Officer Campbell
- 3 years ago
- 34
- 0
The team's secretary, a hot-blooded Mexican Chihuahua named Juanita, taped a note to my door. I was seriously disappointed that she didn't come into my office. Just looking at her, head to toe, would have been the bright spot of an otherwise horrid day. On any other day, I would have taken care not to be caught ogling a female co-worker. But that day, I was packing up my office because my boss's boss's boss Richard Tashun, the bastard, demoted me to senior analyst with a commensurate pay cut and loss of perks like my private office. So, a casual glance down Carlotta's dress at delicious brown cleavage would have been a welcome distraction from my relocation to a standard no-privacy cubicle. And much better than a sucker punch to the stomach, which is how the news affected me. Tashun hadn't had the courage to tell me, face to face. Didn't have the guts. The little prick left a voice mail message. He was on his way to Atlanta, I should finish the simulation software specifications before he got back, and by the way, I was demoted. Just like that. No reason. Oh yes, and no bonus for last year in this year's appraisal.
I went to the door and stuck my head out, just in time to catch the violent butt shaking of the south-of-the-border courier. I could have walked down the corridor, thrown Juanita on her desk and fucked her in front of the whole team, but that wouldn't get my position or office back. And Tashun would relish the opportunity to fire my ass with cause. Nope. quick sex in public this morning was no solution.
The note was on Tashun's personal stationery. I was supposed to meet him at his home immediately. Wasn't he already at the airport? The voice mail had sounded like he'd called using his cellphone in the echoy corridors of O'Hare. Did he have a change of heart or just a change of travel plans? What other tasks did he have planned for his new senior analyst? Shit, I'd held that job years ago, and now I was back.
I left my former office half-packed and drove up to the suburbs from downtown. The note had Tashun's home address, something I didn't know. I'd never been there. That should have been a sign. All of the other managers in Tashun's area had been invited to his home. Some on the holidays. Some on his birthday. But never me. An obvious clue and I missed it.
A woman answered the door. "Mr. Marcus?"
I nodded. That gave me the covert opportunity to quickly give her the once-over. She was about Tashun's age, which is to say my age, give or take. Her brown hair was streaked with blonde highlights. I couldn't figure out if the long beige garment was a robe or a wrap dress. It had buttons, double breasted and a belt. Speaking of breasts, they were full and either naturally firm or artificially hoisted by an undergarment.
"Come in." She stepped aside.
I entered into the tile foyer. She pointed towards the living room. There was a long sofa and two occasional chairs facing it. There were no walls between the living room, dining room and kitchen. A very airy layout accented by the tall ceiling. "Nice place."
"Please," she said. She pointed at the sofa.
I sauntered past a staircase to the second floor. No Dick. I took one of the chairs instead.
"I'm Agatha Tashun, Dick's wife."
"He left a message-" I took the crumpled note from my pocket. "Is he here? I thought he'd left for Atlanta."
"He's gone. I wanted to see you."
She did? "How come?"
"Before he left, over breakfast, Dick told me he demoted you, and why. I didn't think his reason was fair. I thought you should know." She crossed her legs. The dress/robe separated below her knee. Nice calves. "And maybe offer some assistance."
Or maybe a piece of ass. Nah, no matter how much I hated Tashun, that wasn't justification to seduce his wife. "Like what, Mrs. Tashun?"
"Call me Aggie. I promise I'll do everything I can to get you reinstated to your former title and salary."
Aggie was being too nice. There had to be a catch. "I'd certainly be grateful. If you don't mind asking, why would you do that for me?"
"Because I know things beyond Dick's stated reason. It has nothing to do with your performance. At least your work performance. Ms. Muniz has become pregnant. You know this?"
Izzy, or maybe I'd been demoted to calling her Dora. I nodded. The father was either me or her husband Emilio. "She hasn't made a formal announcement, but there's the typical office buzz in the coffee room."
Aggie folded her arms. "Dick holds you responsible."
I almost jumped out of my chair. "For getting her pregnant? Ridiculous! She and her husband were doing everything in their power-"
She pointed a finger. "And had no success until a couple of months ago. Precisely the time the two of you took a business trip together."
Guilty by association and timing. "Circumstantial evidence, at best. Perhaps she and her husband changed their technique." Like having Emilio drink her herbal concoction?
"You see, Dick is jealous. He wanted to fuck her. Now, with her pregnancy and by his crazy, mix-up moral code, she's off limits. Which is frustrating the hell out of him." Aggie's language had become earthier. "Dick has a big ego. Unfortunately without a dick to match." She uncrossed her legs. Her knees remained apart. The dress exposed black stockings.
I don't know what to say. I wasn't going to disclose my sexual liaisons with Izzy. I'd been drugged and wasn't in control during the shower fuck. Dora didn't blame me for the parental possibility. But our last fuck was an unlikely cause, with her husband screwing her in weekly marathons since. "So this is about him, not me. Great!" No way I could walk into the HR office and tell them this story.
"You know Reese, my niece?" Aggie adjusted the lapels of her dress. "Don't bother. I know you do."
"We visited an account together. Downstate." Where she either fucked the client or gave him a blowjob.
"Yes and you've has sex with her twice. Once in the records room and once in a cheap motel when your car broke down. She told me everything."
"Then there's nothing for me to add, is there?" This time, I crossed my arms. If she could read body language, I'd just shut her out.
"I know Dick screws around. Hell, he came on to Reese once. She told him off."
"Really?" Got him off was more like it. Reese had hinted at least one intimate encounter of the penetration kind. Despite her confidence, Aggie didn't know all.
"We have a dysfunctional household. Our daughter Inez moved out as soon as she was old enough, to get away from her father. I've always suspected Dick put the moves on her, too."
Tashun lied, the little prick. He'd told me he and his wife had no kids, the first time I met Reese. Was it true on a technicality, like she was adopted? "That's unforgivable."
She leaned over, plucked a frame off the end table and handed it to me. In the process, her dress opened a bit at the top. I dragged my eyes from her cleavage to the photo. A nice posed family portrait. Dick, Aggie and Inez, their daughter
Shit! Inez was the busty cheerleader I'd chosen as my first pick at Zenellis's Wisconsin orgy. My brain spasmed, trying to deal with too many thoughts at once. Tashun and I were at the same event? I could have gotten my first choice and fucked his daughter? And Saroya had shown me photos of girls who'd gotten pregnant. Damn, Inez had gotten knocked up. Did her folks arrange an abortion? Fortuitous happenstance, Annie hadn't gotten the short end of the stick and been paired with Tashun. He didn't deserve her. I wondered who he had been matched with? Not Annie or the Cocksworth twins, nor Carol, my mate. Maybe the third pregnant girl who I hadn't recognized? Oh, wait. If Inez was adopted, maybe Tashun shoots blanks. Too many variables and not enough information made my head spin.
Aggie cleared her throat. The surprise of the cheerleader's identity had taken me to Neverland. My reaction must have shown on my face. "It took over a dozen shots to get one that looked natural."
The photo showed from the waist up, so Inez's natural breasts, large and high, were clearly visible. Had the terminated pregnancy given her hormones a boost? "Then why do you stay with such a prick?"
"And a short one, at that?" She smirked. "The lifestyle." She swept her arm, palm up, exhibiting their decor. "I like nice things."
I knew the power of money. Harriett's family was wealthy beyond imagination. They bought our house. They'd purchased our cars. They'd established Annie's college trust fund. Just about everything we had was due to their generosity. As a result, nothing was in my name. And now, I was a hapless senior analyst in a fucking cubicle. Yes, I knew what money, or the lack of it, meant.
Aggie leaned forward, her dress lapels wide. I witnessed a lot more than just cleavage. "I want nice things. And Reese tells me you have a very nice 'thing'."
Aha! The catch was my cock, used on her niece. I swallowed hard. What had happened to my "no prick in the inkwell" rule from my father? Ignored again? Or was the wife of a boss's boss's boss fair game?
"Dick uses the secretarial pool as his private harem, you know. But he's not above getting his playmates pregnant."
So Dick wasn't shooting blanks. "Really?" I couldn't recall many pregnancies among secretaries, but then again, I hadn't been keeping close watch. The turnover was exceptionally high. Most of the women Tashun hired were quite young. Had Dick been restocking his harem? If Dick had knocked up some secretaries, maybe Aggie was infertile. Hot, but infertile.
Since the deployment of computers to assistant director and above, the office pool has shrunk from Olympic size to kiddie. Tashun have been forced to seek out his prey from other than clerical types. Programmers, analysts, perhaps even junior management. Women like Dora. But those women were more assertive, harder to breach.
"I've lived with his infidelity. But being angry at you for ostensibly getting an office worker pregnant while indulging himself is the ultimate in hypocrisy." Aggie stood up. "I don't have the same body as when I was younger. No one does."
Certainly not Harriett, who blew up like the Hindenburg after we tied the knot.
Aggie unbelted her robe/dress. "But perhaps I can interest you-" The black bra and panties with black stockings and a garter belt would have been quite exciting no matter whose body they were on. Aggie's was a bit fuller than the younger women I'd bedded. Still, the view was easily provocative enough to get me erect. Hell, those days a Sears catalog page of women in flannel nightgowns would get me hard.
She spun away and turned on the stereo receiver in a wall-sized entertainment center. Slow music drifted out of speakers that must have been all over but hidden. The room filled with sound. "Let's dance."
I took her in my arms, snaking my hand inside her robe/dress, fingers on her bare back. She was warm to the touch. She laid her head on my shoulder, holding my hand and shoulder in the classic position. I imagined another classic position, her on her back, legs spread, and me crawling up to indulge her lust. And mine as well, to be honest. She brought both hands up around my neck, hugging me close. "You should take off some clothes. It's only fair."
She let go so I could take off my pants and shirt. We resumed our slow dance. She cocked her hips forward to feel my - uh, cock. "Mmmm. Reese's stories were accurate. You are one hung son of a bitch." Aggie's language had turned coarse. "I like it hard and vigorous. Can you be hard and vigorous?"
"I'm halfway there," I said.
"Show me."
I pulled my jockeys down far enough for my cock to pop out. It throbbed and bounced.
"Oh my!" Aggie fell to her knees, praying to the Great God Marcus Penis. She fluttered her fingertips over the surface. Every tap made me harder and more eager to teach Tashun's wife a lesson - a pleasurable lesson, but a lesson nonetheless.
She leaned forward to taste me. No way. I pulled her to her feet and cupped her pantied mound. "This needs attention, doesn't it?" I pressed one finger into the natural crease. "You need something here, something to fill you-"
"Oh yes." She covered my mouth with rapid-fire kisses. One hand reached for my ass, the other held onto my cock for dear life.
"Show me your bedroom," I mumbled between her lip attack on my face.
Her ass swayed back and forth as we ascended the stairs. Tashun's bedroom was at the end of a short hallway. Aggie turned to face me, practically panting with lust. "Is this what my niece got? Is this the cock you fucked Dora with that got her pregnant?"
"I plead the fifth, but you can have all eight. Inches, that is." I snaked my hand into her panties and diddled her bare pussy with bare fingers. She was sloppy moist.
My cock throbbed in her grip. "Are you ready to fuck me with this thing?"
Did I hate Tashun enough to cuckold him? Damn right. "Ready when you are." I slid one finger up into her pussy, just to tease.
The bed was precisely made, the bedspread exactly even, tucked beneath king-sized pillows. She threw off the covers while I got undressed. Aggie watched, mouth open. When it was her turn, she let me to do the honors. Her breasts sagged a bit when I slid off her bra. I kissed her nipples, then her stomach as I slid her panties down. I moved to kiss her cunt but she threw herself back on the bed, spread her legs and shouted "Get up here!"
"Are you woman enough to take it?" I asked.
"Are you man enough to deliver?"
Our clothes were off, the challenge was on, and there was nothing in our way.
I climbed between her raised knees. She pulled me forward by my cock and dragged me forward towards her pussy. "It won't do you any good if you tear it off."
"You're hard all right. Ready for vigorous?"
Our groins were bare and ready for coupling. I scooted my hips forward. She was quick to guide my cock towards her waiting pussy. With no hesitation, I shot forward. She took me to the hilt, moaning. "Oh God, so big! So fucking big!"
I threw myself against her, backed off, and attacked again. Our bodies slid easily on a mutually generated skim of sweat. I humped hard because I knew she wanted it that way, because I was punishing Tashun with every stroke, and because her pelvic muscle tone had faded from her youth. Instead of beating him about the head and shoulders with a baseball bat, I was doing the next best thing. My pubic bone bashed hers. "Is this vigorous?" I might have been stimulating her clit, based on her reaction.
Aggie was loving my enthusiasm. "Fuck me with that big cock. Fuck me like Dick can't."
So I did, repeatedly thrusting, almost throwing myself against her.
"You have to cum. Really. I mean it. You have to spurt in me. Fill me up. Give it to me, all of it."
I teased the opening to her pussy until the tingle announced an impending eruption. I pushed forward, impaling her. Cum spurted into her sloppy cunt. Her vagina pulsed, squeezing the juices. I kept thrusting despite my orgasm. As long as I was still hard, Aggie was going to get ridden. When I softened past being able to penetrate, I rolled off Aggie, exhausted.
"Wow! That was a lot better than I expected. Reese has been known to exaggerate. Maybe we can do this again some time, after I get you reinstated?" She glanced past me at the clock radio. "But right now, I have an appointment, and I can't show up smelling of sex. You understand. Why don't you use the downstairs bathroom to clean up?"
"Okay." I didn't know what else to say. I gathered my clothes and found the first floor facility. I showered in the glass-enclosed stall to bathe our mutual juices off, towel dried and got dressed. I waited on the living room sofa. Was I supposed to leave, or stay until dismissed, or what? This was much more awkward than any of my other sexual encounters.
At long last, Aggie trotted down the stairs. She wore a conservative dress, high neckline, hem at the shin. "I have to go now, but I insist you have one of my handmade donuts. Follow me."
She took a key from her pocket and unlocked a stainless steel and glass counter-top cabinet. Maybe marijuana brownies needed to be locked up, but donuts? From within, she plucked a baked morsel, holding it with thumb and index finger. With her other hand, she opened a cabinet and took a small plate. "Here. Enjoy this." Then she turned, snagging a coat from the front hall closet, and exiting through a door to the garage.
I took a seat at one of the stools at a kitchen island. The first bite was tasty but a bit dry. I rummaged cabinets for a glass and the fridge for some milk. Whole, not two percent, but beggars can't be choosers. I was two bites into the pastry, pondering my next step. Raise a fuss at work about Tashun's sexual activities with co-workers? Find the video clip of him fucking someone's daughter at Zenellis's orgy? Keep my mouth shut and let Aggie do her magic?
I looked up when I heard the key in the front door. Had Aggie forgotten something? Or maybe she was back for another roll in the sack. I'd pretty much recovered, but Aggie's demands would be a match for even younger men.
The door slammed and a young woman entered the house. It was Inez, Tashun's daughter, the cheerleader. I could tell by her face and her tits. She was somber, even before our eyes met. "Hello?" That got her attention. I waved the donut.
She kicked off her shoes. "Who are you?"
"My name-"
She took a couple of steps closer.
"-is Harvey-"
Her walk became a trot.
"Marcus. I work for-"
She was at the counter, staring. First at me, then at the donut. "You fucked my mother!" she screamed.
How did she know? I was just eating a donut. "You're mistaken."
She ran from the kitchen, up the stairs. Her feet pounded as she descended. She pointed a finger. "The bed's not made. Mother always makes the bed. Every morning. Insisted I do the same, when I lived here. The only explanation is you two fucked there, and she had to leave. Besides, the room smells of sex. Admit it."
No reason to lie. I nodded, chewing the slightly dry pastry. "Yep. Caught dead to rights. I had consensual sex with your mother. She invited me here for that purpose. Blame me for losing my willpower. She's an attractive woman, especially in lingerie."
Inez grabbed her head with both hands. Her tits stuck out, begging for my touch. "She finally did it! Oh my God."
Finally? "But tell me, how did you know, just by seeing me eat a donut?"
Her first smile. "It's a ritual. Mom and Dad eat donuts after they have sex. Dad doesn't know, but its Mom's idea of a joke. She once told me my father's penis is so small you could hang donuts on it without tearing them."
The hole of the donut I was eating was still intact. The thought of Dick's dick made the pastry unappetizing.
"I figured Mom would eventually cheat on Dad, after all the carousing he's done. So why did she pick you, anyway?"
I wasn't about to spill the details, and my ego still hurt from the demotion. "I work for your father."
"Wow! Picking someone from Dad's office. Mom's got guts. And you've got balls."
I had the passing thought of dropping trou so she could confirm her conjecture. I pretended not to know her from Wisconsin. "So you're Inez? Your mom showed me a picture."
"Inez Victoria Tashun." Her lips curled. "Tell me, who in their right mind names their kid Inez?" She took a stool next to mine. "Call me Invey."
I played with the crumbs on my plate. "Where did that come from?"
"It's a contraction. IN from Inez and V from Victoria. IN-V."
Shit. She was a living, busty Invey Tashun! She'd gotten a little taller but no slimmer since the last time I saw her. Her chest was still potent and her hips wide.
"Wait a second. Marcus?" A blush spread across her cheeks. "Of course. You're the stud who fucked Reese. That's why Mom chose you. You've got a reputation in our family."
A reputation hopefully Dick wasn't aware of. "Guilty as charged."
She reached for the plate with the remainder of my donut. "I never get these. May I?" she asked.
I no longer had interest. "Go ahead."
Invey munched on the remainder. "After everything Reese said, I was curious to meet you."
Or perhaps more? Time to jog her memory. "We've met before, or don't you remember? The first time I saw you, you were wearing a cheerleading outfit."
Invey swallowed, then grabbed my glass and washed down the pastry with milk. "The only time I wore that costume was up in Wisconsin at -" She covered her mouth but drops of milk escaped down her chin. "Oh my god, oh my god. Were you there?"
"Uh huh."
"Oh my god! You were at that - that -" The anguish of getting pregnant and the subsequent abortion reflected in her expression. She buried her face in her hands.
What was I thinking? Digging up those memories, practically throwing them in her face? "Invey? I'm sorry."
"Oh my god. That place was horrid. Zenellis was a deviant to think up something so gross!" Her face showed a sudden realization. "Wait a second. Did you bring a daughter too?"
"Yes, I did. Every father did." But Annie didn't get pregnant, thank god.
Invey changed the subject. "So you work for Zenellis?" The further sexual implications of the event went unexplored, at least for the moment. "But wait, you said you work for my father. What were you doing there?"
Besides fucking my daughter and Carol and Harry's twins? "I was about to ask you the same thing. My neighbor worked for Zenellis before they got bought out. And you?"
"Uncle Ken, Dad's brother, invited us."
Uncle Ken, maybe Reese's father. They certainly weren't in attendance. No way Reece would have kept away from me, assigned as my mentee or not. Maybe Tashun cajoled his brother into getting them invited, so he could get into Invey's pants. Time for Invey to tell all, or at least the juicy parts. "Would it help, to talk about it?" I already knew that the event ended in an pregnancy, which was subsequently aborted. I was curious how that happened.
"I appreciate your concern. Really. But I'm seeing a therapist. Slowly, I'm getting my act together." She crossed her arms under her substantial chest. "You probably want know if I slept with someone else's father. Well I didn't. Tell me, did you have sex with someone's daughter?"
Invey was lying and nosey. She'd gotten pregnant, for cripes sake. Perhaps honesty would be returned with same. "Uh huh. Not that first evening. My female partner approached me the next morning, actually. You must have been paired with someone?"
"Yeah, a pompous jerk. From the moment he answered the door, he acted like a sex partner-in-waiting. Instead of our provided pajamas, he wore a towel around his waist, with an obvious lump in front. I asked him how he was going to tutor me. He smiled from ear to ear and dropped the towel, like his two foot dick was a gift to women."
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Patrick and Kathleen had been experimenting with other things in their sex life to keep it fresh. One evening she called him at work and began to tell him what she was doing to herself while they spoke over the phone. His first encounters of phone sex, but he wasn’t the one having it. It became too much for him to sit and listen to his lady over the phone having all the fun while he was busy running business. Finally, she told him he would have to hire someone today and if he didn’t she would...
Hello all, I’m Akki from Mumbai. So aapne meri previous stories mein padha hoga ki kaise maine Shobha aur Pratibha aunty ke sath ek sath threesome kiya. Fir uske baad mera sex badh gaya and maine kai sari girls and ladies ko pata kar sex kiya. Toh ye incident hai mere ex job ka, jaha par mili mujhe office housekeeping lady Revati. She was really a gem. Height around 4.10- 5, fair thi, age hoga around 27-28 and nice assets. She was from country side of Maharashtra and was poor. Main jab...
Copyright© 2004 by Nicolo "Loco" Parenti "You know you want to, Jack," she said with a grin. "And why would it bother me? I'm offering to help, you dummy." The dummy in question was naked in bed with Dee, short for Denise. I shouldn't have been. For one thing it was the middle of the work day. For another, we're both married, and not to each other. We were enjoying a classic nooner, one of several in the past few weeks. Dee is delicious, adventuresome, and a little depraved...
Office Dress up [email protected] "Hi Honey, what have you been up to all day?" I was laying on the sofa reading a magazine. The rain had been misting through the morning and Lucy was unbundling herself in the foyer. Her sandy blond hair damped down just enough so that it twirled when she unwound the scarf from around her neck. "Just went down to salon and got my legs waxed." "Ouch did it hurt?" "No, it only hurts the first couple times. Maybe...
Make no mistake: I love my wife, and I love the fact that she's got a near-insatiable sexual apatite. Annie is an all-around gem of womanhood. Statuesquely tall, with a great figure, golden-tan skin and shining, curly black hair, she's a knockout by anyone's standards. She made good money doing part time modeling in her college days, and the intervening twelve years haven't diminished her beauty in the least. And she's smart and funny and a great companion and everything else that goes...
Mike unlocked the door of his small investing firm and held it open for his wife, Eva. As they entered, he turned the lights on and checked the temperature in the front office. His wife went into her office and he flipped the light on in his office and put his briefcase down and hung his jacket on the coat rack. Sitting at his desk he turned his computer on and looked at his calendar. The new secretary was supposed to start today. What a tasty piece of ass that one looks to be, he thought to...
Office Sex‘Bankruptcy is down there, toilets to your right, over here is...’ Gerry’s narration of his tour of the office seemed to fade into background noise as Pete caught sight of, perhaps, the most incredible woman he’d even seen. It wasn’t that she was good looking – she was – but the brunette could have stepped right out of one of Pete’s own fantasies. Long, well-toned, legs emphasised by six-inch heels, leading up to a short, tight, skirt. A wasp-thin waist and ample bosom, wrapped in jacket and...
Mein ek businessman hoon. Age 65 years, tall, fair aur majboot sharir. Mein 40 saal se business kar raha hoon. 65-saal ki umra mein bhi dimaag aur body fit hain. 40 saal ke business mein paisa aur power bahot kamaya hai. Saare shahar mein mujhe log ‘Saab’ kehkar bulate hai. Mera sabse bada shouk hai aurat ka, aur mein apna shouk pura karta hoon. Jawani se lekar abtak meine bahot aurato ko choda hai. Mere lund ko har roz chut chahiye. Biwi ko chodne mein maza nahi aata wo ab budhi ho gai hai,...
Office Exchange by: Anne O'Nonymous Heads turned as she walked across the workroom floor, floral perfume giving warning of her approach, tapping away on 3" heels, with taffeta petticoats rustling under a full skirt and long, shoulder-length hair gently swaying rhythmically to and fro in time with her steps. The few men working there admired her legs, encased in seamed black hose. Their admiring eyes followed her across the floor and up the stairs leading to the main offices. They...
My sweet Mark is a wonderful guy. As a husband, he has no equal. He is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always thinking of me and finding little ways to brighten my day and make me smile. One day he will surprise me with flowers when he comes home from work. Another day he will take me out to dinner because he doesn’t want me to ‘slave over a hot stove just to feed him’. As a provider, he is amazing. He works hard – harder than he should, but he does it to provide us with a very...
My sweet Mark is a wonderful guy. As a husband, he has no equal. He is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always thinking of me and finding little ways to brighten my day and make me smile. One day he will surprise me with flowers when he comes home from work. Another day he will take me out to dinner because he doesn't want me to "slave over a hot stove just to feed him". As a provider, he is amazing. He works hard - harder than he should, but he does it to provide us with a very...
Quickie SexOffice Exchange By Elrod "Are you going to the meeting?" I turned at the interruption, startled from the task I was absorbed in. It was, as I expected, my office mate, Cheri. She stood in the doorway, leaning slightly to peer around my bookcase. "Uh, yeah," I answered quickly. I grabbed my planner and scooted my chair back from my computer, hastening to follow Cheri as she hurried down the hall. I guess you could argue that technically, Cheri was my boss. But the...
Office rules?EEEKK?GGhhhh!!!?The sounds from the young office substitute as she began her dance in the rope were rather familiar to Mary. So was the sight of the twenty year old girl?s kicking legs and tortured face. Mary had assisted during so many hang sessions during the years that she hardly even bothered to learn the names of the new girls when they started working. Most only lasted a month or less before making some stupid mistake and invariably ending up as entertainment in the board...
Chapter Two Office Politics?I?m bored.?Rhianna looked up from her computer.? Kirti, her boss, was lounging over her desk, eyes flickering around the office.? A tall, slender Indian woman, Kirti was fast approaching forty but doing well to hide the fact.? Her pale brown skin was still smooth and unblemished.? One had to look hard to spot that it had a slightly artificial sheen; and that was even before the daily mask of subtle cosmetics had been applied.? Any grey traitors in her long...
Hi ISS readers, this is my first post to ISS, I am a recent reader of the stories, i feel it nice. That’s why I decided to share my experience with you. I am Ayaan, 22 yrs.. I never had sex other than before this. I have my office in the 6th floor of a commercial building. My office consists of us 3 staff. 2 of them mostly on travel and i used to take care of the office. In my adjacent office there was a girl called shalini ( name change), who is 24, medium complexion, good physique and assets....
The moment I saw the flashing red-and-blues in my rear-view I knew I was fucked. A black male being pulled over in his deceased uncle's pickup on a secluded road in rural Georgia..."Shit...!" I blurted out to no one as I slowed the truck and pulled to the shoulder. I cut the engine and tried to follow the officer's movements in the mirror. It was still dark out at 5:00AM.License, insurance, title papers, Uncle Jonathan's death certificate....I went through the checklist and made sure my hands...
Abigail Mill-well was a 22 double D she had the body of a sexy runway model with an ass that will you do a double-take. Abigail is hot, and she’s always horny she works for steel Roy and Marks office supply. One day Abigail walked into work with a tight pair of jeans on that showed off all of her curves every man in the office watched as her ass shook from side to side as she walked threw the building. Abigail thought to herself I bet I got all there dicks hard Abigail thought now sit there and...
So the intern wants for promoted.The last two week's the sexy little Lou has been hands on hard I mean hands on chest, arm's, hands and brushed tits on passing must say big tits she knows there a chance of a job and she wants it. So on Thursday night I call her into the office to discuss how much she wants the placement "Lou you want the job ,yes!!?" She looks around at my dark office and answers "Yes definitely, no way I would pass this up" sitting back deep breathing mulling it over "Well I...
Chapter 1 In the late 90's I worked in an Insurance company office in South London. My work was as a computer systems programmer and my duties meant I was often in the office late in the day. Most of my colleagues would normally have left the building by 17.30 and I would normally depart sometime between 18.30 and 19.00 hrs. The reason I write this story is to tell readers of my experiences I had with the office cleaners who would arrive at 17.30 each day to generally tidy up, empty the trash...
Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. Office Junior Having been with Robert’s Call Centre a few months as a temp I quickly noticed her, as did every other man in the place. Robyn was, and is, fucking delicious with a body to die for and looks that could kill. God know why she isn’t Miss Ireland! Anyway I am a single hot...
Typically on a Monday morning Brian was the first person in the office. There was a small staff of 10 that kept busy, but he like to get in well before 6:00 A.M. to get through e-mails and other administrative items before being bothered by the questions and concerns of the day. Brian entered the rear door and went to the break room to put on a pot of coffee, to his surprise there was already a fresh pot brewed.As he approached Nicole's cubicle from behind, Brian noticed the sound of the video...
This is Ajay from Chennai. This sex story is a real incident which happened in 2008. Share your feedbacks at This happened when I was 18 years old. I joined the evening college and I wanted a job to cover my pocket money. That is a very small firm and it was put up in Guindy. So I got to know about Madhu in a week of time after joining the office. She was 5 years elder to me and I called her sister. She was also very happy about the relationship and we went out for coffee breaks and lunch...
Office Politics by Morpheus Mathew sighed, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms out behind him, trying to keep from looking at the stack of papers on his desk, if only for a minute. Though Mathew had already managed to get a lot of the paperwork done, he still had a lot more to go. Though he liked his management job, sometimes all the paperwork really got to him. And now was just one of those times. "Hello Mr. Phillips" Mathew heard from behind him. Turning...
It doesn't matter if you haven't read Part 1 - enjoy!PART 2 – FACTORY VISITFucking Nigel was supposed to have been a one off thing – just a bit of fun to kill time. It was Nigel’s fault we kept going - I was so jealous that Phea was getting regularly fucked at the office and I wasn’t – boo hoo, so sad for me. Problem is – I do enjoy a good cock, especially the ones that cum inside me. It’s not that Nigel stopped fucking Phea, and why would he, she is a very cute little fuck buddy – she was...
Hello friends I am a ISS reader. I read many stories and now I m giving my true experience here. First I have to introduce myself. I am a male from Noida age 32 year well built body (used to go to gym)5 feet 10 inch height fun loving guy .I m running a import export firm in partnership in Noida. In my office there are around 10 person working in which of them 6 are women (because all are married).in our office everybody likes me n there was nothing to say before it happened to me around one...
Nina worked for me, part of the team in the outer office. I inherited her from my predecessor, and at first I found her work to be proficient, if a little perfunctory, as if she always had something better to do. But the standard of her work had less and less interest for me, as I steadily fell for the insidious spell of her sensuality. She's twenty-six, with a sturdy, but undeniably shapely figure, Wide shoulders, magnificent, but not over-large firm full breasts that are hard to ignore at...
The day starts off as any other work day. I wake up to the sound of the alarm but hit the snooze button a couple of times before mustering the strength to get out of bed. Fall has just started and it is still dark when it is time to get up. I start my daily routine. Have my morning pee, have my shower, get dressed, have my breakfast and leave for work. As I make my way to work, I start thinking about what the work day will bring. I am a federal government employee and a member of a small team...
Oral SexMy Name is Yash (Name Changed) age 24 lives in Pune, Maharashtra i have an athlete body shape height 5 ft 7 inches my penis size is 6 inches originally but does any as per satisfaction. Now coming to the story since this is my first experience in my life so wanted to share pls comment if liked or tell me on my email id. This story is about me and a bhabhi named Ziya (Name changed) let me tell about her she is almost 28 yrs old her size is 38-28-36 she has 3 children now. Her ass is a little...
By : Yadavankit2011 Hi mera name Ankit hai main Delhi se hoon and meri age 25 yr hai. Main married hoon and crazy about sex with privacy because m also a married ye meri 1st story hai main apna exp aapke saath share karna chahta hoon main mahipalpur main ek company main job karta hoon yahn per customer care main ek girl hai jiska name richa hai uski age 22 yr, hight 5.2 and figure 34,28,36 hoga wo jyadater salwaar suit and kabhi kabhi jenas and t shir pahanti hai. She is very beautiful and...
Hi Friends, I am Krish again fm Gandhidham – Kutch, Hope you all enjoyed my last story “Office Me Documentation Wali Ladki Ko Choda” Ab Me apni dusri kahani bata raha hu, Office wali ladki ko mene kaise choda office ki tour me… Hamari Company har 2 saal me pure office wale staff ko tour pe leke jate he 3-4 din k liya company pura kharcha deti he travelling ka aur hotel ka, sirf personnal kharidi ke liye hume jeb se nikalna padta he. Story ko aage badate hue, jaise ki mene last story me kaha...
Characters in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Miss Jenna:The General manager of human resources in the company. Miss Eve: The secretary for Miss Jenna Mrs Madison: She is the registered nurse working on the nurse bay in the office Mrs Patel: The supervisor who is assigned to guide the author on the daily routine of a HR personnel Setting for the current chapter: Office: This is the workplace of the author...
"Hey Dad." he said. "Tobias! I just heard that Rachel is sick. What's happening about the presentation?" Toby’s Dad’s voice was concerned. "Don't worry Dad I've got it" Toby reassured him. "I think you should let them know she's ill and try and rearrange." His Dad clearly wasn’t convinced, concern at losing the deal etched in his voice. "Dad don't worry. I'm on my way there. I'll be fine. Just trust me. I’ve got this." Toby repeated. "Well if your sure son. Good luck"...
In a way, it's because of my wife's terrific sex drive that I'm having an affair right now. Things were going along just fine, and I was happily monogamous, until that Saturday afternoon when my wife just ≠had to have my cock. Maybe I'll use that as my defense if she ever finds out. "It's all the fault of your horny cunt!" I'll say. Or maybe not. Make no mistake: I love my wife, and I love the fact that she's got a near-insatiable sexual apatite. Annie is an all-around gem of...
The Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...
Anthony Verdi was a college graduate. He was in the top of his class. Anthony Verdi was also a lucky son-of-a-bitch because his daddy owned a successful business. Anthony had all the credentials but didn’t even need them, because of who his father was.After graduating, Anthony transitioned into the family business. He was given a car, business account and a swanky corner office with a view. The best perk that his father could give him was the hot red head named Jessica Sonsa. She was...
Office SexThe Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...
AnalOffice Exchange Part 1 We had all heard about a blue light of an alien going through offices causing all kinds of chaos by swapping traits of all the workers present. We never believed we would be affected by this due to our small size of ten people. I am the leader of a small team in my mid 30s. I have a predominantly female staff with a 7-3 split between females and males. We are a pretty diverse group Chi Chi is a young 19 year old Asian receptionist. She is very slim and keeps...
A very humble and contrite Amy walked alongside Mr. Roberts as they made their way to the car. He opened the door for her, seating her and making sure she was comfortable. ‘Thank you Master,’ she looked up at him with a soft smile. He got in the driver’s side and they began driving away from the prison. ‘So Master, what happens now?’ Amy asked, not sure if she really wanted to know the answer. ‘Well for right now, I am taking you back to the office. I have some paperwork to finish up. And...
She was 57, matronly, not that good at her job and sometimes a bitch; I should have fired her years ago. It happened on one of those days when I was ridiculously horny. I heard her get up to the bathroom and I snuck out to the front office and grabbed her purse. I knew some women carried an extra pair of pantyhose in their purse. I carefully opened her purse and nothing. I looked in her tote and the bitch was wearing knee high. Well, I was in need, so I took them; I roll them on my cock like a...
While surfing cl postings looking for interesting scenarios I came across one which got my attention and got my imagination running. It was short and to the point, asking merely for someone who might be interested in a midday encounter in an office. This set off all sorts of ideas in my head and as we'd started to make "dares and tasks" a fun part of our sex lives I decided to run with it. I dreamed up a scenario and wrote a posting of my own, pretending of course, to be you. It read as...