Fantasy Flight Book 3Chapter 15
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Having gotten one hell of a well-deserved commission, due to Gordo's greed, I had to figure out what I was going to do first with my money and new deeds.
Might as well slip by the banks to mess with them as I deposit $4995 in cash into each account.
Despite what the Federal anti-drug, money laundering, or anti-terrorism bull shit regulations say, the banks will in turn give up their customers at five grand just to be safe. I am sure they will try to turn me in anyway. Too bad for them it will just make them look stupid. It is going to be a glorious afternoon. I knew exactly which bank I was going to hit first, the one that held my business account.
"Good afternoon," I told the nasty, overdressed, way over made up teller. "I need to make a withdrawal."
She gave me the standard reply, "Sir you can withdraw up to five hundred dollars a day from the ATM."
"Wow! Oh thank you ever so much, I never knew that! I would so love to use one, can you show me how to work it," I replied just to piss her off. "Now that I think about it, I really don't have the time right now, after waiting ten minutes to use a slower, non-automated teller. May I have a withdrawal slip please? I left my business checkbook at home."
I told her knowing that the arrogant assholes here are more than happy to leave deposit slips at their little table, but make you ask for a withdrawal slip. In the mood I was in, I took my time in filling it out. She looked really pissed that I was wasting her time. You know, the time she was being paid to be there to service my banking needs.
I love it when they give me that look when I request more than a few bucks. Ok. Wait for it. Yep there is that "oh shit" look!
Sitting up very straight and showing she needs to find someone in the airline industry to teach her how to give a fake smile, she replied. "Mr. Johnson, how would you like this dispersed?"
"Tens and twenties would be fine," I told her with a straight face.
God I love that line from "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
After stammering a bit she looked through her till, then the safe beside her desk and finally went off to talk to her supervisor. I was having a hard time not laughing when one of the women I had pulled this on over the years had finally gotten a promotion. She was a damn good fuck and almost insatiable. We had a little fling for a few weeks when her husband left her to screw some college kid. It did not take long for his young lover to realize he had no stamina. He had hell to pay when he came back to find his wife's needs were three times what they had been before he screwed around on her.
I watched let the teller suffer as she tried to find twenty grand worth of tens and twenties.
Finally the bitch teller came back to apologize, "Mr. Johnson. It is payday and we do not have anywhere near that amount in the smaller denominations."
"How much do you have? How many of the presidential dollar coins do you have on hand? I will take those too. Maybe some quarters if you must," I told her as she went off scavenging again.
The supervisor let her run all over again, but came over with her this time.
"Joe, will you please quit tormenting my tellers? You know good and well that even if we had your entire withdrawal amount in tens and twenties, we would not disperse it all on a payday. Do you want any fifties today or all hundreds? Oh my sister is working a Georgia Central now. Should I give her a heads up that the clown is on his way over or do you want to surprise her," she asked.
"I was serious about the dollar coins. I will take all you have and any 1964 or earlier half dollars. The rest you can give me in crisp, new uncirculated hundreds," I replied.
I watched as the teller got sort of pissed off as the supervisor led her to the vault to get four stacks of newly minted, uncirculated hundred dollar bills. I was surprised to see the supervisor roll out a small cart that had four big $1000 dollar bags of the presidential dollar coins they had just gotten them in. She whispered not to laugh when the teller came out looking like she just had a long hard fucking.
"I enlightened her that you were not some rich asshole with wheelbarrows of money and a little dick. With a body like hers I would have expected she had at least tried more than just a plain missionary with a hair trigger high school pop gun. At least she is quiet," the supervisor said as she directed me over to a lower counter to where I could count out all of the dollar coins while the teller counted out the hundreds.
Smiling I asked, "Can you get me one of the counting containers? I have to go bug your sister before they close."
She quickly brought me over one of the metal boxes designed to hold $600 dollars in rolled dollar coins. I was done with the coins before the teller managed to fight her way through the stiff, stuck together hundred dollar bills. Then she too counted the dollar coins. I had to stop her three times when she tried to count them all at once, mixing the bags. Once she had counted everything twice I got a big envelope for the bills and I got the coin bags as part of the deal.
"When is your break, Sally? I can spare fifteen minutes if you want," I told her watching her blush all the down into her blouse.
Yep. You are only wet because I had a huge stack of cash and more in my bank account. Like I would actually fuck you. No way am I about to let you try to trick me into knocking you up so you get half my money, or more.
It was a workout hauling the bags of coins down the hall to put them in my oversized safety deposit box. I put the seventy five thousand in there too. I was going to scan the deeds before putting them in another bank tomorrow. As I was going out, the supervisor grinned at me as she pointed toward the restrooms. I saw the teller was missing now.
I don't have time to see if she needs a hand right now.
Sometimes I really love how Georgia has laws on the books about only a Georgia State Trooper can get away with writing tickets for speeding nine or less miles over the speed limit. Since between ten and fourteen over it only a fine and no points, they rarely give tickets for anything less than fifteen over, especially where the posted limit is seventy. At eighty-five the super speeder law kicks into add on a two hundred dollar super speeder fine. It only took me twenty minutes of driving at eighty-three to get the next exit so I could pick a random branch for one of my accounts. I found the perfect one. It was filled to overflowing with illegals trying to get cash for their checks. Inside, I found the bank only had one Spanish speaking teller. She was looking none too happy telling these illegals that they could not cash the checks without a US based government issued ID card or valid passport from their home country without having an account. Of course all of the other tellers were having to deal with them too as the few that could understand some English tried their luck. From the sour look I got from the teller I walked up to, I think she would have rather dealt with the illegals.
"How may I help you sir," she said snottily.
Smiling back I replied, "Miss, it seems someone has ransacked your supply of deposit slips. May I have one please?"
Damn you would think I asked her to suck my dick with a gun to her head. Is she one of those that will "accidentally" press the alarm button just to get out of having to help me?
Grudgingly, she handed me the form and then I asked if she could look up my checking account number, I did not have my checkbook with me. I swiped my card and put in my pin. At least she was not allowed to read it out loud, no matter how much she looked like she wanted too. After we did that dance, I put down that I was giving her five grand and getting five dollars cash back.
"A hundred is the smallest I have on me," I told her as I put a wrapped stack of freshly minted hundreds on the counter.
Go ahead and have fun with that bitch! I saw you flagging my account when I wrote in the amount on the deposit slip. Bet you think you are slick don't you? Time for a wakeup call. Everyone fucks with me all of the time, now I get to have a few minutes of payback. I doubt you will learn to not be a bitch to someone that is outside your perfect mold, I thought as I scoped out the security guards ignoring the illegals packing the bank to watch me.
It took her three tries to finally get all of the bills unstuck enough to count them through. She tried once to tell me I was short five hundred dollars until I showed her the first serial number on the top and the last one on the bottom. I explained this stack of bills still had the mint wrapper on them. I had the time to wait if she wanted to have her supervisor retrain her on how to properly count money.
Ok sure there could be five hundreds missing since the other bank had first counted them and then slid the mint wrapper back over them.
"It would not do for me to have make any form of suggestion that you were making an attempt to extricate funds," I told her with a menacing smile.
One final count and she gave me a deposit receipt and five ones.
Heading over to the new accounts and loans department, I asked to speak to the bank manager. I got a good bit of attitude before I just told them that it was none of their business. I had matters to discuss with him that was above their pay grade.
No I am not going to go away, so you might as well call the manager or I will wander on up to their office myself.
Ten minutes of waiting later, that is just what I did.
"Sir you cannot go up there," the man tried to tell me.
I was almost in the manager's office when the man caught up with me.
The manager quickly stood up to intervene.
"Randolph I can take it from here," he said dismissing the man from downstairs.
To me he gave me a weak handshake and asked, "What is so urgent that could not be handled by my staff."
So we are playing that angle. Cool. Saved me a lot of time and lets me get right to the point. Time to knock him off his high little, assigned to a branch in the middle of no fucking where, pedestal.
"I wanted to personally take the time to thank you, as an executive of your bank, for servicing my mortgage. Unlike your national megabank competitors, your Georgia based community bank did not sell it off to some other servicer. It has been a pleasure doing business with your chain of banks," I told him with a big smile. "I just received the deed today."
Yep knocked the wind out of his sails! Now for the fun part.
"Now I do have another small matter to discuss with you if you have a few moments."
Giving me his almost believable smile he replied, "It is my job to make sure all of my customers are happy doing business with our bank. What can I do for you today?"
"Since you have the time, I was wondering if you still value my business, then why did you teller flag my deposit with the Treasury Department and alert both of the security guards," I asked him in an all business tone.
That confused you didn't it.
"May I ask how you know your account was flagged," he asked trying to knock me off guard.
Pulling out my phone, clicking on fake app made to look like a credit monitoring service and then selecting their bank, I passed it over to him. The ancient PC on his desk that connected into the bank's AS/400 mainframe told me he would have no clue it was fake. It was yet another thing I wrote to actually alert me when a deposit is pending on any of my accounts. It uses their bank's web interface with some Java hacks to automate the login process and then go to each account.
"At 3:47 PM today my account was flagged to the US Treasury for investigation as having ties to terrorism or money laundering," I explained. "If you look at the time stamp on the receipt, it was seven minutes before she completed the deposit. The Federal requirement for reporting a single large cash deposit is ten grand. The fine print of your banks account agreement states it will report, at its' discretion, any cash deposit into a non-business account starting at five thousand dollars. I have always put in five dollars less than five thousand to save your bank chain the costs associated with filing a Currency Transaction Report."
Ok now give me the bullshit about giving him a minute to go talk to the teller.
Well wonder of all wonders, he was competent enough to log into the mainframe to pull up my account details. I love watching their eyes go wide when they see that I have around three million in their bank spread across CDs, investment, savings and money market accounts.
My payroll software, side packages and support agreements had paid off really well over the years. I made sure that each was also tied to one or more of my LLCs or side companies to keep me fully insured under FDIC. I did my homework to find out what software the banks used. When I came in to rip a bank manager a new asshole, they would see all the value of all my assets at their bank. I may not be the biggest customer they had, but it was usually enough to give them an attitude adjustment.
Even being a full time employee I still had them paying directly to one of my LLCs. The CFO suggested I setup things that way so that they could pay my company directly for the intern's salaries and any travel expenses incurred. I am still making close to five hundred grand a year on the module they inspired me to write a paid add-on for the payroll software. It allowed finance to handle all of the payments to me and then payroll to be able to do direct deposits from my LLC account into the accounts of the interns. In the rare cases where a check was required, they could use the same check stock to print a check against my account. To protect my finances from getting raided by some wannabe hacker, all of the data was encrypted by the algorithm the bank used to secure business to business (B2B) wire transfers. If any changes were required to the account setup, all of the account information was wiped out and had to be reentered from scratch.
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I hate mornings, even on paydays, but today is going to be something special and I can't miss a thing today, I told myself as I drug my ass out of bed at seven. Just as with any day returning from a trip, I went over to accounting to hand them the whole pile of crap from "the airline" with regard to the fucked up flight. I had already typed up a fully detailed list, with names, of every issue. I made sure to have Jill and Pam's Facebook pages on there for them to reference the videos. I...
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"Yes! That is what I needed," hissed the Girl Scout leader while pulling my hand free of her panties and away from her super sensitive clit. The woman's hand moved back around behind her to find my dick just as someone knocked on the front door loudly. Damn female about to get laid radar. How many kids got busted as teens because a parent had it and came home early? Out of the corner of my eye I watched Pam and Cassie dragging the girl into the bathroom before closing the door quickly....
There is just something relaxing about getting back to a normal work routine after what was craziest few weeks in my life, or one damn vivid hallucination. Which do I really hope this will turn out to be? Real would be good, yet that has a ton of pitfalls. If anything at all goes sideways, I could find myself under a jail somewhere hoping I never get into the general population. Drug induced vivid hallucinations are transient while carrying the possibility of pleasant flashbacks at the worst...
How do these things happen to me? Can't I go look at my own property without getting my head bashed in by a naked teenaged neighbor and then be made a pincushion for a deranged med school professor? Ok, so I was feeling pretty sorry for myself, but who wouldn't? Not only did I now have a hole in my head, I am now getting tons of meds that were going to sting like a motherfucker or freeze like ice water. That deranged fucker had decided I was some predatory serial child rapist. He...
I am not sure I will be able to get used to waking up normally after I quit taking this crazy cocktail they brewed up for me at the hospital pharmacy. Ok, maybe I will, but having someone in bed with me every time I wake up is really nice. Especially since they are here because they want to be with me. Who is this today? Too tall to be Paulina Anne and too skinny to be Sally Mae. Whoever it was wore cotton pajama shorts. I was pretty sure it was a girl since their hair smelled of strawberry...
Down the street a girl had moved in just before school started. Even though I was unquestionably smarter than my peers and teachers, politically appointed bureaucrats and the cronies they hired decided everyone had to be in the grades according to their ages. My parents knew I was smart. We just did not have the money to send me to a school where I could flourish. Seeing my frustration they worked to get me correspondence courses that I used to learn at my own pace. By the time I was in sixth...
Why can’t I look away from these girls? What makes it feel like I know them? I was still a virgin and didn’t have any sperm when they had to have been born. Tatyana’s baby let out a piercing cry that snapped me back into the real world from where I had gone. Anja took pity on me when she said, “Nika and Sonya have both grown at lot since last you met, yes?” Wow! The two little girls from so long ago were grown up now! Nika came up to give me a smoldering kiss on the lips before...
Now a lot can be said for decorating at Christmas, even for those who don’t even believe in Christ or the holiday in general. Over the years I have seen all manners of Christmas decoration around Atlanta that were elaborate, classic, gaudy and just plain showing off. Paul’s house was a mixture. Every single window and door had a lighted wreath. All the trees under fifteen feet had lights on every single tree branch. The taller trees had large velvet ribbons and bows around the trunks since...
What a completely fucked up Christmas Day! How could he be so close to the game afoot and make such a boneheaded move to jump to the wrong conclusions? Once the Limo was moving April spoke up to say, “I hate him! I never want to be around him again! He is a complete hypocritical jerk! Mom is going to take him for everything he is worth for the crap he pulled today. Enough is enough!” Karen tried to calm her down, but it was no use. April was spitting mad at her father. I could only guess...
Well that was unexpected. So far, I think he is the only person I have met in months that came in to not only take responsibility for his people screwing up, but also tell it like he saw it. Penny picked up her papers and packed up her electronic gear. I was taken to where the officer behind the desk used one of those magnetic tag removers to get the case off my belt. He then handed it to me to take the key out, so I couldn’t say he pulled a fast one. Penny seemed as surprised as me when I...
Tatyana had never dismissed the girls in that way before. She had never dismissed any of her group that had been with me when we had discussed some serious matters in the past. Something is up. I sat back to wait for the ax to fall. Being pinned to the bed while she stripped us both wasn’t what I expected. Her body had only changed slightly from having children. Even then, seeing her naked as she was now I would never have guessed her more than being in her late teens. She was as energetic...
"Denise, we both know the view of consciousness based on a neuronal connection doesn't fly. When my consciousness leaves my body, it doesn't take any neurons along for the ride." "Nonetheless, your consciousness maintains some sort of connection to your body during your flights. Your description of reentering your body without your volition during your recent time trips lends credence to the connection. Who's to say that connection isn't neuronal?" David's brow scowled as he...
Joe glanced toward his daughter cowering against the passenger door of the Escalade. They'd just passed through the gates to Carol and David's estate en route to Nora's apartment. Careful to avoid eye contact with him, Nora hadn't said a word about her blatant exhibition. She felt his eyes on her, and without looking at him, and in a meek tone of voice, said, "I'm sorry, Pops. I went too far again." "Yeah, you did." "For what it's worth, I didn't plan what happened....
They sat comfortably in the armored limo. Flint drove them. David sat in the front passenger seat — phased out to perform his safety checks. Three women sat in the plush back compartment. They were en route to J&T's corporate offices where David would introduce Danny to Grace and the other board members. "Danny, I'm curious," Carol said as she pressed the button to raise the privacy screen. When it shut with a soft thunk, she continued. "You were frantic, completely distraught, when...
"I love him, Pops, and he says he loves me," Nora said to answer her father's query. They were en route to Carol's house to have dinner with Carol and David. Pops was driving David's Escalade. "Why do I sense you're not convinced?" Joe asked. "Probably because I'm not." "Why?" "Lots of reasons. I don't really know David that well. I know him well enough to be in lust with him, but love is another issue. I'm not like you, Pops. I don't fall in love at first sight. Also,...
"Mr. Stewart? You ready to go, sir?""You bet. Lead the way!"The 96-year old man didn't need a walker, and only used a cane when he expected to have to walk enough to cause age-related aches and pains. This trip to Washington DC was one of those times, so he grabbed it, stood up, and made his way toward the waiting jet."Good morning," they heard a flight attendant say to a boarding passenger as they got closer to her."Welcome aboard," she told the next person."Have a pleasant flight," she said...
Hi guys and girls, my name is Dhruv and I ‘m 29 years old. My dick size is 8 “, 6 ft tall, broad shoulders with an athletic build from Delhi. Any girl wants to have some fun (especially from Delhi) can contact me at my email id and also don’t forget to mail me your feedback Ok guys remove your undies and girls remove their panties. Things are going to get dirty now. Here’s the sex story.Enjoy….. This is a story about a young, innocent air hostess who is fucked in the flight by passengers and...
Snuff Flight by Impaler49152 in October 2014 Sandy was excited. Her first flight as an official trainee stewardess would take off in a couple of minutes. She still could not belive she got this job. As a college dropout her chances of getting a well paid job were very narrow. But somehow she managed to get this job, with a little help from her college friend Jennifer who got her the job interview with her boss. The fact that she agreed to meet him after work at one of the...
This piece of writing is an extract from my novel "Toggenburg" It's not a sex story as such but I post it here for a dear friend who I learned to my surprise had never flown on an aeroplane! Since this chapter was about a character's first flight on an aircraft i decided to post this for a little fun and to whet the appetite of my beloved shewolf for her first journey into the realms above.The following day dawned bright and sunny although there were still clouds about clinging to the sides of...
In-Flight Entertainment Part Three By Alyssa Hyatt Skye Blue knew very well that littering was an instant demerit. The last (and only) time she got caught, her penance was to spend her next day off rooting around Victoria Park's many rubbish bins for a single used condom that had been planted by Michelle's boyfriend earlier in the day. The prize waiting inside? Her front door key. It turned out to be a late night for the bedraggled flight attendant,...
PRELUDEKate an attractive flight attendant for an international airline was on her way to Paris. She happened to notice an older woman and younger man sitting in Envoy Class who seemed to be very chummy. Checking the manifest she saw that they had the same last name and she assumed them to be mother and son. That was confirmed later when the woman asked for something for her son. Kate studied the couple as she worked the Envoy section of the cabin. The woman who was probably in her early...
The pre-flight brief meeting had been straight forward enough — the usual crew introductions, safety awareness checks, in-flight service briefing, etc. Passenger numbers on the flight were confirmed: 174 travelling in Economy Class, seven in Business Class and only two flying First Class. Outward bound was from London-Heathrow to Bahrain, where the crew would have a 48-hour stopover before manning the inward bound Bahrain to London flight. The crew were allocated their seat positions and work...
Straight SexI'd managed to survive another blazing hot day at Nellis Air Force Base, outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. By 1600 hrs (4 PM to you civilians) I'd already put in a full day, flying air-to-ground and air-to-air combat training missions with my students over the sprawling desert weapons range since 0600. I'm Major Buzz Donaldson, commander of one of the three Squadrons assigned to the 474th TAC Combat Fighter Training Wing, which is an advanced fighter/bomber pilot training wing. Each squadron is...
Introduction To avoid confusion when reading this story some explanation is required. The main character leads a double life. When in his male persona I have used masculine pronouns and when in female persona female pronouns are used. After all they become really different characters. Carrie and Jess Take Flight "Bravo Alpha 282 you are cleared for takeoff." Captain David Wilton glanced at his First Officer and pushed the throttle steadily forwards. The growl of the 4 Rolls...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of both Dernhelm’s true identity and the order to leave Merry behind. Holbytla is the Rohirric word for Hobbit.] 10 March 3019 (Third Age), Eastfold Merry stirred, snorted, then settled back into the...
The Great Shift: High Flight By Ran Dandel "Trans-Western 623, Tower, position and hold, runway two-two-right." "Position and hold, runway two-two-right, Trans Western 623." Inside the cockpit, Captain Scott James and First Officer Mark Stahl finished stowing the pre-takeoff checklist. Captain James then moved the big jet onto the runway, and positioned it exactly on the center stripe. He smoothly applied the brakes to hold their position. "Mark, we're heavy today...
Hello guys and this is salim (name changed) from Dubai and let me describe myself. I am a 24 year old guy with 6ft and 75kgs body. This story happened last august 2012. It was a life changing month for me. I was working in dubai for past couple of years and recently i switched to a new job and i was forced to pack back to my home town in india, ie Kerala for the purpose of changing my visa. As a favour from my previous hr executive she arranged a luxurious flight for me to be back in my...