Officer Campbell
- 3 years ago
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It was Friday, the day before Harriett got home with her transplanted British assistant, who was also to be our new freeloading boarder. I owed Clara, the woman across the street, a meet-up with another one of her nieces in return for the photography lessons her family friend Viktor and his daughter had provided. Oh yes, and Smith expected me for bowling. Did I have the balls for all of these commitments?
I'd been taking my vacation days one at a time with no regrets and, uncharacteristically, no complaints from Harriett. Since she'd been traveling so much for work, a vacation for her was staying at home, putting her feet up and sucking down cherry-filled chocolates. Although, lately she's cut down on sweets, and may have even lost a few pounds. Well, good for her!
Vonna's photo shoot yesterday was such a single vacation day off, Thursday to be exact. Harriett and her new assistant were expected home late on Saturday, after my scheduled bowling outing with Smith and Jones. I had no extracurricular sexual activities planned during the day for Friday, so I went into work.
The other thing that made these days-at-a-time off possible was my demotion. I was handling small-scale tasks, but I wasn't in charge of any "big picture" stuff. So, with no management responsibilities, no coordinating the work of other employees, and no status reporting on my shoulders, I could schedule myself for a day off whenever I liked. No one had taken up my position or moved into my old office, although the reporting and such that I'd left behind seemed to be happening behind the scenes. And without a manager in place, my former boss's boss Dick Tashun didn't seem to care when I showed up.
I got an assortment of greetings - head nods, waves, verbal 'hello's and an occasional wink - from co-workers and members of the shrinking secretarial pool. The repurposed swivel chair in my cubicle had seen better days and evidently overweight employees, the way it tilted to the right as I spun to my desk. My physical in-box was cluttered with pass-around copies of tech magazines whose content might as well have been a decade old. By the time the mags were produced and distributed, their content had reached the Internet, been consumed, evaluated, repudiated and forgotten. To save everyone else the trouble, I shucked all of those glossy covered rags into my wastebasket.
It was a shock and awe moment when Clyde Hunter's secretary came down the aisle. Clyde was Dick Tashun's boss, a senior vice president and a member of the executive corridor upstairs. I'd forgotten her name, but who could forget that body? I'd been with some beautiful women - models even - but she was something special. The only woman I'd seen recently that came anywhere close was the mystery woman I'd seen in the hallway outside at Underwuud Studios who'd been too friendly with Angie, the owner's daughter and photographer. [AUTHOR: See story THROUGH THE LENS CH. 1]
There were always rumors about secret relationships in the office. Tashun dipping his wick in the secretarial pool, for one. I tried hard to keep my office reputation clean despite my slip with Dora. Tashun had used the rumor he started - that Dora Muniz's baby was mine - to get me demoted, based on his interpretation of the Personnel Policy. Tashun's wife Agatha had promised to help me get my position back, after we shared a prone position on their bed. And, unbeknownst to her, I had their daughter Inez Victoria (Invey) the same morning, and in the same bed no less.
Hunter's secretary stopped at my desk, her crisp white blouse straining under the pressure of two very pointed breasts. There was no cleavage showing, but my palms sweated nonetheless. "Mr. Marcus. It's very difficult to get hold of you."
Vonna didn't seem to have any trouble the previous day while I shot naughty photos of her in various states of undress. Her hands groped my cock frequently, before and during our sexual escapade. "I take a day off now and then, to keep myself sane."
"And you don't carry a cell phone either." She leaned over, hands on my desk, and pursed her lips, as if she was preparing to blow me a kiss.
"No one needs to get in touch immediately. That's what voicemail and answering machines are for."
"Mr. Hunter needed to speak with you to arrange a meeting. But you're here - today - so I can escort you." She straightened up, shoulders back, tits at attention like horizontal mountains. "If you're not doing anything more important."
More important than getting my old job back? Why else would Hunter want to see me? Had Tashun's wife come through after all? "Lead the way."
We walked the corridor two abreast, although her two breasts were the distraction of every male and some of the females who passed us going the other way.
A elevator was available for our short ride up to the executive suite and Hunter's office. I thought small talk was in order. "So how is it, working for Mr. Hunter?"
She stood facing forward, her profile astonishing from her neck to her waist. It was a miracle she didn't poke someone's eye out. "He's extremely dedicated to the success of his employees. Did you know that he takes one individual under his wing each year for special treatment." She smiled. It didn't need to be spoken. She was his 'special employee of the year.'
Under his wing? Into his bed, more likely. "And what happens after the year is over?"
"Well, most of his assistants go back to school, either for their bachelors or advanced degrees. In my case, I've taken a series of night classes and Mr. Hunter coached my personal development. I've applied for law school. Mr. Hunter says he's creating the next generation of employees for the company."
Either 'night classes' and 'personal development' were sexual euphemisms, or good old Hunter was a died in the wool good guy, helping his direct reports succeed in life and in business. Wow! My respect for the old guy went up 1000%.
We got out on the executive suite floor. I followed her to the left. We passed a few scattered private secretarial desks. In an otherwise vacant stretch of dark wood walls, she pulled a door open, grabbed my tie and pulled me after her. What the heck? We were in some kind of supplies room, with shelves of paper, binders, all of that officey stuff. Her eyes darted from side to side, as if she expected we were under surveillance. Quite possible, since supply theft had been the number one cause of missed earnings at our firm. Until I caught Miss Anne Thrope. "I want to give you a heads-up, before you go in."
Too bad it wasn't giving me head, although the room was too narrow for her to kneel down. The width of the room put us very close together. Had we been naked, my cock would have been toying with her pubic mound. As it was, if we both inhaled, our chests would touch. "Mr. Tashun has been in Mr. Hunter's office for almost an hour. Your name keeps coming up."
"What are they saying?" And why did she think we needed this heart to heart, or chest-to-chest, chat?
"I had to be discreet, so I don't know the details. But Mr. Hunter raised his voice a few times, and that means trouble. Maybe it was the phone call."
"Trouble for who? Tashun? Me? What phone call?" I wasn't getting a heads-up. I was getting a headache. "Why are you taking this risk?"
"Probably Tashun. Maybe Tashun." She gave me an apologetic look. "Listen, I used to work in the pool downstairs with Dora. We've stayed in touch after my promotion and even since she's been on maternity leave. She told me how much you helped her, like Mr. Hunter has done for me. Believed in her when she didn't believe in herself. Trusted her. Gave her self-confidence. I thought that maybe if you knew, you'd be better prepared for the meeting."
She hadn't told me squat, although being confined with her was good for a mental fantasy I'd be able to use later. "Thanks, uh-"
"Lorraine. Lorraine Ryder."
I remembered the name. Hold on! This was Lorraine from the secretarial pool? The mousy flat-chested brunette who was afraid of her own shadow and dressed like someone's grandmother? Nooo. Couldn't be. "You've certainly gotten your game together. A lawyer, huh?"
"Yes. It's always been a dream." She glanced at her watch. "We'd better go. Mr. Hunter is waiting."
One of us had to slide out first or we'd have front-to-front bodily contact, and then Lorraine would know she'd given me an erection. "After you." I raised my arm, as if I was a gentleman.
So Lorraine moved - forward, leaning against me. Her pointy tits drilled my chest. Her hand went to my crotch. Shit, the gig was up, and so was my cock. Her fingers traced the length. "Dora also said you were the best lay she'd ever had. And I can see why." She smiled, turned and exited the storage closet. I adjusted my prick in my pants and followed, although walking behind that swaying, perhaps surgically enhanced, ass did nothing to reduce the bulge.
Lorraine handed me a leather folio, which I held in front to conceal my condition. "Keep your mouth shut. Hunter likes to hear his own voice." Loretta whispered just before I stepped into her boss's office.
The room was just what I expected. A huge desk, two visitor chairs facing, and a sitting area in the back, with a sofa, a comfy chair and a coffee table filled with those same obsolete tech magazines. Hunter sat behind the huge mahogany desk, the fancy kind with curvy carvings along the top edges and sides. Tashun occupied one of two leather guest chairs. "Well, there he is. Good to see you again, Marcus. Have a seat. You know Dick, of course."
Hunter and I had never met before, but one does not correct a senior vice president. "Good to see you too, sir. Again. Hi Dick." I sat down and put the closed folio in my lap.
Hunter leaned back in his oversized executive chair. "Dick and I here have been chatting about the status of projects in his department. You up to speed?"
"No sir. I don't have that kind of responsibility any more." Shit. Keep your answers short, Lorraine had told me.
"Why, that's right. You're no longer a director. Dick, tell me again why Marcus here doesn't have that position."
Tashun pulled at his collar. This probably wasn't the first time he'd explained my demotion to Hunter. "Mr. Marcus violated company policy on fraternization, impregnating a co-worker while on a business trip. That was sufficient cause for-"
Hunter interrupted. "Did she file a complaint?"
"Excuse me?" asked Tashun.
"I said, did the female in question - it must have been a female if she got pregnant - did she complain? To you, or anybody else? Officially or unofficially?"
Tashun glared at me. "Uh, no. She didn't."
"And to be sure of your accusation, you asked her to agree to a paternity test, to confirm that Marcus here is the father. You did ask, didn't you?"
"Yes." Tashun was trying to avoid Hunter's stare.
"And what were the results?" Hunter tapped a pencil on his leather-framed blotter.
"She, uh, she refused the procedure. She said that she and her husband were trying for a baby, even using drugs to promote conception, and that as far as she was concerned, her husband was the father."
"So let me get this straight." Hunter leaned forward, glanced at me, and then returned his steely stare towards Tashun. "The female in question, Isadora Muniz if I'm not mistaken, got pregnant, made no complaint against Marcus here, told you her husband is the father, and you demoted Marcus anyway. Do I have my facts straight?"
"Yes, almost. Ms. Muniz never denied having sex with Marcus." Tashun gripped the arms of his chair, almost lifting himself out of it. "And there was-"
"No cause. There were no facts, just supposition." Hunter turned to me. "You see, Marcus, I got an anonymous call. Female, if Lorraine is any judge. Suggested I look into Dick's personnel decisions, the recent ones. Now, normally, I'd just blow off something like that. Some crank trying to make trouble. Maybe even a lady friend of yours, trying to help you get your old job back. Thing is, projects in Dick here's department are slipping. Blowing dates and budgets. That didn't use to happen. Not when you were running things down there."
"No, sir." I was tempted to tell him that I hadn't been running everything as a director, merely in charge of a few specific projects. But why spoil his view that I made things work better?
"So, I checked with Personnel. Here's their incident file." He held up a manila folder. One sheet of paper fell out. "They never got the corroborating evidence that supported your demotion. Dick here told them, 'It's coming' but it never showed up. It never will, will it, Dick?"
Tashun shook his head.
"Good, thanks for some belated honesty. Really, Dick, I don't know sometimes. So, now I've got to clean up your mess. And I figure, why screw around with a good thing? Projects got done on time when Marcus here was managing them, and they aren't now, so I think he ought to go back to his old position." Hunter redirected his attention to me. "What do you think about that?"
"I like that just fine." I tried not to smile too broadly.
"And for your trouble, we'll add in a small bump to your check, to make things right. Not your fault you took a temporary pay cut."
It was only temporary because Hunter was reinstating me. "Thank you, sir." I hesitated, but couldn't keep my mouth shut. "And my annual bonus?"
Hunter frowned. Had I asked for too much? "Sorry, but those books are closed. Nothing left to allocate."
Tashun snorted, and both of us saw a smirk grow on his face.
Hunter scratched his chin. "But good old Dick here, as a Division Manager, he gets quarterly bonuses. So, next quarter, if his group is doing good - and I expect it will - I'll give you his bonus. How's that?"
Tashun stood up, trying to stand up to his boss. "Clyde, that's not fair."
"Life's not fair, Dick. What was done - by you - to Marcus here wasn't fair. I'm just making it fairer. Marcus, you can go. You probably need some time to move back into your office. I'll have Lorraine send out a company email, announcing the organization change. And, I'll have her put the bonus redirection in the tickler file, so I don't forget. Congratulations, and remember, I'm counting on you."
He stood and extended his hand, and I shook it with subdued vigor and a firm grip.
I avoided eye contact with Tashun, who'd plopped back into his chair. I walked out and winked at Lorraine. Maybe after she took some law classes, she'd be willing to give me some professional advice, like how to get into her panties.
I mulled my situation in the elevator ride down to worker-bee level. I was delighted that I'd gotten my old job back with a bigger salary to boot. But that meant the end of my scattered vacation days. Tashun, and now Hunter, would be on my case looking for results, results I couldn't achieve if I was bopping off on a whim. How many projects had fallen into disrepair since my demotion? And how many of them would be assigned to me? A cold chill ran down my spine. It would be just like Tashun to dump all of the bad ones in my lap, even without the revenge he'd want from losing his next quarter's bonus. Things were going to be even tenser than before. And what if Tashun's wife Aggie wanted a stiff reward for getting me reinstated? I assumed the female caller was Aggie, or maybe she put daughter Invey up to the deed. Ironic that their call took money out of their family income.
I spent the rest of the day reviewing project plans and status reports in my former and empty office. Dragging boxes back took a low priority. Someone with the initials JD had been coordinating most of the projects and had deferred everything to vendors. That was a bad mistake. Vendors are motivated by how much they sell, not how well things work when they walk out the door. You get hardware and software from them but no accountability. And with mixed vendors, you get chaos.
My head was pretty well fried by the time I got home. I decided that I'd treat myself to a pizza and another look at Nashta, the delivery girl from A Hot Piece. Maybe this time we could have a conversation before she ran away from me. On the phone, the owner was his same, friendly self, almost barking at me. I cleaned up and chose a nice polo shirt and slacks from my closet. Sure enough, the doorbell announced her arrival. I opened the door with a friendly smile, a smile that melted when a pimply boy greeted me. "Your delivery from A Hot Piece?"
"Oh yeah, sure." I handed him the cash intended for Nashta. "Where's the girl-"
"Nash? She's got the night off. Why does everybody on this route ask me the same thing?"
So everybody ordering pizza was disappointed? Probably the most popular pizza girl on record.
He must have meant it as a rhetorical question because he didn't wait for an answer, shook his head and jogged back to his car, without even a 'Thanks' for the tip, larger than he deserved. So much for engaging that mysterious and exotic young lady in conversation on my doorstep.
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My sweet Mark is a wonderful guy. As a husband, he has no equal. He is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always thinking of me and finding little ways to brighten my day and make me smile. One day he will surprise me with flowers when he comes home from work. Another day he will take me out to dinner because he doesn't want me to "slave over a hot stove just to feed him". As a provider, he is amazing. He works hard - harder than he should, but he does it to provide us with a very...
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Hi ISS readers, this is my first post to ISS, I am a recent reader of the stories, i feel it nice. That’s why I decided to share my experience with you. I am Ayaan, 22 yrs.. I never had sex other than before this. I have my office in the 6th floor of a commercial building. My office consists of us 3 staff. 2 of them mostly on travel and i used to take care of the office. In my adjacent office there was a girl called shalini ( name change), who is 24, medium complexion, good physique and assets....
The moment I saw the flashing red-and-blues in my rear-view I knew I was fucked. A black male being pulled over in his deceased uncle's pickup on a secluded road in rural Georgia..."Shit...!" I blurted out to no one as I slowed the truck and pulled to the shoulder. I cut the engine and tried to follow the officer's movements in the mirror. It was still dark out at 5:00AM.License, insurance, title papers, Uncle Jonathan's death certificate....I went through the checklist and made sure my hands...
Abigail Mill-well was a 22 double D she had the body of a sexy runway model with an ass that will you do a double-take. Abigail is hot, and she’s always horny she works for steel Roy and Marks office supply. One day Abigail walked into work with a tight pair of jeans on that showed off all of her curves every man in the office watched as her ass shook from side to side as she walked threw the building. Abigail thought to herself I bet I got all there dicks hard Abigail thought now sit there and...
So the intern wants for promoted.The last two week's the sexy little Lou has been hands on hard I mean hands on chest, arm's, hands and brushed tits on passing must say big tits she knows there a chance of a job and she wants it. So on Thursday night I call her into the office to discuss how much she wants the placement "Lou you want the job ,yes!!?" She looks around at my dark office and answers "Yes definitely, no way I would pass this up" sitting back deep breathing mulling it over "Well I...
Chapter 1 In the late 90's I worked in an Insurance company office in South London. My work was as a computer systems programmer and my duties meant I was often in the office late in the day. Most of my colleagues would normally have left the building by 17.30 and I would normally depart sometime between 18.30 and 19.00 hrs. The reason I write this story is to tell readers of my experiences I had with the office cleaners who would arrive at 17.30 each day to generally tidy up, empty the trash...
Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. Office Junior Having been with Robert’s Call Centre a few months as a temp I quickly noticed her, as did every other man in the place. Robyn was, and is, fucking delicious with a body to die for and looks that could kill. God know why she isn’t Miss Ireland! Anyway I am a single hot...
Typically on a Monday morning Brian was the first person in the office. There was a small staff of 10 that kept busy, but he like to get in well before 6:00 A.M. to get through e-mails and other administrative items before being bothered by the questions and concerns of the day. Brian entered the rear door and went to the break room to put on a pot of coffee, to his surprise there was already a fresh pot brewed.As he approached Nicole's cubicle from behind, Brian noticed the sound of the video...
This is Ajay from Chennai. This sex story is a real incident which happened in 2008. Share your feedbacks at This happened when I was 18 years old. I joined the evening college and I wanted a job to cover my pocket money. That is a very small firm and it was put up in Guindy. So I got to know about Madhu in a week of time after joining the office. She was 5 years elder to me and I called her sister. She was also very happy about the relationship and we went out for coffee breaks and lunch...
Office Politics by Morpheus Mathew sighed, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms out behind him, trying to keep from looking at the stack of papers on his desk, if only for a minute. Though Mathew had already managed to get a lot of the paperwork done, he still had a lot more to go. Though he liked his management job, sometimes all the paperwork really got to him. And now was just one of those times. "Hello Mr. Phillips" Mathew heard from behind him. Turning...
It doesn't matter if you haven't read Part 1 - enjoy!PART 2 – FACTORY VISITFucking Nigel was supposed to have been a one off thing – just a bit of fun to kill time. It was Nigel’s fault we kept going - I was so jealous that Phea was getting regularly fucked at the office and I wasn’t – boo hoo, so sad for me. Problem is – I do enjoy a good cock, especially the ones that cum inside me. It’s not that Nigel stopped fucking Phea, and why would he, she is a very cute little fuck buddy – she was...
Hello friends I am a ISS reader. I read many stories and now I m giving my true experience here. First I have to introduce myself. I am a male from Noida age 32 year well built body (used to go to gym)5 feet 10 inch height fun loving guy .I m running a import export firm in partnership in Noida. In my office there are around 10 person working in which of them 6 are women (because all are married).in our office everybody likes me n there was nothing to say before it happened to me around one...
Nina worked for me, part of the team in the outer office. I inherited her from my predecessor, and at first I found her work to be proficient, if a little perfunctory, as if she always had something better to do. But the standard of her work had less and less interest for me, as I steadily fell for the insidious spell of her sensuality. She's twenty-six, with a sturdy, but undeniably shapely figure, Wide shoulders, magnificent, but not over-large firm full breasts that are hard to ignore at...
The day starts off as any other work day. I wake up to the sound of the alarm but hit the snooze button a couple of times before mustering the strength to get out of bed. Fall has just started and it is still dark when it is time to get up. I start my daily routine. Have my morning pee, have my shower, get dressed, have my breakfast and leave for work. As I make my way to work, I start thinking about what the work day will bring. I am a federal government employee and a member of a small team...
Oral SexMy Name is Yash (Name Changed) age 24 lives in Pune, Maharashtra i have an athlete body shape height 5 ft 7 inches my penis size is 6 inches originally but does any as per satisfaction. Now coming to the story since this is my first experience in my life so wanted to share pls comment if liked or tell me on my email id. This story is about me and a bhabhi named Ziya (Name changed) let me tell about her she is almost 28 yrs old her size is 38-28-36 she has 3 children now. Her ass is a little...
By : Yadavankit2011 Hi mera name Ankit hai main Delhi se hoon and meri age 25 yr hai. Main married hoon and crazy about sex with privacy because m also a married ye meri 1st story hai main apna exp aapke saath share karna chahta hoon main mahipalpur main ek company main job karta hoon yahn per customer care main ek girl hai jiska name richa hai uski age 22 yr, hight 5.2 and figure 34,28,36 hoga wo jyadater salwaar suit and kabhi kabhi jenas and t shir pahanti hai. She is very beautiful and...
Hi Friends, I am Krish again fm Gandhidham – Kutch, Hope you all enjoyed my last story “Office Me Documentation Wali Ladki Ko Choda” Ab Me apni dusri kahani bata raha hu, Office wali ladki ko mene kaise choda office ki tour me… Hamari Company har 2 saal me pure office wale staff ko tour pe leke jate he 3-4 din k liya company pura kharcha deti he travelling ka aur hotel ka, sirf personnal kharidi ke liye hume jeb se nikalna padta he. Story ko aage badate hue, jaise ki mene last story me kaha...
Characters in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Miss Jenna:The General manager of human resources in the company. Miss Eve: The secretary for Miss Jenna Mrs Madison: She is the registered nurse working on the nurse bay in the office Mrs Patel: The supervisor who is assigned to guide the author on the daily routine of a HR personnel Setting for the current chapter: Office: This is the workplace of the author...
"Hey Dad." he said. "Tobias! I just heard that Rachel is sick. What's happening about the presentation?" Toby’s Dad’s voice was concerned. "Don't worry Dad I've got it" Toby reassured him. "I think you should let them know she's ill and try and rearrange." His Dad clearly wasn’t convinced, concern at losing the deal etched in his voice. "Dad don't worry. I'm on my way there. I'll be fine. Just trust me. I’ve got this." Toby repeated. "Well if your sure son. Good luck"...
In a way, it's because of my wife's terrific sex drive that I'm having an affair right now. Things were going along just fine, and I was happily monogamous, until that Saturday afternoon when my wife just ≠had to have my cock. Maybe I'll use that as my defense if she ever finds out. "It's all the fault of your horny cunt!" I'll say. Or maybe not. Make no mistake: I love my wife, and I love the fact that she's got a near-insatiable sexual apatite. Annie is an all-around gem of...
The Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...
Anthony Verdi was a college graduate. He was in the top of his class. Anthony Verdi was also a lucky son-of-a-bitch because his daddy owned a successful business. Anthony had all the credentials but didn’t even need them, because of who his father was.After graduating, Anthony transitioned into the family business. He was given a car, business account and a swanky corner office with a view. The best perk that his father could give him was the hot red head named Jessica Sonsa. She was...
Office SexThe Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...
AnalOffice Exchange Part 1 We had all heard about a blue light of an alien going through offices causing all kinds of chaos by swapping traits of all the workers present. We never believed we would be affected by this due to our small size of ten people. I am the leader of a small team in my mid 30s. I have a predominantly female staff with a 7-3 split between females and males. We are a pretty diverse group Chi Chi is a young 19 year old Asian receptionist. She is very slim and keeps...
A very humble and contrite Amy walked alongside Mr. Roberts as they made their way to the car. He opened the door for her, seating her and making sure she was comfortable. ‘Thank you Master,’ she looked up at him with a soft smile. He got in the driver’s side and they began driving away from the prison. ‘So Master, what happens now?’ Amy asked, not sure if she really wanted to know the answer. ‘Well for right now, I am taking you back to the office. I have some paperwork to finish up. And...
She was 57, matronly, not that good at her job and sometimes a bitch; I should have fired her years ago. It happened on one of those days when I was ridiculously horny. I heard her get up to the bathroom and I snuck out to the front office and grabbed her purse. I knew some women carried an extra pair of pantyhose in their purse. I carefully opened her purse and nothing. I looked in her tote and the bitch was wearing knee high. Well, I was in need, so I took them; I roll them on my cock like a...
While surfing cl postings looking for interesting scenarios I came across one which got my attention and got my imagination running. It was short and to the point, asking merely for someone who might be interested in a midday encounter in an office. This set off all sorts of ideas in my head and as we'd started to make "dares and tasks" a fun part of our sex lives I decided to run with it. I dreamed up a scenario and wrote a posting of my own, pretending of course, to be you. It read as...