new house and set up his massage business, when the alarm goes off. In a fit of panic he didn’t hear the phone ring, when the security company called, and can’t remember the code to turn it off. Soon, police officer August Taylor arrives on the scene and helps Tommy relax and disarm the system. August explains that she needs to charge him for the visit, because it wasn’t an emergency. Tommy is on a budget here,...
xmoviesforyouWhat a fun time I've had telling the story of my pursuit of young Bridget. As those who have read the previous chapters know, as well as those who have read my blog posts about this, the closer I've gotten to an actual relationship with her, the more I've been uncertain about how long I would keep this story/journal thing going. Now that Bridget and I have taken the plunge (not that plunge, yet ;-), it no longer feels like the right thing to do, nor does it even feel fun anymore to write...
Hi iss my horny readers,this is rahul 31 years of age,6 feet height and 6+inches dick enough to hold with in two palms to suck and iam from vizag,iam very shy and reserved,naku enni korikalu unna bayatiki theliyanivvanu. Let me come to story,nenu oka company lo job chesthunna manager ga,adhe company lo oka ammayi sindhu ( name changed ) receiptionist ga job chesthundhi,than gurunchi cheppalante chala sexy ga em undadhu age 28, heigh 5.4 inches 32-34-34 little bit fair unsatisfied with her...
Tami and Brad couldn't believe their luck. Just before the new 24-screen multi-plex entertainment center outside Apple Ridge opened, the owner, Mr. Mullins called them and offered them special jobs. Tami and Brad, like half the other kids at Apple Ridge High, had applied for jobs months earlier when construction had begun, but this was too good to be true. Mr. Mullins explained that he thought they would be perfect as special roving hospitality directors. No cleaning up messes, no selling...