Night Flight free porn video

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I'd managed to survive another blazing hot day at Nellis Air Force Base, outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. By 1600 hrs (4 PM to you civilians) I'd already put in a full day, flying air-to-ground and air-to-air combat training missions with my students over the sprawling desert weapons range since 0600.

I'm Major Buzz Donaldson, commander of one of the three Squadrons assigned to the 474th TAC Combat Fighter Training Wing, which is an advanced fighter/bomber pilot training wing. Each squadron is assigned eight F-100 D Super Saber single-seat jet fighter-bombers, plus two F-100 Fs, which are basically modified versions of the 'D' model, but with two inline cockpits. In addition to my own training duties, I also supervise four other instructor pilots. Our primary duty is to teach our assigned students the techniques and skills necessary to achieve mastery of their weapons systems, while at the same time maximizing the chances for their survival in combat situations. Being a squadron commander in this wing doesn't mean just flying a desk. I have an Adjacent, a young 1st Lt who takes care to most of the paperwork, while I try to spend most of my time in hands-on combat training which, here in the desert, is hot, dry and sometimes stressful work.

I was exhausted by the time I landed from the final sortie of the day and entered the locker room. I was looking forward to changing out of my sweat-stained flight suit, taking a long hot shower, and then retiring to the Officers Club for a cool drink and a quiet meal. That was when my wing commander, Lt. Col. Peterson, caught up with me and quickly ruined the rest of my day.

"Ah, there you are, Major Donaldson!" he exclaimed with a smile, "I have a request to make of you. We're scheduled to deliver one of our 'F' models to the Wright-Patterson maintenance depot in Dayton, Ohio, and it must be there by 0800 tomorrow. Captain Adams was originally scheduled to deliver it, but unfortunately he's been diagnosed as having an inner-ear infection and the Flight Surgeon's grounded him for a week. I'd appreciate it if you'd fly the 'F' back there tonight, then pick up the 'D' they just finished rehabbing and bring it back here tomorrow."

Now you have to understand that, in the military, when a Colonel tells a Major he has a request, it's not really a request at all, it's merely a polite way of issuing a direct order. I gave him a weary nod and asked, "Do I have time to shower and change into a clean flight suit, then maybe get a bite to eat before I leave, sir?"

"Certainly Major, do whatever you need to do... as long as you're airborne in ninety minutes. The flight plan's already been filed and the bird's been serviced. Of course, I had to schedule you for a layover in Omaha, Nebraska tonight for your mandatory crew rest. You've already logged nearly nine hours today... but plan to leave Offit by 0600 tomorrow in order to get the bird to Dayton on time. I'll see you back here tomorrow evening then... and thanks for helping us out. It won't be forgotten," he said with a smile as he strode away.

'Who's he kidding?' I thought grumpily. 'He'll have forgotten all about it before sunset!' Christ, it had already been a long day and it was now promising to be an even longer night! Ah well, such is life in the military and it sure beat the hell out of my previous assignment... a Forward Air Controller, directing close combat air support for the ARVN troops (that's the Army of the Republic of Viet Nam), as well as our own Army and Marine Corps grunts, in South Viet Nam.

I showered, changed into a clean flight suit, scooped up my shaving kit and my 'go' bag containing a clean set of clothing, grabbed a quick sandwich and a soft drink at the snack bar, then reported to Operations for my flight briefing. After a short weather briefing and an even shorter review of the planned flight route, I proceeded to the equipment room where I donned my G-suit over my flight suit, then retrieved my still sweaty flight helmet and my 'chute. I was about to catch a crew bus out to the aircraft when the Ops. Officer pulled me aside.

"Buzz, a Major James Garret is looking for a hop to Wright-Pat. Some kind of family emergency or something, I guess. Since you've got an empty back seat, would you be willing to take a passenger along?" he asked.

"Well, I suppose so, as long as he's willing to RON at Offit and isn't prone to airsickness," I quipped. (RON being military-speak for 'Remain Over Night')

Before he could reply, a confident feminine voice behind him interrupted. "A layover at Offit is no problem at all, Major, but let's set the record straight. I'm not a he, I'm a she, and I'm definitely not prone to airsickness unless I'm really hung-over, which I assure you I'm not. As an added bonus, I've logged over a hundred and fifty combat hours in F-100's and can spell you on the stick if you're half as tired as you look... Oh, and by the way, the name is Jamie, not James."

Surprised, I whipped around to find a tall, slim, extremely attractive female officer in her early thirties, a silver-piped blue USAF garrison cap, displaying a Major's bronze oak leaf, cocked jauntily forward on her head, partially covering her short, dark-auburn hair. She was wearing a green, custom tailored, Nomex flight suit with a matching G suit, her feet encased in highly shined black jump boots. Her flight helmet was cradled in the crook of her left arm, a parachute pack dangled from her right shoulder.

Even without the military trappings, I'd have suspected she was a veteran combat pilot. Her penetrating emerald green eyes gave her away; the thin lines radiating from their corners bespoke many hours spent scanning bright distant horizons for possible targets and threats. Her cocky, go-to-hell posture only emphasized the impression. The leather name tag on her flight suit displayed silver Command Pilot wings with the name 'Major J. Garret, USAF' centered beneath them. Due to its position on the suit, checking her nametag drew my attention to her chest. Under the snug-fitting custom tailored flight suit, her breasts were prominent enough that they should have gained my immediate attention. I also noticed that the suit fit the rest of her trim, athletic body like a glove; she obviously had all the standard-issue equipment, arraigned in an extremely attractive package.

"Well now, seeing that you're willing to pull your own weight, welcome aboard, Major. Always glad to help a fellow pilot in need," I grinned at her. I gave the Ops Officer a wink and asked him to adjust the crew manifest to reflect that Major Garret would be flying as the back seater on this flight, then escorted her out to the waiting crew bus.

The crew chief was waiting at the aircraft with the 'start cart' already hooked up. After a quick but through walk-around-inspection (what was jokingly call a 'kick the tire and light the fire' check) I clambered wearily up the crew ladder and settled into the front cockpit as Major Garret scrambled up into the rear. I noticed, with a wry grin, that the crew chief had solicitously followed her up the ladder and helped her strap in, assistance I was sure she didn't actually require. When he returned to the tarmac, he looked up at me with a wink and a big smile. I couldn't blame him, I only wished I'd allowed her to climb the ladder ahead of me so that I might have had the opportunity to 'assist' her myself.

Grabbing the maintenance log off the top of the instrument panel, I quickly scanned the entries, assuring myself that all safety-of -flight write-ups had been corrected and signed off, then strapped myself in, donned my helmet, plugged in its communication cord and oxygen hose, then nodded to the waiting crew chief. He raised his right arm and rotated his hand, indicating I was cleared for engine start. Nodding at him, I quickly ran through the pre-start checklist, then hit the ignition switch. The diesel electric 'start cart' belched black smoke as the unit rammed compressed air through the engine, spooling up the compressor turbine, and the powerful J-57 engine lit off. I eased the throttle back to idle and quickly scanned the instrument panel. Soon all the engine instruments settled into the green as they should as the artificial horizon and gyrocompass settled down. As I was doing this, the crew chief disconnected the start cart, removed the ladder hanging from the canopy rail and returned to the side of the aircraft.

Switching the radio over to Ground Control frequency and thumbing the mike switch, I called the tower, gave them my tail number and requested taxi and take off instructions. After a thumbs-up signal from me, the crew chief ducked out of sight under the belly and reappeared shortly, off to the left side in front of the wing, wheel chocks hanging by their connecting ropes over his left shoulder, and waved us foreword with a two handed 'come along' ground control signal. I snapped him a smart salute, which he stiffened to attention and sharply returned before moving further off to the side. After warning my 'co-pilot' over the intercom to 'clear the canopy rails' and receiving her confirmation, I hit the switch closing and locking the large heavy Plexiglas canopy. Advancing the throttle, we trundled slowly down the taxiway to the runway threshold. The tower announced that I was cleared to the active for immediate takeoff and wished me a good flight.

I grinned wryly at that remark as I pulled out onto the runway without slowing. Swinging the nose around to line up with the centerline, I advanced the throttle, and once the bird started its takeoff roll, pushed the throttle outboard into afterburner, dumping raw fuel into the rear engine section which lit off with a loud boom. The heavy, fuel-laden fighter accelerated rapidly down the runway, a thirty foot, white-hot flame belching from its tailpipe, the acceleration pressing us back hard into our seats.

The rapidly cooling evening air of the desert quickly compressed under the now rapidly moving wings and tried to lift us into the air but I held the nose firmly on the ground with steady forward stick pressure. As the airspeed passed through 280 knots, I pulled the stick back sharply. Once the main landing gear struts thumped loudly, indicating they had reached full extension and that the plane's weight had lifted off the wheels, I slapped the gear handle up. The wheels thumped solidly into their wells as the bird leapt into the air, nose-high at a sixty-five degree angle, and climbed like a rocket. I glanced at the clock on the instrument panel. Exactly eighty-seven minutes had elapsed since my conversation with Colonel Peterson. 'Not a record, but still a damn good average, ' I chuckled to myself.

"What's so funny, Major?" she asked over the intercom.

"Nothing, just a private joke between me and the Wing Commander," I replied. "Check your oxygen flow, Major. We'll be taking the high road tonight to save fuel."

"Already have and it's working just fine," she responded crisply, if somewhat sarcastically, I thought. "And if you're so damned worried about fuel, why did you dick around with that hot-dog takeoff? God, this 'burner climb-out is wasting enough fuel for an extra hundred miles at cruse altitude."

"I know, but I do have a certain reputation to maintain. Also, if the Wing Commander was watching, he'll get the message that I'm still more than just a little pissed off about being conned into making this flight. Besides, we can always call for a tanker if we run low," I chuckled.

I leveled off at 40,000 feet, eased the throttle back to its cruise setting, set the course for the first leg of the flight, then engaged the autopilot. Leaning back, I relaxed and let "Iron George" take over for awhile.

My eyes automatically scanned the instruments and the surrounding airspace but my mind was now operating on autopilot also. I was remembering a beautiful young lady I'd met at the club last night, with whom I'd made a date for this evening; a date I now wouldn't be keeping. I sincerely hoped she was the forgiving type.

I was soon jarred out of my reverie by Jamie's voice on the intercom. "You already know my first name, Major. What's yours?"

"Buzz," I replied.

"No, I'm pretty sure that's just a nickname. The nametag on your flight suit says 'I. Donaldson'. What does the 'I' stand for?" she came back at me.

After a long pause, I grudgingly admitted, "Ignatius... but I never use it. Everyone calls me Buzz."

"Ignatius?" she laughed. "What the hell kind of name is that? Your folks must have been really pissed off at you!"

"No, I was named after a rich uncle on my mother's side, but I guess my folks were more than a little disappointed when he died without mentioning them in his will," I chuckled. "As long as we're getting acquainted, what about you? Are you single, engaged, married, or divorced?"

"None of the above. I'm a widow."

That threw me off stride a little. I wasn't exactly sure how to respond to information like that. Finally I broke the awkward silence by saying, "How did that happen? An illness or an accident, I suppose."

"No, the short version is that we were both fighter pilots, stationed in Southeast Asia. I was flying F-100D's on 'Fast Mover' close-combat-support missions out of Da Nang; he was flying Wild Weasel SAM suppression missions over the north in F-105's out of Korat, Thailand. About two years ago he was on a mission somewhere up near Hanoi, when he took a SAM hit directly under the cockpit."

"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, but how do you know he's dead? He could have punched out and been taken prisoner," I rationalized.

"Not a chance," she replied flatly. "I talked to his wingman, who witnessed the whole incident. He said Billy never had a chance. There was just a huge fireball and shock waves of the explosion nearly knocked his own aircraft out of the sky. He told me that, after he regained control, he'd eyeballed the wreckage all the way down... no ejection, no 'chute, no beeper. His wingman's eye witness account was all the Incident Review Board needed to list him as KIA and pay off his insurance."

"Damn Jamie, I'm sorry that happened, but that's just one of the hazards of our profession, it goes with the territory," I observed. No point in coddling her, she wouldn't have welcomed it and I'm not very good at that sort of thing anyway. As a combat fighter pilot herself, she knew the inherent dangers of our profession as well as I did.

She remained silent for several minutes. The sun, which had been setting at Nellis about the time we'd lifted off, was still shining at this altitude but was now sinking rapidly toward the horizon behind us as we raced eastward toward the gathering darkness. Finally, her disembodied voice on the intercom asked, "So tell me, how did Ignatius become Buzz?"

"Well, that's an even longer story, but I guess 'time' is the one thing we have plenty of at the moment," I chuckled. "Anyway, it was back when I was a green young Lieutenant, fresh out of flight school and assigned to a fighter/interceptor squadron at Westover. I was called 'Iggie' at the time, which I thought was a pretty wimpy name for the hot shot fighter jock I thought I was."

"As you know, Westover's a big B-52 SAC bomber base in western Massachusetts, but my outfit was just a small Air Defense detachment, stuck way out in the boondocks near the end of the main runway... so that we wouldn't contaminate the SAC troops, I suppose. Anyway, they sure didn't want us there... and we damn well didn't want to be there, either."

"We were flying old F-86D Sabers then, and although they seemed like hot-shit aircraft to me at the time, they were really pretty much just tired old dogs. Squadron morale was pretty low until they replaced our doddering old Squadron Commander, a World War II C-47 transport pilot, with Major Jim Wilson, an F-86 jet ace from the Korean War. His motto, which he prominently displayed on a large plaque in his office was, 'The mission of the Air Force is to fly and fight... everything else is just chicken-shit."

"About that same time, we were informed that our old Sabers were being retired to the Air National Guard and that we'd be transitioning into Lockheed's new F-104A Starfighters. Five of us pilots including Major Wilson, along with some maintenance-types, were sent TDY out to the Lockheed plant in Burbank, California for transition training into the new birds."

"After a few days of training, five of the 104's were transferred over to us. Major Wilson decided that he'd fly the first bird back to Westover and selected me to fly as his wing man. The flight went smoothly and, after two aerial refuelings, we found ourselves entering the landing pattern at Westover. That's when things started to get just a little crazy."

I heard Jamie chuckle softly over the intercom. I noticed she had a very throaty, seductive laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked. "I haven't even gotten to the funny part yet!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, but I think I may have heard my husband, Billy, tell this story about a hundred times. Every time he got a few drinks under his belt, he'd always come up with this yarn," she chuckled. "He was also stationed at Westover and must have transitioned into the 104's at the same time you did."

I thought furiously. Billy Garret? It wasn't a name I remembered. I sifted through my memories and finally it dawned on me. "Duke Garret? You were married to the Duke?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, he was always 'Billy' to me, but now that you mention it, he always did use 'Duke' as his radio call sign", she replied softly.

'Shit', I thought. 'The Duke's dead?' And I'd been sort of planning to put the moves on Jamie once we were safely ensconced in the transient BOQ at Offit, but how the hell could I possibly seduce a dead buddy's widow? That somehow didn't seem quite right to me.

"I'm sorry, Jamie. I just didn't draw the connection. Well, as long as you've already heard the story, there's no point in continuing."

"No, no," she exclaimed. "I want to hear your version of what happened that day. It's somehow comforting to unexpectedly find one of Billy's buddies from the old days."

After a short silence, I replied, "O.K. Well, as we entered the landing pattern at Westover, Major Wilson told me to switch over to our squadron frequency. Then he said, "Let's give those SAC pukes a little show. We're going in low and hot. You tuck in tight on my wing and stick there. We're going to do a high-speed, low-altitude fly-by, but when I say 'Break" I want you to hug the stick to your belly and hit 'burner'. Got it Lieutenant?"

"Yes Sir," I replied and slid in closer until my left wingtip was nearly overlapping his right, and only a foot or so behind it.

"OK. That's fine right there. Now, stay with me. I'm going to jack up our speed a little," he said. We increased our airspeed until I was indicating just under Mach 1 and getting more than a little nervous. As we crossed the boundary fence, clearing it by what seemed to be mere inches, and approached the near end of the runway, he let his bird sink even lower. I followed suit, expecting any second to hear the scraping of concrete on the belly of my craft. We were so low by now I don't think I could have lowered my landing gear if I'd wanted to. I noticed that he was pulling ahead slightly, so I nudged my throttle up a little to maintain position. I could now see the shimmer of shock waves building up on my canopy and realized we were extremely close to the sound barrier. By then, we were nearly halfway down the runway, and as we flashed by the tower, I heard Major Wilson bark, "Break!"

"I yanked back hard on my stick and slapped the throttle into afterburner. Our needle-nosed little hot rods immediately went vertical and punched through the sound barrier, only a few hundred feet above the runway."

I heard Jamie snort a stifled laugh into her oxygen mask, but I ignored it.

"Well, we looped way up and over, bleeding off airspeed, until we were once again lined up with the runway. As we crossed the barrier fence again, more sedately this time, the tower operator contacted us, telling us in a shaky voice not taxi back to our squadron area. Instead, we were ordered to park our birds directly in front of Base Ops, shut them down and report to the Operations Officer... Immediately!

Well, needless to say, I was pretty nervous at that point, but Wilson, cool as a cucumber, merely replied, "Roger that."

I followed his lead and we flared out, touching down on the first hundred feet or so of runway and took the first available turnoff to the taxiway, We jettisoned our drag 'chutes, then followed the taxiway back to Base Ops. After shutting down our engines and securing the aircraft, I nervously followed him into the building and immediately came face-to-face with the angriest Bird Colonel I'd ever seen. His face was beet-red and his eyes sort of bugged out as he stuttered incoherently for a second before finally managing to say, "Do you two idiots have any idea who is on his annual base-inspection tour today?"

Since it sounded like a rhetorical question, neither of us responded, which made him even angrier. Now completely incapable of coherent speech, he merely pointed toward his closed office door and waggled his finger, indicating we should enter his inner sanctum. I expected him to follow us inside, but instead he just reached in and pulled the door shut behind us, remaining outside. The window's vertical blinds were closed and it was sort of dark in the office. At first I thought it was empty, then my eyes adjusted to the gloom and I noticed the dark silhouette of a man seated behind the desk.

"Switch on the lights, if you would, Jim," the shadow said in a gruff, gravelly voice. That was when Major Wilson chuckled and replied, "Sure thing, Sir", and in the brightness of the overhead light, I found myself face-to-face with General Curtis E. LeMay, the Lord God of SAC!"

I heard Jamie's sharp gasp at the mention of General LeMay.

"Well, of course we both snapped to attention and saluted. The General pushed his chair back, stood up and returned our salute, saying "At ease, gentlemen. Sit down Jimmy, we need to talk... you too, son."

"The General then chuckled and proceeded to tell us that we really shouldn't have pulled that little stunt over his field but admitted that it was one hell of a show while it lasted. The general continued, saying that he expected us to pay the replacement cost of the glass in the control tower, most of which had been shattered by the shock waves of our sonic booms. Of course, we both readily agreed... although I had no idea where I'd come up with the money. Then he nodded, lit his cigar and said, "You realize, of course, that I'm supposed to be giving you a royal ass-chewing for that little stunt, so please look suitably chastised when we leave. By the way, you'll both be my guests for lunch at the Club. That'll be a cheap price to pay for one of the most aggressive display of flying I've seen in years. And you, lad," he said to me, "Don't let this hotdog lead you astray again, but if he tells you anything... anything at all, involving fighter tactics and how to stay alive in combat situations, you listen damn close. He's the best we've got."

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Cross Country Flight

I wasn’t looking forward to this flight. I hate flying cross country. It’s long and the planes are usually packed. I was fortunate that I had found a straight flight, no stops or layovers. As I settled in my seat, all the way in the back, I tried to relax. This was going to be a red-eye flight so I hoped to get a little rest along the way. As the plane filled, I watched the people getting on. Travellers are interesting people. I hoped I would be spared any travelling companions in my row. Just...

4 years ago
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One Incredible Flight

This is an actual encounter that happened to me a couple of years ago.As an author of erotic fiction, most of the work is precisely that. Just my deviate mind expressing my fantasies or something I've seen or experienced.But a few days ago, something happened that changed my world, and the idea of that would never happen to me. Everything in this story is a hundred per genuine, and I still can't believe it happened, so let me share with you what took place that rocked my world. It was Sunday...

1 year ago
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Stranger from the flight

Hi this is Monish here. Am a 26 yr old, single, bi curious guy and have been reading stories on this site for quite sometime from almost all the sections. It makes for interesting read and some of them are really erotic. Let me first thank the site for providing this platform for such varied erotica. As this site has a lot of fantasies, let me also start posting some of mine. I would be eager to know your reactions to it – I mean my writing and my stories. Whether it helps u in the way u want...

3 years ago
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Final Flight

To: Director, Organized Crime Section Fm: Leader, Evaluation Team Three Subj: Falconi Family (Current Status) Attached is the official transcription of the Log Book found at the site of the crash of Angelo Falconi's Gulfstream, along with the bodies of three of his lieutenants. Our interpretation is that the body found in the exploded cockpit was Falconi, in spite of the Mexican Government's position that it was the pilot of the aircraft. The logbook was under his body, obviously intended to...

4 years ago
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Taking Flight

Snow began to fall heavily outside the airplane terminal, but I tried not to look at it. I felt nervous enough about the flight back home, and the idea of flying through a snowstorm was even less appealing. My eyes traveled around the room, surveying the faces of my fellow passengers. I noticed several quick glances at the windows of gate 7, usually followed by grimaces and worried looks. At least I wasn’t the only one. My hands were beginning to shake. I’ve had this fear of flying ever since...

4 years ago
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Sex On Flight

It was a late night flight and I got the middle seat. I was cursing my bad luck for that. It’s so difficult to catch a nap in a middle seat on a plane. While I was in the queue for the boarding pass, there was this tall hot girl in front of me in a mini skirt. Wearing a mini skirt in the winter needs some guts, i thought to myself. That too something that looked more of a micro than a mini , not the fitting type but a little flared one. I guess everyone standing behind her was wishing that she...

4 years ago
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The Flight

My life was not what one would call Adventurous. I had a simple job in a simple little town. I was a shift supervisor in a plastics factory. Then our company got bought by a big Silicon Valley company who wanted to use our cheap sturdy plastic as casing for a new tablet PC. I suddenly found myself promoted replacing the recently dismissed COO. That brings me to where the story a cab to the airport. The Company was flying me Business Class to California to handle last minute merger...

4 years ago
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BBW Cross Country Flight

My wife and I were on a cross country trip on a half empty plane a couple of years ago. The lack of passengers was probably due to the combination of the sagging economy and the time of year that we were traveling (mid summer). We had been visiting some friends in California, and were headed back to Florida. The trip was guaranteed to be long and the connecting flight was many hours away, but at least we had room to stretch out and move around. And since we were traveling at night, we...

3 years ago
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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 3 Interesting Flight

Although my parents had told me that they were paying for our holiday, not allowing me to pay for anything, I had arranged a few changes. I had a copy of the itinerary, so with the help of Bill, I had upgraded our tickets for the flight to first class. There were a few other changes, mainly to make things easier for my parents, not to show off. First thing Monday, when we were ready to leave, instead of us piling the luggage into Moms SUV, I had a car and driver waiting to take us to the...

2 years ago
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Late night flight

I was sitting in the Mumbai airport restaurant lounge waiting for my flight which didn’t leave for another three hours. It was a late night flight for I never could predict if the meeting could be over in time for evening flights to get back to Delhi, I rushed to the airport n not thinking of checking in some hotel just for few hours. I quietly sat and looked out the window, had some coffee, and watched the other people in the lounge. When few of the flights left, I was the only person in the...

4 years ago
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The Last Flight

“Good morning, Karen.” I turned and saw the suave middle aged pilot approaching me, along with his co-pilot, strolling nonchalantly across the departure lounge. “Ah, good morning Captain Anderson,” I replied, flashing him my sweetest smile. “A beautiful morning.” “Yes, it is indeed,” he agreed. “Should be a good flight.” I had been a stewardess for six years and I loved every minute of it. Having been drafted to work in munitions factories throughout the war years it was like a new life. I...

4 years ago
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Mery Pehley International Flight

Hi friend mera naam samia khan hai or mera taluk islamabad pakistan say hai mein ek private airline mein airhostess ho mera figure 36 24 36 hai or mein international flights mein hotey hoo yeh bhe mery first international flight ki kahani hai jub mein islamabad say UK janay wali ek flight mein apni duty anjam dey rahy thein flight mein zayada tar forieghner thein unhe mein aik admi jiska taluk may be UK say he tha mjhay ghor raha tha or flight k takeoff karnay k baad Bahnay bahany say bula kar...

3 years ago
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Fun And Sex With Lady On The Flight

Hi all, I am Stevan Raj, aged 36, married and presently in Bangalore. This is my first story and I enjoyed the fun involved in this story as it is real. I respect the privacy of women who reach me for stories or for a chat. I am not here to just keep hitting women for sex or to keep writing irrelevant fantasies. I just want to share the love or sex that I feel with a few women who don’t have that love or sex in their married / unmarried life. I only want to excavate the different hidden desires...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Lady I Met In A Flight

By : Snoopdog098 Hi, I am a 30 yrs old strong, athletic male from Mumbai. I keep travelling to Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai quite frequently due to work. Being a reasonably good looking, strong and a fit guy, I have always enjoyed good attention of girls, especially older women. Btw, I have always loved mature women, let’s say aged above 30. Somehow, i have always found them to be more intellectual and hence sexier. This is an encounter that happened about 2 years back. I had gone to...

2 years ago
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The Missed Flight

I am Ravi 40 years old and divorcee. I have one daughter who is staying in hostel. I live alone in my apartment and well settled. I used to spend my time chatting with many friends mostly married or college students Once on rainy Friday night, I was reading and taking rest after my dinner and my daughter’s friend called me and asked me to go to airport to pick her who is her senior and very close friend. Her name was Tina. She was going to her parent’s place abroad and missed the flight. Since...

4 years ago
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One Long Flight

Janet Marshall was 39, a few weeks away from turning 40, and she wasn’t looking forward to it. She had been working at the company for 20 years now and had worked herself up to a supervisor job. She took her job seriously, maybe a little too seriously, but she knew her job was to be a BITCH. Nobody liked having their e-mails and internet censored but it had to be done to maintain a stable work environment and a virus free server. She knew the company expected the supervisors to maintain...

1 year ago
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My First Flight

My name is Eric and this is one my Stories  I looked out the window of the cab as it got closer and closer to the airport. When a voice asked me if i was nervous. i looked over at my girlfriend and replied “kinda” see this was my first flight and I’m extremely afraid of heights .Crenshanna reassured me that everything would be ok and that she was right there with me. As we grabbed our things out of the cab and walked in the airport. We found our gate and bored the plane. Crenshanna took the...

4 years ago
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Fingering Anita during a night flight

I had gone to Salt Lake City on a business trip; but this time my sweet wife had joined me to stay there for a full week. We had enjoyed the trip so much; dinners outside, sunny days, too much sex during the nights…Now we were getting back home, in a long overnight flight…Ana was a bit tired, but she looked beautiful and sexy. She was wearing a short summer dress for the flight, with a pair of nice high heeled sandals.She also looked hot with her tanned body…Anita was not wearing a bra because...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Flight

A Perfect Flightby hotngr82002© I had been planning a vacation for several months, but being alone, didn't know where I wanted to go. After talking to several friends, I decided on going to Colorado. The ski season was arriving, so I thought maybe I could get in a few good runs on a weekend, besides I have some friends that live in Aurora and I knew I could visit them. I booked my flight and was excited about my trip. As I boarded my flight from Sacramento to Colorado, one of the stewardesses...

2 years ago
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Flight by Stephanie Celeste has just declared the following story the winner of her second annual competition. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Celeste for the service she does on, her reviews have put me on to some very erotic stories over the last few months. I'd also like to thank all the people who have written to me with encouragement and advice since I started posting, your e-mails make this all...

2 years ago
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Fucking Flight

My story started at a foreign exchange bank in London Airport. I was travelling in British Airways from London to Hyderabad. I was exchanging currency for my trip to India. In the line I noticed this lovely and well endowed girl of about 25-27. She looked very sexy in a black over the shoulder dress. Anyway I did my exchange and left. Later on the flight to Bombay, I noticed her sitting two rows in front of me. Since the flight was pretty empty, everyone chose to sit wherever they...

3 years ago
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Sex on the flight

Due to my job, I have to fly very often. And since I always took the same Jet airways flight, I fell in love with this air hostess. I am 33 and single and she was around 40. On this particular flight, it was late. I asked her for a drink and she asked me if I could help her getting the bottle down from the top shelf. Since I am tall, I was like why not? She took me to the back of the plane. Most of the other passengers were sleeping. As I reached up to fetch the bottle, she held me from behind...

2 years ago
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The flight

"Another long boring flight" I thought "8 hrs on a plane what a night mare" as I sat down travelling all over the world had seemed exciting to start with but the long flights to America and back soon lost their appeal. I looked up and a girl was stood there "hi" she said " Im in that window seat do you mind if I squeeze past" " er no of course not" i replied and jumped up to let her in, she smiled her thanks and sat down I sat back down and smiled at her "simon" I said sticking out my hand...

4 years ago
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A latenight flight

"Might be my lucky night!" I thought to myself as I leaned my seat back just a little, hoping that the two seats next to mine would stay empty. I was facing a long flight across the country; it was late, I was hoping to get some peaceful sleep. My wife was with the k**s a few rows up, I had checked on them a minute earlier, and they were already asleep. The flight's departure was in 3 minutes, so it was looking like things would work out in my favor.Then I heard a commotion coming down the...

2 years ago
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Her Flight

Her flight from O?Hare to Dulles was perfect Her flight from O?Hare to Dulles was perfect. Hope the rest of this little excursion goes as well, she thought as she exited the plane and filed into the bustling airport along with the other passengers on this lovely Saturday afternoon. Since her only luggage was the tote bag that she carried which contained the essentials she?d need, there was no need to locate the baggage carousel. She did, however, see a cozy lounge where she escaped...

3 years ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 17 Flight

WE DIDN’T GET OFF THE GROUND until 4:00 a.m. and that was a miracle. The lights at SeaTac had flickered a few times and winds smashed into everything. An hour out of Seattle, the pilot announced over a million people in Seattle were without power and we’d been one of the last flights to leave SeaTac, which was now closed and without power. Taking off was like riding a rollercoaster, only not as much fun. Where the action is My original schedule showed a seven-hour layover at DFW but since...

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Lynettes Last Flight

The last one before David was Carl. He had turned out to be a verbal and physical abuser and Lynette had finally had to get a restraining order to get rid of him. That was nine months ago. Lynette parked her car and rolled her luggage cart to the elevator up to her third floor condo and unlocked the door. Right now she just wanted a bath and then to curl up and relax. David was on duty today and tomorrow so she wouldn't be able to see him until Friday. Lynette locked the door and rolled...

4 years ago
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Sensual Experience With A Dusky Girl I Met In Flight

How difficult is it to write a story? Indeed, it is a tricky business. But one that is fun, immensely pleasing and enriching if you immerse yourself into it completely. I have read for many, many years. I have been on and off this ISS website for long periods of time. I have read some of the sexy stories again and again and have always wondered how our small little world is full of so much fun, so many talented boys and girls who leave no stone unturned to tell us their experiences and...

2 years ago
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Calming Her On A Nervous Flight

I’m pretty sure she knew I checking her out. With tits like that how could I not? My cock was fucking rock hard from the moment she got on the plane and sat down beside me. Her big soft tits brushed up against me a couple of times as I tried to be considerate and give her room to sit down.I tried not to stare and oogle over her big breasts, but I just couldn’t help but look at them out of the corner of my eye. I’ve seen some impressive breasts before but never anything like this. Only in...

4 years ago
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First Class Flight

I had to fly to Anchorage once for a State Fire Service awards ceremony. Because it was an official function, I had to wear my dress uniform. It was a bit of a hassle getting through security, but I made it.On the plane, my uniform drew plenty of stares and more than one whisper. I figured it would, and brushed them off. That is, until one very pretty stewardess came up to me."Excuse me, but are you a firefighter?' she asked in hushed tones."Yes, I am. I'm on my way to Anchorage, in fact.""I...

2 years ago
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Delayed Flight

This time, it is all the more difficult for me because I have this deep, primal yearning for you, unsatisfied last night because of your work. You came to bed so late. What was it? Two? Three? I listened to you arguing, convincing, disputing, for hours, drifting off to the intonations of a man whose voice alone can move mountains. Why didn’t you wake me?! Why didn’t you slide my the covers from my breasts, raise my hands above my head and wake me with your breath on my breasts? Why...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 12 Infiltration Flight

Hank lifted off in the pre-dawn sky. Hank wore a tan flight suit and his slave girl Amanda was naked except for her slave collar. Amanda struggled to remain awake, failed. Sometime later the bright sky woke Amanda. She blinked, shielding her eyes. "I can turn the screen down," Hank offered. "The canopy is clear only when all power is shut off. It can opaque, darken, even show cartoons." "Where are we?" "About 30 minutes from Colorado Springs. I'm going to refuel there. Too bad we...

3 years ago
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Delayed Flight

The airport was bustling at six o'clock on a Tuesday evening. Snow was beginning to blanket the area, and while flights were still coming and going, visibility was rapidly deteriorating. Please clear my flight, I thought. Pleeeeeease. I wanted to go home. My gate was already packed with people. I pulled up a piece of floor and sat against the window, facing a short row of seats. After settling onto the floor, I glanced up at the people facing me. Two were occupied by a couple salesman-type...

Quickie Sex
5 years ago
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Short Flight

It’s Monday morning and here I am on a couple hour, last minute flight and I am not happy because I got stuck with a middle seat and there is no movie to watch because the flight is too short. I do have a young woman in the window seat next to me but she is wrapped up in a blanket and has just put her ear buds in. Anyway her face is nice but I have no idea what she looks like other than her face because of the blanket. In the isle seat is another lady, probably in her late thirties or early...

4 years ago
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FlightI have been fascinated with flight all my life. Watching an albatross sail in lazy circles around my boat while offshore fishing has never failed to make my pulse quicken. If I could fly like that I would eat raw fish. Gladly.I find the end of an airport runway to be a gateway to another world. The sound, vibration, and the rush of air as a huge plane blasts its way in to the sky can not be described. It has to be felt to be understood. The field at the end of the runway had become one of...

3 years ago
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Red Eye Flight

I am a pilot for a company that moves planes and jets around the country, even around the world. I like it because it pays well and I get to fly alot of different aircraft and I do not have to deal with the public. This trip we moved some aircraft to South America and were to bring back a large airliner to the states. It was going to take us all night. I boarded the aircraft with the two men that would be the pilots. I was looking forward to having the whole cabin to myself and getting some...

2 years ago
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The Last Flight

Written By Poppet:For LushStories ONLY! The Last Flight  It’s 2:45 in the morning and I’m here sitting at the airport in the departure lounge. I’m waiting for my 3:10 flight back home. I’m in Settle heading back east to Boston. I’ve been traveling for a little over three weeks for business. All I want to do is go home, take a long bath and sleep for a month. I’m a single girl with no pets and I live alone. The thought of going home to an empty apartment sounds appealing right now though...

3 years ago
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Thoughts On A Flight

Good morning to the only woman to ever own me! I'm somewhere over Iowa right now and thinking of you. I have been flying for over two hours and I'm ready to start executing our plan. I'm sitting in a window seat, next to a very attractive man. He is probably in his early thirties, tall, with broad shoulders, muscular arms and excellent posture that exudes confidence. I bet he was a Marine in a past life. He has that chiseled face and tough-guy look. At that same time, he strikes me as an...

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Missed Flight

(Jade)Jade was sobbing like she had been for the last two hours. Tori decided to take everyone on a trip but 'forgot' to give her the right time so she was left out. Tori hijacked all of her friends and boyfriend leaving her all alone.She hated being alone it drove her insane. When she can't be with Beck she went through withdrawals. He was her heroin and now she was sitting in Beck's RV in pain. 'Why did Tori do this to me?'Jade knew she could be hard on Tori but just in a rival way, nothing...

3 years ago
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Red Eye Flight

I am a pilot for a company that moves planes and jets around the country, even around the world. I like it because it pays well and I get to fly alot of different aircraft and I do not have to deal with the public. This trip we moved some aircraft to South America and were to bring back a large airliner to the states. It was going to take us all night. I boarded the aircraft with the two men that would be the pilots. I was looking forward to having the whole cabin to myself and getting some...

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