BloodstoneChapter 15 free porn video

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It was the night before the Royal Wedding and Queen Nathalie was working herself into a frenzy, rushing about and making sure that no detail had been forgotten or omitted.

Luria watched her from where she sat upon Balor's lap in one of the padded chairs close to the fireplace. "I feel like I should be doing something," she said to him, feeling his arms tighten around her.

"You are doing something," Balor teased. "You're making me happy."

Luria narrowed her eyes at him. "You know what I mean. Your mother shouldn't have to do all of this work."

She glanced around at the freshly painted walls of the palace, the banners having been taken down and beaten of their dust and grime. The smells of roasting meats and fresh rushes for the floor filled the large room.

They would be married close to the main gate of the palace so that their people could see them. The gates had been hung with streamers and dozens of flowers, all in white. Luria would carry the same kind of flowers in her hair.

"She likes to do this, it's what she lives for, daughter, so don't fear. Nothing makes her happier than overseeing a ball or wedding and letting the people of the other kingdoms see the wealth and prosperity of our kingdom." Martane smiled. "You two just relax. Your duties will be upon you soon enough."

"Duties?" Luria asked. "What kind of duties?"

"Well, making me grandbabies, of course. It's a rough duty but I think you two are up to the match."

"But, Father, we've already started." Balor grinned, his hand resting upon Luria's still flat belly.

"I said babies, Balor, enough to fill this palace with the sounds of children again." Martane dropped his hand gently on Luria's shoulder and squeezed.

"We'll do our best, sir," Luria chuckled. "But I'd rather just concentrate upon this one first."

Martane nodded and then went off to find his wife.

There was a feast of sorts the night before the wedding, to greet the Royals who had already shown up. Others would make a day trip to come to the wedding as they lived closer. Isobel's parents, King Alan and Queen Leanore, had arrived earlier in the day and were staying in the castle. The rest of the guests were staying at the three inns in the village.

Leanore had hugged Isobel to her quite impressive bust, stroking her hands over her back as she tried to comfort her. But when they tried to get Isobel to join them in their suite of rooms, she'd balked. When the issue had been pressed, Isobel threw such a massive fit, using words her parents didn't know she knew.

"Something is wrong," Leanore had whispered to Nathalie. "She's not my Isobel. It's like something dark and malignant has settled inside of her."

"She had a hard time of it with Magnus," Nathalie said. "She just needs some time to get over that."

"What did that man do to my baby?" Leanore cried, pulling a handkerchief out of the neckline of her gown. She sobbed into it, Nathalie at her side, rubbing her back and trying to comfort her.

"You really don't want to know those details," Nathalie said softly. "Just let her go through this patch, she will be fine."

"I certainly hope so. Alan has begun talking to King Ramille of the First Kingdom. He has four boys and I thought maybe one of them would make her a good husband."

"They are fine boys," Nathalie said, glad that Alan and Leanore hadn't gone on and on about the breaking of the marriage contract for Balor. They'd barely blinked when told that Balor would not be marrying Isobel as they had planned. That he'd married the Descendant and saved the kingdoms from the worst of fates, Magnus, had kept the arguments to a dull roar.

At the feast that evening, Isobel wouldn't speak to her parents, she wouldn't speak to anyone. She'd dressed in her best finery, wearing an emerald green gown that made the best of her feminine assets. An emerald necklace drew the eyes to her cleavage, barely held in check by the gown. It looked as if she took a deep breath, those assets would burst from their fabric prison.

She sat at her usual place at the long table, at the last seat, turning her back on anyone who would try to draw her into conversation. Her maid, Mathilde, was the only one she would talk to. Mathilde fussed over her mistress, bringing her a platter of the tenderest meats, giving her the tastiest of the cheeses and coaxing her to eat.

Isobel but picked at the platter, her eyes staring off into the distance at some fixed point. She ignored her mother who tried to speak to her, ignored her father who railed at her for her actions as well as for the way she treated her mother. But nothing got through her serene barrier.

"It's like she isn't there," Queen Leanore cried. "It's like her mind has left her and it is only her body that sits there upon the chair. What are we going to do?" she asked, pulling out her handkerchief again and twisting it in her plump hands.

"Leanore, hysterics aren't going to help," Nathalie began to say only to stop when she heard Isobel shriek. The girl went for her father, her knee going between his legs and slamming into his groin. There was a bright red handprint on Isobel's face, evidence that King Alan wasn't willing to wait for her to come out of whatever demented trance she was in. King Alan went to the floor, his hands clenched between his legs, a strange sound leaking from his lips.

"Oh dear!" Leanore exclaimed. She pushed up from her chair, going to her husband's side. "Alan, are you all right?"

Alan groaned, opening his eyes. "Do I look like I'm all right?" His eyes went to where his daughter was, seated back in her seat, lazily plucking at a bunch of grapes. "She's a witch," he hissed at his wife.

"No, Alan, no, you don't mean that." Leanore cried, making a sign of protection.

"Your daughter is not a witch, King Alan. She's been through a terrible ordeal. We must grant her concessions for now and let her come out of it at her own speed." Nathalie glanced over at Queen Leanore, hoping she'd speak up for her daughter.

"It will be okay, Alan. She'll be ready for the wedding, I promise," Leanore said, trying to placate her husband. "Just leave her in our capable hands, please, Alan."

With a mighty groan, King Alan rose from the floor, yanking down on the hem of his jerkin. He walked sort of bent legged, stooped, giving him the look of more years than was his right to claim. He stopped by his daughter's chair. "I shan't forget this, Isobel. Just remember this day when you lay in your marital bed." He gave her a half hearted smirk and then left the room, heading for their bedchamber.

"Oh dear," Nathalie said, trying to keep from laughing. It was definitely not a laughing matter, but that didn't help her when little titters of giggles escaped her grip. "Oh my!"

She glanced up at Leanore and they both burst out laughing, leaning against each other as they became a trifle weak with their amusement.

"I've never seen him so red," Leanore giggled.

"You'd be red too if your balls were in your throat," Nathalie said, startling Leanore into another spat of unrestrained laughter.

The two women quit laughing as Isobel rose from her seat and passed them on her way up to her room. "There is definitely something wrong with her," Nathalie said to Leanore. "It's like something on the tip of my tongue, I can almost get it but it's just beyond my grasp."

"I know what you mean. I shall be happy to have her wed off to one of Ramille's brood."

Isobel heard what they were saying but she didn't care. She was so detached from the reality of the world, finding herself in a world of dark and horrible creatures that capered and danced around her. She'd been terrified at first, but now she found comfort in this world, for here she was wanted and desired. She wasn't considered chattel, to be bought by whoever would give the best bride's price.

Here Magnus held his court, seating her at his right hand, spending his time with her. She had to pretend when she was in public, but in the privacy of her own room, Magnus could come and go as he pleased.

"My love," she called when she closed the door tightly, bolting it from the inside. "My love, I am alone."

A sound of huge wings could be heard at the open window and then he was climbing in, tall and handsome with his dark green eyes and inky hair. "Isobel," he said softly, holding out his hands so that she might run into them. "I have missed you so."

"I have missed you, my love," she whispered. It was cold in his arms, cold and a bit scary. The blackness began to sweep over her and he leaned down to kiss her lips.

"Have you brought me another, my love?" he asked, the lust for blood raging in his veins. The damage that had been done to him was slowly healing but he needed blood for it to heal completely. Once he had, then he would show Luria and her little prince what he could do.

"No, Magnus. It's become too dangerous. They look at me with suspicion."

"I don't care if they look at you like you're crazed. I need more." He dropped his arms, one hand coming up to grasp the front of her emerald gown in his fist. "You will go out and find me a youth. Young blood is the best. Lure him back here, I care not how and have him ready for me." He shook her once only to emphasize his point. "Go, now. Do not disappoint me!"

Isobel stumbled back, staring at what once had been a man, but was now half man, half demon. His face was twisted with his dementia, his eyes glowing like red fire. He lifted one skeletal hand and pointed toward the door. When he parted his lips to speak, she could see the sharp ridges of his black teeth. "Go! I shall be back in an hour. See that you bring him here and seduce him by that time. Understand?!"

"Yes," she squeaked, her hand was scrabbling for the door handle, when she finally found it she tugged on it until it let go. With a shriek of fear, she left her room, running until she reached the stables.

There she found exactly what would appease Magnus. Tugging on her gown to straighten it, she managed to lower the neckline until half her nipples could be seen above the tight bodice. Then with her head held high and a sway in her hips she walked in and sought out the stable boy who'd taken her fancy.

Ten minutes later, she was leaving with him in tow. He stumbled and stammered, anxiously staring around. He hurried up the stairs to her room, a silly grin on his face.

The door shut soundly behind him. Another ten minutes passed and the sound of screaming could be heard by anyone who had the misfortune to pass that door.

Luria stood in front of her mirror as a maid pinned curls into place in an elaborate hair style. Her wedding gown was pale blue, decorated with white flowers that had tiny gems winking in between.

"You look lovely," Nathalie said from the door. As Luria turned away from the mirror, Nathalie stepped forward and held a box out to her. "I wore this at my wedding to Martane. I always wished for a daughter to wear it at her wedding." She watched as Luria opened the box and took out the delicate looking tiara made of moonstones and gold.

"Oh, it's beautiful. I can't take this," Luria said holding it out to Nathalie.

"Yes you can. You are the daughter that I always wished for." Nathalie took the tiara and placed it gently upon Luria's hair. "Now you are complete, daughter. Balor won't be able to keep his eyes off of you."

There was a knock upon the door. "It's time. You look simply beautiful," Martane told Luria holding his arm out for her to take. They led the way out of her room and then down the stairs, through the main room that had been transformed for the wedding party afterwards.

A fanfare of trumpets heralded her trip down the aisle causing every dignitary in the seven kingdoms to turn in their seats and stare at her.

As Luria began to walk forward, a sense of unease shook her. Something was wrong. She knew it as well as she knew her own name. Something was going to happen. She had to get to Balor.

King Martane stared at the shaking girl. "Nerves are normal, Luria. Never fear, you are doing the right thing here."

"It's not that," she said furiously. "Something is going to happen, I can feel it."

"Magnus is dead, Luria. You struck the fatal blow yourself. He was the only threat we ever worried about here. You are just imagining things." They stepped out and into the sunlight. Luria felt blinded for a moment and shaded her eyes with her hand. Then she started down the aisle toward Balor.

"I know what you're saying is true," she whispered to Martane. "But that changes nothing. Something bad is going to happen."

They'd reached Balor, who stood patiently waiting while Martane kissed both of Luria's cheeks. Then he took her hand and Balor's and clasped them together, putting his fatherly stamp of approval on this match. "It will be fine," he said softly to Luria before stepping away.

Balor led Luria up a small platform covered with red carpet and strewn with white petals. Before them stood the palace priest, an old man with long white hair and a hearing problem he refused to admit to. He was bent and stooped, leaning upon a cane. But his voice was rich and strong, almost melodic.

He began the ceremony, and they knelt before him to accept his blessings.

"Something is wrong," Luria whispered furiously to Balor. "I can feel it, something is about to happen."

"Luria..." Balor began.

"I know, Magnus is dead, but there is something wrong here."

The sun, which had been shining brightly when she'd walked down the aisle suddenly didn't seem so bright. Glancing up, they saw a strange shadow on the sun that slowly began to blot out the rays. There was a sudden rumbling from below them and a woman screamed as the sky took on the appearance of dusk and not the bright light of midday.

The sound of wings had Luria and Balor both standing and scanning the sky. When they saw the strange beast, both gasped. It settled on the ground in front of them, sending everyone else screaming and scattering away.

"Don't go so quickly," Magnus's voice came from the beast's mouth. "We have a party to attend but instead of a wedding, it'll be a wake."

Luria didn't scream. She could only stare at the strange looking creature that stood before them. He seemed part spider and part sea creature with his spindly legs scuttling on the cobbled ground.

"What are you?" she said, hesitantly.

"I'm your bridegroom, lovely Luria. How could you forget me so soon?"

"Magnus!" Balor spat the name. "What must we do to keep you dead?"

"You can't," the horrid specter that was Magnus said. "You cannot hurt me. I will take the lovely Lady Luria as my bride this day and then she will miscarry the baby that lies in her womb to be replaced by mine."

"No!" The cry was sharp and the owner of it swift as she hurried down the aisle toward the strange monster. "No, you promised to marry me. I've done everything you've asked, Magnus. I've killed for you, brought all those innocent boys to you. I've even fucked them so that you could get what you needed from them. You have to marry me, you owe me." Isobel grabbed one of Magnus's legs, hanging on as he tried to shake her free. Finally, he backhanded the dark-haired beauty, opening up her skin so that she bled upon the ground where she fell.

Balor drew his sword, holding the lethally sharp weapon and stepping between Luria and Magnus. "You will not take her. Not while there is breath in my body."

"We can fix that, Your Highness," Magnus said, bowing in a courtly manner that was creepy to everyone who witnessed it. "Come, let's finish this," Magnus said, sitting back so that Luria could see the strange looking appendage that hung between his legs. "I am anxious to impregnate my lovely bride."

Balor stepped off the dais, keeping the beast in his sights at all times. He motioned Luria to stay back and she moved toward the palace priest, holding on to his arm while she watched the battle begin.

Magnus moved forward, scuttling on four legs. His arms waved wildly in the air around him and he pulled a sword of his own. The clang of metal upon metal soon was the only sound besides the grunts and groans of the two fighting.

Luria's heart was in her throat and she couldn't bear to watch what was happening, but neither could she turn away. So she watched, her hands going to her breast as she prayed for her love to come through this unscathed.

Balor slashed and hacked, he growled his triumph when he sliced through one of Magnus's legs, the tip spewing black blood onto the cobble stones. Magnus screamed his pain for all to hear and then redoubled his attack.

But Balor was ready, his sword always there between himself and Magnus's blade. Another leg was sliced through and then another until Magnus was forced to fight from the ground. He attacked once more, furiously.

His ferocity surprised Balor and his sword went flying from his hand to land on the stones. Magnus moved closer to the unarmed man. "I should show mercy, I mean, killing an unarmed man is so not sporting." He used his arms to move him closer to Balor. "But, I don't want there to be any rescue attempt for the Lady Luria so some things must be done that aren't quite the gentlemanly way." He chuckled a bit. "I'll give you the option of where you want to be struck: belly, heart, or..." he flipped the blade in his hand and aimed it at Balor's groin, "your cock. Which is it to be?"

Balor didn't say a word; he just stared at the thing that Magnus had become. "What ever happened to you to make you this way?"

"Happened? Nothing happened to me. I was born this way," he said. "Now choose or I shall choose for you."

"Magnus!" Luria called, trying to rush to her beloved but the priest held her back. "Magnus, leave him alone and I'll come with you."

Magnus tapped the long bony appendage that could have been his chin with one claw-like finger. "Tempting offer, my dove, but if I left him alive, I don't doubt that he would come looking for you again. No, it has to be this way. Now, Balor, be a good boy and choose!"

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Brenda looked around the small cabin curiously. They had taken care of the horses, and he was starting a fire in a small pot-bellied stove in the middle of the room. There were two beds, on opposite sides of the room. The wall opposite the door was lined with shelves that were stocked with canned goods, cooking utensils and plastic containers for things like flour, sugar, salt and the like. The bedding had been rolled up, tied, and suspended from the ceiling when they got there. Bob had told...

3 years ago
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Return to Daves Cottage Part 4 of 4

I woke up with Rachael on one side of me and Stacey on the other. At some time she had climbed onto the bed and under the covers. Her head rested on my chest and her right leg across my hip. She was snuggled up tight as she slept peacefully.I wondered what her night with Ed had been like. My night with Rachael had been gentle, tender, almost loving. It had felt almost too intimate. The gentle kisses and caresses, the slow lovemaking with intense orgasms followed by quietly talking. Each...

1 year ago
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New Love

I first met Karen a few years ago. We worked together, but never looked at each other in any sexual way. Karen is nearly 20 years my junior, and good looking. She has brown shoulder length hair, 34B cup breasts, and a very nice body. About 3 months ago, we began to talk about our sex lives, mainly cause we were bored. Like me, Karen is married and has two kids. Like me, she also doesn't have a very fulfilling sex life at home. About 2 weeks ago, I happened to have a day off, and dropped into...

4 years ago
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After the RunPart 2

But I wasn't done, not yet. I picked you up, put you over my shoulder, and carried you over to the sofa. I pulled your shorts and panties off of your legs. You brought your legs together to make it easier. I put a pillow under your head, and then another under your ass. You spread your legs open, and I could see the inner wet pink pussy, which contrasted nicely with your dark outer pussy lips. The aroma of your recent orgasm was intoxicating. Your eyes, half closed, were begging me to lower my...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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At the feet of a goddess

It's Saturday night - you're out at Fyre - a new club that just opened. It's a fairly normal scene - pulsing EDM, dim lighting, young bodies writhing to the beat, scantily clad in mixtures of fetish and goth fashion. Fog machine billow clouds of haze across the dance-floor, reflecting the strobe lights above. A mixture of perfume, body spray, and fresh sweat hangs in the air. The club feels stifling, despite the chill of the night outside, the collective body heat of the crowd rolling in...

1 year ago
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Azubine silvia german

Azubine SilviaLeise klopfte es an der T?r, so leise dass ich es wahrscheinlich ?berh?rt h?tte, h?tte ich es nicht erwartet."Herein!""H... Herr Minski, ich sollte zu Ihnen kommen...""Ja, ja, komm rein."Steffi kam etwas z?gernd in mein B?ro. Die 18-j?hrige Auszubildende hatte ihre Nervosit?t vor F?hrungspers?nlichkeiten noch nicht  wirklich abgelegt, obwohl sie ansonsten ein ziemlich patentes M?del zu sein schien, das sich durchaus durchzusetzen wusste.Ihre dunkelroten Haare wallten hinter ihr her, als sie...

3 years ago
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ComrieChapter 17

Three days after placing Astrid and Denise with the women at the resort, the Intelligence department received a message from Trudy, one of the paralegal bots. It said that James had just received an e-mail from the four reporters. The message from them was dated the previous Friday and said they were taking the week off to relax as they felt they needed a vacation. All four of them were going to a resort together. "AI," said Shannon when she saw the message, "can you locate the...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge Chapter 4

On Monday I went to work and was feeling pretty damn good about the weekend when the telephone rang."Thomas Andrews" I said answering."Tom? Silvia." And suddenly I shivered like a cold had suddenly descended down upon me. And the worst part was, I had no one to blame except for myself. I should never have invited her to call me at work."Hi Silvia." I said, trying to maintain my composure and keep my voice in a professional business like tone at the same time."My...aren't we uptight in the...

3 years ago
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That Afternoon

That afternoon I couldn’t wait for school to end. The last class was RE which always bored me to death. I sat through the forty-five minutes fantasizing about my favourite cousin and seeing her undress. In my imagination, it started as a game of ‘Show me yours and I’ll show you mine but somehow it developed into us being caught by the cleaning lady. Instead of yelling at us and throwing me out of the house, she told us both to get naked and lay down on the bed. I imagined this forty year old...

First Time
2 years ago
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Last Caress

I knew she would be my next victim the moment that I saw her. I had never come to that conclusion so quickly in the past. I like to follow a potential victim, see where she lives, how she lives, and what she does, before making a final decision. But when I saw her I knew. I was at the grocery store. I hate the grocery store. I rarely go there, full of food with preservatives and chemicals, insecticides and poisons, coloring and dyes, food that feels like it's taking my life as it squirms...

1 year ago
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Uncharted territory chapter 2

6:30am the alarm goes off… Matt woke up to the sound of his alarm. “Oh crap, not another day coming to knock me down.” Matt was not enthusiastic about his new school to say the least. His first day had progressed without incident but he knew his luck would run out sooner rather than later. It always circled back to the same old story of him being the new kid and being beaten up by the football players when teachers weren’t looking. Matt knew he should’ve told someone about being...

2 years ago
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Cum To My Office

V. and I had shaved her pussy the night before, and it had been a wildly erotic night. We had a little wine, made out a little, and when we got particularly horny, she smiled her dirtiest smile and said she was going to take a shower. I joined her there. She fell to her knees immediately and sucked my cock, taking me right to the brink of orgasm before suddenly stopping. She stood up and moved my hand down to her pussy while the other gripped the shaft of my cock. While my cock throbbed I...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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secret santa

Hi I’m Barry and would like to tell you about the Christmas party we had this year with friends and neighbours, each year 1 person has to be Santa but only 2 people know 1 of cause the Santa and the chief neighbourhood watch chairman, this year it was me and not even my family had to know, I remember last year and it got rather naughty I even got blown by one of Santa’s helpers and had a good idea who it was but, like any year even if you knew it stayed a secret. Well the party started and I...

2 years ago
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Watching Mom Dancing 2

Desmond uncle had let us in a back door, took us to a storage area behind the bar told get on top shelf and be quiet. When we had climbed up, saw there was a long opening in wall covered by what looked like chicken wire, we were above lights so bad to look down at mom. She was squatted down showing her pussy to 3 men in business suits, 1 reached and slid a finger in her and when he pulled it out could see it was wet, showed to his friends and they laughed, tossed a couple of bills between her...

1 year ago
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How I Met Alka And Fucked The Himachli Beauty 8211 Part 1

Hi girls,sexydick here from Chandigarh having long long stamina to satisfy any girl/aunty and bhabhi. I love hear your feed back after this story on This story story starts four year when I was studying in much renounced college in Chandigarh. I used to travel to college by bus daily at 8 am. Love sees lot of girl in local bus love to chat with them. As I am going daily on same I know lot of people in the bus. one day one of my friend shikha come with here cousin to bus stop alka who is from...

4 years ago
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PhoenixChapter 2

Of course it wasn't that simple. We didn't just throw a switch and things happened. We had to play with the memories of the kids we couldn't let back into Claiborne. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Fortunately, I think, Shannon had an answer. "We let them change their memories," she said as we huddled in the computer lab. "Beg pardon?" Irene asked. "How on earth do we do that?" "We let them choose what their fantasy high school is," Shannon replied. "I've...

1 year ago
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Raped TeacherChapter 6

"Okay," Rebus said as he got up to get dressed. "Now it's time to go to work." "Work?" questioned Erica. "Sure. That's part of the treatment. Don't look so worried. A little work never killed nobody." Erica found out that it was more than just a little work. Rebus had Betty put her to work around the house, and though Betty might have been kind-hearted toward Erica, she was a hard master. Erica cooked, cleaned, sewed, and managed a hundred other things that day that she'd never...

4 years ago
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Our Only Hope Chapter 05

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

2 years ago
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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 10 More talks few leads

The halls were a bit calmer. My journey to find Traci's office took me back to Colonel Newhart's office and I found him sitting somewhat peacefully. Since he no longer appeared hurried I stopped by. "Your investigation going well?" he asked. I pretended to ignore his comment. "I see that the emergency is over. I guess we could do that audit now." Colonel Newhart laughed. "You aren't here for that, and you don't have to pretend for me. Everyone already is speculating on your real...

4 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 3 Invaders

I created three more A level Treasure Chests. One was placed in the second empty house to the right of the entrance. I also summoned furniture for the ‘Bait’ house and had Ora live there for two days. She was instructed to not clean up after herself. She disliked the command but followed it. Two new Monsters were listed which surprised me. One was Battle Slave for 100 DP the other Body Servant for a Paltry 1500 DP. Sheesh... Calling my Soldiers over, I asked them about Battle Slaves. Ora...

3 years ago
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Hostess With The Mostest Chapter Two

Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Progress and Problems Candi awoke late the next day with the sun streaming in through the window. For a few seconds she thought she had dreamt the whole thing. Then she noticed her pillow was stained with lipstick, mascara and eyeshadow and she smiled. She could still taste Michelle's sweet mouth on hers. She rolled over and tried to catch more sleep but her mind was racing. She had so much to do! First thing was to...

4 years ago
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My Double Honeymoon With My Husband And My Boyfriend

Loving two men is surely a challenge, especially for married Indian women, but I love this challenge. What makes my life so excited is that I passionately love two men. Both of them are special for me and I love them immensely. The situation becomes a bit easier for me because my boyfriend lives abroad and he visits India twice a year. When he is back, he wants me badly. I am managing both the relations successfully for more than two decades now. Things became a bit difficult when my boyfriend...

2 years ago
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Family Knows Best Chapter 2 Revised

Just to recap for those continued readers, my name is Jeremy, I’m a 17 year old slightly athletic average joe at high school, with brown hair, standing at 5’10”. My sister, Ane, is 15, has dyed blonde hair (naturally brown)stands 5’6”, with a D cup bust. We are, or rather, were, both virgins. She had just finished giving me my first blowjob, and brought me to the hardest orgasm I’d ever had. I smiled down at Ane, and blushed. “You…got something on your face…” I whispered and she...

2 years ago
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Rules for the Worldwide Matriarchy Alternate History

I am a fan of matriarchy and gender role reversal stories. I'm also a fan of science fiction, and my favorite science fiction is the type where I find a good deal of plausibility. Lately I've been trying to imagine a world where women are not only the dominant gender, but there is role reversal. Where women end up being the aggressive sex, and men are passive and obedient. It does seem pretty believable to me that if women held power for several millenia there would be role reversal,...

3 years ago
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Lesson Pt2

I left it a couple of days before putting Rick out of his misery. I dropped a very short text saying:'Coffee, Sat 11am' and a location.I would explain exactly how this would play out and see if he was man enough for training or not.Saturday arrived, and I purposely arrived five minutes late and sure enough, Rick was sat in the window looking nervous and oh so young! I managed to get my drink and stand at his table before he noticed me. Sitting opposite him, I enjoyed the expressions running...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 57

Steve Now that Chuck was back from hiding out in the Gulf, life around home seemed to be getting back to normal. He was busy with a bunch of federal people and his prisoners were all transported to DC where they would be held or given an option to be bailed out. I told Chuck that I didn't care what happened, as long as they left me and my company alone. Tiny told me that a major military supplier was negotiating to have us produce bodies for their equipment. That is what we wanted in the...

4 years ago
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I Need to RememberChapter 12

I drove home in a daze, this morning I had resigned myself to waiting patiently for Wishes to decide where she wanted this to go. Then this afternoon she had been all over me and so willing to express her love in public. I just didn’t know what to expect from tonight. I somehow thought that amongst her own friends she would be a bit more reserved, but I could accept that. At a quarter to eight I parked outside of Wishes’ house. I walked up to the door feeling very self conscious about my...

3 years ago
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I Am My Brothers Cum Slut Chapter 1

I can still remember the day it happened as if it was only yesterday, I had just come home from work (I work as a waitress at the local coffee shop) and I was excited because it was Friday night and I had plans to go out with a new guy I had met earlier this week. Thomas seemed like a really nice guy and he was very handsome so I was looking forward to getting to know this guy and see where it would take us.Before I get too much further into my story, I guess I should tell you a little about...

2 years ago
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The Miracle Legacy

The Miracle Legacy By Morpheus There was a faint humming that filled the air from the small room's air conditioning, as well as the many whispers. I frowned, stretching in my chair and glancing around me impatiently. There were 9 other people in the room, waiting just as I was and all of them seemed to be college students too. I yawned, glancing at my watch and wondering when the show was going to start. Or more specifically, when it was going to be over so that I could collect my...

1 year ago
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The Game First Time Sex Part 13 Paid in Full

*** Please read chapters 1 - 12 for a full immersion into the plots and characters up to this point. Please overlook my typos and logic errors that seem to never get edited out completely. Search on the "The Game" to find the stories to read in chronological order. The title for chapter four is "The Game : First Time Sex: Part 4 - The Interrogation and Inquisition" and seems to be harder to find, so you can cut an paste the title in the search window if you are a new reader. As always, a very,...

First Time
3 years ago
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Robert The Randy Married Bobby Part Eight

I raised my smaller body off his larger muscled one and straddled the strong thighs under me. His eyes were closed and I admired his nude physical beauty. He definitely had it all going on. The cut cock lay semi rigid against his lower belly. A moist cock head glinted at me and, leaning forward, I placed my tongue on his right nipple. Sucking gently I felt it harden and pucker as its owner gave a slight shiver at my tender touch. Gently running my lips and then a wet tongue over the brown stub,...

Gay Male
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My First Erotica Progresses Part III

It's only been a short while since she started tempting my cock, but I’m not about to give up yet. She played a good game, and after the initial shock wore off, I was able to reclaim my dominance, and she gave in to her desires. Now here we are, the both of us in the bathroom together. I’m standing over her with my penis still poking out through the slit in my boxers, and her sitting on the toilet wearing my soaked white t-shirt. She’s filthy and I don’t care. I can see her nipples trying to...

2 years ago
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Lost In The Woods

My story starts out as what I thought was going to be a nightmare but ends up so sweetly. It was spring break time and our family was going to spend some time at the beach house that we owned. We use to spend time there in the summers back when I was a lot younger. Now at 15 I really didn't have an interest in hanging out with my folks but they kept insisting on spending "quality time" together. It was really just me, my mom, my dad and my older brother Jason. Jason was 21 and was just about...

2 years ago
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And For The Loser

“I'm home,” Sherri called out. It was early Saturday, about ten. She had been out for a girl’s night. She heard her husband call out from the kitchen, and she led her guest in to meet him. On the way she was greeted by the scent of breakfast, and her stomach let her know it was interested.“Did you have a good time?” He kissed her as she approached, but pulled back from a deeper kiss when he saw the other girl. “Oh, company,” he said.“This is Lana,” Sherri told him.Nick extended a hand, which...

Oral Sex

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