Municipal BlondesChapter 17 Flight
- 3 years ago
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THAT BASTARD’S FOLLOWING ME. That’s the only possible explanation. So, who does he work for really? He wasn’t meeting with the Committee but Jon recognized him as a wanna-be. Is Jordan having me tailed? He could give a girl a heads up.
Headed eastWhen I got off the plane in Mexico City, looking small as my five-nine can go, the first person I spotted was Ray Hawkins. He was standing behind a pillar in the airport scanning the people getting off the plane. I fell in step with a nice Mexican man and pretended to be talking to him, keeping him between Ray and me.
When I was shopping for flights, I looked for other local airports. Merida was the nearest and it looked like a three-hour drive from Chetumal. Or maybe there was another flight from Chetumal. Whatever, he was in the Mexico City airport watching for me.
Okay, so with luck he was watching for the redhead Riley Finn he met in San Pedro. I don’t think he recognized me but who is he, anyway?
I’m flying first class to Croatia, cost be damned. I sat in the first class passenger lounge watching out the window for any sign he was near. I didn’t see him anywhere but I’ll feel a lot better when I get on the plane to Paris. I bought a SIM at Duty Free and called Cinnamon who was more than happy to hear from me.
“Sugar, where are you?” she exclaimed when I got through.
“Mexico City,” I answered. “What’s up?”
“When do I get to go jet-setting like you?” she asked. “Or with you?”
“I’m sure you’ll get a chance,” I said. “Anything new happening?”
“The office is about cleaned up. Do you want me to keep any of the furniture? I’ve put everything small enough to fit in a box aside for you to look at but there is the torn-up sofa, chairs, and desk.”
“This might sound crazy but I’d like you to hire someone to put them in storage for me. I want to be sure nothing is hidden in anything.”
“Whatever you say, boss. When are you coming home? I miss you.”
“It will be a few days yet. I’m going to visit Angel.”
“That lucky bitch!”
“Cinnamon! I’ve put her in danger and I need to go warn her,” I said.
“Well, Angel always got whatever she wanted,” Cinnamon pouted. “You’d get the same reaction from any of the girls.”
“Honey,” I said soothingly, “when you were cleaning up the mess, did you find the TV remote by any chance?” I’d had the uncomfortable idea gnawing at the back of my mind for several days that if they’d taken the remote, I didn’t know how to get into the vault. I’d been able to reset the servers remotely but I didn’t want imagine trying to get into it without that little device.
“Funny. Yeah. Couldn’t believe they took the TV without it. I don’t think men know how to operate a TV if it doesn’t have a remote.”
“Just goes to show you. It could be a clue, so make sure it’s in the box.”
“Will do. By the way, that nice Jordan Grant came by.”
“Did he now? And what did Mr. Grant want.” I’m sure the satellite carrying our call frosted over.
“I think he wants to ask me out on a date,” Cinnamon said. “He’s handsome.”
“He’s way too old for you, Cinnamon!” I said a little too vehemently. What was I thinking?”
“Jealous?” she teased.
“No! I’m not interested in Mr. Grant. And I won’t date a client. Now why did he come around?”
“He said he was worried about you. Frankly, I’d say you should be worried about him.”
“He was on crutches.”
“What happened?” I was alarmed. Jordan always seemed so indestructible. I still remembered him shooting Oksamma when a second later, Oksamma would have shot me or Dag or both.
“Apparently, he was rushing somewhere early Friday morning over on the Eastside where all the power was out. He went through an intersection where there was no light and someone plowed into him from the side. He’s got a broken leg but said he was all right otherwise. He said if he hadn’t broken his leg, he’d have gone to Belize after you himself.”
“Wait a minute. How did he know I was in Belize? Cinnamon?”
“Don’t ask me. I never said a word. I didn’t confirm your whereabouts either. I just said when you called in, you didn’t say where you were. I played dumb blonde. I think he liked it.”
“Oh, come on,” I said. “Jordan likes strong women with intelligence.”
“Like you, you mean,” Cinnamon said. “Don’t worry, Sugar. I learned my lessons in the Condo well. I’m smart enough to know when to be clever. That’s enough. Besides, I didn’t do anything. But if he asks me out, I might just say yes.”
“All right. Here’s an opportunity for you to talk to him again. Sometime after six-thirty tonight call him. In fact, make it after seven. Tell him you heard from me and I’m on my way to Croatia to visit angel. She’s in danger from the bad guys—or the bad girl. Most of the guys are old and slow and squeamish. All except the one who would have drowned me in the high seas. I’ll let him know when I get there.” I wanted Jordan as backup but I didn’t want to be followed without knowing who’s there.
“You got it. Anything else?”
“Yes. Call Teri and make sure she got home safely, please. She can tell you all about our big adventure in Belize.”
“She got to go with you? Deb-bie...” Cinnamon broke off quickly. “Oops. Sorry Sugar. You can spank me for that when you get home.” I swear she giggled.
I LEFT FOR THE OFFICE after taking most of the morning to sober up. Last time I drank was after my parents died five years ago. Any pattern there? Never again. The letter I was dressed and halfway out the door before I realized I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Damn! I might not have a job any longer but it was still Dag’s office. I went back and changed into a black business suit—slacks, white blouse, jacket, sensible shoes. I put on the same blonde wig I’ve come to identify with since...
I KNEW WHAT I HAD TO DO. They were the friends I’d seen dote on Dag as if he were some kind of Ballard hero. But it took all my courage to get in the car and drive over there. Knäckebröd and risgrynsgröt On Thanksgiving, Dag took me to the Swedish American Center for the most spectacular day I’d ever had. I saw him talk to people he’d known all his life, even though he didn’t speak Swedish. They knew his parents and some had known Dag since he was a little boy. I also knew that every...
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ALL TOLD, it was a better day. ‘Better than what?’ you ask. Well, better than sitting in my room crying. It appears that I still have a job—or a whole business—and I’d better take care of it. Encrypted cryptos I sat in the room I will always think of as Dag’s office. If what Lars told me is true, it was now my office. Lars would take care of the books and hold the agency license until I’d completed my three-year probation and tested but he promised the business was mine and he would hand...
EVERYONE SHOWED UP. Lars and Jordan, of course. Everyone I’d ever met at the Swedish American Center and dozens more. Teri came to be with me and I wasn’t surprised to find Angel and Cinnamon there, too. The four of us—blondes in black dresses—must have looked unusual to many who were there, based on the number of stares we go. There were so many blondes among the Swedish contingent, I don’t think we were at all out of place. Maybe it was just the way our dresses fit. In memoriam I saw...
THAT MFSOB! If he weren’t dead, I’d find him and kill him myself. Decryption I found the combination of 32 characters that, when put together in the right order, made a 512-bit encryption key. If you are interested, it is 15b41d13f8ed2d1e36db00b5e18d2b3e. Here’s a bit of advice. If you get hold of this MF thumb drive, don’t enter the encryption key! Fortunately, the damage was limited. I was being lazy and too excited that I’d found a possible breakthrough to be careful. Dag had plugged...
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MORE PEOPLE ARE DEPRESSED at Christmas than any other time of the year. I get it. I catch myself thinking, “When I see Dag...” or “I need to tell Dag...” But Dag isn’t there. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have friends. Almost homeless “Merry Christmas,” Cinnamon said, lingering as she kissed me on the cheek when I entered the room. I noticed she spent considerably less effort on her peck on Angel’s cheek and somewhat more on Jordan. One of the other officers brought all our luggage...
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FINALLY SATURDAY! I promised myself I would sleep in as long as I wanted. I would go out to play with Mazie, go to the park, have coffee at Tovoni’s. Then I’d pick up Teresia at her hotel and we’d have an elegant lunch overlooking the Sound and talk about plans for scattering Dag’s ashes tomorrow. We’d share stories and have a cry and I’d make a new friend. Call for backup “We’re going out to play, Mrs. Prior,” I said. “I was wearing jeans and a punk band T-shirt I’d found among Dag’s...
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I work for one of the country's major auditing firms as an auditor. Companies traded on the stock exchange are required by law to permit annual audits of their books by a so-called "independent" entity to make sure no funny business is going on with financial transactions or inventories. It's a living and not a bad one, for now. Most young accountants with their eyes on future six-figure incomes make their starts doing what I do. I make fifty-five thousand a year but I work my ass off for...
*************** This is an off-shoot of my Sam and Dave short stories with a quicker short feel to them. I also changed my writing style slightly in hopes to appeal to a large base. Please provide comments, both positive and constructive criticism is appreciated. As always please vote, I am like a slot machine and your votes encourages me to write more. :grin: *************** Pilot's logbook: 4/1/08 Type: G450 Depart: KADS Arrival: RJAA Landings: 2 Total Time:...
I decided to take a red-eye early morning flight down to New Orleans from Dallas. I sat at the gate, sipping on a hot cup of coffee when the flight crew arrived for check in. There were three very nice looking stewardesses for the flight, which made me happy. I hated early morning out-of-town business appointments, but sometimes they couldn’t be avoided. The gate area was not very busy and by the time we all got ready for boarding, I noticed there were only about twenty of us. The plane held...
SeductionThis series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. Adventures Of Sarah. This is a new series where I will be describing the journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. I hope you enjoy this series. Chapter 4: I...
Hi this is Neeraj, just turned 24 from Lucknow. If u want to give any kind of feedback or need any sort of help you can mail me on : “” , I would need more responses from horny mature ladies, aunties, bhabhis, teens, teachers, lonely girls especially of Lucknow to post some more exciting events of mine and to bring smiles around the world. This story was inspired by the occupant of the seat next to mine on a recent overnight flight to Delhi. I do not know her name or where she is from, but...
This chapter almost did not get published due to the trolls / socks who vote people down. Please log-on and vote if you like this story to prevent the trolls from deciding whose work it good and whose is not. It takes a while to write a 20 page story like this and as an author I am discouraged by negative votes with no reason why. It is up to you as it takes 19 positive votes to overcome one negative vote. Don't support trolls, log-on and vote! *************** Date: 4/4/2008 Departure:...
The waiting at Gate Three A was more than Zoe could deal with. What the fuck was taking so long? Not only was she tired, but the annoying baby screaming bloody murder behind her was beginning to give her a headache. She glanced at her watch and figured they would be calling seats at any time, she’d hoped. Just then an airline rep came on and made an announcement: “Good evening passengers of Flight Twenty Three Forty Five. We appreciate your patience this evening and will be boarding shortly....
Straight SexSo I was at the airport waiting for my flight and I was just on my way to relax. This was a no work no family no nothing just a guy get away and I was so looking forward to it. I was flying with a major airline and on my way to Kiev, Ukraine for a week long rest at a nice 5 star hotel, outside pool, and just everything I was looking for. I boarded the plane and took my seat in Business Class. As I was getting settled the flight attendant approached with a selection of pre flight drinks and I...
The airlines had gotten Miles and Veronica on an evening flight and told me I could go standby the next morning or take a red eye out late tonight. I opted for the redeye-maybe I would actually get some rest from my exhausting few days of sexual adventures. We three were so spent from the night before that all we could do was pack our bags and make our way to the airport. I saw Miles and Veronica to their gate and we hugged and exchanged information, promising to get together in Berlin. As they...
I had a long flight ahead of me and the gate is usually a very dull place. On this evening, the object desire at the gate was a tall beauty about 18 years of age. She was leaning against a far wall apparently oblivious to the fact that she was thus worshipped. She was a brunette with fairly Long hair and wearing a nice skirt and blouse. The skirt looked shorter than it was, since much of her legs were below the hemline.Her legs just seemed to go on and on. All in all I estimate her height to be...
The Flight (See the Light) By Radical Change The musical chimes rang out at Gate 32A followed by the announcement, "We are now boarding flight AA949 to Chicago O'Hare." This last year had been a personal disaster and this was the start of my attempt to kick start my life. Everything had been perfect but first I lost my job, closely followed by my girlfriend who had decided I wasn't manly enough for her. One day everything was fine and the next she accused me of being vain and too...
I was getting anxious, shifting from foot to foot like a four-year-old in need of a bathroom. Criminy! I’d just seen her four months ago. You’d think this would be easy. But here I was, waiting at the exit from the concourse, afraid that she’d... Fuck! What was I afraid of? Since Alice sent me her flight details two weeks ago, I don’t think I’d slept through an entire night. I’d sat in front of my computer with stories in progress and had written nothing. I had an idea for a Valentine...
Blowjobs in a long haul flight. I am gay and proud of it I work in the IT corporate industry and travel often abroad for work; this is an experience in a long haul flight from Mumbai to New York, nonstop. I am at a high level so I get to travel business or 1st class, this time I was lucky and was in the 1st class, boarding pass in hand I wait for the boarding call of the flight, they r boarding us and if u have travelled in 1st class u know how personalized it is, I m escorted to my seat by a...
Gay MaleHow about this!I have been invited to attend the International Women in Business Conference being held in Paris, France. My very first official overseas business trip and I am more than ready for it. Definitely time this twenty-eight-year-old middle management executive strutted her stuff on a larger stage.Reading over the announcement, the core topics and activities sounded excellent. Advancing Women into Leadership Roles - Women on Corporate Boards - Opportunities for Women Leaders, and on...
MasturbationThis event described in this story is not following the same timeline as the events in Book 1. Anna’s already enrolled as a student at Stanford. This story can be read separately, but in order to recognize the character and the world she inhabits, it is recommended that readers first read “Diary of a Body Switcher”. I also wanted to mention that this story is quite a bit darker than the others I have written and involves acts of non-consensual sex. I want to make it clear that I do not condone...
Peggy Oxenberg paid no attention to the wide-open spaces far below California Air Express' Las Vegas Shuttle as it made a wide banking turn that gave the passengers on her side of the aircraft a breathtaking view. With almost as many hours in the air as the pilot at the controls, the former flight attendant had seen it too many times before to be impressed. Instead, the forty-six year old vice-president of in-flight operations concentrated on the paperwork she had brought with her to wrap up...
I had discussed it with an old friend from high school who had done it years ago. He had his own plane for a while and found it quite enjoyable and rewarding. I thought even if I never own my own plane it would be fun. I knew it would not be cheap. I was told it would set me back approximately eight to ten thousand dollars with all the lessons and fuel costs to get my Private Pilot certifications, so I knew what to expect. I was single, had no child support and my job was doing well so this...
This is my original story as submitted by me, the one and only writer, editer, and permission holder. Please do not share it with other sites without my expressed permission Of course feedback is always welcome and encouraged so I know the desire for another original story. ENJOY !!FIRST FLIGHT"Good evening, Captain" Vickie smiled as William boarded the plane. He paused, admiring the lovely flight attendant he had the pleasure of working with nightly. "Good evening to you too, Ms Lopez," he...