Angel Flight
- 2 years ago
- 30
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To: Director, Organized Crime Section
Fm: Leader, Evaluation Team Three
Subj: Falconi Family (Current Status)
Attached is the official transcription of the Log Book found at the site of the crash of Angelo Falconi's Gulfstream, along with the bodies of three of his lieutenants. Our interpretation is that the body found in the exploded cockpit was Falconi, in spite of the Mexican Government's position that it was the pilot of the aircraft. The logbook was under his body, obviously intended to be consumed by the explosion. The military records for Donald Foreman, FAA license 729544.32, confirm that the writer of the log must have been Lt. Cmdr. Foreman.
Flight Log(standard format, bound, fifty page)
Point of Departure: Acapulco International
Destination: Miami International
Pilot: Donald L. Foreman
Copilot: none
1300hours, 14 September, 1994
I want the record to show I protested the insistence of the owner of this aircraft in beginning this flight. By the time his wife, daughter, and Bruno Pisseli had embarked, Hurricane Eloise was too close to our flight path for safe operation. I also protested taking off without a coplilot, conceding that it had become my common practice to solo on flights to Mexico for Mr. Falconi. The Gulfstream is an easy aircraft to manage, except in heavy weather, when it's high speed design becomes a disadvantage.
Mr. Falconi insisted. I therefore filed a flight plan direct to Miami, hoping to be able to outrun the hurricane. I took these actions under duress, amid threats of physical harm. Mrs. Falconi also asked me to "Get her out of here." Takeoff is scheduled for 1330.
I have been forced to change course to the South and West, trying to find the safe quarter of the storm, and giving up making Miami. There should be no problem catching the winds for a safe passage to Columbia. I will not file a flight plan amendment until the best vector is confirmed.
I'm not sure what time it is. It's dark, I'm writing by flashlight, and have lost my airplane. It handled as well as could be expected when the starboard engine failed, allowing me to glide to two thousand feet from twenty, but I could not control descent when one hundred mph winds caught us out of the eye. That it held up during the water landing, with the crash into the huge old Banyan tree that knocked out all the radios is a tribute to it's airworthiness. Mrs. Falconi and her daughter are fine but for some minor bruises. My left arm is badly torn, but I think we will be able to find the first aid kit at dawn, assuming the winds die down, and should be able to treat my wounds. Bruno was in the head when we crashed, not belted. He is unconscious, and looks in bad shape. I will report further when a less impeded inspection is possible.
First day
Well. It's bad. Bruno has internal bleeding, I fear. There seems to be a massive hematoma in his head, and I think his right leg is broken. The radios are all out, though I will try to piece things together. I've found several batteries, all still intact. Both the women are well. Amazingly, all our luggage survived the crash.
We appear to be on a tropical beach, probably on the Columbian border. When the engine blew, I think it had been tampered with, we were just passing over the border, but I can't be sure. The eye of a hurricane plays tricks with avionics. I never broadcast a Mayday, and hadn't yet filed a new flight plan. I have told Doris and Julie we may be here for a while.
Second Day
We walked to the top of the nearest hill this morning, they both insisted on coming though they slowed me down. All I can see is more forest, stretching at least ten miles, and it's hard going. Although I would try to walk out, the ladies would have more problems, and don't want to. I've told them there was no distress signal, the homing device that should have been in the lifeboat is inexplicably missing, and about all we can do is set off a flare if we see an aircraft. It is ominous that I haven't seen one all day. I'm beginning to think this may be more a diary than a log. We could be here a long time, though Angelo will try to find us, I suppose. Maybe to be sure we're dead, the bastard. Given that, I want to describe things in a little more detail, particularly personally. Maybe as much for my benefit as anything else.
I've worked for him for two and a half years. I mustered out of the Navy into a soft market for jobs, though it looks as though United is going to hire me in October, and I'm anxious to get away from this assignment. For one thing, he's a pig. He treats Doris like dirt, and she's a sweet woman, even though her career as a pornstar might suggest otherwise. She had never confided in me much, though there had always been a certain chemistry, until just after takeoff. She came up and sat in the second chair.
"I'm sorry, Don. I know we shouldn't have flown, but the rat bastard wants to play with those filthy Mexican whores, and I didn't want to hang around and watch. Plus, if Julie stayed around she'd get aids before long, she's so fucking loose. Goddamn it, goddamn it." She was crying softly. As we climbed, and I reset the radios, I asked her "Why don't you leave him, honey? Can't be much fun for you."
I could feel her eyes boring into me, though I was concentrating on the instruments, and the radar. On long range scan, the long fingers of clouds were already showing up. "Same reason you gave in, Don. The price of leaving him is probably, you know, terrible." I just flew, feeling strange to be suddenly in her confidence, and caught her looking over her shoulder at Bruno. He was probably eyeing Julie, who had recently begun to really flaunt her adolescent charms. Her mother's body, but her dad's big, soft, deceptively kind eyes.
Doris is an awfully attractive woman, especially for someone with a sixteen year old. You've probably seen either pictures or one of her movies. Blonde, with a uniquely Playboy-like body, enhanced after Julie was born by some implants less for size than uplift. She'd always favored shorter hairdos, and her innocent face had made her a huge hit. But Angelo changed all that. He insisted she quit the business, but then used to show some of her films to guests, then made her show off her tits to those pimply faced bastards. I had seen him do it once, and had the impression it was a regular thing.
But I felt badly enough working for a mob guy, even though I never saw anything illegal. I didn't find out who the real owner was until a week after being hired, and accepted my first paycheck. His name didn't ring a bell anyway, my last tour was in India. We didn't get much of that kind of news there. So I gritted my teeth, and tried to be nice to Doris and Julie, even though I had to restrain myself from popping Angelo a couple of times. I'd had a lot of hand to hand training, and most of his goons were long on size, and short on quickness. The one time I'd had to deck one of them, they all saw, and avoided trouble with me from then on.
After a while, Angelo started calling me "hero". He found out about my DSC somehow. It came from a clandestine Seal operation which had gone wrong, and I'd had to pull three guys out of the water and fly them back to the Carrier. He always sneered, as though I was a fool for risking so much for what he always called "a government more bent than I am." Lately, I've caught him staring at me, in an unpleasant way.
But from then on, on long flights, both Julie and Doris liked to get me to tell war stories. I don't like doing that, but they both would get that misty look in their eyes, and I'm human, after all. They would make me tell about the helicopter exercise almost every time. And the one about landing the jet on a highway in Kuwait, blowing up five tanks with air to air rockets. You aren't supposed to do that, but since it worked, I got a commendation.
Anyway, it's been a mess for the last year, and I was looking forward to getting the United job, even though it would have started as copiloting. The money isn't as good, but that isn't crucial. My one marriage convinced me that I'm not the settling down type, both because of my career, and that military tendency to become a bachelor as soon as you leave home port. I have a good retirement, and no expensive hobbies. Except maybe for women. That's the thing. I'm not bad looking, and love the whole process of seduction. I mean, they're such soft, delectable people, women. Those titties, floppy or firm, big nippled or small, but soft. That tender flesh just at the cunt lips, whether they shave it or not. That dewy eyed look when they surrender.
Christ, I'm rambling. My arm hurts, in spite of the codeine. I don't see any infection, but maybe I lost more blood than I realized. Plus this damn heat. All I'm wearing is shorts, but I'm still chafed in the groin. I'm going to sleep.
Third day
Haven't seen or heard a plane. I spent an hour trying to see what parts I could find that might get the secondary radio working. Some of the chips are intact, but it'll be trial and error. I'm still tired, but better. Had to nap during the afternoon. Now I see why people in tropical climates developed siesta.
Julie is driving me nuts. For that matter, so is Doris. The little fox has these big boobs. I mean, sixteen. She keeps giving me these leering smiles when she thinks her mom isn't looking. This afternoon when I woke up, she was swimming in the stream bareass. Doris keeps trying to nurse me, even though I tell her I'm okay. She has that dewy eyed look. Her tits are firmer than her daughter's. The implants, I suppose. But her hips roll when she walks, the way a mature woman does. Not that tight, athletic way Julie's are. I mean, just bikinis. Thongs at that. Christ.
Food will be fine, there's a lot of fruit in the jungle, and I've seen some small animals. I have Bruno's thirty eight, and my Walther. Plenty of ammo. Actually, except for the afternoon heat, it's pretty nice. Not many bugs, the river is clean and cool, and plenty of shade. Since the hurricane, the ocean has been almost still. Plenty of fish.
They've asked me again and again about the time I was shot down over Indonesia, and survived for three weeks. I keep telling them I walked out, but they ask about diet, natives, dumb stuff. But Doris is a good cook, it's amazing what she does with an open fire, dried food, and nuts and stuff she finds. I'm dizzy again. Rereading this scares me. Where's this going?
Sixth day
Either I keep this up, or quit. Fucking military training, I feel guilty that this is the first time I've even thought of making an entry for three days. They're both asleep.
So, the fat's in the fire. I woke up late the fourth day, and they were both down in the surf, tits bouncing, pussies flashing, laughing as though there was no problem. But I couldn't take my eyes off them. My cock has never been harder. When they came out, they saw the look on my face, and Doris said "Don, the suits irritate us. Look, see this redness here? We decided, no matter what you said, not to wear clothes. You'll get used to it."
I couldn't take my eyes off them as they both ran into the river. One blonde, one brunette, Julie so damn trim and firm, lithe, except for the floppy boobs. Doris, so voluptuous, so womanly, so soft, except for those firm knockers. They both knew the effect they were having on me, and I swear they were posing in the fresh, cooler water as they scrubbed the salt off. I was twenty feet away, but could see both sets of nipples sticking up. I got up on shaky legs, and wandered into the jungle to relieve the pressure in my bladder. It took a while for my cock to soften enough.
As I stood there with panic, desire, and confusion in my mind, after relieving myself, my hand still around my prick, I thought maybe if I beat off, I might be able to keep things in control. I don't do that very often, never had to, y'know, but I had to take the pressure off somehow. Suddenly I realized Doris had snuck up behind me, and whispered "Don't Don. Please. Do me, please, and Julie too. We both love you, you know that. We're both horny, turned on. Julie says the guys say you're a stud. This is fate. You don't have to be a fucking Saint. Not with us."
I turned around, and there she was, legs spread, hips kind of bumping and grinding, hands in her blonde hair, a wanton, but smiling leer as she watched the effect her little dance was having on me. My pants were around my ankles, and my cock just sprang upright. Her smile broadened when she saw that. "God knows how long we'll be here, darling. I've been trying to figure out how to get you in bed for months. Oh shit. I'm creaming already. Julie says she knows you've noticed us but kept yourself under control because of... my husband. Well fuck him. I think I love you. I'll do anything for you. She's such a little cunt. Just like I was at her age. She has this big clitty, that's so damn sensitive it makes her a pushover. Like mine, darling."
With that, she let her hands run slowly, sexily down her body, jiggled her tits, then spread her pussy lips, and even from ten feet away, I could see this small finger that was almost white at the top of her slit. And my god, it was twitching. Really. As though it was beckoning me.
There was a roaring in my ears, I couldn't catch my breath, and she took a step toward me, still spreading that cunt. "Don, Don. Come on baby. I'll make it good for you. I... oooooooh." I took three steps, grabbed her, and kissed her as hard as anyone in my life. Her arms went around my waist, as our mouths seemed to try to suck our souls out. I couldn't even think.
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Due to my job, I have to fly very often. And since I always took the same Jet airways flight, I fell in love with this air hostess. I am 33 and single and she was around 40. On this particular flight, it was late. I asked her for a drink and she asked me if I could help her getting the bottle down from the top shelf. Since I am tall, I was like why not? She took me to the back of the plane. Most of the other passengers were sleeping. As I reached up to fetch the bottle, she held me from behind...
"Another long boring flight" I thought "8 hrs on a plane what a night mare" as I sat down travelling all over the world had seemed exciting to start with but the long flights to America and back soon lost their appeal. I looked up and a girl was stood there "hi" she said " Im in that window seat do you mind if I squeeze past" " er no of course not" i replied and jumped up to let her in, she smiled her thanks and sat down I sat back down and smiled at her "simon" I said sticking out my hand...
"Might be my lucky night!" I thought to myself as I leaned my seat back just a little, hoping that the two seats next to mine would stay empty. I was facing a long flight across the country; it was late, I was hoping to get some peaceful sleep. My wife was with the k**s a few rows up, I had checked on them a minute earlier, and they were already asleep. The flight's departure was in 3 minutes, so it was looking like things would work out in my favor.Then I heard a commotion coming down the...
Her flight from O?Hare to Dulles was perfect Her flight from O?Hare to Dulles was perfect. Hope the rest of this little excursion goes as well, she thought as she exited the plane and filed into the bustling airport along with the other passengers on this lovely Saturday afternoon. Since her only luggage was the tote bag that she carried which contained the essentials she?d need, there was no need to locate the baggage carousel. She did, however, see a cozy lounge where she escaped...
WE DIDN’T GET OFF THE GROUND until 4:00 a.m. and that was a miracle. The lights at SeaTac had flickered a few times and winds smashed into everything. An hour out of Seattle, the pilot announced over a million people in Seattle were without power and we’d been one of the last flights to leave SeaTac, which was now closed and without power. Taking off was like riding a rollercoaster, only not as much fun. Where the action is My original schedule showed a seven-hour layover at DFW but since...
The last one before David was Carl. He had turned out to be a verbal and physical abuser and Lynette had finally had to get a restraining order to get rid of him. That was nine months ago. Lynette parked her car and rolled her luggage cart to the elevator up to her third floor condo and unlocked the door. Right now she just wanted a bath and then to curl up and relax. David was on duty today and tomorrow so she wouldn't be able to see him until Friday. Lynette locked the door and rolled...
How difficult is it to write a story? Indeed, it is a tricky business. But one that is fun, immensely pleasing and enriching if you immerse yourself into it completely. I have read for many, many years. I have been on and off this ISS website for long periods of time. I have read some of the sexy stories again and again and have always wondered how our small little world is full of so much fun, so many talented boys and girls who leave no stone unturned to tell us their experiences and...
I’m pretty sure she knew I checking her out. With tits like that how could I not? My cock was fucking rock hard from the moment she got on the plane and sat down beside me. Her big soft tits brushed up against me a couple of times as I tried to be considerate and give her room to sit down.I tried not to stare and oogle over her big breasts, but I just couldn’t help but look at them out of the corner of my eye. I’ve seen some impressive breasts before but never anything like this. Only in...
I had to fly to Anchorage once for a State Fire Service awards ceremony. Because it was an official function, I had to wear my dress uniform. It was a bit of a hassle getting through security, but I made it.On the plane, my uniform drew plenty of stares and more than one whisper. I figured it would, and brushed them off. That is, until one very pretty stewardess came up to me."Excuse me, but are you a firefighter?' she asked in hushed tones."Yes, I am. I'm on my way to Anchorage, in fact.""I...
UniformThis time, it is all the more difficult for me because I have this deep, primal yearning for you, unsatisfied last night because of your work. You came to bed so late. What was it? Two? Three? I listened to you arguing, convincing, disputing, for hours, drifting off to the intonations of a man whose voice alone can move mountains. Why didn’t you wake me?! Why didn’t you slide my the covers from my breasts, raise my hands above my head and wake me with your breath on my breasts? Why...
Hank lifted off in the pre-dawn sky. Hank wore a tan flight suit and his slave girl Amanda was naked except for her slave collar. Amanda struggled to remain awake, failed. Sometime later the bright sky woke Amanda. She blinked, shielding her eyes. "I can turn the screen down," Hank offered. "The canopy is clear only when all power is shut off. It can opaque, darken, even show cartoons." "Where are we?" "About 30 minutes from Colorado Springs. I'm going to refuel there. Too bad we...
The airport was bustling at six o'clock on a Tuesday evening. Snow was beginning to blanket the area, and while flights were still coming and going, visibility was rapidly deteriorating. Please clear my flight, I thought. Pleeeeeease. I wanted to go home. My gate was already packed with people. I pulled up a piece of floor and sat against the window, facing a short row of seats. After settling onto the floor, I glanced up at the people facing me. Two were occupied by a couple salesman-type...
Quickie SexIt’s Monday morning and here I am on a couple hour, last minute flight and I am not happy because I got stuck with a middle seat and there is no movie to watch because the flight is too short. I do have a young woman in the window seat next to me but she is wrapped up in a blanket and has just put her ear buds in. Anyway her face is nice but I have no idea what she looks like other than her face because of the blanket. In the isle seat is another lady, probably in her late thirties or early...
FlightI have been fascinated with flight all my life. Watching an albatross sail in lazy circles around my boat while offshore fishing has never failed to make my pulse quicken. If I could fly like that I would eat raw fish. Gladly.I find the end of an airport runway to be a gateway to another world. The sound, vibration, and the rush of air as a huge plane blasts its way in to the sky can not be described. It has to be felt to be understood. The field at the end of the runway had become one of...
I am a pilot for a company that moves planes and jets around the country, even around the world. I like it because it pays well and I get to fly alot of different aircraft and I do not have to deal with the public. This trip we moved some aircraft to South America and were to bring back a large airliner to the states. It was going to take us all night. I boarded the aircraft with the two men that would be the pilots. I was looking forward to having the whole cabin to myself and getting some...
Written By Poppet:For LushStories ONLY! The Last Flight It’s 2:45 in the morning and I’m here sitting at the airport in the departure lounge. I’m waiting for my 3:10 flight back home. I’m in Settle heading back east to Boston. I’ve been traveling for a little over three weeks for business. All I want to do is go home, take a long bath and sleep for a month. I’m a single girl with no pets and I live alone. The thought of going home to an empty apartment sounds appealing right now though...
Good morning to the only woman to ever own me! I'm somewhere over Iowa right now and thinking of you. I have been flying for over two hours and I'm ready to start executing our plan. I'm sitting in a window seat, next to a very attractive man. He is probably in his early thirties, tall, with broad shoulders, muscular arms and excellent posture that exudes confidence. I bet he was a Marine in a past life. He has that chiseled face and tough-guy look. At that same time, he strikes me as an...
Exhibitionism(Jade)Jade was sobbing like she had been for the last two hours. Tori decided to take everyone on a trip but 'forgot' to give her the right time so she was left out. Tori hijacked all of her friends and boyfriend leaving her all alone.She hated being alone it drove her insane. When she can't be with Beck she went through withdrawals. He was her heroin and now she was sitting in Beck's RV in pain. 'Why did Tori do this to me?'Jade knew she could be hard on Tori but just in a rival way, nothing...
I am a pilot for a company that moves planes and jets around the country, even around the world. I like it because it pays well and I get to fly alot of different aircraft and I do not have to deal with the public. This trip we moved some aircraft to South America and were to bring back a large airliner to the states. It was going to take us all night. I boarded the aircraft with the two men that would be the pilots. I was looking forward to having the whole cabin to myself and getting some...