Municipal BlondesChapter 2 It takes a thief
- 4 years ago
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WE DIDN’T GET OFF THE GROUND until 4:00 a.m. and that was a miracle. The lights at SeaTac had flickered a few times and winds smashed into everything. An hour out of Seattle, the pilot announced over a million people in Seattle were without power and we’d been one of the last flights to leave SeaTac, which was now closed and without power. Taking off was like riding a rollercoaster, only not as much fun.
Where the action isMy original schedule showed a seven-hour layover at DFW but since our flight was five hours late, I had spent most of the layover time in Seattle. I’d managed to stay plugged in so I had a full battery in the little laptop and as long as I was on the ground, I had access to my VPN. The late takeoff gave me plenty of time to dig deeper into what was going on in Belize. Not only is Brenda there, she’s spending a bunch of money at local markets in San Pedro. It looks like she’s settling in for a long winter’s nap.
The emergency UPS system in the vault kept one server running out of the ten Dag set up. At least I can still do research.
So, Brenda owns property under the name of Ashley Lark in San Pedro. I booked a reservation at the Belize Yacht Club, even though I had to commit to a week’s stay at $165 a night. I also had to book a fifteen-minute flight on a local carrier to get from the airport in Belize City to Ambergris Caye. Typical of Brenda to choose the most touristy party of Belize.
I checked my voice mail remotely to see if any message came in from Jordan. Cinnamon had called from my apartment. She said the power was only out for a flicker on Capitol Hill, so I have power and she’s staying in my apartment. She planned to email work and resign since her CEO is also one of the members of the Committee. She planned to stay in my place until I call. I’ll do that after I’m settled in San Pedro.
I keep going back to the list of people who make up the Committee. I can’t believe some of these guys would stoop so low. They each have a shell company selling mobile phone services. One of the other companies subscribes to their service for the company phones. The shell company contracts to buy network time from the actual mobile operator at a base amount. Then they route the calls through privately owned carriers that markup the rates. Those carriers bill the service back to the mobile operator at an inflated cost. The mobile operator is getting five or ten cents a minute for calls and are being billed a dollar or a dollar-fifty. The big gouge is into the pocket of the operator but the shell companies are selling at a huge profit, as well. As a result, each company’s cellular bill is higher than if they just worked out an arrangement with the mobile operator directly.
These guys have sold services, not only to each other, but to eighty percent of the top 500 companies in the world. They’re raking in billions.
Time to board for Belize.
Beach timeBeautiful!
I wish I was here for pleasure. It was eighty-five degrees when I landed and now that the sun has set over the clear blue Caribbean, it is a perfect 72. My room on the second floor looks out over the water with a perfectly wonderful lanai where I can sit and have coffee in the morning. It’s paradise.
I landed right on time at three-thirty this afternoon and caught the shuttle flight to Ambergris Caye, the largest of the islands off the coast of Belize and just inside the Barrier Reef. The sand is perfectly white and so is the hotel. The room is spacious and comfortable. People are running all over everyplace waiting on you.
Once I was settled in, I did some shopping. I hadn’t packed for this kind of adventure but I did toss in extra wigs and my makeup kit. I bought a bikini (much to the surprise of the shop clerk until I told her it was for my girlfriend), a pareu, and sandals. When I got back to my room, I stripped off all my makeup and showered thoroughly. There’s no reason for me to pretend to be a boy here. Even if Jordan didn’t revoke the warrant for my arrest, he can’t enforce it here and he can’t stop me from traveling elsewhere.
On the other hand, Brenda knows me only as a blonde, which is why I also grabbed my short red bob when I was abandoning my apartment last weekend. It’s an easy look and with makeup that plays down my lips and cheekbones, I don’t look anything like I did when Brenda met me in Dag’s office. I’m now Riley Finn. I went to the hotel desk and told them my boyfriend instructed me to register with him and they took down my passport information. Now I could keep James Whitcomb hidden for a while.
I KNEW WHAT I HAD TO DO. They were the friends I’d seen dote on Dag as if he were some kind of Ballard hero. But it took all my courage to get in the car and drive over there. Knäckebröd and risgrynsgröt On Thanksgiving, Dag took me to the Swedish American Center for the most spectacular day I’d ever had. I saw him talk to people he’d known all his life, even though he didn’t speak Swedish. They knew his parents and some had known Dag since he was a little boy. I also knew that every...
I’M SITTING IN A COFFEE SHOP in Madison Park watching the locals come in for a Sunday morning coffee and newspaper. I’m lucky there’s a connection. I blend in perfectly with the surroundings here—just another Sunday morning blogger. I can see three other laptops from where I’m sitting. I’ll bet none of them got here directly from breaking and entering, though. I’ve got to break this habit. Breaking and entering I got up at five after way too little sleep. The coffee buzz from yesterday...
I’VE BEEN SITTING at the courthouse for an hour and they just started the hearing on Brenda’s bail and release. Because it’s federal, she didn’t get the fast release she threatened last Tuesday. I feel so bad for her having to sit in an actual jail for a week! Boohoo. Catch and release I said ‘Hi’ to Jordan when I came in, but mostly these court cases are a lot of sitting in the back of a big room in which almost all the action takes place at the front in very quiet voices that no one in...
ALL TOLD, it was a better day. ‘Better than what?’ you ask. Well, better than sitting in my room crying. It appears that I still have a job—or a whole business—and I’d better take care of it. Encrypted cryptos I sat in the room I will always think of as Dag’s office. If what Lars told me is true, it was now my office. Lars would take care of the books and hold the agency license until I’d completed my three-year probation and tested but he promised the business was mine and he would hand...
EVERYONE SHOWED UP. Lars and Jordan, of course. Everyone I’d ever met at the Swedish American Center and dozens more. Teri came to be with me and I wasn’t surprised to find Angel and Cinnamon there, too. The four of us—blondes in black dresses—must have looked unusual to many who were there, based on the number of stares we go. There were so many blondes among the Swedish contingent, I don’t think we were at all out of place. Maybe it was just the way our dresses fit. In memoriam I saw...
THAT MFSOB! If he weren’t dead, I’d find him and kill him myself. Decryption I found the combination of 32 characters that, when put together in the right order, made a 512-bit encryption key. If you are interested, it is 15b41d13f8ed2d1e36db00b5e18d2b3e. Here’s a bit of advice. If you get hold of this MF thumb drive, don’t enter the encryption key! Fortunately, the damage was limited. I was being lazy and too excited that I’d found a possible breakthrough to be careful. Dag had plugged...
LAST NIGHT, I did something I never do: I slept in all my makeup. This morning, I woke up to see what I would have to do if I maintained a disguise overnight. The morning after It was hard enough to be with Angel while she flirted with me. It was scary as hell to run into Jordan and deflect his interest. The two encounters left me in such a serious panic attack after I escaped from them, I practically ran back to my car jumped in the back seat, curled up into a little ball and rocked back...
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I WAS HALF FROZEN by the time I reached the factory outlet shops in North Bend. I didn’t have enough clothes and certainly nothing warm enough for crawling around in the snow under the car to put chains on and take them off. I went through the mall stores picking up clothes to last a week, including something comfy to lounge around in at night. A way in The weather’s been freaky in Seattle lately and I didn’t have a good coat, so picked up a warm topcoat. It would be essential to my entry...
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Hi friends,This is Rajesh. I am a regular reader of ISS and feel very hot and exited to read the stories here. I am 40 years old now…This is a real incident which happened with me 4 years back. I was posted in Kenya at that time and I was traveling back home to India from Nairobi. My flight from Nairobi was scheduled to take off at 5.30pm for Mumbai. The announcement came in that the flight was on time and we should proceed to the aircraft. As I was walking to board the flight I saw a lady who...
I wasn’t looking forward to this flight. I hate flying cross country. It’s long and the planes are usually packed. I was fortunate that I had found a straight flight, no stops or layovers. As I settled in my seat, all the way in the back, I tried to relax. This was going to be a red-eye flight so I hoped to get a little rest along the way. As the plane filled, I watched the people getting on. Travellers are interesting people. I hoped I would be spared any travelling companions in my row. Just...
The flight back to Albuquerque from Oakland was only half full that night. We filed into the cabin and went through the usual routines of cramming more luggage than was technically permitted into the overhead compartments and under the seats. With so few people, however, there was plenty of space for everyone as well as all their belongings.I moved towards the back of the plane, away from most everyone else, and took a seat in the last aisle, by the window. I like to watch the nightlights of...
This is an actual encounter that happened to me a couple of years ago.As an author of erotic fiction, most of the work is precisely that. Just my deviate mind expressing my fantasies or something I've seen or experienced.But a few days ago, something happened that changed my world, and the idea of that would never happen to me. Everything in this story is a hundred per genuine, and I still can't believe it happened, so let me share with you what took place that rocked my world. It was Sunday...
CheatingHi this is Monish here. Am a 26 yr old, single, bi curious guy and have been reading stories on this site for quite sometime from almost all the sections. It makes for interesting read and some of them are really erotic. Let me first thank the site for providing this platform for such varied erotica. As this site has a lot of fantasies, let me also start posting some of mine. I would be eager to know your reactions to it – I mean my writing and my stories. Whether it helps u in the way u want...
GayTo: Director, Organized Crime Section Fm: Leader, Evaluation Team Three Subj: Falconi Family (Current Status) Attached is the official transcription of the Log Book found at the site of the crash of Angelo Falconi's Gulfstream, along with the bodies of three of his lieutenants. Our interpretation is that the body found in the exploded cockpit was Falconi, in spite of the Mexican Government's position that it was the pilot of the aircraft. The logbook was under his body, obviously intended to...
Snow began to fall heavily outside the airplane terminal, but I tried not to look at it. I felt nervous enough about the flight back home, and the idea of flying through a snowstorm was even less appealing. My eyes traveled around the room, surveying the faces of my fellow passengers. I noticed several quick glances at the windows of gate 7, usually followed by grimaces and worried looks. At least I wasn’t the only one. My hands were beginning to shake. I’ve had this fear of flying ever since...
It was a late night flight and I got the middle seat. I was cursing my bad luck for that. It’s so difficult to catch a nap in a middle seat on a plane. While I was in the queue for the boarding pass, there was this tall hot girl in front of me in a mini skirt. Wearing a mini skirt in the winter needs some guts, i thought to myself. That too something that looked more of a micro than a mini , not the fitting type but a little flared one. I guess everyone standing behind her was wishing that she...
My life was not what one would call Adventurous. I had a simple job in a simple little town. I was a shift supervisor in a plastics factory. Then our company got bought by a big Silicon Valley company who wanted to use our cheap sturdy plastic as casing for a new tablet PC. I suddenly found myself promoted replacing the recently dismissed COO. That brings me to where the story a cab to the airport. The Company was flying me Business Class to California to handle last minute merger...
My wife and I were on a cross country trip on a half empty plane a couple of years ago. The lack of passengers was probably due to the combination of the sagging economy and the time of year that we were traveling (mid summer). We had been visiting some friends in California, and were headed back to Florida. The trip was guaranteed to be long and the connecting flight was many hours away, but at least we had room to stretch out and move around. And since we were traveling at night, we...
Although my parents had told me that they were paying for our holiday, not allowing me to pay for anything, I had arranged a few changes. I had a copy of the itinerary, so with the help of Bill, I had upgraded our tickets for the flight to first class. There were a few other changes, mainly to make things easier for my parents, not to show off. First thing Monday, when we were ready to leave, instead of us piling the luggage into Moms SUV, I had a car and driver waiting to take us to the...
The flight was only half full that night. “Well hello again Mr Taylor, welcome aboard.” The flight attendant smiled warmly at me in recognition. We all filed into the cabin and went through the usual routine of cramming more luggage than was technically permitted into the overhead compartments and under the seats. With so few people, however, there was plenty of space for everyone, as well as their belongings. Moving towards the back of the plane, I took a seat in the last aisle, right by the...
EroticI was sitting in the Mumbai airport restaurant lounge waiting for my flight which didn’t leave for another three hours. It was a late night flight for I never could predict if the meeting could be over in time for evening flights to get back to Delhi, I rushed to the airport n not thinking of checking in some hotel just for few hours. I quietly sat and looked out the window, had some coffee, and watched the other people in the lounge. When few of the flights left, I was the only person in the...
“Good morning, Karen.” I turned and saw the suave middle aged pilot approaching me, along with his co-pilot, strolling nonchalantly across the departure lounge. “Ah, good morning Captain Anderson,” I replied, flashing him my sweetest smile. “A beautiful morning.” “Yes, it is indeed,” he agreed. “Should be a good flight.” I had been a stewardess for six years and I loved every minute of it. Having been drafted to work in munitions factories throughout the war years it was like a new life. I...