The Great Shift: High Flight free porn video

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The Great Shift: High Flight By Ran Dandel "Trans-Western 623, Tower, position and hold, runway two-two-right." "Position and hold, runway two-two-right, Trans Western 623." Inside the cockpit, Captain Scott James and First Officer Mark Stahl finished stowing the pre-takeoff checklist. Captain James then moved the big jet onto the runway, and positioned it exactly on the center stripe. He smoothly applied the brakes to hold their position. "Mark, we're heavy today with a full load of passengers. Do you have our speeds ready, it's about time to go." "Yes, Sir. V1 is 125 knots, and Vr is 145. V2 is 175." "Ok. I think the tower's going to give us clearance as soon as that DC-9 crosses the intersection." It wasn't prophecy that made Captain James say that. It was his experience of 25 years of flying the line. The DC-9 touched down on the crossing runway and immediately went into reverse thrust. As it slowed, it passed through the intersection of its runway and Trans-Western's. ". Trans-Western 623, Tower, cleared for takeoff runway two-two-right, turn right heading two-five-zero, climb and maintain 5,000." First Officer Stahl repeated the instruction as Captain James eased the throttles forward towards their takeoff positions. As the big jet started to accelerate, he moved his right hand from the throttles to the control yoke. His left hand was occupied with the nosewheel steering tiller. Stahl replaced the Captain's hand on the throttles with his own and adjusted them to the proper takeoff power settings. He then kept his hand on the throttles to keep them from moving, or to pull them back rapidly if they had to abort the takeoff. As the jet continued to accelerate, Captain James carefully kept the big jet's nosewheel on the center stripe of the runway, compensating for the slight amount of crosswind on this runway. His total concentration was on handling the jet. First Officer Stahl's responsibility was keeping an eye on the instruments, and monitoring the engine gauges. "V1, Captain." V1 is the go/no-go speed, where they must commit to takeoff. "Vr, Captain." Rotation speed. Captain James eased back the control column to lift the nose of the aircraft to precisely 12 degrees, and the jet smoothly broke ground. Both pilots heard and felt the shock absorbers on the main landing gear bottom out with a ?thudthud' as the plane lifted off. On the Captain's order, First Officer Stahl raised the gear handle to retract the landing gear. Captain James then smoothly rolled the aircraft into a shallow bank to begin their right turn. "Trans-Western 623, Tower, contact Departure, good day." "623 to Departure, good day." "Departure, Trans-Western 623 climbing to 5,000" "Trans-Western 623, Departure, cleared on course, climb and maintain one- two-thousand, expect higher in forty miles" "Departure, 623 to one-two-thousand, cleared on course, expecting higher in forty" As the jet left the initial climb segment of the flight, Captain James lowered the nose to allow the airspeed to increase. The jet slowed its climb rate a bit, but it speeded up to just below 250 knots. As it passed 10,000 feet, he allowed the airspeed to start building towards cruise speed. They eventually received clearance to their cruising altitude of 39,000 feet. Early in the flight, the jet was turned over to the autopilot, which had been programmed with the flight's course and altitude profile. It's standard procedure to go onto autopilot early in the flight, because modern systems can do a better job of flying the airplane at its maximum efficiency. It also relieves a lot of crew stress, since the long climb to altitude and the cruise segments are the most boring parts of the job. They did hand-fly the airplane from time-to-time to keep their skills sharp, and to comply with their company's regulations. As they leveled-off at their assigned cruise altitude, and on course, they kept an ear to Air Traffic Control (ATC), and monitored the systems. Every thirty minutes, they would log their position, vital instrument readings, and any comments in the airplane's trip log. "Well, Scott," said Mark. "With today's winds, it looks like we'll get home in time for you to make it to your son's soccer game. This will make how many in a row you've managed to makeSix?" "Yeah, Mark, I've been lucky with my trip bids this fall. I was able to get a schedule that allowed me to be home by early afternoon on his game days. I just love being able to watch him play. He doesn't say it, but Julie says he's told her he's glad I've been able to come. Especially since that blizzard in Chicago last winter made me miss his birthday. We both hated that." Once at cruise altitude, it was possible to relax cockpit discipline a bit. Since they had gotten beyond the initial critical phase of flight, takeoff and climb, they could divert some attention to conversation. They would again enforce strict discipline when they began descent. An hour into the flight, Scott picked up the interphone and buzzed the galley. "Sue, would you please bring some Cokes up front? We're starting to dry out up here." A few minutes later, both pilots heard a knock at the cockpit door and then the sound of a key opening the latch. Sue Garrison entered with two cans of Coke and cups of ice. She expertly filled the cups and placed them in the cupholders next to the center console. (Yes, even the new modern passenger jets have cupholders for the pilots' convenience.) "Here you go, boys. Anything interesting ahead I should let the rest of the crew know about?" asked Sue. "No, Sue." replied Scott. "The weather ahead is all clear and smooth. We should arrive about twenty minutes early." "Sounds great! I'll let the passengers and the rest of the crew know." With that, she returned to her cabin duties. A short time before setdown, both pilots were paying close attention to ATC in order to learn which routing they'd be taking into their destination. They also took the time to get the latest weather information so there'd be no surprises during approach and landing. Mark was looking at some cloud formations off to the southwest, when he saw a brilliant flash on the horizon. It was bright, but not enough to blind. He blinked at the sight. "Captain! Did you see." Scott heard Mark start to say when he felt the strangest feeling inside himself, like he was being twisted-up and wrung out. Then everything went black. He awoke some time later in the passenger cabin. He looked around groggily and noticed a lot of other people still unconscious. Some of the passengers were getting out of their seats and starting to look around. A few were looking at themselves and screaming. Others were just shouting. He was shaking his head to clear it when he realized that he shouldn't be in the cabin. He also started to become aware of the noises of the aircraft, and that the floor was not level. He got up onto his feet and nearly fell over. He looked down and saw that he was wearing impossibly high heels. He looked a bit more closely. He was wearing very tight jeans that outlined impossible hips. He didn't have hips like those! Or a crotch that smooth! There was no bulge! Just the ?vee' of the crease where his legs joined his body. He also became aware of the fact that he was looking at himself from between the twin mounds of a woman's breasts! No, he thought, this is impossible! Somehow, I've become a woman! A little girl came up to him and shouted, "Give me back my body! What did you do to me?" Scott started to reply when he felt the jet start to nose down. His mind went crystal clear as he commanded the little girl, "You just get into a seat and buckle in. I've got to get to the cockpit. I'm the pilot!" With that, he turned toward the cockpit and started to run down the aisle. He almost twisted his ankle from the heels, so he stopped and took them off, then continued his run. When he got to the door, he heard some shouting from inside. He pounded on the door, and found he had long nails when he broke one trying to get the door open. Whoever was in the cockpit was too concerned with their own problems to answer. Scott looked around. He saw Sue's body collapsed near the entry door. She had apparently sat down on the crew bench when the event happened. He reached for the keys on her belt and tried to pull them off. After several tries, he succeeded. He found the cockpit doorkey and opened the door. Two people were sitting in the pilots' seats just staring out the window as the jet nosed down into the clouds. "What the hell should I do?" shouted one. "How the hell should I know. You're the pilot!" shouted the other. "I just woke up and found myself here!" "I'm no pilot, the same thing happened to me!" yelled the first one. Scott saw that the two people in the pilots' seats were his and Mark's bodies, but it was obvious that they'd switched with other people. He tried to shout over the two in the pilots' seats, "Stop it. Something happened and we all switched bodies. I don't know how, but I do know that if you don't let me in one of those seats, we're going to crash. I'm the pilot!" "Yeah, sure, girlie," said one. "And I'm Bill Clinton." "Look, I really AM the captain of this flight, and if you don't get out of those seats right now, you'll be in the front-row watching a BC-427 spear the ground." shouted Scott. "I've been switched, too, but I still remember how to fly this plane." After a bit of confusion, the two people in the pilot's bodies managed to loosen the safety harnesses and get out of their seats. Scott squeezed past them and climbed into the pilot's seat. To his consternation, he found that he couldn't reach the rudder pedals, and that the instrument panel's glareshield was too high. No time to adjust the seat. He quickly strapped in. He first reduced power to the engines and started to ease back the control column. It felt like he was pulling it through a vat of molasses. He didn't remember the control pressures being this high, before. He grimly pulled with both hands, and felt the jet start to respond. Slowly, the nose started to come up and the speed start to bleed off. As the nose passed through the horizon, Scott eased off the control pressures and moved the throttles to hold their altitude. He reset the autopilot to hold heading and altitude. It must have disconnected when one of people in his or Mark's bodies accidentally leaned on the controls. The autopilot automatically disconnects when fifteen pounds of pressure is applied to the control column. That allows the pilots to quickly regain control if they hit sudden turbulence without having to disconnect the autopilot manually. As he was completing this chore, a boy of about eight years old entered the cockpit, shouting, "Captain, I got here as fast as I could. You wouldn't believe what's happened back in the cabin." Scott looked back, and saw the boy saying this to the person in Scott's body. "Mark, I'm up here. That guy isn't me." "Captain?" Mark said in amazement as he looked at Scott's new features. "Wow, you're a babe!" "Cut it out, Mark!" Scott said, cutting him off. "We've got ninety tons of airplane and people to get back on the ground. Take your seat!" Scott waited until Mark got back into the seat and was strapped in before he adjusted his seat. He was now barely tall enough to reach the rudder pedals when he had the seat adjusted forward and high enough to see out. He could manage the plane. Just. While Scott was adjusting his seat, Mark didn't bother. He was too small to reach the pedals no matter how he adjusted the seat. He put on the radio headset and listened to Air Traffic Control. The frequency was bedlam. Flight after flight was calling in with an emergency. It looked like theirs wasn't the only flight that was in trouble. While he was listening, a harsh voice called out to clear the channel. ATC was checking in! "To all flights on this frequency! There has been a worldwide event. Something has caused random switching between people. All flights please hold at the nearest intersection. Because we've also been affected, please use extreme caution. We may not be able to provide you with radar separation. You'll have to keep your eyes open! We will be getting to you as soon as possible. When I end transmission, each of you give your call sign, wait for an acknowledgement, and then shu-----" The transmission ended when another flight's call stepped on the controller's call. After a few seconds of garbled noise, the call came in clear. A man's voice, "Will somebody help us! The pilot's disappeared, and I'm in his body. I don't know how to fly the plane and we're going down! Please will somebody answer! I need some help!.." Apparently the person didn't know that they had to release the mike button to be able to receive. They kept calling for help while all of the other flights were helpless to do anything. The caller kept at it until they heard him say, "Oh, no, oh, God Mommy!" And then silence. A pall came over the cockpit as the two pilots and the two others in the cockpit realized that an airliner full of passengers had gone in. How many other flights would have the same terrible ending? Scott keyed his mike and said subdued voice, "Center, Trans-Western 623." "Trans-Western 623, Center acknowledges." This voice, too, was subdued. Slowly, somberly, all of the other flights on the frequency checked in. There was some confusion as one or two flights stepped on each other's transmissions, but the ones who checked in were all professionals. Their first job was to get their plane down safely. "All aircraft on this frequency ATC has had the same problems you've had. Many of us are missing, so we're going to need your help. Locate the airport nearest to you that can take your aircraft and land as soon as possible. The major airports will be too crowded with airplanes and too under-staffed to take normal arrivals. Go to visual flight rules as soon as possible. We cannot provide radar coverage. As soon as you have safely landed, contact your airline and report in. ATC will monitor, but you're on your own." With this grim news, ATC signed off for the duration. "Mark, pull out your charts and find me an airport! You two, get back in the cabin and help restore order. Your appearance will lend you some authority. Locate the flight attendants and help them. They've been trained for emergencies!" Mark pulled out his charts and soon located an airport. Bluefield Air Force Base. A good choice, since an Air Force Base would not have much traffic, compared to a normal airline airport. As a fighter and bomber base, the runways were all long enough to take any aircraft. "Ok, Mark, give me a heading so we can get this mother on the ground!" growled Scott. It came out in a soft alto voice. "Head zero-six-four, captain. It's forty miles." "OK, descent checklist after I make an announcement." Scott switched his mike to the cabin PA and said, "Ladies and gentlemen. This is the captain speaking. I know I don't sound like the captain, but like you, I have been changed with somebody else. I want to reassure you that your captain and first officer are both safe and we are flying the airplane. We've been ordered to land as soon as possible, so we're going to Bluefield Air Force Base. We'll make a normal landing and we'll see if we can get things straightened out once we're safely on the ground. Please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We're not in any danger, so please remain calm and listen to your flight attendants. Please cooperate with them, and we'll all shortly be safely on the ground." "Ok, Mark, descent checklist," commanded Scott as he retarded the throttles to begin their descent. The throttles seemed to be farther away than he expected them to be, and the switches on the ceiling were higher. When they approached Bluefield AFB, both pilots kept a sharp lookout for other air traffic, but didn't see any. They heard on the recorded traffic information system that the instrument landing system was out, so they had to land manually, instead of using the autoland function of the autopilot. They tried to raise the base's tower, but got no results, so they flew a regular traffic pattern and set up for landing. After all of the excitement of the flight, though, the landing turned out to be anticlimactic, except for the fact that Scott felt that the controls had become much heavier. He hadn't yet realized that his new body was a lot less strong than his old one. As the jet rolled-out on the runway, several Hum-Vees drove out after it. As the airliner pulled off the runway onto the taxi strip, Scott stopped the plane and waited for the Hum-Vees. From the lead Hum-Vee a man stood up and waved for the jet to follow him. The truck turned around and drove to the parking ramp. A ground handler guided Scott into a parking space. He then shut down the engines. He and Mark completed the after-landing checklist and secured the controls. They went to the cockpit door to see if they could help, but found a large, burly man opening the door. The escape chute inflated and he started herding the passengers out of the door, calling, "Jump and sit! Jump and sit! Wait until the person in front of you is going before you go. Jump and sit!" Apparently, this large man was one of the flight attendants. Scott waited until the cabin was cleared. There were six people still in the airplane, other than himself and Mark. Scott looked around and asked, "Are you all Trans-Western?" The large burly man said, "I'm Sue Garrison, and this is weird." One by one, the other crewmembers checked in. Sue was the only woman who had become a man, but Frank Jenkins was now a dark woman in her 50's. "I'm Scott James, and this young lad is Mark," said Scott. "Captain!" exclaimed Sue in her now bass voice, "you look about sixteen!" "No wonder I'm so small. This body's not grown up yet!" "I don't know captain," jibed Mark, "you look plenty grown up to me!" "I'd better grow some more, I'm barely tall enough to fly this airplane, and I don't want to quit flying!" retorted Scott. The crew then took turns using the emergency slide to get out of the plane. After Scott called in a report to Trans-Western, where things were just as confused as everywhere else, he wound up giving a report to the base commander, now in the body of a nineteen-year old recruit. Unauthorized landings at military airfields are strongly frowned-upon, although emergencies allow a lot of slack in the regulations. The day ended when a news truck drove up and he gave an interview about what happened on the flight. That's when the crew learned that about ninety-percent of the world's population had apparently changed bodies. It occurred shortly after something happened in the western desert. Mark mentioned the flash he'd seen shortly before everybody blacked out. It was a likely connection. When Scott called home, he found that his wife had been shopping, and had swapped bodies with her best friend. His son had swapped bodies with that friend's daughter, who was about the same age as his son. At least his wife was still a woman, and his son was young enough to adapt to the change. He didn't know how well he'd handle his change. At the end of the day, Scott finally was able to take stock of the change he'd gone through. With all of the excitement and adrenaline of the emergency, and all of the reports he had to make, he'd not had the chance to look at himself. He got his first real awareness when he started to enter the Men's room in Base Operations. "Hey, Miss!" shouted out an airman, "That's the Men's room! The ladies' is over there!" "Uh, thanks! I guess I'm still shaken up." In the ladies' room, Scott looked in the mirror and just stared at his new self. He was now about sixteen or seventeen years old, with light brown hair cut in an attractive bob. His face was pretty, but nothing really special. The body went with the face, and was in excellent shape. His waist was very narrow, and flared into wide hips, with that extremely attractive flatness across the front that curved smoothly away between his legs. His breasts were of average size, but were high and prominent. Probably because of the body's youth, since they hadn't had time to start sagging. He was dressed in very tight denims with athletic socks and sneaks, and was wearing a thin knit top that had those short-short sleeves that accented his long, slim arms. He noticed the outlines of a bra beneath his top. Funny, he thought, through all this, I really didn't feel it. I guess it's been all the excitement. His final evaluation of his new self was that he was pretty. With proper makeup and a bit more maturity in the features, while not a stunner, that person would be very attractiveespecially if the body was kept in shape. If I'm in this body very long, he thought, I'll have to give some thought to keeping it that way. No matter what, though, he was a pilot, and would fight to keep flying. After all, he thought, flying is in my brain, not my body. And this body is more fit and probably has a better reaction time than my old one. I think I'll make it. I know I will! (fin)

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PRELUDEKate an attractive flight attendant for an international airline was on her way to Paris. She happened to notice an older woman and younger man sitting in Envoy Class who seemed to be very chummy. Checking the manifest she saw that they had the same last name and she assumed them to be mother and son. That was confirmed later when the woman asked for something for her son. Kate studied the couple as she worked the Envoy section of the cabin. The woman who was probably in her early...

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The Great Shift Kiyomis Tale

The Great Shift: Kiyomi's Tale Mariko Everyone remembers where they were when the Great Shift happened. How can you not? Unless you were one of the lucky 7%, you wound up in the body of a stranger. You were younger, or older, or shorter, or fatter, or a different race or sex. Even those not directly affected had to deal with a world suddenly turned on its head. Most were horrified, but to me, it was a gift from heaven. One second, I'm lying in my bed at the Shorecrest Retirement...

5 years ago
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Snuff Flight

Snuff Flight by Impaler49152 in October 2014   Sandy was excited. Her first flight as an official trainee stewardess  would take off in a couple of minutes. She still could not belive she got  this job. As a college dropout her chances of getting a well paid job were  very narrow. But somehow she managed to get this job, with a little help  from her college friend Jennifer who got her the job interview with her boss.   The fact that she agreed to meet him after work at one of the...

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First Flight

This piece of writing is an extract from my novel "Toggenburg" It's not a sex story as such but I post it here for a dear friend who I learned to my surprise had never flown on an aeroplane! Since this chapter was about a character's first flight on an aircraft i decided to post this for a little fun and to whet the appetite of my beloved shewolf for her first journey into the realms above.The following day dawned bright and sunny although there were still clouds about clinging to the sides of...

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Night Flight

I'd managed to survive another blazing hot day at Nellis Air Force Base, outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. By 1600 hrs (4 PM to you civilians) I'd already put in a full day, flying air-to-ground and air-to-air combat training missions with my students over the sprawling desert weapons range since 0600. I'm Major Buzz Donaldson, commander of one of the three Squadrons assigned to the 474th TAC Combat Fighter Training Wing, which is an advanced fighter/bomber pilot training wing. Each squadron is...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Carrie and Jess Take Flight

Introduction To avoid confusion when reading this story some explanation is required. The main character leads a double life. When in his male persona I have used masculine pronouns and when in female persona female pronouns are used. After all they become really different characters. Carrie and Jess Take Flight "Bravo Alpha 282 you are cleared for takeoff." Captain David Wilton glanced at his First Officer and pushed the throttle steadily forwards. The growl of the 4 Rolls...

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Tales of the Great Shift Picking up the Pieces

Tales of the Great Shift: Picking up the Pieces By Caleb Jones My doctor suggested I write down what happened to me. Putting my troubles into perspective, he called it. Some shrink technique to put you in touch with yourself, I think. I don't mind, though. He's very good at his job. So I do as he suggests. Where do I begin? I guess I should start with an introduction. My name is Bob Jacobson. Or at least it was until the Great Switch. People call me Barbara now. Or...

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The Great Shift From Girl To Man

The Great Shift: From Girl to Man by Chrissy Do you remember the day the Great Shift happened? Well of course you do. No one shall ever forget that day. It must be fifteen years ago now when it happened. I remember it all too well. I was just five when it happened. A little girl playing in the park innocent to the world. I notice you did not look surprised when I told you this man before you in his thirties was once a little girl. Nor should you be surprised. After all many...

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Night Flight

I work for one of the country's major auditing firms as an auditor. Companies traded on the stock exchange are required by law to permit annual audits of their books by a so-called "independent" entity to make sure no funny business is going on with financial transactions or inventories. It's a living and not a bad one, for now. Most young accountants with their eyes on future six-figure incomes make their starts doing what I do. I make fifty-five thousand a year but I work my ass off for...

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Origins Of Sarah Part 4 8211 Trudy On The Flight

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. Adventures Of Sarah. This is a new series where I will be describing the journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. I hope you enjoy this series. Chapter 4: I...

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The Great Shift Kylie Part 2

The Great Shift: Kylie - Part 2 Part 1 here: =134768335997310897 ** DAY 2 ** The toilet paper roll was finished. Kylie checked the cupboard under the bathroom sink, after all that's where mummy and daddy kept the spare rolls. Nothing. Either Stephen and Jess kept their spares elsewhere or there was no more toilet paper. "Darn" Kylie whispered. "Darn, sugar, doggy doo, stink, vomit..." She paused and then...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Great Shift Four Going On ThirtyNine

Author's Note: Please read Great Shift: A Changed Morning before this one. Thanks! It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon as sunlight streamed through the glass windows of the large two-story house. In a large nicely decorated and furnished kitchen John hummed to himself, his new high-pitched voice still being odd to him, as he pulled out the ingredients for sandwiches. It was the lunch he and his wife had agreed upon for the afternoon, and who was he to argue. As he opened the fridge...

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Theories of Flight

I have this theory about flight. I think there’s this great, cosmic deity. Not religious or anything, just cosmic, that moves planes through the sky like a small child moves toy cars. Everything’s fine as long as he’s interested. But one day, he’ll grow bored and let it fall to the earth or nosedive it into a mountain. So fuck flying. Right up its bitch ass. When Kelly suggested Hawaii for our anniversary, I thought twelve-day cruise. I can handle water. Sure, The Titanic gave me nightmares...

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The Flight

Disclaimer: This story contains transgender themes, and some may find its contents offensive. You are free to archive this story for personal entertainment. The Flight By The Druid I just can't believe it. How can a British Airways flight from Belfast to London be overbooked? I could understand if it were July or August but mid October! "I'm sorry sir, the plane is over booked, but we have another one leaving in three hours." "But that's no good to me, I'll miss my...

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Blowjobs in a Long Haul Flight

Blowjobs in a long haul flight. I am gay and proud of it I work in the IT corporate industry and travel often abroad for work; this is an experience in a long haul flight from Mumbai to New York, nonstop. I am at a high level so I get to travel business or 1st class, this time I was lucky and was in the 1st class, boarding pass in hand I wait for the boarding call of the flight, they r boarding us and if u have travelled in 1st class u know how personalized it is, I m escorted to my seat by a...

Gay Male
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Night Flight

How about this!I have been invited to attend the International Women in Business Conference being held in Paris, France. My very first official overseas business trip and I am more than ready for it. Definitely time this twenty-eight-year-old middle management executive strutted her stuff on a larger stage.Reading over the announcement, the core topics and activities sounded excellent. Advancing Women into Leadership Roles - Women on Corporate Boards - Opportunities for Women Leaders, and on...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Great Shift Teens

The Great Shift: Teens By Brad Miller Part 1 Ah The Great Shift. It was a great shift indeed. It totally changed my life, along with the rest of the world. So I'll start from the beginning. My name is Steve. I'm your average 15 year old kid. Not to popular, but not a loser. In fact I'm far from a loser, so lets move on. Many girls at school think I'm cute but I got my eye set on someone unparticular. Her name is Rachel. She's a cute latina about 5'7, brown hair with...

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Flirty Flight

The morning started off like any normal morning in the summer, in Northern Ohio. That is, if by normal you mean waking up at 4am to travel an hour and a half to the airport to catch a 7am flight to Reno, NV - then yes that is normal. I was 17 years old and I was traveling by plane out west to visit my grandparents and other family members on my dad's side. We had arrived at the airport in Cleveland a bit early because my dad needs to get places hours early for some reason (even to this day)....

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Unexpected First Experience In Flight

This is Akhil I(name changed ), from guwathi.I’m working as a civil engineer in a leading mnc.This is my first story in Indian sex stories. The story I. Am penning is my own story happened when I went on-site. Professional people know more about this. This was my first unexpected surprise to me in the between earth and sky The heroine of the story is siri (name changed ), I came early into the flight and after some time I saw a girl mid 18-19 years girl coming towards me after confirmation of...

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Smother High

The terms lad, youth boy, etc are meant to be vague and do not denote any specific age. Smother High by mike_3121 [at] hotmail [dot] com Young Debbie Anderson lay on her bed. She was totally relaxed and, like most young girls, she didn't want to get out of her warm comfortable bed. With a slow sensual grinding of her hips she pressed down on her prone victim. She had him down in a 69 smother position with her legs spread wide apart. His young chest was pressed to her stomach and she could feel...

Erotic Fiction
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The Great Shift The Perfect Crime

The Great Shift: The Perfect Crime by DC I sometimes wonder how my life would have went if my wife had not been cheating on me. I would have still had a drinking problem, but I wouldn't have gone into the jealous rage that caused me to attack her lover. I honestly went there to talk, well okay yell, at him but he set me off and the next thing I knew, I snapped his neck and he died instantly. That wimp didn't stand a chance. I have military training in hand-to-hand combat...

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Great Shift A New Day Dawns

The Great Shift: A New Day Dawns By The Rebel I swear to you that this story is true; it's a real life tale of good and evil, of shame and redemption. It's Jared's story. I will tell it to you as I heard it long ago on that long night under the stars. Jared at 24, a good-looking guy, tall and sandy haired, all the women for miles around near swooned when they see his bronze muscles. Jared was living with Linda Day his fianc?e and live-in girlfriend when all this took place. She w...

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The Last Flight

Written By Poppet:For LushStories ONLY! The Last Flight  It’s 2:45 in the morning and I’m here sitting at the airport in the departure lounge. I’m waiting for my 3:10 flight back home. I’m in Settle heading back east to Boston. I've been traveling for a little over three weeks for business. All I want to do is go home, take a long bath and sleep for a month. I’m a single girl with no pets and I live alone. The thought of going home to an empty apartment sounds appealing right now though...

Straight Sex
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Flight 428 The Great Shift

Flight 428 : The great shift by Eric Flight 428 startled prosaic enough. The usual average group of passengers were finally struggling their way on board. The only exciting thing was the presence of Clint Eastwood and Sandra Bullock in First Class - . The passengers' gawked for a moment then filed on pass to fight for overhead space for the luggage they should have checked. An obvious honeymoon couple were laughing and holding hands. He was very large and she was endearingly...

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Titcage Chapter 44 The Flight

Fucktwat wasn’t sure where the honeymoon was, not that she needed to. That kind of information wasn’t necessary for a dumb slut like her to know. While receiving his morning blowjob from his new property, Michael explained that while Titcage had made serious progress reforming the country’s views on a woman’s purpose and what was appropriate in society, there were still people who would be alarmed by a pregnant teenager crawling naked and leashed on all fours. Therefore, Fucktwat would have to...

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The Great Shift Cute

My first Great Shift story didn't go over too well because I had it too cluttered, and with not enough attention on the main character, so I decided to do another one, without the clutter. Great Shift: Cute By Morpheus I screamed at my sister Allie to get out of my room, slamming the door as she raced out. Angrily, I locked it, sitting back down. Just because I was moving out in the fall was no reason for her to keep barging into my room already. My name is Steven Farrel,...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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The Great Shift Why I Hate Wrestling

Why I hate Wrestling ( a great shift story) by Eric A supplement to Raven's Tale :The Great Shift: The Shift Hits the Fan I fight my way through the crowd of sub-human creatures who like wrestling. It was almost as bad as being at a National Political Convention!! How did I ever let Steve talk me into this - damn silver tongue lawyers!? Before you know it up is down and bad is good and morning is evening! I stand in line for beers. To think we could be having a evening of culture...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites

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