ChristinaChapter 24 free porn video

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Saturday was US! Didn't fly anywhere because we just wanted a quick run up the road to a hotel with a big shower and a big bed and nobody else around but US. On the road, it was Saturday morning phone calls. Tina spent a bit of time on the phone with Cindy, then we both spent some time talking with Terri for half an hour.

Settled back in the seat, the cruise control taking care of the speed, we rolled up the interstate highway, my arm curled around Tina's shoulder, her auburn hair right there for me to nuzzle if I turned my head just a tiny bit. I did that, a lot.

The hotel was on the edge of a medium-sized town. We had handy restaurants and a movie theater and a whole night together. Passing the movie theater, Tina read off the choices.

"Can you stand a chick flick with me, baby?" she asked.

"Why not. It'll be a break for both of us."

"Let's do the early evening one, then a light dinner, then we don't' leave the room again..."

"Sounds wonderful. We have three or four hours to kill..." I noted.

"Oh, I wonder whatever we could do to while away that time," she said. Fingers tracing up my leg seemed to indicate that she might have some ideas.

We checked into the hotel and brought our bags to the room. She definitely had ideas. Happily, they were the same ones that I was having. The door was locked behind us and clothes were falling onto the floor and I had this smiling, slender, auburn-haired beauty grinning at me and I fell backward onto the bed with her in my arms.

"God, I love you, Alan Addison," she giggled. "You make me crazy!"

"No crazier than I was, thinking it was a good idea to help a young lady in trouble in Nowhere, Louisiana," I said. "And now it's the best 'crazy' I could dream of. Even better'n that."

The smiling face and blue eyes confirmed that for me. Her finger traced down from the crown of my head to the tip of my nose. Giggle. "I can TELL that you're excited."

"Cutie," I said, "If you're in the room, I'm excited."

"Let's get the covers turned back, baby..." she said.

The bed cleared, we were in the middle of it, our hands exploring, touching, teasing, feeding on one another, our mouths connected in a kiss that was both lustful and loving, and my giggly girl was pushing me over on my back and vigorously attacking me, and I was laughing and the only fight I was able to put up was to get more of her delightful and desirable bits within range for me to enjoy.

"You're distracting me," she tittered.

"I have to," I laughed. "If I don't, it's all gonna be over in fifteen seconds..." and I finally got my face between her thighs. I found I wasn't the ONLY one excited in this room. Tina was slick with juice, tangy, musky, her petal-like pussy engorged, the inner lips just barely peeking out. I attacked her with my lips and tongue and her approving purr resonated through me because it was transmitted through the hard dick that she had in her mouth.

"Don't YOU come yet..." she said. She punctuated her instruction by sliding up a little to give me better access to her juicy center. I knew this was my hint to eat her to orgasm, letting my mouth do her first one, and the second one would be for both of us, coupled together.

It was a plan I could be happy with. I let my hands explore the perfect curve of her ass and thighs as I tongued her to orgasm. I could tell she was close when she pulled my dick from her mouth and mewed, her hip movements becoming little jerks.

"Ohgodohgodohgod" Breath. "Baaaabyyyyyyy! Ennnnngghhhhh!" She gave her hips one more push against my tongue, went rigid, then relaxed. I gently licked her while she drifted back down. She turned, her face above mine, kissing me, mouth open, tasting what I'd been tasting.

"You almost kill me, baby," she said softly. Her soft, blue eyes gazed into mine.

"What makes you think you do any less to me, sweetness," I answered. I wrapped my arms around her sleek form, closed my eyes. Every lonely night, alone in my bed, even those where the loneliness was accentuated because the other person in bed wasn't there because we were an 'US', all those lonely times disappeared into a happy 'now'. "I love you..."

"I love you too," she said softly as her leg crossed over me. She straddled me. "Weld us together..."

Sometimes our coupling was soft and gentle, sometimes frantic, always satisfying. I curled up to sitting with Tina in my lap, those long legs wrapped around my waist. A couple of tentative movements of her agile hips and she enveloped my member in a place that it was made for.

From a distance of inches, I surveyed her bright face, the blue eyes, the auburn bangs, the smile, her smallish titties pressed against my chest and her arms around my neck. This was good. VERY good. I felt her wiggle, positioning herself for her own pleasure and we locked our mouths together.

I let her do her own thing for as long as I could, but at the end, I could no more control my own hips than I could control the tides. I started thrusting upward, pulling her down on me as her eyes sparkled. I knew she was THERE when her eyes closed tight and she bit her bottom lip, nostrils flaring. And I came, burying my face in the juncture between her neck and shoulder. Orgasmic spasms coursed through my body, each one producing a little whimper from my young lover.

Two orgasms. There was no reason for conscious movement. We finally eased sideways onto the bed, still in each other's arms. When I finally felt the need to move, it was to stroke her face, displacing a few strands of soft auburn hair that fell across a freckled cheek. And a kiss.

"Beauty," I said. "You define beauty in my world, little one."

She smiled. "Thank you. You make me feel beautiful. In so many ways." She kissed me softly. "We're just good for each other."

"Perfect for each other," I replied. "Impossibly perfect, little one."

"Perfect enough to stay in my arms for a while?"

"Forever," I said.

"Until it's time for the movie, at least," she giggled. "But just lay still and hold me..."

Well, I started to lay still and just hold her. That lasted until her fingers made their way to the sticky mess of my softened dick.

"Got you a mess there, sir," she giggled.

"Uh ... I have an idea where there's another one," I said. My fingers dipped into a pussy still oozing the happy results of our recent coupling.

"Oh, my, little one," I said. "It appears that I am correct."

"You put that in me. YOU oughtta get it out," she giggled playfully.

"If you put it where I can get to it, I certainly will," I played her game.

That got me a hundred and twenty pounds of lovely teen, pussy end at my face, on top of me. And a veritable feast of juices all mixed together and presented in the most delectable of dishes, a dish that started getting mobile under the explorations of my tongue.

That was prelude to another two orgasms for her and a second for me. And then the nap, two naked bodies snuggled together on the big bed.

We got up with enough time to get the first shower of our trip because, as my nymph of a teenaged wife said, "We smell like an orgy!"

We luxuriated in the shower together, then went through our normal routines, leaving me shaved and her dried and her hair a care-free, shining, soft coif that swayed as she moved, drawing me to the neck just below it.

Of course, paying attention to that neck got me a wiggly, giggly mess of a girl, and that's as much a goal as it is a journey. We were getting dressed when her phone rang. I recognized the ringtone. That would be Susan.

"Hi, Susan," she answered. Her eyes flashed at me, the smile on her face matchless. "No, you didn't catch us at a bad time." Pause. "Really? Jason?" pause. "Oh, he's got your mom looking for an apartment." Giggle. "Oh, that's okay. Just be careful, that's all." Pause. "Yeah, I'll tell 'im! Bye!"

I looked at her. "Okay ... Susan. Jason. Susan's mom. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much. Jason called Susan's mom to help him find an apartment. That's all."

"You know, I keep watching Susan and Jason, and it's like standing at a train station, knowing that there's a train coming from each direction."

"Oh, stop worrying. Susan talks to me. She's not going to do something stupid. She's NOT dumb, you know."

"I hope so. Just that sometimes she seems kind of bubble-headed."

"I won't tell 'er you said that."

"Don't. I like Susan. That's why I worry."

"Baby," Tina said as she was tying a shoe, "We, me and her, we see what's going on with the kids at school. We talk about that whole boy-girl mating dance thing."

"That's good..." I said.

"I think so. You know how it goes, the dating and going steady and breaking up, and the people using each other, and a few pregnancies and even a couple of marriages and divorces."

"In high school ... wonderful."

"Uh! I'M in high school, and I'M married."

"And YOUR husband has a job and YOU'RE going to college..."

Smile. "There is THAT."

"Come on," I said, standing. "Kiss me. Then we'll go."

"Why? You afraid to kiss me in public?" Laughing eyes.

"Not afraid to kiss you ANYWHERE," I said. "Just that I shouldn't do THIS!" I kissed her, pulling her to me, cupping her ass in my hands. She giggled when I let go.

"Oh, THAT," she smiled. "Yes, I can see that one must maintain ones decorum in public."

We walked out of the room and went hand in hand through the lobby, laughing.

The movie was good, entertaining, but not spectacular. The company made it worth the trip. Sitting there with my arm around the love of my life, that's something that will make a man happy to laugh his way through a 'chick flick'.

Once in the truck, the first sign we saw on the road that wasn't a fast food joint was a national chain restaurant.

"Good enough?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm," she said. "Something light..."

"Sounds good," I said, making my course good for their parking lot. It was beginning to drizzle when we walked into the place.

"Good thing we didn't fly somewhere," my young wife commented.

"Oh, I dunno," I said. "We could've been trapped for an extra night somewhere, having to put up with each other."

"Oh, yeah ... Yuck!"

"Little beast," I chuckled.

"Feed me," she said. "It'll improve my attitude..."

I fed her. Actually, we got the soup and salad deal and split a big brownie for dessert. Conversation is something that draws me to Tina, and we talked about current events and engineering things and yes, the future, ours.


"What about Terri?" I asked.

"Does she talk to you about coming to live with us?"

"Nooooo," I said. "Did she say something to you?"

"She told me that she knew that you and I were married and she was happy that you're happy, and if she lived with us all summer, would it be bad?"

"In our trailer? That WOULD be something..."

"We touched on that."

"And what does SuperMom say about this?"

"She didn't say. Just asked me the question."

"What does Tina think of that?" That was my immediate concern.

"Ummmm, welllll," she said, eyes soft, "Tina thinks that Terri's a wonderful little girl and that she and Terri could find a way to share Alan." She sighed. "Of course, I was hoping to go on a honeymoon with you this summer after the project's over, kinda like Cindy an' Dan are flying the Rockies before they move to, what is it? Opelika? By Auburn?"

I smiled at the thought of having a honeymoon with Tina.

"But our whole life's been a honeymoon, so far, hasn't it? So if there was Terri, we could just do a family trip..." She smiled. "Couldn't we?"

"Baby, I never asked you to be a mom to Terri."

"I know that, babe. But you told me about Terri even before there was anything between us but conversation and friendship. Don't'cha think I sort of deduced that parenting or big-sistering or whatever sort of went with the territory?"

"Yeah, but full-time?"

"Babe," she said, her eyes serious, "If there's any mixed up couple, uh ... blended family, on the planet that can better handle this than you and me, I'd be surprised."

"Should we be doing something different alongside about now? I mean, YOU seem to know more than I do here, baby..."

"Nope. Not yet. But if we drive around the curve and there's this bridge, I want US to be ready to cross it..."

I loved the way she turned a phrase.

"I'd actually like it, Alan. I know what it's like to have a screwy mom. If we can give Terri a better home..."

"Then it's a done deal, if there's a way, baby," I said. "If it doesn't happen until after the project, then when we look for a new place to live, we'll make sure it's got room for Terri."

She was resting her chin on her folded hands, smiling.

I paid our check and we walked, well, kind of RAN out to the truck under cold rain.

"Occluded front," she said. "Gonna be a nasty day tomorrow."

I smiled. "You pay attention to THAT?"

"I had to study enough weather to get my pilot's license," she said. "It's kind of interesting, really." Giggle. "But not nearly as interesting as what's on TV in our hotel room. Or maybe no TV at all..."

We hustled into the hotel with that set of possibilities in mind. Passing the desk clerk, we acknowledged that it was indeed cold and nasty outside, and headed straight to the elevator and then into our room.

Tina's face glowed, reddened by the brief exposure to cold, damp air, and her hair was speckled with droplets of moisture and she just absolutely needed kissing. I kissed her. She returned the kiss. I made a dash for the bathroom. Too much iced tea.

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It was one of those parties that people went to just to see who else was there, or to hope that a photographer would be there so they could feign outrage when they were snapped, I went because the hostess had begged me and promised that I'd meet a very unusual couple. It was the usual mix of would be stars, C list celebrities and professional party goers and I was bored witless, then I saw her. I turned towards the door thinking that I'd have a shower and an early night and literally bumped...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 9 The Scream

The fart that followed the end of Vanessa’s rather long pee up there on the Matterhorn was a good solid one. It had a beautiful ring to it that was perfectly enhanced by the tonal qualities contributed to it by the shape of the toilet bowl. Just like the sound of Vanessa’s peeing noises that fart echoed around inside that porcelain chamber before bursting forth with all the command and authority of a sonic boom. It was thus without any surprise on the part of those watching that the crowd...

3 years ago
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Body Switched The Epilogue

A note to potential readers from the editor. Fans of the prior stories in this series have often asked over the years for us to do more of the story. As much as that is appreciated by the both of us, we feel the story is basically complete. Because of the demand for something more, back in 2012 we finally decided to bat around some ideas and see if we could come up with a nice thank you for the fantastic readers of our little saga. I took our rough ideas and notes on the character's...

2 years ago
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Alexis slumber party part 20

Chris grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table when everything was finished. He noticed he had a text message from Alexis. He opened it up and to his surprise it was a picture of Alexis asleep. She was completely naked and the message with it just said "you wore her out last night" he smiled looking at it. He was amazed at seeing her whole body on display. Her breasts were prefect. They stood perky and round with small pink circles in the middle displaying her nipples. His...

1 year ago
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taking susan dogging

I had managed to get home nice and early from work last Friday and decided to take Susan out for a meal, and afterwards out to a nice little pub out in the country which was miles from anywhere and also meant that I would once I had got Susan drunk be able to take her to a very active dogging site just off junction 17 on the M4. I knew that it was mostly frequented by gays but the thought of Susan getting arse fucked by total strangers really got me turned on.The meal that we had was superb and...

4 years ago
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Amelias Night OutChapter 2

After the night at the club, Amelia had refused Joe’s call asking for bail, and told him they were done. She tried to focus on her classes and forget about him. Her memories of the night were fuzzy, but she remembered enough to know she had fucked the cop and he let her go. She was kind of embarassed by that, but decided it was better than jail. About a week later she was leaving campus when she noticed a police car behind her. She was a careful driver, and didn’t think anything of it, even...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 73 Shobha Bhabhi Ke Romance Ki Classes

Narrated by Shobha Hello, main Shobha bhabhi aur aaj meri kahani. aap logo ne dekha ki mere pati ke dost Tushaar unke kahne par bank ka manager bann kar aaya. Isse pahle Naveen aaya tha aur ab Tushaar. Mere pati mujh par apni pariksha chala rahe the aur main apni game. Par Tushaar ke sath main ek doosri hi khel khel rahi thi. Woh khel jisme main ek kafi seedhi sadhi pati vrata patni thi. Aur jise sex ke bare mein kafi jaankari nahi thi. Mere is naatak ka shikaar Tushaar ho gaya. Aur mujhe...

4 years ago
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The Great Architect

Dr. Len Chesney wondered what it was worth, to send someone into a den of sexual depravity, expecting them to remain professional and get their job done without succumbing to their own yearnings. He examined the woman across the desk from him. Catrina Balieu was the most beautiful member of his staff. He hoped this meant she had her choice of lovers in New York, so she wouldn’t be lured into Andreas Toscano’s sex trap in the Nevada desert. It was a story he wished he could disregard, but as...

4 years ago
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I still don’t know how he organised it but later the same day while Roger was pleasuring my naked body with his tongue Jacque suddenly appeared and we had a magic threesome. Jacque gave my man Roger a very satisfactory blow job while I watched then Roger blew him while I was blowing him. I had never blown a man who gets paid for being filmed in sex videos and the challenge of blowing one who has his cock blown by both sexes was very stimulating and a huge turn on for me and a chance to boost...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend Beth

I am so lucky to be dating a hot ginger girl called Beth. I met her at uni and she was known to be easy but I generally just think she was looking for love. Just going about it the wrong way! She is about 5,6 very slim with B cup boobs, pale skin and auburn/ginger hair with some light dusting of freckles that go with the gingers. Her tits were so cute and she rarely wore a bra as she did not really need to. She is from Northern Ireland in the UK and we both went to Uni in the midlands UK...

1 year ago
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Estrogen Heaven

This story if pure fiction but I wish is had happened to me. My name is Michael and this story needs telling. I’m a retired widower living with my girlfriend, Cheryl, and her four daughters. Cheryl is 44 years old and we met when she worked in my department as an assistant. A couple years ago things did not work out well for her. Her husband had been known to drink and as we later found out loved to gamble as well. Before anyone found out about the gambling he lost his job, was in deep debt and...

Erotic Fiction
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Didi Ko Choda Simla Mein

By Sunny DISCLAIMER: THIS STORY IS NOT REAL IT’S JUST FANTASY. HI friends i am Sunny . main 19 saal ka student hoon. Bass friends main aap logoko jyada boring nahi karunga aab story par aate hain. ye mera aur mera didi ki real story hain . ek din ka baat hain .me jaab class 10th me padh ta mera behen collage main padhti thi .wo bahot khub surat thi.uski figure ke baare me kya bataoon dosto aap logoko.uski figure 33-26-34 ka tha.wo hamesha salwar pahenti thi.isliye wo aur bhi...

1 year ago
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Hooters Pussy

Sweet Hooters Pussy went out the other night for some beer&wings so i went to the local hooters. been there befor good place the girls are fucking hot.the one girl maggie is so fine, black girl long curly black hair, full lips, huge round fucking tits,nice hips,and a sweet black booty,dark skin. she is too hot. i sit get my drinks and wings we bullshit for a little, me flirting my ass off i wanted her bad. i asked when she was done work and if she wanted to meet me at...

4 years ago
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Being More than Friends

______ Paula was 21, her friend Doc, who she'd been friends with since Highschool was 22. He'd always thought about her as more of a friend, than a partner. She however, had always been interested in him. When she decided college wasn't for her right then, she rented a small but nice apartment in Philidelphia, thinking she could make it better in the city than in her hometown, Berlin, New Jersey. When she realized that the place needed some work, she knew Doc was always good...

2 years ago
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Hell Hath No Fury

Hell Hath No Fury Part 1 – The SeductionI had a good job in industry, earning very good money, and used my wealth and position to seduce attractive young women. To me it was a sport. But underneath my smooth exterior, I had always been secretly attracted to dominant women, and particularly dominant cigar smoking women. I had gone out with Carol for a few months, but had become, as was usual, a bit bored with her. She was a very attractive girl when we first met, at the age of 24. She  was very...

2 years ago
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Just Like That

I got an email from our daughter Stacy a few days ago. Long time, no hear from. She's just wrappin' up her tests before Spring break. When she went back to school after Christmas, Stace kind of left us alone and bore down on her studies. Which was prolly just as well. 'Cause while she was away, my life went in the toilet and my wife pulled the chain. Just like that! And I was going round and around, circling the bowl for a while, I can tell you that. No point in dragging Stace into the...

1 year ago
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The Betrayal

Her hands were trembling as she prepared for his arrival. She had never kept anything from Him. And now contemplating her fate she wasn’t sure what to do. She knew his temper; she knew he would never tolerate another touching her flesh, not since she had given herself to Him. She never intend things to go this far, it was simply a diversion during his long absences. The computer seemed like such a safe place to explore her fantasies when He was away from her. Damn his job that could take him...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Apertus ViceChapter 7

CIA Agent Simeon Mena, Wednesday August 16, 2006 I met Alian in front of the sex lounge immediately after the lunch bell rang. We had started dating over the past few weeks, and met every day for sex. We found a bed and I lay down on it and opened my legs as Alian fished a bottle of lube out of his backpack. I gasped as he worked the cold lube into my asshole. He squirted some more lube onto his cock and mounted me. Alian mounted me and took my penis in his hand. He began stroking it as he...

2 years ago
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Slowly Moving On Chapter 9

Chapter 9: After The Party It’s The Hotel Lobby BarWhen I got home and finally checked my phone, my other issue suddenly came to the forefront.  Amanda had both called and messaged me again both asking me to call her back.  Considering what had just happened, I didn’t think it would be such a terrible idea, and dialed the number.Before I even spoke a word she picked up and spoke, “Matt, I’m so glad you called back.  I was worried that you had, well, thought ill and unprofessional of me.”  She...

2 years ago
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BBC Want Ad

This is a true story. My wife, Patty, and I are both white. Unlike a lot of stories I've read where the husband claims his wife is a knockout beauty, my 5'3" wife is an older woman, still very cute, but with less than perfect body. In her mid-fifties, Patty's figure has gotten a bit thicker with age. Her melon-sized tits now sag slightly and her well-rounded ass is a bit too big. She has wide curvy hips and her thighs are fleshy soft. She once joked, "Her body is built for comfort, not speed,...

4 years ago
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Cherrys Treat

Cherry's Treat Cherry came home from work and flopped on the couch. She was tired, hungry, and horny. It had been months since she had a good fuck since her boyfriend was out of town and self-pleasuring was starting to get old. All she wanted was a hot bath and some wine. So when the knock came on the door; she grimaced as she got up to answer it. Opening the door she saw no one. Getting ready to close it, she glanced down and noticed the box. Bringing it inside, she set it on the coffee table...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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For Shanen

I always looked forward to seeing her, she has a way about her, she could remove all the dark clouds in the sky with a smile. You notice her presence immediately when she walks into a room. She has the body of a Goddess, the soul of an angel, and a mind you could get lost in for days. All eyes were upon her, body temperatures increasing as she moved with sensual agility and grace. My mouth opened and curled at the corners as her long legs neared me. Sultry smiles matched mine as she reached...

2 years ago
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All in Time part four

Samantha gaped up at Diondre, her eyes trying to focus while her body trembled beneath him. ‘Did we just…?’ Her mind raced, heart pounding in her chest as she allowed her hands to fall from his shoulders, dropping limply onto the bed. She licked her lips, eyes wide as she stared. Her cheeks were pink, and Diondre held himself in check, curbing the desire to lean down and again take her lips with his. “I should-” Samantha stopped herself, biting her swollen lower lip when she realized that those...

First Time
4 years ago
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I could do this all dayI knew she liked it

The Story     It all started when I was at school. I went to a school in South Carolina and hated being away from my girlfriend. It was frustrating being on the other side of the country when my girlfriend lived in Arizona and went to another college. I tried as hard as I could to keep our sexual intimacy up but it still wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. I was almost out of school for the summer and all I wanted to do was be with my girlfriend so we could have sex again. I felt like I...

3 years ago
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My Dream Friend Chapter Two

I left Rose Ann to sleep it off on the washroom floor. Returning to the kitchen, I'd just cleaned up the last of the mess we'd made when I heard her retching up another offering to the Porcelain Goddess. I hurried to hold her hair out of the toilet water again and gave her more water in a glass to swirl and spit when she was done.Afterwards she was leaning against the wall next to the toilet paper roll and moaning weakly. I asked her if she wanted help to her bed. Keeping her eyes shut, she...

College Sex
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That evening, 18-year-old Troye managed to sneak out to take his new humanoid robot Rambo for a test. He ran down the block with Rambo following. Troye then hid around the corner of one of the buildings which stretched up majestically, lost in the misty city night-sky. Rambo stopped at the corner and looked around for Troye. After a few seconds, he discovered where Troye was hiding, and walked up to Troye. Troye smiled. Slowly and gently, Rambo grabbed Troye and pulled him close protectively,...

2 years ago
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How I Found Out

My wife Susan and I had just returned home from a wedding. It was the remarriage of an old and dear friend whose first husband Matt (another old and dear friend) had been killed by a drunk driver the previous year. Our twin girls had wanted to go with us but they had just started school at a small college upstate. We had just unburdened ourselves of the formal attire, and I was playing my fingertips along the delicate concavity that runs down the middle of her back, from the nape of her neck...

Wife Lovers
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Kings Bay Ch 04

We swam. We surfed, we rested on the beach and we swam some more. I'd never seen anyone as at home in the water as Callie. She was one of those people that made you think if mermaids were real, she'd be one. If she'd grown a tail and headed out to the horizon, I wouldn't have been a bit surprised. I noticed after a while that the beach wasn't as crowded as I had expected. That struck me as odd. Summer was in full swing. I remembered Manny telling me that King's Bay was like a little secret;...

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