Municipal BlondesChapter 2 It takes a thief
- 4 years ago
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AMAZING WHAT A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP will do for you now and then. With the Condo secured, I removed all my makeup, showered, and slept. I had Davy make sure I was supplied with food and coffee before he left yesterday. I finally got my luggage up out of the Mustang and checked with the building manager to make sure where I parked was okay. Now I felt safe. At least for long enough to get some sleep.
Red letter dayI told Davy he wouldn’t be needed again until party time on Thursday night. Everything else was fine in the Condo. That meant this morning I had time and energy to spend pulling pieces together. I’m monitoring a lot of accounts Brenda had set up and am tightening my grasp of her schedule. I’m guessing she moved from Acapulco pretty quickly after she arrived but if she flew internally, there probably isn’t a record I can find unless I search every flight out of Acapulco since she arrived.
I’m hoping her sense of security in having escaped will make her careless. There’s sure to be a charge on one of her credit cards or a ticket purchase or a customs record sometime.
In the meantime, everyone seems to think the thumb drive holds the mysteries of the universe and the careers of some very important people. So, I think I’d better get down to cracking it. It’s just a matter of waiting for Simon to say what’s next.
I waited and now I’m stuck. I plugged in a backup and got the familiar message asking for the encryption key. I entered the thirty-two digits in the order I’d worked out and waited. I got the same message. “Simon says, ‘Find me if you can.’ All the clues are here. Everything you wanted to know. I never expected you to get this far but I’m not making it any easier to uncover the secrets on this drive. It’s too bad you’re colorblind, Dag!” Then, “Press Esc to continue.” No deal this time, Simon. I waited.
Sure enough, there was a new message popping up after about ninety seconds. “Simon says enter the next encryption code.” Oh shit. Now I’m stuck. If I hit the wrong thing, I risk losing the whole thing again. I looked at the keyboard for a while and pressed the one key I thought might be safe. The computer went into immediate hibernate mode. Now if I can wake it up without triggering anything, I’ve got time to figure out what the next encryption code will be.
I sat back to think about it for a while. What did Simon’s message say? Too bad you’re colorblind. Simon knew Dag was colorblind and it affected the puzzle. But how? I was going to have to risk going back to the office. I locked things up and headed for the waterfront. I hoped Jordan was serious about dropping the warrant and no one was watching for me.
In and out. I can’t believe I was so dense. I’ve got two parts of the mystery and I know where the third is. Then it’s on to solving the fourth part. It was all in the file on Brenda. He left it on the desk after he searched the office. I suppose he wanted it to look like no one had been there. They did a good job.
When I read about Brenda’s tattoo, it said the tattoo was red and black. Sure enough, the detail said the 1 and d and pillow were red. Everything else was black. I checked my photo of Bradley’s tattoo and found two letters on it also in red—the b and 1. If there are two letters in each tattoo in red, they would make up a second 8-character code. What I had so far were the first and last pair if the order of the original tattoos holds true. B-1-----1-d.
I KNEW WHAT I HAD TO DO. They were the friends I’d seen dote on Dag as if he were some kind of Ballard hero. But it took all my courage to get in the car and drive over there. Knäckebröd and risgrynsgröt On Thanksgiving, Dag took me to the Swedish American Center for the most spectacular day I’d ever had. I saw him talk to people he’d known all his life, even though he didn’t speak Swedish. They knew his parents and some had known Dag since he was a little boy. I also knew that every...
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I’VE BEEN SITTING at the courthouse for an hour and they just started the hearing on Brenda’s bail and release. Because it’s federal, she didn’t get the fast release she threatened last Tuesday. I feel so bad for her having to sit in an actual jail for a week! Boohoo. Catch and release I said ‘Hi’ to Jordan when I came in, but mostly these court cases are a lot of sitting in the back of a big room in which almost all the action takes place at the front in very quiet voices that no one in...
ALL TOLD, it was a better day. ‘Better than what?’ you ask. Well, better than sitting in my room crying. It appears that I still have a job—or a whole business—and I’d better take care of it. Encrypted cryptos I sat in the room I will always think of as Dag’s office. If what Lars told me is true, it was now my office. Lars would take care of the books and hold the agency license until I’d completed my three-year probation and tested but he promised the business was mine and he would hand...
EVERYONE SHOWED UP. Lars and Jordan, of course. Everyone I’d ever met at the Swedish American Center and dozens more. Teri came to be with me and I wasn’t surprised to find Angel and Cinnamon there, too. The four of us—blondes in black dresses—must have looked unusual to many who were there, based on the number of stares we go. There were so many blondes among the Swedish contingent, I don’t think we were at all out of place. Maybe it was just the way our dresses fit. In memoriam I saw...
THAT MFSOB! If he weren’t dead, I’d find him and kill him myself. Decryption I found the combination of 32 characters that, when put together in the right order, made a 512-bit encryption key. If you are interested, it is 15b41d13f8ed2d1e36db00b5e18d2b3e. Here’s a bit of advice. If you get hold of this MF thumb drive, don’t enter the encryption key! Fortunately, the damage was limited. I was being lazy and too excited that I’d found a possible breakthrough to be careful. Dag had plugged...
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VoyeurNails Nails
I’m good looking enough but nothing special. I’d give myself a seven on a scale of one to ten, though I’ve been told I deserve better. I have short brown hair, I’m not comfortable dressing sexy or wearing a lot of makeup, and I’m not outgoing, which isn’t surprising, since I’m a software engineer. I’m kind of nerdy, but at least my figure is attractive. It gets me attention, but it’s not always the kind of attention I want. By contrast there’s this girl in accounting. Her name is Tina, and...
Adrianne looked at me in amazement. “Ah, now I see how you do that. I didn’t think it would fit in there that way. That makes doing this so much easier.” “Exactly. You just have to have the proper lubrication, so it slides in properly.” “I’m just ... I don’t know, I didn’t think I’d ever learn how to do this. You make it look so easy.” “I learned how to do this a long time ago, in the Shivering Isles. Overlapping the scales is a pain. That’s why repairing dragon armor is typically so much...
It’s set up just to be another Friday night in Lushland. I log on after getting all my accessories ready, bullet vibe and glass dong to my left, and there is a fresh beer with the top popped open to my right. I am always careful not to knock my mouse into it and commit a serious party foul. I navigate and see the hottest club isn’t quite open yet, so I pick another room as a good “warm up” for the night. I’m not really looking for trouble, but putting my feelers out, y’know, just in case. I...
I’m 25years old. I’m a regular viewer and would like to share my story with you all. this story is about me and my mom pretty who is around 36 years and just mind blowing, gorgeous with large tits. My father is a charted accountant, so my cousin had brought a file from his dad. We reached there place in afternoon and came to know that my dad was out of town and would be returning after a week or so. we were a bit disappointed as we had some work with him. but still we managed to hang on as we...
The flock had gathered in the Rec Room. They had doffed their skin suits and were hooked about the table except for Slow who was still in the Cabin but on the intercom. McCock took a deep suck on his bulb, "Now, tell me about the yacht," to Polack and to Slow's gurgling chortle "and you stay out of this M'lady." "I've got to talk to you about 413 first, Aggy, its important." McCock considered momentarily. "Go, but I still want the story on that yacht." "The work on 413 is a...
I had been really excited to go to high-school. I wanted nothing more than to finally abandon my boring primary school and join the grown-ups. In primary school I would usually stroll down the hallways, having only but my thoughts as occupation. I was fairly smart for my age, at least smarter than most of the other kids attending the school. My patient teacher tried to repeat as much of the curriculum as possible. He probably just wanted to give the slow learners a fair chance, but for me it...